Showing Posts For Weo weo.6378:

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Call me crazy, but some upgrade storage slots for runes and sigils would be amazing too.

Multiple Class Disorder

Some wvw advice

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hello All,

I’m looking to brush the dust off my power warrior and would just to get a few things clarified.

1. Is the metabattle Hammer GS zerk warrior still a viable option in groups? I’m often running with a party of 5, usually with 1-2 druid or ele in celestial or minstrels

2. How awful is mace compared to Axe now?

3. Is Core warrior the go to roaming build now or should I stick with Beserker over Strength.

4. If not running durability runes, is it seriously a better idea just to stick to Strength or pack runes? What other viable offensive/ defensive alternatives are out there?

I’m currently running this set up (Boring I know, but that’s just me c:)

Multiple Class Disorder

Simple Raid Builds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Magi Healer Druid- Very cheap and easy to gear. Ascended isn’t even needed in most cases.

Staff thief- Your “Press 1 Connoisseur” Fairly straight forward to gear. Your typical zerk+scholar runes.

Condi Ele DPS- Expensive to gear (vipers) but unlike power tempest, you don’t need to play the rotation like a piano to keep competitive. Top tier DPS on large stationary targets. You camp fire and press buttons.

Hammer Guard- Another Press 1 hero but it’s not usually going to land you a raid spot

Power PS warr though it’s probably better to learn the condi variant asap. Easily double the damage despite it being a more rotationally difficult “support” role.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Bald - Wizard Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

This so much.

I’d rather have clipping than to go entirely bald, even if it’s a bad case of it.

Asuran/ Charr Ears clipping through the hat would be <3

Multiple Class Disorder

Stunlock Needs to Go

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

seriously. You have every tool in the game with every class to avoid those situations.

Multiple Class Disorder

Easy rotation class??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Well, by far the easiest for me was staff thief, even easier than condi tempest for raids.

However the most difficult and satisfying class for me was to learn was the elementalist. It’s much more difficult to play than thief in pve but the potential of the class is simply incredible.

Multiple Class Disorder

Invincible Mesmers, always, every time

in WvW

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There really only is one mesmer build that I think needs looking at, the trailblazer one, but that’s more to do with silliness that is trailblazer/ dire as a stat rather than the class itself. You can literally run any class with that stat and successfully 1vx.

Also OP, you have blocks, invuln, on demand stability and large burst potential. Your traps and specialization traits should be placing you in a favorable matchup against mesmer in the first place.

With that attitude of yours, you’ll get farmed every single time by roamers. There are far crazier builds out there than the one trick shatter mesmer.

Multiple Class Disorder

The Elephant in the Room

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

From a 90% Pve’er point of view. I personally enjoy the 1v1 duel servers far more than a capture the point fiesta though I’ve played a fair bit of ranked every season.

1. S6 ranked was the same toxic environment without the same kind of incentive kitten to play in. (AKA Welfare ascended armor). It was a lazy temporary solution to population which wore off exactly as long as it took someone to play 100 matches.

2. Most farmers got their wings already and moved on.

3. There isn’t really of a tutorial about capturing points, rotating etc or even sensible default builds for some classes. cough revenant

4. Really bipolar matchmaking. In the worst cases I could 1v3 players whom were obviously new to the pvp scene. Other times, I would be against duoed ex-pro top 100’s crash into my Mid Tier Gold game and obviously wipe soloqueue team 500-80. ¯\(?)

5. Some detailed explanation behind balancing decisions would be nice. Not every player in this game multiclasses or spends the time to learn a second playstyle.

6. General community attitude at the moment for my pvx/ pve guilds are “Just do it for the wings.” When asked what they thought about the mode itself, it’s mostly dislike or something along the lines of disgust from veteran players.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

[NA][PvX] Knights of Ares [ARES]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey there,

I’m looking to join for the active raiding

Multiple Class Disorder

returning after years

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Using a boost without learning the character and going straight to end game without the proper gear is like throwing a toddler into mordor.
U gon have a bad time.

