[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
In other news:
IoJ has recently acquired Ascension Alliance (what remains of them) including Team Legacy. That definitely adds to the talent pool for IoJ during NA primetime. And it’s good to see some old allies now as my enemy
With SoS in T1 losing a major guild and alliance and coverage of at least one BL to a Euro server, there is a very good chance in a few weeks that one of us in T2 will be moving up (or back) to T1; but the movement will be because of the WvW formula and not because of great competition.
Whoa, that’s huge.
That might be all IOJ needs to take T1.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
It’s about time SoR makes things interesting. It’s a shame a lot of them are talking like they’ve won with a 6k pt lead on a Sunday. Hasn’t this happened before? Anyone want to refresh my memory of how that outcome went? Oh right… I think SoR placed 3rd that week…
You do alot of talking yourself, Raven for pointing the finger elsewhere.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Had some fun farming some TW members tonight. And HIRE from IoJ. Whoever keeps hiring them is bad with money. Looks like BG is taking another weekend off. Oh well. We’ll win like we’ve done the past 3 weeks.
Yeah, when everyone logs off to go to sleep and work and stuff, you guys really shine.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I feel pretty alone here, but the patch was an improvement for me. My annoyance was that friendlies, and occasionally commanders would disappear, however I never once encountered groups of invisible enemies.
I played in Eternal Borderlands for about 3 hours, and was in a group of about 20 – 30. We encountered large groups of enemies during Stonemist siege, and I was able to see them from farther away than pre-patch. I also feel like when assaulting towers, I was able to see the lone enemies coming to defend, from further away.
My machine specs are:
Win7 64
i3750k CPU
8GB ram
It’s a higher end machine, but I was experiencing a ton of enemy culling before the patch, even with no lag. Overall, this has been an improvement.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I don’t really blame Indo or anyone else for speaking their mind at this point. It’s frustrating not having the coverage, and in these tiers, coverage is the name of the game.
This is the 4th match in a row now in these exact same positions, and I’ve lost count how many matches we’ve had now with IOJ. I logged in Friday night to see a huge double team on both SoR borderlands and EB. It’s not illegal. It’s not immoral. It’s fine, but yeah tempers are getting hot since there is no end to this matchup in sight.
Hopefully the mods understand.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
This matchup is getting pretty stale to me. It’s like the same story every week. Good fights happen when the numbers are fairly even, but eventually IoJ and SoR run out of reserves. Blackgate has coverage in all 3 timeslots. The others don’t. Repeat ad nauseum.
Unless something happens population wise, it will probably just continue. I guess you just have to shrug your shoulders at some point, and question the sanity of it all.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I’m on Sanctum of Rall, and have been since the beginning. I’ve also done WvW since pretty much day 1. In Blackgate’s defense, WvW is so chaotic that I may have taken that portal myself if I was solo.
Sometimes a wall goes down elsewhwere and you might not immediately realize it, or a
larger group may have already destroyed another gate. People log in at different times, and /map communication isn’t always great.
My point is that seeing a portal with a gate still up does not always mean someone is exploiting. It could be that your zerg is not in the right location. While some of those people probably knowingly cheated, I doubt it was everyone.
Reporting the exploiters is the absolute best thing that can be done. Turning keep ownership back over is honorable, but optional. Making an example of the whole server though for the actions pf a few, I totally disagree with unless there is more evidence.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
…The only thing I have seen done with WvW so far that was beneficial was removing the orbs, which I cannot imagine was that difficult…
Yeah, here’s the thing, …you cannot imagine. In other words, you have no idea.
You have no idea the complexity of the system they are working on. You have no idea what is easy or what is hard in putting fixes in place.
People need to put away their torches and pitchforks, and stop pretending like they’re the experts here. Anet said they think they can make improvements to the issue. Take a break from the game if you need to, and come back after the culling is fixed.
You guys say you want dev responses, but then chase them out of the thread, and try to tell them how to do their job. I wouldn’t want to respond to a thread like this.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I think the issue is compounded by the fact that the bags aren’t auto-loot. As a thief, I am often in the back of a large zerg trying to take out the casters. When I get a kill, I often am exposed and need to escape quickly, and I can’t even begin to imagine how many hundreds of loot bags have been left behind.
