Showing Posts For Thedenofsin.7340:

MOA Morph is broken in pvp. Please fix.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Other class elites like Thieves Guild (for 1v1), or Tome of fullhealyourwholegroup (for group fighting) are no less significant.

Yes, these are also abilities that are incredibly powerful in 1v1 (the latter even moreso in group play). Moa should be toned down a little, and there are many ways this can be accomplished without affecting the duration or cooldown. For example, Moa could be changed to a projectile attack that transmogrifies and also gives the target 3 seconds of Swiftness when affected.

Mesmer PvP condition build [Video Included]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Nice video – I like the build. I’d suggest dumping the 6th Dolyak rune. The regen it provides is not worth it. I’d pick up another vit rune in its place.

This is my bunker build – The Regensmer (link for “Bad link”:;TsAg2Coouxcj4G7Nubk3sEZEyEEA)

There’s a more insidious build than this that does even more damage and has even more survivability, but I dare not post it.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Set to blow (Order of Whispers) too hard

in Personal Story

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I solo’d this on my mesmer. It was very challenging, but I found it best to kite around until only 1-3 mobs were attacking you, then use the terrain and mob pathing to wear them down.

It's official, Marysuehearne ruins the personal story.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


You guys will like it much better in the follow-on story where Borehearne gets corrupted and you have to hunt him down and eliminate him like a nasty weed.

Rerolling from Mesmer to Elementalist. WOW?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


If you want a class that mesmers can’t beat 1v1, take the ranger and build it tank, with condition dmg and healing power, they’ll not be able to take you down, even if they are much more skilled than you.

Tank rangers with condition builds can beat mesmers, unless it’s a tank mesmer with iDisenchanter and reflect focus. Then the ranger eats it.


in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I’d like to see some kind of penalty employed, but not without recognizing that coming in as a hot-join against a pre-made team should be a valid reason for leaving without incurring a penalty.

Suggestion: 'The Black Garden'-esque PVP Warzone

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Right because the damage that 2 thieves, 1 thief/1 war, or 2 wars, can just come up and faceroll you to death with already isn’t bad enough. Yes there are escape mechanisms, but there is not enough escape mechanisms for you to be able to break the cc that 2 of either one of those classes, or one of them both put out on you, unless your a guardian and just throw them on their face and let them kill themselves with retaliation.

You should think a little more before you type. I stated Anet would need to make some substantial changes for this type of play to be viable. Did it occur to you that perhaps one of them would be to change the damage mechanics from holding the item?

[Suggestion]: Phantasmal Warden

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Sometimes he appears in front. Sometimes he kind of appears to the side. Most of the time he appears behind the target.

I think the best solution would be for his whirly attack to work in a frontal sphere such that it blocks an enemy’s attacks even if the berserker is behind the target.

[Mesmer] sPvP, without gear (Naked)?! Could it work?! [Video]

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Few points:

  1. Moa is overpowered.
  2. That guy wasn’t naked. He was wearing his PvP amulet, and his weapons. That gives you approximately 50% of your most beneficial stats.
  3. That guardian was bad.

Extra Life 2012

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


How about a GW2-sponsored Extra Life event? Rift did one last year, and it was quite fun:

It’s good PR for ArenaNet and winds up being a good community-building exercise.

Suggestion: 'The Black Garden'-esque PVP Warzone

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


As someone who played a LOT of Rift PvP, I’d definitely say ‘no’ to Black Garden, or any map that’s based upon a single node / choke point / mcguffin.
Black Garden matches lasted about 8 minutes long. The match was decided in the first 20 seconds: whoever won the first zerg to hold the McGuffin.

Even the Rift developers realized this was a bad map design. This is why their subsequent PvP maps, Library of the Runemasters and Black Garden: Stockpile, created many different objectives to hold.

Library of the Runemasters could be interesting for GW2:
– points are accrued by holding an item by a character
– the more items held, the more points accrued
– holding the item damages players / makes them susceptible to more damage
– self-damage is amplified the closer item holders are to one another
– when a player is killed, the item respawns in set locations

It creates an interesting gameplay: there will be dynamic control points (the players hold the items) and static control points (the respawn locations for the items). This creates various roles (carriers, zone defenders and damage dealers/roamers).

Naturally Anet would have to make some substantial changes to accommodate the gameplay in GW2.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Phase retreat…….will often teleport you UNDER the map.

Confirmed (on too many occasions)

Trait build advice PvE/WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


That’s nearly the exact build I run – same runeset too. The only difference I’d recommend is to change Phantasmal Haste for Illusionary Elasticity. In PvE the Winds of Chaos Bounce really starts stacking up the damage.

Mesmers how to fix them

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Mesmers, by themselves, dont do a lot of damage. Their big burst comes from their MH sword frenzy attack. The rest of their burst comes from their Phantasms. The bet way to handle a mesmer (Moa Morph aside) is to take out their Phantasms. They die in a couple of hits (3 at the most). Send your pet on it, put up a reflect spell, or simply run up and kill it or dodge when he’s casting the Phantasm and you’ll find you’ll have an easy time against the Mesmer.

Completely Frustrated. I think im done.

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I can honestly say i enjoyed Rifts PvP more than this, and i wasnt a huge fan.

You should have started your post with this statement. It would have saved me the time I spent reading the preceding paragraphs.

Rift has the worst PvP of any MMO, ever. The sPvP in GW BWE1 was more competitive and balanced than in Rift, and Rift had nearly a two year head start.

Compiled Bugs Thread!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


There are very good reasons to include “confirmed” bugs in this thread. First and foremost, this is a thread for all Mesmer bugs, and, as such, should strive to be exhaustive. Second, it will help inform players of the status of Mesmer abilities. Third, it will help reduce redundancy on the forums, as people will be less likely to list the issue if fhey find it listed in this thread.

I’d say bugs should only be moved off the list if they are fixed or identified as WAI “working as intended”

…I think you missed this bolded line.

They already know about it and have even acknowledged looking in to it — throwing it in their face again is a waste of time. Nothing wrong with including it in a later post though.

I think you failed to understand my post. It belongs at the top of this thread.

Shatter's Severe Design Flaws

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Excellent post, OP. You make some very good points. I inferred from the overall tone that the Mesmer class is fairly well borked, which I think we both know is not really the case.

However, the fundamental mechanic, clones/shatters, is certainly awkward at best in its current form.

I’m not yet convinced the concept needs a massive overhaul or requires scrapping, but you have convinced me there is a body of work that should be done to this profession’s mechanic.

'The Prestige' working as intended?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340



Already saw it, which if you would know if you actually paid attention to the 2nd post in the Mesmer thread asking about it.

It’s new information that neither of us knew about before; there is no crow to eat.

I didn’t need to know about that – I simply knew what the superior solution was while you made some jejune posts about reading comprehension. Put plainly – I was right. Enjoy the crow.

Compiled Bugs Thread!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


There are very good reasons to include “confirmed” bugs in this thread. First and foremost, this is a thread for all Mesmer bugs, and, as such, should strive to be exhaustive. Second, it will help inform players of the status of Mesmer abilities. Third, it will help reduce redundancy on the forums, as people will be less likely to list the issue if fhey find it listed in this thread.

I’d say bugs should only be moved off the list if they are fixed or identified as WAI “working as intended”

Compiled Bugs Thread!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


For the sake of completeness, we should list the Prestige bug.

Weapon Skill

“The Prestige” can be cancelled during its channel, allowing it to render most of the effects of the spell while only putting it on a 4 second cooldown.

Odd bug in Ascalonian Catacombs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Confirmed. There is a bug with Kasha Blackblood that allows Mesmer’s to steal her abilities using “Arcane Thievery”. I’ve managed to have it happen twice.

It’s novel, but somewhat annoying as your abilities stun your teammates and will render some of the NPCs immobile for the next fight.

In the interim I recommend you refrain from using Arcane Thievery in this encounter. If you do, log out and log back in to make the bug go away.

Compiled Bugs Thread!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Back in Rift, we found it best to keep the thread limited to class mechanic bugs and tooltip errors. We had very good feedback from the developers this way.

Anyone able to: "Compiled Bugs Thread"?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I added several from another’s thread that was lost in the “bug forum shuffle”

Compiled Bugs Thread!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


From a previous poster:

1. “Phantasmal Fury” blocks the Retaliation boon of “Vengeful Images”.
2. “Phantasmal Healing” still does not proc until 6 second after summons instead of at Phantasm spawn.
3. “Deceptive Evasion” has a nasty tendency to not produce a clone because you have randomly fallen out of combat even though you have an enemy target selected.
4. “Temporal Enchanter” is either bugged or the tooltips are incorrect for Glamours. With Temporal Enchanter active the field lasts as long as the tooltips say by default and without it they end faster then what the tooltips say by default.
5. “Phantasmal Haste” does not effect some phantasms. Warlock and Disenchanter being at least two.
6. “Masterful Reflection” does not proc off of Main Hand Sword #2 nor the effect from the trait “Blurred Inscriptions”.
7. “Signet of Inspiration” does not grant its Passive effect until 10 seconds of being in combat. In beta this passive effect was always active like other signet passives effects.
8. “Phantasmal Duelist” is bugged in regards to “Phantasmal Healing” in that it generates the Regen every 3 seconds rather than 6 like other phantasms.
9. Main hand sword’s clone summons is set to 600, rather than the 1200 other clone summons have. Swap is correctly set to 600.
10. This one I don’t know if it is a bug or intended … but when the change occurred so that range checks were made on clone/phantasm creation … players were also given the ability to evade our ability to summon said clone/phantasm. If our clones/phantasms couldn’t be countered by walking away, being killed, or CCed I would guess intended … but given that this is not the case I just had to ask.
11. Underwater Downed 2 skill will lock the Mesmer in place until they either Rally or Die.
12. Illusionary Riposte (sword’s off hand) is not receiving some traits effects.
Illusionists Celerity (Illusion) changes only the tooltip recharge time, it still takes 15s to recharge. Also, Blade Training (Duelist) doesn’t change anything.
Both traits works with Phantasmal Swordsman, but Blade training doesn’t change the tooltip.
13. Adding Signet of Illusion (Passive) to the bug list. The detail report and screenshot are in this link
This bug is confirmed by many other players.
14. Trait – Chaotic Dampening. “+50 toughness while wielding a staff or trident. Reduces recharge of staff skills by 20%.” There is a bug that causes the bleed duration of Winds of Chaos (Staff #1 skill) to get reduced by 20% from original 7s down to 5s. Other conditions duration seems not effected but since they have much shorter duration range from 1-3 secs, it’s harder to identify if those are also effected by the reduction of 20% duration bug. The trait’s 20% reduction in staff skills does reduce all staff skill’s recharge time correctly by 20% (x 0.8) from original skill recharge time.
This bug is also confirmed by other players.
15. “Illusionary Leap” (MH-sword’s clone ability) seems to be very inconsistent past around 300 range or so, especially any time you are in unusual terrain. Certainly at the edge of its 600 range, I’ve rarely seen it work… by which I mean no clone, no cripple, no swap option. Has anyone else had this experience?

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


We tried a few times to do this in the mesmer thread – it kept getting tossed into the bugs forum.

'The Prestige' working as intended?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I know that’s what the forum says, but it’s flat out wrong. A single forum containing all the bugs in the game is inefficient and ineffective. A much better way would be to collect all the bugs related to a given profession in a single thread. This is easier for the developers and easier for the community.

Agreed. Also it could bring focus onto bugs that are in for weeks / months ? and are like really game breaking.
Like Temporal curtain not adding swiftness duration if you already have it (REALLY REALLY annoying). Or signet of inspiration not working at all out of combat (intended maybe ? then it’s useless what combat last longer than 20 sec ? :/) etc.
And that is without talking about some bugged traits.

Worse isn’t that there are bugs, every game got bugs, worse is the time the game is going with those bugs….I know Anet does have more things to deal with, but those bugs do really lower the quality of the game. (Clipping in WvW also is BAD BAD BAD, and no it’s not my pc, it’s some tweak in their engine since beginning of september).

This is a total failure in logic and basic reading comprehension.

They flat out tell you, if you want this addressed quicker, do x, y and z.

If you can’t follow the instructions they’ve laid out for you, then they can’t use the thread for their intended purpose.

There are already several Mesmer threads that are filled with a list of bugs in this forum and in the game bug forum. Yet the only thread that actually has a response is
a) not a list thread
b) a thread that actually followed their criteria — before everyone started flocking to it after the response in wasted hope of acknowledgement for their post(s).

It’s not difficult to reason out why.


Want some salt on that crow you’re about to eat?

phantasmal fury

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


this trait has recently been changed, it used to give 2hours of fury to phantasms (perhaps too long), but now it only gives 10 seconds.

The buff is indeed 20s, but it refreshes as soon as it expires.

This was changed in order to avoid exploiting boon stealing. In mes vs mes, a smart mesmer could use Arcane Thievery on an opposing mesmer phantasm and gain a 2 hour fury buff.

