Showing Posts For Unknownhero.6745:
Rather than just post the TS info, which is often the case, and expect them to hop on, take a few mins to explain why it helps. Be aware a lot of so called “casuals” have different reasons for not wanting to get in channel. Find a way to explain its in their (all our) best interests. When in TS, be aware some people are unfamiliar with some of the tactics and commands, and a few simple instructions or a brief explanation of attack plan can go a long way to encourage people to help.
Who else thinks its pretty lame that a thief can stealth his way out of entangle… seriously how does being stealthed remove binding roots…
If ranger skills cant be fixed to use logic, how about do us a favor and resurrect the old throw dirt skill and give us atleast a fighting chance…
Normally I could care less about responding to a troll thread which this obviously is…
There are no useless classes in WvW, only inexperienced players, and a few dumb commanders. However with regards to that lack of ranger appreciation, I thought I might add a few pointers to my fellow rangers.
There is more to war than just being in a zerg. If you think a ranger needs to roll in the front lines, you are neglecting the strengths of the class. In big zerg fights, I stay mobile, and if I see an enemy downed, I don’t need to stake him, he is dead, rapid fire melts bodies. If his buddy wants to try and rally him, there is a knockback for that. I collect countless bags from melting the downed, but Im not here for the loot. Get in TS, anticipate the flow of the zerg, and stay “ranged”, be one step ahead (more like behind or beside) of your commander and with great speed buffs its easy. Someone thinks you are an easy target, remember we do have stealth now. Barrage nukes are super fun in zergs, a trap or two, is also a nice aoe. Signet of stone and 30secs stability I can plow thru almost any aoe circles, whereas I see many frontline players who just don’t make it out.
In a small havoc crew, warhorn speed is loved by all.
Taking keeps or towers, rangers are great at melting siege on walls, a nice barrage is a deterrent for anyone standing on top. A knockback is great for the annoying caster dropping aoe down below.
Defending a tower/keep, there are so many nooks and safe spots, where a ranger can stand and rain down dps, melting rams before they even get built, and knockback for anyone manning one.
Need supply now? Rangers are one the fastest for getting to a camp and back and soloing a camp is easy peasy, I have saved numerous towers simply by being the one who finished that arrow cart just in time.
out of 5 fully leveled toons, my ranger is the most fun imo. I don’t need to justify it to anyone, my guild knows me, and Im always welcome.I could go on and on about tactics, and playing with your brains but my rank speaks for itself as to how the class fares in wvw. Sure I may not be able to solo a thief, and mesmers are annoying, but that’s not my job. If I want to roam solo and play scout, I have a thief for that job. Metalhead warriors and guards don’t scare me, In fact I love melting a guard who thinks he is tough, and using poison to add insult to injury if he thinks he can out heal my dps.
So to all my brother rangers, don’t listen to the ignorance. The class has many strengths and uses.
My fav job in the zerg is melting the downed…“if its dark red, its dead”
(edited by Unknownhero.6745)
elitegamerz.4965:“Um…You do realize that rangers can use great swords right?”
What really, we can??? After over a year, now you tell me (insert sarcastic face)…
I guess you totally missed the entire point of the post, and you missed the fact I called myself a “ranger” not “melee ranger” but thx for the tip Im sure you were trying to be helpful…
So, a new event brings new skins…hard to get as always but always cool!
As usual the GS (Chiroptophobia in this case) gets all the love. How cool are the bat animations!
Sadly however Im a ranger, and cool skins are so hard to come by, (I refuse to wear flowers or unicorns If i was a big tank dressed in metal i would have a handful of cool GS skins to choose from..
So i was pretty stoked to get myself a cool Araneae spider bow. I was pretty happy with my new toy, until some big Charr came by sporting his bat sword, with sweet animations :/ … creepy little bats flying around
Even the Bloody Prince scepter got some animation…
How hard would it have been to show the bow a little love…just once? How about it drops little baby spiders when wielded?? or even cooler make it shoot webs when fired…
So thats my beef… just once… show us rangers an act of kindness and give us something cool too …
3. AND…not to mention… you still get the chance at salvaging ecto’s……this dark matter acquisition is ON TOP of all that….. and yet you complain??.. do you really want to get rich in 2 hrs of salvaging exotics?:…c’mon… play the gameD
… perhaps you may have misread EVERYTHING i wrote, I have no illusions of getting “rich” as you say say… and oh yes i did get a few ectos out of the deal, and a few T6 mats…so I may have made back a gold coin or 2…I guess thats pretty good considering the 10 exotics could have made me 20-25 gold….
but i guess you are right, i should just “play” the game, stop complaining about throwing my hard earned gold away and hope someday i get “lucky” if my gold lasts longer than my patience….