This has been discussed a lot though, and there are many threads that cover how to maximize badge drop. It’s all for naught though, if you’re leaving bags of loot littered all over the map.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
SoR is actually recruiting right now for players in your timeslot. There is a public Teamspeak server open to anyone on the serever, and server website at sanctumofrall.com. You can get more information on how to connect if you sign up there.
It’s hard to comment on the PuGs. I think individually we have good players on average, but we’re still working on communication.
The primary EST nightshift commander would probably be Alpaca Owl, but I’m sure there are others as well (Elthuzar). During the day we have a bunch of good commanders. Anyone from Tempest Wolves (TW), Caedas (CDS), Vigilance (VIG) or EPIC are a great start. Indo, Leader Mara, and Miasmic Spiritsong are a few off the top of my head.
It’s a solid server.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
At the risk of adding to an already populous server, I have to recommend Sanctum of Rall.
Gaiscioch is just one of the most fun guilds I’ve ever been a part of. They are very newbie friendly, host server wide PvE events, and are family friendly.
They are huge though, so while there is always someone to chat with and something to do, it’s not like it’s a small tight knit group. Some people prefer smaller, closer guilds.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
SoR needs more competent commanders. Some commanders don’t even know how to ninja a keep or tower, or that you can portal golems across the map instead of walking them for a half hour. Some commanders didn’t even know that siege weapons don’t have an AOE camp and let us turtle in the lords room of the garrison until we wiped (lol?). No offense but SoR is severely lacking in leadership.
I’m just dissapointed in SoR overall
I’ll be honest, I don’t mind 2v1 or being outnumbered or any other excuses people love to cry about because it’s all part of the game but i have an honest question to Sanctum of Rall
when was the last time you actually attacked a Sea of Sorrows objective? o_O (2 supply camps don’t count and I have actually been counting the past 3 hours)
I’ll be more specific.. today we had a guild event where we went to SoS BL with the objective of flipping every single SoS objective there was.. and we did.. to a certain point. (Lake, Hills, Garrison, and basically claiming everything we can)
then SoR en masse attacked IoJ’s objectives.. instead of pushing NORTH they instead pushed East
are we at the point that people only see “fresh flip” means “easy take” so attack fresh flipped objectives to try and get cheap points??
because what happened for the next 3 hours is simply us wiping SoR as they try to take the objectives we just flipped from SoS
this is not winning or 2v1.. it’s worse, much worse. it’s playing hoping to get cheap points
I actually am a bit envious of SoS’ position right now
no, not the driver’s seat.. not outnumbering and having more coverage than both sor+ioj combined but there must be a certain relaxing quality, a zen like state when you’re in the lead position and you know only 1 server attacks you and the other server is too busy attacking that other server
anyhows, i guess i’m just dissapointed that wuvwuv’s “fun” has evolved not in seeking and enjoying fights anymore but rather hoping and trying to get cheap points.
Sanctum of Rall one day, I hope you realize, going after “freshly flipped” objectives isn’t that smart. Specially when you fail to take it and all you do is make sure the leading server gets even more comfortable
can’t play afraid in this game
eventually, you gonna have to attack the server on top
I don’t know where you are fighting, but we do it all the time in sor bl.
SoR BL is ALL SoS lower half
you guys have no choice but to stop them from taking full control of your own turf
there’s a big big difference between your own home turf and SoS’ turf.. you have a choice to make and it’s clear the option SoR is choosing
what they think is the easy way which is going after freshly flipped objectives
like i said, i see it clearly and that’s fine
just dissapointed that all the fight SoR has is going after what they think is an easy take which are IoJ objectives after we have forcibly kicked SoS out with FULL upgrades on their keeps and towers. It just ends up wasting SoR’s time, IoJ’s time, and SoS is smiling all the way home
Are you suggesting we…..cooperate?
Here’s CharliePrince’s IoJ fighting the good fight against SoS, and ignoring the “easy” flips. Lol.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Portals should at least be able to be targeted and destroyed. Doesn’t help with the invisible enemies issue, but it’s at least some defense against the portal bomb.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Anyone not responding with Mesmer is just assuming you already know it. Mesmer is in its own galaxy when it comes to usefulness in WvW. They are the best 1 v 1 class. They have the most escapability. They can portal entire armies and golems around the map. Their clones can attack siege out of range of other attacks. The list continues.
