Showing Posts For SirMoogie.9263:

Will asc. gear reduce value + purpose of crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Now you´re just making stuff up to suit your fear of the mythical UBER ascendant gear.
Infusions only counter agony.

There are multiple types of Infusions and Infusion slots. In November, we’ll introduce Offensive, Defensive, and Omni Infusions of Fine rarity from new Mystic Forge recipes. Infusion upgrade types must be paired with their like slot, with the exception of the rare and versatile Omni Infusions which can be slotted into any type of Infusion slot.

Infusions really come in different varieties. If they were just for agony resistance there wouldn’t be a need to have three distinct types with different naming (offensive, defensive, and omni). Now, this doesn’t necessarily entail different stats, but it does entail a difference. It could be the offensive infusions increase damage against mobs with a special defense that only occurs in the dungeon, defensive is for agony reistance, and omni does both..

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


This ascended gear patch will give me a reason to do more PVE and also gives me a new goal to work towards

The patch by adding new content will by its very nature give new things to do. I understand where you’re coming from with the "new goal", but I think it to be a poor implementation. I would prefer no stat increase, and a new story driven dungeon in FotM that requires a one time "infusion" that is the reward of an epic journey told through the game world.

Do you think stat increases are necessary for a new goal, or is earning infusion enough for you? Would you rather earn infusion through repetitive dungeon runs and a mystic forge recipe, or would it be more meaningful if there were an epic quest* around the map with challenging objectives that culminated in infusion that allowed you to do FotM.

You have your legendary so I take it you don’t pursue goals for stat increases. Having your legendary, would you have preferred it be the system as is, or would an epic journey, as described above, have been a better system for acquiring it?

* - I don’t know if you played WoW, but one of my "legendary achievments" was getting my Paladin’s charger mount. Think of something like that for epic quest.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


From a roleplaying standpoint there is nothing wrong with having your players have to find a weapon or artifact that helps you weaken an enemy (or protect yourself). It’s been part of many a roleplaying campaign. In my opinion what is wrong here is the same thing that is wrong with legendaries, there appears to be no story or significant task to do (just grind). Want to protect yourself from the big new baddies, just drop some stuff in the mystic forge then head to the new dungeon to grind for drops/tokens to get more protection. How is that epic? How is that legendary?

In a tabletop roleplaying game a good storyteller would have their players perform some story driven epic feats to earn the weapon/protection, they would not say go fight the things you wish to be resistant to in hopes that the weaker among them drop something that slightly increases your resistance. Repeat until you get fully protected. A good storyteller would weave a tale with multiple steps that culminates in gaining the weapon/protection. Infusion should be a one time thing that is the culmination of a epic storyline, not a grind. Legendaries should be the culmination of a legendary tale that tells a story about the weapon (who forged it, why?), and not a grind with huge amounts of luck involved.

I’m with you on the skill front and agree with you completely. I think new content should introduce new behaviors and mechanics players have to learn, and not just things like new resistances or items. I just think these items can have a role to play when they are implemented in a thoughtful way, but this is not what appears to be the case from early information about the new gear.

Decrease in bot activity? No,They now go invisible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Bot fighting is an ongoing fight. It can’t be prevented, only delayed. Adding tools to detect only means bot creators have to develop their own tools to circumvent the detection. It’s like security.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Worth noting that Infusions can be acquired through the Mystic Forge, rather than gating dungeons behind dungeons. It’s entirely possible that you could be able to bypass the gating mechanic before ever setting foot in the Fractals of the Mists.

Players will be able to acquire Ascended Rings in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and Ascended items worn on the back can be acquired through special Mystic Forge recipes.

I take it the backpiece is the only item available through the forge and it is the first “key” on your journey through FotM (and may not be the best backpiece with infusion on it). Other keys will be acquired by doing the dungeon.

What do the infusion slot types mean?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Many people are claiming the infusion slots are just for mitigating agony damage only, but that leaves me wondering why there are different infusion slot types (omni, offensive, defensive)? What are the different infusions available? How does a defensive infusion differ from an offensive one?

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


As many of the apologists have pointed out, each piece is ‘only’ improving your character by about 18 stat points. Is that enough of a jump to actually sustain the interest of people who are motivated by vertical progression?

