Showing Posts For Stice.5204:

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Looks like a good build on paper. It’s basically taking the standard beastmaster regen tank and using Guard plus the new Nature Magic grandmaster trait to replace both Signet of the Hunt and the defensive pet stats from Beastmastery.

Being able to offer 100% swiftness uptime to anyone traveling with you will be a great perk for small group roaming in WvW.

The main concern, of course, is that even if you’re using boons to replace a lot of the lost pet stats from not putting points in Beastmastery, you can’t replace the lost damage on the pets.

If only Anet had given us some effective way to stack Might too, we could channel it to the pet via the 15-point Nature Magic trait.

Hmm…Brainstorming here: You’ve already got 30% boon duration from Nature Magic. Throw on some boon duration food and/or runes and you could get very substantial boon durations. Then wear full rabid or knight’s gear and use Superior Sigils of Strength. Your high crit chance and boon duration could probably keep a significant might stack on your pet (and yourself, for that matter.) Basically the way HGH roaming engineer builds work. The downside of that, of course, is you’d lose the healing power from the gear you were proposing to wear.

Edit: If you shuffled 15 points out of Wilderness Survival and into Skirmishing and had a lot of boon duration you could get sizable fury uptime by weapon switching, which would mean you’d need less precision to get good returns from the Sigils of Strength. This fury would also transfer to the pet via the 15-point Nature Magic trait.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(edited by Stice.5204)

new ranger, new patch, need help

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


There’s a major patch coming that’s going to change a whole lot of stuff. All we’ve got so far on pet changes are unofficial notes so detailed analysis is going to have to wait until we can actually test them.

Beastmastery does appear to be getting flat-out nerfed. The useful level 5 adept trait is being swapped with a grandmaster trait nobody uses and apparently most of our pets are getting substantial damage reductions, which will reduce the efficiency of trait points in Beastmastery and the overall viability of Beastmaster builds. We don’t know by how much.

Our other four trait lines are all being buffed at least modestly. The most substantial changes are to the Nature Magic trait line (it needed them.) The ramifications of those changes are difficult to guess at this time, especially since every other class is also getting changes which will probably alter the metagame balance quite a bit.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

new ranger, new patch, need help

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Sounds like you would probably love Exploits’ build, as shown in this video (there’s a link to the build and gear provided.)

Unfortunately, pet damage is about to get nerfed, so it’s uncertain how well this build in perform in the future, as it is among the most pet-reliant ranger builds.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Are you changing your build tomorrow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I have 30 points in Beastmastery so I have to.

I don’t think you “have to” completely stop using a certain build because it’s getting toned down.

I mainly use power beastmaster builds and like the style. I’m sure it’s not actually Anet’s intention to delete that playstyle from the game, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and keep using it for a while.

If power BM builds truly no longer work I’ll probably switch to a power longbow/greatsword build.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Official trait changes for Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Swapping that Beastmaster grandmaster trait that nobody ever used for the adept minor trait that most people liked is just sort of obnoxious. At least they left our other curiously good adept minor trait (in Wilderness Survival) alone.

I was hoping they’d buff the minor traits in Marksmanship. At least Spotter is pretty good now.

Combining the spirit health and proc chance traits into a single trait is a good start, but the main problem with spirits has never been their associated traits. The base spirit skills are too weak, and until those are fixed the traits will never be a compelling choice.

The new Nature’s Voice trait is somewhat interesting. I don’t like our shouts very much, but we can now get 100% swiftness uptime with Shout Master, Guard and just 20% boon duration, and that applies to people around us too. That’s tempting.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


Giving a necromancer the option to pick up Incendiary Powder as a grandmaster trait and letting them actually deal condition damage in Death Shroud is not going to suddenly make them replace engineers. It will make them a more viable substitute in some situations, though.

They’ll still have worse defense and mobility, almost no disengage options and probably lower overall damage.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Our healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stice.5204


The Blood Magic trait line kind of sucks and will apparently continue to suck, but frankly Death Shroud is a far more interesting mechanic anyway. It’s just never been good enough to really do what it’s supposed to.