Arcane Thievery working? Why I havent been able to steal all those shiny boons from Guardian? and sec ago watched livestream when it failed again steal any boons from a thief that got all those boons after using traited steal.

edit. also no evading

I used it on some underwater DE boss and I stole some nice buffs. I think it was speed, regeneration and protection. Each buff was 20 minutes long. :-)
Also used it to steal might buffs from the shaman DE boss in the charr starting area. I think it was 40 stacks of might. :-)

'The Prestige' working as intended?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Please let us know if this is as-intended. We don’t want to be exploiting things.

Also, would you agree it would be better if we had a single sticky thread with a consolidated list of Mesmer bugs in this forum? I certainly think so. I’ve seen it done in other MMO forums and found it very helpful.

They’ve said they DON’T like that because they have to frequently send thread links to devs who may not be able to help with the other problems.

Plus this isn’t the correct forum for bugs in the first place. That’s why the linked thread is in the Game Bugs forum and not here. We just got lucky.

I know that’s what the forum says, but it’s flat out wrong. A single forum containing all the bugs in the game is inefficient and ineffective. A much better way would be to collect all the bugs related to a given profession in a single thread. This is easier for the developers and easier for the community.

Do you guys think phantasms/illusions persisting after an enemy dies is necessary?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I think phantasms could use a buff for pve in terms of their persistence, but not for pvp. They could simply implement a change that reduced their damage taken by non humanoids by 50% and they would be fine.

As far as Mantras go, they do need some kind of adjustment. Perhaps they should consider changing “Domination XI” to also automatically reset mantras when a player’s health drops below, say, 30%" That would give them as much-needed oompf.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Auto-Balancing: An Oversight

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I think this is a fine idea. However, speaking from experience with this very problem in Rift, you need to implement this change while being very cognizant of the problem of premades vs pugs. A premade team simply steamrolls s pug team, every time. I implore you to create a solution which truly balances the match instead of simply throwing more pug players against the onslaught of a premade team.

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Does a man dare to dream? Could it be that you are going to out forth a PvP manifesto? That would truly be glorious…something that no other mmo has dared to do previously.

I look forward to seeing what you put forth in this blog.

'The Prestige' working as intended?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Please let us know if this is as-intended. We don’t want to be exploiting things.

Also, would you agree it would be better if we had a single sticky thread with a consolidated list of Mesmer bugs in this forum? I certainly think so. I’ve seen it done in other MMO forums and found it very helpful.

How do you win against a phantasm mesmer ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Berserker phantasms are a bit of a pain. Duelist phantasms are best killed if you can put up some kind of reflect. The others are pretty safe to ignore (unless you are chock-full-o-conditions).

Mark the Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


1 – there is 0 cost in marking a mesmer
2 – the benefit for having marked a mesmer is very high
3 – the cost for a mesmer to remove a mark on live is substantial

1. An erroneous target mark has a severe cost.
2. The benefit of having any player marked is very high. It is only marginally higher for Mesmer targets.
3. Mesmers can actually remove a mark at all. Bonus for Mesmers.

Do you go to school or do you pack your lunch? Your points have nothing do to with mine.

Mark the Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


It definitely breaks things. The best fix, in my opinion, is to have the mark automatically apply to each clone.

This would have a lot of technical difficulties (when someone assists, who does the target go to? Does it actually make any sense that a GS clone from Mirror Blade would get it when you know forkittencertain it can’t be the Mesmer?)

There may be difficulties with the technical implementation (when someone assists, they randomly select one of the marked targets), but it makes the most sense; the clones are duplicates of the original in appearance, and that should apply all the way down to the marks on their heads.

I don’t think it’s necessary as stated but I believe anything meant to “replace” the Mesmer (the skills I said above, +1 I forgot to mention: Mirror Images) should REMOVE the Mark and force them to find them again.

That’s not really hard to do with Mirror Images, as you never drop target. Just press the mark button again. Viola! 45 second cooldown used for nothing.
1 – there is 0 cost in marking a mesmer
2 – the benefit for having marked a mesmer is very high
3 – the cost for a mesmer to remove a mark on live is substantial

Anet needs to come up with a solution that adjusts one of these aspects of Mesmer target marking. I think that the second aspect is the one they will focus on.

Are phantasm's damage output affected by your weapon wielding?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


illusions also take on the the “proc” stats for weapon sigil…so a sigil of earth would grant the iDuelest and clones you create while using the pistlol the 60% bleed proc.

Has this been verified?

Mark the Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


It definitely breaks things. The best fix, in my opinion, is to have the mark automatically apply to each clone.

Mesmer Moa Morph

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I agree. It’s overpowered in its current form.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker Ability Is Over the Top

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


No, you wouldn’t need any compensation. I don’t care how mobile you think you should be, no class should have a spammable damaging teleport that’s also a combo finisher and increases as your opponent’s health decreases.

Had to fix that for you. Really the only thing that Skillseeker is missing is that it doesn’t heal the rogue as it does damage.

I don't understand the point of designing off hand light skills

in Thief

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


How many hours do you think it would take to add a ‘pimp hand’ skill?

Mesmer Skill: Signet of Illusions bug (Passive)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Something that would have been noticed a LONG time ago if we could see HP numbers on the bars.

Greatsword, what's the point?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Important note although I am just repeating my guide here : Mirror Blade bounce distance to you is about 600 range, which is half it’s max range. If you’re not getting those bounces it loses so much power.

This 100%. I really feel the intent of the GS is to act like a nice ranged weapon. However, the bounce seems too shallow. I’d really like to see Illusion VII also increase the range of the bounce to 900.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker Ability Is Over the Top

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


If you did tournaments you would see very quickly that Heartseeker spam builds are extremely weak. It burns all of their initiative so they have to invest EVERYTHING into spamming HS… Giving you ample time to get away / damage them / heal up / etc. If you’re getting downed by heartseeker spam, you’re doing it wrong… You need to time your dodges and always have your utilities and CC ready. Incredible how this forum is FILLED with completely illegitimate complaints about sPvP that basically sum up to, “You’re not playing well.”

If Heartseeker spam builds are ineffective in tournament sPvP, then you obviously have no problem with nerfs that make it equally ineffective in pick-up sPvP. Thanks for your vote of support.

“I can’t play against this class, remove it from the game please”.

I suppose Im ok with your recommendation, even if it is extreme. Again, thanks for your vote of support. Be cautious what you ask for, if they remove rogues there will be no more spammy iwin classes for you to play; you may just have to go back to Rift and pvp there.

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Thieves OP as hell? Check this out!

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Thieves are an embarrassment to an otherwise good pvp mmo. Anet should be ashamed to let this profession go live as it did. HS spam is a joke. It’s like playing Rift all over again.

[Bug] Remaining Mesmer Issues...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


The Prestige can be canceled at the end of the channel such that it procs the aoe burn but only goes on a 4 second cooldown.

phantasmal fury

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


this trait has recently been changed, it used to give 2hours of fury to phantasms (perhaps too long), but now it only gives 10 seconds.

The buff is indeed 20s, but it refreshes as soon as it expires.

This was changed in order to avoid exploiting boon stealing. In mes vs mes, a smart mesmer could use Arcane Thievery on an opposing mesmer phantasm and gain a 2 hour fury buff.

[Mesmer Bug] Ether Clone (Skill 1 for Scepter) overidding third Phantasmal Duelist

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I don’t understand why the clone spawn isn’t removed from Scepter #1 and moved to Scepter #2, Counter Spell. That way you have a spammable ability with Scepter #1 and you know that your Scepter #2 will always create a clone.

Is the Mesmer Torch bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I have noticed that the torch #4 ability stealth can be interrupted before channeling is complete, resetting the cooldown to ~4 seconds instead of the normal, longer cooldown. This makes my Mesmer kinda thief like in that I can stealth very often for short bursts.

Intentional, or bug?

This. I’m not sure if it is intentional or a bug. With how incredibly weak the torch #5 is (iMage), I can believe if this is as-designed. However, I’d like a dev to state one way or the other.

[Mesmer Bug] Ether Clone (Skill 1 for Scepter) overidding third Phantasmal Duelist

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


The fundamental problem, as I see it, is that the #1 ability should be spammable and never be detrimental to your character’s damage dealing ability, regardless of your build. The scepter #1 ability can override a dps phantasm, which is not a good thing.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker Ability Is Over the Top

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


If you did tournaments you would see very quickly that Heartseeker spam builds are extremely weak. It burns all of their initiative so they have to invest EVERYTHING into spamming HS… Giving you ample time to get away / damage them / heal up / etc. If you’re getting downed by heartseeker spam, you’re doing it wrong… You need to time your dodges and always have your utilities and CC ready. Incredible how this forum is FILLED with completely illegitimate complaints about sPvP that basically sum up to, “You’re not playing well.”

If Heartseeker spam builds are ineffective in tournament sPvP, then you obviously have no problem with nerfs that make it equally ineffective in pick-up sPvP. Thanks for your vote of support.