If you look at rings on the wiki you’ll see primary stats are always 67 of the attribute and magic find as a primary is listed as 3% (as primary). Thus, 1% in magic find is not equivalent to 1 in any old attribute, it’s equivalent to ~22.3 attribute points on a ring. This formula seems to vary on equipment pieces as you can see differences on runes and armor pieces, but all we have to go on is rings so far, so let’s use those. The ring in the preview had a difference of 3% magic find (or ~67 attribute points) and 10 more stats in the secondary attributes. Thus, it is more than a 18 point difference. Remember primary stats exceed their secondary stats on items that aren’t “of divinity” and magic find was the primary stat on those items. That magic find is listed as a percentage disguises the actual growth you are achieving, which is quite significant.

This of course presumes that there will be other primary stats available than magic find, something I have no trouble believing. It also presumes infusion won’t carry with it some stat gain, something I’m leery of given that there are defensive, offensive, and omni-infusion types. If it’s just to mitigate damage from agony, why different slots?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


The agony mechanic wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t handled in a gated manner, like other MMOs I’ve played and hated. It sounds like you’re “getting it” on the legendaries. You’re tying acquisition to in game activities and exploration, hopefully some epic dynamic events too. However, you’re failing on infusion. Infusion is needed to protect us from a strange new threat to the world that we as a heroes are to take on…. and how do we go about protecting ourselves? We go to the mystic forge and get an initial item. You haven’t released specifics on the recipe, but if it’s like the others it just requires grinding some new materials, nothing really epic. After acquiring our initial item we further our ability to protect ourselves by fighting the things we’re trying to gain protection against, in hopes they drop more protective items for us (or some token we exchange for greater protection). There is nothing epic about this.

A better handling of it would be to remove the gated aspect of it. Have it be a one time epic adventure to get agony resistance (if we must have protection, from a storyline perspective it makes sense), and then have your infinite dungeon scale in difficulty based on skill, not a need for having an arbitrary number on your character sheet that must be continually grown in order to handle new content that really isn’t harder, it just has a cheap mechanic that can only be overcome by finding the right gear with a stat in the right quantity.

It’s legendary to have an epic adventure, it is not legendary to repeat the same thing “ad nauseam”. I didn’t grind for my exotics, I took my time exploring new zones and doing my daily and in the end I had enough to craft part of my set and karma purchase the rest. This felt ideal. I never felt I had to do Plinx runs or corridor farming in Cursed Shore to get my exotics. Please, don’t change the game to require repetitive FotM runs to access new content to stay competitive in PvE/WvW.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


As we release more new end game content in the future, you’ll see more Infusions and Ascended item types being added to the game. Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.

We didn’t want the endgame to be something you could only experience after a hundred hours of gameplay or after you reached some arbitrary number. We wanted it to be something that players got to experience every step along the way, spread out across the entire world of Tyria, so we’ve introduced game elements that you’d normally associate with “endgame” at every level and every possible opportunity.

It looks like there is now a specific location for the end game and you need an “arbitrary [infusion] number” to get there.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I’m not a big fan of gated content, which this is what it is after reading Lindsay’s post on the matter. Please reconsider making this a hard to acquire “stat”. You only had to find six seers to get your armor infused in GW and become fully resistant to agony. This sounds like you’re going to use it as a means of slowing down players for exhausting your content, while giving the illusion that they are progressing. It’s tacky, and it lacks real challenge. Develop new AI, new boss mechanics player shave to learn, or new skills/environmental weapons to be used; but don’t create a gear grind to actually succeed at a dungeon.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


This. Hold back the keejerk respons and be patient… when we know more details, THEN we can get our pitchfork and torches and go on a complete rampage…

We can always act on the information we do have though, and from the sounds of it the ascendant armor was designed for this new dungeon. I imagine the idea is that this infusion slot is only going to be active in the dungeon and that it is so you can take on the harder bosses you encounter as you endlessly journey through the dungeon. As you progress you get more powerful slot fillers for the infusion slot. It’s gear progression in the traditional sense, but only applied to one dungeon and only requiring one slot to be upgraded. At least that’s my best guess given the article.

Of course we can wait for new information, but we do have some information on which to form early opinions, acknowledging that they are subject to change given future information. There is nothing knee jerk about this.

My opinion is that this is being put in to appeal to those that actually like the labor of doing dungeons over and over again for gear upgrades needed to do more dungeons over and over again. I dislike that the ascendant armor being created for this activity is coming with extra stats that will spill over into the other content not designed for linear stat progression. I have a general dislike for linear stat progression in MMOs, and think it creates more barriers to playing together.

