L2P deeez nutz
L2P deeez nutz
Marvy you are weird
L2P deeez nutz
It’s so mind numbing people think playing mace shield longbow hammer or condi build requires any sort of coordination to play effectively. even though you pretty much can role your face over keyboard now with warrior and kill someone or be successful XD (true fact tested it with condi regen build). The skill cap on playing warriors is so kittening low right now. This meta is noob friendly and that’s why the game will never be competitive unless they revert everything back to the burst meta. When the idea on Sotg came up for rangers to have extra F skill the devs said no because “it would be too hard for new players”. That’s how you know they want to cater to the new players and thats not going to end well because once new players really know how kittened up the balance in this game is and they will lose interest as well. Catering to new players will be good for short term but long term they will see the negative effects when there is literally no one in tourneys and hotjoins which is starting to happen.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
It wasn’t a balance patch, it never was going to address balance.
Regardless we waited like 2 months in a kittenty meta and with there balance changes preview it was not promising but freighting.
L2P deeez nutz
Too much passive HIGH dmg is thrown around way too much, the game needs to not only slow down a bit, but needs more focus on bigger, easier to avoid, harder to land, and more obvious attacks. Think of 100 blades warriors, Dragon’s Tooth/Phoenix Ele’s, Kill Shot Warriors (although not totally obvious), etc.
Taking these 3 examples, notice how Greatsword Warriors, Rifle, and Sceptre Ele’s don’t have massive auto attack or passive dmg? Most of the dmg is baked into cooldown abilities that are harder to get off, or take longer to get off and actually need to be thought about when to use or combo’d into CC.
I think this is a great description of the problem with a meta based on high passive damage. I think the comment on scepter eles is especially accurate. You don’t expect a scepter ele to win unless he manages to land his burst, which requires good positioning, timing, and sometimes teamwork. And the risk involved in landing the burst is high, due to many of the initiating spells having a 40s+ CD. Without his burst, his autoattack damage, while meaningful, is not going to end a fight anytime soon (even as a glass cannon).
The same is not true of the classes that are popular in this current meta. An S/D thief has no “burst” to land. Instead, he consistently hits for 1k-2k damage with sword AA and larcenous strike while repeatedly dodging. And while CC warriors and necros do have “burst” combos, you can expect them to win even if they don’t attempt or land the burst combo. For example, a necro doesn’t need to get a full fear combo chain off to quickly down a player, and you can still expect a warrior to win a fight even if he whiffs his first 2-3 skullcracks.
I really hope Anet can see this is and can get to work on fixing it.
I lost hope in Anet. Especially with this patch being no balance changes. Pvp is dead :/
L2P deeez nutz
This can all be fixed if they reverted balance back to power meta it was so much better…. Lot more awareness was required since pretty much people 1 shot each other and it was way more fun to watch.
L2P deeez nutz
Hammer is one of the hardest weapons in the game, I’d consider it the superior team fighter. That being said Skullcracker is still good for getting back and forth quickly. The build apt posted is a build for a Power Meta. It has NO condition removal to speak of, and even uses Healing Signet with Berserker gear which makes no sense.
Say what you will about the builds I’ve posted, but they’ve been proven effective in this meta. Running a bad build won’t make you better.
Well yes I know they are meta builds they are effective because they are easy to play and are self sustaining and hammer longbow has so much aoe with lot of sustain. The mace stun build I pretty much was playing for 6-7 months and made the variation 0/30/20/0/20 than gave it to few friends and it now is a lot more popular now since it became easy and was revealed to everyone by few people who actually posted onto forums a week ago. There’s no point of him playing easy to play specs if hes new and straight away plays a meta build trust me he will just feel so much weaker once those builds are toned down. The best way to start of as a warr would be to start with zerk than work your way up learning the fundamentals. Meta builds ignore fundamentals they bypass them and will come to haunt him later if he does not learn them early. That’s my reasoning for him not to play cheese meta builds. But, of course its his choice to choose what build he would like to play.
L2P deeez nutz
Yes, but in most tourneis I made there was at least one necro spamming aoe on the point. And I play FAR from top level.
Tunnel the necro if they don’t know how to peel for necro then you guys should win. For necro if you run beserks stance instead of signet that can really help too.
L2P deeez nutz
^Lol don’t play those builds you will make yourself become worse of player they require no skill. Play this might stack evis build I came up with.
Hey, isn’t a death sentence to play such a build in a condi meta?
I’d put out 20 points from strength or 10 from it and 10 from disci and put 20 into def for cleansing ire. And I’d use Berserker Stance or Signet of Stamina.OR you can man up 100%, as some say, use Mending and become an elitist jerk. Or a free kill. Or both.XD
Well if hes new to game he is not going to be playing top tier super uber tpvp (which does not exist anymore since pvp is pretty much dead) any build works in hotjoins or so yolo tourneys. Someone good on that build is far from freekill. You can always use mending I just prefer healing surge for adrenaline.
L2P deeez nutz
Ok. NObody good ever complained about stealth. ONly noname kittenters.
that is not true at all. i can destroy thieves, if they attack me i am already a step ahead with my scepter 2 block and give the little thief 5 stacks of torment! i do complain about permastealth though as 1 thief can easily troll an entire group in a keep. thief players have to stop assuming everyone that hates stealth in this game, are bad players. if u wer a good player u wouldnt rely on stealth only. best thieves i fought wee the ones not permainvis.
Oh, when I said nobody good. I meant, Nobody relevant competitively. Noob.
dude.who the hell do u think u are. calling me a noob. only because i dont have a rank in kitten spvp doesnt give u the right to lash out like that. come to wvw and lets see who laughs in the end. ive been playing this game since headstart and thieves are with all the foodbuffs way stronger in wvw than spvp. so i do have the right to talk here. i dont care what your spvp rank is. a rank doesnt make u anything u could be the crappiest player in the world and simply choose a new meta build to rank up.
so get down from your wannabe high horse here!WvW forum is that way -> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv
and wvw balance happens here :-)
That’s not our fault.
WvW balance influences sPvP the same way, and since they’re totally different games, with totally different strategies, builds and stats, it makes no sense to cry about WvW here in the sPvP forums.
Regarding the topic, stealth has no counterplay and that is true, but still stealth thieves are weak, VERY weak, and the only good build thieves have ( giving how strong condies, war, rangers, and all the stuff in the meta is) is S/D thief, which doesn’t rely on stealth for a reason.
A thief in stealth cannot contest a point, this is vital in sPvP. Maybe cruuk build is able to beat anyone, but takes too much time in doing so, and points slowly tick.
A permastealth thief at far is easily counterable by any class capable to 1vs1 him without losing too fast ( longbow-hammer warrior is a good example, spirit ranger another good one) and you just need to rearrange your team accordingly ( just send your home defender at far and leave your 1vs1 against the thief when the point is yours so he won’t be able to decap it).
