L2P deeez nutz
We even tested it if it cleansed condis off the user of the projectile finisher, but it did not work. Although, projectiles do work through fire, blind fields, and chaos field. It would be a cool idea if the projectile through regen field had a cooldown but gave a small burst heal like a blast finsher heal.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Right now projectile finishers with light fields and regen fields do not do what they are supposed to. When projectile goes through a light field it should cleanse a condi. We tested it multiple times with both fields neither proced the regen or condi cleanse.
L2P deeez nutz
Right now projectile finishers with light fields and regen fields do not do what they are supposed to. When projectile goes through a light field it should cleanse a condi. We tested it multiple times with both fields neither proced the regen or condi cleanse.
<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“//www.youtube.com/embed/t2MOl79Ywxg” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>
L2P deeez nutz
I’d rather they nerf everything that is bad for the game like necros and warrior there is no point of them buffing more and more things until something becomes broken. Eles are fine the meta is not.
L2P deeez nutz
If I see you guys in team ques I will bring as many ham/bow warriors as possible just saying.
L2P deeez nutz
yea before all they had to do was nerf eles, mesmers, engis, and bm rangers but instead they give necro a 4 sec burn at time along with some sustain with op death shroud skills. I remember them saying lets give necro some ridiculous damage instead of a teleport or disengage mechanics, which we all know how that turned out. I feel like anet’s thought process behind patches are flawed they do not really understand what balance is, which troubles me because it feels like after every patch the game gets off course more and more.
L2P deeez nutz
and redslion the usage of warrior is not to hard regardless what spec you play it is positioning and high risk mostly which is what makes zerk warrior harder to play along with other glass canon options.
L2P deeez nutz
Exactly I think this game should revolve around glass canons… Ham/bow is still kittened in team fights I can literally carry my team with ham/bow if I catch people in my aoe (which is not hard since everything I have is literally aoe. You said pin down does have obvious cast and its hard to pull off? Well, I have to disagree because right now the cast has no animation to it and its almost an instant cast. Obviously, good los usage can counter it but, los is not always solution. I think what they did to mace where the is a glow effected when casted is a good solution to problem with pin down. I never said ham/bow has high condi pressure but, the abundance of aoe in that weapon set is like the same amount of aoe a bomb/nade engi has, which is also ridiculous. I honestly think nerfing the passive on heal signet and buffing the active is the way to go first and then I really think they should look into pin down.
L2P deeez nutz
What Atherakhia said.
But relevant to the topic
No OP, I disagree with building hard counters the game really shouldn’t strive for that, it just promotes unskillful play and pre game character swapping.
I do agree that healing signet is the crux holding warriors up and nerfing it would put it in a sore spot… So as an idea why not slow reverts to a lot of the buffs leading up to healing signet? Still allowing the sustain but making it less daunting.
There was never any “skilled” gameplay to begin with, it’s a easy game to play. This game is not about the difficulty it takes to play a character but how well your team works together. Attempting to do soft counters has failed time and time again. The only method that has been proven to work is hard counters. It then comes down to team composition and how you distribute your team.
I don’t see how reverting anything will not have the same negative effect. Nerf Cleansing Ire and you’ll get overwhelmed by conditions. Nerf Zerker Stance and you’ll get overwhelmed by conditions. You can’t nerf armor without nerfing Guardian’s armor as well since they share the same stats and nerfing HP on a class that has no Protection is a no-go either. Try playing Hambow or any build without either CI or BS and see how long you last against a condi focused build.
Warriors are now in the same position that Eles were once in, sightly above par but one tweak away from the garbage bin.
There’s a reason why many, many games opt for a rock-paper-scissors approach, because anything else and you end up with one strategy being the clear winner which means everyone uses it. With RPS even if one strategy is slightly OP there will still be a counter which means if enough people start running that counter the OP thing gets pushed out.This keeps the meta in a constant state of rotation and the game stays fresh. League of Legends or DotA would be a good example.
@Thedenofsin.7340 You cannot directly compare one classes heal to another. Each class has many different mechanics to consider such as armor, health, other skills, etc. It’s apples to oranges because Mesmers are very different than Warriors. Warriors have no clones or access to a low CD invulnerability or teleports, they have to just soak up the punishment.
