Showing Posts For Tricare.2946:

Ok downed state in pvp seriously

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Too bad?

That’s like saying Mist Form, Distortion, Death Shroud, etc, are far too forgiving and should be removed.

I have a feeling you go down a lot when you have 2-3 people against 1 person.

Ok downed state in pvp seriously

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Really, the best fix imo, remove #2 and #3 downed skills.

This way some classes don’t have cheap downed skills that stop all interrupts, while some are just laughable.

People saying, oh I’ll just stability stomp them, try that on a ele, mesmser, theif. Also, some of the classes downed abilities are just jokes.

With the two skills removed, it still allows skillful play around reviving your downed team mates and also weather or not to go for the stomp, because you know that the downed person can’t stop you.


in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If you’re talking WvW, just depends on what you are looking for.

Necro is good for zerg and roaming.

Ranger, depending on who you ask, is really only good for small scale roaming imo.

Tired of skill carrying the class.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


“Vezin – Considered by many players to be the best WvW roaming roamer from Maguuma”

The question has to be asked:
What is a roaming roamer?
And are there roamers who don’t roam?

Haha I guess I need to take the signature off. When my server faced Blackgate there was a ele with the signature

“(His name) – Considered by many to be the best roaming Elementalist on Blackgate”

I made mine as a joke to his.

12/13/13 SBI/Mag/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Duke is a duck, ducks need motivation to be special.

Billy, the travelling circus owner, walked into a bar to see everyone crowded around a table watching a show.

On the table was an upside down pot and a duck tap dancing on it. Billy was so impressed that he offered immediately to buy the duck from its owner. After some negotiations, they settled on a figure of $20,000 for the duck and the pot.

Four days later the circus owner, Billy, runs back to the bar in anger and shouts, ‘Your duck is a rip off! I put him on the pot before a whole audience, and he didn’t dance a single step.’

‘So?’ asked the ducks former owner calmly, ‘did you remember to light the candle under the pot?’

Tired of skill carrying the class.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hard to take that seriously with your foot note

That was for a ele on BG, he was claiming to be the best roaming ele.

Tired of skill carrying the class.

Yeah, me too. I should log into my characters and the game should flawlessly play itself while I watch and have a hot cocoa.

(True story: I sometimes do this in PvP. Spectating is a great way to learn. So I do appreciate the option! )

If you read my post, I was saying that you could be the most skilled player in the world, but still get beat by a 5 year old on a prismatic understanding mesmer just spamming his skills. The professions need to be balanced closer, not saying just for 1v1’s.

They do provide burst if they are geared properly, but as far as they other 2, they do lack. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that my ranger does more burst damage than my warrior with equal gear and both traited for sheer damage.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen some of the warriors out there, full zerker gear with max dps. Yet, still have stances to laugh at conditions/dps and get in, bust someone down, and run away laughing.

Some people will say that Rangers are easy targets, cannon fodder, or rallybait; I’ve played against nearly all servers and currently reside in T1. That statement, just isn’t the case.

T1 has nothing to do with skill, sorry. When roaming in my normal group, if there’s a zerker ranger, which you do notice pretty quick because of the dps, we target them and down them before they can do any real damage. For zerker rangers to be able to do damage, they have to be left alone. Any pressure on them and they are not doing any dps anymore.

They can do burst, and even an untraited spirit ranger provides excellent group utility. A traited one provides unparalleled party support.

A traited and untraited one together is almost OP.

Spirit rangers in WvW are a joke. I’ve tried them many times. However, with the nerfs to spirits they are even worse. (the interrupt nerf that is) Spirits die to all the aoe every other class brings to the table, so they are out of the fight in a matter of seconds.

Also, I believe they nerfed the two spirits stacking, traited and untraited.

I have some good fights with spirits though, before the nerf.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

12/13/13 SBI/Mag/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This guild still on Yak’s? I think they represented the average skill level of Yaks.

Tired of skill carrying the class.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Don’t get me wrong, I like having to be skillful to be good with a class. However, there’s a point where skill can only take you so far and it comes down the the profession you are playing.