Multiple Class Disorder

Dragonhunters NEED to be toned down ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

this is a good meme

Multiple Class Disorder

How is Power Revenant for non-raid content?

in Revenant

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

One of the more fun classes that I’ve tried and played. It’s got great self sustain and that crazy breakbar damage makes soloing most champions a breeze. Even without using Jalis hammers, shiro+ glint is an easy thing to breeze through most content.

I’ve done multiple instances of 100 CM. Revenant was definitely one of the easier classes to play (not in a speedrun). Not as effective as other classes imo but you guarantee that boss’s CC bar gets broken and maintain good boon uptime for everyone else.

Infused light is OP in T4.

Multiple Class Disorder

Raid question for condi ele and reaper

in Elementalist

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Ya, when i said reaper was “easier” I meant far safer to play in terms of not getting randomly one shot due to their shroud mechanic. But ya, seems my ele is just getting a second wardrobe now c:

Thanks for the tips everyone!

Multiple Class Disorder

Raid question for condi ele and reaper

in Elementalist

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I’m genuinely curious now as I’ve only just finished making an ascended viper set for my reaper.
Is it even worth running a reaper over an ele at the moment?

Both as a condi role seem to fill a fairly similar role. Exception is that necros are that much easier to play. However DPS wise, my reaper’s dps gets gutted by other elemental fields. Ele doesn’t seem to be quite as affected by this and the burn rotation is brain dead.

Your thoughts guys?

Multiple Class Disorder

Beware of guilds that ask for 10g deposits.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Well rather than continue to be salty and try to publicly shame, why don’t OP go and watch a few DPS videos and practice rotations according to how the top players from QT or SC.

It’s obvious you’re never going to get invited to that guild, attacking the leader and the guild publicly because of rejection isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Just take it as a bit of a wake up call and go improve yourself. There’s other raid guilds out there. As far as I’m concerned, if you build up enough of a reputation as a good player, people come out looking for you instead.

Multiple Class Disorder

So... What's up with warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I still don’t see why they’re such a big issue.

They’re even easier to fight against in this patch.

Multiple Class Disorder

Are Legendary weapons refundable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

For that much investment into a thief, maybe try duelling with it a bit more and have other players help you out in order to learn it.

In PVE, try using invigorating precision on the critical strikes line whilst running bound. I usually find that is more than enough self sustain to solo most of the world content out there. I personally use staff however Dagger+Pistol is still considered overpowered when it comes to pvp.

Thief takes quite a bit to learn, don’t give up just yet!

If you really don’t enjoy the class though, Viper Necro uses Dagger offhand. That may be an option to consider.

Unfortunately there’s no crying over spilt milk for that legendary.

Multiple Class Disorder

School Uniform

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Inb4 this game becomes Tera

Multiple Class Disorder

Traits for open world and metas?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

As title says.

What are the utilities and traits you guys run when going solo or DS meta? I recently picked up this class and love it to death.

This is my current gear/ trinkets (basically meta)

Multiple Class Disorder

Ranked Queue is Garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Season 5 was somewhat okay with matchmaking, it had it’s problems and the rewards sort of justified the toxic kitten you went through though I’ll have to admit giving welfare ascended gear and huge handouts is a pretty lazy and temporary fix to population problems.

It’s just not enjoyable anymore tbh, has not been for a while. The moment you removed those easy ascendeds, there goes your false farmer population.

Season 6, after doing 2 rounds of placements and realizing absolutely nothing has changed with even kittentier rewards I decided to give the season a miss.

I have a few friends in rank 150-200+ and they have a lower mmr than I was last season. This is kinda pathetic really.


Multiple Class Disorder

WTB art commission :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hello Gaile and thanks for clarifying the rules!

It’s good to see there’s another medium to search for art from this talented community!

Multiple Class Disorder

give necro stealth and see what happens

in Necromancer

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Unseen epidemic bombs and corruptions. Woo.
Necro will become the next pvp meme class.

Multiple Class Disorder

WTB art commission :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey guys,

I’m not too aware of the policy of asking for commissions on forums so I do apologize if I’m breaking a rule here.

