Showing Posts For Tricare.2946:

Which prof for a roaming duo with Guardian?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You forgot the part where the Ranger would die from the condi overload that the necro sent back to him.

Which prof for a roaming duo with Guardian?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Support Guardian and Necromancer work the best imo.

Solo WvW Roaming [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey guys, I keep getting sucked back into playing my ranger. Here’s a short video, will be making more probably.

Beaten by a Ranger Xvs1

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Pre-patch but I use to fight 1v2 and win every now and then.

Donee WvW Necro Montage #1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey, nice video man. 10x better than another video I watched on these forums.

[Video] Methane's Mobile Necro in Group

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You didn’t do anything to the thief, he stealthed and you can see him 2 towards you when you plague.

The guardian didn’t die, he was revived instantly.

Yes, you distracted the up-level and one other person. It was the 5 green dots that came and saved your group.

Good job, you killed a guardian when he was outnumbered.

Didn’t watch this one, you ran around in circles I’m sure. People that didn’t know what they were doing.

Yes, the only part in the video where you actually did something, but they were really being dumb and just standing in a small spot taking all of the damage. You could have used Epidemic there and downed them a lot faster.

A Close Look at Tier One Tactics

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Ever heard of RIOT? I’m sure they can kick your kitten all the way to mars. Don’t think you are great because of beating SoS because they are one of, if not the least skillful server on average in the first 4 tiers.

Those RIOT guys weren’t any good in WvW from what I remember fighting them.

Also, saying how 1 guild could kick your butt is pretty pathetic. Trying to mooch off another guilds achievements is sad and pretty childish as saying “my dad could beat up your dad!”

Surviving the thieves

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If you’re condition, you will have to just wear them down and try to land all of your conditions when they are weak.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

April 15 new build

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Don’t forget taking the poison GM trait, you will lose out on EB. Which, is pretty kitten important.

Ranger vs

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I couldn’t get past 2 minutes of that video…….. horrible.

Ranger vs Necro

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


1 easy trick to killing necro’s is using Entangle. Make them dodge twice, then make them use their heal. After that you’re free to hit entangle and most of the time they will be stuck for a long duration.

Just have to watch out for them going into DS and hitting their #2 to teleport to you.

Obsidian Sanctum JP Etiquette

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Oh all the tears make me happy.

New Necromancer LF WvW build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m not the resident expert at necro, but power is the way to go for zergs. Here’s a build I’ve used that works pretty well.

Maguuma's [GOAT]

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I remember GOAT, they liked to run around in a group of 15 up-levels.

Psi's WvW ranger build, April 15th reliant.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Funny thing is, you didn’t come up with anything new. Same old builds just using 2 of the new GM traits. Which imo won’t be worth it.


in Looking for...

Posted by: Tricare.2946


yeah, awesome server

D/D: Nec or Ele, or Gs+S/D Ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The ranger build you listed won’t work well. Go with x/x/30/30/10 or x/x/30/x/30 one of those would be better.

Returning player, help with mechanics for WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The boring part is to each their own.

Requiring skill to play? I’ve given the builds I use to multiple people, most of them couldn’t make it work. Does condi bunker have it a little easier? Maybe, but you have to be good to apply all the conditions, they don’t just apply themselves.

Killing people in time that is relevant to helping your sever….. I’d bet that I’ve died less than you, I can escape 5 people attacking me and live because I don’t die with the slightest breeze. Also, condi builds can kill pretty fast depending how well you land your attacks.

I wasn’t being a Negative Nancy, I was giving my opinion that a glassy ranger wasn’t the way to go. Nothing more, nothing less.

Returning player, help with mechanics for WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Not sure when I said anything about you can’t kill thieves with glass ranger. I said it was a horrible idea to roam with a glassy ranger.

Especially for a returning player that hasn’t played in who knows how long, against thieves that will just lawl at him. Not to mention condition classes that will tear your build apart like you’re naked. So….

Glassy ranger is not recommended for roaming. Worst. Idea. Ever.

Returning player, help with mechanics for WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’ve been running full glass roamer for a year and half, so you don’t need to let me know the types of enemies I’m going to encounter.

I’ve only ever used a sword for over a year and a half, so you don’t need to tell me I don’t know how to use a sword?