After Mesmer, the other classes all have usefulness depending on situation.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Ok yeah, I’m not seeing any pumpkin icons. I remember that from yesterday. I’ll try Queensdale. Thanks.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I’m in Gendarran Fields, but I can no longer enter through the Haunted Doors. Once you complete the Act 2 scavenger hunt, does this disable the doors?
How else can I get back to the Mad King’s realm?
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I think mesmers need a bit of a nerf. Their portal ability is powerful. Their phantasms can kill siege located where other AoE won’t reach. They are also probably the best 1v1 class.
It does take coordination to move armies of people around, Mesmer portal or not, but it’s just getting old that there is ONE class in WvW that is clearly better than all the rest.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
We’d be dominating too if old tier 1 guilds came to us instead. WvW isn’t about the server anymore, now it’s about which guilds have transferred to it.
I’m just touched that people are still so salty about us beating them back when a server name meant something. <3 you for caring so much.
Anyway, congrats on getting us back. We got spanked so hard I can’t get comfortable in my computer chair… and it’s padded! Nice stomp, SoR.
I don’t think anyone is too salty about anything. Are you on SoS or CD?
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
You do not deal low damage with S/D. C&D into steal is equivalent to a PW in terms of raw damage, plus you Have access to a powerful daze. Auto attack frequently crits for over 3k and DD is just deadly to 2 people. It provides meaningful control and pressure damage. It is certainly viable in tPvP. ( Shadow Refuge FTW!)
I dunno. Numbers aren’t the whole story. The #1 attack animation is slow. It is fairly easy to kite and stay out of range of it in my experience, so while the numbers look ok, a missed attack is zero. You can also be forced to Shadow Return at inopportune times, which can open you up to ranged DPS.
I’m sure there are good players using the build, but I just haven’t had much luck with it. The dual skill is also pretty bad. I’ve spun myself off of platforms trying to use it.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Sword + dagger is a fun build to play with, but I have a hard time taking it seriously, the damage is so low. It’s our version of a bunker build.
Organized PvP means each class needs to play to their strengths. With sword + dagger, you are instead making up for a weakness (defensiveness). There are not many classes that can rival the single target burst, and finishing ability of the Thief.
When I want a thief on my team, I think of the ability to move in quickly, finish someone off, and escape. There are other classes that can AoE, hold points, or survive forever.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
(edited by Spartyr.6795)
I just want to see one good push from Yak’s and GoM. Ignore each other and hit Sanctum of Rall (I’m on Rall, btw).
I know both servers are capable of handing a defeat to just about anyone, on just about any given day, but your morale is down. Kitten morale. Particularly from Yak’s, I’ve seen good strategies and hard fought battles.
If you would ignore the score, say this Thursday, and login and aim to take back everything, I want to see if you can do it. Consider it a challenge. Forget the score.
Login on this Thursday with everyone you can muster, and see if you can even the daily points through Friday.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
How do you know he wasn’t stuck in the wall? Or any other dumb glitch.
If you think someone is cheating screenshot it, and send it to Anet. You’re just flamebating, posting stuff like this here.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
i think that the max cap mechanic is now broken. we had 30 min queues to get into GoM borderlands, yet we were outnumbered by yaks by 2:1
More like 5:1 Columba… it was insane!!!
And we also know Yaks way of play:
1. Siege everything.
2. If out numbered, run to siege.
3. If we have numbers, steam roll with siege!
4. More Siege!!!
Hey nothing wrong with that. Yak’s showed up to play this match. Everyone else is wandering around like they’re hungover.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Leader Mara on sanctum of rall.
Hands down
Yeah Mara definitely deserves props on Sanctum of Rall. She gives good directions over /team, which isn’t easy to do.
Kingxcon and WarFreak are pretty fearless as well. My own Guild Leader, Ben Foghlada has lots of good ideas, but he isn’t on all of the time. The Spartan – also good.
Lots of good ones on SoR.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Not even trolling, I just think it’s funny because the only reason I remember your guild is because of how bad they were. Good luck with whatever it is you guys are trying to accomplish though.
