L2P deeez nutz
oh kitten they still did not bring servers down for this game :o
L2P deeez nutz
Don’t waste your breath they don’t want to put the work in to satisfy there players. It is as simple as that. This game lacks content there absolutely nothing to do in this game, they removed the only pvp progression there was few months ago. Not to mention they still have not dealt with the random passives in this game (aka spinal shivers, air/fire sigls, air runes, etc). This game is dying at faster and faster rate with the release of other games.
L2P deeez nutz
Jolly good point gaiboii, but tyrone is still waiting……
L2P deeez nutz
Fine gaiboii Dribbz,
May you please answer to the penetration calls from tyrone he is waiting.
Best regards, straightboi Apt
L2P deeez nutz
I don’t think anyone cares anymore. Since, next update will probably happen in a year. The main people that QQ now on the fourms are new players who play solo que.
L2P deeez nutz
Soldiers amulet in pvp just plays to the conquest mechanic of holding points, thus promoting bunky builds. This amulet makes builds like hambow have enormous sustain. Hambow with zerkers is not to bad since if you can actually do good damage to that.
Regardless if there few ‘meta specs’ that use it, it’s still a problem due to conquest mechanics.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
D/D eles are strong again. If you consider it not viable in pvp, it is not the class that is lacking.
Not as viable as: Hambow, MM necro, spirit ranger, bunker guardian…
The fourms… Stop basing your thoughts on specs based on solo que.
L2P deeez nutz
Mace shield is good maybe for wvw roaming but high end tpvp wise right now hambow is still a lot stronger. With certain sigils team fight wise it has been buffed. Pretty much making a viable/optimal build for tpvp you need longbow. If you don’t like hambow you can run axe/shield and lb with valks or pvt.
L2P deeez nutz
GS F1 burst attack does terrible low damage, AA does more!!
Also it doesnt increase its damage based on adrenaline lvl…
The extra fury is good, reduce its cast time and buff its damage.And fix the kitten rush!!
Buff this while at the same time nerfing the damage on eviscerate and kill shot.
If you can’t dodge a ks or evis man idk what to say.
L2P deeez nutz
Also with your axe build you should take forceful gs instead along with furious speed. Replace axe mastery with gs trait and lyssa is still in my opinion going to be lot stronger so I would go with signet mastery for last trait. Fire is a lot better for gs in my opinion and energy instead of hydro would be best, since energy just gives you the extra dodges needed on zerk warr.
It was supposed to be FG I must of misclicked. Fixed now. I don’t see the need for Furious Speed, Warrior’s Sprint is always on and lets you roam w/o having to activate your elite or be in combat to move faster. Furious reaction gives you more evades and higher Fury up time.
Lyssa is getting nerfed to the point where I don’t think I’ll bother. Hoelbrak synergies with Forceful GS.
With all the condis buffed you have no other option. Unless you want to yolo.
L2P deeez nutz
Elepocalypse as predicted…
DD now sucks……Staff ele lost lot of DPS in WWW
Burst ele lost a lot also.
It was indeed the end of all eles as the mayan dev predicted.
I don’t know what you’re talking about d/d ele atm is meta with celestial amulet. It is pretty stupid now. Eles might take warriors role not sure, but we will see. My team along with a lot of others are running ether double or one ele for legends tourney.
L2P deeez nutz
Also with your axe build you should take forceful gs instead along with furious speed. Replace axe mastery with gs trait and lyssa is still in my opinion going to be lot stronger so I would go with signet mastery for last trait. Fire is a lot better for gs in my opinion and energy instead of hydro would be best, since energy just gives you the extra dodges needed on zerk warr.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Condi warrior and hambow will still be best in spvp but will be less effective. I honestly never think pure dps warrior will be viable ever till thief is changed and damage condis as a whole are given a change (as well as weakness). The warriors inherit problem of being a melee class with no condi remove is kind of bad (excluding cleansing ire because that can only really be used reliably with longbow and maybe sword). Maybe mace shield far point assault will become popular again, but still there are specs like condi warrior that can win that 1v1.