With a Regen-Condition ranger I can take on pretty much any class 1v1, not trying to brag, the build brings me a long way. But, I have to fight tooth and nail to even stand toe-to-toe with some of the classes out there if the person behind the computer is anywhere near my skill level.

The reason I started playing the ranger was because I rarely saw any good ones in WvW and I enjoy playing the weaker classes and trying to make them good. But, there comes a point where I ask myself “why am I giving myself a huge handicap?”

Pets are a joke.

Spirits are a joke in WvW.

Condition removal is a joke.

I roam in WvW with 5 or less. Ranger/Necro make a sick duo, if you haven’t tried it you should.

I just wanted to rant a little.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The derivation is irrelevant to it’s common usage. And I used it quite correctly to describe menial labor. But that menial labor is kitten important in the game of wvw.

Where the word comes from and how most people view it, is a big deal. Grunts were known to do the bull kitten tasks, hence grunt work. However, they were on the front lines doing the fighting.

This is officially boring, next line of discussion.

I win.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The derivation is irrelevant to it’s common usage. And I used it quite correctly to describe menial labor. But that menial labor is kitten important in the game of wvw.

Where the word comes from and how most people view it, is a big deal. Grunts were known to do the bull kitten tasks, hence grunt work. However, they were on the front lines doing the fighting.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


And besides, for whatever reason, you’re chosing to use a military lingo specific meaning for the concept of the word grunt, rather than the broader english speaking world meaning.

You mean the most common use of the word?

go to, and type:
define: grunt work

I think you’ll find it enlightening, as it has absolutely nothing to do with how the term grunt is used in military parlance.

First thing I found.

Definition of ‘Grunt Work’

An expression used to describe thankless and menial work. Grunt work can also refer to jobs that lack glamour and prestige or are boring and repetitive. This term may be derived from the slang term “grunts,” which was used to describe low-ranking American soldiers during the Vietnam war.

See the part about being derived from.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


And besides, for whatever reason, you’re chosing to use a military lingo specific meaning for the concept of the word grunt, rather than the broader english speaking world meaning.

You mean the most common use of the word?

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol worst ‘war’ to talk about.

This whole thing started because, you said sitting inside towers hiding was grunt work.

It’s not. That’s Fobbit work.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


“Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for them” Napoleon Bonaparte

“There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

I could continue quoting here, but we are already off course. Logistics is not the most important thing, which was stated earlier.

“In war the only sure defense is offense, and the efficiency of the offense depends on the warlike souls of those conducting it” – General George S. Patton

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Good soldiers > logistics

“The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

“Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for them” Napoleon Bonaparte

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This is for all you people that just sit in towers/keeps and don’t go out to fight.

logistics >>>>>> strategy > tactics

Good soldiers > logistics

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This is for all you people that just sit in towers/keeps and don’t go out to fight.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yak’s bend has a lot of people willing to do the non sexy, non fighting, grunt work, that is required to win wvw.

That’s not ‘grunt work’ that’s more like…. being a fobbit… or P.O.G. hiding away on base not doing anything risky.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


lol why would i watch a video made by terrible players? i already saw how bad you were when i fought you why do i need to see it again.

In the first fight we had with you guys we got all of you into down state at one point or another, another fight that im sure has mysteriously dissapeared from your video, but your definitely making yourself out to be a credible source.

I like how all your posts claimed you “wiped” us all, but now that you’ve been called out on it, your backpedaling on that too.

I see mag is still trying to be better at pvf then actual fighting.

Well you getting beat by said ‘terrible players’, makes you…?

You guys only killed us once and that was with 6+

Only one time I said we wiped all of you, kind of hard to kill people who just run away. Also, I haven’t backpedaled on anything…. stop saying that lol

Mag isn’t trying to do anything.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


lol seeing as you never came close to getting me below half life, you definitely “wiped” me bro. But yeah the one fight you “wiped” us is the only fight you didnt record. Nothing sketchy about that.

lol at the 3v6+ i know were good but you dont have to count us each twice.

