Showing Posts For Xuro.5861:

[WvW] Questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Recently we have been changing the raid setup within my guild and it seems we have not a single engineer among us so a few of us are considering making one and we have a few general questions about the class in organised WvW play.

1) Is the bomb/grenade kit viable to use in organised play?
2) Is there a way the engineer can create waterfields for the heavy classes to blast?
3) What other ways can an engineer contribute to an organised raid group?

Now that I think about it, we didn’t have a single engineer in our raid for 6 months now so it’s really time we get a few among us ^^

[Vabbi][WvW] Fluffy Quaggan Squad

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861


The community of [QS] is recruiting WvW players that enjoy tactical warfare & prefer a social environment. Teamspeak is required.

We raid every day from 19:00 CET till 23:00 CET with around 8 ~ 14 people, depending on the reallife circumstances of our members.

It doesn’t matter if you are new to WvW. We practice in the heart of the mists on a daily base to improve ourselves, you will become a WvW veteran in no time.

If you are interested into joining us, please send a mail to xuro.5861 and I will contact you within 12 hours.

[Season 2] Acc Wide Ranks & Reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Will we obtain account wide ranks before season 2 starts? If not, will we atleast get a reset? My entire guild has hundreds of ranks on alts they no longer play, we would like to use those ranks to the fullest during season 2 as we are on one of the weakest servers in WvW.

Taking away my invested time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


When the fractal update launched you resetted my levels on 4 characters saying it was for the leaderboards? Well where are they now? You took away all my progression for absolutely no reason at all. I stopped playing fractals because of this.

Soon you are taking away my glory boosters I got from black lion chests (which were mostly bought with real money at that time) + doing my dailies & monthlies for a year. We asked for compensation but got told off, why would I keep playing sPvP now since you deleted my invested time once again? Let me answer the obvious before someone asks, I was saving them incase we ever get a new gamemode that I do enjoy, for example capture the flag.

What’s next? You take away my legendaries because you want a new leaderboard for it? Yes I know how ridiculous this sounds but the deleting of progression is something I’ve never encountered before in any MMO for a good reason. It’s pretty much taking a dump on my invested time into your product.

This isn’t a matter of a few hours, this is a matter of hundreds of hours that I’ve invested and you are taking it away like it’s nothing at all, every single time again.

Sick of Hammer Trains

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Nearing half a year of this nonsense now, every guild runs hammer train. Even we have to start using them to counter hammer trains since we can’t use any light or medium classes against them unless we have more numbers.

(anyone who claims otherwise is welcome to prove me wrong with a proper GvG video where a hammer train is beaten by a non hammer train)

I’m really reaching my limit when it comes to patience for balance patches and I started wondering if I just should buy ESO even though I disliked the combat greatly in it.

How long was the last balance patch ago? Half a year now? This is beyond ridiculous.

It’s time to nerf the hammer train and buff other classes into viable WvW roles.


450 Glory Boosters

in PvP

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Can we get an option at a vendor to exchange them for other boosters or possible 1000 glory each? I don’t think it’s fair to expect me to PvP for 450 hours before the removal of glory.

Moving to a lower tier ...

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We as a guild are looking for a lower tier server where we can hopefully have more fun instead of blobbing only. When looking at the server list I was astonished to find out it would cost me 1800 gems to transfer to a tier 7 server (Underworld) or 1000 gems for a tier 8 server.

Why is this so expensive? Why do we all have to pay 1000/1800 gems to transfer to a weaker server?

It’s been brought up for a year now and still to no avail. We are willing to pay a fair price but not these kind of prices. Are you allergic to our money or something?

Molten Alliance Pick Bonus Items?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I spent over 100 euro’s on permanent tools so I won’t let this topic die so easily.

Up you go.

First time tPvP on necro ...

in PvP

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We wanted to do some tPvP with the few of us and were loosing against the flavor of the month builds so we decided to all get a necro and use the minion master build.

We just won every outmanned fight by just button mashing our staff + scepter skills while the minions absorbed all damage. It took a full party of 5 to take the two of us down, this is beyond ridiculous.

