Showing Posts For Waldir.2571:

For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Where is my money man?

Those wigs!

lol Dude they are everywhere!

For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Where is my money man?


For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


I offer one gold for the first one to post a screenshot with at least one bank pane full of bloodstone dust!
That’s more then 1 copper per

Edit … full stacks! Phew, close one.

Ill post when i get home.

For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


I hate deleting stuff so, at this time, I am letting this… stuff… clog my alts’ bags in the hope that they make it sellable.

I am not going to do the ascended grind so am not going to level my crafting. I would rather sell the mats I would need to level on the AH and spend the money on something I enjoy.

Hope… Sad that a lot of us are running on this now.

Skin Vault anytime soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


While this is something that would be convenient and welcomed by players, its something that works counter-productably with the bank and inventory extra space sales. It never happened on gw1 I doubt it will happen here, the tokens and currencies were a different thing, not everyone collects skins while everyone farms currencies. Though I bet people would start collecting if the feature was implemented.

The Karma mystery.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Nice narration of the events but I think you are over thinking it. Karma was scarce at the start and they fixed it, nothing to do with it after a while so they fixed it, too abundant after that so they fixed it. That’s all I guess. Its about fixes.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Yaks bend just beat him.

Question regarding Trans Splitter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Its been confirmed by players many times that this works.

[merged] Will race change be available ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


I don’t think you guys realize that people who want the race change simply don’t care about personal story or cultural armor becoming unusable. These are all facts people are willing to accept for a race change. Reset personal story for all I care, take away the achievement points for it.

Even though I agree with you. It’s what ANet cares and want to keep on their game and not want you or me want. If ANet consider the personal quest important, they won’t “reset” it or remove your progress just for a race change.

They sure will if enough voices are heard.

Doubt with Primeval Skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Only once, transmutate to pass it along.

Guild Wars Skills You'd Like To See Return

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


“Charge!” …..

Beta Deja Vu?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Welcome to online gaming.

[merged] Will race change be available ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Biggest problem I see with this is that when new races come out people will just change and skip the experience of the new story… My personal opinion is that they say it can’t be done so they can later add it and tell people how much they listen… This reminds me of the 7 heroe request in gw1, it could not be done, the game is not designed for 7 heroes they said, but eventually it happened, I just hope they don’t wait as long as they did in gw1 for this.

If ANet launched an expansion...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


just out of curiosity. what makes an expansion different from a bunch of updates grouped together?


Limited items, old chars, soulbound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


transmutation splitters


move along, nothing to see here, just another swub who failed to read the thread and assumed stuff.

also, for your information, stuff still remain soulbound after using an splitter.

This, you have to transmutate to a diff skin, more it to other char than use the splitter, a tedious procedure.

2 Options. Choose 1.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


If you go for #1, by the time #2 comes along the quality of the content will be 100 time better because of the learning process that took place in #1. If you however, go for #2 first by the time #1 comes along it will take forever to fix and review #1 AND #2

Is there a way to increase drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Lets just say there are 2 monsters. 1 you fight in a group the other you dont. Would you get the same ammount of loot with the one you fought in a group or the same?

In that particular case, theoretically you’d get the exact same amount of loot.

Agreed, but what was stated here was that a party will allow you to tag more mobs… A 1v1 and 1vParty isn’t really a viable example.

Magic Find, how high do you go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


i know this is an old forum but i just started the game and i have a toon with 168% MF without any MF gear!! I get alot of rares and a few exotics running with a large group i don’t hamper anyone because all my other stats aren’t reduced because of my MF!! you don’t need the gear and if you are on a monthly that you need to salvage 500 things well each of those things has a chance of giving you essence of luck which permanently raises your MF. if you do what i did there you can wear your max stat gear, get your monthly salvages done, get alot of materials to sell, and get awesome loot to boot!!! I am happy with my MF and i can see a huge difference since i first started my game!!

This is due to a recent change, there is no longer MF gear.

Is there a way to increase drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Yes… Good luck there are multiple topics on the same question with no answer from devs so I think player opinion and experiences is all well get.

Is there a way to increase drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Joining a party gives more drops only because the amount of damage you have do in order to tag a mob is shared with your party.

More tags = more drops.

I call shenanigans on this. In my experience being in a group or not doesn’t affect a single thing as far as drops go.

Unless some one has some hard proof saying otherwise I don’t buy it.

Even if there is no “proof” this is the only thing we have to go by… I am sure well never get the proof we need to make it a valid argument but from experience it seems to work this way. Of cource you take the experience of 3 million players and you are bound to get a few different angles.

Fastest way to get ascended trinkets?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Daily / monthly / Guild Mission / WvW / Fractals.

Is there a way to increase drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Joining a party gives more drops only because the amount of damage you have do in order to tag a mob is shared with your party.

More tags = more drops.