Great suggestions. As far as regular meta events are concerned I use the GW2stuff overlay, and guildees call out events to give each other a heads up…
For the Scarlet invasions however, we could definately use a better idea of when to expect the next invasion. It seems to me they are roughly 6hrs apart?? It is very disappointing to miss a great event because Im busy in a dungeon with guildees at the rare moment an invasion is announced
To me the whole idea of salvaging an exotic is something that makes me shudder. Im not a farmer, and I dont make money playing the trade post. For me an exotic always meant some much needed gold.
That being said, i decided to bite the bullet and attempt salvaging a few exotics for the dark matter needed for crafting an ascended weapon.
Using a mystic salvage kit, I salvaged 10 exotics and recieved 1 glob of dark matter…
Complaining in guild chat, hoping for support and sympathy I found out many others recieved similar results…except for that one lucky exception who recieved 12 from 7 exotics(not using a black lion kit either)…
Seriously? What the kitten Is there no mercy or understanding for the mid level- casual players who are not rich and cannot afford to just casually throw gold away in hope of getting lucky??
Would it have been so horrible to atleast guarantee us 1 glob of dark matter per exotic salvaged,?? Even that makes collecting 12 for a recipe kinda pricey….
That looks excellent, +1
Some NPCs aren’t looking for anything logical. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some NPCs just want to watch the world burn :P
I’ve seen lots of posts regarding completing invasions and not getting credit. When i first started this achievement,I thought I was clever and I wrote down on paper, which zones I completed. Silly me, I asumed getting a map reward at the end meant i got credit towards my achievement. However, having completed all 13 I found this is not the case. I dont mind getting disconnected and not getting credit, I can even deal with having to repeat zones, because of some completetion bug.
Now however I find myself at 12/13 zones completed and have no clue which one Im missing. Obviously the game knows which one it is… So my question is, is there anyway to update the achievement, to show us which zones we have completed??
“This is the first time in GW2 that other players are a hindrance in the game. When I farm Tyre Ragemaw with 30 sec rotation with my warrior, even one other player at the same arena ruins the farm.”
“Now you understand why i don’t like rezzing people who die , i jump in and start farming Dunwell 15 seconds later 3-4 guys pop up and start loitering , more times than not they queue …and it takes them days to die or (rarely) kill the boss chosen.”
So, the point is..?… screw other players who are simply trying to play and enjoy the new content? You would like your own private little instance so you can be even greedier and exploit faster?
Good thing Im not in charge, i would make the achievement a one shot deal, non repeatable… problem solved :P
I find it hard to believe that the whole repeating the achievements was not removed, especially the 5 gambit Dead Eye farming. It doesnt make sense to me why a small portion of players should be allowed to farm the hell out of something that most players cannot. Without exaggeration, I know of several players that have already made a few hundred gold off the gauntlet farming. To the casual player thats alot of money. From what Ive seen in the past, if its fast and easy money it usually gets nerfed.
Thanks for the tips. It was a bit annoying, but using the wiki I went thru each zone one by one, and found areas listed in the wiki that had no poi’s or waypoints, or hearts, then cross referenced with my map. That did the trick
It seems like a waste to have so many back items, with more coming out every event and being forced to choose just one to wear. Especially so if you have already transmutated to a really nice back piece( a hard earned ascended back item for example).
Some of these back items are really nice, and some are great rewards for hard work. Perhaps there would be a way to have them set up like achievement rewards were done for the zenith skins. Back pieces could be collected and earned on a character, then simply switched for whatever the mood dictates without having to worry about sacrificing your favorite back piece or the last skin applied to it.
On a side note, how about supplying back straps with reward skins the same as gem shop purchased skins , for using on low level alts? IE I win a desert rose skin, but really dont want it on my main, and i cannot give it to an alt, cause she cant get a backpiece until shes in her level 30s…
Lol, Websters dictionary?? Oxford dictionary?? I am pretty sure the Divinitys Reach Public Library does not have a copy of either of those books. Its safer to assume The Tyrian Dictionary of the Common Language has its own meaning for “jubilee” :P
Even having 100% map completion, and having scoured the maps repeatedly I am still missing parts for the exploration achievements. Having talked to my guild members, I find Im not alone in my frustration. A significant grey out of the map making unexplored sections visibly obvious would be very much appreciated.
Nostalgia ftw…..+1 miss my Zodiak weapons…
Sorry Neural, but your logic is a little off, and Anets stand on bots is very clear..
see previous news from Mike Lewis Security Co-ordinator…
It will never happen for numerous reasons. The system works exactly as it was intended.