Buffing Death Shroud by giving it a damaging condition and improving Life Force generation really feels like the right way to go about improving the necromancer. I just hope it’s enough.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

think LB>SB after the patch? Some simple math

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Point Blank Shot into Rapid Fire with Moment of Clarity produces a considerably higher spike than you can get with a shortbow, particularly with quickness.

I’m sure nobody thinks improved autoattack DPS is going to turn the longbow into a damage dealing monster, but at least it’ll be less of a tradeoff to carry it for its utility now.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

some people cry and Anet nerf pet? wow!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


My wolf deals 900-1000 damage when don t crti and 1500 wirh crit. Wirh 50% damage neef wolf hit for 450 without crit and 750 with crit? No sense.

There is no 50% wolf damage nerf in the leaked patch notes. There is a 27% damage nerf on the Bite skill only. You either misread the notes or got bad secondhand information.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

some people cry and Anet nerf pet? wow!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Looking at several hundred lines of patch changes that will have significant effects on every single class and declaring that it’s going to be a disaster because of one change is myopic. Making a forum post attributing the change to “people crying” and calling it “the most stupid thing you’ve ever seen” is childish.

All eight classes are having things both buffed and nerfed. None of these dozens and dozens of changes is happening in a vacuum. Your first-read gut reaction is almost certainly overestimating the effects of some changes and underestimating the effects of others. Get a grip.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Sword/axe new killer combo?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


With both the DPS and accuracy (projectile speed) of the longbow buffed, and the general nerfs to pets, we may see a lot more power longbow builds. Point Blank Shot into Rapid Fire with Moment of Clarity is some very respectable burst.

If you could somehow pull off a double hit Path of Scars to pull them up close into a Point Blank Shot with a Rapid Fire followup and get interupts on both the pull and knockback for Moment of Clarity procs in full berserker gear…Well, it’d be hard to do but I don’t think most enemies would survive it without an invulnerability cooldown.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Leaked Notes: 900 range shortbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Anet`s silence on this makes think they are real and intentionally “leaked” … purely my opinion though.

It really wouldnt be that bad of a move on their part, honestly.

These are obviously some pretty big changes, and if they unofficially leak it, they get a free opportunity to gauge players reactions without actually committing to anything.

It was incredibly obvious how players would react to it. They’ll be pleased at the buffs to their characters and angry at the nerfs. That’s what you see in every class forum right now.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

900 sbvs 1500 lb

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


It breaks SB for players like myself who run melee and need a ranged off hand in WvW. I use SB for the utility…My weapon of choice is Great Sword and without SB I doubt I can make it work as a main weapon in WvW!

That’s silly. I run greatsword with sword/warhorn so I certainly don’t think you’re required to use a ranged weapon in WvW. When I want a ranged weapon I trade my sword out for an axe anyway, not a shortbow.

Our best chase-down ranged weapon setup is probably axe/dagger because that gives you both chill and cripple from range. And a 900-range shortbow will probably still do most of the things you want from it if you consider the greatsword you main weapon.

Greatsword and longbow is already a workable setup as well and the longbow is being buffed.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

900 sbvs 1500 lb

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I honestly don’t think I’ll notice much difference since I find the shortbow is best suited for trap builds where you mostly fight from shorter range anyway, but I still feel the decision to reduce the range is odd.

It implies that the ranger shortbow is overpowered at 1200 range, but I don’t get the impression that any players actually feel that way, whether they play rangers or not. The shortbow was arguably overpowered compared to other ranged weapons back when Crossfire had a super fast attack speed, but they nerfed that a long time ago. The weapon isn’t even very popular anymore.

Edit: And yes, the longbow with Eagle Eye and Quick Draw will still be the superior weapon for zerg-surfing, as it already is. 1500 range and Barrage is just much better for tagging targets in a big fight than anything on the shortbow.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(edited by Stice.5204)

Why no movement buff?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


and somehow both rangers and thieves are a bit more mobile than the engineer… how is this possible I wonder?

