Showing Posts For Weo weo.6378:

How could we make spvp more appealing ?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

An incentive which Anet seems to be bringing into HOT is some form of rank tier which provides a symbol next to your name as a form of trophy to show your prowess, much like the colorful borders of League of legends ranking.

If anything, I think betting would be another great idea (and another gold sink), not only with gold, but perhaps items (like being able to place normally soul bound items to risk with). Spectating is definitely something to add, perhaps for higher levels of ranked games.

Multiple Class Disorder

Gem Store Sales Worst I've ever seen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Even If bunny ears was made 500-800 a piece, I’d probs buy it lol.
Why not host a poll to determine what the community wants and call it a community sale. Then have your anniversary sale and release each item slowly.

Multiple Class Disorder

So dual pistols is in a bad spot?

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Well, they arent amazing right now but they can work for a venom condi build. But with the removal of ricochet and lack of cleave, yeh…

Multiple Class Disorder

Fashion issue what goes good with white !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Try out Different combinations with the white.
Blues with white tend to look nice as is Gold (which is the stock standard ‘Angel’ Look)
Try Glacial sky or Cinder as it seemed to work very nicely. Illumination is a very good combination with Wings of Dwayna as it is a similar golden color to the backpiece.

Multiple Class Disorder

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Is there anyway to input your own custom sounds for the warhorn? Right now it’s the most demotivational sound I’ve had to put up with.
I mean, you’re trying to gain swiftness and all that happens is pbbffffft

Multiple Class Disorder

Does Dagger see much use?

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

In PVP, the extra evade which it gives you can be pivotal (you can still use it+ sword 3 when immobilized) as it offers you just that bit more survivability and the ability to slightly reposition whilst doing the dagger 4. PVE wise, it’s a very situational offhand to use for certain bosses (although usually rolling alone is good enough). Given the option, I definitely wouldn’t use it over an Axe or horn offhand in a dungeon party in a normal run.

Multiple Class Disorder

Noob teef, need general Spvp advice

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Oh, I didnt the realize things were like this for the thief. Thanks for the input guys, despite all things against it, I still find it a highly enjoyable class to play.

Im simply playing meta build except I’ve been using a cele amulet over marauders from old habit.

Multiple Class Disorder

Noob teef, need general Spvp advice

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Several questions really.

1. How do you guys deal with condition damage builds? (most namely, burn guards and condi engineers)
2. In the case where you are forced to fight and win an essential 1v1 (as in the person has seen you and is coming for you on point), what is usually the best way to engage them (especially classes with stealth and huge burst like engineer/ mesmer)?

3. How well does Sword/dagger perform against pistol dagger?

I’m not complaining that thief is essentially a +1 role at the moment, but the inability for an inexperienced player to challenge against the current meta is a bit disheartening.

Multiple Class Disorder

Ranged Traps

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Could you specify what you mean? Or are you talking about ground targeting

Multiple Class Disorder

Farming Charged Lodestones/ Cores

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey there community,

Just want to know what kind of drop rate it is for those particular items from the Dust mites in the Silverwastes or any of those items along the charged tier. Also, I would like to know if there is a better alternate area/ mob which drops the items outside of the Dust mites.

Multiple Class Disorder

Ranger Hate...

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Honestly, playing this class apart from thief has been the only time I’ve really experienced trash talking/ hate messages from wvw.

Although I love playing the ranger, outside of wvw I always have this nagging thought that other class could perform some other task far better, especially in dungeons. Outside of the beneficial precision and fury toward a low level party, other things aren’t that noteworthy to say what a Guard, Warr, Ele, Mes or thief could do.

Multiple Class Disorder

Ranger pve greatsword viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

You can do whatever you want, your dps will be much more less with gs. In team you have 100% fury uptime.
You can go with anything but you will lose 20-50% dps

I am solo only, so I won’t get that 100% fury.

You can easily get near perma fury with clarion bond and a red moa with the traited f2.