Dynamic Time Gating using Mystic Coins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


This is only because the economy was already flooded with them… And because they can be sold, all they had to do was return the ones on the to to their owner and make them account bound.

Dynamic Time Gating using Mystic Coins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


It makes more sense for anet to add endless types of currencies instead of using existing perfectly viable ones… If you think about it, mystic coins are acquired the same way as laurels.

Legendaries soulbound on creation now?

in Crafting

Posted by: Waldir.2571


That would have SUCKED if you had made it in order to sell it. Be careful out there people lol

Fine & master & Essence of Luck & karma items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Karma items have never been salvageble.

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


The game records that you already got your laurels so it rewards you for everything else but no laurels. Kinda the way pve and PvP monthly work.

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571





in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Sorry to say, but evidently have your facts incorrect.

I’m sure he has realized this by now.

Salvaging Fine and Master items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


If the rate us the same wouldn’t it make more sense to sell lvl 80 gear for around 1.5s and use profit to buy a bunch of low lvl gear to salvage?

Depends do you need gold or do you need magic find. That is the best thing about it. You can choose what you need.

Do you need a % chance for more rares/exotics or more gold. I am still selling my greens for gold as I need the cash. Now blues I am not disappointed on getting though.

But then I am one of those players that never had a magic find set so I now have more magic find then I usually do.

I happen to be the same way.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


I love your use of the word greedy.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


You are right… I should get blueray versions of all the dvds I’ve ever purchased for free.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Can’t tel if troll or…

This was their farming fix?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


You aren’t seeing the bigger picture. They nerfed karma rewards across the game. They introduced expensive karma recipes for ascended crafting. They added in karma only mats for crafting.

They are starting to move towards karma being a useful needed mat again. They need to drain the current supply of karma from players using these recipes and one off purchases. Once that is done they will almost certainly start introducing more karma based rewards and further reducing karma gains throughout the game.

In a few months time karma may be an important reward from events.

I wouldn’t laugh so hard… What Zudet says is exacly what’s happening. Don’t go spending all of your karma just yet.

The new split stones.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Gatta read them descriptions man!

The new split stones.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Yes, it is stated on the description that the items that come out of it remain soulbound… This will most likely work in conjunction with the “unsoulbound” gem store item they will eventually come out with… Its all part of the plan you see.

no more laurels for monthly ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Can’t blame the guy for trying lol

Salvaging Fine and Master items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


If the rate us the same wouldn’t it make more sense to sell lvl 80 gear for around 1.5s and use profit to buy a bunch of low lvl gear to salvage?

no more laurels for monthly ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


true .. this is my second time … so we need to check with someone who finish this month for the first time but i doubt it that it will be different.

maybe is like when u finish pve and pvp monthly, u just get laurels for the first one

This could be the case. It wouldn’t surprice me if the is code that records one u get the laurels and prevents rewarding any more unroll next month.

no more laurels for monthly ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Is this the second time you finish it? Because of the reset many people are able to finish it two times, maybe they are restricting the laurel gain on those individuals.

Whats going to happen to champ boxes/bags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


This has been asked over and over. If you feel like waiting go for it, you could win, lose or break even. The devs have not commented on this by now I don’t think they will.

Question about pre-patch champion boxes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


The update is tomorrow and more than likely there won’t be an answer to this question but is it really that hard to wait an other day? There will still be loot inside the bags even if the ascended mats never make it into them.

Will the current bags give ascended mats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Don’t hurt to wait, I would say thakittens logical for the game to randomly award the contents of the bag AFTER it has been open. Saving a list of the things that you are getting from the bag once you pick it up would not make sense to me and it is honestly bad programming.

Ways to obtain ascended weapons..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


After the update ascended items will drop in said locations. Right now they do not.

omg crazy market! Advices?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Buy and risk now, I expect players to really start purchasing on the weekend following the update since its when most of the playerbase logs on.

The purpose of ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


To put it bluntly, ArenaNet went with a CMYK color scale to base their tiers off of. At launch, we had Cyan, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple. They were missing one step between orange and purple so they added Magenta tier.

It was never about stats. It was about OCD. Now that we have both the primary and secondary colors of the CMYK color wheel, we’re good. No more tiers.


You sir just figured out the strategy of an entire gaming company and I give you my respect

Ways to obtain ascended weapons..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Champ loot will drop ascended items so it is my guess that there is a small chance for weapons aswel.

Ascended weapons & weapon swapping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Huh? We don’t even know if ascended weapons will have infusion slots or agony resist. Honestly I don’t know if the GW2 item engine has been designed to handle 2 different sockets in 1 item. I doubt sigils will disappear from ascended weapons.

There was a post some time back stating that players were not expected to go further than lvl 40(?) Fractals without the proper agony resistance so my guess would be that there is more to be added in either weapons armor or both.

Double B-Day presents?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Intended… Enjoy

Achievement Menu hover over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


I’m pretty sure it was there before the chaos.