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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Didn’t need a gear treadmill to play this amount, won’t hit 1100 if the treadmill is added.
I play for fun, not to grind same crap over to make a fair chance in PvE/PvP.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


As an aside, did anybody else notice this little snippet?

“As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

Complimentary Ascended and Legendary items? As in, we’ll get a FREE Ascended/Legendary item when Lost Shores is released?

They will give out 5 random legendaries so websites spread information on it so ArenaNet seems like this caring company, just to cover the fact up they suddenly changed the entire manifesto and core the game was build upon.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


It starts with 2 stats, over time those small increments become a huge difference. Can’t believe they caved to the gear treadmill whiners (who will cry about lack of progression within a week again).

You should rename your game to WoW 2.0.

When the coming update disappoints ...

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


What will you do?

I myself made a new thief and got 100% world completion with it along fully geared in exotics, incase ranger doesn’t receive any major changes and stays useless in any serious PvP so that I have a class ready to play and no longer have to worry about rerolling.

I’m tired of waiting for any magical fixes so this is pretty much the last chance I give them for my own ranger.

How about you?

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


A lot of good ideas in this thread. I vote for any of them as long as they do the following:

1.) Return the damage of either the longbow or shortbow to a competitive level. We have no competitive ranged DPS. Thieves, Warriors, and Elementalists are all better choices for ranged damage.

2.) Fix the pet’s contribution to our damage, if you can’t fix the pets so they can actually do damage to a human player and not die in 2 seconds, then you need to eliminate the need to have them

3.) Give us at least one valuable utility skill that actually works as intended. It doesn’t have to be as imba as the portal, but something we could actually slot or even use might be innovative.

Thanks, for your words, but until you actually fix the Ranger mine is shelved in favor of a sub-80 alt. It is literally 100% more useful and fun than the current mess you have made of this class.

P.S. If you wanted to fix both bows or give us some sort of viable AOE damage it would be great.


Playing a level 80 geared thief instead of my ranger since the latest nerf and after experiencing a thief in PvP, I can’t even stand my ranger anymore while I have 620 hours logged on her. First time ever I ditched a character after spending so much time on it.

Only if ranger receives a massive buff to bring it back to the BWE2 power where it was on par with other classes will I even think about playing her again.

Dwarven Key Droprate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Now that the population moved to Orr, only very few people are left in Dredgehaunt Cliffs, meaning that the required Dwarven Keys to get the last POI in that area is very scarce (the one near Grey Road Waypoint).

Either up the droprate significantly or make it that we can get the POI without the key.

Greatsword Ranger in WvW? Share your experiences!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I’ve been playing one for a while now and I’m not doing that bad, I can actually win 1vs1 usually and the skills allow a friend and me to take a camp easier than when I was a SB ranger.

I’m running with the following stats: 2.9k attack, 62% critrate, 3k armor and 15.6k hp (all without any kind of boost) along with a 20/30/20/0/0 build. My damage is still inferior compared to other classes with greatsword, mostly because we lack high burst skills but I was wondering if anyone else runs a similar setup and maybe wants to share their experience around it? Always interested into improving my gameplay.

Stuck between Vitality and Toughness ...

in Thief

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I’m working on a new thief for WvW which will focus on condition damage and I’m stuck between choosing either Vitality or Toughness as a second stat (first being power and third being condition damage).

I did some fast calculations and the difference is either 20k hp with 2.2k armor or 15k hp and 2.8k armor. Although there are alot of condition builds in WvW where Vitality would clearly be the winner against, there are also the glasscannons who can burst you down within seconds if you lack armor.

Any input would be appreciated.

War Minister Shukov

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xuro.5861


8 Days ago reported and still no hotfix? Nice.

War Minister Shukov

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xuro.5861


How the kitten are we supposed to beat him? His Mark II golem instant 1 hits anyone if we dodge even a second to late and we need to kill him and Mark I at the same time too? We are wiping for 30 minutes now and anything we try doesn’t work at all, we get insta wiped in the first 30 seconds of the fight with that insane AoE.