It’s probably not worth the effort in most overworld situations to be honest as almost everything outside of silverwastes will die with a single path of scars and a couple sword hits anyway.

Using a moa detracts from any fury uptime he gets. Moa dps is horrendous, only better than bear dps.

He’s better off using clarion bond and warhorn and just put warhorn in the offhand slot of his secondary weaponset and the main sword hand on the primary weaponset so whenever he switches weapons he always has sword/warhorn and can just spam weaponswap on cooldown to get the fury and swiftness from the skirmishing minor.

Otherwise he can have sword/warhorn and axe in the 2ndary offhand and still switch on cooldown and time his call of the wild appropriately.

Using any pet besides jaguar/drake is an absolute drop in dps. bears and moas do less damage on their autoattacks than a condi spec’s single burning tick. It’s that bad.

Would you disable the autoattack of the sword?

Disabling the sword autoattack will make it so much better as you can control your disengages when you need to. It’s almost a must really

Multiple Class Disorder

Sword+dagger over GS for roaming?

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

GS with remorseless and quickdraw are just too good. Those guaranteed crit +25% damage mauls, not to mention being able to troll the crap out of zergs by picking people off at range and double swooping away when they turn for you.

Ooh, does Remorseless stack with Signet of the hunt?

Multiple Class Disorder

Sword+dagger over GS for roaming?

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Alright then, thanks guys

Multiple Class Disorder

Something needs done with ET and DR.

in WvW

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

At the moment in DR, ET and Kaineng, eversince Kai joined this tier, the majority of the time Kaineng has been dominant with the number of active players and guilds they have. It’s only on certain times of the day when DR seems to have an active pug running and the land ownership seems to balance itself out somewhat, maybe a period of 2-3 hours.
However the moment the guild commander logs off, it seems to go back to the same cycle kaineng reclaiming about 80+% of wvw within an hour.

Sure it can make roaming somewhat more exciting, but honestly lacking the manpower to even retake your keep is a bit disheartening when it happens on a daily basis.

Multiple Class Disorder

Guardian superspeed and stealth incoming

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Guard is about to become thief. It’s going to be lovely with a hammer and shield in EOTM

Multiple Class Disorder

Sword+dagger over GS for roaming?

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Offensive wise, when’s the best time to use the sword autos to close in on someone rather than evade and disengage?

Multiple Class Disorder

Sword+dagger over GS for roaming?

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey community,

Just want to know your opinion on the sword/ X set up on a power build compared to the Greatsword. Outside of the incredible mobility/ dodge which hornet’s sting and monarch’s leap offers, is it worth taking it over the block, daze, and maul which the GS offers?

I’m currently running this build

p.s I know that a condition shortbow build is probably better for solo roaming, but I’m still learning the class

Multiple Class Disorder

New Lvl 80 Guardian-Needs Help

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Conditions are trash on a guard IMO. Our only offensive conditions that deal damage are chill and burning.

Knights armor is a bit… meh. If you want pure survivability and to have decent damage as a frontline, soldiers gear is the way to go. Otherwise, for DPS mediguard, its a mix of Knight/beserker or valkyrie.

If you want to do a healing build, try things like clerics or nomads, but just keep in mind, you will hit like a wet noodle.

Multiple Class Disorder

Guards too strong vs Thief

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Honestly, fighting a good thief takes 10 min+ simply because they know when to avoid most of our burst+ constantly disengage. Yes, against less experienced thieves, a dps guard would win 9/10 fights because of all the damage negation and retaliation we have/ ability to burst them down quickly. The matches which I see for thief to win against a guard often take a long time.

If anything, I think a thief ultimately has a higher skill creep factor but regardless of that, dps guards still present a challenge for them + the landscape which they fight under is crucial as well. Too many times, all a guard had to do was round a corner when faking to flee and JI into GS combo.

Against shout guards, it’s just going to be a long fight lol. But if it’s a shout guard, expect an angry party close by.

