Showing Posts For Unholey.3264:

Can't queue

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Can’t queue for ranked/unranked solo or duo.

My partner can when he is solo, but not while duo with me.

Other people in map chat having similar problems.

Please look into this. kthx


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Same. I can’t que solo/duo for ranked or unranked. My partner can q solo for either, but not when we’re together. Bunch of people in map chat asking about it as well.

Crab Toss Regular achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just played and won about 10 straight games. All of the wins counted towards the win # achievement, but only 2 of the games counted towards the “crab toss regular” achievement. I also only got the reward chest for those two, and none of the others.

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


- 3 Pi for 12k ? It is 4k PI per proc, it usually hits for 3k on a good day, please post screenshot of that death log.

Just happened to see you say this while skimming over this thread. This was back during season 3. Not saying anything one way or the other, just providing some evidence.


Make Selfless/Selfish Potions into infusions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I totally support changing it to some kind of wardrobe-based visual, as was done with mini pets. I use the selfless one all the time on my guardian but having to reapply with every map change or down is a little annoying.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I reached t4 legendary because I refuse to throw my games and keep trying to queue (while watching movies of course). I don’t think I will get any match again this season bcoz of the 15 pips range limitation.

Yesterday I tried to queue for around 6 hours without any match. So I guess that puts the final nail in the coffin.

Basically this. I got to t4 legend 3 days ago and have been able to get only 1 match since then over a span of at least 3 hours of q times. I’ve given up trying to get more. Even at reset I can’t get a match. Guess I’ll just wait til next season.

Division target for Ascension part IV?

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


You’re required to cross 1 division threshold then 2 more then 3 more then 4 more. It’s not 4 total. It’s 10 total. The next tiered division achievement doesn’t start progressing until the previous one has been completed.

Frenzy III: Rage event bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’ve read that after it occurs the event does not respawn (ever) until a new patch hits. I’ve experienced this myself. Rage was the most recent collection I finished.

I waited for a new patch to drop, went there immediately after and within a few minutes it spawned. That’s the best advice I can give you. Who knows if/when they’ll fix it.

5/23 update - Cow Pies - stealth update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I reported this exploit probably at least 6 months ago as Kudzu was the first precursor collection I completed after HoT launched. I’m surprised it took them this long to do anything about it. I explained in detail what it could be used for, including math on gold per hour, etc.

I tested it with about a gold’s worth of cow pies to see if it worked and then quickly deleted them, fearing the mighty hammer of ban from Big Brother Chris Cleary. Is this what has had the price of everything skyrocketing lately? A mass of people taking advantage of this? If so, it could have easily been prevented. Check your report records :/

The Floor Is Lava adventure insanity

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just find a decent route to take, memorize it and practice it. It’s not all that difficult. I managed to get gold on it before they increased the time limit, and with 3 seconds to spare, if I remember correctly.

It’s less about execution and more about what route you’re taking. Some are far more efficient than others. You should have no difficulty now with the added time. If a path you’re taking isn’t working, try something new.

Leeching Sigil doesn't do damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Bump, noticed this as well.

The healing effect still works, but the sigil does no damage, whether the healing effect took place or not.

League Elite bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Have you crossed at least 10 division thresholds total between seasons one and two? If not, then it is not a bug and you haven’t crossed the required amount. You cross one, then 2 more, then three more, then four more — not four total, if that’s what you were thinking.

Connection Error(s) .. Retrying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Same. Locked out

League Champion achiev. Bug or punishment?

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


It’s neither a bug nor is it a punishment. For “Year 1” for example, you have to cross 1 league division to complete that respective achievement. Then, for “Year 2”, you have to cross 2 more. Then 3 more. Then 4 more. It is NOT 4 total. It is 10 total.

If what you suggest is true, then no one would have legendary wings (The Ascension) in season 1 and I’m pretty sure I saw someone with them back then.

What I said is true, and no, you did not. Nobody had the completed legendary until this season. Feel free to look that up on your own. It takes a minimum of 60 days to get it and the first season did not last that long.

