Showing Posts For apt.9184:

If u wanna nerf warr then...

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Warriors players obviously stating warriors = fine, no surprises. Can anet bring back all the thieves nerfs, seeing how they think skullcrack builds = fine.

Can we nerf the perma invis/blind trolls called d/p? Also the evade spammers with 0 cd stunbreakers.

They have 2 evades….. unless they slot signet which gives them more endurance but I agree we need nerfs and we will get it soon hopefully.(just hope they don’t nerf the wrong things)

Thief dodge roll restores endurance, so 2 dodges generates a third dodge, then you swap to other set with energy sigil. Now you have 1.5 dodges left, then dodge which fills up endurance so that you have 1 dodge remaining. Thus, properly a thief can dodge 5 times in a row not using any skills

They have to trait for that though. I am pretty sure you need to go into acrobatics. But, in terms of s/d yes I think that is overpowered as kitten you have poisen daze dodges teleports boon steal all in one weapon set.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Haha oh well and btw I main warrior since launch and trust me I feel like I am facerolling playing warrior now when I play tpvp with teams. Maybe the balance is going so bad due to the fact that htojoin heros like yourselves want a easier time killing people before you had to play well to succeed unlike now when you can pop zerk stance skull crack hb. I am just saying even tarcis on stream said warrior skillcaps gone down. Many good warriors that I talk to that are not as known say its easy to play and is effective. Ostrich mentioned on his stream couple of times warriors are bit over top. You guys can keep saying the class is not overpowered, but it really is and once spirit rangers and necros are brought out of spotlight everyone will see how OP warrior is and it will be bashed to the floor (which no one wants)

My comments were about healing. I didn’t mention anything about stunlocking. In other threads I have stated I feel chained CC’ing/stunlocking should have diminishing returns. My comments were specifically, If a player invests heavily in healing, they should get heavy healing back. It only makes sense.
P.S I see your above mentioned warriors in spvp all the time. becareful with bantering terms like hotjoin hero..bcause the very heroes you speak of are in hotjoin regularly. We are all in hotjoin regularly mucking round.

Well I am talking about just putting healing signet with stun build it is very powerful I think its base needs reduction. I don’t have a problem with warrior being viable, but why should we have such a low skill floor and cheesy build :/ thats my problem with warrior now.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

If u wanna nerf warr then...

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Warriors players obviously stating warriors = fine, no surprises. Can anet bring back all the thieves nerfs, seeing how they think skullcrack builds = fine.

Can we nerf the perma invis/blind trolls called d/p? Also the evade spammers with 0 cd stunbreakers.

They have 2 evades….. unless they slot signet which gives them more endurance but I agree we need nerfs and we will get it soon hopefully.(just hope they don’t nerf the wrong things)

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


IMO this does not need to be nerfed. I can beat any warrior on my phantasm mesmer, and I main a warrior. The buffs have just made a warrior on par with other professions. If you nerf this then other professions need to be nerfed as well, to make them on par with warriors. I find the hammer mace/shield more OP than this.

1v1 it is not strongest spec and phant mesmer is 1v1 spec, but in team fights I could skull crack someone and tell everyone to focus it and its gg. In a team fight warrior with cds is hard to kill too.

A mesmer can escape so easily from skullcrack and when being focused on. Blink and Decoy are two options. A warrior will find it very hard to stunlock a mesmer and find it hard to escape if they are getting focused on. Like you said it is about team fighting. I do believe Warriors are not used very much in high end tPVP, which is all about team play. So why do we want to nerf a warrior when most tournament players believe other professions are more viable. This is the point. Why is everyone crying nerf when there are still stronger professions than warrior?
Sometimes I think Guardians are OP, being able to bunker at a point and place Sanctuary (6 sec), then maybe Ring of Warding (3 sec), or Shield of Absorption (4 sec). As a warrior I can not even get close to the Guardian and then he sits in his protective circle hitting me with the scepter doing burning at the same time. A warrior can not bunker as good as a Guardian.

