Showing Posts For Vendris.4201:

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I really don’t understand the burning need of people who have no clue what is being talked about to jump into a conversation and make sarcastic comments based on assumptions that are completely wrong.

Please do yourself a favor – if it seems like people are ridiculously angry over an exploit being fixed, assume that perhaps you don’t understand the full context of the conversation.

Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

So an ability that was benefiting from an unintentional bug, which has been fixed, is now going to have its damage adjusted back up? boggle

Really? The issue is the iberserker missing its first attack everytime. Which has nothing to do with them fixing the casting without los bug.

If you read the thread you would know that.

Mesmer class, what are we now?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


The bug where clones do not get a map completion star over their head was acknowledged as a bug by the dev team at least 4 patches ago. People are impatient because they have lost confidence that the bug will actually be addressed outside of a developer saying “yup, that’s a bug!”.

The patch came out 5 days ago why are people so impatient. Tweak for 15% more damage to kind of help the loss until then. Talking about the accidental nerf to damage to zerker over and over agan is not going to speed up them fixing it. LOS is not going to go back to the way it was you just have to move on and adjust.

Mesmer class, what are we now?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Please have some sort of clue as to what you are talking about before you make snide comments that show that you do not understand the issue that is being talked about.

Here is the current state of trying to hit someone with the illusionary beserker:

1. Hit GS#4 to try to summon the beserker. This will fail and initiate the cooldown cycle if 1) you are blinded 2) the opponent dodges 3) you are actually obstructed 4) you are “obstructed” even though you are in a wide open field with nothing between you and your opponent at all because LoS is buggy.

2. If you get past #1, the beserker summons. A good majority of the time thanks to the new bug introduced last patch, the beserker will now proceed to miss with most of it’s first attack chain, doing little to no damage…

3. Of course, after the dodge check for the initial summon, the opponent can still dodge the beserker itself after it summons, meaning that outside of the bugs, your target still gets multiple chances to dodge.

This situation is clearly not “like every other class.”

People who don’t play mesmers, don’t understand the mechanics, and don’t understand the current bugs don’t need to be a part of this discussion.


I know, it’s horrible that you should be expected to land your skills like other players… as in no dodges, blinds, LoS etc. Terrible. How can you possibly play under these conditions?

That’s pretty much how dodging works buddy. I suggest you try counting how many times your opponent uses it before unloading your best moves. Kinda like when you play any other class.

Berserker Fix?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


The bug that needs to be fixed is the bug that resulted from the line of sight fix. Since the “fix”, the beserker whiffs and misses it’s opening attacks on a very regular basis, drastically lowering the damage the beserker does.

To answer your actual question takatsu, no, it has not been fixed yet, and no, we have not been given any information about when it will be fixed.

Considering we were told there would a fix for mesmer clones not having world map completion stars over their heads multiple patches ago and there still has been no fix for that, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

My honest opinion, as cynical as it is, is that anet hopes that if they don’t bother fixing it for long enough we’ll just give up complaining about it, and new mesmers won’t know how horribly broken the skill is to begin with.

iberserker doing significantly less damage.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Any ETA on the fix? Any updates at all?

iberserker doing significantly less damage.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


So when can we expect a fix for this bug? It’s been days since the patch now, and it’s been acknowledged that this skill is currently broken.

Dancing Dagger Nerf -- Suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Speaking as someone who has never played a thief, and who has died to thieves a lot – I thought this skill was cool. It looked like a great way to break up the front lines a bit in a zerg versus zerg open field stalemate. I never saw a need to nerf it. Really, I never saw a need to nerf anything about thieves at all other than the indirect nerf of fixing the “coming out of stealth rendering bug”.

“Balancing the game” does not have to equal “nerf every class until they are all equally as boring to play”

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


The range being 400 could be what I’m seeing as well – I’ll do some tests against target dummies myself once I get some time today and post the results, and pretend like developers are reading this.

Shatter* - trait discussion & debate

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I’ve tried some shatter builds with 20 chaos (for the X staff trait) but for WvW shatter builds I usually end up going back to the 10 / 30 / 0 / 0 / 30 “shattercat”. I agree with djtool – the problem is, for a shatter build to work well at least 20 dueling + 30 illusion is really not optional.

For shatter builds going burst damage just always works better for me than condition damage – the survivability traits in the chaos line don’t add much to a shatter build and there is too much opportunity cost to taking them.