League Champion achiev. Bug or punishment?

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


If it’s not a bug then it looks like anet want’s to punish all those people like me who either lack skills or time to make all meta achievs in season 1. It’s like saing “If you want to do it in season II you sure can, but please do one more division than we previously required… oh and make sure you hurry up because progress for Part IV will be blocked until you do that”.

Well I’m pretty sure that even if I somehow make it through Division IV before the end of season I won’t be able to do all Part IV achievs, and in season 3 there will be one more division to make. Isn’t that great?

So what happened that it works this way? Is it a feature?

After all League Champion achievement says that we have to “Cross 3 league division
thresholds during PvP season” and I did just that.

What do you think?

It’s neither a bug nor is it a punishment. For “Year 1” for example, you have to cross 1 league division to complete that respective achievement. Then, for “Year 2”, you have to cross 2 more. Then 3 more. Then 4 more. It is NOT 4 total. It is 10 total.

What this means is that, say, if you get to diamond this season, you will have completed the Year 3 divisions achievement. Then and only then will you unlock the Year 4 divisions achievement, which will require you to cross 4 more division thresholds.

Unless you plan on getting to Prestige 4 Legendary this season, you will have to wait until next season to complete the Year 4 divisions. To satisfy those requirements, you will need to get to diamond both this season and next season. Or, if you stay ruby this season, you will need to get to legendary next season.

Currently in a 75 minute queue

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Queue finally popped at 84 minutes.

This shouldn’t be acceptable.

Currently in a 75 minute queue

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


(Tier 5 Legend, 3 pips from prestige 2)

Please fix your system, Anet. That, and allow us to queue outside of HotM. We’ve only been asking for it since it went away…

[Bug] No extra pip for win streak.

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Maybe? I don’t remember tbh.

[Bug] No extra pip for win streak.

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Title says it all. 3 straight wins, only got 1 pip for the 3rd win. Should be two. Would’ve had sapphire had it worked properly.

Golden Fractal Weapons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Unholey.3264


So how do we get gold relics outside of the onetime achievements?

Salvage the golden fractal weapons you get as drops. I assume it’s 1 per. That’s what I got from my greatsword anyway.

Can't salvage Order ascended amulets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


The ascended amulets “Vigil’s Honor,” “Whisper’s Secret,” and “Priory’s History” from the collection achievements of the same name cannot be salvaged with ascended salvage tools/kits.

Is this intended?

Gold Fractal weps from Daily Fractal Chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Unholey.3264


do they have a trial of golden mist? i didn’t check them out. if no, they are so ugly

No trails on the greatsword. I’d imagine it’s like that with all of them but the originals did have some with and without so who knows. It’s a bit more sparkly than the originals as far as the misty effect is concerned. Honestly, I thought it was ugly at first too but it has since grown on me quite a bit, at least in part because of how rare it and other gold weapons are at the moment.

Gold Fractal weps from Daily Fractal Chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Unholey.3264


So, apparently they can drop from the daily chests for doing (3) 51-75 Fractals. They aren’t listed as a possible drop, but I just pulled the gold greatsword from it.

Just thought I’d share this information. I don’t know how rare of a thing this is.


[Suggestion] Per-Character Control Settings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Hmm, perhaps I wasn’t clear enough.

It would be optional in that, were it put in place, all control settings would remain as is across your entire account. But, if you wish, you’d now have the option of changing specific keybinds for specific skills on specific characters. Doing so on one character would not interfere with settings on another.

[Suggestion] Per-Character Control Settings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’m sure there are others who are in the same boat as me (and I believe I’ve read a suggestion similar to this somewhere before).

Anyway, I would like to know if it would be possible for Anet to implement per-character control settings. I tend to use different keybinds for the same skills slots on different characters. However, keybind settings are set on an account level. A change to this would be pretty great, imo.

To Anet:
1) Is this possible?
2) Any plans on implementing it?

To others:
1) Yay?
2) Nay?