I think you can get away with pure DPS so long as you have a Shield and Zerker Stance and know when to retreat. Even in PvP a Axe/Shield Warrior can kill a Thief or Mesmer with one Whirlwind + Evis combo, especially if you forced them to use a stub breaker with Bull’s Charge. That Axe build I posted is really good at coming in and quickly taking out squishy targets and then moving on to cap a point. It’s also good at cleaving downed targets and punishing those trying to revive. Thief will probably be hit harder by the Lyssa nerf than Warrior because we still have Hoelbrak/Mel. That Swd/Shd + LB build will still be strong post nerf because it has mobility but Final Thrust is basically a Evis when they are low on HP.
I do see Skullcracker coming back, a 3 second stun is never bad to have as it can spell out death with an organized team.
If a mesmer or thief loses a match up to zerk warrior they are really doing something wrong same goes for mesmer. Even on hambow it is really hard to kill thieves at the level of say caed, which is purely due to fact that whirling axe thief steal is really broken (getting changed after patch). Personally playing thief quite a bit you should never lose that matchup due to the sheer amount of blinds they can put up. As for mesmer, fight mesmers like ender, supcutie, zeromis on zerk warrior it will not go well. Mesmer’s will kite the living kitten out of you if you play double melee. In general if we talk about conquest specifically thief makes every other pure zerker specs unviable just because thief it self has so much more mobility due to the initiative regen buff (can shortbow 5 more and burst more often).
PS: I am talking about trickery thief.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Condi warrior and hambow will still be best in spvp but will be less effective. I honestly never think pure dps warrior will be viable ever till thief is changed and damage condis as a whole are given a change (as well as weakness). The warriors inherit problem of being a melee class with no condi remove is kind of bad (excluding cleansing ire because that can only really be used reliably with longbow and maybe sword). Maybe mace shield far point assault will become popular again, but still there are specs like condi warrior that can win that 1v1.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
I was under the impression everyone who signed up for this would be competing and I guess that isn’t the case. I’m a little bummed out. Every person on my team are really strong fighters. We just joined forces as none of us had a team to play with.
Don’t lose hope yet blu is revealing NA brackets on 26th and EU on 15th. I suggest signing up for weekly tournaments they can be really fun.
L2P deeez nutz
Well you can play spirit ranger. But, I see where your coming from. Unfortunately, I think it was a while back on state of game J sharp said they don’t want pets to be user micro manageable because it is too “hard” for new players. After that I lost hope for balance in this game because there target is to make things easier, For example, warrior used to have huge risk vs reward about a year ago. They dumbed down the warrior class quite a bit. Until they realize dumbing down the game is counter productive rangers unfortunately will stay as the same old auto passive bot.
PS: I know certain power specs are not auto bots, but they are not even close to being viable.
L2P deeez nutz
War Machine, Last Pride, Idiot Savants, vD, rawr etc. all had to fight their way up the same way other entrants did (by fighting oponents of similar skill), after all.
That’s fine. But for example: when you have War Machine VS. Last Pride in the first round of preliminaries, Last Pride VS. Idiot Savants in the second round of preliminaries, Idiot Savants VS. vD in the third round of preliminaries, ETC, there is a good chance that:
- The finals will be a world class team, vs. an opponent who has no hope in keeping up.
- Many teams who deserved to be 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th, were potentially eliminated early on by the 1st place team – meanwhile, people that are weaker would fill those positions, because their brackets were ridiculously devoid of good teams.
Seeding the brackets so the veteran teams are evenly spread out is definitely a positive to the quality of the tournament.
If they lost in first or second round then they did not deserve to be 2nd or 5th or whatever. And so what if first round would be 2 really good teams while second round might be a really good team against a pretty decent-average team? Does it matter? Why force only finals to be interesting when first rounds could be interesting too. And whoever gets that far to finals or semifinals will definitely not be a terrible team and they will put up a good fight.
