Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
Better for EU players huh! how does this change make anything better for NA players? it does not. In fact, the change negatively impacts us. Why do you(Anet) make knee jerk reactions based on a few people QQ on the forums. Did you consider how this change negatively impacts players on the North American west coast? this really throws my schedule off, I am still at work when your “new”
reset time happens. Why didn’t you post a poll question to gauge how this impacts people instead of making decisions based on forum QQ? really disappointed!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
it’s understandable that they would feel this way but I think it’s kinda like beating a dead horse at this point. I’d say get over it.
Well, a lot of this started back on page 1 of this thread, when a DB player said Mag didn’t belong in T3, and should go back to T4. We don’t take to well to the implication that we lacked the skill to compete on even footing.
Besides, here at Maguuma, we don’t stop beating the horse until candy comes out.
who said anything about even footing? my statement was in regards to the whole server not just NA, besides that was like Monday! stop living in the past. ; )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
All I can do is thank our SEA for being so patient with the NA guys. It must be frustrating day in and day out to take everything and upgrade a lot of it, just to wake up and find the maps mutilated.
~ Kovu
This is not ment to take away from the efforts and dedication that the DB SEA players have put in towards their WvW effort, but I can’t help but to think that it’s not exactly difficult for them to take over a map during the times of day that Yaks and Mag WvWers aren’t particularly active.
I’d love to see how they would actually fare against another strong SEA server. Right now a lot of the griping is from frustrated NA players on Yaks and Mag who feel like that the huge contribution that they are able to make towards DB is less a display of skill but rather just circumstance.
It seems for now, much of the night crew for Mag has moved over to the Yaks BL since we’re able to have much more interesting fights there. Speaking of which, last’s night tug of war between the garrision and NE tower was a lot of fun. The diversion attack at WK really kept us on our toes.
it’s understandable that they would feel this way but I think it’s kinda like beating a dead horse at this point. I’d say get over it.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I don’t really get the difference between transferring to a server to enjoy better fights, and getting transfers for 4-5 months to get better fights.
To put it another way, DB is asking for a lot of people to do something (transfer) that they consider unthinkable and wrong.
I’m so happy you care so much about DB and the recruitment thread. I have never felt so loved in my life. Is there another subject we care to break out the microscope on?
I’d like to turn this into a post your pet thread, but I think that’s against the forum rules?
ok I’m lost, you win! </3
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I don’t really get the difference between transferring to a server to enjoy better fights, and getting transfers for 4-5 months to get better fights.
To put it another way, DB is asking for a lot of people to do something (transfer) that they consider unthinkable and wrong.
I’m so happy you care so much about DB and the recruitment thread. I have never felt so loved in my life. Is there another subject we care to break out the microscope on?
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
would love to get some EU and Aussies really strengthen our weak times
Please stay on topic, this post is derailing quickly. The topic of this post is "Dragonbrand looking for NA ", requesting oceanics and euro’s is off topic. This goes to all the other Dragonbrands asking for oceanics/euros.
It’s easy to fix a topic, NA, EU & Ocianic we would love for you to come on over to DB and bear the mark of the Dragon!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Someone just keeps asking SEA players to answer his/her question, so here I come.
AS an Asian player who participate wiping out wvw map every night, I can easily tell you why.
“We want to get DB to higher tier by ourselves, not just join another server.”
Is this clear enough??This is not going to happen, and it’s only making the matchup really lopsided and time-zone dependent. I kinda wish something would change, but I don’t see it happening.
You’re entitled to your own opinion (like everyone else) but NNK (and a number of other die-hard guilds) that have been here from the start or at least risen from T6 match by match week-by-week can totally attest to how wrong your opinion is. He means we have gone up the ranks fighting and fighting regardless of the situation and match up and odds, and we have been rising through the tiers day by day “by ourselves” meaning that we didnt do it through treason and betrayal of our server like TSYM did a number of times and other guilds with terribly fairweather reputations jumping server to server as the mood hits.
Some of us really like the fact that we’ve roughed it out, though that doesnt mean we dont appreciate all the newcomers on the way. It just means some players do not want to rise through the tiers with short cuts.
I do remember how difficult it was during tha mass exodus, it was rough times. I think in the long run the server pride benefitted from it. SEA stuck by us through it and our NA continues to rebuild… really the people that comprise DB are amazing. The new players and any xfers really have an opportunity to make a difference.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
That’s a good way to say you don’t have an answer as usual. Video games are serious business, I expect forums to be conducted as such. Well, at least you’re enjoying yourself.
how sad : (. I really feel bad that you are not enjoying yourself. Ok I’m over it.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Then why attempt to defend yourself in saying that you did not consult the entire server?