Warriors are used look at the eu teams almost every team has a warrior. (Made in Meta, Nonstop Nonsense). Well the teams remaining have warrior :P (Meta sucks lol) I mean yea mesmer can beat that build but that is 1v1 although any class in team fight that is getting trained by a warrior will usually go down because it is very hard to peel a warrior off due to there defensive abilities. Well warriors are not meant to be bunkers. I don’t think going the cc route anet choose was a wise decision also as cc it self is very strong I mean having zerk stance as a zerk warrior with no sustain is balanced but with it being semi tanky hell no is it balanced. I think class cannon is best route since it will be part of power meta(which will resume once condi classes take there nerfs). It will also get rid of bandwagon warriors since it is a way harder to play since pretty much anything can one shot you but you can easily take sown people when played right.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Haha oh well and btw I main warrior since launch and trust me I feel like I am facerolling playing warrior now when I play tpvp with teams. Maybe the balance is going so bad due to the fact that htojoin heros like yourselves want a easier time killing people before you had to play well to succeed unlike now when you can pop zerk stance skull crack hb. I am just saying even tarcis on stream said warrior skillcaps gone down. Many good warriors that I talk to that are not as known say its easy to play and is effective. Ostrich mentioned on his stream couple of times warriors are bit over top. You guys can keep saying the class is not overpowered, but it really is and once spirit rangers and necros are brought out of spotlight everyone will see how OP warrior is and it will be bashed to the floor (which no one wants)

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Thanks guys!

We’re being very mindful about the way the Sigil of Para fix will hit Warriors. We’ve already got another balance patch brewing, and we’re being very careful to watch all the classes and see how they feel after we shave down the condition spam classes slightly.

As others have said, once we bring down the conditions that “hold down” some of the physical based classes, they will feel stronger. We’re aware of that!

Thanks again for the feedback!

Please nerf our regen from signet and zerk stance and make our frenzy ability back to 100 (or even 75) percent quickness so we can play zerk build again. (as it has a higher skillfloor). Hope you realise our builds are very OP and many top warriors hate how warrior is right now. Thanks.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


There has been a LOT of forums posted recently pertaining to Warrior. I’m wondering what the balance team feels about Warrior as it is currently. Most of the “information” presented in these forums is just downright wrong. It’s a lot different than Spirit Rangers where it was apparent that there was very few exploitable weaknesses. The current Warrior meta to me is only strong because it aims to counter the condition heavy meta, which I feel was an attempt to allow the players to shift the meta on their own without directly nerfing said builds in the current meta. The builds we run have several counters, you just don’t see them frequently because they aren’t popular currently. If Warrior remains how it is we may see a shift in the game so that for example Mesmers come back into the fray to counter the Warriors that are Countering Rangers and Necros.

I just pray that you do not listen to these forums filled with incorrect information and “shave” Warriors back into mediocrity so shortly after we were made useful after a year of being the punchline of every PvP joke.

If power meta returns trust me warriors will be OP. They will be one shoting people with sustain. So yea I hope they nerf it so noobs on warrs don’t think they are good at the game (same reason I want spirit ranger nerfed). Warriors were balanced before it was just the other classes needed adjustment. ZERK STANCE AND HEALING SIGNET NEED HUGE NERF. I HATE THAT THE CLASS I PUT MY EFFORT INTO LEARNING IS EASY TO PLAY FOR ANYONE NOW. Enough said.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Ask yourself a question- Do you want to play a game in which you can just keep foe in stun till they are dead?
Because with mace+shield/gs or mace +shield/hammer you can do it easily (esspecialy with hammer).
I fought some new necromancer in spvp. I just stun locked him till he was dead. I was happy about that. Then i thought what that poor guy was thinking. He just sat there in front of his monitor and watch me do my chain cc. He had no stun breaker or its was on cd. And what can he do with stun breaker but no stabilty agianst that amount of cc. Nothing. He could log out and be done with the game.

Finally someone who understand it

On the other hand we have classes who can just spam evade, and are so elusive we need somthing to keep them in place.

I’m sure you talk about the thief and you have right, but they have no deffskills and so they have no alternative.