Nice excuse with the necro heal, keep backpedaling and maybe someone might believe you some day. That was my second time ever playing a warrior in wvw, but you dont see me using that as an excuse for… i guess i dont need an excuse cause you couldnt kill me anyway lol.

If you even watched the video, you were at about 33% health at 45 seconds into the video…. I wonder what you did…. oh ran away.

Seeing as you guys didn’t get any of us below 50% health in a 3v4, you are not that good and I should count 2 of you as just 1.

The necro trying a new build isn’t an excuse for anything other than the alleged 1v1 with the thief.

Also, bragging about being on the easiest class to run away with, isn’t anything special. /slow clap

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Are you in this video? Think you guys should change your guild name, wiped you 3-4 times, you dropped a lot of bags.


I hope you don’t think you are good now… I mean congrats on stomping the guard once and then running from the second fight? Your video definitely doesn’t back up your claims and I’m assuming you put in your best footage… Anyways, if you would like to set up a 3v3 or 5v5 we are more than happy to be there.

Apparently wiping us 3-4 times to them means stomping the guard twice and not killing anyone else. For some reason that necro decided not to include in the video the 1v1 he had with our thief where he got wrecked, or the time that all three of them got wiped.

So since you all died and i never did, thx for the bags?

We did wipe all of you the first fight. We don’t record a lot of fights because they are too easy.

The only time you killed all 3 of us, was when it was 3v6+ and you chased the ele/guardian through the ruins.

Also, if you can read those word things in the video, the necromancer was testing a new build out for group healing.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’ll take it you just declined the 3v3 or 5v5 then…?

I did not, I’m not in game atm. I’ll tell you what BL and how many I am roaming with when I get on.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Are you in this video? Think you guys should change your guild name, wiped you 3-4 times, you dropped a lot of bags.


I hope you don’t think you are good now… I mean congrats on stomping the guard once and then running from the second fight? Your video definitely doesn’t back up your claims and I’m assuming you put in your best footage… Anyways, if you would like to set up a 3v3 or 5v5 we are more than happy to be there.

Looks like you lost a 3 v 5 and are trying to save face.

Show me the 5 bags members… please.

This is where that special “guild wars 2 counting” comes into play. If they’re not in my guild, they don’t count.

“We 3v3’d you! The 4-5 other people that jumped in weren’t in our guild, they don’t count!”

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You can say whatever you want, but the dev’s certainly disagree.

Not sure why you are using this as a defense of a ‘broken’ trait. The dev’s have never been wrong before? They’ve never made huge mistakes?

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Well, this isn’t my video, I’m the guardian. If you notice the warrior and thief run away with their tails between their legs, so no we didn’t stomp them.

The second fight, if you look at 4:50ish top left of the video you see a zerg came out of your spawn, which is why we started pulling back.

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


who are you to say that? im pretty sure the devs knew this, and they put it in the game knowing so. so the dev’s disagree with you. lol.

It’s a sign of horrible balance in a game when one trait can cancel out a whole professions build. This game isn’t suppose to be Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Except, you’ve literally done nothing to change your build and you think you can still steam-roll everything that walks your way. Too bad. I don’t feel sorry. This thread is ludicrous.

Summary of every complaining necro in this thread- “Wahhh! Wahhh! I can’t faceroll everyone anymore! I’m going to ignore everything anyone tells me, because I like my old build! I hate change! They’re all WRONG!”


Clear example of someone not understanding balance.

Lol you don’t know a thing about this game then.

This video will explain to you what you’ve been missing.

Did you even get 45 seconds into your own video?

One trait should not render an entire professions build useless.

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Are you in this video? Think you guys should change your guild name, wiped you 3-4 times, you dropped a lot of bags.

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Except, you’ve literally done nothing to change your build and you think you can still steam-roll everything that walks your way. Too bad. I don’t feel sorry. This thread is ludicrous.

Summary of every complaining necro in this thread- “Wahhh! Wahhh! I can’t faceroll everyone anymore! I’m going to ignore everything anyone tells me, because I like my old build! I hate change! They’re all WRONG!”


Clear example of someone not understanding balance.

Chronix- I am back...WvWvW Roaming Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Man, those were very bad players in that video, like all of them.


They were indeed….

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It’s not as decisive as rock paper scissors though. They’re not 100% immune to conditions at all times no matter what. You simply have to knock them down past 90% before you can use conditions. There’s a lot of ways to do that.

I mean, what did you guys do when a Warrior popped Zerker Stance? Or an Engi used Auto-Response? Did you just avoid the fights or did you find someway to work around it?

I’m not a fan of any of those skills or their design, but Diamond Skin is the least offensive of the three IMO.

Warrior stances are horrible, that should be 0% damage as well. Also, those skills have counter play.

Warrior Zerker Stance? Just wait for it to end.

Engineer is immune at 25% health? Save your burst for around 30% because, every condition they have on them at 25% health still dose damage.

See how “skill” (or lack of doing anything) is the counter play here? Not making people change their set up that they have been playing since the game was released.

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Everyone that is saying Diamond Skin is fine, must not understand how balancing a game works.

Rock, Paper, Scissors is not a balanced PvP format, where the game is suppose to promote skill to be the best.

One trait completely stops the most common necromancer build in the game. Saying “oh just bring axe or some other weapon set up” isn’t the right answer. Forcing the necromancer to bring sub-par weapon set ups just because there’s a chance that they might run into Diamond Skin and not be able to do anything about, is not the answer.

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


this video can explain to you exactly whats going on.

PS: diamond skin has not shut down the necromancer class, just the necromancer condi builds. (just so that is clear)

Please tell me when was the last time a power Necro killed an Ele.
Especially given the fact we can no longer Chill, Cripple or Fear you to catch up with your mobility.

You’re thinking a little too simple tho darling. Baby you gotta think outside the box. What you’re feeling right now is similar to what i was feeling when eles got nerfed and other professions got buffed. I was forced to think outside the box, and experiment.

There is no “outside the box” here. Necros have no hard CC outside of the three conditions I listed (plus one Immob, which is also a condition). A dagger Necro simply cannot stay on any Ele with a pulse long enough to do damage.\
I don’t care that they nerfed condition damage builds. I care that they nerfed the few skills Necros had that could let them land damage/prevent escapes.

Yea, you shouldve heard me in the forums when eles got nerfed. Its all part of the cycle man. You’re soon going to realize that this is intended, that it’s eles time to shine, and that necros time to shine is coming to a close now. That doesn’t mean that necros are going to be completely useless, cause i stuck it out with ele and in a few weeks i found something half-way decent to carry me through to this patch. If you dont like the type of balancing anet does, that means theyre actually succeeding. Thats just the nature of imperfect balancing.

I’m well aware that Ele’s have suffered. But an eye for an eye leaves the world blind.
I’m not asking for the removal of Diamond Skin. You can keep it – but a version that doesn’t ruin everything Necros are about.

fortunately you have attacks that do damage and damage is what counters diamond skin. if the ele is outhealing you, that means hes full bunker and he cant kill you anyway. if he IS killing you, that means he is zerk spec and you’re power necro builds are going to rip him apart. give the meta some time to shift.

That’s the whole point though. If we can’t catch the Ele, we can’t do any damage. I’m not asking for a removal of the trait – keep your bleed, poison, burning and torment immunity. Condi spam is OP, so that’s valid. But my snares aren’t what kills you, they’re what allows me to actually be able to fight.

think of something. That’s on you. adapt to the gameplay is all i can say. i need to go to bed, ill visit this forum tomorrow to talk some more. peace

Translation: There is no counter – I want your class to be complete trash because mine was.

yup. like i said, eles time to shine. and you’re very right in thinking that im going to enjoy the hell out of steam-rolling every single necro i run into. its going to be a necro-slaughtering for the next few months. i love it, and every second i will cherish it.

Ele’s have every right to their time in the spotlight. But if it comes at the expense of another profession, you may need to re-evaluate your definition of balance.

It counters a very specific build, and one that sorely needed a counter at that. If every necro is using one build as your post implies, then that means one of two things: There’s a lack of build diversity, or the build the necro is using is OP as all sin and needed a counter. Since power necros are definitely a thing, the latter is likely true.

Every build needs a counter. If you don’t want to adapt to this counter to condi tanks, that’s not the developer’s fault.

It’s a sign of horrible balance in a game when one trait can cancel out a whole professions build.

Diamond Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It’s a sign of horrible balance in a game when one trait can cancel out a whole professions build.

The time of the Ranger is now!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It’s really funny when playing my ranger, if I notice a LB ranger, I target them first knowing they will die fast.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It’s like bragging about beating someone up while they are sleeping……. oh wait, coverage wars.

WvW Blackgate Support Necro Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


All of the fights were against JQ, where are fights against good servers/guilds?

Remove ability to res finished players.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yes please, also remove skills #2 and #3 in downstate ftw


in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Here’s a video of me playing a regen build.

@Dead Muppet, I beat engi’s and necro’s all the time 1v1. Yes, they are tough to fight, but with the right build it comes down to how well you can play your class and out play your opponent. Depending on the guardian, yes, they can take awhile to kill or sometimes you may not even be able to kill them. However, same goes for them, they would be unable to kill you.

Sea of Sorrows vs Tarnished Coast vs Maguuma week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Not impressed, will be impressed when he drops the ez win button on his utility bar.

Instead you should watch the big boy Necro Videos by Rennoko.

The guy is solo roaming on a class with no real method of escaping, no blocks and no invulns, he stood his ground and wiped me and 6 other people after one heck of a long fight. It would be rather foolish to not use every ability available to ensure his own victory, pretty sure WvW isn’t about who uses the most fair skill, its about who wins.

Besides..saying its an ez win button is no different than saying a warrior shouldn’t use stuns, a thief shouldn’t use stealth or any other mechanic given to the class. He targeted me with that ez win button and I blinded him mid cast, he still beat us through clever kiting over the stairs in the NE cap point. He didn’t win through the use of a long cooldown signet with a long and obvious cast.

Lol why are you making fun of yourself?

Sea of Sorrows vs Tarnished Coast vs Maguuma week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Who uses Moa when you have two against one person?

Might Stacking Help

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


With the sigil of Battle, you may have another sigil on your weapon messing with them. You can’t have two on-swap sigils.

Sea of Sorrows vs Tarnished Coast vs Maguuma week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So….. what does a guy have to do to get one of you other servers to run around in 5 man groups? I’m not complaining, just getting bored with all this zerging. No I’m not going to go to spvp or tpvp, that kittens boring.

Nature's Tank Volume 5 Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


A Necro who uses staff in a 1v1 ? (Ok for zergs but for 1v1 next to useless)

Well I’m going to assume you don’t have or have never played a condition necromancer.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hello there…… was bored this morning. Thought I’d make a video highlighting BG’s superior skill.

Sword - leap question

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yeah, here’s a video with me using it to run away. Skip to near the end if you want to just see that.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Checked the Video… exactly what I am after, unfortunately he didn’t post his build :-(

I’m thinking it is

I’m pretty sure that’s what he is running and If you check back here, i’m sure he’ll post the build he was running in the video.

Need Post 10th WvW Group Support Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You should check out this guys post, I think he has a nice build that will do some damage and support the group.

Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So, coming December 10th this is the build I’ll be running. Depending on the group I am with the spirits will change. Only the one trait will change with the up coming patch.|c.1f.h1h.f.0.h1o.0.0.0|7.1f.h1o.8.1f.h1h.0.0.0|1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l|21m.0.21m.0.31m.0.21m.0.31m.0.2w.0|0.0.u57b.k47.k56|30.d|4j.4r.4t.4u.54|e

(edited by Tricare.2946)

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol @ BG HoB thief for turning on tag to kill our 5 man. Couldn’t win with 5 or 7 or 9 finally took 15 of you.