Edit: One assumption about the infusion that I’m making is that “more powerful” refers to bigger attributes. This is a best guess assumption given that stats reflect our power currently, but it is possible that they treat the infusion slot like GW where there are certain mobs that cannot be killed (easily) without infused armor. So, in this case infusion becomes like a new stat. At level one infusion you are better able to take on some enemies in the new dungeon. At level two you can progress further. In future content patches where they add more to the dungeon you’ll need to get another level of infusion to continue, and so on it goes.

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I too was hoping this game would follow the Guild Wars model of just releasing new content with the idea being that the gear you already have will be good enough to get through it provided you bring the skill. Now it seems like we’re going to have to being the right gear for the content. I hope there is a quick response to this, and it’s of the variety that this was an error in the article. I don’t want to see GW 2 turn into a game where we have gear requirements for entering and succeeding at new content.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Honor of the Waves (story, first time not completed)
Five player party, the four others get in I end up in a separate instance.
No dialogue pop up is provided for anyone to join in, we all have to enter through the portal
Happens after log off and log on, disbanding party and reforming.

Economics versus gameplay

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


SirMoogie -> This only works when you have something that either has no value or is un-tradable in the recipe (like skillpoints).

You keep saying “if you remove”, but the truth is you can’t remove. You can farm, but how does that add value to your other items by crafting it? You would have been better off selling the mats.

If you’re talking about using it, then go ahead farm away.

Not true in the case of the bread, as the prices on Guild wars 2 spidey have bags of flour listed at 20c (they sell for 8c per bag at vendor), last I checked. You’re also not factoring in to your calculations that each individual item when placed on the trading post incurs a 15% cost to list and sell (meaning though you can buy the ingredient for that much on the trading post, you are not getting that much if you sell it at the current trading post prices listed on the spidey). If you do the math on omnomberry bread you’re better off making the bread using a combination of farmed materials and vendor goods, than you are selling the farmed goods. Obviously, there is a breaking point where it does become more beneficial to sell the ingredients, but it is not at that point with omnomberry bread. Making omnomberry bars is by far the better choice though if you are using vanilla beans and omnomberries.

I use the spidey as a guide, but do not rely on it to give accurate projected profits.

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

Economics versus gameplay

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Mr Smith, regarding your response to point 4: A quick check on will indicate not only are most items sold at cheaper than the cost of crafting, even the ones that can ‘make a profit’ experience high risk to benefit ratio (I’m not sure if this is the exact economics term for it), i.e. You spend 3g crafting something for a chance to make 10s profit.

GW2 Spidey doesn’t take into account materials that you can find yourself or buy from vendors. It only takes into account whether it would be cheaper for you to buy the item off the trading post at its current price, or to craft the item. For example, it currently shows a -20 profit for omnomberry bread. If you find the vanilla beans and omnomberries you remove most of the cost of making the bread. If you only remove the vanilla bean you can still handily make a profit.

Replace Commander's Compendium

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


No I’d make it that Guild Commanders (rename to Generals as not to confuse the 2) are visible on the WvWvW map for these reasons:
1; It will give the guild they represent status
2; Will state that this player has the backing of his guild rather than be a brainless cash monkey as some of them are

You raise good points. If done it’d be nice if your guilds icon showed on the map instead of the standard commander icon. However, that could take up valuable bandwidth.

Replace Commander's Compendium

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I did a search for commander related posts, and did not find this, but it probably does exist as a topic somewhere.

My guild is trying to save for the commander’s title for our leader as we see it as a nice to have feature for organizing our PvE activities and WvW activities. For those that don’t see a PvE use, my guild does weekly zone raids to help players get zone completion, or just do group dynamic events. The commander functionality acts much like raid functionality in other games and is a communication tool for working in large groups. Guilds are hubs for groups of players that wish to play with each other, and frequently exceed 5 players (the current max party size without the commander title).

At the moment the commander functionality costs an obscene 100 gold and is only unlocked on the character that uses it. So, even if we get one tome for our guild, it forces our leader to play on one character whenever we do large group activities (if we want to use the commander functionality), and our leader to be there for every activity.

