“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Water is for an extra aura, some heals and condition removal. I could spec into earth and get protection/crit immunity but I would have even less healing and that is what focus builds lack. Focus already has some skills similiar to the cantrips. I have been using arcane missiles since the update but use to swap that slot for lightning flash/cleansing fire.
Dueled with a S/P thief in wvw for a bit it went 50/50 but I won the final match breaking the tie. Sometimes he could escape my burst, other times he would stop my heal. Dueled with my friend condition spec thief and it came down to if I hit his trap or not. It was the same scenario but I won more before he adapted to my playstyle. Headshots do get reflected, so its depends on the thief I am up against. In open world wvw most of the thieves I run into are very glassy. They can do alot of burst damage but can not survive any kind of damage without having to disengage. That is when I can kill them due to comet/gale combo or arcane missile.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
If you are in t4 and were that thief I killed multiple times around north camp. Then that was probably me. Most thieves are not an issue with this build. Reapers are still scissor vs paper with this build. Was finishing you with comet into a air combo, gale into phoenix combo, or both just to lock you down when you were low.
Its an Scepter/Focus build: Air/Water/Tempest, celestial armor, runes of the trooper, marauder/berserker everything else. The utilities I was using were feel the burn, aftershock, and arcane missiles. With the arcane missile ammo change has made killing runners easier. Focus has cc/damage avoidance but less healing compared to other offhand, so its harder to recover when low. It has 3 reflects: overload earth, magnetic wave and aftershock. Magnetic wave can cleanse 3 conditions too, so use it for reflect or condition removal. Obsidian Flesh is the uh oh button so its best to have a heal ready after that or use it for stomps.
I swap back to scepter after air aa was buffed a bit. It does slightly less damage than dagger when fully charged. Instead of not being able to compare to dagger aa even when using multiple skills. At times I want more damage so I am considering changing my gear to marauders but with the xpac I should wait a bit.
I do not see weaver using as many boons as a tempest so boon corruption will not be as punishing. Also, the GM for weaver enables it to easily get ride of conditions with in a FA build. Bein gable to gain stability on stances will help with the cc. We will just have to wait and see. I see the weaver as a good solo spec, but it lacks the support of a tempest but gains more 1v1 potential. The weaver has an aggressive defense, barrier do not last long(last 2sec unless you apply another barrier) but will absorb some damage.
Its possible. We still do not know what kind of high end reward we will get for PoF map completion. It could be anything.
Going for an aura build picking up the aura related traits aura after every overload, heals on aura and regen on aura. Thats around 500 heal 600 regen per aura, so a total of 1100 healed per aura. Healing done with full auras on utilities within 1min of time. Thats 6-8 aura from utilities and you may be able to get 6 overload off a minute in pvp. Around 12-14 aura every minute or 13k~15k healing.
Barrier build picking up the barrier related traits. vitality, barrier when low and barrier on dodge. The minor trait gives ~375 barrier per dual skill used, 650 barrier 5 pulse when at 50%hp 70s cd(stone resonance) and 850 barrier on dodge. Estimate barrier gained per minute, assuming you cycle through the 6 dual skills every 30 sec you should be able to get 12 barriers for total 4500 barrier. You an dodge 6-8 time a minute so you will gain 5100-6800 barriers. The barrier proc at 50% hp add a 3250 barrier every minute. Add stone resonance twice since its a trait and utility, so the barrier per minute 16k~18k. At base stat barrier is better for solo play but aura builds are better for support.
Anyways learn what the dual skills do for each weapon set will take awhile. I have to get back into a melee mindset to play a weaver. Been awhile since I have play d/x.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Yea so far I noticed that at least one dual skill on every weapon has a daze/stun. So you can use that to do some burst combos in pvp. Still curious if dual skills get the bonus of 2 trait lines (air/fire/earth/water training). It going to be very interesting seeing the various builds people can come up with. The amount of barriers you can get from build for it is comparable to the about of healing you get from auras as tempest. Weaver have an aggressive defense, 2 leaps and 2 dodges from sword. Still keeping up barriers in pvp will be tricky with 2sec to recast another barrier.