I don’t play a thief so I don’t know much about their traits, but I do know that a ranger only covers long distances faster than an engineer when using Swoop and Hornet’s Sting/Monarch’s Leap on cooldown, which is a more restrictive requirement than Speedy Kits and also requires use of the “about face” key, which sometimes lags in WvW and results in you lunging the opposite direction you intended. If you’re not using the sword leaps then you’re slower than an engineer with permanent swiftness.

Now, as to why engineers have so few leap skills, I don’t really know. It’s probably for the same reason rangers have almost no access to blasts. It just gives variety in the strengths of the different classes.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Why no movement buff?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


I don’t think having to “dump” 10 trait points and one major trait slot for 100% swiftness uptime is somehow a bad deal for engineers. Most other characters have to devote runes, food buffs and more than 10 trait points to even get close to it.

Rangers and thieves have to dump a utility slot for their movement speed signets, and those are only 25%, not the 33% Speedy Kits gives engineers.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Why engi carry a pistol worse than a thief?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


While i dont really see bringing kits as a burden on our utility slots (we have the utility belt for that exact reason), the fact that we need minimum one kit to have a distant similarity to weapon swapping does sound quite suspect.

I don’t see it as suspect. In fact, the engineer is unique among all the profession in that only we can disregard our class mechanic if we so choose.

The ranger’s class mechanic is their pet. My ranger cannot elect to not use a pet. I can choose among several different useful pets, and I can choose how heavily I invest in traits to boost it, but I still have to use one. I would also be somewhat foolish not to, since it accounts for a significant percentage of my damage output in any build.

It’s like this for other classes, too.

The engineer’s class mechanic is our kits, which take the place of normal weapon swap mechanics. Unlike all 7 of other classes, though, we can opt to not use any kits and just play without weapon swapping. We even have a lot of traits that boost the few non-kit weapons we are able to use.

I don’t think Anet wants to boost kitless builds up to the level of builds that involve at least one kit because they do want engineers using kits, even if they don’t force us to use them.

If you do actually choose to play without kits, our pistol and rifle are both decent weapons that give a spread of useful skills. There are some workable builds using only elixirs and/or turrets. It’s not optimal, but you can make it work if you really want to.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Why engi carry a pistol worse than a thief?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


Making the explosion bleed enemies in an AoE will simply make the pistol much more viable for condition builds, but it will definitely not be the peak damage the pistol can do. Not by a long shot.

“Much more viable for condition builds?” Engineers already have what are probably the strongest condition damage builds in the game and the pistol is a huge part of that. If they were any more “viable” they’d definitely be pushing the limits on PvP balance.

Or were you referring to PvE? The general problems of condition damage in PvE are much harder to solve. Anet could of course implement more mobs with high toughness like karka, which puts condition users at less of a disadvantage, but the stacking issue will still persist.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


Interesting build and excellent play skills.

Edit: nevermind the question below. I missed that it had already been addressed a bit up the page.

I’m curious about the role of the flamethrower in the build, though. You used the tool belt skill but only switched into the kit a couple times, usually to AE blind when going for stomps. It seems like you probably would have gotten more out of Elixir S or the Tool Kit or some other good defensive tool for the fight you showed us.

Or do you normally use the Flamethrower more and it just didn’t end up playing much role in the fight you used for the teaser video?

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(edited by Stice.5204)

Anybody notice the grenade launcher ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


Replacing or redesigning the Mortar elite would be a welcome change. I’ve wished for a while that I had more than one good elite skill.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Whoa stalkers strike! (Dag 4)

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


That sure sounds like a bug rather than a deliberate nerf. Either way it ought to be reverted, though.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Spirits and How to Fix Them

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Ultimately, spirits just need to give a better return on investment. Comparing them to warrior banners is inevitable given the similarity of the skills but really the comparison isn’t necessary. Ranger spirits would not be useful even if warrior banners didn’t exist. We have at least a dozen other utility skills that are more useful than any of them, even in a group situation where the spirits are supposed to be at their best.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Wait for 20th or Reroll ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


The only reason pugs don’t like rangers is most ranger pugs are idiots.

