“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Its a glassy daredevil build, if they surprise you, you can easily die but they can not take a hit. If you class can survive their burst with your classes uh oh button, blind or a dodge then you can countering them. Daredevils vault skill (6-9k)was what killed you its a mid range damage/evade skill. If a DD spam vault 3 times they run out of initiative. Yea all of the elite spec are a power creep compared to core professions.
Yea the generation 1 legendary can be bought and sold on the TP. The price of legendaries changes overtime so you can check to see if its cheaper to craft or buy them: https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/legendaries. Atm the bitfrost is 1000g cheaper to craft (using the legendary mastery) than to buy. That will change with PoF, new elites and player wanting legendaries. That was why the generation 2 legendary became achievement only legendaries. Gratz on completing one the the end game skins.
Without a good way to sustain against condition it will be hard to fight some of the new elites. The burst specs I have seen(lightning rod and condi specs) showed a good burst. The rune I hope for is gain 1-2s of resistance whenever you apply a barrier or cleanse some conditions whenever you gain a stance. If the weaver rune is a burst type it then I would hope for some kind of weapon swap mechanic like sigil of intelligence.
I wonder what the weaver runes will do, if it has some kind of condition removal effects or resistance.
Unravel Hexes + fresh air + one with air? :I Take twist of fate too
Unravel Hexes does not remove damaging conditions making it a underwhelm GM trait. Players tested this in the beta. I thought it was bugged at first but it was working as intended. It only removed movement impairing conditions :P.
She said proofs are still going to be used the same way, so I doubt it.
I am still hoping for a new use for tomes of knowledge…but wishful thinking
You can turn spirit shards into a profit.
Its can be tedious if you have thousands of them like I use to but its still profitable. Upgrading mats from t1,3,5 to t2,4,6 are the most profitable ones. It takes awhile to mystic forge those mats but its worthwhile.
Hum guess I should open up my stack of skrimish chest now :P. Are you going to add other ways to turn proofs of heroic into something profitable or consumable? Once your alts are geared theirs not much to spend them on, since you can get siege for badges or silver.
It doesn’t help that you can’t attune the two elements independently, and so might be forced to do an unnecessary cycle through them to get a desired combination.
All-in-all, it makes the skill rotations a lot more complicated and less refined, even more so than base Elementalist.
That why I wanted dual skills to be more worthwhile than they currently were. Some of them were underwhelming for what you give up. Its mostly a balance issue. I did not have an issue with the attunement swaps but more of an issue with the dual skills themselves.
Yea it took awhile before some of the HoT rune/sigil became available. Proof of heroics was in the game at the start of HoT since wvw need away to earn their elites. I am hopefully for a PoF vendor.
I do not see how people thing that the weaver is very complicated. The firebrand seems more complex then the weaver atm. The weaver in pvp/wvw is more proactive than reactive. In pve the weaver can get away with only swapping to 2 attunement :P. Still weaver fits the high skill ceiling kind of play that an elementalist has.
Most of the living story 3 maps are very profitable. Siren landing you can trade in 8 pearls after the map event and get some lodestones and other mats. Their is the centaur farm in Lake doric. You can also gather https://gw2efficiency.com/gathering/permanent-nodes. Seaweed, Flax, Iron, Platinum and Elder wood are very profitable.
Interesting I remember when 30 vs 50 was just about who was organized better. Guess things have changed since I was a zerger. Yea encouraging fun and rewarding smaller scale fight would make wvw better overall instead of focusing only on the large scale stuff. That would require A-net balancing professions in wvw.
The lack of catchup mechanics make players want to stack to win. Implementing a catch-up mechanic and rebalancing servers would greatly improve wvw. Those idea would require alot of work and planning because if either one fails it could break wvw in its current state. We saw how implementing new poorly planned new wvw maps destroyed a large part of the wvw community. I do not want to see something like that happen again.