You need to realize that the few good teams/pug groups on NA will absolutely destroy an “average team”. They should evenly spread out the few good teams otherwise the semis and even quarters will be a full out 500-0 for most teams and free items for pvers.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Under powered… XD The fourms never disappointing that changes jest makes it so you have control of it. There still is the zero tell ds 3 to set it up.
L2P deeez nutz
In what way exactly is a Spirit ranger “toxic”? I’m not trying to defend, I just really don’t know. In what ways are the Spirits that different from a Guardian giving boons to his team or a warrior using Banners?
Constant uptime of spirit effects? Constant regeneration and easy resurrections and self-resurrections from Spirit of Nature? Screen and targeting clutter from spirits? Completely passive gameplay?
Sheer lack of skill required?
A guardian may share boons, but guardians can be taken down reasonably in a team fight, and the guardian player is having to actively manage skills. Spirit rangers… less so in both regards, while providing arguably stronger buffs not only to themselves but their team.
If you think that spirit rangers give stronger buffs to their teammates than guardians, you not only have never played the spec, you are clueless.
What exactly is 3 seconds of burning to warriors already spewing massive perma-burn fields or guardians who automatically burn their targets or engineers with a 6 second burn and AoE condi spam out the kitten?
Many rangers don’t even opt to bring Stone Spirit anymore and instead bring Storm Spirit which just gives swiftness.
The Elite spirit on Ranger IS really strong, and it’s getting nerfed big time. It already can be killed very fast and in reality spends most of its healing on the smaller spirits.
In solo queue, Spirit Ranger can die to:
MM Necro
Any kind of warrior with cleansing Ire
Engineers who know how to properly utilize CC (bomb/nade can easily kill a spirit ranger who tries to stay on point), also cannot kill any AR engineer
A thief who knows how to abuse blast finishers in a stolen water field
Duelist Mesmers running GSSpirit Ranger is actually not nearly as good for carrying in solo queue as Warrior or Necro or Engineer or Thief is.
It is a low mobility support build that excels at focusing squishies in team fights and whose support relies completely on spirits
Honestly if you know how to spirit res (not hard to) you can carry way better than any other class at least in team fight scenario. Spirit Rangers carry team fights and are safety nets for teams (why every team runs them). The sheer amount of passive benefits with little effort is insane. You can win fights against bunker comps and then a spirit ranger can run in and spirit res everyone. It is way to forgiving in a team environment. Interrupting spirit is also very hard because if the ranger is smart they can cast the res from los position.
L2P deeez nutz
Thanks for keeping it civil and constructive in here guys. It always helps us when you guys proffer facts/theories as to why something’s not balanced correctly, and then offer proposed solutions as to how you think it can be fixed. You guys are also doing a good job of honing in on where it’s most used, how it’s used, what you feel is too strong about it.
One recurring theme I’m seeing here is people feel that the initiative work lately has helped to benefit this skill.
Thanks for keeping it constructive.
Yea I agree with you in general the initiative regen buff really made thieves just so effective atm it makes every other glass cannon obsolete. PW became so much better with reduction of time it takes for full pw and initiative buff made thief able to spam skills with little risk. It also makes it more mobile since you can short bow 5 further with more initiative regen. I feel if initiative regen was reverted that would fix the problems right now.
It wasn’t the initiative regen buff. That only exacerbated the situation. There were plenty of s/p thieves playing prior to that buff. The problem is inherent to the thief profession and its mechanics.
Early in the thread I outlined the poison on steal and 900 range initial blind application on blinding powder. Those are just some small things, but similar to the elementalist it is a combination of those small things that make them the kings of the berserker builds. I’m sure we can build a laundry list of little things that could/should be adjusted. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the featured patch will address any of those issues.
It’s ok to have a king, but it’s not ok to have such a large discrepancy between the king and the next best berserker build. If you evaluate some of the other builds, excluding thief, they are pretty close to each other balance wise. Some off more burst at the expense of providing group utility and others may provide more mobility and offer less burst. At least with the other professions there is a tradeoff.