I’d say if you want some variation in the shattercat build, the illusion minor trait + gear choices are the main places to play around.

If the illusionary beserker is ever fixed again, a 20 dom / 30 dueling / 20 illusion build can work really well as a “ranged shatter” build also, since the clone created from greatsword 2 spawns next to the player. Unfortunately the bug in the initial beserker attack currently hampers this build quite a bit since you only let the beserker live long enough to get off one attack round before using it for shatter fodder.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I confirmed what I’ve seen a couple of other people say – the phantasmal disenchanter now simply often fails to spawn at all. This is not from being blind. This is not from being obstructed. When it happens, there are no messages at all. The phantasm simply fails to spawn at all. It’s not a range problem either – I’ve watched it fail to spawn multiple times while in melee range of a selected enemy. Leaving aside that it is ridiculous that this phantasm has any enemy requirements to summon at all, since it does not attack – it is simply broken. The failure to spawn at all happens so frequently that I can’t use the skill – it’s worthless.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I confirmed what I’ve seen a couple of other people say – the phantasmal disenchanter now simply often fails to spawn at all. This is not from being blind. This is not from being obstructed. When it happens, there are no messages at all. The phantasm simply fails to spawn at all.

It’s not a range problem either – I’ve watched it fail to spawn multiple times while in melee range of a selected enemy.

Leaving aside that it is ridiculous that this phantasm has any enemy requirements to summon at all, since it does not attack – it is simply broken.

The failure to spawn at all happens so frequently that I can’t use the skill – it’s worthless.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


No it wasn’t. The point of your post was to make some sort of argument that since there was no way to counter this one particular situation in spvp, it’s fine that arenanet released a patch that a) made line of site a requirement for phantasms and b) introduced multiple bugs… as if the only alternatives were 1) do absolutely nothing or 2) release a buggy, untested patch that broke core mechanics of the class.

Your question is meaningless to me, because I have never been against adding a line of sight requirement to illusionary beserker. I have in fact stated that I thought it should be fixed.

However instead of simply fixing it, they added a new bug to the beserker (that result in a damage reduction), and they added a new line of sight bug to illusionary warden that’s even worse than the original problem.

If you want to have “fun” and see it in action, grab a few mesmer friends, trait in inspiration and get the focus skills gain reflection trait, all target a keep door, and toss illusionary wardens straight through the door into the keep.

The problem is as funny as this is, it also makes it impossible for me to use another tactic I used to use all the time in WvW – using an illusionary warden just outside the keep door to help protect people using battering rams to attack the door.

To summarize: I have no problem with actually fixing LoS on the beserker. My problem is the patch is a horrible buggy mess.

The point of the post was the question, your hilarious.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Your question is meaningless to me, because I have never been against adding a line of sight requirement to illusionary beserker. I have in fact stated that I thought it should be fixed.

However instead of simply fixing it, they added a new bug to the beserker (that result in a damage reduction), and they added a new line of sight bug to illusionary warden that’s even worse than the original problem.

If you want to have “fun” and see it in action, grab a few mesmer friends, trait in inspiration and get the focus skills gain reflection trait, all target a keep door, and toss illusionary wardens straight through the door into the keep.

The problem is as funny as this is, it also makes it impossible for me to use another tactic I used to use all the time in WvW – using an illusionary warden just outside the keep door to help protect people using battering rams to attack the door.

To summarize: I have no problem with actually fixing LoS on the beserker. My problem is the patch is a horrible buggy mess.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Additionally, LoS is -not- fixed. As I said above, illusionary wardens now spawn consistently inside of keeps when cast against the door, which is far worse of a problem (or a benefit!) than being able to toss a berserker up onto a wall ledge.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Your gloating “ha ha ha mesmer now you are like everyone else!” response to me was not constructive, and it was not about LoS on keep walls. It was in response to me pointing out that the LoS “fix” has introduced new LoS bugs that cause “obstructed” messages when someone is standing directly in front of you on open flat ground.

You do realize I was commenting on the LOS requirement of phantasms right? I mean the subject of the post is: Thank god they fixed LOS. Also the damage reduction is DUE to a bug fix, now ANet is looking on how to increase the damage as it did remove a lot of its utility. I’d find the ANET post for you, but im lazy.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Perhaps, if you’re going to respond, you could bother to actually find out what people are complaining about.