Ok first off you say this game lacks skilled play I completely agree with that point, but your reasoning for that is flawed. The REASON guild wars lacks depth is because certain classes have completely low risk builds such as hammer/longbow. This spec has no real skill shots to land almost everything on the weapon set is aoe. Also sustaining is not too hard as missing maybe 2 or 3 of your skills does not really hurt you too much or I should say as much as it should. Playing a ham/bow or condi tank warrior takes a lot less coordination compared to a full out glass cannon. Thats why I think this game should really revolve around high risk type builds (guardian exception). It just does not work the way things are set up to have both sustain and dps/condis in builds.
L2P deeez nutz
I think if they made it so that when longbow procs a physical hit with combustive than your condis are cleansed and adrenaline is lost. Imo it would really make longbow a bit less spam orientated. Also regarding healing signet a straight up nerf to it I think does not do it justice, but rather nerfing passive and improving active would be there best course of action. Right now warrior has become less about skilled play and more about just spamming skills. Only two things that separates a good and bad warrior right now in team play is there positioning and really overall conquest knowledge. There really needs to be more depth to the class, which is why I think signet needs to be changed.
L2P deeez nutz
Depends what you play if you play bombs nades then its pretty face roll. Other than that I would say the class over all has quite a high skill ceiling.
L2P deeez nutz
no, warriors with healing signet are not powered.
if this is true, then we will see warriors everywhere.
did we see that?
no.what we are seeing in forums are cries of non warriors who wishes for warriors to become free kills again.
regen is reduced to 200hp/s
this is another fine example of a non warrior asking for warriors to become free kills again.
please go and play warrior with healing signet and see if warriors are really that overpowered.
you have the worst logic i have ever seen in this subforum.
all of your arguments are stuff like “warrior is not overpowered because if it was we would see only warriors. do we see only warriors? no? then warriors are not overpowered!” or “warrior is not overpowered because sometimes i still die on my warrior to condi damage or direct damage!” (i swear you have said something almost exactly like this awhile ago). These are just… dumb statements.200 hp/s still is a stupidly huge nerf. That’s pre-buff days back when no one used it. Lets at least give a realistic number if you want to be taken seriously. It’s effectively a worse healing than Healing Surge even at 300 hp/s
The reason I think that is fair is that way the active can be looked at so that there is a reason to press your heal button.
L2P deeez nutz
no, warriors with healing signet are not powered.
if this is true, then we will see warriors everywhere.
did we see that?
no.what we are seeing in forums are cries of non warriors who wishes for warriors to become free kills again.
regen is reduced to 200hp/s
this is another fine example of a non warrior asking for warriors to become free kills again.
please go and play warrior with healing signet and see if warriors are really that overpowered.
I main warrior btw and they were never free kills if you played right. It would be fair if it was nerfed to that 200 hp/s because maybe the active could be a 6k heal and a poison cleanse. Also, a buff they could instate to maybe make some of the other heals viable is in the adept tier trait in strength maybe buff restorative strength to clense poison on heal because lets be honest some of the poison duration’s off say engis poison nades is just too long and say you are getting condi loaded it really sucks to have about a 6.6k heal of your healing surge.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
It DOES have counters 1) BIG Burst, 2) Constant Poison 3) have more constant damage than their heal, oh look, ranger builds….
Poison is easy to remove with cleansing ire.
L2P deeez nutz
Can the signet be nerfed already? It has little counter play since it cannot be interrupted, and it would really make warrior balanced for most part (so people will stop asking for everything to be nerfed on warrior). My proposition for the nerf should be maybe the regen is reduced to 200hp/s with higher scaling coefficient with healing power. Or maybe the active can be buffed a bit and passive could be toned down.
L2P deeez nutz
Hah look at these last 3 posts. These are the people that want to decide balance decisions. Adrenal Health is per 3 second regen so you only actually get 120 per second and every single class has better healing traits. Your rifle wont fire because you are not facing your enemy and if you stop moving it will auto aim for you in the direction of the enemy. If you are any good you could turn with your mouse and still fire at point blank range while moving.
lol if you played warrior rifle ever in your life you would know the bugs regarding rifle and a lot off other ranged weapons… If you are at point blank range and a person is smart and starts rotating in circular motion around you your skills will cancel so much. PS please do not talk about who should not or should be discussing balance when you are not even ranked cause that just makes you look like a fool.