I don’t see why people complain about stealth in sPvP: altough not having any counterplay, it’s weak and never EVER gave any problem at the top if not for stealth ambushes ( where THE WHOLE TEAM was stealthed).
Giving counters to stealth will just make D/P thieves weaker than they actually are and send all people to acrobatic thieves.
actually wvw doesnt affect u guys. anet balances only around spvp. thats why warriors are out of control in wvw atm.
permastea;th is pretty annoying, but they usually all follow the same pattern. they see u, they stealth, they go behind u and hope to land a backstab or another strong openes, thats why mesmers wanna try scepter, as nr 2 is a block that inflicts 5 stacks of torment on the target that hits them while blocking.
in spvp i seem to have less problems with thieves as i have in wvw.in wvw they can almost 3 shot u.
but u are right stealth dosent help much in spvp as they cannot contest a cap point while in stealth. plus the best thieves i fought in spvp are the ones that dont rely on stealth only.
k dude wvw is fully unbalanced there is so much stat padding that there is no point of even balancing that kitten. It will never be balanced. Its all about numbers nothing else. The reason you are being 1 shot is because of stat padding there is no changing that so please just stop qqing. WvW guys make me laugh at times watching them go hardcore in duels with all food on with there max ascended everything and oh yea we cant forget about the minor buffs your world gets. Its never going to be balanced that’s why it makes more sense balancing from sPvP perspective if they are not going to split the game modes.
L2P deeez nutz
^Lol don’t play those builds you will make yourself become worse of player they require no skill. Play this might stack evis build I came up with.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
This is build I am trying out but I am not going with battle on greatswod because hb it self can stack up to 16 stacks from both forceful greatsword and sigl of strength. Plus you have short temper where you gain 3 stacks of might when you are blocked which is really strong coupled with your elite might stacks its quite a lot. The main goal is to max my eviscerates. I dropped the might stacking runes because might duration really is not worth it with so much boon stripping. sigl and my mights base duration is not to long so I just went with scholars for dps. I know maybe droping soldiers will be lot harder. But, it will reward you with some high crits. What I like about zerk warr is makes me vary of my surroundings so I do not get insta gibbed.
Longbow currently is better than axe but axe is devastating as a gank utility it can 1 shot eles and with might signet if you have reaction time to pop it right when they pop ageis or have block up and evis its unexpected and people usually will get hit by it and you can really put lots of pressure. Only problem right now these kind of builds that go full zerk are not good for team play because of condi meta but if that ever changes back to power these builds will become a lot more prevalent (and when regen on warrior gets nerfed along with stuns).
L2P deeez nutz
Offhand Axe does not have to become easy mode, but neither should it remain noob fodder. The problem is that the weapon brings nothing to the table that makes it desirable over other options. I’d advise against a root/reflect, similar to Ranger’s, because unlike Ranger, Warrior’s Axes are melee, and a root would make the weapon dysfunctional with the forward offensive mentality the skills provide.
The skill should still give aoe damage, but needs an increase in the actual damage or a defensive boon such as reflect or damage mitigation to make it desirable.
Offhand axe is different story, they could add reflect to the 5 and it will become lot stronger but really they don’t need to buff every weapon that will cause them to over buff something and imbalance again.
L2P deeez nutz
Hey here is a build I came up with that can get 10-12k evis’s quite frequently.
Its not a very good tourney build at the moment because of the condi meta, but its takes good amount of skill to pull of. You could switch out the power signet for bulls charge if you are having trouble getting of an hb to might stack. If you can tag good amount of people with hb and have high amounts of might you can evis after and you will land some good eviscerates. I know using the might signet is kind of odd but it is really good if you have the reaction time to pop it in a spit second when your about to evis and a block is put up through aegis and it does also give quite a good amount of power to help your eviscerate damage. Although if your real ballsy you could go all out and replace dolyak signet with for great justice. I think If power meta return this will be a very strong build in my opinion. None the less its quite a fun build to play. Good Luck!
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
2 months.They can say war is fine but i would like to play something else than cc/condi builds. I don’t like that cc to deal damage setup..But maybe i picked wrong class?
At least in condi i don’t have to use cc.
Try this:
Might stacking build. Two (hopefully) not-so-op weapons. Only cheese: healing signet and Berserker’s Stance, but I bet it would do just fine even with Surge and Signet of Stamina.
I used two sigils of battle for the following reason: I can make up to 9 stacks just from it, but if I had just one sigil of battle I’d have to swap weapons every 5s to maintain them. In theory, that’s doable. In reality, not really. Expecially with two weapons that are put together to work in different situations. With two sigil you won’t have to worry that much.
You can build up to 20 stacks of might pretty easily, but you might need some time to make them. That’s why I use soldier’s Amulet: I feel too squishy with Berserker. And I still have 40% crit chance (You can easily keep Fury up all the time)
Obviously, you have to avoid enemy S/d thieves for they might become a pretty big problem. Maybe you can keep them at bay with fire AoE and try to overpower them. But the thief might decide to leave you there and go killing someone else with those stacks.
At least it’s different than Mace/GS build.
Hey, You should switch greatsword to sigl of strength its a lot stronger I was recently testing and made a might stack evis build that is really good. I could get off 10-12k evis’s constantly. But, I would switch out the amulet to zerks otherwise strength sigl will be bad with that build.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Yea I really don’t want axe to be easy mode that’s the one build that takes skill on warrior.
L2P deeez nutz
glass cannon rangers take more skill…
something most rangers havens learnt due AI pets and binded auto attack always playing the game for them…
except even with skill it will never be used top end.
Eura does! then again he’s one of the very few rangers who know how to use their pets.
Please show me a match recently vs a very top end team that he uses class cannon ranger and does really well.
well… if you don’t know eura then i guess you dont do top PvP :/ so not sure how’d know anything that happens at top level..
I do know Eura I’ve seen him play, and as I already stated because the top .5% of rangers can do something doesn’t make it good.
Also still waiting for the stream of him playing vs a top team as glass spec.
Yea that’s how game should be not like 70-80 percent can play high level. That’s how warrior was pre patch now they are OP (now most that know proper roataions can play top tier warrior). This game just disappoints me now…
L2P deeez nutz
warrior, necro, and spirit ranger not getting nerfed :o
Please. Stop calling for endless nerfs. Yes, that ranger build may be prevalent in PvP. But it is not as OP in other areas. And the recent changes to spirits does create much counter-play. Please learn the counter mechanics rather than just call for nerfs.
