Running 0/20/30/0/20, condi scepter/torch + staff, daze mantra + reflect bubble. Do this all the time. Aggro the scout, torch 4+5, then scepter 3→scepter 2. Swap to staff and dodge. Interrupt the heals with Mantra.
The only way you’ll get me to vote for the reactor is if you could guarantee I could go back in time in this fractal and ensure the annihilation of all Asura.
here is another idea.
Change Dhumfire to:
100% chance to inflict burning for 5 seconds when a channeled skill is used. This effect can only trigger once every 10 seconds.This would benefit to axe and dagger, weapons used in hybrid builds and terror builds will only proc it each 40 secs on DS#4.
This would reduce the bursting on terror without nerfing any other build.
Any thoughts?
Very good idea there. I think this would be a fair solution.
I disagree. Hybrid builds typically run with axe and scepter. Dagger/axe would be more like a power build, which would not run with Dhuumfire anyway. So that change would make it a Grandmaster Trait no one would use.
You’d have it in axe #2 and the idea its to link Dhuumfire to weapons other than scepter staff and oh dagger.
I would like to think the developers would want to make Dhuumfire an attractive alternative to Close to Death. If it was tagged to channeling attacks, then it would only be attractive to power builds that would use both axe and MH dagger. But those builds don’t run with +condition damage, so they’d still take Close to Death.
here is another idea.
Change Dhumfire to:
100% chance to inflict burning for 5 seconds when a channeled skill is used. This effect can only trigger once every 10 seconds.This would benefit to axe and dagger, weapons used in hybrid builds and terror builds will only proc it each 40 secs on DS#4.
This would reduce the bursting on terror without nerfing any other build.
Any thoughts?
Very good idea there. I think this would be a fair solution.
I disagree. Hybrid builds typically run with axe and scepter. Dagger/axe would be more like a power build, which would not run with Dhuumfire anyway. So that change would make it a Grandmaster Trait no one would use.
@ the shared proc idea, that would make it more powerful if anything and reduce almost none of the damage, right now 1 condition cleanse will remove both effects, giving them a shared cooldown means that a condition cleanse can remove only one of the two strong conditions, meaning it would be impossible to bait a terror/dhuumfire combo
The idea is basically this: Terror de-activates for 10 seconds if Dhuumfire procs, and Dhuumfire de-activates for 10 seconds if Terror deals damage. Either way, you can only ever hit them with one big damaging condition at a time.
That’s really, really wonky. In principle I don’t like the idea of any ability, nevermind a trait, that works antagonistically with other abilities/traits.
What about this? Dhuumfire procs a 3 second burn instead of 4 with an internal cooldown of 12 seconds, and also grants 3 seconds of fury (or 3 stacks of might for 3 seconds).
This keeps the ‘uptime’ of burning down so Terror+burning isn’t as potent and happens less frequently, but also benefits hybrid builds and power builds very nicely.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
I concur with TheAgedGnome. I also advocate reducing the duration of Burning from 4 seconds to 3.
Replacing Burning with Torment makes it a no-go option for Hybrid builds, primarily due to the power scaling. Hybrid builds are not going to have crazy-high amounts of condition damage.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
And on top of that, the developers have a very good sense of nettiquette, and know how to handle the community with kid gloves.
They won’t crap on your post or talk down to you like some other ‘lead developers’ I’ve seen in other games.
Another thing – they typically have good insight into certain problems, especially when it comes to class balance (in tPvP at least, not really so much in wvw or pve).
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Is this class getting nerfed anytime soon? I haven’t been following these boards as much.
I feel rediculously OP on one and I this is like my 2nd time playing one.
Marks, fear, bleeds, lots of hp
Wish my thief could come close to this kind of usefulness in a team fight.
Funny, I said the same thing when I hopped into PvP with a level 2 thief I rolled. I feel ridiculously OP playing a thief. Stealth, stabstabstab – dead. Stealth, stabstabstab… not dead? Shadow Trap across the entire map and find a new target. rinse and repeat.
An interesting idea – I like it!
Inspired by a thread on the Necromancer forums, I am curious what you named your Elementalist.
I created mine on day 1 but have yet to level him in earnest: Mordenkainen
I already take enough damage from applying my conditions to someone with retaliation (more than my upfront damage). Why would you punish someone 4 times for having a specific type of damage (projectile, condi removal, retal on application, +new idea). This is a bad idea.
Well you’re definitely right about taking a lot of damage from retaliation, especially if you aim to stack conditions through repeated direct attacks. However, I feel that in the case of Necromancers, they can apply conditions in one go, receiving far less damage than they deal. Thus the willy nilly AoE condition spam spewed out by the current meta Necromancer.
Yes condition removal exists. No, you can’t spam removal as fast as the foe can apply them.
Heals exist. But you can’t spam heals as fast as the foe can apply instant damaging attacks.
As the titles says~
With the recent balance patch, Necromancers have (definitely) become a viable choice in PvP. Warriors are coming back, though this is controversial
But what about Elementalists using staff? All the builds I saw today are either Scepter/Dagger or Dagger/Dagger. Where are the staff users?
Have you noticed that staff skills have been nerfed to the ground that nobody just want to use it anymore?
Given that some comps are STILL running double elementalists (umm… didn’t the developers say this was a sign of an overpowered profession…like 6 months ago??), getting staff elementalist up to par is not nearly as important as getting warriors up to par in tPvP.
I think this is a great concept. Perhaps it would be nice to use the siege objective to force more strategic gameplay, as opposed to ‘zerg zerg zerg’. Maybe you have to hold 2 cap points for ‘x’ seconds to begin the assault on an opposing team’s ‘fortress’.
I don’t have enough insight to differentiate between what ArenaNet does right versus what Guild Wars 2 has done right, so I’ll focus purely on the latter. In no order other than my conscious stream:
- Overall class balance – on day 1 this was the most balanced MMO PvP I have ever played. I remember BWE 3 and thinking, ‘This is more balanced than Rift PvP – and Rift was out for about a year’. Then I thought, ‘This is more balanced than WoW PvP and it’s been out for like 6 years’.
- Jumping Puzzles – oh wow – these are really fun!
- Sidekick/downleveling – great idea. Truly good stuff and keeps the world content interesting
- WvW – Massive battles, huge fights – zergs and solo and small team fights. Overall I’m really happy with WvW. In fact if I had my druthers, I’d spend my entire time in there (but you can’t really make decent money in WvW)
- Talent/Utility/Ability segregation in PvP/WvW/PVE – good start and I’d like to see a lot more of it!
- Mystic Toilet – ….. haha – just kidding, no one likes the toilet! I wish I could offer up something truly fitting for the ‘gifts’ Zommoros has bestowed upon me, and take a dump in the forge.
/em just took a dump in the Mystic Forge! Zommoros is not pleased.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Hey guys,
So with all of this talk about the condition meta and how effective it is, I thought of possible ways to counter it in FUTURE PATCHES. One of the ideas that I tended to gravitate towards was making retaliation return a portion of the condition damage back to the sender.
According to the wiki, the current formula for retaliation is 198.45 + (0.075 * Power). Be mindful that the current state of retaliation only affects direct hits. If anything else, please remind me what else procs retaliation
I propose retaliation returns something like 0.10 * Incoming Condition Damage. This makes it a flat-rate 10% damage return to the sender. Now we can take this further and say it does 10% PER CONDITION, but that already sounds a bit like we’re overdoing it. Perhaps 5% per condition is more up the alley of balance.
Any feedback? I’m not sure if this has been discussed already
Counter to conditions:
Should be 10 second revealed in WvW
Mesmers are very difficult to level. This is because they are very reliant on Master and Grandmaster talents.
The recent nerf to Chaos Armor really hurts clones. That being said, Signet of Illusions gives your Illusions a bit more health, which is beneficial.
If you put phantasms out, you want to make sure you have the aggro. If you put clones out, you want them to get the aggro.
Since my Necro is already level 80, here’s my tips:
Run a condition build with staff+scepter/dagger and Blood Is Power, Signet of Spite + Epidemic. Spec into Greater Marks and whatever else you want.
Toss on an XP tonic and some xp food.
Go to WvW borderlands, nw corner just north of the Skritt cave. You’ll find an area with a ton of spiders. These spiders are never killed. As such, their bonus XP is pretty much maxxed out all the time. Smack the spiders, round them up, cast Blood Is Power + Signet of Spite + Epidemic. Then spam marks, DS4/5 and loot. Do this until you’ve cleared the area, then move onto the next borderlands.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll level.
Short answer:
Balance the game around fighting/tPvP is about map control.
You can’t balance “completely” around the two. Add in a refusal to separate PvE from PvP on a greater scale the difference gets even bigger.
That said, even with all that, it’s still ten times more balanced than WoW ever was, which is saying something considering how long the two have been around respectively.
I’m not sure about 10x more balanced than wow ever was. However, it’s definitely more balanced than wow is, and lightyears ahead of where WoW was when it was 1 year old.
I know people, myself included, like to bust ANet’s chops for some of the imbalances in the game (cough, cough WvW permastealth thieves), but I think we can all rationally admit this game’s PvP is very well balanced in both types of PvP gameplay.
I’m not so sure how effective this skill is. In WvW when our commanders ask us to flash build rams or AC’s out in the field, they are built in about 1 second. How exactly is this build mastery going to help?
If you are well organized, you can put up AC’s very quickly without Build Mastery. Now, with Build Mastery, you can literally have 3 people build in AC in about 1 second. With better organization, you could put up 5 ACs in 1 second. That’s tremendous.
Contemplated making a female necro named Dee Compose.
Instead decided to go with:
I thought it very fitting, considering Death Shroud, " As the Dark God, he is described as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless."
I laughed, I cried, I kissed three bucks goodbye!
Every time the thief stealths you can assume they’ve wiped all the conditions they had.
…there is no cooldown on it, if they’ve spec’d for it.
You can assume that any bleeds from marks, that they step on while stealthed, will be instantly cleansed as well.
In other words, if the thief is built for stealth and you’re built for conditions, it’s basically a hopeless situation.
This is why the Signet of Spite can be so good. It slaps 6 conditions on your target. If you have a Burnimancer spec, it’s likely he stealthed with 7 condi’s on him. It would take 20 seconds of stealth to remove them.
Granted, I think it’s completely asinine that the developers would create a mechanic that makes a target invisible, gives them health back for being invisible, removes DoTs from them while invisible, grants initiative/action points for being invisible, and grants bonus damage for attacking while invisible.
It’s one of the most poorly thought out PvP mechanics I’ve ever seen. And that’s saying a LOT because I played Rift PvP.
I’ve played around with Plague Signet a bit in zergs and it seems pretty worthless overall. It pulses a bit slowly and doesn’t seem to really draw enough conditions to be beneficial to the team. If anything, it seems to do more harm than good, as you need to wait a while to get enough conditions drawn before you can unload them.
I’d like to offer a suggestion to make this more useful. I’d suggest changing Plague Signet’s passive effect to something like: increase boon duration by 20%, or increases critical strike chance by 3% or the like. For the active, I’d make it draw “x” conditions per player around you, up to a total of “y” (e.g. 3 per player, up to 20 conditions). Activating the signet again within “Z” (5?) seconds transfers the conditions.
First of, nice vid, I liked it.
I made a video myself of small scale fights. I’m not going to make a new topic so if that’s ok I’ll post it here.
I’m the rally-meister and get rdy to get spelleryzed! xD
Dude, awesome video. I really liked the music selection and the 1 word scene swipes.
nice job.
You won’t be able to save the yak.
Terrormancer builds work well for me against thieves. I like staff + scepter/dagger. With a little practice you’ll find that you will be able to fight off thieves so that they cannot kill you alone.
I tend to run with signet of spite+epidemic+spectral wall. For a 1v1, I’d swap epidemic for any of: Blood is Power/Spectral Grasp/Spectral Walk.
Keep a mark of blood (or chillblains) under you at all times. When it procs, I usually dodge and turn around. Get a chillblains on them and swap to scepter spam. From here it depends on what the thief does. If he resets the fight, go back to walking with MoB under you. If he persists, you need to try to find the opportunity to get in a well timed cc chain + condi unload (golem charge + signet + bip + DS3+DS4, staff 5/3/2).
Spectral wall can give you some good distance.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Doesn’t need to be anything “Nemesis”-long. Just some video of it in action in WvW would be great.
It seems interesting. With a pure dagger build, is swiftness+grasp+walk enough to keep from getting kited?
Do you have a video of it in play? I’m curious to see how it plays.
Go with a warrior. They’re next on the buffwagon list.
That aside, I haven’t leveled a thief yet. My disdain for their cheap tactics in WvW keeps me from rolling one. Though I did roll a level 2 thief for hotjoin PvP and they are super easy to stomp people with.
I do have a level 80 necro and I’ve found him to be really good for PVE and WvW. The recent changes make them respectable for WvW roaming as well.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
edit: misread the OP. That suggestion is good.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
I tried it again and was getting some nice crits (2.5kish iirc) with a standard shatter build. Problem is that it’s not reliable. As Boom mentioned the damage only procs on actual interrupt, not just when you daze/stun. That said, with imbued diversion it can put out some big aoe damage. Could be fun in pvp, but I’m not too interested in playing a shatter build.
I also have tried it and have reached the same conclusion. Some professions have little-no cast time on their attacks (thief), rendering it a fairly useless talent. Combined with races whose animations are difficult to see (asura), it isn’t really reliable.
It’s not bad in PVE, though.
End thread.
No other profession has this kind of advantage over other players. No other profession can solo groups of players like this. It needs a very heavy nerf.
Thieves are hardly op and are so reliant on stealth that any adjustment to it without vast improvements elsewhere will result in this game only having 7 classes instead of 8.
Seriously though… Thieves are no more or less powerful than Elementalists, Mesmers, Guardians, or Rangers in overall power even with stealth and the remaining 2 classes have little difficulty beating thieves on a regular basis despite their overall handicap in WvW/PvP.
Everyone will acknowledge that Stealth is powerful. But is the Thief class as a whole? Apparently not given its ranking in sPvP and how no one wants them in the current WvW meta.
This link: >>> your argument.
Overpowered and needs a nerf.
Thief stealth is so overpowered is because the stealth mechanic prevents you from capturing nodes. This is the Achilles heel to the mechanic. In tPvP, node capture is essential to winning.
I think the correct course of action is to allow players to capture nodes while in stealth. Then you will see all the skills, traits and utilities rebalanced for wvw as well as tPvP.
These are all good builds for wvw:
Well yeh, any thief complaining about another class’s burst should expect to get ridiculed.
Yes, pretty much this. ^^
Change the Burning proc to a base of 3 seconds instead of 4. That will probably be enough.
I don’t believe the developers are going to make changes such that Necromancer condition pressure is laughable like it once was. I think they want to make it such that the damage and condition protection from burning is toned down a little.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
OP, if you are a thief in WvW and die, you’re doing something wrong.
On the contrary, I knew after the initial encounter (from which I escaped) that I was outmatched. I stuck around because satisfying my curiosity was worth a few silver in repair costs.
Fair enough, but I think you’ll agree that going in knowing you’ll be killed is not the right approach.
What this comes down to is that you’re playing a profession that can choose not to die anytime you want, pretty much regardless of the opposition. I don’t think it’s remotely fair to complain that any other class is “OP”.
I’m confused, which profession is OP again?
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
OP, if you are a thief in WvW and die, you’re doing something wrong. Thieves are completely broken in WvW roaming. broken.
I ran across a quite a few thieves on my necro in wvw recently. I’ve managed to kill two of them. Just two.
How did I kill them? With their stupidity. One stealthed into my mark of blood, then ran into my Reaper’s Mark, and I dropped my entire signet of spite on him, cast Doom on him and hit him with Life Blast and Transfer. At that, he still almost got away.
The other ran repeatedly into my Spectral Wall while I unloaded on him. Both of them were glass cannon builds.
For all the other encounters, I was either killed, or they ran off.
I’m pretty sure I’ll be eaten alive by some people who read only the title and start anything to defend the skill.
In my opinion, this skill is that strong to the point it overshadows both the other heals.
Even if you run a full minion or well builds, picking Blood Fiend or Well of Blood over Consume Conditions is an huge loss over healing capability and condition removals, despite the fact that both WoB and BF aren’t bad skills.I don’t think that it should be nerfed and forgotten; Necromancers needs that heal.
I think that part of its functionality and heal should be spread among other trait and utilities.So, my solution is the following:
What do you think?
I think your premise may be somewhat flawed. Consume Conditions is an excellent heal, no doubt. However, the other heals (should) serve a good purpose. Well of Blood is a very good aoe heal and combo field and works well when group healing is important and condi removal isn’t top priority.
Blood Fiend…well, Blood Fiend just stinks. He stinks for primarily because if he dies (and you don’t pop him), you get no healing and your heal goes on cooldown.
If I were to make a suggestion, I’d suggest:
1) augment one of the Blood Magic traits to let Well of Blood to also remove one condition from everyone of effect in the area upon cast.
2) Increase the base toughness of Blood Fiend, and, if Blood Fiend is killed, have him heal you for 50%-60% of the base heal of Taste of Death.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
I think the reason Necromancers are suddenly viewed as “OP” is primarily because the last patch shook up the meta. We all knew going in that the Necromancers were going to be buffed in some capacity and many non-Necromancers were anticipating this; they made a profession switch to reap the benefits of playing a profession generally rarely encountered previously … fotm style player driven self fulfilling prophecy.
As far as balance goes, both sides speak the truth … there is a great deal of sudden complaining about what was hardly impacted by the patch, and yet there have been tweaks that have elevated the profession above its prior capacity.
I personally think the meta still needs some time to settle as people research and implement counters. In my experience thus far, Necromancers are taken down not by superior condition cleanse (that is fighting a losing battle … and based on the offense priority of the game rightly so) but by maintaining superior ranged damage or cc locking/controlling the Necromancer … especially with coordinated spikes. The long cast times of Necromancer abilities just beg for interruption counters.
I agree with this whole-heartedly! When I read the patch notes, I read about the necromancer buffs and thought to myself, “wow lots of new damage output”. Then I read about all the buffs to mesmer interrupts and counterplay and thought, “and there’s the counter spec for necros”.
I can almost guarantee that you have never played a necro in-depth with what you just said and if that’s the case that makes you a hypocrite.
i can guarantee you that you never play against a necro with a class that has limited condition removal
i admit i dont play a necro but i played against them. I am answering your question
why are necros viewed op
Yes, if your profession has limited escape mechanism and poor condition removal, you will probably have a hard time against them. If you’re playing a warrior, well, that’s unfortunate. Warriors need a lot of help and nerfing necromancers isn’t the solution.
However, that’s the fundamental premise of profession-based gameplay. Some professions/specs will be a hard counter to others. Unless you’re a pema-stealth thief, of course, since they don’t have any counters.
Up until now, most professions could effectively ignore condition removal and spec for other things – more damage, more mobility, etc, and were relatively safe. If you do this now and you run into a necromancer, you’ll probably lose. Necromancers are no longer cannon fodder like they once were.
What I do find surprising is the amount of crying over necromancers and not over scepter/dagger elementalists. The last patch gave them insane burst damage – enough to basically kill an opponent in under 5 seconds, but they still have lots of healing and escapes. Yet, I don’t see the outcry there.
Is it because elementalists have been overpowered so long everyone has simply grown accustomed to it?
I’ve always found them overpowered.
I don’t believe it’s fair to draw any kind of meaningful conclusion from a single screenshot, especially one that was from a PuG sPvP match.
Are necromancers overpowered at the moment in:
PVE – not at all, warriors are still king there
WvW large group – no, but they bring as much pressure as guardians and elementalists bring utility
WvW solo/roaming – no, thieves are OP/broken, and elementalists and mesmers are still superior at roaming
tPvP – hard to state at the moment. The change in condition pressure is forcing a meta change, but we haven’t had enough time to see how that plays out
That being said, I think Jonathan Sharp effectively stated that it was not their intent to give Terror builds that additional tick via the Sigil of Paralyzation (SoP).
Removing 1 tick of Terror will reduce about 1k of damage to a target, which is a lot.
Burning, when combined with other conditions and spread with epidemic, really puts a lot of pressure on teams. Perhaps too much so.
The change to the sigil of paralyzation will help reduce necro ‘burst’ damage. Right now a high-crit necromancer build can get 50%+ uptime on burning which may be a bit much (5+ ticks).
When timed well, a necro can spread at least 4 seconds of burning, around 10 stacks of bleeds, Torment, Chill and Weakness to an entire team. That’s a lot of pressure, and AoE cleanses will be pretty much required.
Personally, I view the AoE weakness to be a great way to counter-comp burst teams, which still seems trendy based upon what I have observed watching tournaments and the like. I’d be inclined to keep that in Epidemic, even though I think Jonathan Sharp is considering removing that from what Epidemic can spread (based upon the SOTG).
If ArenaNet reduced Dhuumfire in tPvP to a proc 3 seconds of Burning, I believe it would make a substantial difference. A 30/x/x/x/x/ necro build would then be able to only spread, at best, 2 ticks of burning unless they specced into additional condition duration.
Changing burn from a 4 second base to a 3 second base will remove 2 ticks of burning, as 30 points in Spite gives you a 30% increase in condition duration (burning is actually 5 seconds long). 3*1.30 = 3.9 which will not guarantee 4 ticks of burning.
With that subtle change the amount of team pressure is substantially reduced. At best a necro will only be able to spread 2 ticks of burning instead of 4 (I am assuming 1 second to get Epidemic off). Assuming burning ticks at 550 damage per tick (guesstimate), that’s 1100 damage x #players – upwards of 4400 damage reduced.
A corollary to this effect, condition removal becomes somewhat less challenging. The uptime of a Burning spread by epidemic will be cut in half, so cleansing other conditions such as weakness and bleeds will be more viable.
If I were the developer, this is where I would start, but I’d restrict the Dhuumfire change for tPvP/sPvP only. Dhuumfire is definitely not overpowered in PVE, and most players that run a hybrid build in PvE will opt for “Close to Death” (20% damage to enemies with < 50% health) anyway.
In WvW there is a LOT of condition cleansing and players running around with food which reduces condition duration by 40%, so I think changing the duration of Dhuumfire there will do more harm than good to the viability of builds that utilize it.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Thanks for the feedback. We intend to watch things in the meta and make small adjustments accordingly for ALL classes, including the Necro.
Warriors dont need small changes. They need drastic changes: The class feels extremely unresponsive, slow, cumbersome. Its like I am playing underwater with an extremely poor connection when I play a warrior.
I dont think improving their traits alone or their “health” is going to be a good fix. Instead of tinkering with things that could make them overpowered in PVE, why not just speed up their animations, pre-cast time, and more so that they can actually do something in pvp besides telegraphing slow and unresponsive moves with a huge windup.
Even if you bring warriors to the level of other classes by improving their traits and abilities, they are still going to be awkward and frustrating to play as long as their slow animations, cast time, and weird mechanics (self rooting melee attacks) are left in the game. Warriors need an overhaul
When I push blink on my mesmer, i blink instantly. When I hit decoy, I vanish instantly. When hit throw bolas on my warrior, I wind up a throw and throw it half a second later, when I hit bulls charge I get ready to charge and then charge a half second later. This kind of discrepency in fluidity between the classes is unacceptable.
In order to make warriors more viable I think the devlopers need to nerf elementalists and buff warriors. Why bring a warrior? For burst? For group utility? For ranged damage? Scepter/dagger hits like 100 blades, elementalists have way better aoe and bring way more mobility, utility, escapes and heals.
One of the guys on the SOTG even said his team runs a double elementalist composition. That screams imbalance.
They need to shake up the meta a lot. Give warriors something different that no other class can bring to the table but will change the game, like something that will prevent stealth and/or transforms for a short period of time. That could make warriors a powerful counterplay to elementalists and thieves.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Necros need condition protection. It’s what allows them to keep pressure on opponents. Burning + Torment gives them that protection.
If I were driving the bus, I’d see what happens simply by changing the Sigil of Paralyzation and reducing Dhuumfire to a 3 second burn on a 12 second cooldown.
If that does not tune them down, I’d change Dhuumfire to something that gives 3 stacks of Torment instead and see how that affects condi protection for necromancers.
The developers mentioned the possibility of increasing Life Force generation. Given that the developers are now looking at adjusting necromancer survivability, perhaps it’s time to consider giving necromancers a viable means to access vigor. Perhaps something that grants vigor based upon the number of conditions applied to a target or the number of boons removed from a target. For example: Blood Magic 15 point minor: gain 1 seconds of vigor for every unique condition you apply to your target.
For months on end Terror builds were used by ppl, som even considered it a gimmick. Now all of a sudden it’s OP and the dmg is getting nerfed.
Remove this ridiculous burning crap trait instead of messing with something that’s been working fine for months.
But a thief that can backstab for over 2/3 of your hp, being able to disengage like crazy and perma stealth is not op right. Instead of ppl whining like little kittenes about necro, learn to play and counter it.
Guess anet wants everyone to either play a 5 signet 100b warrior or a one button spam thief. God forbid ppl actually having to use their brains or face anything short of a challenge. -_-
And they are surprisingly fast with announcing the nerf for necro when some noobs start crying. But when the necro community is screaming for a bug fix (downed state bug, etc) for months on end, we’re ignored. Sense, it makes none!Watch state of the game – Zombify one of the top Necromancers, mentions the craziness of playing Necro right now. He said, it’s fun, but some minor changes would be needed. His feeling is that everyone is kind of in a state of wtf, because they are used to just training necros without worrying about being killed off, now they will die. The problem is a good necro will take out 2 people for every time he might go down.
The power is a bit too much right now, but we need it to keep moving because we are still as squishy as before.
IF being able to 2v1 players was a sign of being OP, eles and perma stealth thieves need a much more massive need than necromancers. I’ve seen eles 2v1 and 3v1 players routinely. I’ve seen thieves solo groups of 4 and 5 players.
2v1 is something most professions have been capable of for a long time.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
I"m just curious to see what you better informed Necros think of this build:|8.1k.h2.8.1k.h4|6.1k.h4|1k.71d.1k.71d.1k.71d.1k.71d.1k.7f.1k.7f|1k.68.1k.68.1k.68.1k.68.1k.68.8c.68|k69.0.k3a.u679.0|2m.1|3s.3y.3z.41.4g|eThe idea is to keep the minions alive.
Also, I’m sure some won’t like the dagger/dagger, but I really like them. I think they’d pair well with the Vampiric trait.
What I’m not sure about is if Clerics is worth it for this type of trait build. As a vet to Guardian and from a Guardian perspective, you either do a lot of Heal Power, or none at all (with some exceptioms), and both professions have bad heal scaling, thus the need for such high Healing Power.
On the other hand, am I gimping myself doing this? What’s the alternative for this trait build? All Soldiers? Knights? Zerker? Mixed?
Lastly, I’m not sure about the Blood Magic traits. As stated, I wanted to keep the minions alive as long as possible, but does that translate well once I hit level 80. Transfusion works pretty good at level 50.
Anyways, what do you think about this for a PvE/WvW build?
Thanks for you input.
I’d recommend dropping Blood Fiend. It’s too much of a liability and doesn’t heal as well or offer the utility of Consume Conditions, even when you consider supporting traits.
I’m not sure about dagger/dagger. Though I’m sure the healing is better from the faster attack, there are 2 liabilities:
1) you and your minions are in a nice compact area, so AoE attacks will maximize damage to you.
2) You are in melee range, but have not taken any utilities or traits to increase your run speed. With 2 condition cleanses and no stability, you could easily find yourself kited by chill/cripple/knockbacks/etc.
- improve heal scaling of all abilities in Blood Magic
Only thing from your list that would help.
Please offer suggestions or constructive criticism in the future, rather than just criticisms. Thanks.
I think the combination of Fire + Torment brings a lot of damage, especially with boon duration increase. I’d recommend:
- change Dhuumfire from 4 seconds of burning to 3 seconds with an 12 second cooldown
– change Dhuumfire to proc 4 stacks of Torment
In order to increase survivability and give a boost to MM tank builds, I’d suggest:
- improve heal scaling of all abilities in Blood Magic
– remove Blood to Power from Blood Magic Grandmaster Minor
– Vampiric Precision – move from Blood Magic Adept Major to Blood Magic Grandmaster Minor, and improve the healing of Vampiric Precision
– Vampiric Master – move from Blood Magic Master Major to Blood Magic Adept Major
– Fetid Consumption – move from Blood Magic Grandmaster to Blood Magic Master
– new Blood Magic GrandMaster Trait: Blood Shroud – your abilities which heal have a 15% chance to gain 5 life force and reset the cooldown on Death Shroud. This cannot be triggered more than once every 4 seconds
– change Blood Fiend to heal for 70% of Taste of Death when killed or make it an Adept Major
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)