Anyway mass recruiting whether one person does it or it’s agreed on by the WvW populace throws any attempts to appear proud and unified down the drain.
lmao every time I read one of your posts I picture the “Grumpy Cat” meme. lighten up, this PvF is serious business!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
I don’t recall saying it was the end of the world. I think I was explaining anyone on a different server would think that Dragonbrand is openly attempting to mass recruit. This supports my previous opinion of not actually doing it by yourselves.
it does not support your opinion. and it still really doesn’t matter one way or another.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
That’s fair. Either way the thread hasn’t been taken down and it doesn’t say in the OP that the thread wasn’t an agreed decision by the masses and just one person’s idea.
I have 0 plans to take down the thread or edit with a disclaimer as it is not the end of the world, and most of the posts in that thread are on the positive side. If mags NA came over to DB would we have to rename the server Draguumbabrand? lol
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
“We want to get DB to higher tier by ourselves, not just join another server.”
Is this clear enough??Wait, but you’ll try to get other servers to join yours…? Then you’re not doing it by yourselves at all.
in all honesty, I posted the thread asking for NA guilds, I did not consult the entire DB server. I still want more NA players. So mag & yaks NA come on over to DB bear the mark of the Dragon! : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Can we just let them answer?
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
So 2 pages of responses and I don’t think an actual DB SEA responded, just NA’s that think I was trolling. I really wasn’t. Your SEA coverage is a gigantic outlier in the entire NA bracket, and most people are curious why it exists. I’m asking the SEA guys.
I know for a fact higher tier, well funded servers have offered to cover all of NNK transfer fees, and they would get a much larger community to play against. That’s why I ask why they choose this over actual WvW.
maybe, just maybe they have this thing called server loyalty.. maybe they really like the community.. just some thoughts. sorry I’m only an NA player.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
nothing arrogant there, just stating it as it is with confidence. you had to look it up? lmao! I love this thread so many sore losers.
You’re kind of bad at this.
But I don’t really see it as being a sore loser, just “stating it as it is.” Maguuma won in T4 by zerging all over. DB wins in T3 due to their SEA presence. It’s just how it is. Such is life.
bad at what? responding to nonsense? cool, I’ll take that.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Is WvW more of a PvE activity for DB SEA players?
When mag hits 400-500 ppt in unbalanced matches, we actually lose players because it is very boring and usually pvd.
How do you keep interest in logging in every night to wipe the maps and then log off? Is it strictly for karma/xp? You guys have been at it for many, many months now.
You’ve got the point. Deep and penetrating. These players wont get bored of this form of pve farming.
haha haters gonna hate, we’re going to continue on despite your poor attitude. Keep up the pvforum lolz!
You misunderstood something. I am not even on one of the servers of your tier. I just know little more about the habit of my compatriots.
lol ur post should come with a disclaimer. Either way I strongly defend our SEA they are amazing players and an integral part of DB. Those who bare the mark of the Dragon; I salute you!
They really are an integral part of DB, without them you’d be in a much lower tier and grats on taking empty keeps at 6am eastern time.
ah the good ol PvF we have grown to love from mag. where are the flame rams in camps and the middle of no where? I fear mag is losing their kewl so sad.
Are you saying it isn’t true? Do you not appreciate them enough to acknowledge their importance to DB?
If my server lost a lot of players, we would be in a lower tier. That’s how it works.
not really sure who your question is intended for. I stated our SEA is amazing and integral. And I will not respond to pathetic hypothetical troll questions.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Is WvW more of a PvE activity for DB SEA players?
When mag hits 400-500 ppt in unbalanced matches, we actually lose players because it is very boring and usually pvd.
How do you keep interest in logging in every night to wipe the maps and then log off? Is it strictly for karma/xp? You guys have been at it for many, many months now.
You’ve got the point. Deep and penetrating. These players wont get bored of this form of pve farming.
haha haters gonna hate, we’re going to continue on despite your poor attitude. Keep up the pvforum lolz!
You misunderstood something. I am not even on one of the servers of your tier. I just know little more about the habit of my compatriots.
lol ur post should come with a disclaimer. Either way I strongly defend our SEA they are amazing players and an integral part of DB. Those who bare the mark of the Dragon; I salute you!
They really are an integral part of DB, without them you’d be in a much lower tier and grats on taking empty keeps at 6am eastern time.
ah the good ol PvF we have grown to love from mag. where are the flame rams in camps and the middle of no where? I fear mag is losing their kewl so sad.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Is WvW more of a PvE activity for DB SEA players?