Multiple Class Disorder

guardian hammer or gs

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Generally Greatsword, Sword+ focus for the blinds and pull although Hammer sort of works in supportive play.
Some more information about your playstyle would help

Multiple Class Disorder

kicked off fractals highest dps why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Either the rest of the party didn’t like you or they were friends partied together who wanted you out

Multiple Class Disorder

Whispers from opposing teams (How?)

in WvW

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There’s always a foul mouthed salty player in every game. Besides, if you slammed stomped that finisher on them that hard that they flame, take it as a compliment. Players like that deserve to get put in their place.

This is one of the best way to make some duelling buddies/ friends imo. It’s all part of having fun with the wider community anyway

Multiple Class Disorder

Tips for a new necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Oh, I thought necros ran rabid or carrion, thanks! I’ll give that a try

Multiple Class Disorder

Tips for a new necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey everyone, just recently made a new char after playing guard and ranger for a long while.

I was wondering if there are any tips for this class in terms of pvp, pve and WvW for gearing and traits.
I don’t want to use metabattle as a focus because meta is fickle, so I was wondering what kind of playstyles out there are tried and true

Multiple Class Disorder

Guardian PvE Meta

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

With all these changes to symbol damage, I think the hammer might also become highly viable in certain setups that don’t rely on fire fields.

Multiple Class Disorder

A thank you to those who defend

in WvW

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There’s nothing more awesome than defending SM castle when outnumbered with siege weapons against both opposing factions. It’s like those epic last stands or successful battles with the castle lord which make WVW memorable =D

Multiple Class Disorder

Focus 4

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I think as long as they’re in front of you. If they roll behind you or to your side at a certain angle , it won’t procc properly along with many other cast skills.

Multiple Class Disorder

Bifrost Crafting Advice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I think the most common way right now to get tier 6 mats is just running the SW chest trains although it’s a pretty lame grind.

I know the sons of Svanir and grawl mobs there drop totems and blood, but it’s a bit of a mindless grind again, and heavily reliant on your magic find.

Multiple Class Disorder

Why do I feel so fragile?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Alright here’s the thing.

As a bunker guardian, you hit like a wet noodle, that is an undisputed fact. Your true worth comes from generating might with the staff/ granting boons and removing conditions with your team for them to be more effective, keeping them alive etc. You’re annoyingly hard to kill on a point with allies but you’re very vulnerable on your own.

Your condition removal there comes from your shouts and the light fields you can generate with the mace. Aegis is again something to be timed and its use comes from experience with virtue of courage. You can’t exactly remove enemy boons with this build unless you trait searing flames in the radiance section.

Guardians main source of damage mitigation in your current build should 1, come from your Shelter, Renewed focus, aegis, and shield of wrath. Keep in mind you have ALOT of vigor generation so active rolling also counts as damage mitigation.

Aegis, is most useful when you can predict a strong burst from an enemy or some kind of disable. It’s also very good at stopping a stun or fear when you’re about to stomp a downed player.

However, as appealing a tank role is for a guardian, sadly it’s just not that viable at the moment against the current metas. If you want good condition removal as a bunker, I recommend placing 2 trait points in virtues and using purging flames instead of running 3 shouts. The firefields would be more beneficial for your team imo, not to mention it reduces condition durations in an area and removes 2 guaranteed.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Judges intervention, what happened?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There are constant cases in EB and EOTM where an opponent is right in my face, maybe standing on a small rock or just simply on the roof of airport but… there’s no path to target. Other times enemies are a full level above me on a ramp-like part of the landscape and I can still instantly teleport to them with a surprise burst.

I mean, come on, this skill is so inconsistent at the moment in wvw although it still feels relatively unchanged in sPVP. I know this teleporting isn’t exclusive to guardians but can someone actually look at it?

