Showing Posts For Thedenofsin.7340:

The Integration of TDM into sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


It is an unsupported game mode style.
It will highlight how broken thieves are.
ANet will not balance around team deathmatch.

No good will come of this.

Pistol Whip and Decap Engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


So, let’s say we wanted to look into decap engineer, where would we start? I’ve heard a few different opinions on the topic, and I have a few opinions of my own as someone who has played against decap in top 100 rated solo/team arena games and also played the build myself.

In the same way that it was difficult to look at the September ’13 Hambow warrior and point out a single specific key to its strength, I think decap engineer is much the same.

I think it’s important to understand the areas in our game where decap engineer is strong, and then go from there:

  • Conquest
    • Situations where communication is difficult (solo arena)
    • Against teams that have difficulty rotating appropriately

So, with the above in mind, what are some ‘low-hanging fruit’ type of suggestions for changing the way decap engineer works, without affecting existing builds unrelated to decap? That is to say, suggestions that would not require significant amounts of development time to implement.

We’ve already seen a few threads on PW, so I’ll focus on decap for now. ^^

For decap engie, it’s easy:

  1. access to too many knockbacks
  2. Automated Response is too strong

This results in it being trivial to decap a point and low-hp engie’s being impossible to stop.

You need to be able to counterplay a decap engie, without having to need 100% uptime on stability and lots of burst damage and mobility. This means you need to give players a chance to execute counterplay.

You want a fix for decap? Do 3 things:

  1. Change a couple of the knockbacks to knockdowns so they can’t keep punting players off the point.
  2. Change Automated response to not be 100% immunity to all conditions all the time. You have a few options: give AR a time limit (i.e. lasts for 10 seconds, 25 second cooldown), change it from 100% to 75%, restrict it to a subset of conditions (e.g. immune to burning, cripple, stun and bleeds and chill). Any of those options would work. This will give opponents an opportunity to counter the decap engie
  3. Increase the cast time of healing turret by 0.25 seconds (from 0.5 to 0.75 second cast time). Combined with #2, this will give players a chance to counter an engie’s heal.

EDIT: The OP is right. Decap is killing your game faster than you understand.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

[PvX] Condition Guardian is NOT viable.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


You don’t need cover conditions for burning as long as you have more ways of applying it than they have of removing it. Bleeding needs cover because it needs to stack in intensity in order to deal good damage. Burning does applies full intensity with 1 stack.

Keep in mind this single trait is equivalent to about 500 condition damage. This means you could build a solid hybrid build with this trait alone. No condition amulet required. Itsw like getting a zerker amulet with 500 condition damage on it to boot.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Are Those All The Balance Changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Those were the high level changes, meaning we didn’t get into all the details for each profession (each and every # change), each weapon, each skill, etc. We were just trying to move through a lot of info in the Ready Up, so we didn’t get down into each and every # change for every class. That would be more of a detailed list you’d expect from game release notes for a release, for example.

Some of you have asked why we haven’t focused on fixing the issues already in the game. A lot of things have been fixed, but some concerns you guys have like with PW, HS, decap engi, etc. we decided to wait and see how the new traits will affect the meta.

This does not mean that we aren’t open to adjusting them.

Ultimately, we knew we wanted to add some more traits, so we wanted to focus on trying to make those good and then we can revisit them if they are still an issue. Does that make sense?

No, it doesn’t make sense. It’s actually lacking sense and shows very little thought went into addressing the issues in the game.

If you guys believe this will change the meta, explain how.

Explain what new build will suddenly make HS warriors not insanely hard to take down by anything other than a thief.
Explain what new build will suddenly make it completely reasonable for a single player to take down a decap engineer.
Explain what new builds will pop up that will suddenly make zerker builds other than Thief viable.