Luck takes alot of time or gold to max. When magic find was implemented it gave blues and greens value instead of being vendor items. Creating a vendor for luck related items would be nice but you have to take into consideration how many player have maxed out their magic find before they create gear/items for it. The amount of players with max magic find is under 10%(gw2e players that have essences of luck in their bank), more players have legendary than max magic find. The max is out of reach for most players in gw2. Their not enough players with max magic find for it to be worthwhile to create a vendor. Luck drops started one year after gw2 began.
I just hope with PoF balance patches classes will lose some of their mobility. That is not likely but with mount some professions will not need that stuff in pve. A pve balance patch effecting mobility would affect wvw too, since their are no wvw specific balance updates.
In PoF their going to be a few new gear stat Grief is one of them. Its the same stats as viper but with ferocity instead of expertise. Can never go wrong with celestial in wvw. Sage or marauder amulets did ok during the pvp beta.
You always have a 30% chance to get mystic clovers so it best to try and make mystic clovers in one shot instead of doing it on a daily basis. You luck is just bad atm. The more mystic clovers you create the more it will even out at ~30%.
Woodenpotatoes does a good overview of the weaver’s abilities its a long 90min video btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZDJraG7JU
Yea unravel suppose to be used for new players who wants to adjust to the weavers playstyle. Its not an idea utility to use, unleess A-net changes something before launch. You have to plan ahead when it come to offhand skills.
The game has been out long enough that players will have a couple of sets. If you are a pvx player having one armor set for wvw and another for pve is normal. Account bound armor make gearing up alts easy.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Yea they also have a pretty decent sized zerg. I want to think that spellbreakers would be able to stop that but you have to remove stability to start stripping boons. Once stability is gone then the enemy will die anyways. It feels like a guild group vs pugs or 40 vs 25 at times.
Sword does has gap closers thats short-med range. I will use focus because of the extra defense options. Weavers had survival issues during the beta. In pve I would use dagger because of the damage.
Kind of forgot sword 2 had a daze, was thinking it was only a teleport. Thought that the only new hard cc for weaver would be the air-earth dual skills. Guess those short cd cc with sword really makes lightning rod work better than it did pre-HoT. Trying to think of a reason to take water with a lightning rod build but arcane provides greater burst.
Weaver has no support/healing builds. A core ele is better at support than a weaver and tempest is the best support. Weaver is suppose to be a dps or bruiser spec.
Its more of a timeframe of the changes that happened during the HoT era and the changes that I hope will come during PoF. I had to change the title for being to long. I guess the title did not describe what I meant for it to .
Well you do whatever you want to for end game pvp, wvw, raids or fractals whatever is fun to you. Eventually you will have enough gold for any legendary armor so just get the one in the game mode you enjoy the most. Its not really a grind if you are enjoying playing that gamemode.
We will have to wait and see how the leather problems are addressed in PoF. A-net can decide the drops of future enemies but changing the current ones would greatly effect the economy. Not all materials should take the same amount of time to be gathered.
In HoT the devs have really done a good job in fixing alot of the issues I had at the start of this expac. They introduce skrimishes, it has reduced the effect off-hours time zones had on a server winning a match. No server can dominate for a 4-6hr period and win the match because of it anymore. They greatly improved the reward system, we have 2 new layers of rewards (dungeon tracks, the pip rewards and legendaries). They have added a new wvw map. What are some of the main issues left in wvw?
The biggest one would be lag. Large fight mostly in EB still create unplayable lag. Its rare to have those kind of 3way SM fights but wvw have had that issue since I can remember.
Another issue would be a reason to target the winning server or an opportunity to target it. The some match-ups are decide before the end of the weekend. Their no reason to target the winning server because of the difficult of sieging t3 structures. Creating some kind of disadvantage/opportunity that would encourage the other server to target the winning server would help with this.
The larger server has enough players multi-task better than the other servers. The winning server can at times can choose who comes in 3rd. A comeback mechanic would make the match-ups more competitive. Something that would force the winning server into defend mode instead of K-train mode. What other issues can players think of?
I guess player were so excited about playing the demo they TL:DR Gaile Grays post and are giving +100 word review :P.