Lol well I honestly think they should serperate parts like that between sPvP and pve. Btw there very little counter play but what breaks the build is its so face roll that it makes bad players look good and is really effective for many reasons. One they spam autos and stack so many condis its just OP and thats why rangers, warriors, and necros need nerf this meta is so face roll. Burst meta was so much better.
L2P deeez nutz
warrior, necro, and spirit ranger not getting nerfed :o
L2P deeez nutz
Nah cc in game right now is fine its just warriors right now are problem we have such massive time span to land ccs its a complete joke. We risk little when going for big stun but get rewarded massively by 100-0ing someone right after you just land 1 stun. This build also is good because eles lost lots of stun breaks, along with engis elxir r getting nerfed. Our skull crack duration should be brought back down to 2 secs with healing signet getting nerfed and our zerk stance needs reduction to 5 secs or so. We have good sustain and have lots of defensive abilities to keep us safe to land stuns with little risk. That’s the whole problem with meta its face roll there is less coordination involved in team than the burst meta since there was a lot of things to consider such as positioning, setting up team burst and so forth. Now its just go into team fight spam or stun lock or even auto attack on ranger and someone and someone will die.
L2P deeez nutz
My greatest worry is not the nerf of Healing Signet or anything like that, it’s that CC gets nerfed back to the point of uselessness. If things shift back to a power meta and our CC/toughness is nerfed, thief will once again look much more attractive to have on your team. CC is the one thing that Warrior does better than any other class (Guardian has different kind of CC from what I’m referring to).
Warriors could probably switch back to GS+LB DPS, but is that better than what a Thief is able to do? CC wasn’t all that viable until Hammer was buffed, I could live without the Mace (Ironic, considering how many views my Mace/Shield + GS build got) but Hammer is my babbeh. I would accept some shaved to Healing Signet and the like but ONLY when the condition Meta is behind us. I want to have faith in ANet but I feel like too many shaves to Warriors will put as back into “lol free kill” territory.
As for RPS balancing, when people say RPS they don’t mean that there’s only 3 option just that everything has some sort of counter. It ensures that if something gets overbuffed there’s still something in the game that can beat it until it’s fixed. Works good for many MOBAs, and it’s obvious that ANet took a lot of inspiration from games like LoL and DotA whether you like it or not.
GW1 had a lot of RPS going on. Warrior with Hammer locks down monk, Mesmer locks down Warrior, so you need to keep the Warrior alive or kill the Mesmer – often with a Ranger (in GW1 they were very interrupt based, something they should have kept in GW2) or an Anti-Caster Mesmer. Don’t get me wrong GW1 always had some sort of meta build for each class but the dynamic between the classes has very clear strengths and weaknesses.
Well dps was good but I think if they just ether increased our damage output or give us 100 percent quickness then we will be viable with power. If they keep zerk stance too that will really help zerk warrior.
L2P deeez nutz
Warrior is the answer? Warrior is the meta.
Then why do we see so few in high level play? Most of the Warriors you see in SoloQ are new to the class and aren’t good at it yet/aren’t built right. As for hotjoin, nothing there matters.
Dude get it out of your head warrior is not hard to play…. I see so many warriors now in high tier tourneys that perform near my level (been playing warrior since the start). Your suggesting what is already in the meta… Although pretty much all classes in meta are not to hard to play. The reason people are complaining is because the skill floor is so low right now making it not rewarding whatsoever. It still involves the fact that the specs are OP also but its mostly to do with the cheese specs that’s why teams such as tp are taking breaks.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Just revert healing signet buff and the warrior will be in a good place. Berserker stance can stay like it is now then.
According you…
Good place = Free killIt was never a free kill……….
Still being.
For me is the easiest classe to kill. I rarely dye for warriors.
Lol I will join your hot joins and find ya :P
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
My gripe is even simpler than yours and comes from a video i watched on twitch. The state of the game – which features a gw2 dev talking to some of the top players. Now he bracketed necro and warrior together and said something roughly like this.
“We want warrior and necromancer to have sustained because they lack escapes..basically once your in your commited” – or words to those effect.
I accept when a necromancer is in..hes commited and there’s very little chance to escape if the person is after him….but a warrior? they have huge escape chances! I have seen warriors escape a ton of times…necromancers? no chance they just die if they are being overwhelmed.
Here’s a link to the stream..I can’t get it to work or i would put the time down when he says it. I believe they are talking about warrior healing signet at the time and warrior in general.
http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2guru/c/2517953Just those comments made me wonder if we were playing the same game. My main is an engineer…i have real trouble vs necromancers….more so than warriors….but i found that comment totally off….and this guy is one of the people in charge of development.
Yea its ridiculous that state of game was kinda pathetic. They don’t think they understand whats wrong with the game for that reason I am taking break too :/. There has been several forum posts telling them what exactly is wrong (ex. Xephs post).
L2P deeez nutz
Just revert healing signet buff and the warrior will be in a good place. Berserker stance can stay like it is now then.
According you…
Good place = Free kill
It was never a free kill……….
L2P deeez nutz
There has been a LOT of forums posted recently pertaining to Warrior. I’m wondering what the balance team feels about Warrior as it is currently. Most of the “information” presented in these forums is just downright wrong. It’s a lot different than Spirit Rangers where it was apparent that there was very few exploitable weaknesses. The current Warrior meta to me is only strong because it aims to counter the condition heavy meta, which I feel was an attempt to allow the players to shift the meta on their own without directly nerfing said builds in the current meta. The builds we run have several counters, you just don’t see them frequently because they aren’t popular currently. If Warrior remains how it is we may see a shift in the game so that for example Mesmers come back into the fray to counter the Warriors that are Countering Rangers and Necros.
I just pray that you do not listen to these forums filled with incorrect information and “shave” Warriors back into mediocrity so shortly after we were made useful after a year of being the punchline of every PvP joke.
If power meta returns trust me warriors will be OP. They will be one shoting people with sustain. So yea I hope they nerf it so noobs on warrs don’t think they are good at the game (same reason I want spirit ranger nerfed). Warriors were balanced before it was just the other classes needed adjustment. ZERK STANCE AND HEALING SIGNET NEED HUGE NERF. I HATE THAT THE CLASS I PUT MY EFFORT INTO LEARNING IS EASY TO PLAY FOR ANYONE NOW. Enough said.
Clear cut counter to berserker stance: wait for the stance to end (very easy to do) then condi burst war. If you spam every direct dps ability when a ranger uses “Protect Me” or the signet then you will have to be an idiot. If you spam all conditions on an engineer traited for 100% condi immunity at 25%, yeap need not repeat myself.
Counter to healing signet: maintain poison on target or maintain pressure. This also seems to work against rangers, mesmer’s, guardians, engineers and elementalists. Well go figure for that eh?
Opinion sack, I never have trouble with these types of wars as I understand the mechanics in play and know how to counter them.