I, and many other people don’t care that line of sight requirements were added to the Illusionary Beserker.

The iB also received (in the form of a bug) a large damage reduction, which was not intended. The combination of the bug causing most of the first attack chain of the iB to miss + the change so that blindness and being blocked causes the phantasm to fail to spawn and trigger the cooldown + the line of sight bugs making it impossible to determine if you will be obstructed or not makes the skill currently worthless.

Additionally, the line of sight issues with phantasms were not fixed, and the new bug is actually worse than mesmers being able to toss the beserker onto a wall without full line of sight.

The illusionary warden will now, consistently, every time it is cast at a tower or keep door, spawn inside the keep on the other side of the door. This is in fact quite hilarious when I spec my mesmer focus traits to reflect ranged damage – as during a keep siege I can now span iWardens into the keep, where they attack people trying to fix the door – and then ranged attackers kill themselves trying to shoot it.

So this patch introduced a bunch of new bugs, without actually fixing the single problem with the mesmer class it was trying to address.

Your response of “well every other class is broken and buggy also!” is a bizarre stance to take if you’re trying to defend these changes.

By “fixed” do you mean “obstructed trying to hit someone standing 2 inches in front of you beating on you with a melee weapon”? Because that’s what is happening now.

Congratulations, you now know how it feels to play every other class in the game.

Additionally, I’ve played Mesmer since closed beta and a bit post. Found it a bit too easy for the most part. Go scepter pistol/staff, map f1 – f4 on your razer naga, and your basically golden.

Not saying that mesmer doesn’t take skill to play, but the phantasm spam out of LOS was pretty attrocious in SPVP. I felt like i was playing WOW Tourny again, vs droods.

Now the good Mesmers will shine ever brighter, as the mediocres become even more dull.

What isnt there to like?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I believe the discussions here would be more constructive and friendly, if we could receive better acknowledgement of the issues the patch introduced, along with a timeline of when we can expect fixes, and what form those fixes will take.


Please keep the discussion constructive and friendly.

Thanks for your understanding.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Do you have a build that changes any of the following?

1) Dev acknowledged bug that Illusionary Beserker received a bug in the last patch, and the result of that bug is an unintended reduction in it’s damage.

2) Mesmer clones and phantasms, Necro minions, and Guardian spirit weapons counting as players towards the 5 “person” limit on all AoE healing spells and buffs, keeping mesmers (or any other support class for that matter) from healing and buffing their party in dungeons and spvp

3) Line of sight bugs causing ranged weapon attacks to be “obstructed” when there is clearly no obstruction, keeping the attack from hitting

4) Line of sight bugs causing phantasm and clone summoning skills to fail to cast due to being obstructed, when there is no obstruction.

The fact that it is possible to cobble together a build that can be effective in spite of these bugs does not mean anything.

Maybe just maybe we mesmers were doing too much damage than what was intended?

This was the “anti-burst” patch…..Honestly I dunno but Dancing Dagger got the axe rightfully so, but that’s a -50% reduction vs the theory driven -50% on izerker etc.

We still absolutely pwn. Yes we can’t abuse LOS issues w/ the unintended bu….feature. Still tho I have zero problem taking out people 1v1 or 1v2-3….not a big deal fellas.

Try not to be so dumb. The ibeserker’s first attack during its first blade trail miss and do not hit. If the iberserker stays alive all attacks hit as they should.

“we mesmers” ? Give me a break.

I find it funny you resort to childish posts when someone’s experiences are different than your own.

Maybe if you ask nicely I can hook you up with a build that is great and give ya pointers on how to succeed =)

Gonna have to ask nicely though

just stop it ..

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Sorry I don’t take orders from you. I’ll keep complaining about the bugs that they introduce every patch until they either fix the bugs, or I quit the game.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Maybe they could change the Charr fractals to morph us into warriors as well as Charrs.

Mantra support builds are pretty worthless now too actually. The AoE heal effects were reduced to 5 players like AoE damage. However, your clones count in this equation. I tried to run mantra support in Fractal last night and watched my party members dying as heals applied to my clones and phantasms instead of them.

No one in their right mind will want to take any sort of pet class into a dungeon now.

Now just hope you get into the chaar fractals. With all the aoe going on in there, your illusions will be wiped before they can even spawn so your mantra build will be more effective. Haha…not so funny in fact, trolled by our own illusions.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Mantra support builds are pretty worthless now too actually. The AoE heal effects were reduced to 5 players like AoE damage. However, your clones count in this equation. I tried to run mantra support in Fractal last night and watched my party members dying as heals applied to my clones and phantasms instead of them.