Also take into consideration that it cost alot of tickets to get and upgrade the ascended armor to legendary. Its something like 1300~1600 tickets per piece of t2 armor and 1600~2300 tickets per piece of t3 armor. If you believe that you can get the final piece of t3 armor the chest before you have enough tickets it maybe worth waiting it out.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
I am hopeful for barrier, scepter and dual skill buffs. Barrier decays to fast for a small effect need its numbers tweaked. Scepter is suppose to be eles burst weapon but weaver really messes that up. Dual skills are suppose to be worthwhile to use but they are not. Dual skills do alot of things so I can understand them having balance issues. Weavers are giving up swapping attunements at will for dual skills so they should be more powerful.
Hum your numbers are wrong. My demo is using the sage trinket and the barrier is 524 per dual attack and 1174 barrier per dodge. In wvw he is using ascended celestial with 4 viper trinkets and the dual skill barrier is 482 and 1053 barrer per dodge. Check your gear.
Barrier scales off of healing power, still it needs a buff in duration and its overall effect. It take 2sec for a barrier to start to decay and 7sec for any barrier to disappear no matter how large it is.
Supposedly it’ll only strip the conditions listed on the tooltip, which isn’t at all implied by the text.
If Unraveling Hexes text has typos and suppose to work that way, then its should not be a GM trait. GM are suppose to be very powerful not mediocre. Also elemental pursuit one of the first traits enables you to ignore movement impediments.
Oh forgot to add Unravel Hexes is broken. When I saw the trait I thought it would give us an option of not taking water for condition removal but it does not work at all. If you run into any condition spec you die before you have time to swap to water.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Alot of the dual skills do minor damage in comparison to the skills you lose to gain them. Dual skill barriers do not last long enough and are not big enough to be an effective defense in pvp/wvw. Dual skills are a not a good enough tradeoff for locking all attunement swap for 4sec. The locking off all attunements really limits the options elementalist have available for defenses. Using the unravel utility to gain access to one of your uh-oh buttons is not worthwhile.
Also the their should be a few high damage burst dual skills for scepter, none of the dual skills are comparable to phoenix. Normally scepter can set up some stun combos before using phoenix to finish off an enemy. Its very complex trying to do stuff like that now enabling you to easily miss the window you have to hit someone with a phoenix. Their should be some dual skills that are comparable or do more damage than phoenix.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Yea unravel Hexes DOES NOT WORK.
I still want a nyan cat airship defense for SM.
Good thing t4 will not have to worry about that. Anyway alot of players will be in test match-ups in pvp. Hopefully any balance issue or bugs found this weekend will be fixed before launch.
Yea just watched the weaver video. He is using a fire/water/weaver build in marauders:
Saw him get 10 burns 36 bleeds on a target with skills and utilities. Seems like it was easy enough to keep high bleeds on a target. You will have to put alot of forethought into you action with the Weaver in pvp. Well this weekend will be fun alot of fun builds to test out.
Tempest is the elite spec it gives you excess to overloads and aura utilities. Overload do high amount of AE damage, so use it if the enemy is within range. The only overload I rarely use is fire because of its small radius and scepter is range. Overload air is the most common one I use for damage. Use overload earth to start a fight since it provide stability, cripple/immobilize your enemy or for the reflect aura. Use overload water if you have alot of condition on you or to heal. Try to run away when using water overload since overloads can be interrupted. It the cast time I have issues with because ether renewal can be cc and you have to use it proactively. Using that heal proactively is something I tend to forget at times.
Zerg fights. EB is the best map for zerg fights and the worst map for lag because of it. Its a hardware issue that is common for the largest zerg fights in wvw. It mostly happens in 3 way EB fights. Still it a rarity for those kind of fights to happen. Its a known issue that been in wvw for as long as I can remember.
The hybrid build will be interesting to think about. You would have to think about which duals skills/AA chains do the most total damage, while keeping up elemental rage. Doubt we will see a bleed build but the AA chain can stack a good about of bleeds. Just thinking about the possible damage spec for the weaver is very interesting.