The current locations where this skill/ blinks seem to bug out consistently are:
roof of airport in EOTM
The ramparts of Azalia’s post in EB
Durios post ramparts
Stairs at Mendons and some sections of the ramparts around SM.

There’s probably more but I’m too lazy to remember all the names. To anyone who knows how these blinks work, is there anyway to suggest a recommendation to fix this?

Multiple Class Disorder

Why do I feel so fragile?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Here’s the thing, Guardian isn’t someone who can passively facetank alot of damage directly like a warrior can. You need to be reactive in terms of your defence, with vigor generation, aegis, blocks and invulnerability.

If you could provide us with a bit more information on your current pvp build as well as playstyle, maybe we could help you out a little more

Multiple Class Disorder

Supportive Pug dungeon/fractal build

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378


Another problem is that with the hammer, the symbol from the 3rd auto attack can disrupt firefields/ chaos fields from your allies. Ûnfortunately, as tanky as you are, you can prove to be a nuisance to those whom rely on those fields to stack might. Also, Celestials on a Guardian is kind of… Meh.

Multiple Class Disorder

Solo roaming against engineers?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Traits I’m running the balanced set up
2/1/6/1/4 for the Absolute resolution’s better passive regen and condition clear.
Although sometimes I go 4/0/6/3/1 when running a sceptre.

Thanks for the feedback btw. Also, I was thinking of Switching runes of the Pack to Traveller’s or Hoelbrak. Is that a good move? Packs gives me the occasional combat boost in speed/ fury, but even then I find myself struggling to keep up to the better kiters. Should I disregard the sword altogether?

Multiple Class Disorder

Musical Instruments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Back in the days of Korean MMOs such as Mabinogi and Archeage I remember they had actual music sheets where people with musical talent could actually write music to be saved and automatically played on instruments. It was server side so there was no lag to the tune no matter where you were in the world.

It was one of the features I found enjoyable when just relaxing at a town square and gave a better incentive to actually pay for an instrument. In fact, I’d happily buy an instrument if there was a similar item/ function in this game.

Multiple Class Disorder

Greatsword build questions/gear

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Well if you’re not going to weapon swap much in a dungeon, at least run a staff and boost your party before a fight and use Hallowed ground to keep up your might.

Multiple Class Disorder

Solo roaming against engineers?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey community,

Was wondering what are some ways to beat condi engies in the open world scenario as good ones seem almost impossible to chase / burst before getting kited to hell.

I’m currently running runes of the pack, mix of knights and zerk for stats, running GS (air fire) + Sword/sceptre Focus (Air+ energy). They’re the only class I seem to be having any major trouble against so any kind of tips and hints would be nice.

I occasionally run hammer, but usually only when in a small party.

Multiple Class Disorder

how long did it take for you to be decent

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Just hit 80. The moment you get your grandmaster traits then you’ll realize it takes quite a lot to take you down. For the time being, I’d say trait one or two into virtues. The first lesser trait is arguably one of the best a guardian has. For your utilities, I’d get Save yourselves or purging flames first. Guardian is hard to learn, but you’ll master the class fairly quickly. I’d say 100+ hours will see to that you’ll be fairly proficient at it.

Aegis guarantees to completely negate one attack. It can be a single arrow shot to a gigantic attack from a boss so it’s a very timing oriented virtue to activate. If your aegis blocks a cc, yes it’ll completely negate that as well which is nice. I

Multiple Class Disorder

So how do we beat Guardians?

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

As a guard main, I would say it’s simply a matter of looking for openings. Always keep an eye out whether or not their retaliations are down as well as their heal blocks.
Thing is, a good medi guard will play in a very reactionary manner to thieves once they know they are there. Don’t go head on in to the guard as you would probably end up blowing yourself up from their retaliation, and don’t use up your initiative if you do engage one. From experience, Mediguards can’t catch a good thief if they disengage.