I never wanted to use these cheap builds as it didn’t feel right but considering how little effort is needed to gain glory like this? Well I will be using this build permanently till they nerf it from now on, it’s just to easy to pass on.


Molten Alliance Pick Bonus Items?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Will they be added? The new watchwork mining pick has additional items as drops from nodes so I’m wondering if the old permanent tools get adjusted aswell? They are the same price after all.

Jan. 21 Interview with Colin/Mike Z

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Another encounter like tequatl? Seems like they still don’t listen to the community.

!!instanced version is needed!!

I don’t want to play with trolls, I wont’t play with trolls and the event will die off again within a week, just like tequatl has on every server.

This just confirms how little they seem to care about feedback, hence why I stopped giving it after the flame & frost threads.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

New Release Details! Video!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


So another recycled boss? How interesting!

3 Patches left to impress me before I move on.

[EG] Ruins of Surmia WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We are currently looking for devoted WvW players to reinforce our team within WvW. When joining us you do not join just a guild, you will become part of a community that trusts each other and shares close friendships.

Due to our social community we want to avoid growing too large so our main focus is around 15 to 20 daily WvW players for our raids, where after achieving this set goal, recruitment will stop. We prefer to rely on quality rather than on quantity.

As we want to protect our community and what we have build up so far, recruitment for our guild works slightly different. If you are interested into joining us, you will be required to have teamspeak 3 and a working microphone as we want to talk with you personally to get to know you and give you a chance to get to know us.

If you would like to receive more information about us or if you are interested into joining our guild, please contact xuro.5861 so we can have a talk ^^

Keep Champion Banner Ressed

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Today was the last straw for me, I’m the leader of an extremely skilled WvW guild that is able to flip keeps with 7-12 of us before the enemy knows what happened. Sadly warriors are becoming so common that every time we assault a main target, they keep bannering the lord while running from their waypoint after death, as a result it’s impossible to cap it before their zerg arrives to us.

Why is this crap still ingame? It’s beyond ridiculous that two warriors (I say warrior as that is the dominating class in this game) can prevent an organised guild from capping a main WvW target.

My guild is already discussing other mmo’s as we grow tired of nonsense like this, I have a lot of patience but even I reached my limit today.

Reward Chest -> 7 greens?

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Seriously? I invested hundreds of golds in siege and upgrades this season for this (2nd place)?

Why wasn’t everything at minimum exotic?

Just awesome.

[Ruins of Surmia] Elite Guerrilla's WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We are currently looking for people to reinforce our WvW team. We are not just another WvW guild, we are far more than a guild, we became a community which you can trust and rely on.

We believe in quality over quantity and for that very reason we will always stay small. Our aim is around 15 daily players for our raids which allows us to achieve anything we want in WvW including taking out keeps/zergs.

Qualities of [EG]

- Daily raids.
- Custom Arena.
- Guild Missions.
- Teamspeak 3.
- Trustworthy community.

Our recruitment works slightly different, rather than filling out a form, you will join on us on TS for a conversation where you get to meet several of us. We have a certain attitude within the guild and we are looking for people with a similar attitude, that’s why we use social interaction rather than an online form to decide whether you will belong with us.

If you are interested in our guild, please contact me ingame so we can have a chat on teamspeak.

[Custom Arena] Guild Permissions

in PvP

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Still hoping to get a developer’s opinion on this subject.

[Custom Arena] Guild Permissions

in PvP

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Are there any plans to integrate guild permissions into custom arena’s? Our guild has their own arena paid for by me, sadly I cannot always be there when they want to adjust something (for example; turn the password ‘on’ or ‘off’ or select a specific map).

It would be quite helpfull if higher ranks could get a seperate permission within the guild that allows them edit the options within our arena whenever they wish to do so, making the ownership shared across the entire guild.

Account bound WXP

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Thank you so much for this, this news made me really happy.

Human Cultural Armor in the Gem Store [Merged]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I’m speechless, isn’t this supposed to be an AAA mmorpg?

Even the worst possible pay-to-win korean grindfests invest more time into designs when trying to squeeze money from their customers.

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Yeah. Join Party – Ping Gear and check the Leaderboard – below X, kick.