No one in their right mind will want to take any sort of pet class into a dungeon now.

If you’re 60 scaled to 80, I believe your GEAR is still not scaled. This was what I noticed from the halloween event. If you’re scaling yourself up it doesn’t seem to work so well.

My shatters at 80 still hit just as hard as before the patch. Of course, when they’re really needed, there are so many things attacking my clones I can’t build them up to 3 to shatter.

I run a projectile reflect support/damage hybrid build, and not being able to summon a warden for the feedback bubble against multiple ranged mobs while blinded pretty much guts the point of speccing inspiration.

That is the last vestige of non-mantra support, so I guess I can go guardian or ele.

Obstructed Bug (Urgent!)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I’ve seen it happening constantly with both my staff and my scepter on my mesmer. Since the new LoS “fix” went in place for phantasms, I now have the pleasure of my auto attacks constantly wiffing due to obstruction bugs, then also having my phantasm fail to summon.

I’m taking a break from the game for awhile, it’s too frustratingly broken to play.

AoE Buffing/Healing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Thanks, Arenanet, for ensuring that Mesmers, Minion Necros, and Rangers never get invited to a dungeon again as soon as more people figure this out.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


By “fixed” do you mean “obstructed trying to hit someone standing 2 inches in front of you beating on you with a melee weapon”? Because that’s what is happening now.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Range Bug

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Yup. I noticed this last night also, trying to use the disenchanter in Fractal. Numerous times I knew I was well within range to cast it and I still got out of range messages. Between this, and random molecules of oxygen in the air obstructing my targets, phantasms have become next to useless since the patch.

Weapon auto attack has also become useless, as I constantly get “obstructed” messages when trying to use both my staff and my scepter with the mob standing directly in my face hammering on me with melee weapons.

For now I’ve changed to a mantra healing build, as it’s at least the one useful thing I can do in a dungeon group still.

Everyone sad = everyone happy...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Please get your facts straight.

This patch did not just “nerf mesmers” and “not fix their bugs”. It added a huge new bug.

A Guardian. Or how it feels like.

in Guardian

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I haven’t played a Guardian yet (my main is a Mesmer) – but I’m really interested in making one. I’ll tell you what the Guardian seems like to me from seeing them in game (especially with spirit weapons) – they’re Green Lantern Corp

Excuse me but kill shot - inc 'moment.'

in Warrior

Posted by: Vendris.4201


You know I thought about this some more and I don’t think it’s overpowered. I found some warriors in WvW and watched them – the move is telegraphed significantly enough to counter if you’re paying attention. I’m just being grumpy because the patch introduced a bug that screwed up mesmer greatsword damage. Apologies for my grumpiness.

The fact that you think 15k damage against a glass cannon when you “only” have 20k hit points and “close to base toughness” is somehow bad shows you really don’t understand the capabilities (or lack thereof) of other classes in the game when compared to the warrior’s damage.

Correct. 14k damage (max I’ve ever CRIT a level 80 in WvW). Only against people without any toughness gear at all. Only when I have no toughness gear at all. Only on a shot that requires a super long and super obvious windup. With the best gear and all timed buffs up.

I didn’t say it was bad, I said it was fine. You pretty much sacrifice all survivability for that one, easily avoided, ability.

Everyone, everwhere, is playing a thief. Why are there not a million Rifle Warriors out there if this is some horribly over-powered ability? There aren’t because it isn’t.

Class IV Hemorrhage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


This looks like a fun setup, thanks for sharing it! I hadn’t paid attention to the Krait runes – those are interesting.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

No one in your guild who plays a mesmer noticed an easily testable giant drop in the initial hit damage of their berserkers? Would you mind telling me what guild and server this is, so that I can make sure to not join it?

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Using a sword mainhand in both sets is crippling yourself.

Skills Thief nerfed... and now?

in Thief

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I hope that everyone who yelled for thief nerfs, when all that was needed was the rendering issue fixed, are going to be happy with whole groups of warriors pounding them into the ground in wvw. Will the fact that even when you see the warrior you still can’t do anything to stop them be better than stealthed thieves?