L2P deeez nutz
I agree healing signet needs nerf, but they should really make it so that rifle skills do not kitten cancel when at point blank range so I don’t have to back peddle like a noob with it. Thanks
L2P deeez nutz
If you run a mesmer in team que hes always shatter. Shatter is viable if played right. Anyone here that says condi mesmer takes any coordination is completely wrong. I could play the spec with one handed and click my skills and it would not be a problem.
L2P deeez nutz
hmm I would suggest kiting as much as possible to avoid an evis mesmers have great access to cripple I think that will really help. It is sort of a hard fight if the warrior is good but I still think mesmer overall hard counters melee warriors. Make sure to use distortion at right times too. Good luck
L2P deeez nutz
I’m a stray cat covered in baby oil again.
Baby oil is not good for deeez nutz you know…..
L2P deeez nutz
Honestly I think only thing that needs nerf is healing signet thats whats made our sustain so good. But, at same time other classes such as necro need nerf.
L2P deeez nutz
Hey, I think you can really learn a thing or two if you play every single class a sufficient amount of time. I think that will help you avoiding burst. Starting out that was my problem too. But, I started playing other classes for while and got a taste of each of the rotations. on other classes.
L2P deeez nutz
Thief got buffed lots actually the new initiative regen is crazy and they made pistol whip good again. So they did make it a lot easier to play…. But right now whats broken is condi mesmer with new signet.
L2P deeez nutz
My problem with signet of spite mostly is really the poison, weakness, and cripple duration’s. It just makes it so easy for a necro to stack more condis on you because honestly the cripple makes it so hard to Line of sight them which is pretty much what you do against them since most of necros skills involve having to pull of random dodges. Weakness also is really annoying because playing dps you just get hard countered by necro unless you have good condi clear for that and poison is really annoying too since necros have lots of ways to apply that. Right now with the amount of counter pressure necros have I really don’t think nerfing spite signet and few other things on necro would be bad for the game.
L2P deeez nutz
Signet of Spite is the one of the most broken skills in the game imo. A range skill 0.75 sec cast time with little tele to it that puts basically puts all the condis in the game on you. I would not mind it that much if the cripple on it only lasted like 3-4 seconds not 10 whole seconds…..
That cripple also gives them so much more time to spam there scepter one which has no travel time and puts at least 4 condis that basically take half your health bar due to passive traits (since we need more passives in the game…). Also a 10 sec weakness.. really? Weakness hard counters dps builds. Necros really need to be looked at I would not mind it as much if there was some travel time to some of there skills, so I could actually dodge there kitten. Also the amount of condi transfers they have right now are ridiculous.
L2P deeez nutz
Definitely agree to this. This game would have a lot more depth to it. Also, anet please fix balance I would love to have to actually try on warrior again…..
L2P deeez nutz
Lb/Gs is going to be build unless normalization of longbow damage will make it weak.
L2P deeez nutz
yea UF is not a real problem its always been same its just there sustain with kittenloads of damage that makes the build OP. You can’t have both sustain and damage on a class its just too much ex. Necros. I never run valks btw cause you do not have them perma stunned on hambow maybe on mace shield gs. But honestly I have tried so many other builds without heal sig and it was much harder to survive.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
I really don’t agree with most of nerfs I wish they would just not try to nerf anything right now other than healing sig and zerk stance it is such a simple fix I rather that than them finding out later healing sig is OP and nerf that. If they start nerfing bits and bits and than nerf the major imbalance (healing sig). I feel like warriors will be even worse than they were in the post frenzy days since we won’t have damage or sustain. It is a very simple nerf that will make warriors balanced. Although there is also still a lot of other kitten that needs nerfing.
L2P deeez nutz
Jin, this is a hotjoin issue! stay out this!!!
L2P deeez nutz
good synergy with deeez nutz
L2P deeez nutz
There is misinformation around but the fact remains that warriors need huge nerf.