Love the new Radiant and Hellfire skins, the gloves look great with heavy armor, however they look very out of place with light and medium armors. My ranger is begging you, he loves the Radiant skins, but he rather annoyed the massive awkard metal gloves make firing his bow difficult, and dont even get me started on the choice words my elementalist had to say about them 0.0 Any chance we might see an updated version with a skin for each armor style?
Not sure if this suggestion has been made yet, or how easily it could be done.
How about for in guild chat channel, an option to show user names, or create an account nickname for all characters. It would be rather handy instead of guessing which alt is which, in guild chat to have one name for all toons.
Ok forget all my previous posts about me being patient. Im hopping on the rage train too! I was ok spending crazy amounts of money, and countless hours of farming coffers. I was ok with losing count at over 3000 and nothing to show for it. It was all the kitten players in my guild, and all the kitten people on my friends list that keep getting tickets without out even trying. Opening kitten 50 coffers and getting 2 kitten tickets, or the kitten players with 5 tickets that will never kitten get used that really kitten drove me over the deep end. I was really ready to delete all my kitten friends, leave my kitten guild , and uninstall the kitten game. RNG kiss my kitten!!
I didnt come here to rage, or cry about how badly my luck sucks, or how much money I wasted. I still havent seen one ticket, and was beginning to think I did something to severely offend the Six Gods. Its good to see I’m not alone. :P
I think the whole gem store concept, is a brilliant money maker. Kudos to Anet. They know the minds of gamers, “Oh it new, shiny and hard to get…I must spend large amounts of money to get one”
Sadly I dont have large amounts of money (in game or real). The last weapon skins out (the fused ones) i spent more than my budget to try and get one.
This event around i never learned my lesson. I once again spent more than my budget in a vain attempt.
I dont care about statistics, I dont care about prestige, or bragging rights. All i know is i really loved the look of a few weapons.
It was nice of Anet to give us a small chance at getting a skin from a coffer dropped by a mob. Some of my guildees have good luck, they opened a couple hundred and got lucky. I on the other hand opened around 1500 coffers (so far), sadly my luck as usual sucks.
Im not mad or suprised. Bottom line is, after being broke again, I learned two things… Firstly, just stop trying and secondly stop spending money either in game or real.
However its doubtful i will heed my own advice… im sure next event another really cool skin will come along, i will spend more than i should, farm my butt off, and walk away broke and dissappointed.
Maybe a Skritt pet with backpack ? They like shinies
A skritt, excellent thinking +1
Wow Coopziana, you seem a little hostile, not sure why you decided to single me out, I didn’t start this post I simply responded to it.. As far as laziness is concerned, it’s more a matter of convenience. Switching weapons out of combat is not a big deal, but when you have 100 pieces of loot in your bags its not always that easy to find your staff or daggers when switching out. And as far as wasting forum space and time is concerned, wouldn’t you be a bit of a hippocrate by further responding??
(edited by Unknownhero.6745)
Yes agreed. I would love to see the trade post get some extra filters and tweaks!
How about a simple compromise… allow an Ele to have a second weapon slot, but only switch while out of combat. I use my daggers primarily, but hate having to dig thru my bags and find my staff, when im in the mood or need it….
I dont mind spending extra money from time to time to get cool stuff from the gem shop. I think its a fair way for the game to make some extra money from players without having it forced upon them. With that in mind, heres my suggestion :
I played another MMO for quite some time, and my FAVORITE all time cash purchase item was a looter pet. Simply it was a little blue bird that flew around and collected my loot from dead mobs. It was not targetable by mobs, nor did it engage in combat.
I would gladly pay to see a feature like this implemented, and I imagine tons of other players would as well, judging by the amount of them i seen purchase in the other game. Imagine all those badges of honor that get lost in wvw cause a player is too busy (or dead) to grab the loot.
Just a thought, thank you for any consideration you give it and I offer this great money making idea free of charge, no royalties needed :P LOL
(edited by Unknownhero.6745)
Even if it was intended for the Azurite mats to only be available for a short time, the refinement of crystals to orbs would not change anything, once the mats are used they are gone anyway. Im going to hold onto my crystals and hope this oversight gets looked into. It would seem like a rather standard jeweler refinement like any other crystal to orb.
The skill challenge “Kill the ancient sharks”, requiring you to dive into the cave appears to be be bugged. There is only one shark in the cave, and the other two appear to have spawned inside the rocks above the cave. If you walk around on the rocks above, you can see them highlighted thru the rocks.