Showing Posts For Tricare.2946:

What is the current meta wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


eh was suppose to be natures protection, i made that while on my phone at work. I’ll fix it.

What is the current meta wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Good manners and respect

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If I have a good 1v1 fight, I wont jump on the person. However, if you jump me with 3 other people and I find you solo and stomp you, you better believe i’m going to jump on you.

Ram mastery, a little bit over the top?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


They tested them, they are working as intended.

Please remove the small trees in ruins.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This is why they don’t listen to the forums, you’re complaining about something so simple to play around, zoom your camera in.

Make Bloodlust inversely proportional?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I can probably speak for my entire servers roamers and wvw guilds. We don’t want a stat buff.

Make Bloodlust inversely proportional?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The thing is a lot of people don’t even want a stat increase.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yeah I like to record my fights and such, but have lost interest because of the buffs.

Let my opponent have them, I don’t care. I like tougher fights, but keep the buffs off me please.

Do Guilds need to quit for you to change WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I find it amusing that the game is suddenly shattered for so many over something as insignificant as a 0-150 point increase in stats. I simply can’t believe that people who honestly and legitimately enjoyed the game prior to the buff are unable to logically enjoy it now. It seems far more likely that they’re simply being disingenuous, for effect.

“Insignificant” is not what I would call 4 ascended trinkets’ worth of stats.

Take the inverse of Bloodlust; if the other realms could get a bonus which, upon getting it, would let them go “nope, you’re not allowed to equip any accessories”, would that shed any light on it for you then? Can you understand why they might think that completely invalidates WvW? Because that is 2/3rds of what this system does. It’s even worse than everything else that imbalances WvW because you can’t both have those orb bonuses at the same time; if someone else is eating, you can eat too. If someone else has stacked Guard Killer, you can stack Guard Killer. If you’re outmanned and you want to roam for some fun fights? Enjoy your (even more) uphill battle.

There is a significant difference between a minor, blanket increase in stats and forbidding an enemy from equipping accessories altogether. I understand the spirit of what you meant, but that is a ridiculously silly comparison to make.

The thing is… 150 stat points is, in most cases, insignificant. Assuming you have all the buffs at all times (which has been exceedingly rare so far), you’ll be maybe 5% stronger than your opponent, give or take. If you die to a thief in two backstabs without the buff, you’ll still die in two backstabs. If you kill someone in ten hits without the buff, you might kill them in nine with the buff. In the vast majority of cases, people aren’t winning or losing fights by the margin provided with bloodlust, and that is why it’s insignificant. People just want an excuse for losing.

Regardless of that… So many people in WvW don’t use food or other such bonuses, despite the fact that they can. Plenty still run around in rares or exotics, when others are using ascended. When you encountered such a person prior to this week’s patch, did it completely ruin the game for you? Did you avoid the fight? Did you think “this game sucks, I should quit”? If people never reacted with outrage to those situations, I can’t exactly take it seriously when they scream about this one, considering it’s virtually the same issue.

Those people without food and wearing crap gear die fast and are no fun to fight.

Bloodlust only to stop Guild Wars/dueling?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The reason I think this and would like to know if it’s true is, 150 stat points doesn’t do much in large fights. However, in 1v1 all the way to 15v15 and maybe 20s, those extra stats go a long way.

In large Zerg fights you’ll find up levels, no class cordination, and (before patched) magic find gear. When you have 40+ people, those 150 points don’t mean a thing.

[Solo WvW]: Ranger or Engi?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You’ll find in 1vX situations about the only thing a ranger can do is run.

Not true.

Commander Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This is the type of upgrade to the system we will likely be making, but it is not a short-term project. We feel commanders aren’t getting enough mileage out of the system as it is now and we’d like to make it much, much more robust.

I hope you’re really thinking this one through. If you add abilities to the commander tag you’re going to have everyone and their mother running around with a tag on, even if they are not leading.

If you put a cap on how many commanders are allowed on the map, who gets to use theirs then? Just like it was stated about the outnumbered buff, you wouldn’t want people harassed to turn their tag off, so someone else could turn theirs on.

Anet.... where are my coyotes

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Really? Why have my coyotes gone?! This is how I always started my roaming, killing the crap out of those coyotes.

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


map- yes
buff- no

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Wait, I thought all of maguuma was stay and home moms….

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Dueling and GvG’s may not have been intended on WvW maps, but they happen. The fight club scene is a big one and having these stat buffs effectively ruins any fair fights.

There are even known rules that you just don’t duel with 25 stacks of any type on, now with this buff you could have 150 to all stats?

If changes to WvW keep going they way they are, soon you won’t see any small groups running around, unless it’s to get to the zerg.

Zephyr's Speed needs a tweak

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You guys do realize once they fix the AI on the pets this trait is going to skyrocket from “ok” to absolutely amazing right?

Lol good one…..

Rune of Tormenting

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Not really, the rune goes on a 20 second cd and your heal is still up. If you use your heal before that 20 second cd is up, you have to wait for your heal to be back up to trigger the runes

Ventari Dueling (Videos)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It’s easier because you’re use to it, bind the keys and stick with it for more than a week and you’ll never go back to clicking.

You’ll notice you’re reacting faster and able to pull off the combos you want when you need to. Instead of looking at your hot bar makin sure you’re hitting the right skill.

Zephyr's Speed needs a tweak

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Really they should switch I back to the old quickness, then it might be worth it.

Rune of Tormenting

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


just a little tip, use it if you’d like. You can start to cast your heal, then dodge and cancel it. the torment will still go off. not sure if it’s a bug /shrug

Zephyr's Speed needs a tweak

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


it’s a waste now, i tried to run it, couldn’t. pointless to take now.

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


lol I don’t think anyone knows who you are to even have shown you respect. The way you come to the forums, complain and then talk crap about people and the entire server you’re on.

I’m a little surprised that no on flocks to your commander tag….

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m guessing you just bought your commander tag…. were you the one asking how to turn it on?

He was saying go to the mag forums because that’s where no one has to read your complaints and you can quietly fade away….\

Edit: lol do you even know The Duke?! He’s THE DUKE you better show some respect brah

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


What frustrates me is the karma train that mags has. I logged on this morning to see not a whole hell of a lot of green, so instead of playing the toon i wanted to, I got my tag, said in LA that I needed men to come and help get our map back, and no one came until I got on the map and started putting a small dent in he SoS hold of mags map. The Xushin gets on and all the fly by nights just miraculously log on at the same time and run with him, while leaving me to beg my little guild to help. Same thing when Duke is on. Mags needs better skill in its players or we may as well just PvE it from here on out except the trains, because those trains accomplish nothing when our home maps is someone else’s colour. That simple.

who are you?

#1 Skill on sword does NOT root you...

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The auto attack works as intended, even a 2 year old can use it. You do understand what auto attack is right? It’s for players that don’t want to learn when to use their skills and go on auto pilot. You can put any skill you want on auto cast, not very wise, but you can. This is why so many people cried about confusion being op, they were using auto attack and kill themselves.

The sword on ranger is awesome, just take it off auto attack. Learn to use it when needed. (yes a l2p if you will) Only use the sword when you need to stick to your opponent, the sword for ranger is prob the best weapon in game to do this. No one gets away from me if i don’t want them to. (ok, some get away)

Edit: not sure why you guys are even talking about auto attack, it has nothing to do with the sword #1 being used. Auto attack is something that’s not even needed in the game, that’s just a quality of life TOOL for you to use.

#1 Skill on sword does NOT root you...

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946



Well 1st everything is going easier or tougher for people to learn, so a low skill entry level for me is different for you. Should we make all weapons able to be played by a 2 year old?

2nd every weapon will have it’s up and downs, saying dont defend the weapon with its good pints is being ignorant of the fact that not all weapons can be perfect.

#1 Skill on sword does NOT root you...

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Sword 1 is fine, I like it the way it is.

It’s also a good way to fly through a Zerg tagging everything, as long as you don’t have a target, swing away.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Ressurection / stomp prevention are key abilities in small fights.

I agree 100%, that’s why I run spirit of nature. However, having an ability, only to be used on a downed person when there’s a thief in the picture, isn’t very effective.

Oh by the way, I like that they are adding this. Just don’t see myself using it. I will for sure give it a shot and see how it plays.

Edit: oh and we’re assuming that this will work on downed players.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


All I do is roam wvw with a 2-3 man team. If there’s a thief in the fight there’s only 2 different ways they cause problems.

1. They’re full zerker which is a game changer. We bust them down once they come out of stealth. 90% of the time that’s that. (if they havn’t busrted one of us to death)

2. They stealth a person we just downed.

The only way I see this being helpful is for the 2nd problem with thieves in small scale fights. I would save Sic em for a downed person so that a thief couldn’t stealth revive them. However, that’s a waste of skill slot imo

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If you’re running a power build on a ranger, you’re already gimping yourself. It’s sad but true. Adding reveal to sic em won’t help out much.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Here’s a video of a ranger vs thief. This guy jumped me when I was messing around with pigs. (which if F2 worked way better, and you could pick stuff up faster, would be awesome pets to slot)

Honestly, I won’t use sic em most likely. The only signet that i’d give up for it would be SoH, but that would have to be on the fly, when I see a thief coming. Even then, the 25% speed loss would hurt more than you think.

9/6 Ehmry Bay/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey Ebay, found this guy on your sever, he thought he could get away with his little ‘tricks’….. better watch out for my karate……

F2 working better?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


No, it’s still buggy, even worse with the pigs….. lol yes I was trolling around with pigs this weekend

Ranger vs perma stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Against a good perma stealth thief, you won’t kill them unless they mess up. Here’s a video I have fighting one. I normally don’t try and 1v1 them, the fights take to long and they normally run, or I do.

Edit: oh and I was trolling around with pigs lol, they’re not the best pets to have against them.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

9/6 Ehmry Bay/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Wth maguuma, where did all these ’’roamers’’ come from? I use to be able to roam in a small group, now there’s almost always someone around to ruin good fights.

9/6 Ehmry Bay/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[GF] thought you were good enough to run in small groups, not 8+ deep

Ventari's Power Necro (Insane Damage)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


stop bumbing your nerco doo doo

Please don't use ranger in solo queue

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Ohhhh whatcha gonna say to that ?!?

How to kill these builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Well you’re problem is, you have a condition build with power gear…..

Solo WvW (some tips lol) [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If I am wrong you take a dagger with sword for the cripple, so you can maintain close range? I used a variation of that build (more pet dedicated dps), s/t and a/d and I’m wondering how well that works

s/t a/d works fine for some people, i just prefer to play defensively and offensively. If you run into a really well played zerker thief or mesmer, you’ll need s/d on the same weapon set to avoid their bursts.

Solo WvW (some tips lol) [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey build link is in description on video. Signets work nice. The regen is great and so is the speed. Best one is SoR because its a stun break and full condition clear.

Solo WvW (some tips lol) [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey guys, clearing out my videos for the week, here’s some solo fights I had. Tried to post a few tips, let me know if they’re any helpful.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The whole sigil thing was about scrubs not having something that would actually help them during that fight on their weapons, not after the fight was over……

Troll Unguent and SoN going to be nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Why are you feeding this troll?

He’s even using spirit of nature in his “math” which you have to pretty much have your hand up it’s butt to get the regen from it.

Possible to perma speed and regen??

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


First time to the forums?

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Why are people running stack weapons in GvG’s?…… Scrubs

Ranger on SOTG ???

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Can we get a ranger on State of The Game to ask some real questions?

[RIOT] Taunting The Zerg

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tricare.2946


…… you didn’t know what you were doing when you first started fighting did you? You were just swinging at air for a good min.

t1/t2 servers are a joke filled with people who don’t know how to play their classes.

Spirits go on full cd when interrupted

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Not sure why I’m posting this, it’s just going to get buried with no response.

However, when the ranger elite spirit gets interrupted, it ones on the full 30 second cooldown, not sure why that is. The spirit should only go on a 3 second cooldown.