Showing Posts For Unholey.3264:

Worst WvW Ability

in WvW

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’d say Burning Oil Mastery. It gets taken out the first thing mostly if a tower is under siege, if they forgot it and have a zerg nearby you are as good as dead when they start hitting the oil.

I don’t know. I’ve got max oil mastery. The damage reduction along with the burning shell make it much more survivable (enough to where you can comfortably stand in a meteor shower, among other aoes, in my experience). This can buy valuable seconds needed for a response crew to get to a contested keep. Plus, using the burning shell vs Omega golems under time warp is hilarious.

To OP, yeah, probably mercenary bane. Not exactly worst, just fewest possible instances to be made use of.

Good-bye Underwater combat??

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264



I happen to really enjoy water combat. In fact, I wish more water areas were added to the game, not taken from it. I’d even support the idea of an entirely underwater zone (in spvp, wvw, and/or pve). My guess is most people dislike underwater combat due to having to actively work with a z axis (perhaps more so than on land) and/or lack of stomping. Both of which give the impression of lazy players, imo.

But, in agreement with Static above, I do not think that having to take into account 6 more build pieces is an adequate reason for removing the map/de-emphasizing water combat. Players handle their 6 main armor pieces just fine, surely they can manage another 6…

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Distracting Shot


Six Minutes achievement still bugged

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Unholey.3264


We at TTS just completed the knights with roughly 40 seconds left in the 6 minutes. The majority of the people in teamspeak reported not getting the achievement. Please fix this…

Bonus Chests?

in WvW

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Exact same thing happened to me. Our server (SoS) got first last week. I asked other guildies of mine if they got the three bonus chests and they said they did. I didn’t however. Would the update near reset have affected that? Note: I had not logged in between reset and the update happening.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Specific Game Mode

Proposal Overview
Increase and ease of pet status visibility via a toggle-able pet UI.

Proposal Functionality

  • Similar to pets and heroes of GW1, allow for a toggle-able UI to pop up (and preferably allow for it to be moved to where we desire on the screen) if we want.
  • This UI would show the pets current health, skill bar, conditions & boons and skill cooldowns. These cooldowns should also be affected by the “show cooldown timer” option that affects player skills. Note: Pet F2 skills are not currently affected by checking this option. Please fix.

Associated Risks
None. This would allow rangers to have complete visibility over their pets without the need to target them. And, even then, would provide a better status update than targeting them does now.

Six Minutes to knightfall, no achi, no loot

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Unholey.3264


It seems this is a common bug. I’ve seen other reports of not getting the achievement either. I know that for at least one of TTS’s “successful” 6 minute kills, none of us got the achievement either. Can we get an official response on this? It’s the only achievement I’m missing.

No More Tricks, Scarlet, In Tune

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Update: Avoided the lazers again and got No More Tricks this time. Keep trying!

No More Tricks, Scarlet, In Tune

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Unholey.3264


On our last run I always had proper attunement and was never visibly hit by a lazer or the scorch marks. I got the In Tune achievement but not No More Tricks.

Celestial recipes still drop?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Yep, what Kalarchis said. I got the Medium coat recipe on the last run.

Six Minutes to Knightfall Achievement Bugged

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Unholey.3264


On a similar note, on our TTS overflow (many others can attest to this), we killed all three with 4 seconds to spare, but none of us got the achievement. Something is wrong.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Unholey.3264


That is exactly my point. We want to make sure we’ve done everything we can to make the pet desirable before we consider any options for those that don’t want to play with the pet as much.

Does “everything we can” include redesigning and separating pet AI from open-world creature AI? I can’t speak for everyone but I believe most would agree that, while perhaps not necessary, this would be a tremendously helpful starting point.

Can you elaborate? I hear this a lot, that pet AI needs to be separate from mob AI and then suddenly everything would be amazing – but I don’t know why this is. What vision do you have of this new AI that would improve pets from their current state? When I hear this, I feel like it’s akin to someone saying if it’s different, it’ll be better. But different doesn’t imply better, so I, personally, would love to hear the some brainstorming on what the specifics would/should be.

From my understanding, as is, they are unable to freely change pet AI to what would make it desirable because they are restricted by the connection between pets and other creatures. Correct me if I’m wrong, Allie, but I believe the current state of affairs doesn’t allow for one to change without the other also changing in the same way.

That is to say, separating the systems wouldn’t necessarily or inherently better ranger pets, but it would create the possibility of bettering them through a now unrestricted (or at least less restricted) system.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Unholey.3264


That is exactly my point. We want to make sure we’ve done everything we can to make the pet desirable before we consider any options for those that don’t want to play with the pet as much.

Does “everything we can” include redesigning and separating pet AI from open-world creature AI? I can’t speak for everyone but I believe most would agree that, while perhaps not necessary, this would be a tremendously helpful starting point.