Ok, classless then? Yeah, we’ll go with that…
I can vouch that I’ve seen you on since the very beginning Furanku, and I’ve also seen you take a lot of heat in /team, and I’m not exactly sure why. Some people see Commander icon as an iWin button, and when that doesn’t just happen, people get ticked off.
Easier to pess on the commander than face the fact that you might just suck yourself.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I just got a video of Sanctum of Rall exploiting a glitch. Guild LoE was doing it in numbers. Couple others, Ill upload it so you can see it. Essentially we were assualting Garrisson and SoR was just waypointing in even though it was contested. We were at this for 10 minutes before i started recording, and i only got last few minutes before we started to wipe
Please do post. I can assure you, SoR doesn’t want exploiters ruining the servers, same as you guys.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
SoR you’re poor sports! We just challenged you to a dance off in front of Redbriar and got shot at!
Oh, that sucks! I totally would have taken you up on this.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I notice a trend that whichever server currently has the points lead draws the ire of everyone else: hacks, nightcapping, zergs, population imbalance etc.
This is the same SoR that was in 2nd and 3rd place last match, and 2nd most of this current one. The WvW queues aren’t any longer than they were last week. Good luck to everyone through Friday reset.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Yes well apparently an even fight is not what a lot of people want because now this week a bunch of guilds have gotten together and come up with an amazing, brilliant strategy…. all transferring to the same server! Wow what an splendid display of tactics and strategy! Who could have guessed that simply getting a large number of players to switch servers would win the day! Yes now the server that was a close 3rd place is now a dominant 1st place and outnumbers both servers during all hours.
What a fantastic display of players gaming the system to stack the deck in their favor. Even when by accident an even match is set up some people always have to find a way to make sure they don’t have to play an even match. This transferring nonsense, the fact that no one can take anything in this match without being accused of hacking, and all the bickering and trolling pretty much has turned a lot of people away from wvw.
See you guys next week when you get a tougher match you can’t easily win and you transfer back?
What is this about? Who transferred where?
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I guess I find Mesmers just as tricky and difficult to kill as thieves, with even better escapability. I don’t want to derail the thread though, again nice job with the video.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
In this movie a talented player kills people with one of the most inbalanced classes in the history of MMO PvP and calls the people he kills noobs.
It’s a shame your talent is wasted on a class I personally can’t have any respect for. Want to impress me, try doing this on another class.
Tell us how you really feel, lol.
Seriously though, nice vid. People can claim how imba the thief is, but they ignore the paper thin armor, and susceptibility to stunlocks and confusion condition. Everyone only remembers the thief that handed them their butt on a platter, and not the hundred other ones they killed or drove away.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
My advice is if you really like the server to stick it out. It’s more rewarding when you finally make a comeback to have seen it through.
Sometimes greener pastures is the only move though, and if that’s the case please give Sanctum of Rall a look. It has an awesome backstory, guilds that are extremely committed to making a good community, and one of the most exciting WvW matchups going right now.
We are always looking for folks to help round out the Oceanic times, and the queues in that time slot are nonexistant right mow.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I love seeing the argument against “night capping”. Is there some kind of gentleman’s agreement I didn’t see in the TOS? I can remember with vivid horror at a Thanksgiving weekend raid in the old DAOC days when Midgard blasted our defenses in the middle of the night and took our relics (PRX was involved I think). I can recall defending our walls in Shadowbane for 8 straight hours until 5am when we all passed out. It’s part of the game, hell it’s part of gaming in general. Get over it.
In war, only a foolish commander attacks when the odds are not in his favor. During the day we do our best to defend what we have and do small strategic strikes aimed at cutting your supply lines and slowing your defense build up. At night we take what we can because we have some active players at night and a good battlefield commander. Just as you can argue we zerg at night we, the day time and prime time crew, can argue we are outnumbered and double teamed when we’re on.
The DH guilds are starting to work better together. The whiners are transferring to other servers and people are starting to pay attention more. That is the root of your problem people. Pretty soon you’ll have a Half Naked Norn during the day time as well. Then you can kitten about that too.
There’s no gentleman’s agreement, and you’re absolutely right that any server would try to take objectives regardless of who is, or is not online.