Point blank shot

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Fun fact:

Contrary to popular belief, Point Blank Shot did have a distinguishing tell (differentiating it from other ranger LB attacks) before it was given the white swirl/purple daze arrow trail.

You’ve not really got any excuse now that those are a thing.

Target Nearest Enemy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264



Broken for me as well, but I think it only started within the last week or so. It will only target things nearly directly in front of me and within LoS.

Underwater PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Been asking for a fully underwater map (in any game mode, honestly) for forever now.


Downstate skills intended?

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


The problem is when this skill bugs after you’ve killed the pet but then the ranger can still use lick wounds and the pet becomes invulnerable. That needs to get fixed.

You do realize the first effect of Lick Wounds is reviving the pet, right? The invulnerability is not permanent and only occurs if the pet is fully dead when revived. A living pet receives no invulnerability or healing. Countering this skill requires knowing how it works and how to manipulate the enemy’s pet in such a scenario.


Ranger Pets Rezzing While Invulnerable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Not a bug.

The pet invulnerability is only granted when that pet is actually revived by Lick Wounds. If Lick Wounds is cast while the pet is alive, they will still run over to you and start to heal you, but are left at whatever health/status they were at when called, meaning they are fully susceptible to CC and damage.

If the pet is dead when Lick Wounds is cast, the pet is fully healed and granted a few seconds of invulnerability.

That said, your choices are as follows.

1) Cleave out or stomp the ranger before he can cast Lick Wounds (You have 20 seconds to do so).

2) If you cannot do the above, keep an eye on the pet’s health. Keep it low, but don’t kill it.

Aetherpath (TA dungeon) bad bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


As far as I’m aware this is not a bug. Back when the Aetherpath was first released I got the Nightmare Hammer (not the Aetherized version) from the bonus chest that pops up after defeating the Clockheart.

no under water content in hot?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’ve not actually seen any mention of this. Can someone link me?

Anyway, I hope it’s not true. I’ve always enjoyed water combat/environments in this game. Just thought they had a cool feeling to them. I’ve been an advocate for more of it in the game since its release. Here’s hoping…

Effects displayed on Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I suggested this as well back when the Ranger Profession CDI was a thing.

Ideally, pets would have their own status bar showing all boons, conditions, other buffs, AND show all of their skills and how long the cooldowns are on each of them, even if we can only actively control one. Perhaps one day we’ll be able to control all of them as well if we so wish.

anyone have two rangers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I have 5 — 80, geared, 100% world completion.

But that’s just because I wanted one of each race. I basically only ever play 1 of them.

All characters locked in PvP match.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just finished a PvP match and after getting back to Heart of the Mists myself and everyone else in that match were put right back in, with the same 500-139 score and everything. Logging into other characters doesn’t work as it still considers me to be in a PvP match, so all characters are effectively locked and unplayable.

If it helps:
Forest of Niflhel
Winning Team


(edited by Unholey.3264)

[GH] Grindhouse Gaming - SoS NA PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Unholey.3264


“Lil B reps GH.” – Lil B

Underwater Content: Ever gonna expand it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’ve been an advocate of this forever (see past posts and signature). So, I’ll chime in again here and say I fully support it. I’d like to see completely underwater zones out in the middle of the ocean or a quaggan utopia or something. Make it happen.

Combat is unbearable now

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Ranger (All arrows are identical)


Ranger F2 Chill Display Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just want to remind the Devs that this bug is still present and makes timing F2 skills mid-fight incredibly difficult. Here’s a link to my original post, describing the bug in more detail.

Will we see a fix for this in the feature patch?

Precursors selling for 65 Gold on TP!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Unholey.3264


stupid thread

this precursors you posted are nothing worth cause they are useless

noone care for underwater weapons or and torch


Rename the SAB Genie of the Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unholey.3264


We all know Anet loves their references. As a suggestion, rename the Genie of the Box in world 3 of the Super Adventure Box to Robin the Genie; Robin, Genie of the Box; Nibor the Genie; etc.