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Unholey.3264


1. Ranger
2. Not-warrior
3. Not-warrior

Sea Of Sorrows - Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Unholey.3264


We have I am Old Spice.

Underwater Spear: Kamohoali'i Kotaki

in Crafting

Posted by: Unholey.3264


As hinted at above, the spear triggers its effect on almost every warrior spear skill, but on very few for other professions. (Hint hint, Anet. Please correct this.) On rangers, however, it will only trigger the shark bite animation on:

  • Spear 3, when landing a critical hit
  • Spear 2, when landing a critical hit on a reflected projectile. Critting with the attack itself will NOT trigger the effect.

The ghost shark projectile will occur on:

  • Spear 4, while throwing the spear.
  • Downed #1, but only if downed while wielding the spear. The shark will bounce between targets as the daggers normally do. Fun to watch, I think.

Now, I may be a bit biased but, in my opinion, rangers are the strongest underwater profession. That in mind, I would put it on your ranger. But, of course, whatever you play most would be the more logical choice.

which legendary? (if any)

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Frenzy and Kamohoali’i Kotaki because reasons. I’ve had the former for over a year and the latter for almost that. I regret nothing. I made Howler as my 3rd but wasn’t too keen on warhorn at the time so I sold it. If you’re a Sylvari, as I am, I can’t recommend Kudzu enough — it just makes sense.

Pet F2 interrupted by pet movement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’ve run into this more and more recently and it can easily affect the outcome of a fight. I played with it a bit and found out what exactly the bug is and that it is easily repeatable.

What to look for/how to replicate:

  • Stand still and swap pets. You will see that the pet is stationary and will activate their F2 when commanded to do so.
  • Now, take a step and, while moving, swap pets. You will see that the pet walks a certain distance before stopping. This is the problem.
  • Finally, repeat step 2 but while the pet is walking those few feet command it to use F2. The animation will start and when it’s nearly finished the pet will cancel it to finish walking that final foot or so, causing the F2 to go on a 3 or 4 second cooldown as if interrupted.

Note: Some pet F2s go on full cooldown when step 3 from above happens. Try it out with the Fern Hound and the F2 will go on the full 25 second cooldown. Lastly, if you activate a pet F2 and swap pets before the skill finishes activating it will still go on a full cooldown, regardless of whether or not any sort of advantage was gained from the skill. According to, this should not be happening.

Piercing Functionality

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Keeping it simple.

The suggestion is that all attacks which pierce either naturally (necro staff 1, etc) or via traits (ranger bows, warrior rifles, etc) be updated to:

  • Pierce through blocking skills/aegis.
  • Pierce through projectile absorption/reflection skills.

If I can fire through multiple people in a line, surely I should be able to fire through and hit one guy using a shield. This would also allow for some ranged counterplay to the all-too-easy-to-use reflection skills via a modest trait investment.

Legendary luck from gifts

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I opened just under 3,000 giant gifts (more were had after these screenshots). It seems you can get legendary essences of luck from these at an exceedingly low rate: about 1 in 1,000 based off my drops. Nearly got two of them back to back. I haven’t seen anyone mention getting them and there’s no note of it on wiki so I figured I’d post to show that they are a possible drop. Also got 4 grenth recipes and 1 dwayna recipe. No luck on unbreakable bells or endless tonics, though :/


Legendary spear on a Ranger, again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


But like unholy and myself I am sure there are a bunch of rangers with this weapon that would like to see this “bug” fixed!
Almost makes me not want to make incinerator anymore because the wiki shows no special effects for incinerator on a ranger

Was really looking forward to man o war causing >9000 sharks but nope :/ As far as incinerator goes, I have yet to see a ranger with it. I know they’re out there, but they’re probably so few and far between that there’s just a lack of info to put on wiki. I’d imagine the projectile for #5 just turns into the incinerator model.

Legendary spear on a Ranger, again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


+1 from a ranger with it. I’ve had it since March and was disappointed to find out it works the way it does with us. I’ve been asking for a change/fix ever since :/

Question about 2 legendaries...

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Shark only pops if you crit with #3, other skills do not pop shark on crit.

I can confirm this, having owned the spear for 6+ months now. Kind of unfortunate. I wish it proc’d on more skills as well. As an additional note, and it’s somewhat difficult to test, the #2 whirl finisher when used in a combo field occasionally sends out ghost shark projectiles. I “think” that if these hit an enemy, the shark bite animation also triggers. Only from the whirl, though. The #4 ranged doesn’t proc.

underwater legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Frenzy’s aura was updated to have many more fish than it previously did. The fish are also noticeably larger than they previously were. The projectile that Frenzy now fires is a sort of miniature model of Frenzy itself, shortened to look more like a fish. Also, if you look closely, the fish Frenzy creates are also present on the projectiles it fires.