Powerr said it best in one of his last posts when he, very subtlely, said the balance team didn’t know what it was doing (his words, not mine. I’m just paraphrasing)

I wish you the best of luck, but I don’t see how you could possibly make this game balanced when you are so clearly talent-constrained.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Feat patch allowed to carry over armor/looks?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Will this feature patch allow us to carry over our PvP gear/looks to PvE and vice versa? Meaning I can bring the look /armor/weapons I use for PvP, over to PvE/WvW and vice versa? I know Anet mentioned it a lot BUT didn’t say if it will be coming for this patch?

Of course. They are giving away legendaries to the winning team in their new tournament. How foolish and incompetent would they look if they couldn’t actually wield them in pvp?

Are Those All The Balance Changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I saw nothing in that preview that would have any impact on:

Warrior dominance
Thief dominance
Decap Engie dominance

Except, perhaps, to increase it.

Healing sig and pin down nerfs are decent changes to tone down wars.

I’m surprised we didn’t hear anything on pistol whip, but there’s a lot of defensive options opening up for other classes that will counter thieves to some extent.

Personally, I think that the strength of decap engis is predominantly the fault of having only conquest maps. I mean, it’s a class that continuously drops AoEs the size of a capture node and has tons of knockbacks. Put an engi in an open field, however, and it’s a much more balanced fight.
It doesn’t look like there’s much to address decap right now except for giving them the option to get quickness when they knock you back, lol.

The problem is that the developers think warriors are fine, but they are not. I don’t want to get into an argument about it here. However, every profession needs to bring a strength and a weakness to a team, and it needs to be designed such that stacking that profession (i.e. 2x, 3x, etc) far increases the weakness to that team than it does the strengths. This is not the case with warriors.

Thieves are the only burst class that works in the meta, and the only one that can reliably (albeit it’s challenging) drop a HS warrior. This leaves Mesmers and elementalists out of the picture entirely.

Decap engies – well, that’s a truly cancerous build. It’s absolutely gutted solo queue. The fact no one has talked about hotfixing that speaks volumes regarding the development team.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Are Those All The Balance Changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I saw nothing in that preview that would have any impact on:

Warrior dominance
Thief dominance
Decap Engie dominance

Except, perhaps, to increase it.

Thief Vs Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


So you must be better than Supcutie, Helseth, Sensotix, etc. Interesting….

Pls go watch in 1v1 King of the hill server more and see what I’m talking about.
This thread is pure about 1v1/thief vs mesmer and not team situations.

Do me a favor and watch the guys in the 1v1 server, then we’ll continue talking

Re-read the OP.

This thread is NOT about 1v1, and has NOTHING to do with 1v1. It has everything to do about conquest mode fighting. Stop posting in this thread because you are off-topic and clearly don’t know what the discussion is about.

Go talk about 1v1 garbage somewhere else.

Are Those All The Balance Changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340



Is this ANet confirmed?

The devs have said in the RU’s chat that there are yet unrevealed balance changes coming in the feature patch.

Did they say that in today’s RU? I missed the first 15 minutes of it, but saw the rest, and they did not say anything about more balance changes.

Are Those All The Balance Changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


After watching the Ready-Up, I am a bit confused.

Aside from the bug fixes, which were not listed, were those all of the changes for the April 15 balance patch?

One simple thing to make PvP way better

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


This is a good mechanic for pick-up groups. For organized team-play, however, it lowers the skill cap.

If the general gameplay feels too ‘chunky’ due to CC, then that’s a sign the game has too much CC in it, and the best solution is to reduce the amount of non-skill based CC.

Thief Vs Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Go to any of Blu’s streams and watch some EU PvP. You’ll see how disadvantaged the Mesmer is because it is lacking when compared to the thief in multiple ways:

  1. Survivability
  2. Mobility
  3. Damage

Yes, survivability. If for no other reason, survivability. Why? Because a thief can just train down a Mesmer quickly and easily. Why? Because the thief does better damage, has more evades and escapes, and better in-and-out of combat mobility. Create two identical teams, A and B. Team A has a thief, Team B has a Mesmer. Team A will win. Why? Because all Team A needs to do is have the thief train down the Mesmer. Team B now has to exert energies in peeling for the Mesmer, resulting in a loss of resources. The reverse (training down the thief), results in Team B losing resources because the thief has superior escape abilities.

Mobility. SB5 is better than any mobility ability Mesmers have. Stealth+SB5 allows a thief to escape a fight and quickly decap a node before people realize the thief is no longer fighting.

Damage. Like I said earlier, thieves deal far more damage than Mesmers overall. Especially the autoattack. I mention the autoattack because it requires no initiative and allows the thief to conserve initiative for escape and/or burst.

@Shockwave. If you don’t think Mesmers are a roamer class, you really haven’t played PvP in this game and definitely have not watched any high-end PvP gameplay.

April 15th Balance Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Yeah, like skcamow said it’s a bit early to start sprouting tears when every traitline is getting a new grandmaster / sigils & runes are getting reworked / existing traits * skills are getting rebalanced.

If I were an Anet employee I’d be scratching my head. “This.. This was what they asked for, why’re they so mad!? What else do we do?!”

Listen. That’s all they had to do. Shaking things up is great when you already have some reasonable form of balance, but they do not.

Why should we think this isn’t “Healing Skills 2.0” – a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

Thief Vs Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Yes, Thieves and Mesmer compete for the same roles and yes, Thieves have an easier time applying their damage.

But they also pay a price by having much lower base-line survivability.
Point being, Thief and Mesmers are different classes with different mechanics. Thieves just happen to be more popular and more “workable” in the current meta. But it’s not because they are somehow overpowered or Mesmers are somehow underpowered.

Neither of these statements are true. Thieves may have fewer HP, but have significantly higher survivability than Mesmers, under all conditions.

And yes, thieves are overpowered.

  1. Pistol Whip is more powerful than Blurred Frenzy and has no ICD. PW does more damage, and it stuns and evades.
  2. Portal has a 90 second cooldown and is very visible. Shadow Trap has a 45 second cooldown and is invisible. AND it gives 10 stacks of Might and Fury.
  3. Shadow Refuge is better than Mass Invisibility, and it has a shorter cooldown.
  4. Infiltrator’s Strike is a superior version of Illusionary Leap. It has no cooldown, instantly immobilizes, does damage, has no terrain issues, returns you safely out of range and removes a condition.
  5. Sword Auto-attack. Thief sword auto-attack does 45% more damage. 45% (!!!) And it does cripple + weakness. Mesmer sword removes 1 boon.
  6. Shortbow5 (6 initiative) >> Blink (30s cooldown)

You’d have to work on the Balance Team not to see how broken thieves are when it comes to roaming.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Dev livestream: Ready Up: Mar 21 @ 12pm – New Traits & Map

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Shiny new traits are all flashy and attractive… BUT

Are you going to have a sit-down and talk about the current META and what you have done to correct it?

The last time we had a discussion about fixing the meta, you guys introduced all new heals to ‘shake up the meta’. It had no impact on the meta.

I’d rather see a discussion about what changes you have put in place the fix the meta. Specifically:

HS Warriors
Apex Thieves
decap Engies

Mesmers New Grandmaster Trait

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Don’t worry about Power Block – Mesmers aren’t even viable in the current meta anyway.

So unless the completely rearrange things, you won’t ever have to worry about Power Block.

We need a sound alert

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Wait – what? Why is this being worked on now? Did you guys fix all the 4v5 and queuing problems already? Have all the big issues already been fixed?

Mesmers New Grandmaster Trait

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Power Block Heal, GG.

Healing Signet says hi

And Sensotix is right.

April 15th Balance Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Dear God. They’ll never be able to balance the game now…

Chill, equally effective against all classes?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


OP you are 100% correct. Chill is too effective against elementalists, and not effective enough against thieves.

Chill needs to not affect weapon swap, but affect initiative.

We need a sound alert

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Yep. The only puzzle piece left for this is making it so the sound will play through the ‘Mute game while minimized’ option. Then it will be caaaaaaaaaake.

Could there be another option that allows you to check a box that says “Play notification sounds even while minimized”? I’m not sure the difficulties around such a change, but then such a thing could be added to all queues (overflow/wvw/spvp/etc) and still leave growth for whatever else comes up during the games growth that could be classified as a notification.

Yes, you are describing the functionality that we need

This is something I don’t understand: how do you guys prioritize things? Notifications are a nice-to-have, but in the customer’s eyes, extremely low priority when compared to fixing 4v5’s, providing better match-making, new maps, bug fixes for trebuchets, profession balances, profession bug fixes, etc.

For example, take a look at the new heals added. There’s multiple, glaring profession imbalances, many profession traits that are broken or useless, many profession bugs (some horrible ones!), and what does the Balance Team do – spend, presumably, man-months of effort making new heal spells.

Where are your priorities and why are they not aligned with what the community wants?

Please explain this to me

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


PvP is the trash can and kennys dad is ANet

Solo queue = 10s
Team queue = 13s
Solo queue = 14s
Team queue = 16s
Solo queue = 20s
Team queue = 21s
HotJoin starts around 35s

Why GW2 will -never- be an ESL game.

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Not going to happen.

ANet burned all their political capital they had with their pvp players. No one in the community trusts them anymore, nor does anyone believe what they say.

I’d rather see the Balance Team completely disbanded and have the PvP team put knobs in custom arenas to let the user community balance the game.

I’m not putting anyone down – just stating the reality of the situation.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Our suggestions concerning PVP by CC&friends

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Too bad ideas don’t implement themselves.

Our suggestions concerning PVP by CC&friends

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


The Mesmer changes are not reasonable. They are not viable with thieves the way they are currently. Either thieves need a lot of toning down or Mesmers need some significant buffs.

The thief change is a terrible idea.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

decap engis

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


all is vain

Decap engies and HS warriors have completely destroyed tPvP in this game. This is true.

please tell me how my HS zerker gs/lb warrior destroyed pvp,
are you so clueless

Double warrior bunker meta – everybody hates it, except the clueless ones who think they are awesome because they play lolwarrior. It’s hated so much that the last remaining high-rank competitive teams refuse to run it.

HS zerker gs/lb warrior is diferent from HS bunker warrior. They cannot even compare to each other.
By the way teams are starting to use double Decap Engies, not double warrior bunkers.

HS is the problem. It’s the reason behind the double warrior bunker meta.
Double decap + double HS + guardian is an uber-kitten team. You can’t kill anything. It’s just garbage.

And thief is another problem. No other zerker builds are viable because they buffed thief into the ionosphere.

But of course ANet thinks they’re “fine”.


in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


If you haven’t gotten the memo, they are trying to make sPvP and PvE more inclusive. So you are going to be seeing more PvE based rewards because they want to attract those PvEer to do PvP and the reverse to a lesser degree, since they are so few in the first place.

With that said, those rewards are terrible. At best if the current rewards stay they should be for the end of a tournament or soloQ win and not for ranking up. That is just silly.

Just wait for the new reward system. IT’S GOING TO BE AWE$OME!

its gonna be here “SOON”

Real soon! soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon

soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon


decap engis

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


all is vain

Decap engies and HS warriors have completely destroyed tPvP in this game. This is true.

please tell me how my HS zerker gs/lb warrior destroyed pvp,
are you so clueless

Double warrior bunker meta – everybody hates it, except the clueless ones who think they are awesome because they play lolwarrior. It’s hated so much that the last remaining high-rank competitive teams refuse to run it.

decap engis

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


all is vain

Decap engies and HS warriors have completely destroyed tPvP in this game. This is true.

Feature Patch Date Speculation.

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Please explain this to me

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


These values are stored either in a flat file, database or as a constant. It’s a one-line change.

You’d think so wouldn’t you? But it took them over a year to discover the bug, so maybe the bonus healing power is coming from somewhere else.

Don’t be quick to dismiss the obvious answer: They didn’t look at the values for Spirit of Nature for over a year.

New PvP Patch; Problems, and Solutions.

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Problem: PVP Balance updates are poor in quality, infrequent.
Solution: Increase quality, frequency of balance updates.

Moral: Just because you offer a solution doesn’t mean they’re going to do something. Even if you offer a solution to the biggest problem they have.

So what are you other players doing now?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


This patch has made me consider uninstalling this game for the first time.
I’m seriously considering it, not because things haven’t been fixed yet, but because of the removal.

I think it speaks volumes about the company: removing gameplay incentive from their players, for any duration, simply states they don’t care about keeping you engaged.

Please explain this to me

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Healing Signet change does in fact not meet the criteria (it’s a balance change, not a fix to an unintended behavior). However, if we are to believe the designers, the Spirit of Nature passive healing is overperforming due to a bug and in return does meet them and should have been fixed.

It’s probably too complicated a bug to qualify as a simple “hotfix” (which I assume is something that can be fixed simply by editing the scripts rather than requiring a programmer to devote time to it).

These values are stored either in a flat file, database or as a constant. It’s a one-line change.

What happened with the patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


this is not a complaint, just curious about what happened

What happened with the march 18th patch?
Maybe I just misunderstood everything, but wasn’t this suppose to be a balance patch?

kitten-poor communication happened.

We have been waiting 3 months for THAT?!

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Lol, I love this feature patch bs from the white knights. It will end up being disappointing. Just keep letting yourself be strung along. Keep letting them fool you that the fix for pvp is right around the corner. Don’t you understand yet they do not have enough resources committed to pvp and never will? They can have all the good intentions in the world but it doesn’t matter because they don’t have the resources. They do what management says.

Finally someone that isnt a total kitten, they are just capitalizing on the no subscription fee and take all the time in the world, and even if the pvp community leaves it doesnt make much difference on their wallets, because we dont use the store like the pve/wvw players, so we are “dead weight” basically

If PvP is dead weight and WvW/PVE is doing just fine with the professions as-is, then that means the Balance Team and PvP teams are also dead weight…

At this rate Anet might delete PvP......

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


That is not how statistics work. I really am starting to wonder if actual mathematics is used at all in design decisions. No offense to you Allie; it’s not your job to know the math. I just dislike the perpetuation of the misconception of sample size and population. I also dislike how some of the “math” (in regards to loot and luck) in this game doesn’t make any sense.

Yes, there are reasons why the strawpoll can be called into question. Population size is not one of them.

The mathematics of probability proves the size of the population is irrelevant unless the size of the sample exceeds a few percent of the total population you are examining. This means that a sample of 500 people is equally useful in examining the opinions of a state of 15,000,000 as it would a city of 100,000.

Actually, its funny you are claiming to know more about statistics and you prove how little you know.

Re-read Dosvidanya’s statement before you spout off about how little that person knows about statistics.

I’ll highlight the section for you:

Yes, there are reasons why the strawpoll can be called into question. Population size is not one of them.

Yes, there are reasons why the strawpoll can be called into question. Population size is not one of them.

Yes, there are reasons why the strawpoll can be called into question. Population size is not one of them.

At this rate Anet might delete PvP......

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Typically, there is a somewhat useful Blog Post before a huge change is rolled out, and the playerbase is free to discuss how that will affect the game for them! An example is the mention that ranks are intended to be removed when the new PvP progression system rolls out. This was super useful to mention – and the feedback given made this decision pull a complete 180’.

Currently, with this (hopefully) imminent PvP progression overhaul, things are locked up SO tight behind closed doors. I can only imagine one outcome, really.

We’ll have a lot to talk about, so be sure to catch the Ready Up this Friday.

Less talk, more action. Justin, when the patch rolls out, you get on your Mesmer and I will get on my lolwarrior and meet me on a 1v1 server. Then we will see how well this game was balanced over the past 5 months.


A good shatter mesmer should beat a good warrior in a 1v1 arena. :/

I’m not a good shatter mesmer!

Alas, the gauntlet has been thrown, honor demands I rise to the challenge.

That’s OK, I’m a bad hambow. Once the balance patch arrives, we shall test this thing you call ‘balance’!

Two men enter, one man leaves!
One shall stand, one shall fall.
<insert witty statement here>

At this rate Anet might delete PvP......

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Typically, there is a somewhat useful Blog Post before a huge change is rolled out, and the playerbase is free to discuss how that will affect the game for them! An example is the mention that ranks are intended to be removed when the new PvP progression system rolls out. This was super useful to mention – and the feedback given made this decision pull a complete 180’.

Currently, with this (hopefully) imminent PvP progression overhaul, things are locked up SO tight behind closed doors. I can only imagine one outcome, really.

We’ll have a lot to talk about, so be sure to catch the Ready Up this Friday.

Less talk, more action. Justin, when the patch rolls out, you get on your Mesmer and I will get on my lolwarrior and meet me on a 1v1 server. Then we will see how well this game was balanced over the past 5 months.


Communication in game

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Implement WoW’s Raid Leader / Raid Assistant. Basically this was a system that allowed certain players, either leaders or assistants, the ability to type warning messages that would appear on your screen.

PVE dungeons: Instance creator gets the Raid Leader Hat.

PVE Open World: Doritos get the Raid Leader Hat. Message gets sent to everyone who is part of the Dorito’s squad.

PvP: Player with highest rank (pick one: leaderboards, pvp rank, etc) gets Raid Leader Hat.

To the settings menu, add the ability for players to create ~5 custom messages that they can bind to a key. This would be useful for all game modes and let players have the power to create their own specialized messages without introducing much automation/scripting.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Communication in game

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


In the “Competitive Casual Gameplay Options” thread a really great discussion got started about improving communication in game. This topic became big enough that I really felt it deserved its own thread. The topic was started especially regarding Solo Arena but we can open it up to other areas of PvP here.

This is just a discussion to kick around some ideas on ways the game could improve communication.

So, here are a couple of questions.

What can the game do to improve communication between teammates in-game through the UI?

How much of an impact do you think the mini-map overhaul we did last year had on communication in game?

This came up in the WvW thread months ago. I said the answer is, if course, Raid Leader and Raid Assistants like they have in WoW.

I even pointed out that this system would work for WvW, PVE and PvP. I think Devon poo-poo’ed it, which, in my opinion, was incredibly myopic.

Just go look at how WoW handles Raid Leader and Raid assistants, then implement that here. Problem solved for every game mode. Is there something better? Perhaps. Would Raid Leader/Assistant work well for GW2? Absolutely!

Seriously, though, why does this merit a separate thread? When you guys designed the game, you must have had a discussion about whether or not to implement something akin to WoW’s Raid Leader/Assistant, and dismissed it. Ultimately, you nay-say’d the idea and went without. You must have had a good reason. Can’t you go back and figure out why you decided against some kind of hierarchical in-game communication system?

Edit: Here is the link to the response:

And here was my follow-up to that:

The only I can think of as to why you wouldn’t implement such a system in GW2 is cost. And if cost really is that much of a concern, then why are we wasting our time here having this discussion in the first place?

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Almost Confirmed: Push Style Cap the Flag

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


This is not confirmed.

We are working on game modes, though, and CTF is one that we have talked about.

…and tried internally, according to Chappie.
…and it’s one you mentioned you liked during the stream.
…and you did say you would, “hint at some things…” during RU
…and we know that reverse-QB CTF sucks while football-rules CTF is better

So… “almost confirmed!” (but not confirmed)

Almost Confirmed: Push Style Cap the Flag

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Grouch mentioned he played Rift PVP. I bet he remembers how crappy WhiteFail Steppes was. It was pull-style CTF, with a face-off in the middle of the field.

Oh, it was terrible. The first team that got their hands on a ‘flag’ basically won because it was so much easier to run away from your opposition than through them.

Push or pull sounds boring.

The pull wouldn’t work for the reason you mentioned.
Push would encourage a bunch of bunkers.

Let’s just do real CTF where you’d need to attack and defend at the same time. We just need the flag carrier to be balanced. As soon as someone picks up a flag, they should lose the ability to use any of their weapon skills or utility/elite skills. Instead, the orb carrier should get a set of new skills. HP/Toughness of the flag carrier should also be equalized.

They tried that. It didn’t work so hot, apparently. Now, what they didn’t mention is if they tried adding some Huttball-like twists to it. For example: the ball can be passed around and the carrier gets some unique skills which are profession-specific, such as:
– Warrior – a knockdown charge
– Guardian – reflect
– Engineer- rocket boots!
– Elementalist – bazooka fireball pass
– Thief – evade dodge opponents
– Mesmer – creates a clone and passes it to himself
– Necromancer – bone armor that absorbs damage
– Ranger – eagle pet that has super long range pass

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Almost Confirmed: Push Style Cap the Flag

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Grouch mentioned he played Rift PVP. I bet he remembers how crappy WhiteFail Steppes was. It was pull-style CTF, with a face-off in the middle of the field.

Oh, it was terrible. The first team that got their hands on a ‘flag’ basically won because it was so much easier to run away from your opposition than through them.

Almost Confirmed: Push Style Cap the Flag

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Pull style is when you steal a flag and bring it to your base (run away).

Push style is when you take your flag and bring it to your opponents (run into).

Like football: imagine snapping the ball to the QB and having him run away from the line of scrimmage. Kinda not fun.

Almost Confirmed: Push Style Cap the Flag

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Allie said she liked a WSG in WoW, “a lot” immediately after mentioning new game modes as something that would keep her, as a player, interested.

Previously Chappie commented on CTF (push-vs-pull):

Putting 2 and 2 together….

Push-style CTF is the next game mode.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Dev livestream: Ready Up: March 14 @ 12pm – All-Star scrim!

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


The stream will be live in roughly 2 hours.

yay im so ready!
Is Powerr going to say goodbye on stream?
The pvp community will miss him.

I doubt it. His afternoon will be filled with paperwork, exit interviews, disabling accounts, etc.

So Allie – Are you guys still going with only the 8% nerf for warriors?

List of Mesmer Bugs (Older Thread)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


To be fair, doesn’t WoW still have a few bugs from release?

Not saying it’s right, just that it’s not uncommon.

Can you name 1 significant bug that exists in WoW from release that has such a large impact on gameplay?

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


We have already been told the balance changes (in ready up and on the balance forum). Prior experience shows us that these will be close to all the balance changes in the actual patch. So it is unlikely thief will be addressed. AH bunker guard (bunker), spirit ranger (support), warrior (transition class) and thief (roamer) will thus all likely still be the apex predators of the game for another … <snip>

If warrior and thief remain anywhere close to their current state, I will uninstall the game and never look back. Those professions are abominations that I would expect to see in game like Rift.

…and Rift has the worst PvP in the history of MMOs.

Tell the ANET CEO

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


This game is riddled with cancer.

Hambow / HS Warriors
decap engies
PW thief builds
mm necros
spirit rangers

All the balance team does is shove another tumor in.

This ^^

Agreed 100%.

This game has all the right base mechanics to be excellent. It just needs balancing.


An honest to God, if ANet doesn’t have the resources to balance the game, then do this one thing:

Restructure the code so that all spell coefficients, durations, etc can be loaded/adjusted by the user via custom arenas.

There are (barely) enough top-tier people playing this game that could be corralled to crowd-source an agreed-upon set of changes to balance this game.

We could have our own, community-driven, set of recommended balance parameters we could play by.

Then the players could be happy.