It is our opinion that the tome/functionality should be moved to a guild unlock that is purchased through influence. After unlocking it at any point guild members of a guild designated rank can assign someone as the commander through the guild interface and that individual can form a squad. Allow additional commander slots to be purchased with influence for larger guilds. As a guild we don’t care if others see us on the map as commanders, but see this as a tool useful for forming large groups that can see and communicate with each other easier for our guild activities.

Since many people have unlocked the commander’s title for themselves at the 100 gold cost, some method of refunding these players is necessary for such a change.

Why I think teleport costs are unreasonably hight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Hello thread that has been discussed countless time before:

Charr lands are empty.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I don’t think race has anything to do with it as nothing prevents you from traveling where you want. The game directs you towards Orr through personal story, and that may be why you see more people in those zones. I think most of the problem has to do with meta-event content. At the moment meta-events that get the most attention tend to be more epic in scale, like the dragons, which have their own timer sites dedicated to letting players know when their events will be up and the various risen priests/priestesses. If all zones contained interesting/challenging meta-events that rewarded large shiny trunks capable of containing high-level loot and those zones had resource nodes that had a chance of dropping high-level resources (with the right gathering tools equipped), players might spread out more. Though typical MMO psychology of “I should be in the max level zone” might prevail even if this were the case.

Oct. 17 reddit AMA bulletin points on gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


And what happens when the machine doesn’t work? How about those bugged DE’s/Skillpoints?

Addressed here:

How about the client crashes?

You’ll have to be more specific, but addressed here:

What specific information were you looking for in these topics that were addressed?

Oct. 17 reddit AMA bulletin points on gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I highly doubt we will ever see a fix for this implemented. It has been happening and “looked” into for a LONG time and still no word on it.

No one word has been said on it, but here’s 549:

The issues with invisible players in WvW comes down to a couple of factors. One is to do with when the servers notify any given client about other characters in the game (I’ll call this reporting/culling) and the other deals with the time it takes the client to present the character on the screen after it has received that notification (I’ll call this asset load).
The asset load issue is all about how quickly the client can show you something it knows it should show you. We’re looking in to ways that we can make that process faster, but it’s always going to take non-zero time. However, that’s not where the bulk of the invisible players come from. For that we have to look at the reporting/culling side of things.
In the situation where the local population density is relatively low, when another character comes in reporting range of your character the server sends a notification to your client with all of the data that it will need to track and render that character. That includes appearance data, race, gender, profession, weapon sets, etc. etc. It’s an easy model to think about and works well, until the local population density goes up. When there are a lot of characters in reporting range we start to get into a situation where, under the current system, there’s an overwhelming amount of data to send to the client (hello n-squared problem!) – after all, resources like client CPU/Memory/etc. and bandwidth are finite. In order to deal with this situation we elected to change the criteria for reporting characters slightly. Rather than just using a fixed range we instead also limit reporting to the closest N characters. By doing this we help to ensure that we’re not overwhelming the available bandwidth and, since clients clearly can’t draw or process characters they don’t know about, we get some savings on client performance “for free”. This works out pretty well in PvE and doesn’t seem, at least as far as I can tell, to have a detrimental impact on gameplay.
Unfortunately in WvW, where large battles are quite common, we find that players are bumping into these limits quite often and the effect has a real, and unfortunate, impact on the gameplay experience. Do I like the state that it’s currently in? No, honestly I don’t. WvW has been my baby (though not mine alone!) for quite a while now and I really want to see EPIC battles play out in all of their glory. If there was a switch I could flip to just make this work then I would have flipped the hell out of it by now, believe me. However, when you’re dealing with resource utilization issues like this there are rarely any easy answers. I’m currently, actively looking into what exactly our options are in this regard. The fix is likely to be large-ish in scope, with changes on both the client and server, but we have some ideas that look like they may work out. So, will it get better? I can’t make any promises because we’re still experimenting and building new tech, but as a person who works on this every day I certainly believe that it can and will do everything in my power to make that happen.

Tank class needed - dungeons just one big CF

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Moral ambiguity, believable villains and future opportunities

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


“The dark factions can provide moral ambiguity, real ethical questions, enemies with solid motivations and goals. Any of them are far more interesting and convincing foes than Zhaitan and the Risen are.”

They can and do, as you point out. The game seems to have what you’re asking for, it just isn’t the feature of your personal story. I agree, it’d be nice to include in the personal story the types of stories that were told in Winds of Change., but I think I rightfully view the game’s story as being more than just what goes on in your personal story.