This is probably at least partly due to the fact that the metagame build for rangers in dungeons is “don’t bring a ranger.”

There’s very little information out there for rangers who want to know how to set up their weapons, stats, traits and pets for best results in dungeons. Many players probably default to using a longbow and a bear because they don’t know any better and haven’t had the opportunity to test so they go with the most conservative setup they can think of.

I know before the game came out I used to think my ranger would probably use moas and spirits in dungeons to maximize team synergy. Look how that turned out.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Which Ascended Amulet should I grab?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Yeah, I’m going to wait and see what they do in the patch at the end of the month. Given Anet’s philosophy on balance changes, they probably won’t make any major ones for a while after that.

Maybe they’ll give us some trait changes that make full glass cannon berserker viable and fun, or maybe the proposed pet nerfs will push everyone into condition trapper builds. Can’t say at this point.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Blue's Axe/Axe zerker build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I use a similar build for badge farming in WvW but I swap the 30 points from Wilderness Survival into Marksmanship instead for Signet of the Beastmaster, then use Signet of Stone instead of Signet of the Wild.

It produces good damage output from range, tags lots of people easily and has acceptable survivability for zerg fights, where just activating Signet of Stone or using Lightning Reflexes is often enough to get pressure transferred off of you and onto one of the other many available targets nearby.

I would not use that build or that gear for smaller-scale PvP, though, because once your utility skills are on cooldown you have almost no defense at all.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

how do i get free from Root/Imob abilities?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Unfortunately, rangers seem to be really vulnerable to immobilize. We don’t have any skills that specifically remove it and don’t have a lot of condition removal in general.

You can try to preempt it by activating Rampage as One or Signet of the Wild (with Signet of the Beastmaster) for stability or remove it with Signet of Renewal. Other than that you just have to wait it out.

Weapon evade skills like Stalker’s Strike and Serpent Strike still work while immobilized so at least you can avoid some incoming damage. You can also reduce the duration with Runes of Melandru or lemongrass food consumables.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Ranger Pet DPS getting a nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I thought balance nerfs were suppose to be separated now? between PvE, PVP and WvW, wasn’t this a massive complaint the players are on about…

Yes sure Anet are listening…

How do you know they aren’t going to separate it?

The comment everyone’s going nuts over was a single offhand remark in an hour-long podcast dedicated exclusively to sPvP. There was no discussion whatsoever of PvE or WvW.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Torch Hitting Stealthed Enemies

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Warhorn 4 is one thing I’ve wondered about. I know it stops dealing damage if you lose line of sight to the target during the effect (which is mechanically unintuitive and probably unnecessary from a balance standpoint), but I’m not sure if it damages stealthed targets. Anyone know for sure?

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Whack-a-mole Balance philosophy

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


And who exactly is deciding that the pets hit too hard? Is it the player community or just a few devs?

It’s the player community, of course. Didn’t you get your ballot? Game design is a democracy and we all vote on who gets nerfed.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Whack-a-mole Balance philosophy

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Travel time is pretty important to PvE — consider doing DE’s or world completion on your ele now vs. before; this change added a couple of hours to your world completion time. It used to be 15 sec cd, then it got increased to 20, and then it went up to 40 for travel purposes. Meanwhile my ranger retains his Swoop, which does the same thing on a shorter cooldown, and he can add Monarch’s Leap and LR to gain even more distance traveled than the ele ever could.

Ok, you’re probably right there. I doubt Anet considers world completion time to be a serious balance issue because it’s not very difficult, it’s going to be very time consuming regardless and it’s something most players do solo.

Comparing specific skills between different classes is misleading, though. The difference between an elementalist and a ranger is a lot more than the cooldown on their mobility skills.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Whack-a-mole Balance philosophy

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


RtL got nerfed in PvE as well when there was no need for it. Or Arcane Wave’s cooldown in beta.

This la-la land where balance changes for one format don’t affect the other is more the exception than the rule.