But someone could say neither do we.

Remember the days of Axe/GS? I used to laugh at those warriors.

Something with longbow, maybe. Not that great either.

Lol why do you laugh at those warriors they toke way more skill then these noob friendly builds XD.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


IMO this does not need to be nerfed. I can beat any warrior on my phantasm mesmer, and I main a warrior. The buffs have just made a warrior on par with other professions. If you nerf this then other professions need to be nerfed as well, to make them on par with warriors. I find the hammer mace/shield more OP than this.

1v1 it is not strongest spec and phant mesmer is 1v1 spec, but in team fights I could skull crack someone and tell everyone to focus it and its gg. In a team fight warrior with cds is hard to kill too.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Really, how is it people get so frustrated with this build? It really only holds is own as a roaming build in WvW. In ANY other setting it is deemed subpar. That’s why it is pretty much never used in higher end tPvP. Any GS build in tPvP is used mainly for cleave damage and mobility, rather then SC+100B. There are just too many counters.

It has a lower skill cap then other extremely high skill cap warrior builds, so what? You can play a mesmer and faceroll across the keyboard to completely obliterate any newbie, and they will actually even think you’ve got skill.

So the proper way to nerf Mace/shield + GS is to not nerf it at all.

Seriously. How can we take this serious game serious after a nerf to this build unless other ‘issues’ get huge nerfs?

Longbow greatsowd zerk and axe shield greatsword was way harder than any of these easy builds.

Actually, I hope those min max kinds of build are gone and will never come back in tpvp. I hope there can be different styles.

I HATE glass cannon concept that much.

Well that’s why warriors were balanced because you can max out with no sustain it makes no sense that a class can have sustain and damage. There was always tankier setups that worked well in low end tpvp. Thats why lot of warriors were crying on the fourms before because it was way harder to play. Thats how things should be I liked the fact that you had to master your build to become really good. But, now all there is are cookie cutter mace shield and other gay builds. Now its hard to differentiate good warriors from bad ones since the builds have such a low skill floor. Its cool that warriors are now in teams, but there really needs to be changes.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Really, how is it people get so frustrated with this build? It really only holds is own as a roaming build in WvW. In ANY other setting it is deemed subpar. That’s why it is pretty much never used in higher end tPvP. Any GS build in tPvP is used mainly for cleave damage and mobility, rather then SC+100B. There are just too many counters.

It has a lower skill cap then other extremely high skill cap warrior builds, so what? You can play a mesmer and faceroll across the keyboard to completely obliterate any newbie, and they will actually even think you’ve got skill.

So the proper way to nerf Mace/shield + GS is to not nerf it at all.

Seriously. How can we take this serious game serious after a nerf to this build unless other ‘issues’ get huge nerfs?

Longbow greatsowd zerk and axe shield greatsword was way harder than any of these easy builds.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


That would break the build I think they should just get rid of zerk stance healing signet and watch that build will be hard to play again.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

If u wanna nerf warr then...

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


War is very far from OP, the new stun meta can be countered extremely easily with stability.

Actually, I have to say Anet has surprised me with how War turned out.
They did a really good job making Maces viable, lowering some cooldowns and making Healing Signet viable, let alone the awesome change to Sword skills.
The changes to traits were all good designs.

I’d still like to see an upgrade to Axe skills to make Axe play smoother, and a sense to Arcing Slice.
With those off the tracker, Warrior is pretty much a finished class.

Mace was viable for a long time, but most warriors did not know about it and believe me warrior cc builds are OP and mindless to play and btw when stab is up all I have to do is wait it out most stab people have on is 8 sec just wait that out then hit them with stuns or switch targets lol. I hate the fact that this class has become so cheesy. I feel like I wasted my time learning to play warrior effectively over past couple of months. I just wish they would revert the whole game back to double ele meta that was when warrior was fun to play and was the most balanced class in the game as you could do absurd damage, but have no sustain, which was good because the good warriors were easy to spot as opposed to now as everyone looks the same level since the spec is so easy to play and random rank 20s are playing it effectively. Healing signet is so stupid if they keep making changes like this passive play is going to be a thing for warriors. I mean you guys who are defending the warrior spec so much are just damaging the game honestly spirit ranger, warrior, necro, and s/d thief all need nerfs, I think mesmers can have there damage toned down a bit maybe eles also have there skills a bit less of a instant cast and engeneers have the burn trait nerfed. IMO this meta is just bad and is making a lot of players and teams quit the game.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