It is to my great chagrin that I state: The World is Static

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


While you break down the problem moderately well, you give no solution for fixing it except a vague “make the world dynamic”. Criticism is fine, but it’s mostly useless unless you give specifics on what causes you to feel this way and what would make you feel differently.

(!) Please consider changing your password.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


In the security post they mentioned they were mining account access attempts to better understand what passwords the account hackers are trying. This message may indicate you have one such password.

Voice talent generally not so… talented?

in Audio

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Thadeus Ghostrite needs some quality of life changes. It’s a menacing spirit that is supposed to be taunting you but his taunts sounds like he’s having a discussion over tea.

Deputy Mira needs to show some desperation and (extreme) pain in her voice when she suffers her war injury.

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


It has already been demonstrated that this DR code does nothing to deter or reduce the effects of botting (as they stand in one place doing events as they appear, which is outside the timeframe for hitting DR on most events).

It has? As far as I know there is no way to peek into other player’s inventories to see how much wealth they are accruing. I imagine only Arena Net can do the proper analysis given the information available. unless of course an interested member of the community is willing to set up a bot a perform their own analysis of DR on wealth accrual for bots.

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Your argument is then to remove Karma entirely? If that happened, people would start farming mats to make exotics or farming gold to buy them. Oh wait, they can buy gear from the priory/order/vigil. That now has to go. Oh wait the taders sell gear too Where does it end?

No it is not, nor do I see how that follows from what I said.

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Karma should be removed from the DR equation. Whatever items you can purchase with karma that are left which are not account bound should be made so, first.

I do not see how Karma is impacting the economy, so the reasoning behind Karma DR makes no sense (or XP for that matter).

Karma does not add to the economy, but it can take away. If something can be gained through karma that would otherwise be purchased in the public economy its effects will be felt in the economy. It may not be as direct of an effect, but to claim no effect is false.

For example, some gear can be obtained through karma and without DR someone can set up a bot to farm karma so they can equip themselves faster than they would by normal means; which could include crafting it using purchased goods, buying it directly, or just playing the game normally. Either way someone is exploiting the karma system with their botting.

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


There seems to be much speculation on how easy it is to tweak the DR system. Where are the inner workings of the system published so I can determine how easy it is? Where is the empirical analysis of the system? Such speculation only promulgates myth, and does not add to the discussion.

Does homosexuality in Sylvari feel rather forced?

in Sylvari

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


But I can’t think of a gay character in the game that isn’t sylvari. No, Faren does not count.

That’s really a failing of the developers. They haven’t ruled it out from the other species, but they haven’t given any examples either. It’d be nice to see in the other species too.

Can I stack sigil of accuracy?

in Guardian

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


It’s my understanding that sigils only work on the skills associated with the weapon they are slotted. This may be why they don’t reflect their stats on the character sheet.

Edit: I checked the wiki and this is not the case for on crit effects. This leaves sigils in a weird state when it comes dual wielded weapons.

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

When will I be able to merge the dungeon tokens together ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


what time we looking at for the patch Robert?

I think they’ve been patching closer to midnight PST the day of, so it’s more of a Tuesday patch for many.

Should this game have raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I would rather see instanced content go away all together and MMOs become, well MMOs. Though popular, raiding is no different than having a LAN-based RPG with 10-25 of your close friends. The only massive activity you do together in instanced raid focused games is go into town to show off your new shinies. Guild Wars 2 dynamic events are a good vehicle for large-scale, challenging content, that the whole server can participate in, and not just those guild that get 20 or so people together for an evening. I don’t think the challenge is there yet, but do not think this an insurmountable task. one that has been discussed in severla topics already:

The Lost Guardians of Vormis - Fort Aspenwood - Casual

in Guilds

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Who We Are
The Lost Guardians of Vormis [LGoV] is a small, closely knit guild for casual players of Guild Wars 2 on the Fort Aspenwood server. The guild is based in the USA (we have representatives from East to West coast time zones, though our guild clock is on PST) and focuses primarily on PvE content with WvW as a secondary objective.

LGoV has a guild community website at shivtr. We also have a Mumble server.

What We Are Looking For
People who are enthusiastic about GW2! We want you to be a part of our elite group of guild mates who help define the gaming experience for our guild. We want to get to know you as an individual, not as part of a large mass of players that happens to share the same tag.