Act 4 Event reset time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861


What’s the timer on it? Don’t want to camp LA for hours while I can spend my time better so if anyone knows, please do share.

[Complaint] After 7 hours I give up ...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861



Like I stated above, I don’t mind a challenge when it’s a permanent puzzle but this is a limited time event, meaning that the pressure is quite big as it’s a one thing only (unless they recycle it next year).

I hope that they use this kind of difficulty for future puzzles, so you and the other gifted people have something to aim for, but I do also hope they consider that this is a holiday event and will adjust it properly for everyone to enjoy.

[Complaint] After 7 hours I give up ...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861


this puzzle doesn’t need fast reflexes, just need to know where you are heading and when you’re suppose to jump.

speed buff helps a ton, the puzzle pace goes pretty fast at first, but if you have speed buff after the first segment, it will be alot easier consider that half way thru, you get a bit of time to make some minor mistakes.

So steal a banner, i find that the most helpful. Otherwise you have to be precise about every jump you make.

Your ability to decide where to go and at what speed in reaction time is decided by your reflexes so yes, it does require quite some good reflexes.

[Complaint] After 7 hours I give up ...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I have tried to finish the new JP for almost 7 hours and I simply cannot make it because I lack the reflexes to do so.

Since I’m an achievement collector and it’s the only thing left for me to do in Guild Wars 2, I would be very disappointed if I couldn’t get my hands on this achievement. I wouldn’t mind it if it was a permanent JP which I could try a few times every day but sadly this is a holiday event.

Although I can understand that the more gifted and experienced players among us seek a challenge, there are people who have sadly issues which prevent them from finishing this JP, for example:

- Age.
- Disabilities.
- Slow reflexes.

I have finished every JP in this game because I was able to do them on my own pace but the reflexes required for this JP, are in my opinion, higher than the average player has.

I always thought that holiday events were supposed to bring joy and a memorable experience to everyone, yet this event only brings negative feelings and memories with it for the gross of the players.

I honestly hope you will reconsider the difficulty and give us a few more spare seconds to do this JP as I am sure that everyone wants to enjoy your work to their fullest.

p.s. this kind of current difficulty would be awesome for permanent puzzles.

Thanks for reading.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Meta Event in Bloodtide Coast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We are camping it for three hours now and so far it didn’t trigger yet so we would like to know what we have to do in order to trigger it? Any certain NPC or event that has to be finished before it can trigger? We want to obtain the Hydra Queen achievement so any help would be appreciated.

Skritt Burglars, and their achivements

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861


What achievement does this event give?

What is the Hydra Queen?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Where exactly does the event which involves her trigger?

Greatsword Build? What items should I aim for?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I got tired of every ranger using shortbow and longbow and I wanted to try something different and I fell in love with Greatsword skills.

For items I’m using Emerald and Knight armor items, which give power/precision and toughness.

Now I do need advice on a build, any advice from fellow greatsword users? I will be using x/warhorn for mobility in WvW.

Hydra Queen?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I need to find her for my last bosses achievement and I have never heard of her. Anyone encountered her yet? I guess it’s a new boss since the wiki has no information on it.

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


After the hotfix it seems this achievement is broken now.

Also halloween events from spawned doors are not being counted for the event achievement, is this intended or another bug?

I included a picture.


(edited by Xuro.5861)

Halloween Huntin'

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Where can you get this achievement in a reasonable amount of time? I was in Gendarran Fields but only found 1 portal with 1 monster after 10 minutes of searching so it’s not realistic to finish it in this zone.

Where's the events with bosses and stuff

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Would like to know this too.

Halloween scavenger bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Same here.

Can’t say I didn’t see this coming.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Reroll a warrior, 4 rangers and me already done it and even at level 11 I’m facerolling rangers in WvW already, imagine at 80 with gears.