When mag hits 400-500 ppt in unbalanced matches, we actually lose players because it is very boring and usually pvd.
How do you keep interest in logging in every night to wipe the maps and then log off? Is it strictly for karma/xp? You guys have been at it for many, many months now.
You’ve got the point. Deep and penetrating. These players wont get bored of this form of pve farming.
haha haters gonna hate, we’re going to continue on despite your poor attitude. Keep up the pvforum lolz!
You misunderstood something. I am not even on one of the servers of your tier. I just know little more about the habit of my compatriots.
lol ur post should come with a disclaimer. Either way I strongly defend our SEA they are amazing players and an integral part of DB. Those who bare the mark of the Dragon; I salute you!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Is WvW more of a PvE activity for DB SEA players?
When mag hits 400-500 ppt in unbalanced matches, we actually lose players because it is very boring and usually pvd.
How do you keep interest in logging in every night to wipe the maps and then log off? Is it strictly for karma/xp? You guys have been at it for many, many months now.
You’ve got the point. Deep and penetrating. These players wont get bored of this form of pve farming.
haha haters gonna hate, we’re going to continue on despite your poor attitude. Keep up the pvforum lolz!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
You guys are balanced well for tier 3 right now. Too many more North Americans and you’ll push into tier two and throw all the server rankings out of whack again. Be happy with where you are at.
No, we aren’t. On reset we could not even field enough NA to cover three maps let alone four. Our NA prime time is lacking quit a bit with fighting two NA prime time servers like Maguma and Yaks Bend. We cannot combat the massive zergs these two servers put up leaving us severly crippled during this time. We need more NA to put up a better fight during this time.
Maybe if DB is willing to trade some of their early morning door warriors we can talk about boosting their NA presence.
Trade? ha…. We are the ideal server to come to for NA prime and EU prime, come on over and lets move up!!! I still want some Aussies to come over.
Although a higher volume of NA is necessary, I too would love to see some Aussie and EU xfers. Everyone is welcome! : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Maguma and Yaks Bend, I am sincerely sorry we have a Sea presence but you knew that long before this match even started. You beat us once with our Sea presence and back then I would say our NA was stronger at defending. Do you feel better now? I don’t see DB crying about our NA presence as much as you all QQ. Suck it up and fight it out or you could simply join us because we all know DB’s Sea is loyal.
DB was the ones QQing about mags nightcapping? lol wut? All we did was point out who was actually nightcapping…..
ok so we all agree complaining about night capping is ridiculous, so lets drop it.
on another note I think DB is the only server in t3 that belongs here. both yaks and mag are t4 at best.
lol wut? i hope this is a joke right?
i have bad internet sarcasm detectors
nope no joke, t4 worthy, gl with that. you can’t even keep us ticking 50 during your prime time.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Maguma and Yaks Bend, I am sincerely sorry we have a Sea presence but you knew that long before this match even started. You beat us once with our Sea presence and back then I would say our NA was stronger at defending. Do you feel better now? I don’t see DB crying about our NA presence as much as you all QQ. Suck it up and fight it out or you could simply join us because we all know DB’s Sea is loyal.
DB was the ones QQing about mags nightcapping? lol wut? All we did was point out who was actually nightcapping…..
ok so we all agree complaining about night capping is ridiculous, so lets drop it.
on another note I think DB is the only server in t3 that belongs here. both yaks and mag are t4 at best.
Your NA primetime is tier 7, at best…
lol ok there! whatever makes you feel better.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Maguma and Yaks Bend, I am sincerely sorry we have a Sea presence but you knew that long before this match even started. You beat us once with our Sea presence and back then I would say our NA was stronger at defending. Do you feel better now? I don’t see DB crying about our NA presence as much as you all QQ. Suck it up and fight it out or you could simply join us because we all know DB’s Sea is loyal.
DB was the ones QQing about mags nightcapping? lol wut? All we did was point out who was actually nightcapping…..
ok so we all agree complaining about night capping is ridiculous, so lets drop it.
on another note I think DB is the only server in t3 that belongs here. both yaks and mag are t4 at best.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
what’s with all the QQ about night capping? sounds like someone is jelly! so tier 4 of you!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
gawd I missed playing against mag, but really dislike the forum thread that follows, including FA chiming in. I won’t bother reading this thread further it’s way off topic and kinda sad.
I think you should reread the thread where most of the drama is coming from DB! Mag has been the most positive so far.
lol stop it! I’m not reading it anymore .. ok that’s the last one haha
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
gawd I missed playing against mag, but really dislike the forum thread that follows, including FA chiming in. I won’t bother reading this thread further it’s way off topic and kinda sad.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
just droppin in to say hi, we miss you Krew!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Lots of respect to DB, nice server that’s organized and always fun to fight against.
