I used Wow’s in BC + a little in LK but i really think with the lack of a trinity this shouldn’t be an issue. What was so wrong with Wow’s anywaY?
nothing, they just fear that the lack on needing to spam /map for extended periods of time would kill a servers community. They also think that getting auto put into groups would mean always getting stuck with baddies, none of these are true tho and it happens right now with you /map for pugs… same chance of getting a bad player as getting a good one.
There is no reason we shouldn’t have a cross server LFG tool, I have better luck getting dungeon groups in overflows because of different servers being there.
I believe that they said they are working on this in the patch notes. Although I don’t understand why it wasn’t there from launch
Sadly most ArenaNet devs who have posted when asked about a LFG tool have stated there is no plan in the near future to implement one. This might be do to such mixed feedback from players on the forums half want one and then other half just spout off it ruins the game and WoWs was bad.
as for gw2lfg.com the problem with this is players don’t want to use a outside source for something that should be built into the game, GW2 has a LFG tool already built in it is just a awful excuse of a feature no one ever uses it or those who do use it you can’t tell what they are LFG for.
I agree on the Recipe thing. Not only for Ectos, also T6 mats.
Exotics require 5 ectos and 5 T6 mats to craft, Ascendend Gear takes 10 times the ectos and even up to 50 times the t6 mats, thats imo a to big mat boost a stat-improvement that aint that big (imo)
There was some talk I think on the reddit AMA that the mats required for ascended and infused items would be getting reworked because the grind is overwhelming, but seriously I went to bed and Ectos were at 30s a piece I wake up and now nearing 34s…. this is a huge problem.
Here’s my suggestion (since we’re talking about dragons and i don’t want to make a thread). Dragons spawn once a day, all have official timers and chest,,,,,,,that chest drops good stuff and not blues/greens no1 gives a **** about. That way no1 will miss the event, it’ll be done with tones of people (i three man’ed Shatter a week ago cuz no1 was around and that took a century) and we will be getting loot worth our time. Why anet do not compute this? I do not compute why they don’t compute!!!!!
I would say put them on a 21hr respawn that way it would rotate though out the time of day it would spawn so everyone would eventually be able to be there and kill it if they decided to kill it
I can see it is as one thing to ask for a in game source for a LFG tool, but the timers are fan driven, meaning it is up to the players to keep them up to date and the same players can also screw with the timers. I dunno my point is the dragon timers don’t belong inside the game
Please consider either increasing the amount of Globs of Ecto players get from salvaging. Such at a chance for 1-5 instead of 1-3.
Or reduce the amount needed in current recipes… prices will continue to rise and as it stands only those who were rich before Lost Shores can afford to get their agony resist back pieces
yep this is getting to be pretty bad it is only useful in some fights but now it is un-useable
seems you get disconnected from changing zones… can we get a dev post for some answers =/
When FotM was first being talked about I pictured it you could zone into it from LA(no party needed) and the hub where your group of 5 can sell/repair/enter would have been the hub for players to hang out and spam chat to LFG… not sure why they kept those LFG inside LA.
WvW kills should be removed from the monthly as well.
Lets just get rid of the monthly.
5 dungeons is not hard to do, 7 fractals at level 5 or below is even easier. stop blaming ArenaNets design choice because it really is no different than dailies in other MMO. if you don’t like dailies/monthlies dont do them.
Oh you want mystic coins for whatever reason? then farm items to sell and buy them if dailies/monthlies are so hard.
my overflow is full guys sorry for those I couldnt get in or missed their chance b/c others wouldnt drop group
I’m in an overflow doing the event atm, /join me and move to this overflow then drop group so others can follow
Character name is Jinouga Ashu
edit 1: if party is full just wait for people to drop
edit 2: if you get overflow is full please tell me so i can let others know
edit3: please drop group when you see my picture… making it hard to get new people to this overflow
edit4: my overflow is full
(edited by YaHiKoDrG.3467)
I don’t hate you!