Practice FA elementalist. Their are 6 weaver skills. FA to the other 3 attunements then stay in Air for a bit the combo looks like this:
Air-Air, Fire-Air, Air-Fire,
Air-Air, Earth-Air, Air-Earth,
Air-Air, Water-Air, Air-Water,
Air-Air, Fire-Air,
Earth-Fire, Water-Earth, Fire-Water are the 3 dual skills that you can miss as FA. Starting in Full Air the combo buttons: F1, F3, F3, F4, F3, F3, F2, F3, F3, F1 (9 attunement swaps). The combo uses half of the dual skill you have available. You swap to Air twice because you can (doubling the FA procs) and this enables your other attunements to get off of cd. FA spec will spec 70% of their time in Air.
Still that is not the only build for weaver. This is how can cycle through the 6 dual skill.
Earth-Fire, Air-Earth,
Water-Air, Fire-Water,
Air-Fire, Earth-Air
Water-Earth, Air-Water
Its more complex but here is the combo starting in Full Air: F1, F4, F3, F2, F1, F3, F4, F2, F3, F1(9 attunement swaps). This does not include a condition focused build. Condition builds will revolve around mostly Fire-Earth combos but it looks similar to that combo. These combos do not take into account you defenses.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Exploration, new builds to test, new gear stats and new items to craft. I mean the first map is suppose to be as big as multiple HoT maps. With 3 wp on the map it will make deaths in hidden areas more punishing and rewarding for exploring those area.
Also try for some of the rare events around the weekend at reset. Thats when the most players are on. The new player maybe going through HoT. The older player will be working on the Living Story 3 achievements.
I mostly roam and that is what I normally get. If you are the dominate zerg or on a K-train map you can get more. Also, their is the 10% wxp guild buff it seems like a small buff but over the week it adds up.
The differences with roaming vs zerg are just the loot bags and scale of the fight. Participation is not an issue and wxp is about the same. Killing an enemy player or taking a camp every 10min resets the participation timer. Roaming tend to be more relaxing for some small scale fights. In spvp you can fight but alot of players care about winning more than fighting (alot of rage in spvp). In spvp you can win every fight but still lose due to rotations. I always look at wvw as a slow build up of roamers into a zerg. Not every playtime will have a zerg online. Lately I been in alot of 1vx which is harder to deal with in HoT compared to pre-HoT.
@Trejgon I meant that you have to run back for supply instead instantly build siege. Running back for supply enables anyone to attack the siege. The time it take for super siege to destroy a wall/gate is close to the amount of time it take for a supply run.
Havoc groups or dungeon groups are balanced enough that they can take anything on the map. They may have to run supply to take a keep but they have enough supply to set-up on the out wall. Not sure who came up with the name havoc group. Probably because their was a time with no sentry buffs so some groups could flip unattended fully upgraded keeps.
Roamer never have enough supply to take a tower unless they are high rank, so they can only focus on picking off the slow zergers in their pve specs or camps. I mean roamers do account for close to half of the warscore. They are the one the get bloodlust, keep your camps to upgrade keep to t3 and scout.
Hum I calculated it before, if you play 2-3hour a day it will take 9-10months to get 2800 tickets. This is assuming you are new 0 wxp, on the worst server, never get outmanned, never finish the diamond chest and averaging 1.5 wxp levels an hr. By the time you finish you should be close to gold invader. 1.5 wxp per hour is what most players I talked to normally get in wvw.
Playing ~20hrs of wvw a week. After one week gain the loyalty pip. 6 weeks of play to hit bronze, 5months to hit silver, so 9-10month to get 2800 tickets (you will be close to gold rank). If you are maxing the reward track weekly, it takes 4months to get 2800. It take awhile to figure out but the formula easy enough to calculate once you know the amount of pips needed per chest and the weekly gain of pips.
That is kind of why I want the base pips to increase and some cosmic seige/tactic items for tickets. The casual player does not spend alot of time in gw2 maybe 90min a day. The high end reward for wvw are really focused on the older wvwers. Still wvw has 4 sets of rewards now: pip system, wxp level up, dungeon tracks, and enemy loot.
Trejgon that is a very good idea. a steadily increase loyalty bonus. Increasing the loyalty pip by 1 if you increase chest you got the previous week. This kind of loyal bonus should be capped at 4-5. It would encourage playing for that bonus.
Any overpowered buff would turn a good roamer a god. I seen that kind of buff is Wow. The side with fewer players still loses but they act like a raid boss one shotting anyone that comes close. We did have a buff like that with bloodlust but it was mostly taken by the winning server.
You the weaver looks interesting alot of new combos to test out for elementalist (6 dual skills per mainhand). The scourge (barier support, torment/burn/cripple or corrupt condition/boons) and firebrand (healing, burning or boon support) look awesome for support. The spellbreaker is the most OP class at melee. Alot of boon hate and anti condition spec with the new elites.