They recently (as in within a month, not back during beta) said that they want to do more balance differentiation between the three game phases. It came up in the flame fest over the changes to the exposed debuff.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Whack-a-mole Balance philosophy

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I think people are overreacting to that video too.

That podcast is dedicated to sPvP issues. That’s why the balance discussion was all about necromancers and warriors. Those are clearly the two classes that need the most help in sPvP, no matter how good Hundred Blades berserkers are in dungeons. They didn’t talk much at all about the other 6 professions because the podcast was already an hour long and there’s only so much they can cover at one time.

Rangers are very well represented and very powerful in sPvP because that environment plays to all of the strengths of two of our best builds (trapper and BM bunker.) As someone else pointed out above, most other classes also only have ~2 solid builds for sPvP so rangers are not deficient in that department and did not warrant as much discussion or as many fixes as necromancers and warriors currently do.

We also know that Anet specifically balances all three phases of the game separately and have said recently that they’d like to make more differentiation to improve class balance across the board. If they decide to nerf beastmaster pets in sPvP they may very well choose to leave them alone (or even buff them) in PvE or WvW.

And as far as the final boldfaced question in the OP goes: Yes, there will be other improvements for the ranger class. You don’t need an Anet representative to tell you that, you just need common sense. They actively monitor game balance and patch improvements and bug fixes for all 8 classes on a semi-regular basis. The improvements will not be as big or as punctual as dedicated ranger players would like, but they absolutely will happen at some point in the future. You can count on it.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Ranger Pet DPS getting a nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


If they’re doing an actual comprehensive balance patch that takes a look at all aspects of the class, then good. But I’m not going to get too excited one way or another until I can actually read a list of changes, not just one out of what will presumably be many.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Just stop...

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


All of this advice seems to mostly boil down to “Don’t use longbows in skirmish fights and don’t get caught solo by my group.”

Thanks for the hints. I’m sure it’ll really turn my game around.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

How do I fight s/d thief with a bm build

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Being BM facing any player thats worth their salt will eventually end in a stalemate a majority of the time.

This is really the problem with the BM build. No real chase-down ability means that most enemies can just disengage freely once they decide they aren’t going to kill you.

I’m always kind of mystified watching the solo roaming WvW videos that you and other rangers post here because you’ve got all these clips of thieves who reengage at less than half health and end up dead. I realize you’re just choosing good clips out of hours of footage but my first impulse reaction to that is always “What server is this guy playing on where thieves actually fight to the death? I need to transfer there!”

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Barrage ---> Retaliation?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Healing Spring is mandatory for zerg combat

Depends on your style of zerg combat, I guess.

If you do organized guild fighting with all their focus on stacking and combo fields and blast finishers then I’m sure you’re right.

But I’m not in a guild that does that, so if I join a zerg it’s as a random unaffiliated badge-farmer and I’m probably not trying to do anything other than tag targets and avoid dying during fights. TU does help you not die when you barrage an enemy zerg.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Barrage ---> Retaliation?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I usually just activate Troll Unguent right before Barrage and it prevents me from killing myself. It is obnoxious that our most useful contribution to a zerg fight results in us losing over half our HP, though.

At least you’ll tag a lot of people with the barrage and should be standing pretty far back so if you do down yourself on retaliation you have a good chance for a rally.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(Video) Exploits - WvW Melee BM Ranger 2

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


And wow, there really are a lot of old DAoC veterans here, aren’t there? I knew Kzar back when he was still underground, pre-clustering, when he could only zerg people on Pellinor.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(Video) Exploits - WvW Melee BM Ranger 2

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Mango Pie and Power Potion.

Im aware protection gets used up due to the dodge but the heal is pretty bad for yourself. Its 133 every 3 seconds for yourself.


I assume you’ve probably tried going 20 each in WS and BM too and found the reduced sword skill cooldown trait wasn’t worth the tradeoff of the 25 BM trait?

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(Video) Exploits - WvW Melee BM Ranger 2

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Very cool video and food for thought as I tweak my own cleric’s build to suit my playstyle. Your combat skills are very impressive.

