Showing Posts For Tricare.2946:

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Really TG? You’re going to chase 2 poeple all the way to the windmill with 3x the numbers?

Windmill is suppose to be a safe place

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Eh my phone likes to change my words, was suppose to be “why do people say this GvG ISN’T GvG?”

Just because the way we GvG right now is just a death match sorta, doesn’t mean it’s not a real GvG.

I offer any of you to bring your 15 man vs my guilds, if you don’t have a strategy or any skill, you will die.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Why do people keep saying this GvG is real GvG?

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Who are you to assume how I play in wvw?

I don’t do wvw to zerg undefended keeps. My favorite things are taking well defended keeps and defending keeps from capable enemy force. This can involve single large forces, or multiple smaller forces spread around the map focused on different objectives. My preference is generally the latter.

Thank you, I agree. GvG poeple like to fight open field with fair numbers sometimes. So they go to the back to fight.

Why are you trying to control the way they play WvW ? They are still fighting the other world, just a little differently.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


See you will never have ground to stand on, because there are no balanced matches.

The score is not only factor in this. Even in an unbalanced matchup, there are points at which balance exists. Like when you and another team both have a full queue on a map. And that can be thrown back into unbalance if half of your players are occupied with a gvg.

And even if it is unbalanced, why does that matter? People being blocked from entering because of a gvg are still being blocked because of people not participating in wvw. I’d rather be in wvw in an unbalanced fight, than stuck in a queue waiting for some gvg match to finish.

Balanced matchups do happen, just not very often with the current mess the matchup system is in.

Even if a map is queued, you zergs just dodge each other and take crap that’s undefended. That’s how this game is boring and works.

Again, who are you to dictate how I play in WvW? GvG is part of wvw as much as jumping puzzles are. deal with it.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


See you will never have ground to stand on, because there are no balanced matches.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


LOL so people can do jump puzzles, get vistas, kill the grub or tree, but we can’t do GvG ?

talk about double standards here.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I was just taking another look at the video, and paid attention to the number of spectators. Just counting the ones from SBI, there are over 30. The gvg team had 15. That’s about half of the map’s player limit for the team being taken up, with 30+ just sitting around watching.

I’m definitely impressed with the amount of player interest this creates, and do respect what the gvg community has created. But it’s absurd to me that so many are willing to defend this as having no negative impact, when I’m seeing half of a map’s limit being filled up by it.

Ok, now take the time to look at the rest of the picture.

What’s the ppt?

What are the scores at?

What day of the week is it?

All of your arguments, yet again, have no ground to stand on.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Eh I don’t think Ebay or DB has any solo roamers, they may be a little scared to run around on their own.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Seeing many of you here are GvG, you might not like what I have to say. I still feel I should say it from my own opinion. I would support and official GvG arena, but I don’t like GvG.

The reason being is that you all take up valuable WvW space for those who want to WvW. In that way, your not thinking of your fellow players. Whether or not Anet supports it or hates it, I would rather see valuable space going to even a random person who wants to WvW. If they can’t get in a map, you interfere with their fun. One should not be selfish.

GvG might contribute some, but not much to WvW. I do wish for some official support for those who enjoy it, but I don’t see the value of it when my rear is out there fighting the good fight and others really are not. See it from other players view. Not just yours or even Anet’s.

Lol JQ complaining about queues. You’re on a stacked server, your fault.

Again, people that are GvG’ing are not taking any one else’s spot, they got in WvW and are playing the way they want to play.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Guys guys guy…. did you see the anet employee back pedaling?!

lol no wonder he hates gvg’s

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


All of the arguments against GvG’s are pointless and have no ground to actually stand on, just saying.

Apoc Rangers with Shortbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The sword/dagger is more for defense than damage, but you can stack 20 seconds of poison and 3 stacks of bleeds which is very awesome.

You can use sword #1 to stay on your target if you have to. Sword #2 is your gap closer or get away tool. Sword #3 is an extra evade. Then dagger adds an extra evade and some nice bleeds/cripple.

Also, shortbow is boring to me, really all you do is auto attack and save your #5 for their heal.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Join a guild. start a guild, become friends with poeple in the guild and i’m sure you can jump in. We have even invited people into the guild just for 1 gvg match.

ALL of your arguments meet dead ends and are pointless.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Where’s the justice for people akitteng at spawn? where’s the justice for someone building random siege that’s not needed or taking a golem and attacking mobs with it? They’re not contributing anything at all to wvw.

GvG’s now with the buttlust actually provide points when they spike.

your whole argument about this being a ‘members club’ is flawed.

You’re arguing about something the guild is doing together as a guild. So what? Now we need to get rid of guilds all together, because if someone is not in your guild, they’re excluded from talking in their guild chat? Every guild has done something with guild only, even pve has guild only events, hence guild missions.

Your argument about GvG punishing WvW contributers is also wrong. GvG guilds are KNOWN to be the most active wvw guilds there are, period.

Your argument about queues is also EXTREMELY horrible. It’s only you and your guilds fault for trying to stack servers.

Did you know, I’ve NEVER had to queue to get into a wvw map? I’m on Maguuma and yes, we do queue maps, but there is ALWAYS one open.

GvG is not a ‘Ego-trip’. Guilds win some and lose some. They learn and adapt their play style and get better. Making them MUCH more effective in WvW when they come up against larger numbers.

in conclusion, i don’t care what you do lol

WvW is an open community ‘court’

GvG is just a side game being played on that court. Anyone is welcome to bring their guild and give it a shot. GvG’s are not just 20v20.

People do 5v5 gvg’s

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


When did I say anything about professional basketball courts?

WvW is an open world for anyone to do as they please.

My analogy wasn’t misleading.

WvW is open to anyone to join. So are public basketball courts.

If people queue up a map, I have to wait my turn. If someone is play ANY type of basketball game on the court I have to wait my turn.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


WvW is like…. you know….. 4 basketball courts you see?

GvG’er’s just want to play ‘knock out’ on one side of the court, most people wouldn’t mind because they are still using the court for the same purpose; to have fun with a basketball type game.

Your post is very Misleading.

“These 4 basketball courts” are not empty; *players are playing a game in these 4 basketball courts"

*Let’s get real here, example; in a basketball game court, do you ever see “players playing knowxk out on one side od the court”?

Absolutely Not!

If anyone would Dare try it, would be excourted out by the authories and be banned from entering the court.

I Encourage you to be Truthful in what you say and to restrain your posts in not deceiving others.

In conclusion,

To all GvG- deserves to be appreciated and respected with great consideration for allowing you to even GvG in WvW in the first place.

Cause WvW is WvW- *allows servers to play against each servers(

GvG is GvG- allows only guild members to play against each other

and please don’t tell me that these 2 mean the same thing.

As the saying goes, “even a child knows who is daddy and mommy”

Public basketball courts have armed guards now?

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m going to have to say that most GvG guilds would stomp 90% of the rest that don’t GvG.

It’s just like duels. The more you duel 1v1 the better you know your class and the better you learn counters to other classes you face.

please stop the crying about 20 people doing a GvG for an hour and then most likely go flip crap in the same map they had the GvG in.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


WvW is like…. you know….. 4 basketball courts you see?

GvG’er’s just want to play ‘knock out’ on one side of the court, most people wouldn’t mind because they are still using the court for the same purpose; to have fun with a basketball type game.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If they did a twitch apology it would probably get more views than their spvp esportz

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


He has no authority in game.

Dude was just there to troll and see how people would react. Then once he saw they were telling him to move, he popped the tag to be the almighty anet employee that was ‘observing them violate his game’.

He moved out once he saw no one cared that he was there telling them to stop. Which he was trying to do. Putting the tag on and trying to ‘scare’ them to stop the gvg is pretty stupid.

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I liked that you blocked out your ranger skills….. because I can’t see the signets you’re running or the axe/warhorn. Also fighting you for a total of 15 seconds would show me everything on your bar.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The real issue here is the blatant abuse of the little power the dev had. He turned his tag on to control the actions of players. He wasn’t getting his way without it so he turned it on in hopes they would listen.

This has nothing to do with GvG. Even though anet hates it.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol you lost to bitcloud with training wheels on.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Such is the life of a bandwagon server! Also, your FA comment is incredibly wrong. Don’t know what kind of crap you were smoking. TC is also known as “zombie coast.” This is because all TC does is throw bodies at doors over and over again.

What fantasy world are you living in?

Cold Hard Facts. Once upon a time, FA-KN-MG were in Tier 3. KN fallen down, MG stagnated while FA rose. GvG at windmill is byebye due to bloodlust. GvG is now open field in BLs, EB.

Had a GvG behind the windmil yesterday…. oh and one scheduled for Thursday.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Maguuma has fun in LA all the time, everyone is VERY friendly.

Perplexity Engies, Um Hello Devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I ran them on mesmer and engi, and recently got rid of them when I won a 5v1 on mesmer.

My permanent 15 confu stacks totally outplayed them all, right?

The runes are so powerful, you don’t even need a main-hand weapon.

Yes, anyone can kill players that don’t know what they are doing. You did no real damage to them, they killed themselves.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


VR’s GvG with Hawk. Don’t hate on my mesmer skills please, i’m a nooblet.

how is the AOE cap hurting zergs?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Love how everyone is a game developer on these boards.

Granted there is always things that can be better and improved, but really guys how can you possibly know anything that truly goes on behind the scenes.

When your steak comes back well done and you ordered it rare….you have a pretty good idea what went wrong and you never once saw the chef make your steak…..

We don’t know all the details, but we can infer from the results we see and compare to similar processes other similar games go through with their processes. Your right we can never know 100%, but we can infer quite a bit with good observation

Very true, however you and I don’t see the chef ignoring the steak because he is perfecting some amazing dessert reciepe. If he focuses on the steak….then the dessert is mediocre. All we see is that steak isn’t the way we want it and have yet to see the dessert.

I’m saying there are always idea, changes, things in the pipeline for an MMO. It will never be perfect in any state at anytime in it’s lifecycle, much like it will never be finished.

Well other than the fact that I never order dessert. The steak comes first, the dessert is extra, it’s not the main meal.

Why add class icons in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


@Krypto I main ranger, never bothered me. You can tell I’m a ranger with my signets.

@styx It’s not that big of a deal, but every little step towards making this game easy mode, is going to slowly kill the game.

Also it takes away from the feel of WvW, not knowing things and having to figure them out for yourself.

Next they’re going to add where your skills won’t cast if your target is out of range.

Why add class icons in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I didn’t really notice for some reason, but there are now class icons next to the enemies picture. Why is this?

That use to be one of the things you had to figure out for yourself, not something the game just told you. Is this person running ranger/mesmer/warrior/guadian/thief signets? What kind of attacks is he starting off with?

It added a challenge to the game. For this game wanting to be an E-sport they are trying really hard to make it easy to play, even in spvp they are talking about removing runes/sigils that people don’t really use… why?

I can go on about this for awhile, i’m going to stop. Stop trying to make this game kittening easy mode please.

FYI, GvG's and duels still happening.

in In-game Events

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Just thought I’d let you know….

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Now I remember why I’ve heard the name Karlesi

how is the AOE cap hurting zergs?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Imagine you taking down 1 gate/wall of a a keep/tower. Imagine 50 people inside which ain’t that abnormal. Imagine they all chaining their aoe into the gap. Good luck walking through and surviving.

Aoe cap is there not only for the servers, but also because some things will be just impossible to cap and some classes will be rediculously OP. Like Ele and ranger, no. If aoe is unlimited, make healing unlimited aswel and all the other spells. But OOPS, we are back to 0 than…

So yea aoe cap is there for a really really good reason.

You think that ele or ranger would be Op? Just thing about hammer warriors with no aoe cap, or a gs whirl trough the zerg, or any non single target autoattack from any class for the matter.No aoe cap 1200 range ccs, fears, immobilizes.Game would be literally unplayable for a game that doesn’t require to target for cast.Other games aoe require you to target some player and the aoe would hit on some radius arround them, but in gw2 aoe or even a melee slash with no cap would be too Op.
Unless retaliation would still be allowed in wich case LOL

DAoC worked just fine with no AoE cap. At the center of the aoe was the most damage and the further away from the center you were, the less damage you took.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Sorry but he isn’t a well known Ranger, also his video’s are nothing different from almost every other Ranger, after watching so many video’s of rangers running around with Beastmaster build’s you get bored of seeing the same thing over and over.

Oh stop it you! You’ll hurt my feelings….

What is the current meta wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hopefully someone has posted a solid build if not I would try the typical condi-heal build and practice open field movement with the sword.

Before you let yourself down, you have to actually hit something with the first attack in the chain in order to activate the next parts that actually move the ranger forward (2nd and 3rd attack in the chain).

He’s talking about sword #2, which you don’t have to hit anything to use.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Who’s Pimp??? never heard of you before.

That’s how it’s suppose to be.

So your a forum troll.

I troll around on the forums. However, I’ve also posted real roaming videos.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Who’s Pimp??? never heard of you before.

That’s how it’s suppose to be.

What is the current meta wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You mean like this? Last clip.

Do Guilds need to quit for you to change WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I can’t wait to see them tell us that the bloodlust is just fine and everything is working as intended.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[GF] mesmer gets mad when you kill him with less numbers.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


SWäG & iLL Roaming WvW.

One hell of funny story behind this latest video. But I won’t go into detail’s.

Hope you Enjoy.

Sorry but dats not roaming. I guess zergging could be considered roaming then, as long as they don’t flip stuff.

5 or less brah

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Confirmed. Open field fighting is now 1v1.

I can’t believe I didn’t come to this conclusion earlier.

If they don’t want to waste time fighting 1v1 for fun, I doubt they will fight larger numbers for 0 ppt seeing as how in zerg fights there is almost no stomping.

I dunno tri, you should see how much the scores in t1 are above what ppt can allow.

Umm duh, T1 has the best roamers in the universe. They get like 100 spikes an hour.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Confirmed. Open field fighting is now 1v1.

I can’t believe I didn’t come to this conclusion earlier.

If they don’t want to waste time fighting 1v1 for fun, I doubt they will fight larger numbers for 0 ppt seeing as how in zerg fights there is almost no stomping.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So talked to a EBay person, I’m going to assume this is how the whole server thinks of open field fighting.

What is the current meta wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


axe is not good.
sword and pvp builds for roaming.
use gs and tank for zerging.

Axe could be better, but works just fine.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Some roaming against you people, hard to find any good fights….

Good manners and respect

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Release to spawn and I’ll stop.

I laughed at this.