From my perspective though, we battle Darkhaven hard during prime time also, not just at night. There seem to be a lot of you online, and your keeps and towers are well defended.
I watched DH assault Etheron Hills last night during U.S. prime time with 4 trebuchets, 3 ballistas, and 2 siege golems out of Astralhome. It was well coordinated, and there were a lot of Darkhaven defenders there.
So it can feel frustrating to win matchups during U.S. prime when the numbers are even, and everyone is scrapping for 100 or 200 points here and there, and then lose 8,000 points at night when no one is around. It’s certainly not DH’s fault, or anyone’s fault really, it just gets exhausting is all.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Do you save the id of my last viewed post on the server side? Put it in a cookie or something, so at least I can clear my cache. I think it’s the last viewed post information that is breaking everything.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
O.o do you guys not like us anymore?? ;.;
This is nothing special. Darkhaven and SF were hitting SoR this hard or harder this afternoon on SF borderlands. We didn’t hold a single camp even, and could barely get out of spawn, but that didn’t stop both servers from trying to crush us there, while the rest of the map was quiet. We fought two servers out of Bluevale refuge. At least you have a keep.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
(edited by Spartyr.6795)
Slowed Pulse
10 point major trait option in Shadow Arts line is not working.Description says it grants 10 seconds of regeneration with 5 stacks of bleeding, and the effect can occur only every 30 seconds. I am using the pistol auto-attack to get bleeding stacks of 6+ and I have not triggered this effect once.
Edit: Ok this appears to be intermittent. I have triggered this twice now using the same method, but I’m not sure why it’s not working on the others. I will keep testing.
You’re using the pistol to stack bleeds on the mob? It’s a defensive trait, it gives you regen when you have bleed on you.
Ok, I read this wrong. I took it to mean, “when you have applied 5 stacks of bleeding.”
Which would have been awesome, lol.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Can we not turn this into a kittenfest like the other server threads? I mean, we’ve been lucky to have a matchup this close.
Props to Darkhaven for organizing under your naked Norn and doing what you can during the night.
Props to SF for your intelligent tactics, and solid play during primetime
Hopefully we all skill up due to the stiff competition, and when we finally do head off to face other brackets, we are better for it.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
(edited by Spartyr.6795)
I think Mesmers probably stand out. Some of their moves are kind of gimmicky (think Druid flagrunner in Warsong Gulch), but really effective right now.
Every class brings some really potent stuff though. Guardians are critical to protecting people using flame rams. Warriors banners are awesome and Hundred Blades is the ultimate insta-gib right now.
Hunters have the best possible range, Ele’s have AoE’s that are critical for clearing towers. Thieves are great at finishing wounded targets that might otherwise get revived, and back into the fight.
Engineer is great at rooting, and stopping opponents from getting away. Necro is the only class I’m not that sure about.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Slowed Pulse
10 point major trait option in Shadow Arts line is not working.
Description says it grants 10 seconds of regeneration with 5 stacks of bleeding, and the effect can occur only every 30 seconds. I am using the pistol auto-attack to get bleeding stacks of 6+ and I have not triggered this effect once.
Edit: Ok this appears to be intermittent. I have triggered this twice now using the same method, but I’m not sure why it’s not working on the others. I will keep testing.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
(edited by Spartyr.6795)
Template here. Anything I’ve selected is essential to the build. Unspent traits/points and empty slots are up to you, they’ll all work. I’m frequently changing it up myself. At the moment, my build looks like this.
This is a jack-of-all trades build. It has good damage, great survivability, great mobility, and can support allies with some really strong boons. It is extremely good at beating burst instagib specs (like Hundred Blades warrior or Pistol Whip thief).
The key to killing burst builds is one skill: Infiltrator’s Strike/Shadow Return. IS/SR is the best burst-avoidance skill in the game. It breaks stun, moves you well out of danger, and even removes a condition for bonus points. The golden rule of this build is to always have SR available. The moment you get stunned before the burst comes, hit SR to escape to safety. They’ll burn initiative or cooldowns hitting the air where you used to be while you laugh at them. I usually immediately follow up with either stealth or a daze/knockdown.