I like the synergy between the 15 Skirmishing and 15 Nature Magic traits, combined with the war horn and water runes to keep fury and swiftness on your pet. Good thinking there.

I’m curious why you chose 15 WS and 25 BM, though. Is Companion’s Defense really better than Natural Healing? I’ve never liked Companion’s Defense all that much because almost half the duration of the protection boon is wasted by the evade anyway and even with a ton of boon duration you’re still not going to get much functional uptime out of it.

Also, would you mind telling what consumables you use with this build?

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Harder Hitting Long Range Shot

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


It should cripple on the autoattack, based on range (maybe even Immobilize at max range).

As much as I love aiming Barrage in front of fleeing enemies in WvW and watching my teammates run over them, there is no way Anet is going to give any profession a cripple with 1500 range and no cooldown.

Long Range Shot already hits pretty hard compared to most other ranged autoattacks, but it does have a slow attack rate. I won’t complain if they buff it, but I wouldn’t count on it. Any longbow buffs will probably be on Hunter’s Shot or Rapid Fire.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(edited by Stice.5204)

If you could change one thing...

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


If I could change one thing it’d be to give pets better pathing and movement speed so that they achieve higher uptime on moving targets. Even if Anet nerfed pet damage in compensation for the higher number of attacks successfully landed, I’d be happy. It just really annoys me that an enemy can significantly reduce my total DPS by strafing around randomly, not even using defensive mobility skills.

I can live with all the crummy traits and utility skills we have (it’s not like other classes don’t have those too) but the pet functionality just drives me nuts.

Either that or just give me a trait or a utility skill I can use that removes the pet from play but grants me a significant boost to my damage. The problem with this, of course, is that more than half the rangers in the game would probably never use a pet again, thus kind of destroying what is intended to be the class’ signature mechanic.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Best Farming Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Beastmaster builds don’t sacrifice much single-target DPS. A cat with a 25-stack of Master’s Bond puts out some serious damage. It also minimizes the efficiency loss of wearing magic find armor since their stats are completely independent of yours. The only real problem with the build from a farming perspective is it doesn’t do much AE damage, even with a drake.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Best Farming Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I find for killing easy mobs (like orrian stuff or sub-80 events) en masse, nothing beats just going with 30 points each in marksmanship and skirmishing and using a greatsword and axe/warhorn to AE them down.

For farming karka, I think a beastmaster build with the much higher inherent sustain keeps you moving faster over time. BM builds are mainly about single target damage and good defense and that’s generally what you want in Southsun. Master’s Bond and the health regen grandmaster trait are just gold there.

It’s not like it’s expensive to reassign trait points or anything, so just get used to switching depending on what you’ll be farming that session.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Video - Whirling Defense / Spirits - Dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I don’t think it’s really productive to make direct comparisons between specific abilities on two different classes because there are just so, so many differences it doesn’t tell you much. Mesmer clones and phantasms can be used to block enemy attacks similar to the way a ranger can use their pet, but there are a lot of important differences between the two mechanics that make them hard to compare.

That’s why I think it’s better to consider skills on their own merits rather than try to compare them to what a completely different class does. Ranger pets don’t need improvements in dungeons because of what mesmers can do. Ranger pets need improvements in dungeons because of what rangers can’t do.

The same goes for spirits. They don’t need to be buffed because warrior banners are better. They need to be buffed because even if warrior banners didn’t exist they’d still be difficult to use for little payoff.

I don’t mind if some other class has a skill that’s similar to one of mine but better. After all, rangers actually do have some skills that are better versions of what other classes get. Consider that we get 50% increased endurance regen from a 5-point minor trait while the same ability is a grandmaster major trait for engineers. That doesn’t mean rangers are overpowered or engineers are underpowered. It means the classes are designed and balanced differently and have different levels of access to the same thing. That’s fine. In fact, it’s great. But everything a class has access to still needs to be balanced on its own merits.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Querry's from a semi-new player. New lv 80.