I’d like to commission a light hearted piece of art in spirit of SAB.
Something like this style of art

I’m happy to pay via in game currency, Paypal or DA points if that’s what you’re after.
If interested gimme a PM or mail me in game!

@mods, if this is against rules then please inform me and I’ll remove the thread.

Multiple Class Disorder

Elemental Sword RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

This is nothing new in almost every single MMO out there (particularly those with Asia based themes or companies).

I’m glad they didn’t make it a sellable skin as it would essentially add a bit of a “P2w” element to it. As far as I’m concerned, the drop rate doesn’t even seem that bad compared to rng from other games. You have to remember Anet’s aim is to ultimately generate sales. RNG boxes with a desired drop have always been a huge income earner in other games. Just look at pretty much every mainstream game out there.

The biggest offenders I know are rng boxes from a few certain MMOs where 20 USD may get you 4- 5 boxes. Then from those boxes you got your typical rubbish drops, 5% chance of getting you anything remotely good and less than a percent chance of some ridiculously good drop. It’s not uncommon for some rich folks or addicts to drop hundreds to thousands during events similar to this.

BLC opens are honestly not that bad. I’d say it’s still the fairest I’ve seen in terms of ticket scraps.

P.S I didn’t care about the sword and got it with a story key. In my experiences with RNG in the past, do it with no expectations so rather than be sorely frustrated and disappointed, you can rather be pleasantly surprised when it occurs.

Look on the bright side, it’s a cosmetic. It’s simply playing on nostalgia. As a player who didn’t touch the original Guild Wars 2, I couldn’t see the appeal to it.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

SAB Tribulation World 1 Zone 3 King Toad

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hello All,

This minor bug only seems to occur with 2 or more players during the boss fight.

The mechanic is for a player to throw the pendant shards into Toad’s mouth whilst he is flapping his mouth in a 4 second window in order to bring him into a Stunned state to which his invulnerability is gone and DPS can be applied.

However if 2 or more players throw shards in during this window, it seems there is around a 50-60% chance which King Toad will totally bypass the stunned phase and remain invulnerable. It has not happened to me during solo runs yet.

Is this a glitch or a mechanic which is working as intended?

Multiple Class Disorder

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

My personal beef is with the current state of Arc Divider.
450 range aoe near instant cast (with innate initial quickness and might) and nice lil modifiers. At this rate you may as well make it unblockable, oh wait, the meta already has.

Make Lessen the range of Arc divider to 300. It’s way too easy to press f1 and procc lvl 3 adrenal regen in group situations. Another thing is to add a bigger tell to it, something like Arcing Slice animation.

AD is currently decapitate without the windup. At least change cast time from .5 sec to .75 like the other primal bursts.

I really think a little more thought should be added into the mechanic rather than lazy HP based damage. Why not do something like range of hit, aka the closer you are to the target, the more divider hits for on top of their hp %. Something like a sweet spot range of 1.1 at under 130 range (autoattack range) and .7 at maximum range.

I personally have no qualms with warrior’s defences or ways of sustain but I think AD is a little over the top in how easy it is to use. I love warrior as a class but this is one bit i reckon is overtuned.

RIP the average player who has over 100 ping who don’t live in duelling servers. I am aware warriors require a decent amount of skill to perform in experienced scenarios.

I’m sure that what I’ve suggested doesn’t ruin the class, just add a bit more of an element which potentially benefits both the class and people against it.

Multiple Class Disorder

Best damage food/utility?

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Bowl of seaweed salad is a flat 10% increase.
For Budget I suppose the ones which add power or boon duration work.

I use toxic sharpening stones with raids where i know will be successful. Otherwise I use Ogre Sharpening stone as a more budget option

In WvW I find Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew to be more useful

Multiple Class Disorder

What do you think Ranked needs?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

-Reintroduce ranked parties.
-Introduce a 3v3 ranked TDM using Courtyard as the map.

I think these two stick for me.

I know Courtyard was removed from ranked after all its hate, but quick skirmishes rather than point based rotations should appeal to a good number of players imo.