It’s all about baiting their utilities/ invuln. If you can force a guard to blow them early on, it technically gives you a good 15 seconds to do as you please in terms of damage provided they dont catch you. Keep in mind they have 2 stunbreaks and a aoe nuke which hits hard if you put a condition on them so try to bait and avoid those if you’re going in 1v1.

In WvW though…. they can’t really catch you anyway if you disengage so there’s that (Provided you don’t kitten ). Their one ability to look out for however is their bindings, if you want to dodge anything, it’s that. If they do land it, it usually means a follow up combo that will mess you up if not outright kill you (Keep in mind most guards will either use it first thing or save it last).

Finally keep an eye out for the weapons they are using. The main weapons that a thief should be most careful around is the hammer and the greatsword simply because of the amount of counterplay/ control they offer.

Going all in with initiative bad.
Make guards use up their utilities
Keep in mind most medis have at least 2 instant gapclosers and 4 seconds of invuln.
Avoid binds/ CC at all costs.
Don’t engage with petrify or stealth. Save them for a disengage or when you know the guards have used their stunbreaks.

Multiple Class Disorder

MMO mouse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Deathadder’s M4 and M5 come in handy as they can be easily used with your thumb for those snap reaction actions, not to mention nicely spaced. It’s a fairly bulky mouse, but I find it great when you want to use a precise target skill

Multiple Class Disorder

Looking for build improvement suggestions

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Well, it seems like a classic Altruistic Healing setup which is technically used in WVW frontlines minus a bit of power and slightly more healing.

If you do switch out for PVT, I believe it will be better for your build in this case. For the time being, I dont think you should switch out empowering might as your crit chance and might stacking seem essential for your damage output. If you do switch to PVT though, I’d say choose Two handed mastery over Empowering might as you’d have far less crit chance but your base power would be alot higher.

IMHO, healing isn’t anywhere near as important as condition removal in this game as healing feels a bit… meh compared to other MMOs. The meta right now for a build like this is to use runes which capitalize on might such as runes of Hoelbrak (although soldier runes are very powerful on a PVT set up).

But don’t be put off by Meta, I only find Cleric’s effective with traits like Symbol of Mercy/ Persistent which revolves around the mace (and not hit like a wet noodle). It’s fun, but then again I feel it’s a very restricted setup to play and could be very frustrating with inexperienced pugs.

Multiple Class Disorder

Looking for Sigil advice.

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

It really depends on your build there.

If your build has high crit chance, sigils of fire and air will help you capitalize on damage.
If your build relies on might and boon stacking, usually Sigil of Battle/ energy.

A bit more information would be nice though although Sigil of energy as a guardian is always a safe bet, works with almost every build and playstyle

Multiple Class Disorder

Looking to make a new warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Just want to ask a few questions, was considering making a warrior to roam and dungeon with.

1. How viable is the warrior’s rifle in wvw?
2. Is it better to build power or condition
3. There are alot of people claiming warriors are a bit weak compared to other classes in pvp , I just want to hear what warrior players stance on this matter is.

Also, how well does a zerker warrior fare in an organized zerg if you don’t run a shout/ banner build?

Hey Weo Weo.

As promised in game-chat here is the link for my GS/Rifle Warrior build I use in WvW roaming. Hits like a truck with 100% crit chance (with fury up) and has good sustain.

You can achieve decent results with this build in outnumbered fights. I swap out signet of fury for signet of might as needed (against Guardians and Thieves for example). A good trick is to bait out defensive skills and dodges with KillShot and cancel out with stow weapon.

When fighting good Rangers & GS / Hammer Warriors i’ll use Doylak Signet for extra stability (instead of having Signet of Fury or Might equipped).

I run this on the smallest sized Asura so it’s much harder to see telegraphed Warrior skills. GS is used for it’s positioning ability and they key to success is to kite,kite,kite your enemy.

Extra sustain is gained through Leeching Sigil and Omnomberry Ghost.

Have fun !