We are not complaining about there 1v1 capabilities, but the fact that they bring so much to team fights with little effort but spamming weapon skills from far. Honestly, the way to maybe bring down spirit rangers so no ones uses it, but new players would be maybe reducing the passive buffs chance buy 50 percent making them 20 percent and maybe lower the icd by 2-3 seconds to compensate because honestly ai spec should not exist in top level play its insane anet let it exist for past 2 months.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Thief only thing I have a problem with is s/d because of the fact that it is one of easier specs to play and you have so much utility its absurd, shatter mesmer is not good in current meta right now but in general I think mesmers damage can be toned down a bit. Ele only problem I have was the fact that most of there skills are instant cast kind of like skull crack, it makes it harder to counter play, but there are still counters to them. Also, ele is not viable in current meta.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Come on man, you should know as a Warrior that we are probably one of the more difficult classes to play. IDK why you would want to go back to old zerker builds because they probably required the least amount of thought and creativity. The builds we run now have a way more complexity and thought put behind them. I don’t see how CC builds that require you reacting to the situation is “cheesy” compared to the old Zerker builds were you always used the same combination no matter what.

How is Mace/Shield + GS any cheesier than Mesmer shatter builds, many Ele builds, and the thief class as a whole? I think using the Mace as a way to make up for the GS’s weaknesses is pretty cool.

I don’t think mace shield/gs is cheesy, I used to play that along with few other warriors even before the quickness nerf (which I think warriors should of had a frenzy stay 100%)… but the buff to it making it 4 secs almost with para sigl, zerker stance plus healing signet and cleansing ire is completely cheesy, due to the fact thakittens pretty much an immunity where there is no counter play you can just walk about to a person and skull crack then hb it is a pretty 1D spec if you ask me like zerk hb build was. But, what made the previous zerk hb fair was the fact that there was counter play since you did absurd damage, but had zero sustain. Now even if you check out helseths rant about counterplay he brings up points about warrior was the most balanced class and now having no counter play and it being easier to play due to how forgiving it became. The class has become so forgiving to failure its ridiculous. For example if you miss a skull crack its alright you will just wait the cd while you use your defensive abilities. There is no way a class should have so many defensive abilities I mean you have mace 2 block which is block on a 10 sec recharge, then shield 5, zerker stance immunity to condis for 8 secs (great escape tool), stability, and some warriors choose endure pain too. I mean even ostrich eggs never played warrior before put on a longbow hammer spec with zerk stance healing sig endure pain and pretty much was winning 1v2s and being effective in team fights. The reason there are so many warriors out there right now is because of the fact thakittens easy to play well with. I try to play diff classes now cause I am kind of kitten ed off that all those months perfecting warrior and playing other classes so I could learn there abilities went to waste because of a update that made it one of the easier classes to play. I mean if you warriors don’t want to believe me its fine, but the class has become face roll and along with spirit ranger, s/d thief, and necro needs to be nerfed.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


its not as simple as countering them.. the problem is way bigger

spirit rangers and necros are pushing condi meta over the top…

  • people hate condi meta
  • people hate fighting pets.. its not enjoyable to play against/watch

the meta is sooo terrible ever since these classes became fotm. most teams started “taking a break”, the PvP community has greatly died out and like myself i thought that this would change with the next big patch and that just had to endure the struggle until PAX was over…

But if they are really not gonna fix it… i doubt most people/teams would wanna come back and with school/college starting soon, gw2 pvp might just die out for a couple of months… until Anet starts making rational decisions

I’m not disagreeing at all.

When I made my “counter” post, I just meant that in a meta where Rangers and Necros are running rampant, the least teams can do is take something to counter it, which warriors seem to do pretty darn well, albeit, not necessarily in a teamfight setting.