After reading about all the stealth nerfs to the game the past weeks I lost any interest and value I held towards my character. I invested 300+ hours into my ranger because I loved the shortbow, yes it was a spammable build but that’s what I enjoyed, mostly because having to combo for several hours straight one tires me a bit to much. Now that any invested time holds no value whatsoever and any class can be either be made or broken in a single patch, I decided to no longer care about this game at all.

Am I mad? Very, I’ve seen F2P mmo’s handle balance issues better than this supposed AAA company who actually dares to claim to work on creating a proper balance.

Yes 40ms is not much but if it’s the only weapon I really enjoy and any other options are rather weak in PvP, then it becomes a huge issue and since Izzy favors warrior, that’s the class to role in this game.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Still hoping for an official answer on this matter.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Noticed it too, I hope it’s either unintended mistake or they will buff the overall damage to make up for the DPS we just lost. SB is already a pretty bad weapon in any serious PvP match, now it became even worse.

Do you think Personal Story is boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I liked the story telling and the characters in Guild Wars 1 way more. The NPC’s in the personal story are empty shells with no depth whatsoever. I also dislike that every conversation is held with some odd background instead of the area itself and the attitude that my character was given automatically has ruined every bit of my storyline/lore I came up with for my character.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Seems they decided to add DR to gathering too, since everything resets with the daily reset. Or it’s still a bug and they can’t figure out why either.

Still no official word on the matter. I find this very rude and disappointing from ArenaNet.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Same problem here, been 8 hours since I last mined all Ori Nodes.

Remove WvW from PvE completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xuro.5861


+1 for them being outside the towers/keeps.

It’s becoming ridiculous right now, I will have to camp for weeks if I want to complete them all while I much more prefer to play PvE.

WvW -> Map didn't rotate?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I’m on the Far Shiverpeaks server and we faced Desolation and Vizunah Square for a few weeks but now we ended up against Vizunah Square and Riverside. Although everything reset properly, we didn’t change location on any of the maps, meaning that recently made characters cannot progress or complete world completion for atleast another week.

Is this intended or a bug?

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I wrote this a while ago in my notepad but just forgot, its a little open letter in regards to changing back to account wide dyes.
Dear Arenanet

I just wanted to say how utterley upset I was that you reversed your decision regarding account wide dye collections. Yes, there are definitely some other far more important things right now and such a silly reason to be upset can be chalked up to first world problems but I still urge you to reconsider

The decision baffles me as it serves no reason but to restrict diversity and player choice, in a sense it only adds a conflated grind or money sink to the mix. I applaud you on such an amazing and diverse gear customisation system that quite obviously has been a labour of love for Kristen Perry but I now see it as mostly going to waste. I initially read her blog with amazement and gained a great sense of entuasiasm at the huge range of available colours. Then during the betas the only word I could exhibit regarding the system was a Squee. It allowed so much customisation as well as diversity in appearance and had a system that seemed very intuitive… So many great colours and combinations that would always be mine. I loved styling how I wanted, how I wished, and with which character I chose but now I’m left feeling rather flat.

I considered myself at times to be a connoisseur of colour, mixing and matching many combinations for hours (quite literally) just to find the right feel for my particular mood. I had initially decided to collect every dye in the game as a sort of long term goal, a collection I would use extensively in play but know I get the feeling of why even bother. The many I have collected, the few favourites I have purchased become useless just by doing the simple act of switching to an alt.

To me, this change and the transmutation system seem more about chasing the cash shop dollar then actually promoting any sort of long term appeal. Customisation can serve as much as a big long term appeal as gear grinding, an appeal Arenanet originally claimed to support.

So Anet, please reconsider this change for the enjoyment of those whom enjoy alting, to those that live for customisation, and for those that enjoy seeing a diverse game world.

This pretty much sums it up on how I feel about this subject.