We will get overwhelmed with content this time.
I assuming it would be the last attunement you swapped to. Most of the dual skills have 12-20s cd. A 40% cd on those skills would be to powerful 7-12s cd with a damage bonus from both attunement. I guess thats something we will have to test next week.
If I can not have it no one should :P. After you play a game long enough you get burnout or bored of it. How long have those high rank wvw been playing wvw? How many players are high rank? I am one of the high rank wvw(top ~2%) and it takes ~20hrs to finish the reward track. Hell I even stopped play wvw for a year but I am still in the top wvw ranks. That amount of player that can finish the reward track is 10hr is very small.
The player that are only playing wvw for the rewards and do not like it should just quit and do something they consider fun. I do not believe the pip system was meant to draw in more players but reward the dedicated players. It will keep them here for awhile hopefully long enough for A-net change/fix some of the issue with wvw.
Wvw needs more players but if the players are not enjoying themselves why continue to play? I know alot of player really want those wvw rewards but they are just skins. Their are other ways to get ascended gear.
High rank wvwer are reward more for playing wvw more, this is not a penalty to new players. Its just that the high end rewards for new players are low in wvw. Wvw did not have a good reward system for the first 3year or so. That was when all of this high ranked wvwer were gaining their rank, not for gear or rewards but because wvw was fun. Thinking that everyone should get the same amount rewards when some have not put in the same amount of time into a gamemode is unfair. The problems with the pip system are the base pips, wanting other options to gain pips(maybe add a guild hall buff or a booster) and the outmanned buff.
Oh you again. I do agree that the base pips should be increase. Still not everyone is suppose to hit the weekly cap. I never felt that the pip update was suppose to draw in players but more of something to keep wvwer playing until A-net can focus more attention on fixing some of the problems in wvw.
Yea someone suggested awhile ago that wvw should be allowed to transform badges of honor into tickets. This would give players another way of getting ticket. The biggest issues I saw with that is that are its giving zergs an advantage over roamers for rewards. The players that upgrade tactics would not have alot of badges and it would give all high rank wvwers free high end gear.
I did a estimate before and it takes 9-10month to finish the wvw legendary backslot if you just started wvw today and only play 20hrs of wvw a week. This was assuming you are always on the worst server, never got outmanned or maxed out your pip track. I know player really want the armor since the stat swap was announced. Still 9-10month for 2800 tickets asuming 3hrs of wvw a day.
I would not worry about it. If you mostly wvw you should have a ton of proof. I know my main spec will be completely unlock the moment PoF hits.
It took 250 mastery points to unlock the HoT elites. I assuming it will be something close to that. It cost 10 proof of heroics per HoT mastery point and each one gives 10 hero points. I doubt they would chance the formula much.
Unravel (5s): For a period of time, you forego your weaver training, choosing to fully attune to elements instead. 2 count 25s cd.
So you can pop this stance and solve the issue of you not being about to use a specific skill. Still the last attunement you swapped to will be the first attunement you get fully attuned to.
Been looking into barrier. ~400 barrier from dual strike in a glass cannon build. It scales with healing power with the max barrier you can have being determined by your vitality. Most dual skills have 12-20s cd.
Yes core spec will get an update before the expac is launched. Woodenpotatos was talking about barrier being put into some of the elementalist earth traits. The elite spec will still have en advantage by having a new set of ability. Hopefully the core spec will be some what viable without having an elite.
Um no condition will not be an issue in the pvp builds. Their is a GM trait that give condition removal with superspeed looks OP for FA elementalist. FA elementalist can have permanent superspeed with attunement swaps. I feel like the weaver maybe the first spec that ele do not need to spec tanky for.
Another trait give barriers on dodge
Also dual skills give barriers per use was one of the minor traits.
The first map is very open so their not alot of clustered mobs. My first impression seems like exploration will be easier. Not sure about the difficult content yet.
We just have to wait and see how the dual skills are. IF their are dual skills per weapon combos then we will have 6 new skills for the 5 core weapon combos. We know that weaver gain extra 120 vitality plus 5% vital from power/precision. Dual skills provide a barrier (500-800 not sure how it scales). One of the GM trait weavers get is a very good condition removal. Gain 3sec of superspeed on immob, chill or cripple plus remove conditions every 0.5 sec when you have superspeed.