Midnight Trip.
Asura Warrior FA

Sup mang ! Fought you yesterday on SoS boderlands ( i was the condi engi). That air/fire sigil combo was nasty

Ah that was you? It was a good fight I must say! To be honest I was a bit scared of you as a medi guardian haha, good heavy condi’s shut me down hard

Multiple Class Disorder

Looking to make a new warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Just want to ask a few questions, was considering making a warrior to roam and dungeon with.

1. How viable is the warrior’s rifle in wvw?
2. Is it better to build power or condition
3. There are alot of people claiming warriors are a bit weak compared to other classes in pvp , I just want to hear what warrior players stance on this matter is.

Also, how well does a zerker warrior fare in an organized zerg if you don’t run a shout/ banner build?

Multiple Class Disorder

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Here’s my human ninja/ veteran inspired guard!


Multiple Class Disorder

Retruning player- what class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Well, honestly every class can do everything but saying that is pointless and fruitless SO…

1. Elementalist is by far the most versatile of the classes although this is GW2, everyone does everything to an extent anyway.
2. Mobility wise, Thief is by far the fastest distance closer, next is the warrior. The only class without 25% extra movement speed signet is the guardian, but you can technically go perma swiftness with certain builds (i,e, Retreat+ Save yourselves with Runes of the pack).
3. There are certain things in the game which one shot you anyway regardless of tankiness, just learn to dodge and mitigate damage and tankiness wont be an issue.
4. Baby, that’s completely up to how you design your character :P

Now honestly every class supports one another in different ways, guardian does it the best, you don’t even have to try and everyone around you is already much better off, not to mention the insane amount of damage mitigation the class has. However your ranged options would be limited. Engineer and ele’s are very good in both being able to support and damage at range (Not to mention they are currently in ).

Just keep in mind though, trying to act as a support in this game is highly frowned upon in pug dungeons, everyone in the team is technically a support for one another. Trying to be a healer role will get you scorned in most instances.

Multiple Class Disorder


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I told myself I wasn’t going to spend money on outfits and cosmetics, 30 transmutation charges, 5 outfits and 4 paint packs later I am now going to attempt tell myself to stop spending gems on cosmetics. I started this game 3 months ago.


Multiple Class Disorder

Guard build help

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I was thinking for your virtues, maybe having absolute resolution (IX) over Supreme justice might be alot better for your survival in this situation. Just quite a bit of substantial regeneration increase+ 3 condition removal over the slightly longer burning.

If it were me, I’d personally take out 1 from zeal and place it into radiance for “Right hand Strength” and switch out some of the sigils for on crit effects, cause you’d have a 64% base crit chance with the sword and sceptre.

Also, Runes of Balthazar , might be something worth testing out with this playstyle

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Guardian dps considerations (with numbers)

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Although Sword is better against bosses imo, The greatsword is just simply an amazing all rounder weapon to have, especially if you specc it out with things like Sigils of Fire and Air, with the right build, whirling wrath would hit on average 6k+ along with your other comboes.

Greatsword is preferred over the sword because of its better utility and superior aoe cleave. Also, most builds out there are often for pvp and wvw where the extra cc is usually far more beneficial than a little increase in dps. If there’s one weapon which can see you pull in a circle of enemies and have you burst them down to low health very quickly, it’s the GS.

Thing is though, in 1v1 fights, I’d rather use a hammer or sceptre/ foci over the GS.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Played some PvP for the first time

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Play a few times more and get the hang of it first. Stealth might seem op but in PVP it means they arent capping a point/ stopping you from defending one. Also, AOE here is your friend.

You have to realize that classes with stealth rely on this stealth to keep themselves alive, outside of that, most can be bursted down rather easily if they get caught out. Another thing is, although tab locking onto an opponent is nice, you shouldnt completely rely on it. Learn to free aim your attacks, or if those are targeted, save them for the moments they show an opening and punish them for it.

There are far more annoying things out there in this game than stealth haha.

Multiple Class Disorder