We can also pop zerk stance when we are already training you then what happens? You cant blind his stun you just have to hope to god you dodge the stun or he is dumb and completely misses an insta cast.
In that situation it would still be a waste and I actually use stun breakers unlike other people. But then again commen sense is hard to come by and well if many others had it, we might see less cries for nerfs or QQ e.g. coloxus(or however you spell his name) vs unknown war.
lol tell we what happens if they epi or spite signet you or corrupt boon your stab then condi pressure you? It obv depends on the state of the team fight, but say you know you can 100-0 the person and do it then and let guard secure stomp or stab stomp yourself. Necros have lots of ways to apply pressure so you have to know scenarios to counter that.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
There has been a LOT of forums posted recently pertaining to Warrior. I’m wondering what the balance team feels about Warrior as it is currently. Most of the “information” presented in these forums is just downright wrong. It’s a lot different than Spirit Rangers where it was apparent that there was very few exploitable weaknesses. The current Warrior meta to me is only strong because it aims to counter the condition heavy meta, which I feel was an attempt to allow the players to shift the meta on their own without directly nerfing said builds in the current meta. The builds we run have several counters, you just don’t see them frequently because they aren’t popular currently. If Warrior remains how it is we may see a shift in the game so that for example Mesmers come back into the fray to counter the Warriors that are Countering Rangers and Necros.
I just pray that you do not listen to these forums filled with incorrect information and “shave” Warriors back into mediocrity so shortly after we were made useful after a year of being the punchline of every PvP joke.
If power meta returns trust me warriors will be OP. They will be one shoting people with sustain. So yea I hope they nerf it so noobs on warrs don’t think they are good at the game (same reason I want spirit ranger nerfed). Warriors were balanced before it was just the other classes needed adjustment. ZERK STANCE AND HEALING SIGNET NEED HUGE NERF. I HATE THAT THE CLASS I PUT MY EFFORT INTO LEARNING IS EASY TO PLAY FOR ANYONE NOW. Enough said.
Clear cut counter to berserker stance: wait for the stance to end (very easy to do) then condi burst war. If you spam every direct dps ability when a ranger uses “Protect Me” or the signet then you will have to be an idiot. If you spam all conditions on an engineer traited for 100% condi immunity at 25%, yeap need not repeat myself.
Counter to healing signet: maintain poison on target or maintain pressure. This also seems to work against rangers, mesmer’s, guardians, engineers and elementalists. Well go figure for that eh?
Opinion sack, I never have trouble with these types of wars as I understand the mechanics in play and know how to counter them.
We can also pop zerk stance when we are already training you then what happens? You cant blind his stun you just have to hope to god you dodge the stun or he is dumb and completely misses an insta cast.
Or…you know…you could make sure to save your stunbreaker/stability until you get hit by Earthshaker and not waste it before then. Not to mention popping the Zerker Stance while your training means sure, you’ll probably not get blinded but you’re getting less overall use because they’ll be CC’d for most of the length of the skill.
The optimal use would be to save it until you REALLY need it or to start the fight with it and use Earthshaker right at the end. That way you not only have a chance to have them waste all their good skills but you’ll get to use a full Combustive shot and Earthshaker.
Well then a necro can’t peel you off using fears and you can pop stab once they go down. Btw you do know earth shaker is easy to dodge why would I need stab for that.
Smart Warriors use Pin Down first, or just aim for where they’ll be at the end of the roll.
Smart warriors have reaction time too lol :P I rarely get hit with that. But, if they can chain it yes it can hit, but yea reaction time plays a huge role counter with lot of warrior builds in past, but now not really since they have so muh sustain and damage all in one package. There is so much room for bad players to land stuns it ridiculous (zerk stance healing signet cleansing ire lyssa runes, burst skill reduction on cd). Previously if you had missed stuns before the addition of cleansing ire on the build you got kittened (now people are defending it with there life since warrior finally can be played by wide spread of people including the inexperienced ones and overall having builds and classes like that is bad for the game and is why people like xeph have left this game). You guys may have fun kitten people right now, but trust me in couple of months it will get boring.
L2P deeez nutz
There has been a LOT of forums posted recently pertaining to Warrior. I’m wondering what the balance team feels about Warrior as it is currently. Most of the “information” presented in these forums is just downright wrong. It’s a lot different than Spirit Rangers where it was apparent that there was very few exploitable weaknesses. The current Warrior meta to me is only strong because it aims to counter the condition heavy meta, which I feel was an attempt to allow the players to shift the meta on their own without directly nerfing said builds in the current meta. The builds we run have several counters, you just don’t see them frequently because they aren’t popular currently. If Warrior remains how it is we may see a shift in the game so that for example Mesmers come back into the fray to counter the Warriors that are Countering Rangers and Necros.
I just pray that you do not listen to these forums filled with incorrect information and “shave” Warriors back into mediocrity so shortly after we were made useful after a year of being the punchline of every PvP joke.
If power meta returns trust me warriors will be OP. They will be one shoting people with sustain. So yea I hope they nerf it so noobs on warrs don’t think they are good at the game (same reason I want spirit ranger nerfed). Warriors were balanced before it was just the other classes needed adjustment. ZERK STANCE AND HEALING SIGNET NEED HUGE NERF. I HATE THAT THE CLASS I PUT MY EFFORT INTO LEARNING IS EASY TO PLAY FOR ANYONE NOW. Enough said.
Clear cut counter to berserker stance: wait for the stance to end (very easy to do) then condi burst war. If you spam every direct dps ability when a ranger uses “Protect Me” or the signet then you will have to be an idiot. If you spam all conditions on an engineer traited for 100% condi immunity at 25%, yeap need not repeat myself.
Counter to healing signet: maintain poison on target or maintain pressure. This also seems to work against rangers, mesmer’s, guardians, engineers and elementalists. Well go figure for that eh?
Opinion sack, I never have trouble with these types of wars as I understand the mechanics in play and know how to counter them.
We can also pop zerk stance when we are already training you then what happens? You cant blind his stun you just have to hope to god you dodge the stun or he is dumb and completely misses an insta cast.
Or…you know…you could make sure to save your stunbreaker/stability until you get hit by Earthshaker and not waste it before then. Not to mention popping the Zerker Stance while your training means sure, you’ll probably not get blinded but you’re getting less overall use because they’ll be CC’d for most of the length of the skill.
The optimal use would be to save it until you REALLY need it or to start the fight with it and use Earthshaker right at the end. That way you not only have a chance to have them waste all their good skills but you’ll get to use a full Combustive shot and Earthshaker.
Well then a necro can’t peel you off using fears and you can pop stab once they go down. Btw you do know earth shaker is easy to dodge why would I need stab for that.
L2P deeez nutz
wait, if apt, you agree with his arguement which has longbow f1 being part of it then your mace f1+100b being op won’t stand.
and @anastasis, your “monster” build isn’t even the build everyone QQing about…
Lol all of it combined yes it is and we are not only complaining about the mace shield build we are complaining about changes that made warrior cheesy and easy to play. The skill cap for almost every class in game is going down lower (warriors being one of easier ones now). I liked how before it was so much harder and you actually had to put effort in to learn how to play it effectively.
L2P deeez nutz
There has been a LOT of forums posted recently pertaining to Warrior. I’m wondering what the balance team feels about Warrior as it is currently. Most of the “information” presented in these forums is just downright wrong. It’s a lot different than Spirit Rangers where it was apparent that there was very few exploitable weaknesses. The current Warrior meta to me is only strong because it aims to counter the condition heavy meta, which I feel was an attempt to allow the players to shift the meta on their own without directly nerfing said builds in the current meta. The builds we run have several counters, you just don’t see them frequently because they aren’t popular currently. If Warrior remains how it is we may see a shift in the game so that for example Mesmers come back into the fray to counter the Warriors that are Countering Rangers and Necros.
I just pray that you do not listen to these forums filled with incorrect information and “shave” Warriors back into mediocrity so shortly after we were made useful after a year of being the punchline of every PvP joke.
If power meta returns trust me warriors will be OP. They will be one shoting people with sustain. So yea I hope they nerf it so noobs on warrs don’t think they are good at the game (same reason I want spirit ranger nerfed). Warriors were balanced before it was just the other classes needed adjustment. ZERK STANCE AND HEALING SIGNET NEED HUGE NERF. I HATE THAT THE CLASS I PUT MY EFFORT INTO LEARNING IS EASY TO PLAY FOR ANYONE NOW. Enough said.
Clear cut counter to berserker stance: wait for the stance to end (very easy to do) then condi burst war. If you spam every direct dps ability when a ranger uses “Protect Me” or the signet then you will have to be an idiot. If you spam all conditions on an engineer traited for 100% condi immunity at 25%, yeap need not repeat myself.
Counter to healing signet: maintain poison on target or maintain pressure. This also seems to work against rangers, mesmer’s, guardians, engineers and elementalists. Well go figure for that eh?
Opinion sack, I never have trouble with these types of wars as I understand the mechanics in play and know how to counter them.
We can also pop zerk stance when we are already training you then what happens? You cant blind his stun you just have to hope to god you dodge the stun or he is dumb and completely misses an insta cast.
L2P deeez nutz
They are catering way to much to newer players thats why this game is going to not ever be esports, for example they turned 2 of the harder classes pre patch (necro,warrior) into easy to play classes. Their view is flawed atm and that will be the barrier for esports. PS- Sharp there were good amount of warriors that knew the class became OP after the 4 sec to 8 sec duration on zerk stance. We knew the strong builds. Its just the players who were not up to date were still complaining on the fourms. Although, I would love if they did start increasing the skill cap on classes and made it more rewarding for smart play.
L2P deeez nutz
When everything combine together, warriors are OP. Berserker Stance + Cleansing Ire +Longbow F1 + Unsuspecting Foe + Lyssa Rune + Healing Signet. It’s call cheese because it takes no skills to be effective. (Like S/D thief, Nerco) and if you want the game to be fun, to be balance, you need to remove those cheesy things.
Not only warriors need nerf, S/D thief, Nerco, Spirit Ranger all need to get nerf as well. Like I said, everything that’s unpredictable shouldn’t be so effective in this game. (Ex. Nerco’s Fears, marks, Spirit Ranger’s Passives and Actives, Warrior’s Skull Crack, S/D thief’s Sword #3, etc)
This game is dead because there are so many bad players that play easy build and been so effective even they play bad.
Also, I dont play my build anymore and I feel sorry for this community because I have created a monster.
^ Exactly
L2P deeez nutz
Zellqt cause i like learning from his rank 58 mesmer gameplay. i also like how he keeps the chat g-rated and family friendly, oh and learn how to lose my virginity.
L2P deeez nutz
The problem is right now you can run a soldiers build and be fairly tanky while also possessing insane damage potential with good condition removal. Realistically you need to run berserker for a power class to even dent the warrior, plus berserker stance combined with passive regen and cleansing ire/lyssa runes makes the warrior fairly resilient to conditions. I’d say the biggest strength healing signet has right now is effectively nullifying poke damage taken meaning you’re getting the best effectiveness out of your heal regardless of the situation. Whereas if you used adrenaline surge to only heal 60% of the amount you’re effectively wasting sustain. It’s the stuns combined with the stances (namely endure pain/berserker), shield block too I guess while this regen is ticking passively. There’s literally no reason to use the active healing signet either. This is my personal opinion though I guess, maybe I’m wrong and as soon as a ‘meta switch’ occurs warriors will be trash.
Warrior will be a lot stronger in power meta because they pretty much will 1 shot anything while being so tanky. But, I agree they need to nerf those 2 skills zerk stance and healing signet maybe even revert mace stun to 2 secs.
L2P deeez nutz
I really fail to understand all the qq.Lets take a look.
Mace f1 existed since launch- CHECK
1hblades existed since launch- CHECK
Sword f1 (easy replace for mace f1 and can’t even stunbreak or stability counter it*hodor *) -CHECKCheesy pet only no utility equiped full faceroll op condi spam zero skill builds existed since launch? -NOPE
Sorry but i lied.I actually do understand the qq.1st of all no one was smart enough to come up with this combo for 1 year even if it was already there since beta.When someone finally got boted and decided to post it all the flock of copy paste noops rushed the internet and did what they know best;).
Bottomline.There are counters.There always were.But since the flock has no ideea to come up with anything by themselves they need to wait until someone actually gets some pity on them and make a thread about it (with possibly big pictures so it’s easy) and we could all finally move along and qq about other things that no one is yet holding our hands for.
I played mace shield/gs for kittening 7 months back for first time so yea people did know about this combo, but it was only few warriors and it was never as effective (OP) as now. The fact is there is too much time to land your ccs through the immunity its like you can land one skull crack and 100-0 the person.
L2P deeez nutz
Lol bud I play the same build so I know its strengths and don’t die to that XD. I feel immune to everything with that build its so easy. Love how much you guys trying to defend it when in truth most warrs know it needs nerf (or are under the delusion they are good at the game). and no build on warrior was cheesy btw until we got unnecessary buffs watch how OP warriors become in power meta. Its going to be funny :P
I need to find a decent tanky build which is not easy mode.
When I stopped playing (didn’t left, just wasn’t on a computer good enough to run GW2) at least Mace/Shield + GS wasn’t so popular, so I could say: “Yeah, it’s kinda boring, but I’m experimenting with my build, so AT LEAST I’m not total cheese man.”xD
Now things are different. And I never liked Glass cannon warrs. Should I stop playing warrior or is there something power based I can go with?
What about might stacking?
(Yeah, I will stalk the whole forum with that idea.XD)
Yea you could try lb/gs 0/30/20/0/20 with zerk ammy its not cheese build but is semi tanky. Run zerk stance,balanced or dolyak signet (run dolyak if you want to have good toughness, and frenzy is what I like but bulls charge is cool too(3rd slot is your choice) you could use might duration runes I think it is 2x hoelbrak 2x fire and 2x Balthazar.and try staking might like that. I think you could get up to 16 stacks after hb and whirl not sure.
L2P deeez nutz
Our mace burst skill is pretty much an insta cast ppl have to guess when to dodge.
So does ele burst, invisible backstab, invis mes turning ya into moa and so on..
U do realize that mace in real world are fast weapons right?
I keep wondering why everyone wants to nerg mace/signet yet no1 complains about hb..So if we nerf mace back to 2sec (and killing it as hammer will be better automatically) ppl won’t be able to land hb making that build friendly to enemies and their mistakes decreasing the dps and leaving us with a crap called hb that has no real uses outside of rez pressure as in current state mace is just a band-fix like omno pies was to sustain just to make a single ability work like it should working without any cc.
Nerf healing signet? Ok.. So whats the point of using signet if automatically both surge and mending become better?
Touch a kitten and its gonna smell.
I will admit that mace/shield+gs has low skill cap and some changed are needed but not in mace or signet but a gs.
“Warriors are fast they keep running away if they want to” – what stuff does that? A mace or gs?
“Warriors dealing load of dmg while still being tanky” – I dindt know that mace hits like a truck with one skill standing like a noob for 3,5sec.
“Warriors have load of blocks” – counterblow is useless against ranged classes as 1 hit and done, but i actually see the shield as a mini invul and bc noobs tend to smash keyboard all they see is block block.
“Warriors healing like an eles pre nerf” – i think anyone saying that is new to the game. IF u can’t do at least 500dmg/sec they don’t complain that u went bunker way and can’t kill a kitten
And for the end:
“Warriors using mace/shield has load of stuns” And all of them has 130 range olny, so what do u doing next to warrior shooting arrows in himor gods know what else, standing afk?
If someone looking to nerf that build he has to look in hb on 6cd that allows us to deal damage as outside of that combo war has no damage and for few seconds vulnerable to attacks once skull crack was used. I noticed that once i stun someone and they stunbreak they don’t fight back but starts to run away while my cd getting up to repeat the combo.
lol mace needs nerf its so forgiving greatsword has counter able skills mace does not. Btw when ele switch’s to air thats when you need to start dodging or blocking. Mesmer moa is strong but if they don’t have clones up to shatter right away there is no point you can just run with 5. Invis back stab well right now there is not to much of counter to stealth but fast reaction time can save your self from it. And it really there is no counter if they jump you. But, playing the game more maybe even rolling a thief for a little will teach you how to counter them. In a 1v1 situation if they are using a perma stealth build get in there bp and wait or if there using caeds build they usually only hs once so count to 3 and dodge or block (depending on distance deduct seconds or millseconds). Btw also see people use hammer mace shield which is just as cheesy so you can’t say its gs that makes it OP. Buffs to zerk stance and healing signet are main reason to that since it gives such a huge amount of time to land your stuns. Its so kitten forgiving. Greatsword has not changed what so ever, but mace has and that’s why the main culprits are the 3 sec stun zerk stance and healing signet.
I like long posts too.
On topic;
I don’t have a l2p issues nor a problem with thieves, but seems that actually u been beated pretty hard by that build u want to nerf so bad. But ill give ya a tip: run s/s+lb condi build and keep spams condi on them, once they come close and switch to mace, savage leap away and continue the dance circle facerolling keyboard until they die to torment or bleeds/burning from lb 5. Zerk stance? Thats just 8sec on 60cd a problem..Hope i helped ya
Lol bud I play the same build so I know its strengths and don’t die to that XD. I feel immune to everything with that build its so easy. Love how much you guys trying to defend it when in truth most warrs know it needs nerf (or are under the delusion they are good at the game). and no build on warrior was cheesy btw until we got unnecessary buffs watch how OP warriors become in power meta. Its going to be funny :P
L2P deeez nutz
Our mace burst skill is pretty much an insta cast ppl have to guess when to dodge.
So does ele burst, invisible backstab, invis mes turning ya into moa and so on..
U do realize that mace in real world are fast weapons right?
I keep wondering why everyone wants to nerg mace/signet yet no1 complains about hb..So if we nerf mace back to 2sec (and killing it as hammer will be better automatically) ppl won’t be able to land hb making that build friendly to enemies and their mistakes decreasing the dps and leaving us with a crap called hb that has no real uses outside of rez pressure as in current state mace is just a band-fix like omno pies was to sustain just to make a single ability work like it should working without any cc.
Nerf healing signet? Ok.. So whats the point of using signet if automatically both surge and mending become better?
Touch a kitten and its gonna smell.
I will admit that mace/shield+gs has low skill cap and some changed are needed but not in mace or signet but a gs.
“Warriors are fast they keep running away if they want to” – what stuff does that? A mace or gs?
“Warriors dealing load of dmg while still being tanky” – I dindt know that mace hits like a truck with one skill standing like a noob for 3,5sec.
“Warriors have load of blocks” – counterblow is useless against ranged classes as 1 hit and done, but i actually see the shield as a mini invul and bc noobs tend to smash keyboard all they see is block block.
“Warriors healing like an eles pre nerf” – i think anyone saying that is new to the game. IF u can’t do at least 500dmg/sec they don’t complain that u went bunker way and can’t kill a kitten
And for the end:
“Warriors using mace/shield has load of stuns” And all of them has 130 range olny, so what do u doing next to warrior shooting arrows in himor gods know what else, standing afk?
If someone looking to nerf that build he has to look in hb on 6cd that allows us to deal damage as outside of that combo war has no damage and for few seconds vulnerable to attacks once skull crack was used. I noticed that once i stun someone and they stunbreak they don’t fight back but starts to run away while my cd getting up to repeat the combo.
lol mace needs nerf its so forgiving greatsword has counter able skills mace does not. Btw when ele switch’s to air thats when you need to start dodging or blocking. Mesmer moa is strong but if they don’t have clones up to shatter right away there is no point you can just run with 5. Invis back stab well right now there is not to much of counter to stealth but fast reaction time can save your self from it. And it really there is no counter if they jump you. But, playing the game more maybe even rolling a thief for a little will teach you how to counter them. In a 1v1 situation if they are using a perma stealth build get in there bp and wait or if there using caeds build they usually only hs once so count to 3 and dodge or block (depending on distance deduct seconds or millseconds). Btw also see people use hammer mace shield which is just as cheesy so you can’t say its gs that makes it OP. Buffs to zerk stance and healing signet are main reason to that since it gives such a huge amount of time to land your stuns. Its so kitten forgiving. Greatsword has not changed what so ever, but mace has and that’s why the main culprits are the 3 sec stun zerk stance and healing signet.