Also, ranked team based 5v5 without an option to play as a team feels a bit silly. I know there were waves of complaints about being solo queued against 5 mans. Ironic for a game called ‘Guild Wars’

Multiple Class Disorder

What do you think Ranked needs?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Lets face it, Season 6 is a bit meh.

I can say I genuinely enjoyed Season 5 (landing in Gold 3) despite all the underlying issues with the game mode itself. I myself am what you’d consider an 80% PVE player casually enjoying the game.

I’ve never seen balance to be an issue because it’s never been perfect in any pvp environments. I just play around it. Class stacking in Soloqueue MMOs is normal, I just switch out to a counter if it’s something dumb like 4+ DH.

There is a genuine population problem this season as a result of no pro scene and taking away those tasty ascended handouts from farmers. But for someone who plays for the love of the game itself,
I’d really want to know what the dedicated pvp players think needs to be addressed. Lets be productive here.

Sidenote: idgaf about toxicity. It’s a hardcore pvp mode, it’s going to happen.

Multiple Class Disorder

Can we for the love of God have a tutorial?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Or how about locking ranked until a set number of unranked matches or more have been played by a new player. In a certain popular af Moba, the bare minimum to reach ranked play is around 70+ unranked matchmake games (70 being at an 90% smurf winrate), meaning non of that custom server farming BS rank.

This will at least mean that the basics of a pvp match, such as obvious rotations, map mechanics and classes should have been learned by the player, tutorial or not.

But I do highly agree that there needs to be far more support for inexperienced players. This is not exactly your generic fight TDM arena from most other mmos.

Multiple Class Disorder

Current state of revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

So I’ve been living in Fractals and WvW for a period of time now and after finishing 100 Nightmare CM on a Power Jalis/ Glint build I think I can place Rev as the “necromancer” of the heavy classes.
They don’t have the raw might stacking potential of a warrior nor aegis or symbol uptime of a guard, but their inbuilt survivability in that setup along with the nerfed boon dispense is still invaluable to the team. I daresay this class is EASY to play in T4.
Near instant breakbars with staff 5 + Jalis Pull alone is invaluable.
I haven’t had a single complaint about this class option in T4’s.

I sincerely hope that this class eventually gets a place in raids again as I feel that their current state is like a missed opportunity. I haven’t played Revenant in Pre-nerf scenario so it may be why I’m enjoying this class as is.
WvW, no complaints.

I made it to gold 3 with this class playing on and off but I think that would be a bad indicator due to the fact that literally anyone could do it with a little effort. I tried again in S5 but until a better substitute for Shiro is found, I can’t really justify a proper role for the class at the moment.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Melee Ranger builds? [WvW]

in Ranger

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I’ve adapted this from a mender’s duel build that’s worked quite well against most things except condi reapers due to lack of kiting and lesser condi clear with this set up. However that is easily fixed with signet of renewal Low ferocity was never an issue as you should be able to easily stack 25 might with a shout heavy build.

Multiple Class Disorder

Getting Ascended Viper Trinkets

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

If you have the time, or play wvw and PvP, the bloodstone fen ones are by far the best. For 100 unbound magic you can reset the stats, effectively making them legendary trinkets

Yeah, from what I can see, it was around 50 from rewards tracks which would be very fast to get once ranked pops out on the 8th. Thanks for the help guys.

Multiple Class Disorder

How do you feel about the state of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I was talking to a few legends a couple of days back and one thing they did point out about the last season is that there doesn’t seem to be a prominent guide to teach newer players or willing players on how to properly rotate or position.
From what they said, old elitist attitudes of “l2p” was what sort of stopped it being shown in the first place. From guildies I know from PvX guilds, almost half would automatically be turned off from the game mode like that, they did not buy GW2 to be harrassed or insulted when trying to learn. Saying that they should of done that in Unranked is BS because anyone who has played a competitive game with Ranking would know that there is a vast difference between casual fun and playing to a role.