Now some fun facts:

Recently Nexon bought nearly 14% shares of NCSoft and became the single biggest share holder of the company and the person in charge of the Gem Store is an employee of Nexon.. Because of this, they have a major saying in what happens at NCSoft and ArenaNet. How far their power regarding the game goes is not known but considering the changes we have seen lately, which all favor towards the Gem Store, it’s pretty safe to assume they have quite an influence.

Nexon is known for ruining any MMO they can get their hands on with their pay 2 win models and although this is not the case here yet, it’s becoming pretty obvious we are near the borderline with all the current nerfs going on.

I for one won’t ever buy another expansion till ArenaNet decides to go back to their old philosophies and start to care about the gamer instead of money.

On a sidenote, I have my own business and if I evaluate all recent decisions regarding the Gem Store with it’s current major flaws, I would fire the person who is in charge of it, she clearly doesn’t understand what people really want to pay for.

Character Creation destroyed my GTX 275

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Like I stated, any locks set by software, both Guild Wars 2 and Nvidia Panels got ignored, causing the fps skyrocket and the card burn itself. My fan was working at 90% (I always have that on 90% with MSI Afterburner to prevent the temparature from getting above 70).

Haha, I kicked the dust bunnies out once per two months, never had a single issue whatsoever with the card (never even a software related issue in any game at all which I found amazing myself).

Found an old GT9400, let’s hope I can atleast do my daily achievements with that for the next two months, that’s all I want (major achievement perfectionist here).

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Character Creation destroyed my GTX 275

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Actually, I cleaned and took care of it a week before launch to make sure I would face no problems. It could run any singleplayer game or mmo at high settings without any problem. Usually barely hitting 70 degrees in temparature.

Character Creation destroyed my GTX 275

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Since my ticket received automated responses, I have no choice but to try here.


Today my GTX 275 died while trying to create a character. I was always able to play the game on high settings with a steady 40 FPS on average but whenever I tried to create a character, any FPS or option limits set in the Guild Wars 2 menu or the Nvidia Panels got overriden, causing my card to take on extreme temparatures in a matter of seconds (110 degrees before it burned).

I never had this problem before the last patch.

As far as I can tell this is mostly due a processing bug and now I cannot play Guild Wars 2 for atleast 2 months because of this (lost my job so tight on money as it is). Words cannot describe how annoyed I am.

Although I don’t expect anything as I’m just one among many with problems, I do hope the problem will be investigated so others with similar cards won’t face the same problems.

Thanks for reading,

I do expect a reply from an official employee stating that my issue has been read.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Skill Challenge - Veteran Bow - Malchor's Leap

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Uploaded a screenshot where you can see that the NPC vanished from the face of Tyria.

Normally NPC’s reset whenever there is a new patch but because the NPC is gone, it doesn’t reset at all anymore.

Skill Challenge - Veteran Bow - Malchor's Leap

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


South of Wren’s Waypoint.

After two days it is still bugged on the Far Shiverpeaks server, not allowing us to get world completion. Can you please reset it? The amount of people who need it as a last SP is growing and it’s quite ridiculous that it’s not reset at all after two days.

Edit, it’s not a normal green named bug, the entire npc is GONE.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Malchor's Leap - Skill Challenge Veteran Bow - NPC Disappeared

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


The NPC required for the skill challenge at the ruins south of Garden of Ilya randomly disappeared entirely. Could he be reset on the Far Shiverpeaks server?

[Bugged Skill point][Sparkfly FEN] SHARK [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Same story on the Far Shiverpeaks server, any advice on when it will reset from itself or something?

Shark Skill Challenge Bugged - Sparkfly Den

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861



This bug occurs every time, making it unable for us to complete the zone. It happens when someone dies in the middle of the challenge and they don’t reset properly.

If possible, please reset the challenge on the Far Shiverpeaks server.

Inquest Gate at Guilty Tears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861



I’ve been trying to get the POI and SP there for a few days now but the event required to open the gate never seems to trigger? Is this a known bug? If it is not, where exactly does it start or what requirements are needed?