Excuse me but kill shot - inc 'moment.'

in Warrior

Posted by: Vendris.4201


The fact that you think 15k damage against a glass cannon when you “only” have 20k hit points and “close to base toughness” is somehow bad shows you really don’t understand the capabilities (or lack thereof) of other classes in the game when compared to the warrior’s damage.

I have a rifle warrior. Here are things to keep in mind:

- I am in all exotics, including weapons and jewelry.
- I have berserker gear (Pow, Prec, +Crit Chance)
- My weapon sigil is +5% damage
- My armor is +10 to all stats and +2 Crit change (Divinity)
- My trait build is focused entirely around Rifle and kill shot
- I use butternut squash buffs that give +100 precious and +10% crit damage
- I use sharpening stones for the power % bonus of vitality and toughness (small since my vit and tough are low)
- I use Signet of Rage and Great Justice just before my killshot
- I need to use another signet or heal to give myself full adrenalin for the shot
- I need to kneel down, in plain sight, for several seconds to fire kill shot
- Kill shot can easily be dodged and all decent players do it easily.
- When it’s dodged, we keep the endurance but we need to wait 8-10 seconds to fire it again.
- Kill Shot can be obstructed by terrain and sometimes just other players, even your own.
- Sometimes Kill Shot inexplicably misses.
- Because of my build, I have 20k hit points and close to base toughness
- I take huge damage from attacks, have no effective heal or defensive ability
- Thieves gravitate to me and they drop me in seconds.
- Everyone seems to be playing a thief.
- The most I have ever critted someone for was 16k and that person was lower level.
- I can consistently crit glass cannons for 10-14k.
- I crit enemies that have toughness for 4-8k.
- I’ve never one shot a level 80 (but close if they were a glass cannon)

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that you need to keep this in context.

To crit for 15k on kill shot, you need to have a glass cannon build and you need to be hitting another glass cannon build.

You make great sacrifices in survivability and utility to be able to do that kind of damage, and the rest of your dps is very low for the 8-10 second cool down time. If anyone attacks you at all, you either run for your life or you die.

At the end of the day, it’s not a very decent build. I’ve tried other warrior specs, but they seem very lackluster. I want to try and make this one work instead of just rolling a thief like everyone else, but it gets harder everyday.

The last thing we need is a nerf.

Mesmer phantasms through door in WvW.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


The mesmer illusions/phantasms were coming through the door, so when i moved away from the door i was still being attacked by them, so I don’t think they were targeted at the door.

I found in WvW yesterday that when trying to cast a warden to attack the door, the warden would consistently spawn on other side of the door from me.

Mesmer phantasms through door in WvW.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Armoek is correct. Since the Line of Sight “fix”, on my mesmer:

1. I get “obstructed” constantly using my scepter, in completely open fields, with absolutely no objects other than the ground. Yesterday I was “obstructed” fighting a thief who standing in my face, with absolutely nothing between us.

2. I can cast Illusionary Wardens through keep doors all day long, consistently.

Obviously, this should be fixed – but I find it pretty funny. People were annoyed by the mesmer ability to cast beserkers onto keep walls? Have fun with mesmers casting wardens -through- keep doors instead.

The “fixes” in this patch were obviously not tested at all.

iberserker doing significantly less damage.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Please keep us posted Karl. This was a very frustrating patch for us mesmer lovers. Thank you for answering.

Not a bug

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I think it’s cute that people think anything about LoS was actually “fixed”. Tonight during multiple keep sieges, I cackled gleefully as my Illusionary Warden, when targetting the keep door, appeared behind the door, inside the keep, and began wailing on people on the inside of the door.

It was especially amusing since I’m traited for focus skills gain reflection. I summoned multiple wardens, each one appearing inside the keep, and saw multiple thousands of points of damage from reflected shots from people trying to kill it float up into the sky.

Also tonight, I watched as all three of my scepter attacks in a chain whiffed do to not having line of sight, while I was standing on perfectly flat ground without so much as a blade of glass, with my opponent directly in my face beating on me with a melee weapon.

Go go arenanet!

iberserker doing significantly less damage.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I tested and verified this again in heart of the mists against the target dummies. It’s is very noticeable – it is not just a small reduction.

Make Phantasms Not Vanish on Target Death

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


So, Phantasms are now far easier for an enemy to negate. Blind, block, etc – and the Berserker now can’t be summoned on things outside of line of sight, and it’s damage has been nerfed.