L2P deeez nutz
lol^ no commment
Ok, I admit it: I forgot about jumpshot. And bombs (1v1). And toolkit. And flamethrower. And grenades in 1v1.XD
But I still enjoy dragging someone on a narrow corner and slicing him up with a big sword.XD
Engi in my opinion is pretty strong (the burn trait should be nerfed) but by no means is easy to play.
L2P deeez nutz
LoL. One trick pony. If the pony only has one trick, what’s the problem?. Sounds to me like a lot of people keep falling for the same trick over and over again. The only problem I’ve had with the stunlock pony was a player using the candy cane skin on the hammer. That made it difficult to see. If I see a mace or a hammer, I know what to expect. Range-blind-protection-block-evade-stunbreak have all pretty much ensured If i win, it was because I played smart, if I lose..then they mixed the timing up so they weren’t predictable and remained efficient. I still credit that to them as skillful. I serious believe once you’ve fallen victim to the stun chain 7-8 times you stop falling for it after that. Much the same as if you play enough mesmers, you soon learn to spot which one in the on screen mess is the actual player pretty quickly.
Our mace burst skill is pretty much an insta cast ppl have to guess when to dodge.
L2P deeez nutz
I hope warrior will be viable after nerf.
Cc war was viable before the buffs, people just didn’t know about it/most good players didn’t play warrior.
That said there are several counter builds.. It’ll be interesting if people start running them…
That’s not 100% true. While I used Mace/Shield + GS directly after the Frenzy nerf, there was no Burst Mastery at the time so at best you could do a 2.75 second stun every 10 seconds (and you would rarely use it as soon as it came off cooldown). As for Hammer, while you could use it, wasn’t all that amazing. It had long after casts so you couldn’t typically pull of a full combo before they got a chance to dodge back. Let’s also not forget how hard staying in melee range was before Dogged March and Cleansing Ire.
I ran full CC 30/10/0/0/30 with teams before and after the trait changes.. The build was less forgiving than it is now, but after 50% frenzy glass warrior it was a breath of fresh air. As for mace.. Schwarz ran it competitively back in the day, and it’s always rocked 1v1 vs power classes.. Perhaps without the sustain patches it wasn’t viable in condi meta team fights.
Defence traits only took over shop when they made healing power more useful IMO though.
Yea before frenzy nerf juggle warrior used to be a thing. This meta is not forgiving what so ever to full glass classes (previous warrior).
L2P deeez nutz
I hope warrior will be viable after nerf.
It will be if power meta come back and mesmer get damage nerf and with a little more couterplay to ele insta cast skills. Although if warrior stays same with immunitys and all it will 1 shot most ppl in power meta.
L2P deeez nutz
apt is like a “hipsterwarrior”.
Zerk builds weren’t hard to play btw. They were fun and more reactive than other braindead burst builds, but not hard in any way. They just weren’t that effective compared to other professions.
The concept is easy but reacting to burst is different story (thats what separated good from bad :P)
L2P deeez nutz
I play Engi as a secondary and while nades are initially hard to land, once you turn on fast cast and get used to the travel time it’s not “hard,” it just takes getting used to. I would be fine with running Healing Surge, but why would I when the meta is conditions, which makes Healing sig the obvious choice. a S/D Thief can train me easily as can multiple Mesmer builds.People keep bring in the nature of the skill, even though that very nature has obvious weaknesses. I know I would switch to Surge in a heartbeat if the meta became Power again because Healing Sig would be terrible. There is some “skill” required to play the game well, but no class is hard to play. This isn’t Tribes or Quake, at the end of the game it’s 3rd person MMO combat where most of the ranged attacks simply require selecting a target and pressing a button. SMITE is for the most part doing ranged combat correctly, and GW2 could learn from it but it seems unlikely the game will ever go to its level of almost everything being a “skillshot.”
Another thing, I haven’t seen any reasonable change suggestions. What would you have it do that it doesn’t become outclassed by one of the other 2 heals? We have a big burst heal, a condi removal one, and a regen one. Making the passive less or forcing it to scale more with Healing Power won’t do any good. Reducing it will make it worthless, and scaling would force cleric gear which would make it a totally inferior Guardian.
Whether or not you agree with the skills nature or not isn’t as important as “is it balanced,” which it is. It’s valuable against a certain playstlye and weak vs another. If you don’t enjoy using it, don’t. If you don’t like being killed by people using it, bring something to counter it.
EDIT: As for the mace “issue,” if it gets renerfed back to 2 seconds you have basically removed it from the game because no Warrior in his right mind would choose it over Hammer.
Well if mace went to 2 secs I would still play it with greatsword, like I used to pre patch, but obv I like zerk build so that will prob not happen in tourney play but it will be viable. S/D thief in team fight is really easy to get off yourself just wait till the right time in his larcenic strike and stun then ask for peels or 1v1 you should reck a s/d thief.
L2P deeez nutz
That being said not a single build in this game that is viable is “hard” to play. after you get accustomed to Engis and Ele’s volume of skills they aren’t that difficult to play. I don’t know what you want from this game, there’s nothing on Warrior more difficult to use than Hammer. You don’t appear to want Healing Signet “balanced” but sent back into the useless category. Not to mention like I said before any “shave” to the current builds will leave Warrior once again out in the cold and will never see high level play.
There actually are professions that take skill to play more than you think. Aiming grenades from distance, lining up telegraphed ele skills, hitting some melee skills, applying blinds selectively or interrupting important skills, sizing up your opponent and keeping track of their dodges/cooldowns, etc. Warrior used to require a lot of skill to play b/c you would need to time your burst and play strategically. The problem with healing signet is that it allows “facetanking” (not that I like that term). It requires no active mitigation for the most part: warriors with immunities and unreasonably high passive regen doesn’t actually play strategically anymore. It just allows warriors to stand there, ignore their opponents attacks, and hack away. Landing hammer skills when you have to manage your health requires some skill. Landing hammer skills when you can ignore what your opponent does besides stability requires very little skill.
Healing surge is o.k. because it requires timing the best time to heal, managing a tradeoff of heal vs. adrenaline, and has counter-play by interrupting, which every class can do. Healing signet just does its thing, and does it incredibly well.