Well pre patch you could not run pistol whip because of them nerfing the stun the patch before, but recently they made the whole sequence of it faster with initiative regen buff it caused things to spiral into its favor. Yes trick thief was strong pre patch but not to the level it is at right now. That buff was so significant to trickery thief, thus making it the “king” of zerker classes. I do agree steal in general with a thief traited 30 into trickery is kind of stupid. It is insta cast that poisons due to 10 in first tree, dazes you for a second, on a 20 cd, that can get op steal like the warrior one.
L2P deeez nutz
Thanks for keeping it civil and constructive in here guys. It always helps us when you guys proffer facts/theories as to why something’s not balanced correctly, and then offer proposed solutions as to how you think it can be fixed. You guys are also doing a good job of honing in on where it’s most used, how it’s used, what you feel is too strong about it.
One recurring theme I’m seeing here is people feel that the initiative work lately has helped to benefit this skill.
Thanks for keeping it constructive.
Yea I agree with you in general the initiative regen buff really made thieves just so effective atm it makes every other glass cannon obsolete. PW became so much better with reduction of time it takes for full pw and initiative buff made thief able to spam skills with little risk. It also makes it more mobile since you can short bow 5 further with more initiative regen. I feel if initiative regen was reverted that would fix the problems right now.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Pvp balance I feel like is going in a downhill direction again. Instead of really wide scale just nerfing everything anet is buffing everything and making tiny nerfs. Doing this is just going to make everything just that much worse. THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANY CLASSES TO BE BUFFED. I know there are many people crying for ele buffs and such. The truth is they do not need buffs its just everything on a wide scale needs nerfs.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Interrupts do not always mean skill you can interrupt auto. Getting benefits for that is really not right. I think this trait can be potentially broken with halting strike but we will have to see.
L2P deeez nutz
Well mace shield was always a good build but it got a lot easier to play since the previous buffs and very few people really played warrior before buffs that’s why you barely saw mace shield. If you do want to make a build with mace you need longbow regardless because cleansing ire with longbow is irreplaceable. Hopefully some longbow changes will be put in place so that it is not mandatory on every build because that’s the case right now.
No it’s not! I use many builds that don’t even use cleansing ire let alone longbow. I simply know how to dodge attacks.
If you play against other good players in team que longbow is essential cleansing ire plus longbow is too strong. You can still play mace shield but it really is not that great anymore just cause hambow does way more with little effort. I wish longbow would be nerfed so other weapon sets would be more viable.
L2P deeez nutz
(edited by apt.9184)
Well mace shield was always a good build but it got a lot easier to play since the previous buffs and very few people really played warrior before buffs that’s why you barely saw mace shield. If you do want to make a build with mace you need longbow regardless because cleansing ire with longbow is irreplaceable. Hopefully some longbow changes will be put in place so that it is not mandatory on every build because that’s the case right now.
L2P deeez nutz
You can run pretty much anything and be successful on warrior just run a cancer condi build with mace/sword and longbow settlers amulet.
L2P deeez nutz
It is you’re perception if you do not have a spirit ranger you have a disadvantage to an actual comp. Only reason you do not see many of them is because no one wants to play a class that rely’s solely on the number 1 (cause it is so fun to auto attack people to death #anet class design). You really can’t be bad at spirit ranger, but you can be bad at game mechanically.
I’ve seen lots of bad spirit rangers. Do you realize how easy it is to absolutely wreck a spirit ranger who only presses spirits, crossfire and heal?
Then you are bad at the game mechanically if you don’t know how to use dodges in the first place. Lol
L2P deeez nutz
It is you’re perception if you do not have a spirit ranger you have a disadvantage to an actual comp. Only reason you do not see many of them is because no one wants to play a class that rely’s solely on the number 1 (cause it is so fun to auto attack people to death #anet class design). You really can’t be bad at spirit ranger, but you can be bad at game mechanically.
L2P deeez nutz
Pistol Whip is fine it self although when you guys do uncalled things such as adding immobilize stacking and buffing initiative regen for no apparent reason then things like this will happen. Please stop trying to buff stuff with little rational and if thats a problem there are a fair amount of players that know whats wrong with the game. PS if the initiative buff was a way of compensating for the shadow arts nerf, then you guys really did not think it through because you just buffed (trickery) to a whole new height and that is why you see every thief running that #meta.