That said, I DON’T think they need more people. They are solid in T3, leading slightly with their SEA population. Now that T1 and 2 are more balanced if DB gained much more they would become transition T2/3 which would lead to less balanced matches, particularly for themselves. With SoS finally falling to T4 next week, T1-3 will in a very balanced state for the first time.
Thanks for seeing DB in a positive light : ) I have always enjoyed matches involving mag. I do, however; agree with lani additional NA numbers would help out a ton.
So if any guilds are considering a transfer please look to DB first. we would love to have you!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
our NA is doing a really good job. Until you have been over here defending week after week for months you cannot say any different. We work hard against our adversaries NA no matter what servers they happen to be. In addition, it’s the same defenders week after week. DB NA I salute you for your loyalty and hardwork each day! no one can minimalize our efforts!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Just dropping in to say Hi! Mag, DB is looking forward to your return to T3 this week, kinda missed ya : ) … haven’t seen any tree yaks or flame rams in the camps lately lol
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
Edit: Also, if you look at the ppt evolution for DB, you’ll notice that it rarely drops below 200, even during the strongest times for YB. DB day crew has gotten significantly stronger over the past several months. It would take far more than a bit of a night crew for YB to actually beat DB in this matchup.
DB’s NA gets to defend the fully upgraded structures NNK gives them, and is rather infamous among YB players for constantly running away and switching maps when they wipe. In any case most of YB is in pve by this time of week as the outcome cannot be altered. So enjoy your +200 if you think that’s an accomplishment.
YB has at least roughly 8 hours (counting from NA afternoon till NA sleep time) to fully upgrade any structure before an “attack” actually starts. After that your oceanic/SEA gets to defend as well. Also, PPT-wise speaking, changing maps and taking easier stuffs grants you a win in the tier, not that it’s something I agree to do every time, but it’s nevertheless a good way to get points. Don’t tell me you guys never took anything without resistance.
Oh and, please tell YB that are in PvE to come back next week. +0 during SEA time is not fun at all.
Huge difference between NNK upgrading in complete peace and DB NA queueing their own BL whenever a WPed home keep is threatened, and YB NA trying to upgrade against genuine zergs and trying to defend NNK with about 20 pugs, max. But I wasn’t talking about symmetry at all, I was just pointing out that the structures that DB NA inherits makes them appear much stronger PPT-wise than they really are.
I won’t begrudge anyone “taking easier stuff” when the match outcome is still in doubt, but at this time of week we just want to fight, and its just frustrating to see our opponents intentionally seeking pvdoor. I guess I can understand losing your taste for battle after 10 wipes, but after just 1 or 2? Come on.
WvW is a coverage game, to complain or begrudge a server because they have better coverage is pointless. with that said, DB can use additional NA coverage; I think this point has been made week after week. Although, our NA could use more numbers we are doing a fantastic job keeping yaks from closing the gap during their prime time. Our SEA group is great and deserve a ton of credit for our servers successes.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Still my favorite server by far even though I am not there anymore. Good commanders, great people and a fantastic community. My guild left a few weeks ago thanks to constant out manned/unbalanced matches in T3 but now that T1/T2 has stabilized, DB is a great server in a great tier.
Keep up the good fight DB.
DB is a unique server in that our prime time is SEA, causing an inbalane during NA. The imbalance is shifting and NA for DB is getting stronger but we still need more players. Thanks for the kind words : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I hope DB realizes if YB had any sort of nightcrew, they would be on top in this tier. This is from an outsiders view btw.
I hope you are aware that if DB had a slightly stronger NA yaks bend would not even be able to compete.
Hardly lol. As it stands its DBs NA + Oceanic vs just YBs NA. If YB had any night crew they would be winning. Simple as that. I’m not even on Yaks Bend and I can see this btw.
There’s quite a bit of difference between having, and I quote “any sort of nightcrew” and having a night crew that can actually put up any measurable resistance to NNK and TFV. If you look back a month or so, you will remember that even fighting TC and FA, the DB night crew was consistently putting up between +400 and +500 for 4-6 hours. Having a token night crew would change absolutely nothing. YB would need to acquire astonishingly massive numbers of people for it to make any difference at all.
Edit: Also, if you look at the ppt evolution for DB, you’ll notice that it rarely drops below 200, even during the strongest times for YB. DB day crew has gotten significantly stronger over the past several months. It would take far more than a bit of a night crew for YB to actually beat DB in this matchup.