Since Phantasms are now harder to summon, and our main AoE spike damage phantasm has been nerfed – how about change phantasms to not despawn when their summon target dies?

iberserker doing significantly less damage.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Dear Anet:

Could a class balance representative please just respond to this post one way or another? Having no idea if this is intended or a bug is far more frustrating than the change itself.

Is this an undocumented change, or is this an unintended change that will be fixed? I have seen other class bug posts responded to – could someone please respond to us?

Mesmer overpowered and unbalances teams

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I’m confused about the “it does op damage and op clones”. I know lots of professions which do equal or greater damage than a mesmer clones. Which I suppose makes this entire thread invalid.

They probably think the clones do as much damage as the mesmer, or something else ridiculous to that effect.

Top WvW clas

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Just let anet fix the render out of stealth delay. I don’t think thieves need to be touched at all nerf wise until we see how fixing the rendering bug changes the dynamics.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


So here’s what we should do – let’s all throw every fight we get in in WvW and sPvP after the next patch. Everyone, just let all the other classes win! Then in the patch after this patch we’ll get some good buffs.

So, is the scepter viable to you now?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I’ve been running two different builds in WvW with scepter lately – one is a staff / scepter + focus glamour build, the other is a staff / scepter + pistol shatter build. I’ve been having great success with them both. Tonight I’m going to play with staff / scepter + sword and see how that feels.

I think the scepter is undervalued. I find the block ability to be extremely handy. The auto attack, while certainly not a greatsword auto attack, can do nice damage with +precision, it generates clones for shatters and it doesn’t draw a big “the mesmer is right here” glowing line to my location. In a build where I’m stacking confusion, the #3 ability is pretty evil.

For WvW, I’m starting to like it more than mainhand sword. I have’t tried in in spvp yet – I’m guessing in the tight close up fights there it might lose some value.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Vendris.4201


We had people AoEing the area pretty much non stop. I leave open that this is a situation resulting from the poor rendering coming out of stealth in WvW – I was going by a combination of what I experienced and statements made from other people. The video linked shows a period of 3 minutes and 51 seconds. We had people AoEing the camp for 20 minutes.

In any case – I’m not biting on the insults. I’ve had a great time in WvW this week, with some fantastic fights.

If this was simply a case of the poor rendering mechanics of the game engine interacting with thief class abilities then my apologies on that front. I’ve occasionally taken advantage of the the mesmer beserker not requiring line of site so I won’t fault someone for taking advantage of mechanics even if they aren’t intended to work that way.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Vendris.4201


So a single player with an Unlimited guild tag from FA has been holding the Greenvale Refuge supply camp through hacks for about 20 minutes now. We (Yak’s) have easily 50 people in the camp – and there is no other opposition except this single individual, who is invisible 99% of the time and unkillable when visable.

Please don’t think I’m tarring all of FA with the same brush – I’ve had some amazing WvW so far this week and it’s been a blast.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


My mesmer.

He is clearly the best mesmer.


Post Your Build Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


WvW Builds

Offensive Feedback Fun:

30 / 15 /0 / 20 / 5


Dom: empowered illusions, confusing enchantments, greatsword training
Duel: phantasmal fury
Insp: glamour mastery, warden’s feedback

glamours give confusion to anyone entering or exiting the field – this makes feedback especially fun. temporal curtain and warden reflect ranged attacks. 30 dom / 15 dueling means phantasms still do decent damage.

I usually run this build with rampagers with centaur runes. Survivability can be a bit low as you give up some escape skills for glamours and you don’t have fast clone generation.

Zerg Support

0 / 0 / 20 / 20 / 30


Chaos: Descent into Madness, Chaotic Dampening
Insp: Glamour Mastery, Warden’s Feedback
Ill: Master of Misdirection, Dazzling Glamours, Blinding Befuddlement

I run this is with a mix of Mortal karma armor and Carrion, with Superior runes of Lyssa

Feedback, Null Field, Portal, Mass Invis

This build can survive being focus fired for a decent amount of time. You give up quite a bit of up front damage with no Domination or Dueling traits – but Feedback, Null Field, and Portal cause blindness and confusion. Feedback, Temporal Curtain, and Warden, and Mirror (heal) have reflection. Then of course Chaos Storm is wonderful support. Mass Invis has a relatively short cooldown for an elite and with Superior Runes of Lyssa turns you and anyone near invis, gives you every buff, and removes all your conditions.