Now we just need a gearscore addon and the package is complete.

I loose quite some progress myself aswell and I won’t start over again, I’m a human being, not a hamster.

State of PvP in EU

in PvP

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Today we decided to do a few tournaments with the guild, the experience was so bad I nearly pulled my own hair out.

Our matches consisted of:

4 rangers / 1 necro, all with petting zoo’s
4 mesmers / 1 ranger, all with petting zoo’s and phantasms.
3 warriors / 1 guardian / 1 ranger, all hammer except the ranger, he was … a petting zoo.
4 necro’s / 1 ranger, wait for it … all petting zoo’s.

We ran with 2 guardians (1 bunker, 1 dps), 1 mesmer, 1 warrior.

The point difference at every match was amazing, we stood absolutely no chance because we can’t even get one burst combo to hit the target due to the pet’s blocking every single attack.

Why hasn’t this been nerfed yet? This problem has been here for months now and it made me quit tPvP in the first place, yet months later and this crap (petting zoo’s + hammer chains) is still going on?

Back to WvW for me.

The client is unable to ... firewall

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Getting this error since the latest patch and I can’t login, even using the /clientport80 doesn’t work on this one.

Nothing has changed, I just dc’d ingame and this error started.

Did anything network related on the servers change with the latest patch?

Queue'd upgrades deleted, influence gone.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Nevermind, seems my guild window was bugged.

8/11: Drakkar/RoS/WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We had 2 german Drakkar spies in our Garrison, reporting the movement and siege placement of my guild to Drakkar Lake (we are from EG). We lost garrison because you guys had to resort to this kind of unfair gameplay, so we no longer have an interest into playing against you.

We enjoy fair competitive play, not childish behaviour. Your zerg was big enough to win fairly, yet you had to resort to this kind of nonsense.


25/10 Dzagonur [DE]/Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Picture says everything.


Custom Arena Question

in PvP

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I bought a custom arena for my guild today but after setting it up, I seem to be having a hard time finding it when I search for it using keywords that I used in the title.

Does it take a certain amount of time before it’s added to the search list? Is there maybe any trick to make it easy findable for the guild?

Edit: Seems I had a setting wrong, seems to be working all fine now.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

WvW guild 'Elite Guerrilla's'

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Although we are still small, we roam together daily, come join us!

Demolition Expert

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Same, stuck here aswell.

WvW guild 'Elite Guerrilla's'

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We are still recruiting any interested players ^^

Dostoev Sky Peak vista -- impossible?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xuro.5861


If you are on an EU server, whisper me ingame. We will finish it in less than 2 minutes.

Beaten Bloody Impossible

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Go in the instance with a group of 5. Didn’t spawn any doors, took 10 seconds. Health doesn’t scale either

Didn’t expect it to not scale.

Alrighty, did it with 5 people who saw this post and it was easy with the proper stun combinations.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Beaten Bloody Impossible

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Edit: Enter with 5 people, let someone stun him before you burst him down and the achievement is very easy.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Halloween Update feels lackluster

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I finished a month’s worth of content in 4 hours. I played last year and because of that, there is nothing new for me except one personal instance and soon one dungeon (which I expect won’t be anything special either)

Once again I’m standing in LA being bored.

I’m sorry if this seems rude but I can’t think of anything positive right now, I’ve waited a year for halloween as I loved last year’s and you actually managed to take the best part out, the scavenger hunt and the meta event in mad king realm.

Class Change - Gem Store Item

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xuro.5861


My request for a class change item has nothing to do with lazyness, I have two legendaries and hundreds of golds more in other items soulbound on it. I’m someone who wants to play as effectively as possible so yes, I don’t like being the underdog in PvE / WvW, for that reason I dropped my ranger last year aswell.

If they make it very expensive like 5.000 ~ 6.000 gems it’s no different than crafting and gearing a new character using gems too so the end result is the same for a paying customer, a lot of time saved.

I prefer to spent real money than waste hundreds of hours again on achieving the very same thing I did on all my other 80’s (I have world completion, all story mode’s unlocked, minimum level 30 fractal and t3 armors on all my 4 characters).