While in combat, your damage is all coming from your spam attack. You want to keep your initiative high, because each initiative you have gives you 1% damage. Dodge often; don’t just spam dodge, but any time you see a big skill coming you can dodge it. With this build, you can dodge every 3s, so don’t worry about saving initiative. Likewise, each dodge gives you might (which comes out to ~4% more damage) and you get +10% damage if your endurance isn’t full.
You should also be frequently using Cloak and Dagger -> Tactical Strike. That 2s daze is really strong, and you can pretty easily apply it every 5s. Likewise, stealth can really disorient your opponent. If they get good at avoiding you while you’re stealthed, combine stealth with SR. Set them up so that your SR spot will put you near them when they try to avoid you. Stealth, then use SR to go somewhere they don’t expect. Daze them, and then immediately use IS so that you have SR available.
This build also has great escape potential. If you’re trying to run away, lay a fresh SR spot. Then run the opposite of the direction you actually want to go (so if you want to flee east, run west). Let them follow you until you round a corner or otherwise break LOS with your SR spot. Then stealth and use SR. They’ll sit around waiting for you to reappear, desperately trying to avoid the Tactical Strike daze they’ve learned to hate, and they’ll never realize you’re already on the other side of the map. It’s an even better mindkitten if you use Shadowy Refuge, because that can stealth you for up to 15s. I’ve watched people sit there for the whole 15s spamming AoEs and waiting for me to reappear (I, of course, was far away at a nice vantage point regenerating).
I love the looks of this build, but I can’t imagine ever killing anything with it in WvW. It seems like it would just take so long. No poison to reduce healing, No crit or damage talents for burst… Again, I like the build and may try it, but it just seems very low damage.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Those pesky Darkhaven nightowls. The scores and rankings are close enough that they’ll likely be paired with Sanctum again next match, with maybe Sorrows and Ehmry Bay switching spots? Either way here’s hoping for some more great primetime action regardless of the scores from other time brackets.
This is fine with me. The fights between Darkhaven, SoR, and Sorrow’s Furnace have been fun this week. Maybe this is the minor leagues, and not the major’s, but so be it. It’s still a lot of fun.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
It’s actually Gaiscioch (hard to type I know). I’m in this guild, and tonighrs event was just an intro to WvW for newer players. The guild is pretty large, and I think these events are to help people get their feet wet.
On Thursday, there is a more organized event called Trinity night. I won’t claim we are all hardcore WvWers, but many of us play nightly, and we are trying to get more organized.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Hello, I am from Sanctum of Rall, and would like to request an invite just to listen in. (It would help us a great deal.)
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Sanctum of Rall is actually pretty solid. There are some good guilds on this server, a few dating back to DAoC.
The U.S. prime time is as competitive as anywhere, but there is as little Oceanic presence as I’ve seen anywhere. Besides Eredon Terrace, it’s probably the most competitive Medium pop server.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
I think it’s pretty obvious that SoR must have chased and killed Zenyatoo numerous times, and now he’s nerd raging on a forum about the whole server. Run faster I guess.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
W3 is shortest.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Information is starting to trickle in on this, and some things are becoming clear.
If arrow carts from above the Keep Lord can rain down to the level below, AND if AoE from below can reach the Keep Lord above – this actually seems kind of fair. The Lord is standing on an open grate and it was designed that way on purpose.
However if you can only AoE from the bottom up, and arrow carts do not rain down through the gate, then that is probably an exploit, and in that case I agree it’s a pretty huge advantage to get to the Lord first.
In the last match between Henge of Denravi, Eredon Terrace, and Stormbluff Isle though, the Keep Lord managed to change hands a few times, so it’s not impossible.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
45 min? on JQ i wait an hour or three most days
My times have ranged from 5 minutes to 6 hours with no real method to the madness.
The only method I’m noticing is that queue times are increasing across the board. Players are getting to be higher level, and to many people, WvW is the endgame.
I am on a medium pop server that is not known for WvW, and where once my queues were 15-30 minutes, now you cannot get in under an hour.
The two week rotations may help to alleviate congestion a bit, but I agree overflow maps or something similar are probably a good idea to at least be thinking about.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
Hi there, could you link to your guild website. Thanks!
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community