Showing Posts For Tricare.2946:

sPvP, balance, a little philosophy, and life.

in PvP

Posted by: Tricare.2946


How about you leave all the changes you see these silly little spvp players complaining about, in spvp.

How about you check out the WvW world, and help out there more.

Perplexity Runes would be fixed already if they were in S/Tpvp, but you wouldn’t know what’s wrong with them would you.

S/Tpvp will never be an E-Sport.

Spirits in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yeah, low risk/high reward builds should remain that way foreva!


You ever play spirit build against good players? ….. Yeah you wouldn’t last long.

I don’t play spirit build, but I do use the elite. With the elite spirit being the only semi good elite ranger has, this nerf hits it hard.

Spirits in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Really going to nerf spirits here? Make it a separate nerf for spvp.

Also, when spirits get interrupted make their active ability to on a 3 second cool down like everyone else.

Having the rangers elite spirit interrupted and put on a 30 second cool down is harsh.

Fine nerf spirits, but

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


When they get interrupted make their abilities go on a 3second cooldown instead of the full duration. Haven’t tested this extensively, however I know the spirit elite, when interrupted, goes on the full 30 second cooldown.

Ventari Dueling (Videos)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol if you can mouse click your way to top 20, either the class is op or your opponents aren’t very good.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Haha… took that a bit personal did you?

Nope, just thought it was ironic.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Less QQ moar pew pew.

Seriously, stop whining. It’s not a good look.

How does it make you look when you’re whining about people whining?

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’d like to apologize for the blob’s of TC but when there is only good fights on one map most of the guilds will come on that map then fight for the engagements.

Now at the same time I feel sorry for all those who complain about numbers and kitten about blobs. Use the opportunity to become better as a group with your 20 vs. the 40-50 blob. The zerg mentality isn’t going to go away so complaining about it is just quite annoying and shows your lack of skill within a group.

Hey Girl Hey!

lol really now? Talking kitten to you on the forums because you can’t win without greater numbers, shows lack of skill within a group?

Solo WvW 1vX [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This is the build I’m running. Full apothecary gear with 5/6 perplex runes and 1 crest of the rabid on the armor.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


lol good one! 1v1 me brah

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Marathon runner here, apparently. RE asking for the bad-mouthing guilds to put their money where their mouth is. We are available for Official GvGs, 15v15. I mean everytime we face each other, I send out official challenges via and no one accepts. I send PMs and in-game mails and either receive no reply or some reason that the guild cannot do an “official” gvg. Then when I see said guild on the forum trying to buff their lil ego’s, its sort of hilarious. We love to fight. Other night I was running a whopping 12 of us after our prime time into a zerg of 30ish [VR], who were so proud of their accomplishment of defeating us they spam laugh after they spent the entire night running from our primetime group that had equal #s. I guess they redeemed their hurt pride.

Lol is this the even numbers you’re talking about VR running from? This is all you 2 did all night, wouldn’t stay more than 10 feet from each other.

We just didn’t want anyone to miss out on the loot bags. We here on TC live lavish lifestyles and are required to have multiple armor sets for RP purposes. We do appreciate your contributions and sincerely thank you for helping us with this debt.

Indubitably yours,
RP grandmaster Asuran engineer

We wiped you way more then you killed any of us.

Why leave out the best part of the video then!? Suspicious…..

On a serious note, people complain about blobs and who’s group was bigger and so on, but they are the same ppl running around in a blob. At peak times, everyone should have about the same numbers on a given map. Why everyone (TC too) wants to kitten about it is beyond me. It’s not like the enemy made you fight with less people than them.

The point is that both those groups were about the same size as ours or any mag group on the map. Yet, still refused to run alone and attempt to do something on their own.

Why have your own guild if you just megablob anyways? Just make 1 guild and then no one will say anything about blobing, because then you’ll just be 1 guild.

Wait, so being outnumbered by 1 huge guild is somehow better than 2 smaller ones?

So what you are saying is, you are mad because they wouldn’t “split up”? I don’t see how a pesky little thing like numbers matters for such a beast as yourself since you apparently “wiped us way more than we killed you”. Hell, if that’s true you should be here celebrating instead of moaning about how outnumbered you were.

First I said then no one will say anything about blobing. One big guild is understandable, but hiding behind other guilds from an even or weaker opponent is cowardice.

Second I never once said we wiped that group while they were together. Get any one of you alone, you’re not that tough.

Edit: I do remember though on reset night, that megablob was pushing VR back from east keep and we were about to keep running when Ark showed up and hit you from the side, we turned around and wiped you guys.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Marathon runner here, apparently. RE asking for the bad-mouthing guilds to put their money where their mouth is. We are available for Official GvGs, 15v15. I mean everytime we face each other, I send out official challenges via and no one accepts. I send PMs and in-game mails and either receive no reply or some reason that the guild cannot do an “official” gvg. Then when I see said guild on the forum trying to buff their lil ego’s, its sort of hilarious. We love to fight. Other night I was running a whopping 12 of us after our prime time into a zerg of 30ish [VR], who were so proud of their accomplishment of defeating us they spam laugh after they spent the entire night running from our primetime group that had equal #s. I guess they redeemed their hurt pride.

Lol is this the even numbers you’re talking about VR running from? This is all you 2 did all night, wouldn’t stay more than 10 feet from each other.

We just didn’t want anyone to miss out on the loot bags. We here on TC live lavish lifestyles and are required to have multiple armor sets for RP purposes. We do appreciate your contributions and sincerely thank you for helping us with this debt.

Indubitably yours,
RP grandmaster Asuran engineer

We wiped you way more then you killed any of us.

Why leave out the best part of the video then!? Suspicious…..

On a serious note, people complain about blobs and who’s group was bigger and so on, but they are the same ppl running around in a blob. At peak times, everyone should have about the same numbers on a given map. Why everyone (TC too) wants to kitten about it is beyond me. It’s not like the enemy made you fight with less people than them.

The point is that both those groups were about the same size as ours or any mag group on the map. Yet, still refused to run alone and attempt to do something on their own.

Why have your own guild if you just megablob anyways? Just make 1 guild and then no one will say anything about blobing, because then you’ll just be 1 guild.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The first encounter ended with us just dropping down the back side of cliff and going into garrison….. would you like to see us run all the way up there?

The second encounter you guys ran from smaller numbers all the way to EK, want to see us flipping a camp and then running around some more?

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Marathon runner here, apparently. RE asking for the bad-mouthing guilds to put their money where their mouth is. We are available for Official GvGs, 15v15. I mean everytime we face each other, I send out official challenges via and no one accepts. I send PMs and in-game mails and either receive no reply or some reason that the guild cannot do an “official” gvg. Then when I see said guild on the forum trying to buff their lil ego’s, its sort of hilarious. We love to fight. Other night I was running a whopping 12 of us after our prime time into a zerg of 30ish [VR], who were so proud of their accomplishment of defeating us they spam laugh after they spent the entire night running from our primetime group that had equal #s. I guess they redeemed their hurt pride.

Lol is this the even numbers you’re talking about VR running from? This is all you 2 did all night, wouldn’t stay more than 10 feet from each other.

We just didn’t want anyone to miss out on the loot bags. We here on TC live lavish lifestyles and are required to have multiple armor sets for RP purposes. We do appreciate your contributions and sincerely thank you for helping us with this debt.

Indubitably yours,
RP grandmaster Asuran engineer

We wiped you way more then you killed any of us.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Marathon runner here, apparently. RE asking for the bad-mouthing guilds to put their money where their mouth is. We are available for Official GvGs, 15v15. I mean everytime we face each other, I send out official challenges via and no one accepts. I send PMs and in-game mails and either receive no reply or some reason that the guild cannot do an “official” gvg. Then when I see said guild on the forum trying to buff their lil ego’s, its sort of hilarious. We love to fight. Other night I was running a whopping 12 of us after our prime time into a zerg of 30ish [VR], who were so proud of their accomplishment of defeating us they spam laugh after they spent the entire night running from our primetime group that had equal #s. I guess they redeemed their hurt pride.

Lol is this the even numbers you’re talking about VR running from? This is all you 2 did all night, wouldn’t stay more than 10 feet from each other.

Solo WvW 1vX [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey guys, just thought I’d toss some solo clips together that I had before patch.

Last fight is a engi running perplex runes, they can really hurt.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[RE] why so scared?

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’ll clarify a bit from my OP.

Ideally I’d want the full stats combos available, i.e. full accs, weapons and armours. Unfortunately I don’t think anet has the ability or inclination for something like that so I side with a copy paste of the sPvP setup.

Food shouldn’t be too hard to keep in, even though it is silly from a pvp standpoint.

^ sPvP has runes? or did something change while I was busy ignoring that game mode

So you ignore that game mode, but want to force it down other peoples throats. People play WvW for the way it is.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


IAmTheDuke still refuses to duel me. I think he’s a bit scared.

1v1 me brah

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


why would you run into the camp to get out of combat? you run to either river

The camp was ours. It wouldn’t have mattered where I went they would have killed me anyway (there were about 7ish of them? and one of me). Or kept me in combat. Regardless, discussion over, issue dealt with – nothing to see here.

5 of us and no we would not have killed you if you were there to duel.

Why else would I have been there? lol Thought it was a fight club, not a stand around and watch club… It would have been nice if I could get a few other people to come so we could 5v5… but not much interest apparently.

Well the warrior with you fought everyone there while you watched. Then he WP’d (we figured to change stuff again) but then you ran into the camp, we thought fight club was over so we flipped the camp.

5v5s would have been awesome. To bad more people don’t want to do them

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


why would you run into the camp to get out of combat? you run to either river

The camp was ours. It wouldn’t have mattered where I went they would have killed me anyway (there were about 7ish of them? and one of me). Or kept me in combat. Regardless, discussion over, issue dealt with – nothing to see here.

5 of us and no we would not have killed you if you were there to duel.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Mags do enjoy their fight clubs, especially when there’s free gold involved. Now if this evilzara will just show up.

I was there at 11:08pm, dueled one guardian. The fight would’ve went on forever so we called a draw. Then we just left because we didn’t see anyone.

Maybe we’ll schedule something for tomorrow before reset.

You posted 8pst i’m here 20 mins past….

late is late

Fight club lasts more than 8 minutes, zara is scared?

She just logged on a min ago. But VR is fighting dirty so, not interested.

VR isn’t fighting dirty, went to flip the camp /shrug

Oh – the camp that I ran to to get out of combat to swap my weapons, because you kept tapping me? Gotcha.

Everyone knows you just have to run about 1200 range to get out of combat… not all the way to a camp that anyone could show up and flip.

I tried going to 1200 range but y’all kept tapping me.

lol it was the 1 necro up top on windmill just messing around. Fight club area is a safe place, go outside of that….. bad things happen.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Mags do enjoy their fight clubs, especially when there’s free gold involved. Now if this evilzara will just show up.

I was there at 11:08pm, dueled one guardian. The fight would’ve went on forever so we called a draw. Then we just left because we didn’t see anyone.

Maybe we’ll schedule something for tomorrow before reset.

You posted 8pst i’m here 20 mins past….

late is late

Fight club lasts more than 8 minutes, zara is scared?

She just logged on a min ago. But VR is fighting dirty so, not interested.

VR isn’t fighting dirty, went to flip the camp /shrug

Oh – the camp that I ran to to get out of combat to swap my weapons, because you kept tapping me? Gotcha.

Everyone knows you just have to run about 1200 range to get out of combat… not all the way to a camp that anyone could show up and flip.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Mags do enjoy their fight clubs, especially when there’s free gold involved. Now if this evilzara will just show up.

I was there at 11:08pm, dueled one guardian. The fight would’ve went on forever so we called a draw. Then we just left because we didn’t see anyone.

Maybe we’ll schedule something for tomorrow before reset.

You posted 8pst i’m here 20 mins past….

late is late

Fight club lasts more than 8 minutes, zara is scared?

She just logged on a min ago. But VR is fighting dirty so, not interested.

VR isn’t fighting dirty, went to flip the camp /shrug

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Mags do enjoy their fight clubs, especially when there’s free gold involved. Now if this evilzara will just show up.

I was there at 11:08pm, dueled one guardian. The fight would’ve went on forever so we called a draw. Then we just left because we didn’t see anyone.

Maybe we’ll schedule something for tomorrow before reset.

You posted 8pst i’m here 20 mins past….

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Mags do enjoy their fight clubs, especially when there’s free gold involved. Now if this evilzara will just show up.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Kalkz is prob sleeping.

Something ain’t right with that boy

It’s what happens when people live on the other side of the country!


Fight club today, DB BL windmill 8:00pm PST, 11:00pm EST

For any warrior, guardian or ranger that can beat me I’ll give you 1g.

where are you?

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

Would be great if Arenanet...

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Leave this is as it is. Anyone and everyone can do it. People who are complaining about this are the ones who don’t want to take 2 minutes out of their time to kill mobs and get 25 stacks.

You’re being lazy and want to complain so that the people who try and be the best they can, can’t.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Ok DB and BP, going to be roaming tonight with a 2-5 man group starting at 9cst. Feel free to bring your own group out. Think we’ll start on BPBL

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol @ these 8 BP, I feel like they were raging just a little bit.

Grats on using overpowered stealth classes to overpowered a group of helpless underpowered friendly WvW folks. 4 mantra full glass timewarp GS mesmer or go home.

#DeathtoStealth(Not the player)

Hey you, stealth isn’t overpowered, all you have to do is aoe where you think I am. You should be able to win then. These guys just didn’t know that.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol @ these 8 BP, I feel like they were raging just a little bit.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Dood guiz, best necro NA made a roaming video. See if you’re youtube famous!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I don’t think anyone should miss out on what was obviously the best part of the night.

  1. Portal NA –


This is the most amazingly funny thing I have ever watched. I want to be that Mesmer.

This was us!!!! We were laughing our butts off as we did it. We had you guys and BP cornering us in there, not many of us left, so we decided to do that to all get out of there.

You’re welcome for the bags

I want to say “Look ma, I made it on youtube, and this time I have clothes on!”

why do i feel like this isnt true at all

Because you’d rather laugh at them than with them.

awww does that make them bad people?

Full spirits Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


didn’t read anything, but i’d suggest x/x/30/30/x just my 2 cents

I am done with ranger for wvw.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol so you want your cake and want to eat it too huh?

Warriors are laughable, can kill any of them np. If they run, oh well, try to keep them chilled, crippled, feared with pets and axe.

Mesmers, only ones that are tough 1v1 are full zerker phantasm builds…. but then again those are easy mode stealth and keep your phantasms up builds which is probably the best 1v1 build out there.

Thieves. Those are are easy enough to kill as long as you land your bust. However, I agree they can get away if they want, but if you put enough hurting on them, they will probably leave you alone.

I am done with ranger for wvw.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I don’t zerg much. When I do I’m half afk watching tv, eating, alt-tabbing because it’s boring.

However, what I do like to do is roam…. Rangers excel at roaming. Also they are prob 1 of the better professions for a 5 man roaming team. IMHO

Necro - WvW roaming - V.4

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Why do I have to be trolling? I could be providing valuable informa….. Lol nm

That’s my normal build, I’ve changed a few things but that’s a good start.

Oh and full apothecary gear or settlers

(edited by Tricare.2946)

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


We haven’t found that many good fights this matchup so far. Our 10-15 either mows down 5 man teams and very occasional simliarly numbered puggle groups or runs into the 30+ blobs that DB and Mag guilds love to run about in and we get smashed.

Not much fun either way.

Sure we could do the whole, string the zerg out and pick them off or run for the choke point but we always prefer a straight up open field fight if it is at all possible.

We have had a couple of encounters with [NS] while they have had similar numbers to us but we have caught them by surprise while they were hitting gates so we can’t really claim anything spectacular there.

Just wish there were some more teams out there with similar numbers to us.

Would love to run into the [Ark] guys while you don’t have your full squad of 25+ out. Win or lose, at least it would be interesting for my guys.

Oh well.. Moan over.

There is always next matchup to look forward to.


You could do what we do, if you see 2 people only send 2 people. I’m sure you’ll have reasons to make fun of the people you send to fight then.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


loolol look at all the garbage thieves

Lol yeah those 3 thieves had to be the worst thieves ever. They didn’t even know how to 2 spam right.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Watch this video at the 26second mark, you see me swap my pet to wolf and spam f2 about 3-4 times, pet doesn’t cast fear and leaps after my target instead.

Your wolf casts fear. It just does it after its initial attack, which happens to be a slow-casting leap attack (which misses). Not sure if it’s the cripple or knockdown leap.

When you swapped pets, the wolf automatically decided to use the leap attack, before you could hit F2. When you hit F2, that queued the fear to fire after the leap attack finished. Which it did. That’s why people have been saying F2 should interrupt the pet’s current attack and fire immediately. Not queue up.

Yep that’s what I said. Shouldn’t be that way.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Last I checked BP cared enough about what Maguuma thought to make beating us their goal, like with Ehmry. I don’t know why you care what we think, maybe you should let us know!

What Maguuma thinks: “CHOO CHOO”

You know that’s not what…… you should figure this one out on your own.

Edit: Ok I think it might take you a little too long. Try reading the last sentence again.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[rB] You said keep posting videos of you, well here’s another one with you in it. You guys do make 2 of us lose our stacks in a 3v5, so I guess good job?

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Who are you and……. wait… nm I don’t even want to know.

Flame Trap vs. Fire Bomb.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So i hear oranges aren’t the same as apples.

Not sure who told you that…. They’re both kinda round.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


rB is a PPT guild. We love our good fights in WvW. Are glad when they happen. Jericho chasing us down actually made me have to command better even with larger numbers. I would like to break into the GvG scene and what not and am currently working on getting the organization I need to do it right. Until then we will just keep doing what we do. I love the attention we get though! Post more videos guys, if you need to see any from us the website is

I’ll be sure to post more of you getting wiped in 4v10’s

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Watch this video at the 26second mark, you see me swap my pet to wolf and spam f2 about 3-4 times, pet doesn’t cast fear and leaps after my target instead.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[rB] doesn’t GvG, do they? Hope this wasn’t their best players.

State of Necro in WvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Someone should watch the necro roaming videos that are posted. 2v4’s happen because of you people.