Also, I’m sure killing horrible players and up-levels is fun roaming for some people.

Returning player, help with mechanics for WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Edit: Also you going to get a lot of people who aren’t good at using a sword posting things like Tricare did.

You’re not going to be able to fight 1v2 with glassy ranger. A glassy thief will murder you, most solo roamers are thieves.

Returning player, help with mechanics for WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Glassy ranger is not recommended for roaming. Worst. Idea. Ever.

WvW Ranger Nimro.3

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yo Nimro we really like ur play style very fast kill dont listen to july’s people, make video every week. if u dont know Nimro guys his 1 of the best Ranger ever n the he was n deso server. good luck Nimro.
cant wait Nimro.4

Did you make an extra account to say this?

It is a little bit suspect when “Vandiros” and “Rebzorq” has the same typing style. As an extra, “Rebzorq” has only one post! (The quoted one)


WvW Ranger Nimro.3

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Heh, if I make a solo video I don’t put in all the easy kills I get, the video would be too long and boring. The fights I do use may not be the toughest fights I’ve ever had but they were the toughest that I had recorded during a few weeks.

Also, if I make a video with a partner, every fight is either a good 2v2 or we are outnumbered. I don’t make videos of killing up-levels like some people.

Not sure what video you watched of mine, people may run away from us but that’s because we are killing them with less people.

I’d be happy to kill you in a duel if you want. What server are you on?

WvW Ranger Nimro.3

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


clasic music for fight how ..? check my 2nd video n my channel maybe you like the music, and about time to make video i think 1 week is enough for good video why 1 month this not real movie take that long

He’s saying wait awhile because every player you fight in your videos are horrible. None of them put up a decent fight against you. Anyone, could kill those people with their eyes closed. Half the time your Entangle does all the work for you.

Record a bunch of fights, then sift through them and pick the ones that are tough fights. Don’t just put out a video every week killing up-levels, no one will want to watch that.

Ranger WvW Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


This is one of my favorite videos playing the ranger.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


That’s great and all but you give up so much damage for survivability while every other class can go pretty much full zerker and have just as much survivability.

may i ask you; Have you ever played a ranger, using anything BUT a bow?
Have you ever looked at the weapons rangers got?
Can you tell me what all my builds have in common?
This leads to my final question – Do you know how to capitalize on some of the most clunky mechanics rangers have?

These questions may seem irrelevant to you, but i can assure you, that behind them is the answer to survivability. However unless you know the profession pretty well, you will not know the result nor effect of these functions. Because it is not apparent when just looking at some build editor (and i have never seen anyone make a video recording of these functions either)

Just having a friendly discussion about a class. Not each others skills.

You can take a look at my youtube channel if you’d like, I used to post a few ranger videos. No bows in any of them.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


That’s great and all but you give up so much damage for survivability while every other class can go pretty much full zerker and have just as much survivability.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The thief does the exact same thing solo or in a zerg.
The ranger does the exact same thing whether solo or in a zerg.
3 Differences Between us:

  1. difference is perception. I no have perception that when fighting, that how I play my thief is of much less use in a zerg fight. We are still going to affect the same amount of people in the same way. That will not be changed.
  1. Difference is because I accept how a thief plays, and the fact I chose it as a main, I will not complain about it’s singular play style and how every class is better in a zerg fight. So I kill one person… .That person is no longer supporting the enemy. I kill a second person, and that person is no longer supporting the enemy. That’s how a thief and and ranger should work.
  1. I understand that a single kill or removal of a single person in an enemy zerg can work to dismantle the whole enemy zerg. That seemingly small victory is in fact a large part of the whole victory. Look at the big picture not just the small one in front of you at that second.

Lol you keep comparing Ranger to Thief. They are two completely different classes. Yes a thief is awesome at picking people off on the edge of zergs… they have stealth.

The build you are saying is so godlike couldn’t do that. It is a condition build that requires set-up and you have to hope that the zerg/group the person you are picking off doesn’t have condition removal. There are a lot more reason why rangers can pick people off the edge of a zerg.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I never said if I can’t do it, no one can. I also never said I couldn’t make it work. It’s just not viable. If you’re going to play power, pick a different class, almost any of them can do it better than ranger.