As for Kotaki, I do wish they update it to have the ghost shark trigger on all crits instead of just certain skills. Warriors get it on almost all of their spear skills but for rangers it only triggers on skill 3.

I can show you Frenzy in game if you’d like. Just shoot me a pm.

Edit: ^ vid posted at same time. That works.

(edited by Unholey.3264)

About legendaries and where they went wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Thought I’d post my 2 cents about the auras for Frenzy and Kamohoali’i Kotaki having similar issues as the weapons noted above. Also, for Kotaki, the shark animation effects only work on 1 skill when used on a ranger. It should be noted, however, that you can get these auras to work and appear on land and stack them underwater. So, double the “misty” effect and Frenzy’s fish while wielding Kotaki, for example. But again, the auras don’t always appear.

I’d assume the same holds true for Kraitkin.

Proud owners of The Dreamer

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I second this. This legendary is now somewhat akin to creating a legendary speargun



SOTG for Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I am afraid spirits health will still be sub par. Now if they were as hard to kill as a warriors banner then that would be something.

And by “as hard to kill” you mean impossible to kill, right? And mobile. And have effects which are active 100% of the time and also have no internal recharge all without being traited.

Yeah, if spirits were like that then perhaps they’d be useful. How does a physical object (a banner sticking out of the ground) not take any damage but a spirit (an ethereal, non-physical entity) does? I mean kitten at least allow me to chop a banner in half if I so wish.

Arrow To The Knee: All-Ranger TPVP Event

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Yeah, sure. Why not.

IGN: Unholy Ranger
Time: 12:00pm (server), 3pm eastern. Depends on how long it takes me to take my final. But that ^ would be the latest. I’ll probs be back earlier.
Recording: None…

All ranger cof path 1....with pets only!

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’ll go. I’d imagine a cat with QZ and sick’em would be needed for the gate control. And then probably a devourer or two to keep poison on the boss.

Faux's "RRR" Build (Conditions Variation)

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


If you ever catch a sylvari ranger just running in place, that’s Menorah too.

Menorah is obviously the inferior sylvari ranger on Ehmry.

Running in place? I mean, the least you could do is run in circles. Owait…

TPvP - Ranger's Only Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Sign me up, Cap’n. I’m admittedly no expert on pvp, but ranger is literally the only thing I play. I have 5 of them…

And Sebrent, I’ll run with you sometime. Tekks and I will usually roam together in WvW.

Underwater legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I have the two listed in my signature. Questions?

Water Legendaries Updated Again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


why do you spend you time and effort making one underwater legendary? such waste O_o, anyway is you money!

because it looks cool having ghost sharks on crit while farming invaders doing quaggan nodes.

I’m loving UW combat with my guardian so am considering an UW legendary too. Do all of the UW legendaries have effects or is it like their land based cousins – some have great effects some have none?

All three of them have the same aura, the one shown in my screenshot. It has a hazy, almost mist-like quality to it, not to be confused with Howler’s aura which, in my opinion, is more “cloudy.”

As for weapon-specific effects: The spear leaves a bloodtrail as you swim, creates a shark attack animation on crits (though this appears bugged on some professions/skills), and changes projectiles from their normal model to that of a ghost-like shark.

The harpoon gun has a small “school” of fish that swim around the gun itself and you. They can also be seen swimming into the aura in a feeding “Frenzy”-like fashion. It also creates small, blue bubbles that “pop” around you and the gun.

As for the trident, I’m not too sure, as it’s the only one of the three I don’t have. But I’ve heard something happens to it at night.

(edited by Unholey.3264)

Water Legendaries Updated Again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Not sure when this happened but it seems that they were recently updated to include their auras on land as well underwater. Now if only they had footprints. Alternating blood for the spear and water for Frenzy. Make it happen, Anet

Any other water legendary owners (or devs) want to confirm this for me? Hopefully it’s not just a bug.


Faux's "RRR" Build (Conditions Variation)

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


We’d seriously have the best babies, Menorah. Y U NO HAVE MINE YET?!

Oh and yay builds and stuff.

Ranger Skills and Traits Clarifications/Fixes

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just thought I’d add (as I don’t believe I’ve seen it posted yet but I also haven’t read all of this) that the number 5 harpoon gun skill “Ink Blast”’s text would perhaps make you think you evade while retreating and that the “blinding trail” left behind is a smoke field.

Neither is the case. If anything, the latter should definitely be. It’s basically the same “thing” as a jellyfish’s ink cloud, minus the smoke field.

C’mon, Anet. Show us water folk some love.

Kraitkin bugs: aura + night effect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


^ I can vouch for that, owning both the harpoon gun and spear. Neither auras work as they should and the spear’s effects aren’t working correctly either as I pointed out in my own post shortly after getting it.