L2P deeez nutz
Instead of anet listening to people who have a deep connection to the game they play, you guys seem to listen, instead, to the players who whine about how their main class is bad at pvp (or is too hard to play in pvp) and so they need to be buffed. In other words, exactly the opposite of what you said in your initial post. So we get a game that seems, at least to me, sponsored by Kraft where the top builds are the cheesiest in the game.
You say that there have been major changes, but if you guys were actually listening, the major consensus is that there was NO major changes to the meta outside of immob stacking. The same cheese builds are still significantly viable. The only major changes are cosmetic ones involving trait selection – thats it.
Couple things: first, we do listen to top players, and many of the things we’ve implemented are things they have asked for as well.
Second: you say that the major consensus is that there were no major changes. Yet, in this same thread, you criticize us for listening too much to the 90%. This is very confusing messaging. You’re telling us that we should listen to a select few for balance, but then listen to the majority when they say there was no balance.
I also want to point out that a cosmetic change that brings major awareness to what traits actually do can help players to better understand those traits and therefore create new builds in a more informed manner. Sometimes a change looks one way on the surface, but deep down is more elaborate.
All the meta builds take that into account I have tested numerous things in terms of traits before hand for the meta builds before hand. So meta builds are not going to change based on that since people knew before hand, but it was a good addition. In terms of changes that toke place, they were more of a boost in general to the current meta so basically everything that was strong got stronger. Best thing and most likely the easiest fix to deliver would be to compare the burst meta (before Jully) and see what was wrong there using top tier players and go from there. There was way more awareness and greater amounts of skill required back than.
If you guys want this game to be any bit close to competitive it needs to revolve around burst.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Alright right now you can pretty much play any team comp and do fine if the players are skilled. The only time just any team comp it does not work is if you get qued against the few remaining good teams like good fights. But can you guess why there is almost no other teams? Is because the meta is so kitten. Warrior = complete cheese and no skill to play atm, Spirit Ranger = complete cheese and no skill to play atm, Necro = complete cheese and no skill to play atm, Engi takes skill to play but you can argue it is a little over the top atm, condi mesmer (clones on death add conditions) is really annoying, oh and s/d thief requires little skill obv more than warr and spirit ranger. The reason people are qqing is because the classes right now with certain builds are way over the top anet needs to nerf a lot and bring back power meta that was when lot more skill and awareness was required. It is really boring to watch an endless team fight and thats why unless this meta goes away I don’t see this game ever reaching any level of competitive play.
L2P deeez nutz
The problem is that right now there is 0 incentive waiting months for a pvp reward system means more and more players are just going to leave and pvp scene will become smaller and smaller. We need something to do in pvp till the actual patch comes. Even if there are minimal amount of skins released it would give us something to do in pvp rather than just hotjoin or tourney against teams that are inexperienced or the same team over and over again.
L2P deeez nutz
How hard is it to make rewards for pvp? Just add few exclusive skins we can buy with glory since thats good for nothing right now why do we have to wait a months for rewards when pve gets it every 2 weeks…. You are not going to have any pvp players left by then. Just saying…..
L2P deeez nutz
God I just wish they revert warriors back to the old frenzy hb that was good days when kitten players were so easy to spot. I hate now that all these warriors think they are good playing cheesy specs. Oh well I guess I will play DP trickery thief for now since that actually takes skill or maybe evis warrior…
L2P deeez nutz
Healing sig is extremely OP. But meh balance in this game is pretty kitten anyways and this game will never be competitive.
Btw most of the people on these fourms have no clue what they are talking about thats why you see lot of people defending it.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
16k evising people in PVP!
L2P deeez nutz
Don’t worry you guys will be OP as kitten again once they nerf warrs, s/d thiefs and necros.
Ele does not need buffs. Trust me once its back to burst meta every team will run double ele again
L2P deeez nutz
Don’t worry you guys will be OP as kitten again once they nerf warrs, s/d thiefs and necros.
Ele does not need buffs. Trust me once its back to burst meta every team will run double ele again
L2P deeez nutz
That was mainly the newer players complaining all we needed was something to deal with condis and we got that with zerk stance thats all we needed to be viable. Because anet fell into the trap of whiners we now have a godmode warrior due to many reasons I don’t want to list because it would become redundant. Anet’s balance really needs better testing from closed beta servers where certain players are allowed only. It is not working by taking suggestions from fourms cause half people don’t know the really know how fragile the meta is.