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


So I only need to focus on the base stats and then i can change the upgrades as i see fit. My best bet for armour would be the Divinity Counsil set from the Seraph? Is this the only way to obtain exotic armour? Because then i need to do the causedus manor dungeon right?

There are multiple ways to obtain exotic armor.

Option 1, and the fastest, is crafting with the associated profession, which is leatherworking for rangers. You can purchase either the raw materials or, in most cases, the completed items directly from the trading post. Crafted leatherworking exotic armor is called “emblazoned” if you want to search for it on the trading post and comes with a variety of potential stat combinations. You can find the raw materials to make them using the official wiki if you want.

Option 2 is dungeon running, which is not a very appealing option for rangers. Frankly, we are the weakest of the 8 classes in a dungeon group and most other players know it. You will not be very enthusiastically welcomed to most dungeon groups, especially if you’re not already geared up. I wouldn’t recommend this method for trying to get your first set of gear.

Option 3 is World Vs World. Killing enemy players and guard NPC’s will frequently yield badges of honor. There are merchants in the camps which trade exotic weapons and armor with a variety of stats for these badges. It’s PvP, though, so it’s hard to predict how things will go. Sometimes you have a good day and make a lot of badges, other days you can’t catch a break and they come in really slow.

Option 4 is karma farming. The various temple event chains down in Orr open up high-end karma merchants who will sell whole sets of exotic armor. A full set costs about a quarter million karma, which is a lot of farming, but it’s not like most events are difficult. Most of the temple sets focus on defensive stats.

Option 5 is to know the names of useful exotic items (you can research on the wiki again) such as Zho’s armor and just purchase them directly through the trading post. This will cost you a lot of gold, and you’ll probably want to spend some time farming valuable things to sell, such as powerful blood or passion flowers.

Exotic weapons and trinkets are obtainable from most of the same methods

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

(edited by Stice.5204)

Mask's post May patch movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


Hmmm, that was really fun to watch.

I stopped playing my engineer a long time ago because the more popular builds really weren’t appealing to me. The Grenade Kit is great on paper and all, but I hate having to rely on ground-targeted attacks with a travel time for nearly 100% of my damage.

Your pistol/Toolkit build looks like a lot of fun, though. I’d probably use rabid weapons, carrion armor and coral jewelry since that could all be purchased with WvW badges and a bit of gold and would give roughly the same stats you have. Maybe 2 runes of water and 4 of altruism?

At any rate, I feel like playing my engineer again, so my hat’s off to you, sir.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Sick of getting kicked for being ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


Most players have heard that rangers are worse than other classes in dungeons. They haven’t heard how much worse but they’ve taken it to heart anyway and decided they are too good to be in a scrubby group with a ranger. The reality is that a properly built, equipped and played ranger is no detriment to a normal group, but they neither know this nor care.

If only Anet could design a dungeon where berserker gear is a liability and everyone needs to run bunker builds. Suddenly you’d see a massive change of heart from the player base because we can do more damage than anyone else in a bunker build. (We can also do more damage than anyone else in a berserker build, but only under ideal conditions that are very hard to replicate in a dungeon.)

Even though players exaggerate it a lot, I doubt Anet is happy with the current class balance for dungeons, so we’ll probably see some changes eventually. Don’t hold your breath, though. Your best bet in the meantime may be to find some other “unwelcome” classes and make your own dungeon groups. You might be surprised how efficient they can be when played correctly.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Leeto 3 - Necromancer 1v1/1vX WPvP movie.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stice.5204


Well done. Entertaining clips, some nice necro tactics and not too long.

What type of items are you using?

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

how do you kill a stealth thief???

in Ranger

Posted by: Stice.5204


I’ve got to say it definitely is funny reading an 8-paragraph treatise from a thief player about how his class totally has a hard time 1v1 against necromancers.

I’m sure there are some really good necromancer duelists out there who can do what a bunker ranger does 1v1 against a D/P thief (stall them out for a while and hope they stick around and make a mistake before you do) but overall seeing that much rationalization about necromancers countering thieves 1v1 is just sad and nobody with a decent amount of experience is buying it.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP