Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Really? didn’t expect that, any how good luck to all 3 servers.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Hi T3, heard [PYRO] & [D|ERP] are xfering off mag, any truth? If you do, i’m guessing you’re headed to FA…
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Dragonbrand #1
You spelt it wrong. DB is spelt as Dragonbandwagon
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
- Video now up!
- 15 v 15 GvG
Why do you keep posting the score? I have done a lot of GvG’s and never seen anyone so disrespectful, which is counter to what GvG’s are about.
??? Its not Zerg vs Zerg. When two guilds agree to gvg they have every right to post the official scoring and videos. In fact, people do want to know the scores therefore your argument is invalid. Clearly you don’t do GvG’s right. We lost to VoTF, they posted a score and we didn’t complain. We actually posted a video of our loss in respects to the match. Point and case .
You probably want to update your recruitment message then : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/RE-Red-Essence-Funding-WvW-players/first#post2039290
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
great fights last night in EBG, lots of oh kitten moments lol! well I know I have had my fill of the southsun gold mine so I’ll be in WvW more : ) hope everyone else filled their pockets too!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Dragonbrand #1
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Welcome to DB Omen! Those who bear the mark of the Dragon, I salute you!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I think siege has become more fun if anything. It takes longer, it takes perseverance, and usually requires several different tactics and better management of supply.
please elaborate on the several different tactics. what size group and tactics are you taking advantage of?
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
although I agree that a siege should be strategic, I do not believe it should be boring. currently both defending and attacking has become just that…boring. I don’t log into a game to be bored. And yes I have found myself logging in less and doing things more entertaining/fun.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
I personally think defending is far too easy and boring, it’s turned from dynamic to rather static. Defenders throw down some AC and trebs. Attackers throw down some trebs to clear said AC. Attackers stand around waiting for treb to clear just in case the turtle decides to come out and play… ok cool AC almost clear…. oh Zerg showed up speed build more AC. Treb war comence Attackers get really bored and move on.
The siege use to be so much more dynamic, golems, catas, rams!! even defending was much more fun.
leaves me pondering the future of a WvW that I enjoyed so much.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
iwho really cares if ppl care if u hurt their feelings lol.
I can tell you’re very popular amongst friends and think quite highly of yourself.
I can tell you’re a carebear…move along now
Wreck you are confused, he is clearly a jeep! : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
it’s far too easy to defend towers and keeps as it is; with that said the current rewards for defending are justified any additional rewards would create more of a turtle and add to an already boring siege on towers/keeps. really sitting around defending ppl on trebs… just I case the turtle decides to come out and play is terribly boring. to further that would kill the game even more.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I did not state FA is a bandwagon server, I don’t think it is. I did state Wreck is captain bandwagon. no answer in how many servers you have abandoned. lmao I just find it funny he has something to say negative about transfers. now he’s all QQ about being called out haha too funny. look at him try to deflect, comical I’m entertained Ty.
Watch out FA next thing you know Wreked is going to claim to have carried you!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
i heard rumors DB’s new faces run the show. i dont think the core can say much wether they tolerate it or not
. Besides who cares, more egos and more ppl all rammed into 1 server in such little time, Its only a matter of time before it explodes just as kaineng did.
you would know right? captain bandwagon himself. how many severs have you abandoned?
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
ppl that think this is really an issue need l2p, really your group can’t keep an ele from vaporing into a portal? lmao baddies… my ranger can do it easy mode.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Vengeance is only annoying because it robs the attackers of WvW XP.
And as was said earlier, vapor forming back through the portal is just dirty. Zero risk in what should be a risky as balls situation.
simply not true, an ele can do the same thing on a keep/tower wall we don’t need to come off the wall. in addition, if your group can’t stop an ele from retreating into a portal in vapor form then…you are doing it wrong. ( use some tactic or is that too difficult?)
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Another QQ thread….why don’t we just remove eles from the game? Seems all the baddies would be happy.
i actually have a point here in my posts
the eles are cheating getting out of door, spamming aoes, getting downed then immediately vapor and get to safety….isn’t this cheating ?
no it’s not cheating, as it is part of the game. The skill is intended to work this way. A cheat is something that is not part of the game mechanic and is also banable. Calling eles cheaters for using a skill given to them by the developers is pretty silly.
[edit] to be more nice : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
I totally disagree, I like being able to use the portal. I have to be close enough for 1 and not rooted or locked down in some other way. but with the AC going I have to be much further out and If I do get into down state then it’s over because of the AC buffer so I don’t think a change would effect much. Really I think it’s a non issue how many times are we really in that situation? it’s not like there are hordes of ele’s just waiting to vapor into a tower lol ( I would love to see that)
ps- skill = skill
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
Noooo my hills that was my whole life, now im nothing but a roaming pug trying to kill any TC i see
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I don’t fear a vengeance warrior in the least. All you have to do is kite him for 15s and he’s dead. Plus if you haven’t finished him by the time vengeance is up…you deserve a little more fight anyway.
The only time mist form is OP is when they’re down outside a tower and can mist-form through the portal… That’s not exactly fair. They’re the only class who can do that. By that time you’ve earned the win, if you don’t die trying to finish them.
mesmers are the only class that can portal, by your reasoning that should be nerfed or removed from the game completely. ( I don’t think so! )
You’re comparing apple to oranges.
Mesmers offer a utility to your team.
Elementalists have a self-serving escape mechanism that robs you of a kill that I feel like you deserve. You already have them downed by that point….
Try portalling in a friendly zerg while you’re dead.
no it’s the same, apples to apples a skill is a skill. just because you think the kill is “deserved” does not make it so, for obvious reasons. Vapor form can be countered, not by everyone but it can be, in addition we have to be close to a portal for it to have any advantage aside from a spike delay then rally, with that said Vapor form is obviously balanced.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I don’t fear a vengeance warrior in the least. All you have to do is kite him for 15s and he’s dead. Plus if you haven’t finished him by the time vengeance is up…you deserve a little more fight anyway.
The only time mist form is OP is when they’re down outside a tower and can mist-form through the portal… That’s not exactly fair. They’re the only class who can do that. By that time you’ve earned the win, if you don’t die trying to finish them.
mesmers are the only class that can portal, by your reasoning that should be nerfed or removed from the game completely. ( I don’t think so! )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
vapor form is not OP, we have to be by a door for it to have any meaning at all open field … dsnt do anything except annoy ppl. so basically nothing to see here folks move on.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Elephant Ambush
In WoW:
Filet Mignome
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Welcome to Dragonbrand we are glad to have you! I look forward to seeing our already strong community strengthened even further by new additions. who knows maybe we will see some surprise transfers before reset.
Those who bear the mark of the Dragon, I salute you! : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
why does maguuma’s server population lack resolve its like you gave up before the fight started? anyways it will be nice to move up and fight an opponent that does not give up so easy. yea I know DB has better coverage blah blah blah but it does not explain your servers lack of effort in a tough situation. I do see some of your guilds putting out effort like kitten and pyro, you guys are always fun to fight. I’m talking about the server in general.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
Pretty awesome how Mag’s NA crew has been dominating the match so far, isn’t it? I wonder what their excuse will be this week… The new reset time screwed them over?
I like how you guys post stuff like this and we’re the PvF instigators.
yea the PvF is kinda there lol /sigh
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I want to get in to this kitten contest!
[TG] is the best guild on DB as titled by Paralda of [PYRO] of Maguuma. :-D
In other news, [PYRO] and [D|ERP] are [TG]‘s best friends on Mag. We also love |FATE| from [AI] and we try to avoid killing him when we see him by his lonesome. And when he’s with his guildies, we try to all give him a nice big hug with the pointy end of our sticks.
Well I’m glad at least TG is reasonable in this thread
I don’t think either of our guilds would leave Maguuma, though! Besides, someone on your server owes me 40,000 gold for not transferring.
Yeah? Well, I’ll give you 30 Gold if you do transfer! :-D
I think you should give it to me anyway…I mean, what’s 30g between friends, right?
Friends don’t let friends go broke. ;-)
Hmph…you’d probably use that line if I did transfer anyway. I’m onto your web of lies!
Are you calling me a liar, good sir? How dare thee!? Thou shalt not mock thy honor!
Nonsense…I’m merely stating that a lie appeared in your post…somehow…
+1 to u guys! this is what we need a true bromance to mend the fence! it’s like gw2 Romeo and Juliette! <3
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
DB is all numbers little substance.
And Mag is all excuses little skill.
I looked at this and laughed:
http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/35/30Despite having the biggest NA presence, Mags were hardly in lead during NA prime time until Tuesday when DB eased up a bit, victory within the tier assured.
Says a lot about the skill (or lack, thereof) of the elite Mag NA zerg
What biggest presence? Its even during NA times, when we dominate. Problem is if your asians arent on you THINK you’re outnumbered lol
Clearly has not seen WvW the past week, or the 80+ mag zerg wednesday at 1am EST in EB lol. DB is lucky to ever get that many people in the same BL during prime time, let alone all in one place.
The 2nd greatest myth of DB; they’re outnumbered during NA times (lie).
Like I said you just THINK you are. I never notice an outmanned buff on DB (Yaks yes). And I always see us leading the score.
So lets cut the kitten right now about you being outnumbered in NA. Its even. Only issue is when its even your tactics are face planting gates doesnt get it done like it does when its 100 Asians vs 10 defenders in the morning, so you believe you’re outnumbered to save some self respect.
Maybe you didn’t read the first page of this thread. Or maybe you enjoy posting without any basis. There are screenshots of our outmanned buff, and us being in lead at the same time.
Go ahead, ignore that as well.
Fight on brave DB soldiers in the face of such overwhelming odds!
we will despite you Internet sarcasm; however, you need not fear one day the role will reverse and your NA will be outnumbered & out skilled( since db alerady out skill mag) but hey at least you will still have your swag.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
DB SEA is great, amazing and wonderful. Same goes for DB NA great group of people and work hard to keep servers from closing the gap. DB NA #s increase wih time, eventually we will have them and mag will be left behind! what will you QQ be on that day? I bet it will be about increased #s. Can’t wait for reset tonight see ya all there : )
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
DB is all numbers little substance.
And Mag is all excuses little skill.
I looked at this and laughed:
http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/35/30Despite having the biggest NA presence, Mags were hardly in lead during NA prime time until Tuesday when DB eased up a bit, victory within the tier assured.
Says a lot about the skill (or lack, thereof) of the elite Mag NA zerg
Despite being the most skilled and swag presence, Mag has also been the most empathetic in the matchup, easing up since Friday, sensitive victory within the tier assured.
We wouldn’t want to harm the already bruised ego of NA DB, as the only players of the server who get mentioned are the SEA pvd zergbots.
I think we can all agree Maguuma are the most 1337 (the exact number of swag pts to reach Yolo) and cannot deny their swag presence.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
mag, what ever happened to the flame rams? they use to pop up in the most random places, haven’t seen any from you guys… was one of my fav parts of having you as opponents.
Some of us still try to put flame rams everywhere. Mag is now a tryhard server full of fail and cries about wasting supply. I make sure to waste as much supply as possible, I do it only for attention though clearly.
+1 way too funny!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Spying isn’t an excuse to teabag someone…if someone is spying, then it’s part of the war game. If the community really hates spies in WvW, instead of teabagging them, ask Anet to enforce an automatic warp to a safe wp after a certain allotment of time…
Teabagging just inflates the other person’s ego at the expense of someone else. It serves no other purpose…
I’ll stay next to the dead player so they know I’m watching for revivers, that I can then attack. But I got more dignity and respect than to sink down to the level that uses a degrading sexual emote on a pixelated body.
lol dignity and respect, comical, it’s not RL it’s a game, so if its fun do it! if you don’t find it fun cool don’t do it. oh yea this in game honor is serious bizznizz!!! tell me about how honorable you were or were not in gw2 20 years from now… lol no disrespect just my thoughts.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
mag, what ever happened to the flame rams? they use to pop up in the most random places, haven’t seen any from you guys… was one of my fav parts of having you as opponents.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I’ll stop corps jumping when I can plant a banner of humiliation on said corps! hook it up ANET
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
now you got the juice!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
why would this even bother anyone at all? corps jumping, tea bagging, /laugh, /cry ect. all totally acceptable. If it really bothers you that much you should probably not WvW as you are way too sensitive.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Oh good, we’re back to this. I hate you all.
Sorry Saiyr, I had to. <3
I think we’re all in agreement here. NNK, TFV and KUSO are the backbone of DB. They make our server strong. If it weren’t for them, we will be T7/8
Same goes for EA, Duel, TG, Uhoh and all other NA guilds who tirelessly turn up every day to defend/capture during NA prime time. We will be T7/8 without them.
Any disagreement?
I disagree with you being in t7/8 without NNK and TFV, you’d be t3/t4.
who knows? it’s all hypothetical and really does not matter. awe the posts were deleted! no more grumpy cat : (
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
why xfer to T1? Why not go to a server where you can make a differenc…. like idk Dragonbrand …. lol
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
8 months. 8 months of staying awake on pure caffeine-induced energy…
Thank the Six that we’ve finally got something to alleviate this a bit, NA dudes can quit whining for a bit plz, I respect where you’re coming from, but you can’t just start crying your eyes out when we’ve been going through worse for the entirety that that game existed ty, tell me you’d sit through 8 months of 1-2am resets and then watch some dudes with a nice peachy 7pm play time cry the first time they get something resembling a problem that you’ve had for the entire game :/ we’re more likely to be happy we’ve finally got something, you guys sitting pretty at an actual feasible time and then whining is more likely to receive skepticism and rolling of eyes than sympathy, where the hell is our sympathy?
Thank you Devon, for caring about those who have been consistently screwed over since release
I for one understand that you didn’t like the reset time and that it sucked for you. I get that, I just don’t want it to suck for me, and well it does. I will voice my opinion about it.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
What I’m hearing from all you US players is that if you’re not there to get in in time you all have to queue up and can’t play reset.
And if you were working or at school or something similar you couldn’t get on in time.
So basically the maps will still be full, same amount of people who weren’t able to play before because of queues won’t be able to play now, it’s just some other players.
IN FACT since the reset is earlier, the blitz will happen earlier the big influx always dies down and certain people will leave and some people will actually be able to log in. Instead of it putting you in a disadvantage it might give you a positive effect instead.Meanwhile this change is just GREAT for Europe. Thank you!
And thank you NA players on proving on how much more NA whines than EU.
you do realize that you are whining….. just saying.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
for the record I have much respect for BP!!!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
I find it disturbing that some people (most of them … but not all … being from the U.S.) have turned this thread into NA-vs-EU bashing. The EU guys have had a totally justifiable gripe since launch and it isn’t their fault that ANet decided to toss out a crippled fix instead of a good one.
I was trying to find EU bashing, I couldn’t. can you point me in the right direction so I can be entertained by said bashing?
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
If he didn’t bring it to the forum how could we publicly shame a server, who regularly leads their tier, from poaching guilds from within said tier. Stay Classy, BP.
I don’t get it, why the harsh tone? it’s not like servers don’t try to recruit.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Dear BP guild leader:
Our guild is not on sale and we are not interested on visit DB forums to check your superawesome monthy raffles with those beautiful precursors, rare dyes, etc so PLEASE stop trying to be nice because we aren’t interested on a new server.Sincerely.
you don’t want him to be nice? lol that’s a little backwards. it’s kinda funny how you had to bring this to the forum instead of respectfully declining.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
will the next major wvw change (make no mistake, this is a pretty major one) get only 1 day notice?
the next one 3 hours? 30 mins before?
No it is not. It will most likely be more or less forgotten in a week or two.
We get it. You are kitten because you need to visit the official forums in order to get news about the game.
No need to spam about how much it sucks.
look at you mr. knows it all. you can’t resist. put down the keyboard hero!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
exactly why I suggested a poll. just because there are more than a few “states” does not mean there ad more people. seriously open your mind to suggestions, you are not right just because its your opinion.
I am actually almost 100% sure that ArenaNet is fully aware about which areas have the most people playing. And it is indeed extremely unlikely that the west cost of the US have more players than the WHOLE of Europe put together, especially since Europe is, or at least was back in GW1s time, the biggest player base for ArenaNet.
so basically you don’t know anything and just like to run your mouth to feel important?!?! got it!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
exactly why I suggested a poll. just because there are more than a few “states” does not mean there are more people. seriously open your mind to suggestions, you are not right just because its your opinion.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
Better for EU players huh! how does this change make anything better for NA players?
It only negatively affects some NA players. California is not North America.
who said anything about California? there are a few states on the “west” coast, get a map, educate yourself.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Are you Anet? no then the question is not hours to answer.
So you are not actually really interested in discussion? You simply want to whine and complain about stuff that you clearly have no idea about?
no I don’t want to discuss with you, I want an answer from Anet. bye!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows