Showing Posts For Torres.2890:

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


You missed lag and four letter words being spewed in abundance for hours on end until I crashed.

I was there, the whole event, trying to cope with all the misery. .

Lag, deaths, bugged npc’s, op monsters….

Baruch Bay.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Lynx: some of us missed this event completely tonight because of login issues and therefore missed out on all the goodies. I’m one of those people, and I sure would like to get to see the event and get atleast the 20-slot bag.

You and me both…

Baruch Bay.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Anybody knows if Anet will repeat the event?

Baruch Bay.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong on this event. At least for me…
I skipped so many things just to be on this event but everything was bugged/laggy
Didn’t get a reward after two hours of frustration. I couldn’t log back after I dced…

I tried….

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Logged back on to see if I could still get a reward.

…Jumped to my death afterwards


Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Torres.2890


Can’t even log in.

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Gamebreaking bug for mesmers is being ignored aswell…., yet they do have the time to reply on a “broken asura ears” thread.

Baruch Bay.

iberserker doing significantly less damage.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Why is this getting ignored….

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Why is this getting ignored….

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Lost shores patch notes don’t even mention anything about this.

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Waiting for a fix.

Baruch Bay.

My Thief is missing over 1k hp post patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Waiting for a fix.

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Can’t believe they won’t even respond, ON this thread.

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


I just received a pm I´d like to forward to you guys via copy/paste:
“I’m sorry that you are still affected by this issue. While I don’t directly work on the issue, it is something that I escalated to our group that works on WvW. This issue is among the team’s other high priority issues to resolve, there is not an estimated time on fix yet.”
by Tyler Bearce
Thank you for the update, Tyler.

This is Not a WvWvW issue, Why would the WvW team be working alone on this? I honestly cant believe this is still not fixed. Its an entire “Core” feature of the game Broken. Not WvW alone? Put the whole freaking A-Net team on it, this is ridiculous to still have this since launch as it stands as a basic exploit for those that have, and those that Dont. To simply state that its a WvW among others High Priority issue(s), is once again a slap in the face not to just your players , but I would be embarrassed to even write such an awful excuse as to why this is still not fixed as well as, a Number 1 priority for the entire Team! Not just wvw team, as this effects all of us outside wvw. And in WvW cripples those that don’t have. My head spins at how insane this response is. And the fact it was PMed to one player and not to the thread. Very, very appalling. I so want to love this game, why are you forcing us to react, by your constant absence of information.

Why was this Pm’ed to a player instead of written somewhere else as an oficial response? Looks like another month without WvW bonuses.

considering that the bonuses were advertised as a key feature of the WvW system, and results in a lower amount of in game gold for those it affects, which ends up being supplemented by paying real money to gem store, it sounds as though it could be prime bait for a class action lawsuit here. they’re making extra profits due to an advertised feature that isn’t working. this isn’t an issue they can really afford to ignore, or even really be silent on.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Can we please get some info on this issue?

Baruch Bay.

Gamebreaking Bug since Gw2 Release.

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


ALOT of people are bugged, but they don’t know it.

Baruch Bay.

Gamebreaking Bug since Gw2 Release.

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


Hear me out, there’s alot of people affected by this.
I’ve been on my world since the release and it still hasn’t been fixed. I have never recieved the WvW bonuses

In WvW I have lower health, than a friend , who wears/has EXACTLY the same gears/traits. Simply because I do not receive the + x% health bonus.

I recommend , you all, to hover your mouse on top of the WvW Icon. If you don’t see anything, you’re probably bugged aswell.

Latest reply from Anet…about a month ago


Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Hear me out, there’s alot of people affected by this.
I’ve been on my world since the release and it still hasn’t been fixed. I have never recieved the WvW bonuses

In WvW I have lower health, than a friend , who wears/has EXACTLY the same gears/traits. Simply because I do not receive the + x% health bonus.

I recommend , you all, to hover your mouse on top of the WvW Icon. If you don’t see anything, you’re probably bugged aswell.

Latest reply from Anet…about a month ago


Baruch Bay.

(edited by Moderator)

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Still bugged….

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Still no fix on WvW bonuses.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890

Torres.2890 — That’s what we’re supposed to get.

Been on my world since the release and it still hasn’t been fixed. I have never recieved these bonuses.
This is seriously a slap in the face.
In WvW I have lower health, than a friend , that has EXACTLY the same traits/gear.

There’s alot of people with this bug:

Latest reply from Anet…about a month ago.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

People bypassing stealth stack limit?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890



Did you even bother asking him how he got that 4 min stealth? I guess not…

Baruch Bay.

So, I just dinged lvl 80 for the 1st time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


You can flush them in the Mystic Toilet.

Baruch Bay.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Yet another gear-grind MMO. And at first glance you are FORCED to do PVE just to get an ascended piece.

Baruch Bay.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


I doubt that. Eventually, everything exotic will be your standard white/blue junk.
Like the post says, they’re adding more in the future : (.

Yet another gear-grind MMO. (I seriously hope I’m wrong, though)

Edit: Hmm what do you mean “transmuted our legendarys with exotic stats” ?
Legendaries already have the highest stats. Why transmute it?

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Eventually every exotic item will be just your standard white/blue junk.

I’m dissapointed in this update. I’ve spent so much gold on exotics.:(

Baruch Bay.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Same here, man. This seriously pisses me off. 8K WvW kills for nothing. WvW is the only thing I enjoy and this bug is a slap in the face.

This is happenign to alot of people. There’s a 4 page thread about this . THAT’s what we’re supposed to get.

Baruch Bay.

Condition Dmg/Vitality/Toughness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


I don’t know about you, but I don’t actualy “Want” Vit or Toughness, unfortunatly the way the game is, you “Need” Vit and/or Toughness to survive.

Why any gear exists that doesn’t have at least one of the two I don’t know. Perhaps to distract you from the fact the game forces you to have at least one of them to survive?

You can get Power/Vitality/Toughness from dungeons/WvW. So that’s both, but sadly this isn’t the set that I want.

Baruch Bay.

Condition Dmg/Vitality/Toughness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Will these ever be added?

Maybe on “Lost Shores” update?

This is the set that I actually want but it doesn’t exist unfortunatly.

PS: Aren’t they reducing the damage output on several classes? The “Berserker” set plays a big part in this. I don’t understand why there’s no “condition-dmg” love.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)


in Thief

Posted by: Torres.2890


It’s time for me to put that berserker set away.
Had lots of fun kills with it but, 10-12k health is a pain in the kitten
So, do you recommend using Power/Vit/Toughness on a thief?.

It works perfectly on my warrior and also on a guardian.
I know I’ll have to increase my precision through traits and maybe jewels.

Talking WvW here.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Does the WvW "Outmanned" Buff

in Crafting

Posted by: Torres.2890


Increase exp gained on crafting ?
Increase exp gained from crafting?

Baruch Bay.

Survavol accivment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


It’s bugged , with my warrior I’ve gotten way more than the 200k exp.

Baruch Bay.

Does the WvW "Outmanned" Buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Increase exp gained on crafting ?
Increase exp gained from crafting?

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

bots in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


I think these bots will be there again, tonight.

Baruch Bay.

bots in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


Me and some friends managed to kill 10 bots from Miller’s Sound[DE] server.
All of them were rangers with bear pets.

Once we killed them all, they never came back. One of them didn’t port back to the base, the person behind it was probably checking if we’ve left or not.

We’re from Baruch Bay [SP]. This happend at 2-3 am.


Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Invader Gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torres.2890


Don’t. You can get exotic Power/Toughness/Vitality armor at the god temples.
42k karma per piece and the armor looks good. (Heavy Armaggedon skin).
Only the helmet doesn’t exist with those stats, but just go do a dungeon for a day to get a different helmet with the same stats. Use a transmutation stone to get the skin.

Map: Cursed Shore.

Also: Use your badges to buy the Invaders Jewelery. LEVEL 80! Not the lower level crap.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Bugged Monthly Achievement.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


I can’t complete it because the Surviror part shows no information. All I see is a question mark “?”.


Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Thief Help

in Warrior

Posted by: Torres.2890


Friend you need two things. A shield + “Endure Pain”.
That’s 8 seconds of invulnerability.

A sword works best against a thief. Once he’s finished his chain of attacks, your adrenaline should be pretty high. Use your “burst” to immobilize them and they’re dead. Remember you also have “Savage leap” to close the gap between you and him, and also an 8sec! cripple skill. And let’s not forget “Shield Bash”. With enough practise, they’re easy to kill.

I recommend a rifle for when they start fleeing ( they always do).

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Can't CTRL + T when I'm by myself.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


I always target the mesmer during fights to kill the real one. But when I’m not in a group it doesn’t do anything. A few mesmers escaped in WvW because of this.

Anybody else got the same issue?

Baruch Bay.

18.7k Kill Shot - At what cost?

in Warrior

Posted by: Torres.2890


To be able to hit that, the warrior sacrifises alot. I’ve played it, in a real fight you don’t last for long.

Baruch Bay.

WVW invulnerable bug exploiters!

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


They are in their safezone. Their spawn is just a few steps back. Don’t get too close next time. Plain and simple…

Baruch Bay.

Funniest NPC Dialogue

in Audio

Posted by: Torres.2890


“Kill it, quick!”
“That’s right! You lose!”
Skritt’s in WvW when you ingore them instead of killing them.
(Makes me wanna go back and murder them all)

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

September 26th at 10:11 Yak's Bend Orb Fly Hacking

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


This is also happening in other servers. There’s also people using a speedhack/teleporthack in sPvP.

Baruch Bay.

Power/Toughness/Vit Jewels

in Warrior

Posted by: Torres.2890


WvW vendores. Requires 500+ Insignias.
You can get them by doing the WvW puzzels and killing foes.

Baruch Bay.

Hey look, more bots!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Bots don’t get banned instantly, they get banned in waves. So it may take some time before the ones you have been seeing are removed.

They’ve been there since 1st of September…..
And by the time they get banned, the damage has been done.
Gold-sellers get their botted money and the auction house gets manipulated by them.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Karma Boosts do nothing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


“Karma Boosts does nothing.”
And you don’t provide any information regarding your issue.

Baruch Bay.

Hey look, more bots!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Reporting them has no point. They don’t get banned at all. There’s so many botters in my fl that haven’t been banned at all.

Baruch Bay.

Superior Sigil of Accuracy gives +5% Critical Chance !?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Same thing with the warrior’s sword trait.
The +10% critical chance doesn’t appear on the attributes.

Baruch Bay.

pls check this and fix pls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


I have reported 5 known botters several times but they are still there. Got them on my friendlist. It’s been two weeks now.

Baruch Bay.

pls check this and fix pls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torres.2890


Speedhack/Teleporthack. But Anet doesn’t care. There’s so alot of botters and hackers running around freely. Reporting them won’t help cause they just ignore it.

Go download it, they don’t care at all….pff

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)