Other NPCs have been named after real people. Granted, most of them are/were Anet employees, but this seems appropriate.

Random reveal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’m assuming this is in a pvp scenario? Be it spvp or wvw. It could also be a ranger tagging you with Sic ‘Em. It’s rare that a ranger will actually use it but it’s quite lethal against classes that rely on stealth (thief/mesmer). Additionally, as the animation for Mass Invis is so obvious, it would not be hard to tag you or another important target with Sic ’Em before it finishes casting.

I’ve grown quite fond of the skill simply because other players do not expect it. I sometimes wonder if they also think something has bugged when, after tagging them with Sic ’Em, they proceed to spam one stealth skill after another, hoping that one of them will work.

Sovereign Underwater Weapons?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Unholey.3264


As an advocate of underwater gameplay, I, too, hope that they add more underwater content, rather than taking more away. I think it has enormous potential and I hope to eventually see zones which are entirely underwater, explorable and towns alike. Quaggan Utopia, anyone?

To OP: I noticed the same thing a while back. Was never really sure why some weapon sets (tormented, for example) have underwater weapons but others don’t.

Tonic Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I ran into a thief doing this yesterday as well (also p/d). Personally I had never seen this before and I tried to catch what exactly the in-combat benefit of doing so was. I later invited him to my party and he said that apparently dodging while in a tonic hides the red circle of caltrops (effectively making them invisible, depending on the terrain).

I DID notice the free weapon swap effects (his on-swap sigils would activate when he used the tonic) and if it breaks stuns as well…then something should really be done. I’ve never had as much trouble with a thief as I did yesterday, but then again I’ve never fought a thief using tonics mid-fight. I fought him 3 or 4 times and every time he made use of the tonic multiple times throughout the fight.

I can provide screenshots if necessary.

Ranger pets permanently chilled

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


A recent update added the skill cooldown timers to pet F2 skills (finally), but it seems there is a bug with at least the display of the cooldown. Oftentimes, the remaining cooldown will be displayed in blue numbers, as if the pet were chilled and also decreases at the rate of a chilled skill. However, the pet itself is not chilled.

I’ve tested this both in and out of combat. Literally just tried the wolf F2 in a borderlands citadel and it behaved as if the pet was chilled. It appears you can still activate the F2 again before the chilled cooldown wears off, as if it was going off of the proper cooldown, but determining when that is is not always easy and, of course, shouldn’t even be necessary.

Please fix this.

Crashing While Engaging Karka Queen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I’ll add in that my client crashed last night as well the moment the queen died. It still awarded me the bouncing reward chest (that appears on your HUD) but I was unable to get the physical chest on the island itself.

I did have everything on max settings and the map was hard capped, I believe. But I found it odd that I crashed right when she died.

Aspec Arena & on-crit sigils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Rune effects also work. For example, the rooting effect of the superior rune of the grove works as well, instantly killing people. Please check those as well.

Entangle + Survival of the Fittest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


The tooltip for Entangle displays it as giving a shorter fury duration than other survival skills when you have Survival of the Fittest. The tooltip also says it only removes one condition instead of 2 as it’s supposed to.

I haven’t tested the condition part yet, but currently, entangle does not give ANY fury, let alone the shorter duration shown in the tooltip, or the longer duration the other survival skills do.

No more proper weapon names?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Just looked at my Wings of Dwayna. Cool new icon (along with new icons for many other weapons). One thing I noticed, though, when I linked it in chat is that it displays the name of the ascended bow I used to transmute stats onto it. (This transmutation was done prior to today’s update). Now, the link no longer displays “Wings of Dwayna” and instead displays the name of whatever gave the stats.

Is this working as intended?

Do we need to spend all glory by tomorrow?

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


To be clear: before tomorrow’s patch you should open all of your tournament chests, spend all of your glory, and use all of your PvP crafting materials.

Think X armor doesn’t fit your character’s appearance? Craft it anyways and put it in your locker.


I’m assuming this includes “PvP Achievement Rewards” from AP chests as well?