L2P deeez nutz
I don’t see how you can call Warrior “passive.” Our Heals may be more passive but that is balanced out by the fact that we have all active condition removal. People act like pressing the heal skill is some sort of skillful action now. I can bet that any “shaving” will throw Warriors into the exact same position that Mesmers are currently in.
I feel like a preacher with how often I repeat myself but The Game is not Balanced for 1v1. Right now, warriors are like the heavy version of Mesmers. They are strong 1v1 but still vulnerable to team pressure, even more so with Healing Signet. The difference is that Mesmer tend to be weak to conditions and since they are in the meta they don’t see much play (along with a few other reasons).
I have to ask, how many of you calling for nerfs have even tried modifying your build to account for Warrior? I’ve seen a few smart players who have and as a result can either fight me to a stalemate or at the very least hold out long enough for backup to arrive. They can do this while still preforming their original role, they typically just have to change a offensive utility or trait to a defensive one.
Look at how much Warrior gives up to be so resilient to conditions. We run Soldiers gear with traits like Dogged March and Cleansing Ire with skills like Zerker Stance and Signet of Stamina in addition to runes like Mel and Hoelbrak. Do I WANT to have to bring so many defensive things in my build? No. I have to though in order to avoid being stomped into the ground. I’d love to run all Physical Utility skills or other offensive utilities and to get rid of my 20 points in defense and put is somewhere else, but I can’t do so and expect to be effective.
Many players want to be able to always have a chance at killing any build with their own, that’s not how balance in these types of games work. I know not EVERY class has a hard counter to what we are currently running but instead of demanding nerfs, why don’t you ask for ways to counter what’s killing you like sensible Warriors on the forums did? Of course we had some of just saying “nerf dis,” but did you know that the majority of the changes we received were in some way suggested by the forums?
Warriors adapted, so forgive me if I find some of you selfish when you refuse to change your builds to account for mine when I designed mine to counter your. The tools are already there, use them. Ignore answering these points and you’ve lost the argument.
Sorry but, all easy to play specs should be destroyed. So your argument is completely wrong. We should never have had the healing signet buffed along with the zerk stance.
I hate having to play easy class. Sorry not going to stop till it gets nerfed.http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/balancing-for-skill
I kinda love how there’s a video for almost any game related argument. While I don’t agree that it is an easy spec, by your balancing doctrine PvP would shrivel up and die because new players would get tired of being destroyed they would never stay.
That being said not a single build in this game that is viable is “hard” to play. after you get accustomed to Engis and Ele’s volume of skills they aren’t that difficult to play. I don’t know what you want from this game, there’s nothing on Warrior more difficult to use than Hammer. You don’t appear to want Healing Signet “balanced” but sent back into the useless category. Not to mention like I said before any “shave” to the current builds will leave Warrior once again out in the cold and will never see high level play.
Yea, engis for example playing at entry level is easy once you get past skills, but playing it top tier pvp is different story, while warriors entry is easy now and playing top tier is easy as long as you know the mechanics of conquest. Btw new players don’t need super uber meta builds. There were shout builds that were tanky and easier to play, but were not really that great as the gs builds. We were viable before frenzy nerf, if they gave our frenzy a 100 or 75 percent quickness again it would be nice for the old zerk build. Healing signet was always good with tankier setups so I don’t see why it should of been buffed although I like the buff to healing surge and mending. Its just they need to revert 3 sec stun to 2 and maybe reduce zerk stance duration to 6. I honestly think that signet should be reverted maybe they can increase heal from it, but in all passive regen in my opinion is just a bad mechanic. Mace was way more balanced pre patch along with everything else warrior had all they needed to do was give us little buffs not huge game breaking stuns with little animation (2secs was fine). Warrior was never a free kill for all the people saying that it was. Bad players were free kills.
L2P deeez nutz
I don’t see how you can call Warrior “passive.” Our Heals may be more passive but that is balanced out by the fact that we have all active condition removal. People act like pressing the heal skill is some sort of skillful action now. I can bet that any “shaving” will throw Warriors into the exact same position that Mesmers are currently in.
I feel like a preacher with how often I repeat myself but The Game is not Balanced for 1v1. Right now, warriors are like the heavy version of Mesmers. They are strong 1v1 but still vulnerable to team pressure, even more so with Healing Signet. The difference is that Mesmer tend to be weak to conditions and since they are in the meta they don’t see much play (along with a few other reasons).
I have to ask, how many of you calling for nerfs have even tried modifying your build to account for Warrior? I’ve seen a few smart players who have and as a result can either fight me to a stalemate or at the very least hold out long enough for backup to arrive. They can do this while still preforming their original role, they typically just have to change a offensive utility or trait to a defensive one.
Look at how much Warrior gives up to be so resilient to conditions. We run Soldiers gear with traits like Dogged March and Cleansing Ire with skills like Zerker Stance and Signet of Stamina in addition to runes like Mel and Hoelbrak. Do I WANT to have to bring so many defensive things in my build? No. I have to though in order to avoid being stomped into the ground. I’d love to run all Physical Utility skills or other offensive utilities and to get rid of my 20 points in defense and put is somewhere else, but I can’t do so and expect to be effective.
Many players want to be able to always have a chance at killing any build with their own, that’s not how balance in these types of games work. I know not EVERY class has a hard counter to what we are currently running but instead of demanding nerfs, why don’t you ask for ways to counter what’s killing you like sensible Warriors on the forums did? Of course we had some of just saying “nerf dis,” but did you know that the majority of the changes we received were in some way suggested by the forums?
Warriors adapted, so forgive me if I find some of you selfish when you refuse to change your builds to account for mine when I designed mine to counter your. The tools are already there, use them. Ignore answering these points and you’ve lost the argument.
Sorry but, all easy to play specs should be destroyed. So your argument is completely wrong. We should never have had the healing signet buffed along with the zerk stance.
I hate having to play easy class. Sorry not going to stop till it gets nerfed.
L2P deeez nutz
I think a good possible solution:
1) Fix Sigil of Parlyzation (already on ANets list).
2) Mix Skull Crack up a bit, make it stun for 1/1.5/2, but to compensate have it apply something like 4/5/6 stacks of vulnerability. AKA, the general idea, nerf the stun duration, but give it something to compensate (not necessarily vulnerability, just an idea).Mace inst OVERPOWERED. Get ur hands away from it. If u want a nerf i suggest to look in 100b.
L2P deeez nutz
lol^ no commment
L2P deeez nutz
^ Keep playing glass if u like that style, hf dealing free rallies to enemy team. Many ppl still running gs+axe/shield so u can join em
I for one will stay in hybrid as i always been in every game.
Lol can’t because I am forced to use easy build that is OP in tpvp…..
L2P deeez nutz