Just have to wait and see. I hope a none water/earth build will be viable for eles. Their is a condition removal trait that remove conditions ever 0.5sec whenever they have superspeed and gain superspeed when immob, cripple, chilled. Then weaver get barrier(500-800hp) whenever they use a dual skill. Also weaver get a vitality trait that +120 vitality plus 5% per power/precision. Yea looks like a fun spec but what about the other profession. I know the FA builds will be more powerful.
Well the passive barrier is suppose to help with defense. I am not sure how barrier scales but in the WP video it showed 500-800 barrier per every dual skill used. Also we have not seen any of the dual skills for the core weapons(30 of them :P). They may have more cc or defensive options.
Well hopefully with the dual skills barrier trait will have enough survival without having to spam heals. Remembering the 6 combo will take awhile. Weavers will gain extra vitality as well.
From the way they described the tempest, I thought it was going to be a front line support role. The weaver seems to be more of a offensive condition/power hybrid spec. The WP videos showed it with a power/condition main stat and ferocity/precision 2nd stat collection weapon.
Its a very crazy elite spec. Its going to be a very confusing when it learning its skills. They added some good defensive option into the spec. From traits extra vitality, Barrier a 400-500 damage shield per dual skill cast and a lot of vigor.
Where do you find information on the new legendary trinket?
Players learned about it from checking their collections. To start you need all 4 sentients from the LS3 maps. Overall you need to complete most of the achievements for every LS3 map. Its a lot of works and cost as much as one of the cheaper legendaries.
Scepter buffs
Fire 2 lower the cast time so it can hit a target or make it a direction AE hitting the first target.
Air 3 reduce cd (it has a long cd for a low effect in comparison to Air 2 staff).
Earth 2 rework it to block when not in earth reduce cast time.
Water 2 increase crit dmg to vulnerable targets or add a burst effect to it like an extra detonation to vulnerable targets.
Off-Hand Dagger
Earth 2 increase its AE then reduce its damage or make its damage build up doing 50% of its damage at the end.
Correct. Ticks for skirmishes track rewards (after 95/195 participation 2-3camps). Skirmishes are a way to reduced the effects of coverage in wvw (a 4hour period of no coverage use to decide match-ups). Winning the wvw match-ups does not matter much.
After Gold Invader you will have all of the wvw masteries, so it just a measurement of timed played in wvw. The bronze-diamond ranks just gives you more pips per tick now, so being a high rank wvw reduces the amount of time needed to gain skirmish tickets. Should gain 1.5-2.5 wxp ranks per hour in wvw. Gold Invaders have played ~1000hrs in wvw. Need to be a Gold Knight for the final wvw armor piece.
The game gets toned down overtime. The first incarnation of Orr was very difficult then it was changed. When HoT first came out stuff was hard for a lot of the causal players. Overtime the game gets balance more towards casual play. Their are still a few hard events but they are not commonly doe throughout the day. As for wvw it has a lot of issues that can not easily be solved.
Its rare to see people solo. Its harder to 1vx now unless you are playing one of the top 3 roaming classes. I mostly see thieves and necros solo. The balance is better but fights last longer. Roaming does not feel as good as it was pre-HoT (probably because TC is in t4 now :P).
My hope is for the next xpac to improve the game mechanics in wvw. We finally have a big reward system, now we just need something to draw in and hold players attention in wvw. It seems like alot of the wvw improvement were based around zerging first, meaning logging on during primetime. I always looked at wvw as a slow build up of roamers, with zergs being the final result.
Stuff that hurts roaming has a bigger effect overall in wvw. DBL its a nice map to roam on but its harder to find other players which make for boring gameplay. Also the shrines should give some bonuses to the team that holds them not just the team with the keep. What the point of take shrines, if you can not take the t3 keep? The jump pads should be exclusion to the team that hold the keep but windfall, earth armor, lava walking? Those buffs should be giving to any team that holds at least one shrine. I can not remember the difference of wvw pre HoT, but it was more fun back then (even without the rewards)
I doubt it will be a zero second chill but chill will be applied for a moment and torment with it. If you have some expertise the chill will be on the target for a half second. The torment should proc even if the chill is barely noticeable.
Curious around 0.55 you instantly remove multiple conditions without using skills, I was expecting the see the animation for cleansing fire but I did not :P. Other than that those are some nice tips. I just consider Reaper scissor to my paper most of the time because of the corruption skills. Seeing a Berserker dual would be nice. Its mostly about dodging the double stuns from shield slam and headbutt, which leads into their made damage combo. Reaper and the Berserker are the 2 classes I do not have a good chance to win against.