We hold each member to high standards to ensure cooperation and harmony within the group. Every recruit should be friendly, helpful and a team player. Guardians are trustworthy, kind and supportive players. This is a no-drama zone.

We do not tolerate discrimination or derogatory comments based on race, sex, gender, age, sexual preference or experience in gaming. We aim to make this an open, accepting place for people who love Guild Wars to get together and geek out. Bigotry and intolerance is not acceptable. If religious, political or personal beliefs cause pause before playing alongside racial minorities, atheists, gays, women or “newbs,” LGoV will not be a good match.

We do not permit alts to belong to different guilds. When you sign up for the Lost Guardians, you agree to represent the guild on all characters.

We expect that you will use the Mumble server to communicate and socialize with your guild mates. Just listening is not enough… we want to hear your lovely voice!

Refusal to adhere to our expectations are grounds for dismissal from the guild.

Applying to Join
If you are interested in joining LGoV, it is highly recommended that you read our guild’s by laws to learn more about us and our larger philosophy about local gaming. If you feel like you’d be a good fit, please send me a pm through the forums or contact any of the following people through Guild Wars 2:

IGN: Opera Ghost
IGN: Korinu
IGN: Violent and Lonely
IGN: Aurick Soulwarder

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about [LGoV]. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

Voice Actors

in Audio

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


When I think of ogres i think : “Me smash you little man!”

These are not your ogres. I thought it refreshing that the lead ogre during the racial choice storyline was both female, and more intelligent than I expected. I also liked how visually they were not female (i.e., Arena Net didn’t slap breasts on them like Blizzard does to everything to indicate that they are female).

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


While I agree that there could be some difficulty adjustments in Dragons and “Group” Daily events. overall I think the leveling content and daily events should remain unadjusted.

If you look at this from a business perspective, would you rather cater to the hardcore players? These players will typically earn everything and spend less money on gems. Or casual players that are doctors, business owners, 9 to 5ers with more disposable income who are willing to buy $100s of gems?

Scare off the casuals, and you are left with a game of insatiable hardcore players that typically have less disposable income. Alienate the casual’s income and you have a F2P game with fewer content updates… you choose…

“Casual” does not mean unskilled. Unskilled players can be found both in the hardcore and casual player bases. Sure more time equals more practice, but eventually you’ll hit a ceiling on skill level where additional time will offer little to no increase in skill. Hardcore players will reach that cap sooner, but casuals eventually get there and can compete. Thus, the question becomes at what level(s) of skill do we want the dynamic events to be. If they scale based on server performance at them, they scale to the server population’s skill, whether it be a mostly skilled or unskilled players base.

Raids in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I’m very much in support of making challenging large group PvE content that exists in the world. Revamping some of the larger-scale meta-events to include components that require organization and strategy would work wonders for getting that “raid” feel, but putting it where it belongs, in my opinion, the world. I don’t like the idea of shuffling players into instances to take care of these world threats, only having them emerge from their dungeons to show off their shinies in town. The world grows stale and unused in these circumstances, and it quickly becomes apparent you are playing a LAN game with 10-20 of your friends, and not an MMO with a population of players in your universe trying to save it.

These suggestion have already been made:

GW2 Still lacks a *true* questing system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I think the world presents the storyline just fine if you interact with the NPCs and various lore elements strewn about. There is no dialogue boxes explaining what you’re doing, unless you want there to be. You are free to go up to any heart vendor and hear the story before doing the activity, if you choose. You are free to explore the world at your leisure and run into a dynamic events going on.

I think you’re spot on with the dynamic events being too linear. There are some that have multiple branches that eventually meet in one culminating event, but many are linear in nature. In some cases the changes are underwhelming, like a bear rug appears, but this is more than you get in most MMOs where you are just told you succeeded, yet the threat still exists. I do not think that all changes to the world are underwhelming though, If you stop and listen to post event wrap up and follow up, you can get some good lore and story. You just have to be patient.

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


There was a fantastic discussion a while back about some tweaks that could be made to the travel system that would make grouping with lower level friends a lot better, among other things.