I really hope they fix these. Surely if the greatsword effects were to suddenly stop working there’d be a fix in no time…

GS Auto "miss"ing since update?

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


He was running shortbow and got an evade in every now and then with dodging and Quick Shot. Maul was able to hit him but the auto kept missing and they have the same range. Perhaps it has to do with using it while on the run? I seem to be having no trouble hitting stationary targets with it.

GS Auto "miss"ing since update?

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Has anyone else had this problem?

I was just chasing down another ranger in wvw and after swooping to him to close the gap I noticed I got miss after miss with the greatsword auto attack. He was well within attack range and I wasn’t blinded.

Glad to see warriors finally getting a buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I have three warriors.

Is this a common thing? Why would you need three of the same profession? Is the cost of switching traits really hitting your pocketbook?

I have 4 rangers (all with 100% world) and plan on making a 5th. But that’s simply because I want one of each race.

I imagine making a different character would be more costly than paying 3.5s over and over o.O

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


“Ranger pet cooldowns are now properly preserved when stabled.”

That’s a massive nerf.

Also, warriors banners being given double the bonuses while still being indestructible, mobile and having effects with a 100% uptime all without being traited is unbelievable.

Meanwhile, ranger spirits who have to be completely traited into to be even close to banners (and even then are light years away and still die in 2 hits from just about anything) aren’t deserving of an update.

Question To Owners Of Legendary Weapons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just finished my second one 2 days ago. I have the precursors for 2 others but I imagine those being more long-term goals. As of right now, I imagine I’ll still play often, but less than I previously did. There are still plenty of things I want to finish. And I generally enjoy WvW so this update will probably keep me there.

Legendary Spear effects bugged on ranger?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Hey guys,

Just finished the legendary spear, Kamohoali’i Kotaki. I had seen videos prior to me making it showing a shark attack animation on all crits while wielding the weapon. Here’s a really good video showing the effects.

Trying the same, I only got the animation to trigger on my spear skill #3 (the spear animation, not the shark animation inherent to the ranger class) and even then, only on some of the critical hits. In the video it appears to trigger on all of them. I get the shark projectile, but that’s about it.

Any chance the legendary effects may be conflicting with the inherent shark and jellyfish animations of the ranger’s spear attacks? Also, the aura that both the spear and the harpoon gun create (I have both of them) aren’t always present when either weapon is wielded.

Any feedback would be great! Thanks!

Would you play in an underwater map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


As one of the game’s few underwater legendary owners (soon to have the spear as well), perhaps I’m a bit biased. But yes, I would love an all underwater map or two or three or…

Quaggan Utopia. Make it happen, Anet.

What would it take for you to use spirits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


They’d have to be mobile, provide better buffs that are active 100% of the time, and be indestructible all without being traited.

Y’know, like how warrior banners are already. And they’re getting buffed…

But nope. Spirits aren’t deserving enough.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Here’s a thought I just had.

What if we made f3 use a defensive dodge skill instead of returning to the player, and we re-did the “Guard” and “Avoid Combat” button to better serve the function of “return and Heel” and “Attack and be aggro”

So it would be f1 to attack target, f2 to use special skill, f3 to use defensive ‘dodge’ skill, and our stance button would then be tweaked.

That sounds nice, yeah. Another suggestion posed by a guildie of mine references pets and heroes in gw1 which had a middle ground (named “guard”), between attack and heel (on pets) and avoid combat (on heroes). The middle ground would have them attack what you attacked, but not attack if only being attacked. A feature like this would more easily allow us to run around with our pet attacking what we want without it running off into the distance to attack something which attacked us.

Granted, switching between the current attack and passive modes allows for the same thing, but it’d be nice to have the option of that middle ground. As for the pet attacking, would it be possible to lock the pet onto a certain target? As is, if I command my pet to attack target A and I start to attack target B, it will automatically switch over to target B. Again, not a must have, personally. But I think it would be a nice option to have for whenever you may find it useful.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Would a status bar for pets visible near their health bar be a reasonable request? Being able to see what conditions/boons/other buffs your pet has without having to click on them (as clicking on them mid-fight is not only usually difficult but takes time away from your own actions) would be wonderful.

It's been 6 months - Ranger Community

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


This ^. All of this ^

Dear Jon peters and other "balance" devs

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Seriously, Anet. Fix this kitten. It’s absolutely ridiculous that nothing has been done for rangers for months now. Whereas, it seems, every month the already overpowered classes get buff after buff. It’s hard not to use the same utilities/traits over and over when, guess what, they’re the only ones working and/or worth taking.

Rangers ignored...yet again

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Please, Anet. Explain why.

12 chars (or however many it needs to be)