L2P deeez nutz
Don’t use those as an excuse.
Warriors have other things to compensate about that (heavy armor, high HP pool, good mobility, good amount of blocks, endure pain and berserker stance, stability ecc).Insane passive regeneration at no healing power cost isn’t something warriors need to survive.
We are talking about ~8000 HP over a 20s time window and all completely passive on a profession which is insanely sustainable by its own. It is a number that no healing skill has ever matched, not even on guardian.
1.Heavy armor means nothing in this game. Stop acting like its a game based on stats and nothing else. Everyone knows that toughness after certain point is a crap.
2.High hp pool olny means u can take 3-4 hits more than a low hp class.
3.Good mobility? Show me that mobility in cc builds. If we want any kind of mobility we have to get sword or gs, or both. Show me mobility on hammer+lb or hammer+mace/shield, i will have good laugh.
4. What amount of blocks exacly u talking about? A shield that blocks attacks for 3sec on 30cd? A single mace block every 10sec? Sword offhand on 15cd that blocks ranged hits/1 melee? Not to mention that if u decide to pick anything else outside of that u don’t have any blocks. But i know these legendary 4 set warriors.
5. Endure pain works 4sec on 60cd, hardly gamebreaking.
Berserker stance works 8sec on 60cd, hardly gamebreaking.
Balanced stance is a boon that can be stripped, working for 8sec and has 40 cd..And don’t start on signet cause i know these legendary 20 slot utility warriors too.
6. Insane regeneration? In current state its fine and far from op when we look at our weapon skills. As i said try running a hybrid build without cc and watch how “op” that regen is.
7. As for guardians, they have many ways to recover hp back. Keep in mind that healing signet is our 6 ability with no utility.
Prepatch lol all warrior needed was some way to deal with condi and zerk stance was enough imo. I run zerk warr most of time now and think its fair. Everyone is thinking in perspective of nerfing classes based on whether they will be strong in meta or not. Zerk warrior will not be strong but once power comes back (when necro and spirit ranger get nerfed) warrior will still be good (maybe lot harder to perform at high levels which is good). Only problem before was we risked so much before and did not get rewarded as much. Zerk stance really helps in that. Warriors need there healing signet nerfed and cleansing ire or brawn nerfed. Mace stun duration nerfed to a 2.5 sec stun.
So give me a moment.. U want something nerfed bc its beats u all the time?
Its okay, nerf healing signet and rebember to nerf healing surge to 5k hp at lv 3 adrenaline and keep it on 30cd. Nerf mending to 2k and cure olny 1 condition and keep it on 25cdAlso nerf cleansing ire remove 1 condition for 3 bars of adrenaline every second burst
Ah i forgot about mace..well who cares about it. Lets nerf skullcrack to deal 1 damage on 60cd with 0.5 daze duration. Its okay for me
Also nerf that freaking shield stance, put that on 120cd with 1sec duration bc warriors arent allowed to blocking something, they r suppposed to take everything on chest bc they r warriors
Im not sure if u guys trolling or are serious. But everything i see is some guy that used to qq and a warrior that were think hes good but once more warriors showed and started to roflstomp him he decided to qq as hes not that good as he used to think and looking for anything to blame.
Also its seems that fix to sigil of para inst enough. Seriously..moving on. Next update we will see “nerf dat op killshot skilless build”
Haha you are funny dude how about you add me up ingame and lets see whos the scrub warrior.
L2P deeez nutz
This is why balance is so bad in this game because anet listens’s to people like daecollo who don’t have a clue wtf they are saying.
L2P deeez nutz
I’m not even sure we could call it nerfs so much as they’re fixing a long standing issue. It’ll hurt us but hopefully will quell some of the complaints.
Probably not though…
It will bring us back prepatch. Lol.
Then they will have to buff us again.