L2P deeez nutz
Pistol Whip is not the problem it is initiative regen that is kind of stupid. It makes it so bad players can actually play class effectively.
L2P deeez nutz
I don’t think any warrior main enjoys playing hambow to be honest.
Almost no warriors left from the zerk days :/
L2P deeez nutz
This is because some of us don’t want to further aids the game more than it already is.
L2P deeez nutz
axe war is my fave zerker, i would say that it eats thieves for breakfast,
but thieves are just the appetizer!oh you went in to stealth? excuse me while i do a 12k cyclone with 2×3k dodge rolls
offhand isnt even close to viable
as people keep saying, because they don’t play it,
how is 10-12k damage combined with 6k damage and evading all incoming damage not viable to you? (you can dodge while channelling it).i’ve been using axe/axe in tournaments and melt bunkers with ease,
so when the sheep keep calling it “not viable”.
ask those bunkers if it is viable, or the glass cannons i hit with 11k executesbut lets not derail this thread, this is about tasty zerker thieves
wait till you meet a necro and you will love playing zerk warrior
L2P deeez nutz
Thieves initiative regen is just kittened right now if that was toned down most of the thieves you see right now would not be able to play the class at near the same level they used to be able to.
L2P deeez nutz
I don’t get why they think ele is so weak of a class. Right now thief and warrior are too strong. They need to stop buffing the balls of classes and start nerfing because every patch they seem to make it worse.
L2P deeez nutz
^ Super Mang Jose hit 70 yesterday
L2P deeez nutz
There isn’t a single reason to solo queue over team queue anyway. There should only be hot join and team queue.
there is
i was last week rank 500 or something in teamQ – and i join ALWAYS solo
its sooo bad than to get matched with randoms vs full TEAM and to see this people in this teams are baddies and jsut win cause they sit in TS and farm
teamQ is broken
only reason to play it is no skyhammer and more rewards^^
Not our fault there is no one else queing :p
L2P deeez nutz
Nothing needs help everything has to be nerfed on a grand scale pleaseee don’t buff anything because we clearly know how that is going.
L2P deeez nutz
Lol you really care about solo que ladder. Thats pretty funny.
L2P deeez nutz
Thief just needs its initiative regen reverted. As of now thief has become so much easier to play since you can make way more mistakes with the increased initiative regen. Trickery thieves because of this are just completely out of control.
L2P deeez nutz
Pre necro patch Warrior will only be viable if everything on a grand scale is nerfed.
L2P deeez nutz
try playing d/d ele or that good support staff build.
L2P deeez nutz
Let me get this straight; you want to nerf the only thing eles do in any PvP enviroment?!
Whats next, reducing their health pool to minimun, give them light armor, nerf their healing in every patch and make all their skills have 40+ secs CD with highly telegraphed and long casting animations?!
I actually kind think the number 2 should be changed. Btw eles are stronger than you think try playing chubbz’s staff ele build its pretty kitten good. Once all the bs that is present atm is nerfed trust me eles will be really overpowered.
L2P deeez nutz
They are upping duration its not useless. It just makes it so that it is now a skillshot rather than a passive that works off scepter autos that have no travel time. This change hopefully is applied to engis incendiary powder.
L2P deeez nutz
This is why devs should not listen to most people on the fourms. This change is great as it is reducing amount of stupid kitten in this game. Although, I wish they would do something about signet of spite already.
L2P deeez nutz
I do not get how you are having fun still spamming your aoe dude. It’s actually funny to see how 6 months ago warrior was the harder to pull off since you had to time every cleanse or you would get your face stomped in by pretty much everything. But, now you see ranks 10’s on condi bunker warriors….. I honestly think at this point the passive signet needs a change along with longbow’s interaction with cleansing ire.
L2P deeez nutz
It would pretty cool if you could put down a light field and projectile finish through it to cleanse some of your condis.
L2P deeez nutz
Bump! would really like this addressed.
L2P deeez nutz