I do not believe this update was meant to draw in player to wvw but more of something to stop wvw player from leaving. Wvw has been in a decline since the start of HoT, server relinking is proof of the decIine. Wvw gameplay has not changed much since the start of GW2. Same map same type of gameplay mechanics, its fun but having a goal for wvw helps. Playing a game for 3-4k hours means that it was worthwhile but it does get repeatative and boring at times. I just hope the xpac change some of the wvw gameplay mechanics.
If you are a new player and play around 20 pip hours a week you should get 2800 tickets within 9-10months. At the end, being able to get the platinum chest weekly while being a high silver rank. This does not take into account getting the outmanned buff.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
It would be an interesting april fools joke. If they made it so whenever you are underwater your normal weapons are equiped but out of water you are using you underwater weapon. A-net has abandon underwater balancing so a wvw map with alot of open water areas will not be implemented.
Yea that the biggest issue, instant high end rewards for the top wvwers. Other than that it would make use of the thousand of badges some wvwer have stockpiled. The new reward system does need to be modified to be more casual friendly, so tickets will not be a rarity for new players.
Also, a conversion system would make zerging more rewarding than roaming. Right now roaming vs zerging come down to preference both get the same about of wxp. Roamers get better spvp type fights and they tend to be scouts for the zerg. Zergers get more drop and bigger fights. If this is implemented zerging will be the best way to get rewards in wvw.
It should be 3 proof of heroics = 10 badges of honor = 1 ticket. Since you get 6 proof of heroic or 20 badges of honor from the skirmish chests. This would add upto 80 extra ticket per week once you convert the rewards from completing the pip track. You would also get around 50 tickets if you gain 25 wxp level a week. The conversion system would add an extra 130 tickets if you complete the reward track and gain 25wxp levels a week.
The biggest issues with a conversion system is that the top wvwers would instantly complete the Warbringer and at least 2 prestige set(forgot proof of heroics). Zerger would have an advantage in getting tickets. That why it should cost some silver per conversion (10-25s).
Wvwer would get to many tickets to fast. Atm you can get upto 8400 ticket every year and it takes 2 years to get all of the high end wvw rewards. With a conversion system on top of the most active wvwer getting the warbringer and 2 prestige armor instantly, they would be able to get the next prestige armors within 3months. What would wvwer do with their tickets after that? Would ticket become like badges of honor and be stored endlessly?
(edited by Ulion.5476)
It does not help your server win. It does progress your participation track but does not help your server winner. If you are a roamer and want to take a defended North camp you can delaying and flipping centaurs/skritt. This will be long enough to make some defenders bored into leaving North camp undefended. This is how I have flipped some t3 north camps solo before.
The linking has made WvW during Prime Time in NA impossible for those who have families and jobs and can’t play any other time.
It’s also destructive to players who are on linked servers, we’re treated like crap.
And don’t get me started on the real life mercenaries being paid to come into WvW, destroying whenever they decide to move.
Hum I have never had an issue logging on whenever I wanted to. That is an issue with whatever server/guilds you are linked with. That why you should consider moving to a different server or just waiting out this match-up. I know you love that server but if you can not play on that server within your limited play schedule, you should look at your options.
I would love to have some of the older servers but server link was done because of the low wvw population some of the server. A-net put incentive for wvwers not to bandwagon. Still A-net need to find a way to make wvwer want to spread out to balance all servers. Coverage issues will always exist I do not see how A-net can fix that issue which has plagued wvw since the beginning.
At worst it should take 2000hr but most average 1.5 ranks per hour so 1400hrs. The prestige armor is a long term reward mainly for wvw focused players not casual players. The Warbringer in was made wih casual players in mind. Close to 5yrs of playing wvw in GW2 and this is the first set of long term rewards specifically for wvwers.
Logistics. Lets defend something that take double to the distance to run and triple the distance to retake camps for supply. OR you can just defend your corner which is easier to run to and has camps that are easier to defend. Even if both equals are equally matched one side would have to run longer after each death making it harder to defend. You only see garrison taken during a servers low coverage time never during their primetime. Also, their the thing with upgraded bases being worth more point per tick.
LOL that funny. Anyways I do not get why player are adamant in afking like that. When you are active in wvw time flies by.
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