For this very same reason I have spent over €1.000 on the game so far and will continue to do so if they give me a reason like this item.

It’s not lazyness, it’s valuable time saving.

Class Change - Gem Store Item

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xuro.5861


After watching today’s livestream on upcoming class changes I’m starting to loathe my gaurdian, the warrior will be superior in everything including support after tomorrow so I want to reroll. Sadly I have two legendaries and a lot more soulbound unique items on my guardian, including all unlimited tools.

So can we please get a class change in the gemstore? I wouldn’t mind coughing up 5.000 gems for it.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Is this nonsense about surveys/polls still going on? I’m sorry but this is a game, we are here to play, not to test your product. Every other mmo refused to use them for a reason, it ruins every bit of immersion and the downsides to a survey are greater than the gains due to the lazy nature of humans.

I think if you focus on balancing the classes, fixing all bugs and work towards permanent content you will achieve far more than surveys/polls can ever offer.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Hi All,

Sorry for not getting back sooner, i have been rather busy this morning. Also thanks for continuing the brainstorm, so really good ideas.

So here are the current actions:

1: Chris to chat with the team about creating 3 threads in each main part of the forums. We should be able to start this of on Monday.
2: Chris to write the rules of engagement (-: Just laying out what we can and can’t talk about.
3: Peeps on this thread to continue to discuss the best way to prioritize the topics for each main area that will run for 2 days each cycle and then rotate.
4: Polls: I am going to raise this as a separate thread early next week to continue discussion as it is a complex topic.

I will try to respond as much as i can today and will update on my actions later today or tomorrow. Meanwhile let’s discuss how best to prioritize topics?


I hope we don’t see anything from the beta form or polls inside the game or any kind of immersion will be gone, which does not bode well with many players including me.

I appreciate that aNet is prepared to try something but please make sure it doesn’t break immersion whatsoever.

I’m here to play a game, not test a product.

WvW guild 'Elite Guerrilla's'

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861



Elite Guerrilla’s was found on Ruins of Surmia to create an organised yet enjoyable experience within WvW for our members. As experienced veteran players (12+ years) we are aiming to create a guild with a vision we haven’t encountered in another guild yet.

What are our intentions?

We are convinced that the victory of war does not rely on numbers but rather on skill. That’s why we are looking to expand our guild to a steady active base of 35 WvW players who are available on a regular base to raid together in WvW.

- We believe equality is very important, we want to make sure to include every member in our raids and organised events so that nobody is left out, even if it means sacrificing more time to get everything properly organised.
- We believe everyone’s time is valuable, that’s why you will have to pay for nothing during our raids, more details can be found below.
- We understand how important it is to make a guild feel like a home you want to return to, that’s why we intent on giving everyone this feeling.

What can we offer?

- A friendly and warm environment to develop into a dedicated WvW player.
- Teamspeak 3 to communicate during our raids and organised events so that everything can be done in an instant, no typing ever again.
- Daily WvW raid every day from 18:00 CET till around 23:00 CET.
- Extensive WvW training program where you will learn the in’s and out’s of WvW.
- All upgrades, siege, buffs and food during raids are paid by one of the leaders.

What are our requirements?

We require all members to play on a regular base, represent 24/7 whenever logged in unless it’s for a personal guild used as storage mule. We also require you to attend raids on a regular base, we can understand you might not want to raid on a daily base but not coming for two weeks straight is not helpfull to us at all and thus not something we appreciate. A friendly attitude and an open mind to learning new tactics is prefered aswell.

Our aim is to provide as much fun as possible for our members while still focusing on winning the weekly matchup for our server.

If our guild sounds like something you would enjoy, feel free to leave a reply here or contact me ingame on ‘xuro.5861’.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

27/9 Rof vs RoS vs Arb

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


We can and did do this! We actually defended with this few people.

Yes we don’t have outmanned on this screen but that’s due to the long existing bug of not showing up properly. We actually were outmanned at the moment of this screen, as you can see for yourself aswell.

Less zerging, more tactics and you might actually win ^^

p.s. just some competitive teasing, don’t get your panties in a bunch.