I’m not going to say I have a multitude of experience here, but from observations alone, it looks like classes that take the responsibility of maintaining home point lack stability, and are overall fighting an uphill battle against a mace/shield greatsword warrior (or similar stun variants). So in the current meta, it seems like sending a warrior far point could be extremely advantageous, given that they should be able to 1v1 the “meta” defender builds and win most of the time, especially with cooldowns.

I mean, it sure beats ragequitting the game, but I guess not everybody shares that optimism, which I can totally sympathize with.

But teams won’t send a warrior home point because their are better options. This apparently “God Mode” insane op wqrrqir build can be easily stopped.
1. Dodge.
2. Predict for christs sake you know what he is going to try to do it is your own kitten fault if you get caught with the stun.

Although i will say that healing signet combined with cleansing ire is pretty ridiculous. Use poison to counter the sig but it will just get cleansed right off.

You guys are missing the point its the fact that the meta is terrible and easy to play in anyone can play a kitten warrior, spirit ranger, and necro. The skill floor has become so low its insane. In this meta everyone looks good and team fights are all about ai and sustain which could be the most boring thing to watch and play against. I wish they would revert back to the double arcana ele meta it was so much better. I frankly don’t even care if warrior was not viable it was way more fun back then. Also there would not be so many cheesy warriors out there. It would be nice going back to axe shield greatsword and longbow greatsword pure zerk.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


The longer Spirit Rangers stick around, the more appealing having a Warrior on your team will look, hopefully. Never find myself having much problem with them because they lack stability and only have 1 auto stun break.

Well regardless warrior is going to be in the comp because of the fact that warrior is so strong right now. Its just not a lot of people realize it.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Axe should Bleed and Torment.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol dude just stop……

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Hammer is not OP its mace MH. All they did was make after casts of hammer shorter and added berseker stance which helped the stun build tremendously. Hammer you can dodge easy I see that a mile away but mace skull crack duration is a bit too much and needs to be reverted.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Elementalist nerfed into oblivion in PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: apt.9184


Eles just need there stun breaks back the class is fine its just the meta is broken as kitten. There are condis everywhere and necros hard counter eles making them useless in team fights. Since condis are so dominant all power builds basically cannot exist due to the glassiness and lack of sustainability. I mean you saw before the buffs to necros teams were running double arcane eles.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol I don’t die to this build because most the warriors now are pretty bad and don’t know how to use stuns so its so easy to dodge them since I know whats what.

You just proved yourself wrong. How can it be OP if you adjusted your play style to it and beat people who use it? You never die to it after you learned how it worked. That sounds a lot like balance.

Thats only because I am playing the same spec vs him…. I do not know what you don’t get about that lol…. Trust me if necros and spirit rangers were not so OP right now there would be a lot more QQ about this build. Its better to have it slightly toned down now then have it nerfed to oblivion later. Honestly I wish they would of never made those changes back in end of june it just ruined this game. Double ele meta was so much better.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Its so funny when everyone wants to nerf either healing signet or mace when they gets killed by 100b that coming from gs weapon. Interesing

Sorry I don’t die to them :P

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol I love how so many warriors defending this spec when it is clearly OP as kitten I mean you have so much survivability, mobility, and damage (gs/mace shield)… Because of the buffs to warrior playing this spec is so easy to play I mean you have 8 sec condi immunity to pull of skull crack the 4 sec stun that has pretty much the animation of auto attack on mace and you have healing surge which heals you for a ton. I liked when warrior was hard to play… I mean this spec has no diminishing returns. You pretty much could miss a skull crack and not be punished (I am talking in team fight). This build needs a adjustment like maybe an animation change on the skull crack plus giving back the stun breaks they took away from other classes or maybe if you miss a skull crack you are left with 10 adrenaline and possibly reverting the max stun duration to 2.2 secs without paralyzation sigl. PS If you saw ESL both Made and Meta and Non Stop nonsense were using the cookie cutter mace shield warriors so they do exist in top level play. Skull crack warriors are just as good as s/d thiefs now at peeling and putting high pressure on enemy due to there stuns and defensive abilities making them hard to peel off unless they are way out of position.
I hate playing this build now since its so face roll that’s why I play a sub par eviscerate spec that has no mobility, bad suitability, but high spike damage (was higher pre patch).