That line shows how ignorant you seem to be of the ranger profession. However, i will give you a chance to explain what the others do better, in what way, and why power builds are “not viable”.

Because outside of stability sharing, aegis sharing, veil/portal spamming we can do everything the others can, and in many cases, even way way better.

Mesmer: can go full zerker without having to worry about much because they have skills that are useful. Blink, Decoy, Veil, Mass Invis.

Theif: Can go full zerker (do I have to say much more?) Shadow Refuge is a joke of a skill.

Warrior: Can go full zerker, has awesome stances to ignore damage and conditions while also having nice health regen. Banner res.. yay!

Necromancer: Has aoe dps that’s better than ranger, with more survivability. Also, they can go Lich Form for lulz.

The list goes on.

Rangers going power lose out on their condition removal. Go ahead and say they have their healing spring or the bear.. lol. Healing Spring requires you to stand in one spot…. have fun doing that when you have 2-3 poeple on you. The bear? Because, we all know pets work so well.

Small scale roaming is dominated by conditions. When I roam with a necromancer, we target rangers first if we can tell they are power, they are some of the best epidemic targets.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


A; im in T1 NA. Used to play T3/T4 EU for almost a year.
B; when i played in EU, people knew how to counter rangers. What skills to use, what not to use. They knew how to play against bunker rangers, they knew that “olol (insert a META profession with any build here) will totally wreck that ranger” were not going to happen. Then i move to T1 NA. People i meet, got NO clue how to counter a ranger that uses anything but bows. I see people flee when they cannot down me within 10 seconds. It is pitiful to watch them. When they fail to kill me 1v1, they call in a havoc squad. If i somehow manage to evade/run away from the 1v10 gank, they just take note of my guildtag, and next time i roll out solo i get zergs sent after me. That is how sad T1 NA is.

I see warriors, thieves, medi guards (albeit they are more nasty then the rest), PU mesmers, terror necros and whatnot run around without a clue. You talk about “knowing about pets” well, so far, NA players, be it in EotM, EBG, BGBL or JQBL, i find hardly anyone who knows that when the pet is hitting like your average zerker player, you should kill the pet first. Yet they don’t. They chase me, the player, who runs a full evasion + condition build.

Truth be told, people do not know what a “ranger” is because they believe a ranger = zerker with bow. Anything outside that stereotype freaks people out.

Now, i do not believe myself to be godlike in terms of skill. I die quite a bit, maybe more then your average thief or mesmer, but then again i do not have a quirky mechanic to carry me, instead i have to fight a quirky mechanic to perform.

C; Just because you cannot roll a power build without failing, does not mean others cannot succeed. Your own performance=/=general performance. Players need to learn that. Players also need to learn that when you roll a class, they should always expect ranged damage to be lower, less efficient and more dangerous then melee. Because that is how this game works, for all classes.

What tier you play on doesn’t really matter. IMO T1 servers have horrible small scale skills. I’m on Maguuma, back in gold league I laughed at the roam… no, people running to their zergs. They were easy to kill.

Also, you proved my point by saying they call a havoc squad to come kill you. You’re making a horrible build work because you are facing horrible players.

I never said if I can’t do it, no one can. I also never said I couldn’t make it work. It’s just not viable. If you’re going to play power, pick a different class, almost any of them can do it better than ranger.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


2 builds?
yes, that would be true, if it was still july 2013.

Yeah, there are more than 2. However, they are just variations of builds, with the same base set up. There are no good power builds, you will die to all conditions.

been rolling power for months. Many of my builds doesnt even use WS line. Yet, i do not have that many problems with conditions, nor survivability. Infact, i find it ridiculous that when i first do run a build that requires investment in the WS line, the class gets 3 times easier to play.

The only way you are making power work is either:

1. You are facing unskilled players that don’t know what they are doing.
2. You are in a larger group where you don’t die. However, you could be replaced for another class that’s better suited for the job.
3. You’re some how way better than anyone in the game and can play a class with the worst possible build and still win.

The class gets 3x easier because you actually have condition removal then, that sorta works.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


2 builds?
yes, that would be true, if it was still july 2013.

Yeah, there are more than 2. However, they are just variations of builds, with the same base set up. There are no good power builds, you will die to all conditions.

Every class dies to conditions.

You shouldn’t ignore my other post and just pick this one to respond to.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


2 builds?
yes, that would be true, if it was still july 2013.

Yeah, there are more than 2. However, they are just variations of builds, with the same base set up. There are no good power builds, you will die to all conditions.

Are Rangers Really Weak?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Rangers are strong when the size of the group they are with or fighting, is 3 or less. The more people that are added after that, the ranger should be replaced with another class that does what you want from the ranger, better.

Also, all good rangers could instantly tell you what build the person was running after a few seconds of fighting. Rangers only have 2 builds that work well and 30 points are always in the same trait line.

Sword/Torch Build. What will work best?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I disagree with S/T being better. (pretend there’s a long winded reason here)

Last Ranger Video [Solo WvW]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Last Ranger Video [Solo WvW]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey guys, I took a month break from the game and figured I’d make one more video with my ranger before I quit playing him for good.

These fights aren’t anything special, first one was the most fun. However, it was only tough because I didn’t have food on, otherwise they would have died faster.

P.S. This was all about 2-3 hours of roaming. Wish I had better fights and that there weren’t so many thieves heh

WvW Ranger Nimro.2

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Sorry, but all of these fights have one thing that wins them for him. Entangle. Without that elite he wouldn’t have killed anyone. He would have died. That uplevel guardian almost downed him.

Also, only using shortbow?

Tired of this signet failing.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You need to be quit close to your pet for it to work. a good trick is to swap you pet before hitting the skill so it right next to you.

i not saying that the skill is in good working order, its a pain

Yeah, I normally do that trick. However, my pet-swap was down and I kind of think it’s sad that you have to swap your pet for a skill to even work.

Tired of this signet failing.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey there, I’ve been gone for a month and started playing ranger again. This is still the one thing that kittenes me off to no end.

SoR failing to transfer conditions to my pet. Please fix?

Oh dang another stealth thread

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Easy way with most weapons to tell if you’re hitting a stealthed player is to watch and see if your #1 switches to the next attack in the chain.

Not everyone has this. Showing damage done would be just fine, and in fact would be more fair BECAUSE not everyone has this ability. Examples:
Warrior longbow
Guardian Scepter, Staff
Ranger Shortbow, longbow, axe
Engineer anything.
Thief Pistol
Necromancer Scepter, axe (neither can even hit because they aren’t projectiles) staff.
Mesmer staff
Elementalist… Pretty sure all #1’abilities for all weapons and atunements.

Most of those rely on blindly attacking or spamming woes and never knowing if they’re even close.

awww poor baby

Oh dang another stealth thread

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Easy way with most weapons to tell if you’re hitting a stealthed player is to watch and see if your #1 switches to the next attack in the chain.

Queue is broken

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


10 people queue up at the same time, it sends back that all of you are #7 in line. Now all 10 of you can’t be #7 now can you?

Have to let it update to show where you really are.

Stealth is Killing All Illusions Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tricare.2946


the Damage in EoTM is over the top

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol did someone get blown up by some ele’s?

illusions dying vs stealthed opponent

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Short video of it happening.

Illusions dying vs stealthed opponent in WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey, went and tested this real quick. Same thing happens for clones. Here’s a short video.

Illusions dying vs stealthed opponent in WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m having the same issue. Clones and Phantasms are both dying once they lose target for a very short time.

Also not even just thieves. After my illusions chase a target for a little bit they just randomly die.

I’m not shattering or reaching my limit, this happens with only 1-2 out even.

(edited by Tricare.2946)

Necro Roaming - WvW - V.13

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Some serious l2p issues in this video

This is constructive criticism? Are you even smart enough to know what that means?

Also, the comment about how condition necros are just face roll. I always find these funny. In 1v1 yes, they can be pretty easy. However, a smart group will target the necro first and focus him down. If you have a horrible necro, they die easy and you will lose a fight. If you have a good necro, one that knows how to stay alive while still dishing out damage, then they are powerful.

If you watch many of the videos there are 1-2 other condition necros on the other team while still outnumbered. Shouldn’t that level the playing field?

And the whole thing about posting videos in the first place…. lol you have a condition engineer video on your youtube. What were you trying to do there? Show off? I know why you stopped making them though, you have some serious l2p issues.

Some people post videos because they enjoy making videos.

(edited by Tricare.2946)