Prepatch lol all warrior needed was some way to deal with condi and zerk stance was enough imo. I run zerk warr most of time now and think its fair. Everyone is thinking in perspective of nerfing classes based on whether they will be strong in meta or not. Zerk warrior will not be strong but once power comes back (when necro and spirit ranger get nerfed) warrior will still be good (maybe lot harder to perform at high levels which is good). Only problem before was we risked so much before and did not get rewarded as much. Zerk stance really helps in that. Warriors need there healing signet nerfed and cleansing ire or brawn nerfed. Mace stun duration nerfed to a 2.5 sec stun.
L2P deeez nutz
Nerf signet, 3 sec stun on mace should be toned down to 2.5 secs, change the brawn to give a different bonus or nerf cleansing ire. If all that is done warrior will be balanced class.
L2P deeez nutz
So you should balance the game so hard to play classes are stronger then simple to play ones, so the top players can play an Alpha Class?.
Dude the risk vs reward ratio is totally skewed for example a warrior with regen can pretty much not risk much while one shoting someone and there is little counter to regen since when poison is applied they will pop burst skills over and over and keep doing so to get rid of condis.. But, yea easy to play builds that are effective need to be toned down because well the goal is to be a better player so yea I think they should incentivise people to actually rely on skilled play rather than ai clutter, regen, or massive condi pressure with little counter play since there skills have no travel time and utilities are unblockable and insta casts. If you or you’re team are more skilled than the others you should have the advantage regardless what spec you’re running (I mean that in sensible terms not like if you are running 5 thieves or something).
Poison IS the counter to regen.
Did you not read what I said burst skills can pretty much keep removing poison again and again cleansing ire plus everything else that was added to warrior should be reverted except zerk stance (so that zerk warriors can exist since its only type of warrior that takes skill).
L2P deeez nutz
So you should balance the game so hard to play classes are stronger then simple to play ones, so the top players can play an Alpha Class?.
Dude the risk vs reward ratio is totally skewed for example a warrior with regen can pretty much not risk much while one shoting someone and there is little counter to regen since when poison is applied they will pop burst skills over and over and keep doing so to get rid of condis.. But, yea easy to play builds that are effective need to be toned down because well the goal is to be a better player so yea I think they should incentivise people to actually rely on skilled play rather than ai clutter, regen, or massive condi pressure with little counter play since there skills have no travel time and utilities are unblockable and insta casts. If you or you’re team are more skilled than the others you should have the advantage regardless what spec you’re running (I mean that in sensible terms not like if you are running 5 thieves or something).
L2P deeez nutz
It’s so mind numbing people think playing mace shield longbow hammer or condi build requires any sort of coordination to play effectively. even though you pretty much can role your face over keyboard now with warrior and kill someone or be successful XD (true fact tested it with condi regen build). The skill cap on playing warriors is so kittening low right now. This meta is noob friendly and that’s why the game will never be competitive unless they revert everything back to the burst meta. When the idea on Sotg came up for rangers to have extra F skill the devs said no because “it would be too hard for new players”. That’s how you know they want to cater to the new players and thats not going to end well because once new players really know how kittened up the balance in this game is and they will lose interest as well. Catering to new players will be good for short term but long term they will see the negative effects when there is literally no one in tourneys and hotjoins which is starting to happen.
Ouch .. that is pretty blunt. Even if I agree, I wouldn’t use these words
But yeah, it feels as if the risk/reward-balance is not happening. Nice to see the words coming from a warrior; no sensible person wants warriors to not be viable, but it seems that people perception on the term viable is very different
Yea I am coming off pretty harsh cause this game could be sooo much better, in power meta its really a downer that they are waiting for so many patches to finally balance the game, but honestly I don’t think they know what they are doing with balance patches with warrior for example all we needed was little sustain to exist in power meta (which zerk stance was all that was needed since our condi remove sucked). Instead they give us a healing signet that does what a base of 407 heal per second… cleansing ire which is so OP with longbow hammer. On top of all this the stances make them so much better. Also necro idk why they needed to buff there damage when it was pretty much a problem with there sustain pre patch (june) instead they go out and add a burn trait make there death shroud OP and buff a lot more which I did not pay attention to. Now team fights its all about spam and ai its kind of ridiculous. They need to revert a lot of stuff I would rather have the insta gib double eles back in meta than this kitten.
L2P deeez nutz