27/9 Rof vs RoS vs Arb

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


The past few days a few commanders and myself have been working on getting the RoS borderland to tier3 so we stand a chance against the massive zergs and it paid off for a short while but then we got golem rushed by 6+ omega’s and a 40+ man blob against less than 10 of us.

As seen in the third post, people on RoF seem to dislike blobbing yet you are doing it aswell to RoS at the moment.

Very disappointing that boring tactics like golem rushes are being used against the lower population servers.

Hopefully we can have more fun orientated fights as we progress towards the end of the week where we will face each other with less golem rushes and more tactics instead.

p.s. I’m not blaming anyone for using this obvious OP tactic but it does demoralize our server as we are only a few compared to you guys so we invest a LOT of time and gold into our borderlands on a daily base, and losing that to a golem rush is not something anyone would enjoy I think.

TA F/U path is being removed

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Xuro.5861


When a developer starts deleting old content to save time on creating ‘new’ content, you know the game is in trouble.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861



This was the last thing I expected from an aNet employee.

27/9 Rof vs RoS vs Arb

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Ye first day was a lot of fun.

I was the commander at Arborstone defending Greenbriar for several hours, it took you guys 3 zergs to finally get the tower back. We actually even managed to wipe a 30 man zerg at the lord’s room with the 8 of us on TS, they all loved it.

Although the matchup for this week already has been decided, you will still see me daily with my guild on the borderlands so looking forward to some fun fights

(edited by Xuro.5861)

[ExUV] is recruiting WvW players.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xuro.5861


As part of the Ruins of Surmia population we are trying to improve WvW for the entire server, we’ve been working hard at it and it’s slowly starting to show off among our own members who love the daily raids we currently host.

What we can offer as a guild

- Dedicated TS for the community and our guild.
- Extensive WvW training programs.
- Daily WvW raids.
- Weekly WvW training.
- Weekly Guild Missions
- Experienced commanders.
- Great atmosphere.

What we are looking for

- A will to fight.
- A will to learn.
- Teamspeak 3 (you don’t have to talk, just listen is fine)

We are looking for more people to reinforce our daily raids. I personally pay for all the expenses made within WvW (food, siege, upgrades) so all you need to bring is the will to fight for our server. I offer this kind of service to the guild so that everyone can enjoy WvW to it’s fullest without feeling obligated to spend their hard earned gold on temporary objects.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, please leave your name in a reply and I will contact you within 24 hours.

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Haha, 180 ap left till my next chest!

It was a good solid read, very nicely written.

I agree with you and it’s how I feel about this game currently aswell.

Mike Z @ Euro Gamer [New Content Stream]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I wonder what kind of monster table they use at ArenaNet, poor thing must feel abused by now.

20/09Fissure of Woe/Ruins of Surmia/Blacktide

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I was commanding at FoW BL today and Fissure of Woe should be ashamed of themselves, today we were fighting back on their BL and several of their people hack their way into Bluebrair, teleporting everyone inside with portal. Made us loose all of our work within seconds (no the mesmer was not inside when we capped it).

Disgusting to say the least.

We were all inside the tower when it got capped, so no hacking involved. I was the one who portaled in ONE GUY, so it makes me wonder do you really mean us [Jd] or some other FoW group?

It wasn’t a guild group, just a zerg of random people thrown together. When we capped it, it was empty as we had it for over two hours after that (I started upgrading it aswell).

One of the random people hacked inside, started porting the zerg in and they all happily took it while we were right there defending at the bottom, skipping past us with walls and gate fully up.

It was over within seconds, couldn’t even get to the champ room while we were right there.

I’m quite sure it wasn’t your group but whoever it was, it was a very poor experience and we left the borderland after that to start an attack on blacktide instead.

20/09Fissure of Woe/Ruins of Surmia/Blacktide

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xuro.5861


I was commanding at FoW BL today and Fissure of Woe should be ashamed of themselves, today we were fighting back on their BL and several of their people hack their way into Bluebrair, teleporting everyone inside with portal. Made us loose all of our work within seconds (no the mesmer was not inside when we capped it).

Disgusting to say the least.

Too obvious bone pick

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Is there any gathering difference between them because of their different rarity?