Also whats up with BB server… slightly suprised you guys got relegated from tier 3 (kinda expecting you to bounce back on score due to night coverage)
BB/Nuke Did you lose any guilds? Rnv still around? cleaning squad and the rest? those are most the guilds I remember from the piken matchup.
Things have been going downhill after paid transfers.
3 spanish guilds left BB (Seven Instincs, Desidentes, Kaz Legacy).
It was fun at tier 2 but there’s too much zerg vs zerg.
(edited by Torres.2890)
Upleveled warrior that was probably wearing zerker gear + Frenzy.
Try 0 10 20 20 20 (go for regen,protection,vigor, pets do +30% crit dmg)
Dwayna Runes/Toughness, Healing power, Condition damage amulet/Sigil of Life
Shortbow is your main weapon. Use cats/ravens + Traps/Sotw/Entangle/QZ/LR (Your choice).
It’s what I play in tournaments. I reduce incoming damage and regenerate alot of health. Finish them off with conditions/pet support.
This works better in WvW. Espacially in 1 vs 1 situations.
(edited by Torres.2890)
Which one is better for high condition dmg? I know + bleed duration runes + the consumables boost condition dmg alot but does it beat undead runes ??
Using scepter/dagger + staff . Full Condition dmg/toughness/precision gear.
Build: 0 30 20 0 20
All on conditions, and 20 on soul reaping for higher crits due to high precision provided by gear.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Edit: Hah.
(edited by Torres.2890)
Do they stack?+20% bleeding?
Is having below +100% condition duration useless?
According to the wiki , bleeding ticks only every second. What if I have +78% cnd duration. Does this mean it won’t have any effect at all?
They are the same thing.
Although the witch’s broom gives you 5 halloween skills. Button “4” enables you to ride the broom, thus changing the skillbar again – button “1” to get off the broom.
Riding broom : just button “1” to get off the broom
Some of the concept art armor can be found ingame. Any idea which one this is?
Mesmer concept art:
Thinking about transferring but I don’t wanna lose my guild progress…
This happens when alot of people bash at a gate in wvw. Too many sound effects ..
Turning down the sound quality completely, fixes this.
If you decide to just ignore the woo wooo woo noice, the game crashes after a while.
Which is = level 1 but with (increased) agony.
So in the Upcoming patches:
Legendary > Ascended > Exotic ?
Legendary/(=) Ascended > Exotic ?
What is safe to deposit in there? Are soulbound/accountbound allowed? Don’t items dissapear after a while?
Is it safe like your regular bank?
The initial version will only be for daily/monthly achievements (this will not be retroactively rewarded.) Later you’ll see a system in place that rewards more expanded achievements points which will retroactively reward all achievements already earned, yes.
However, there are some achievements which are infinitely repeatable currently. It is highly likely so this new system isn’t broken we’ll need to cap those and people who have made insane progress down one of those lines will lose some of their progress to get back to the cap. I wouldn’t recommend anyone go bonkers trying to progress an infinitely repeatable achievement category in anticipation of the release of this system, as you will likely lose some points/progress if you take it to an extreme number.
We’re still working out the details on the system, so that’s about as far into detail as I can go currently.
This guy who posted his screenshoot with 10k achievement points earned by salvaging… he won’t be very happy xD
He posted a screen shot with 20k+ points a while back.
Anybody else remembers that guy ,that salvaged his way to 20000+ achievement points, and then posted several threads about it?
I’m pretty sure he spent over 1000g.
(edited by Torres.2890)
I checked it, in the hopes of…. but sadly yet again all the answers are :
“We want that but we’re not working on it atm./ We can’t talk about this atm.”
That’s pretty much his answer on every question.
(edited by Torres.2890)
I think a metaevent just ended and that’s what happend with boss. As for your husband, maybe he joined the map a bit too late?
What are these T-Shirt codes that you speak of and where can I get one?
Well It’s known that most of our utilities have large cd, and our traits/pets are messed up/bugged.
I think giving hexes to the necro would add alot more versatility to the class.
Right now I’m just playing a different class, cause I don’t feel very useful on my necro.
Just think about all the hard/pressure hexes GW1 Necro had. This IS what we miss!
What do you think?
(edited by Torres.2890)
If you’re really that annoyed by a PET?! Then just kill the pet, the ranger loses 30% of its damage for 1 minute…..
(edited by Torres.2890)
You’re a bad ele. Why are you even using a scepter? D/D destroyes a thief. I can tell you were just fleeing because you didn’t HIT HIM AT ALL. I’m glad he killed you with S/D autoattack, it makes it more satisfying. You had your 3 cantrips!
I personally enjoy my dredge helm. Just saying…
What are you using as weapons? Toothpicks?
my p/d thief has never encountered a class including guardian that i felt i could not defeat.
Condi builds are ment to beat bunkers
Burst beats condi
Condi beats bunker
Bunker beats burst
Guardians just take a little longer to kill with P/D. They can remove 1 (2 or 3 if traited) condition(s) every 10 seconds.
Signet of Resolve + Purity + Perfect Inscriptions. But this is a bit overkill imo and it messes up builds.
Every thief knows this build by now :p. Just stealth and then autoattack to bleed your enemies to death.
Well I have a thief and a guardian.
As a guardian:
I can withstand burst thieves and then just faceroll them with my greatsword and burning damage.
I’ll have trouble catching them though, if they start fleeing. If i’m not using my meditations/gap closers then there’s no way I can catch them. Guardians are terrible at long range.
As a thief:
Yeah guardians are the hardest for me. I can only beat tanky guardians if I catch them by surprise or if I use my pocket thieves. Venoms some times work but you have to watch out for that greatsword.
@ Mechanix. I hear ya man , the fight gets pretty long and nobody dies. This happens on both classes.
(edited by Torres.2890)
Aren’t games for fun? What’s the point of getting 20 000 points? OP I think you should visit a therapist.
Or food, or Outmanned buff, etc , etc …
But…you understand ranger can be ranged/melee at the same time? I think not
By theorycrafting yes, mesmer can counter everything, but that’s not how it works.
This thread IS about theorycrafting.
Just like OP said; Assuming “The ranger and mesmer are both elites at their professions.”
The mesmer wins and it doesn’t require much effort.
So if I understood it correctly, you use 3-4 weapons at once, focus, greatsword, staff…that’s pure theorycrafting.
It depends completely on the build both have, imo mesmer has better chance of winning but it really depends. A bunker ranger has a fair chance of beating mesmers tho.
Of course I don’t use 3-4 weapons at once.
What I’m trying to say is, the mesmer can counter a ranger completly. It doesn’t really matter what build he uses.
Pff, mesmer by far. With my mesmer I just use my focus and reflect everything.
Focus 4 and 5 reflects if traited AND on top of that I have an utility to reflect even more. Phantasms/Clones do the job for me. Greatsword autoattack hits like a truck…Still gonna level up a ranger though. I miss GW 1 ranger
but what if that ranger used quickness and the gs/sword/horn?
each i would say is equal however, in a straight dps fight, i believe that the mesmer would win due to the gs hitting hard
Blink, and Mass invisilibty. That’s 9 seconds invisible. There’s also MOA for 10 seconds of kitten and Time Warp for 10 seconds of hyperactivness.
Don’t forget the mesmer staff. Chaos Armor, Chaos Storm , Bouncing attacks….+ Random boons
And… “Phase Retreat” , have fun losing target every 8 seconds (5 seconds if traited).
Ugh… Writing this makes me feel bad about rangers.
STILL gonna level up one!
(edited by Torres.2890)
Pff, mesmer by far. With my mesmer I just use my focus to reflect everything.
Focus 4 and 5 reflects if traited AND on top of that I have an utility to reflect even more. Phantasms/Clones do the job for me. Greatsword autoattack hits like a truck…
And then there’s our F1-F3, Sword invulnerability + F4 invulnerability.
(edited by Torres.2890)
2. Repair walls using in keep supplies once the door/wall is under 40%
Isn’t there already an upgrade that makes walls repair itself? Or done by workers?
Any suggestion to improve the NPC defenses is good.
Don’t know if Anet reads WvW posts. (Doesn’t seem like it)
(edited by Torres.2890)
Personal Storyline. That’s the only way to get Stalwart/Commando/(and another skin, which I forgot). Always preview your rewards.
Form a group.
CTRL + T: To call a target
T: To follow the target
I’m really happy about the fix on Fast Hands. I immediatly went to PvP to check it out.
It finally works
So…I applied runes of the warrior to see if it reduces to 4 sec but sadly….. it doesn’t.
Not sure what is meant by “Engineer only gear.” I assume you’re not talking about the runes.
Warriors on the other hand…
I’ve no idea how a 128% crit rate makes any sense. Let alone the 135% I was able to achieve later.
Low level scaling with stats and gear is a bit wonky, to say the least. And naturally, at 80, my crit rate would be no where near this… But still, take it for what it is.
+100 % crit chance only works on low levels…. At level 80 it’s impossible to get it with just the 5 signets. You’ll notice your crit chance drop severly as you level up.
(edited by Torres.2890)
I remember when it used to be 1G for 200-300 Gems (August/September/October). It seems like alot of people are spending everything just to buy a few gems.
Do you think the current prices are fair? I hope it goes back to 1G for 100….
(edited by Torres.2890)
It makes me sad when I see warriors getting killed by a glasscannon thief, cause they refuse to get some kittening Toughness/Vitality. You’re a WARRIOR for kitten sake! QUIT using berserker gear.
Glasscannon thief > Any other glasscannon ( most of the time, there are exceptions).
Get some Power/Vit/Tougness (which is the best in my opinion).
Power/Vit/Toughness gear can withstand pretty much anything.(Use a few berserkers jewels if you like)
As a warrior you have pretty much have permanent “Fury”( +20% Crit chance) . 40% Crit chance with “Fury” is ENOUGH.
No berserker noob (thief/warrior) can kill me. Go with 10/0/30/30/0 for passive regen and healing on shouts, but right now I’m using 20/0/20/30/0 which is better.
Going tankish beats pretty much any other class. Except for a tank guardian or tank/condition necro ( trust me I know).
But right now let’s just talk about how to counter a glasscannon thief:
-Use an axe to do some heavy pressure.Grab a kittening shield and use ‘5’ to block the stolen whirling axe.
-Use "Shake it off " to counter the basilisk venom combo
- Use the 1 sec immobilise on cripple. I LOVE this trait. Immobilise > thieves.
-If the thief tries to hide under “Shadow Refuge” just keep whacking …. he HAS to stay inside until that house animation dissapears, otherwise he will lose his “Stealth”
So If you’re using a greatsword just use Whirlwind attack or 100b. They usually reappear downed on the ground.
- Also, do not use a hammer against a thief. If you don’t master the hammer then DO NOT use it. PRACTICE WITH IT FIRST.
When I play with my thief I can dodge every warrior’s knockdown/CC, just because I have experience with pretty much every class.
I have 5 lvl 80’s. Warrior (Main) , Thief, Mesmer, Guardian and Necro.
I have tried glasscannon builds on all of them but going tankish is the best of all.
Conditions gear works well on thief, mesmer and necro.
A full glass cannon thief only has 10-11k health. (no WvW bonuses included, nor the trait that gives +5 % vitality). This is incredibly low, if you manage to knocklock/stunlock/immobilise them and thendo a quick combo, they’ll die immediatly.
A Thief does not have perma stealth.
kitten! Go learn other classes’s mechanics.
I cannot stress this enough… once you know how other classes work you’ll do everything much better. Practice makes perfect
(edited by Torres.2890)
Use greens until they release “ascended” gear. That’s what I’m doing on my alts.
It annoys me when I can’t use my blueprints due to them being soulbound to a different character.
It’s like you’re forced to WvW with just one character. (kind of)
Doing the jumping puzzles is hard with a low-lvl character cause people love to camp the chokepoints.
Give us at least 1 positive WvW update .
Make it happen.
Posted here aswell cause I really doubt “Suggestions” ever gets viewed.
(edited by Torres.2890)
Please do this.
It annoys me so much when I can’t use my blueprints due to them being soulbound to a different character.
It’s like you’re forced ( kind of) to WvW with just one character.
Doing the jumping puzzles is sometimes hard with a low-lvl character cause people love to camp the chokepoints.
Give us at least 1 positive WvW update .
(edited by Torres.2890)
Attended/No loot / No mail
Will legendaries have better stats than ascended?
Please enlighten me…if so, why not just skip ascended?
Will the upcoming patches include new armor skins? I read somewhere that there’s gonna be new ascended items.. Any ideas?
PS: Legendaries = Ascended .. they won’t be any better, am I right?
Exactly, thanks to the community I manged to complete the event. (Got disconnected @ chest the first time )
I invited alot of people on to the next one but sadly.. “Lost shores” had come to an end.
I want to open that chest at least once…
Logged back on to see if I could still get a reward.
…Jumped to my death afterwards
Sorry but I LOLed. Hard. For me, I fell off a cliff on the way to the event when the champion forced us all onto a bridge and tried to get back too late.
Yeah..this thread pretty much sums up how I feel about the Lost Shores event…