But seriously, this lack of communication from Arena.net is BS. Why do they use twitter when they have official forums, in-game mail, in-game announcements, and other non-sucky ways to communicate?
They have been using twitter/facebook pretty consistently so maybe it’s you who should consider joining those social networks and just following them.
if there were a PTR it should require an NDA or sorts…. sorry but spoilers of what to come suck for some players, and I doubt the masses of GW2 could handle any change being reported.
To those who are confused about transmuting and which color your gear will have.
If you transmute the skin of a blue onto some dungeon gear it will take the color raity of the stats on the item.
So in the up coming patch if I transmute my CoE chest skin with the ascension chest piece states it will look like the CoE chest but have the stats of the ascension gear and be labled with the ascension gears rarity. If you look at the stats when transmuting you’ll see the rarity also listed. This is why if you transmute new stats onto your legendary it goes from purple to orange.
No spider, it wouldnt be nice to have gear viewable. What if someone is switching specs, and they are trying to attain gear for that spec, so they have a …. orgy of different attributes. How is that fair? Are you going to deny him tokens because of his gear set up? When he has to do that dungeon to get the gear he needs?
He isn’t saying add an inspect feature but allow players to see their own magic find stat total.
GW2 is not like every other MMO out there (as has been pointed out) the only real reason to group is for dungeons (and possibly karma farms). Pugs are always hit and miss and ideally dungeon groups would be found via a guild or via server mapchat.
There is no holy trinity so groups need to use co-operation and communication. LFG tools in every game I’ve played have only encouraged the opposite a real lack of communication and when they go cross server they become the pits in player attitudes. These tools breed laziness and intolerance and still ppl spam mapchat.
For the most part the GW2 community is a pleasant one when compared to other gaming communities that’s partly due to accountability and ANet not tolerating certain types of behaviours. So if ANet are planning a system it should not be like any other LFG system and absolutely not cross server hopefully they will get overflows working as intended and able to be used if you’re looking for group outside of your own server or want to group with friends on other servers.
Dungeon groups can already be cross server, main group I run with are all on different servers we found each other though overflow/forums. I think once again people automatically think LFG/Dungeon finder tool == WoW’s LFG tool and that == bad. Well for starters it really isn’t as it has been stated to death not only in this thread but in the forums but that is besides the point. If you had really read most of the posts here you would have seen that players want something along the lines of GW1 LFG tool that would allow us to see a list of players LFG in a zone(can be cross server) and allow to have a small description what they are LFG for. This does not have to auto group everyone together but to help those seeking members to not have to spam /map and waste time because they current /map is low on players LFG for that particular dungeon.
@kwstas The 2nd post in this thread is from an ArenaNet dev saying it does not effect chests. They didn’t want people to kill bosses then swap to magic find gear when opening chests. Chests have a better loot to make up for magic find not effecting their loot table
I didn’t realize dungeons were already world-based. That’s encouraging, because that means if anet really wanted to do something like this, it wouldn’t take much effort. I have high hopes for the future.
If you ever end up on overflow in LA and recruit for dungeons you can get people from other servers. My main dungeon group is based on SoS where I am on SoR(makes for good conversation when one of us decides to WvW)
can someone post a link to the image of the armor or the source of info that you learned there would be a diving outfit as a reward???
You would have to link directly to their brain. They made it up.
You missed the line where he said they made it up
So I noticed I’m at 31/32 hints for an achievement and the last hint I need it about clearing my mail, however I haven’t received that hint because my mailbox caps at 7/10 and I have to delete old player mail to receive more.
it is a bug that ghosts from mortar 1 would run to mortar 2 if you wipe and then mortor 2 ghosts would spawn.
However it is not endless if Dehta is dead and you leave her dead until all ghosts are killed.
I like how you completely ignore the posts who are asking for a LFG tool that help people see who is LFG/LFM but still let the party decide who to invite, yet you down anyone throat who doesn’t specify how they want a LFG tool and just assume it is a WoW LFG tool clone. the WoW LFG tool is not a bad idea it is not what GW2 needs but GW2 still needs a better LFG system. Players who lack in a few areas such as low pve pop server, lower pop guild who don’t do dungeons often, or a player who plays off prime time will have trouble getting a dungeon group in an efficient manner and could be shouting in map for awhile.