Maybe this one:

I wrote this there:

Let’s assume the economy is set up in a way that they like it and that the gold sinks are in the proper proportions and affecting people in an equitable way, meaning the gold sinks aren’t hitting the crafters too hard, those that use the trading post, or even those who haven’t learned to dodge roll yet (i.e., those who have to repair their gear more frequently). Equity is kind of a nice feature for gold sinks in the economy because it doesn’t make it prohibitive to participate in certain activities. One of the benefits of having waypoints have a gold sink is it hits everyone, as it’s an activity that we all have to do. Well, you don’t have to, but I suspect the community that never uses waypoints is virtually non-existent.

So, suppose waypoint costs are removed or lowered. Where should we add these costs to keep inflation in control while retaining the equity of those costs? We don’t have to keep the equity mind you, but without it it kind of makes it seem like you’re trying to pass the costs onto another segment of the population so you don’t have those costs. For example, you could say make crafting goods higher, because you don’t craft. Or make armor repairs higher, since you’re a pro and don’t die. Add a fee to dungeon entry, as you don’t do those. Add postage to mail, as you don’t use mail. You get the point.

So, what is your suggestion on passing the costs? Who should have these costs placed on them if it isn’t those who use waypoints?

I think it applies here. I’d only add that I can see the travel costs being prohibitive if done frequently, and the zone scaling solution sounds like a good one.

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I was so disappointed w/ this too. I was really hoping there would have been better support for managing “loadouts” (sets of skills / gear) out of combat so that I could quickly adapt to the situation in front of me.

Turns out that none of the situations really required the level of depth though, so I for the most part just stick to my basic setup and rarely change it after.

I agree in the world it self this is mainly the case. There have been rare circumstances where I’ve switched my non-dungeon skill sets/traits, mostly because I’m trying to solo a dynamic event meant for more people and more durability is key. In dungeons it is a different story. Here I find myself switching things up based on the dungeon and encounter. For example, more condition removal skills/traits in Twilight’s Arbor.

I just got to Claw island and met Trahearne...

in Personal Story

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Edit:Aw man, now Deputy Mira is competing for the position of “most synthetic like voice.” I think I’ve been spoiled too much by the Charr story and Tybalt.

Deputy Mira is by far the worst. Her reaction to her war injury had all the emotion of someone suffering a minor inconvenience like spilling milk on the floor.

Girls playing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


There is nothing obligatory about this comment.

Clearly the hornet’s nest has been stirred up. Just having a good time here.

I take this topic seriously.

Girls playing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


You mad?

Hell yes. I see no reason to treat all women as inferior to men at the task of playing video games. Your title should read, “Teaching my (girl)friend to play”

Girls playing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Insert obligatory computers in the kitchen comment.

What? Just getting it out of the way before someone who actually means it comes in and says it.

There is nothing obligatory about this comment.

Girls playing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Why is this called “Girls playing GW 2”? It sounds like you’re suggesting women are somehow inferior to men, and that just because your girlfriend doesn’t get it, that women as a whole have problems playing a game. Talk about sexist.

GW2 "endgame" model is fine. Execution doesn't make sense tho, problem and solution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263



Part of me wants to say no as the system would correct itself if newbies are being stomped, but it is probably a good idea for every zone to have content for the less skilled so they don’t feel put off.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


We need Outward Scaling, not just Upward.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Agree. I’ve been advocating for similar scaling based on server performance at events to add more challenge to the “end game” and give servers/guilds a sense of achievement worth gloating over. My suggestion was just on when to scale, yours offers a good way of how the scaling should be done to increase difficulty.

GW2 "endgame" model is fine. Execution doesn't make sense tho, problem and solution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


It would also make sense to scale up dynamic events according to level as well as number of players - if a couple of fully geared level 80s join in the lowbie DE, an extra veteran mob or three could be generated along with the other enemies to balance out the benefit of the down-leveled characters’ unchanged traits and gear.

Or do what has been suggested by others and me:

Summary: Scale dynamic events based on server performance. If you’re doing really well at them as a server, the next time they run they should be harder. This should also be indicated in the text somehow. You should know you’re fighting a 10-star Shatterer, for example. Award server* achievements or something to give gloating rights for servers that accomplish some of the more difficult events (e.g., Fort Aspenwood downed the level 25-star Claw of Jormag, world first). Also, revisit some of the world bosses and give them more involved mechanics. At higher difficulties make use and protection of environmental weapons necessary.

* - Emphasis on server, not guild. These should be seen as community activities and not the sole accomplishment of a guild.