I personally managed to hit low plat before decaying and I feel as though I could have done much better with some advice, rather than painful trial and error.
I’ve watched Helseth and Sindrener streams but predominantly they teach some rotations on Thief, mes and other roaming roles but I feel that not everyone uses twitch nor is willing to watch the 4 hour videos they place on their channels, nor do they cover other roles like supporting etc.

It’s often frustrating when someone says, “that’s probably where you belong” but for people genuinely trying to improve and climb the ranks, that’s frustrating as hell. It’s like telling entry level beginners that’s where they should stay and not even bother.

I feel as though there simply needs more to be done to the community to appeal to the larger audience much as what was discussed in terms of a spectating mode listed in previous posts.

It’s better than what it’s been in the last 4 seasons but I still see potential for the popularity to be revived.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Getting Ascended Viper Trinkets

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Once you get started with raids you can get a different ring for the last infusion slot (which isn’t complusory btw)

Oh, what do you mean by that?
I was under the impression that most raids demanded you link them Gear and L.I. I was told that ascended gear is minimum requirement. Sorry if it seems like a obvious question I’ve only decided to raid recently, I’m still predominantly a pvp/ wvw player.

if u did what I said you can get 2 rings from bitterfrost, but they are both the “same” ring, so you can’t attune and infuse both of them due to the unique nature of asc trinkets, so the max number of infusion slots you get is 17 with this strategy, so I was saying once you do get full ascended gear and start raiding you can substitute one of the rings to get the max 18 infusions which saves you a bit of gold (not much I think), but in the mean time you get full asc viper trinkets.

Okay, Thank you.

Multiple Class Disorder

Getting Ascended Viper Trinkets

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Once you get started with raids you can get a different ring for the last infusion slot (which isn’t complusory btw)

Oh, what do you mean by that?
I was under the impression that most raids demanded you link them Gear and L.I. I was told that ascended gear is minimum requirement. Sorry if it seems like a obvious question I’ve only decided to raid recently, I’m still predominantly a pvp/ wvw player.

Multiple Class Disorder

Getting Ascended Viper Trinkets

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey guys,

I’d just like to know which LS3 stories and maps have the option of farming/ achieving HoT stat Trinkets. So Far I’ve managed to get the Backpiece/ pendant from Lake Doric. I was advised to go to Bloodstone, but the drop rate of blood rubies is cringe.

Any advice would be nice, I’m currently missing both rings and earrings and using mismatched sinister/ dire pieces in their place. This build is going to be for a Condition ranger for raids/ fractals.

Multiple Class Disorder

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Just a bad day bud, take a small break and come back to it. I think it happens to everyone at least once.

A factor to take into acct is that since ranked is in off season, the quality of players you meet in unranked are probably bipolar with dedicated pvpers and pve grinders blended in the mix. There’s a high chance that you were against players whom have high ranked mmr but low ranked Unranked ratings.

I personally don’t think guard is great at carrying bad teams due to their poor mobility but they are great at helping a team snowball by their ability to solo defend against 1-2 players at a time.

Multiple Class Disorder

DH is a bad class

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hello Poelala, I was that charr warr you dueled a few days ago. You are beast with arcane sf ele!

Just want to make a few points as I was a guard exclusive player up to HoT.

The effectiveness of guardian in Spvp depends on the matchup imo. What made them redundant for a long period of time was celestial elementalist and bunker engies highly countered their cookie cutter burst playstyle. Too much projectile hate and far too much aoe sustain meant useless guard in fights, especially once the virtues and utilities have been exhausted.

I believe guard is “bad” upper tier due to the presence of good bunker/mender ele and scrapper. Two of them in a team make the matchup especially hard for guards to play against. The nightmare combination is really Ele, Scrap and necro with a +1 thief or druid in play, classes which will be played to their limit the higher up the tier.

As a guard in lower tiers, I could simply laugh my way through 1v1 v2s against people who walk in and out of tof by themselves but the difficulty gets noticeable upon hitting Diamond or I presume something like Gold 3 plat 1 scale where there is noticeable co-ordination between players. The most noticeable is how poorly a guard fairs against unblockable focus, power spikes from skills like Call of wild/ barrage, necromancer corrupt and marks, warrior signet of might force you to pop renewed focus and dodge spam or die.