Going back to GW1 I think I have a tweak on my earlier post on how GW2 should redo their LFG tool. It should only be zone wide how ever it could be cross server and include overflows. So just like in GW1 you would see:
<Player Name> <server/district> <what they are LFG/LFM for> <a comment for any other details>ok people GW2 needs a dungeon finder that is world wide/cross sever. What it doesn’t need is the dungeon finder tool to make the group for you. We need something that lets everyone see you are LFG/LFM for a particular dungeon but leave the ability to invite to those forming the groups. Think GW1 LFG tool where you could see people in multiple districts and they have a comment by their name saying what they are LFG for except make it world wide/cross server. Not all servers have a strong PvE force
You can pull them apart, move a ways behind the furthest turret of your group you are pulling and slowly pull them back eventually you’ll notice a few start to leash back. when only 1-2 are left just range them down. If they other group comes running just slowly back up while range dpsing the first target down. It is slow but it is the safest way to clear the stacked ghosts if this happens.
Was the NPC alive when you walked into his room and triggered the cutsceen? Group I run with had it happen to them before and to avoid that issue they always make sure the NPC is alive
If you are not using the tokens for anything else, and have no need for them(you dont plan to lvl an alt or do not need gear from that vendor) I say go for it and toss the greatswords into the mystic forge. You are turning something that has no value to you into something with value. Either A) you get your precursor and jump for joy, you get an exotic back which you can use to cut down the tokens needed for the next mystic for use or sell they tend to range from 60s-2g, or c) you get a unique skin from the mystic forge and you can sell/use that.
Trash in all MMO dungeons become tedious after the first few clears(I will say trash in GW2 has to much HP) but I think only way you can fix that is to put in a reward for killing the trash. Something like GW1 after so many kills get a small buff.
Why do people seem to place such value on things being completable only for an “elite” group? It’s a game, for fun, if you want to swell body parts, take the spam filter off your e-mail…
I understand some things being designed for the elite players only in mind… but these things don’t belong in holiday events
Swiftness does not make it easier, it just messes with people who are now jumping further than they intended
Bullkitten its a bug, you guys took the time to add the change to the patch note. Just admit your dungeon designer crew deserve to get fired they are lazy programmers, they are clueless of what they are doing and they are not testing their work.
If you want an advice get the peoples that was working on the guild wars1 dungeon and have them fix this mess cause gw2 dungeons is so badly designed its a joke.
Anet why did you put way point in a dungeon anyway ? Who had this idea? You guys should have kept the guild wars1 formula if your party get wiped you are thrown out of the dungeon and start again, instead you guys opted for the diablo3 respawn formula this is pretty weak.
GW1 dungeons had respawns in them, what you are thinking of is the almost raid like group runs such as UW/Urgoz/FoW that if you wiped you were done. Which for GW1 makes sense but not in a new MMO. All MMOs allow you to retry if you wipe which is a good thing(although the graveyard zerging is a problem) but wiping allows the party to think about what the problem was and fix it.
All my HoM rewards will not transmute onto my gear, the options open up just fine but when I click “Good Transmute” nothing happens.
@Kuthos- why do so many people not realize that the CoE HP nerfs were only to story mode, and still you can’t skip any boss mechanics in CoE
give me some more examples then of skipping boss mechanics because CoE would like to have a word with you
You know that spider boss in Up path in TA Exp, if you do the fight right it would make no differece if you fight her in the tunnel or her room. Fighting her in the tunnel just makes sure people can’t mess up.
The LFG “tool” we should have should have been an EASY thing to put into the game. We should have the “LFG” tool GW1 used. You open it up, you click what your LFG for, and you add a specific comment to that. The only thing that would have to be added is make it cross server. It should not put the groups together for you, but instead allow you to see whos LFG for the same thing as you regardless of what server/zone you are in.