Bro, when we get serious we easily get 500+ ppt at our prime time LoL, we’re not doing it anymore because you can use your NA crew to slow us down and we don’t have anyone to slow the Asians down lolololol, so it’s not worth it.
Also your comparison against TC and FA is not completely accurate, DB has a strong SEA presence, i guess you know that a big chunk of the oceanics log out aprox 2 hours before SEA right?, that’s why everybody wants SEA guilds at their server, they’re the last ones to log out lolololol, even against FA and TC, DB did some PvDoor lol.
Nice attempt at justification but I’m not buying. lol
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
you should come over to Dragonbrand, we have a loyal WvW community and good coverage. If you play NA time then there will always be an epic battle. Also there is a server TS, you can always hop in vent with EA too : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Dragonbrand is a server with very loyal WvW guilds that simply do not give up. In addition we have very nice SEA presences. Our NA is slightly lacking in numbers but our loyalty and perseverance pays off. As a whole we have proven Dragonbrand is a formidable opponent . Again our SEA is strong and additional numbers during NA would take DB to the next level. Come over and make a difference, it will not be easy but that’s what makes us strong. : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
I hope DB realizes if YB had any sort of nightcrew, they would be on top in this tier. This is from an outsiders view btw.
I hope you are aware that if DB had a slightly stronger NA yaks bend would not even be able to compete.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
what’s with all the QQ over jumping on ppl and /emote. get over it! Are you really that upset about it? if yes please proceed to log out as you are too fragile to play games.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I wonder if anyone from Dragonbrand will post on the thread this time around
should be a fun week, Gl too all 3 servers.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I didn’t mean the video to be a reference to server’s playstyle or any server’s behavior at all. It just cracks me up and I think about that video quite often when scanning random forum threads because it seems like half of the posts make no sense and have no context.
Oh lol. I was actually referencing Jade Quarry pvp map from GW1, since it belonged to a group of NPCs that used turtles as pack mules and siege weapons.
that map was fun Lux FTW
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
it’s not broken, 24 hr game. Learn to love it or don’t play. maybe u will be missed maybe not.
if u don’t read the Op post , then maybe just don’t comment on it?
and its not meant for you, we are discussing EU here, so if u dont have anything constructive to add, then please just ignore the thread.
my post was very constructive. In addition, I will post on any thread I want. You don’t have to like the truth. You sound like a spoild child! lmao
To keep on topic here: The 24 hr thing works on EU servers too that’s the funny thing about the planet.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
either way you both put it in the wrong order…
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I would love to see better rewards in WvW. my suggestion would be to have a loot chest drop when you take a keep. Keep loard dies and all participants get to loot the chest. just like when you kill a boss in pve. Once the keep has been taken increase the duration of the keep loard’s buff and increase the damage so he will wipe any back cappers. this should prevent an organized farm. I know it’s not perfect but I’m sure devs can refine this idea.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
it’s not broken, 24 hr game. Learn to love it or don’t play. maybe u will be missed maybe not.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
agree we need larger group size, the 5 player isn’t working our guild has to set up 5-6 parties and there is always someone looking for an open spot…
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
it’s not broken, Anet move on nothing to see here.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
don’t level in WvW craft as high as u can then if you insist on lvling in WvW hop on a karma train (off hours PvD)
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Beeeeeeeeeecause it’s fun? You already said you find it entertaining. If you only like doing it for a few hours, then just do it for a few hours. Not everything you play has to have a reward system to buy your time. You play games because they’re fun.
Though, I will agree with you on the “no consequences of losing or winning” thing. The other day someone asked me “What happens when we lose?” And I was like “Uhhhhh. Nothing, really. We just don’t move up on a list.” I do wish that there was SOME form of motivator other than a generic leaderboard system. Which is totally hypocritical for me to say, since I just told you that if it’s fun then it doesn’t matter lol. But yeaaaaaaaaahh….. Granted, they’re throwing in abilities and stuff you earn from doing good in WvW in March, so maybe that’ll kind of give us something to work towards.
BS WvW should have a comparable reward system as pve, pve is fun too and you are rewarded. don’t try to make that excuse we know better and deserve equal rewards that our pve counterparts enjoy.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I can’t help but notice the timing of this delay. correct me if i am wrong but Anet just reset the WvW ranking and they expect it to take about a month to clean up through matches. if they released the new player ranking progression the it would be all jacked up from the up coming server blowouts that are totally expected. no excuse but I think that’s the real reason for the delay.
on a side note I think us WvW players would like to be rewarded with loot equal to the loot received by our pve counterparts. We just want a fair deal our effort and time is just as important and we deserve to be rewarded appropriately.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
ahh, GW2LFG
lol they have a mobile app too.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)