I personally don’t think guard is ‘bad class’ by any means, meta team comps and excess of unblockables simply work against them.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Riffle is Useless

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

The only time I see use for it now are in certain fractals where kiting is needed to a certain extent, or duelling builds.
Mace shield/ Rifle combo is nasty in the right hands.

Multiple Class Disorder

Warrior is garbage in its current state.

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I’m actually curious to see who uses runes of melandru in this current meta. Call me ignorant or w/e, I really don’t see using this rune to be used over things like Durability, trooper, mercy for frontline revive roles.

Multiple Class Disorder

Coming back to GW2: Is Warrior right for me?

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Since there isn’t really a meta condi build for wvw, this is something I’ve tinkered with casually.
The build is a tad broken in my opinion. You will demolish most 1v1s unless you get completely outplayed. A mirror fight lasts a very long time due to the sustain a warrior has. Keep in mind it’s crap in large scale and against organized groups due to the excess of resistance and heal bots out there.

For PVE and Spvp, just use metabattle lol.

Multiple Class Disorder

Coming back to GW2: Is Warrior right for me?

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Is there a recommended Condi build, or?

I like the idea of the Mace or 1Handed Sword + Shield w/ Longbow?

For which game mode?

Multiple Class Disorder

Cheater caught in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Multiple Class Disorder

Coming back to GW2: Is Warrior right for me?

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

You’ve come back to a golden time for warrior my friend. Just fingers crossed the upcoming patch doesn’t nerf the class to the ground.

Condition or power right now are both very strong in PVE and WvW (arguably power is better in the latter for the general wvw playstyles both small scale and zerg, but condition destroys in PVE content.)

In Spvp, it’s a fair mix between carrion longbow+mace shield and your cookie cutting Zerker GS+Axe or mace/ shield. I personally think condition is better but you can make that judgement yourself.

Multiple Class Disorder

When to use Mist Form?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

What Frowny said basically

I can’t say too much for a healer tempest as I’ve been mostly roaming as a zerk/marauder S/F core ele the majority of the time. Superspeed with cantrips is usually sufficient to get me out of most situations.

As flashy as DD is, an alternative could be to replace D/D with D/F.
Earth 4-5 would provide you emergency reflect+ 3 instant condi clears followed by the 3 second invuln. On top of that, a further 6 seconds of projectile hate from Air 4 should at least give you some breathing room on top of your invuln from mist form.

One trick to avoid immobilize is basically to use mist form pre-emptively before the attacks hit or have some form of regen constantly pulsing. Soothing Disruption should be a way to cleanse immobilize unless you got condi bombed (as ur using a cantrip in the first place), especially used in conjunction with cleansing water

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

When to use Mist Form?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Super speed from “One with the Air” helps alot, especially when paired with “Fresh Air”.

What build are you using though?

Multiple Class Disorder

Thank you Daniel, and congratulations Horia

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Thank you Daniel for breathing life into this fantastic phenomenon of a game!

Multiple Class Disorder

Advice against staff thieves?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Problem with that is they essentially start with 5 dodges with signet of agility, 7 if they stole successfully and enough initiate to spam another 3-4. Is there no other way other than animation baiting?

Multiple Class Disorder

Advice against staff thieves?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey guys, I’ve recently been maining reaper as the main specc for pvp and just need a bit of advice. I’ve managed to get to Gold 3 on soloqueue playing predominantly reaper, mostly boonstrip power and sometimes as proccmancer.

I’d like to know how you deal with this class on a 1v1 level. The meta PI dash thief usually isn’t an issue at all. However the vault spam builds gets noticeably difficult. I feel as though sometimes impossible to deal with solo, especially on thieves who have learnt how to abuse debilitating arcs and their cancels.

Any advice would be nice, I realize it’s a skill thing and I’d like to improve.

These are main builds I’m running:

(On the second build, I often ran Greatsword with cc heavy teams but mainly axe warhorn everywhere else).

Multiple Class Disorder