To those who keep saying “NO LFG TOOL ITS BADZ!” not everyone has some gift/time to find groups by shouting in /map, and whats worse is how easily you get your map chat suppressed making the current way to find groups even more of a pain.
I dunno about DH, but I can answer a reason why SF has flopped this match, one of our “WvW” guilds [Drgn] has transferred off to Isle of Janthir
That’s a perfectly fair criticism, I don’t know how anet could address it, but yeah it’s a game design problem. My problem is with the people who flat out trash talk DH because we can zerg at nighttime when they (usually SF) cannot.
There should have never been EU and NA server lists to begin with, they should have been labeled by what time zone the server time lines up with but the labeling of EU/NA is just dumb because I know EU players on NA servers… Also don’t call out SF because they are the “vocal” ones in this thread.. it’s a problem on other matches it’s just this thread is designed for these 3 servers.
It has been pointed out in many threads on gw2guru that primetime players do no win WvW matchups so you really aren’t helping anything by saying SF is a strong primetime server because that just means we lack during the important hours of a match.
It would be so much better for a match if the scores weren’t displayed just give us 1st 2nd 3rd. for those SF/SoR players kittenmember the match vs. Fort Aspenwood when you lose so much ground each day the match becomes more pointless. ArenaNet needs to find a way to not add to the demoralizing of players thought out the week
(edited by YaHiKoDrG.3467)
So a SF player here [CRIM] if you recognize the tag :P I just want to say I’m sad i missed the last day of the last match and all the this weekend, I hope SF doesn’t give up like we did vs. FA( this issue would exists less if the scores were hidden and only showed what place a server was in but different topic) I just wanted to say to those in [Zzzz] you guys drove me CRAZY last week… it is because of you I had a small group of players sit at RQ and build 4-5 ballistas and arrow carts to stop the ninja capping :P Now that I’m back can’t wait to see you all in EB/BGs
the buffed the ones that people were speed farming(to an extreme) but that should get people running other wings to find another place to speed farm then that will get buffed/tweaked
The 26 silver the dungeons use to reward was plenty of money, the big issue is the diminishing return bug that effects players who run different wings or dungeons.
I think the best fix they should have done was make it so the first wave of adds doesn’t run past the bridge where people hide, and then the 2nd wave spawns after the first has been killed… 12 waves is just a big FU trying to get players into other wings.
Either fail troll is fail or you should check out the /r/guildwars2 on reddit or check out guildwars2guru…. ArenaNet has posted the reward system is getting reworked.
He really does not need to be nerfed. My first time in there he wrecked my group and we had to graveyard zerg him to kill him. Since then I reran story mode with some friends and had 1 condition removal skill on my bar and only had to use it once. As long as you aren’t having server side lag it is very easy to dodge his attacks. I did zero research on this boss before I made it to him, it is just a easy boss when you take a moment and learn his attack animations.
Castle/Keep/Tower/Supply Upgrades... Should cost Karma instead of Coin.
in WvW
Posted by: YaHiKoDrG.3467
I won’t do upgrades over 10s especially if I’m in a match where everything we do it wiped clean by midnight WvWers. I think adding additional payment options would be great.
If you don’t want to repair don’t charge in alone… play smart and you’ll never go into the negative for repair costs. I’m having no problems playing as melee because I know when to charge my foe and when to build siege equipment.
Be glad you aren’t on Sorrow’s Furnace, because of the lopsided match we not longer have a queue for our “prime time” anymore for WvW… so heads up to anyone who wants little to no queues :P
I would do wvw but i get like 2 fps when about 20 people show up and i have a good computer to. I had it built 5 days before GW2 launched. I’m on Sorrow’s Funance by the way.
The problem is you can see how much our server has dropped off since the start of the 1 week match. This was the first night I had no queue when trying to get into EB at night.
WvW is a mix of PvE and PvP… thats by ArenaNets design… I would be happy if the jumping puzzles were removed or did not count against a servers queue to get into WvW