Either a condition spec or a hybrid spec. With Viper or the new Grief being the main gear set. Weaver have extra condition damage/duration traits. I am still questioning if the dual skills will do enough damage. Yea I do not see scepter working in pve.
WP did talk about that but he was playing a test version. Some changes could have been made since then. He may have not noticed some of the weaver traits being used.
Yep and that is the only useful elite for roaming.
Wvwers have been playing wvw off and on for the past 4 years. Most player get around 1.5 wvw rank per hour without boosters/guild buff. All of those high rank wvwer (2k rank) have been playing wvw for at least 2hrs every day for 2yrs or more. You can hit 2k rank in a year if you play ~4hr of wvw a day for a year or go hardcore playing 8hrs of wvw a day for 6 months.
You can rank up faster in Eotm since it is a K-train map. If I remember correctly you should get around 2.5 wxp lvl a hr? Its been years since I heard anyone talk about leveling in Eotm. Anyways the biggest issue will be tickets and you need to play normal wvw to get tickets not Eotm. To upgrade the wvw ascended gear to legendary you also need the wvw legendary insignia(1095 tickets) per armor piece. That going to take awhile for most players.
I would not be concerned with the final chest armor of the set (2k rank) but slowly work on the first set and the mats for the legendary gear IF you plan on playing wvw alot. You need to get the first ascended armor pieces before you can buy the prestige version of it or just settle on the first ascended armor and upgrade that to legendary. Either way the first ascended armor to legendary will cost 1260~1445 tickets per piece, while the prestige armor will cost 1650~2145 tickets per piece.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
I guess no one has though about the amount of healing/support a firebrand can do. Firebrand/soulbeast/holosmith seems like a good 3man group. They have multiple pulls, reflects, quickness and a lot of melee boons. Theirs going to be a lot of testing once the next beta comes out.
The holosmith will play a different role compared to scrapper. Holosmith’s photon forge mode adds extra damage. Scrapper’s gyros are made to add support. Holosmiths should have more burst instead of support.
I never really answered the question of the best PoF roaming class :P. I do not feel that condition spec will do well against the new elites. The top PoF elite will probably be a power spec. The best dual roamers will still be Mesmer/thief plus 1. Small groups are more about how well they focus targets, rez allies, and cleave downed players. So whoever is more organized will win.
I am hopeful Holosmith will be good. Do not see many engineer in wvw. Alot of high damage skills.
You just restated what I said in a different way :P. I would not say A-net is terrible at balance patches. Its just that some professions have been hurt alot with nerfs every now and then.
A-net will create PoF related reward tracks in wvw, so you can get some of the PoF loot that way. Incase you ran out of useful reward tracks in wvw. The elite spec will still be slightly better than the core spec. A-net has balanced the elite spec to fit a specific purpose, so the HoT elite spec will still have a role.
In wvw most of the thieves I have encounter do not use sword. Yea IF they spec that way that can lockdown me down at times. Its the same as me doing a point blank phoenix combo to delete an enemy it can happen.
The thieves I mostly encounter tend be at half health without me doing much to them. Not everyone in wvw uses the same gear like spvp. It just feels like their are more new players in wvw nowadays.
Yea its arcane blast. I just confused it was arcane missiles from wow since it a similar projectile effect. For consumable I use any I have at the time. I do not buy a specific type I just make sure I craft something useful: truffle steak, bowl of roasted lotus root, tin fruitcake or the damage reduction mussel foods.
All aura traits: air 1-3-2, water 1-2-1, tempest 3-2-3. I start fights in earth attunement for that earth-air combo and in case I need an immediate defense. Earth has 3 options for defense at the start of a fight, overload for stability/reflect/immob, magnetic wave for cleanse/reflect or obsidian flesh 3s immune. I have been using glyph of elemental harmony lately. Its the best solo heal and can give protection or regen if attuned correctly (try not to use it in fire/air).
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