Once Berserker Stance goes onto its hefty cooldown the Warrior is left trying to smack you in melee with no way to handle conditions aside from -duration runes and food. The build also only has two potential gap closers to set up a Skull Crack. The only thing making this build a little too strong is the broken Sigil of Paralyzation. Irreguardless, it has obvious counters that you aren’t willing to explore.

Lol I don’t die to this build because most the warriors now are pretty bad and don’t know how to use stuns so its so easy to dodge them since I know whats what. Btw you do know that most necros don’t spec for unblockable marks anymore so you can block them and stun them then hb? I made the 0/30/20/0/20 spec right after the update that made necros OP and from then on I gave this build to few people, but it was not so popular until now and from recent update the buff to heals and longer duration on stance it has just gotten so OP. It needs nerf. There is just to much room and low skill floor to land your ccs before warrior actually took a lot of skill but now its is just face roll. Say what you want, but from a person that plays this build regularly the fact that you have so much sustain and you can 100-0 people with lots of mobility makes it absurdly OP. I used to play spec pre patch and the duration back then was fine and counter able. The only counter is kiting now, but that means he is essentially running away from the point. Wish the old frenzy berserk warrior still existed since it was way harder to play and bad warriors were revealed….

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol I love how so many warriors defending this spec when it is clearly OP as kitten I mean you have so much survivability, mobility, and damage (gs/mace shield)… Because of the buffs to warrior playing this spec is so easy to play I mean you have 8 sec condi immunity to pull of skull crack the 4 sec stun that has pretty much the animation of auto attack on mace and you have healing surge which heals you for a ton. I liked when warrior was hard to play… I mean this spec has no diminishing returns. You pretty much could miss a skull crack and not be punished (I am talking in team fight). This build needs a adjustment like maybe an animation change on the skull crack plus giving back the stun breaks they took away from other classes or maybe if you miss a skull crack you are left with 10 adrenaline and possibly reverting the max stun duration to 2.2 secs without paralyzation sigl. PS If you saw ESL both Made and Meta and Non Stop nonsense were using the cookie cutter mace shield warriors so they do exist in top level play. Skull crack warriors are just as good as s/d thiefs now at peeling and putting high pressure on enemy due to there stuns and defensive abilities making them hard to peel off unless they are way out of position.
I hate playing this build now since its so face roll that’s why I play a sub par eviscerate spec that has no mobility, bad suitability, but high spike damage (was higher pre patch).

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace+ shield/ Gs- My thoughts

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol I love how so many warriors defending this spec… Because of the buffs to warrior playing this spec is so easy to play I mean you have 8 sec condi immunity to pull of skull crack the 4 sec stun that has pretty much the animation of auto attack on mace and you have healing surge which heals you for a ton. I liked when warrior was hard to play… I mean this spec has no diminishing returns. You pretty much could miss a skull crack and not be punished (I am talking in team fight). This build needs a adjustment like maybe an animation change on the skull crack plus giving back the stun breaks they took away from other classes or maybe if you miss a skull crack you are left with 10 adrenaline and possibly reverting the max stun duration to 2.2 secs without paralyzation sigl. PS If you saw ESL both Made and Meta and Non Stop nonsense were using the cookie cutter mace shield warriors so they do exist in top level play. Skull crack warriors are just as good as s/d thiefs now at peeling and putting high pressure on enemy due to there stuns and defensive abilities making them hard to peel off unless they are way out of position.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


After seeing your post history and some of your ideas for warriors i think you should stop offering ideas and suggestions.
or at least think them out well

He needs to be QQing less and actually trying to L2P. Warriors are in a pretty good state right now.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


All I am trying to say here is warrior is in a good spot and once the meta in whole sways away from condi spam warriors are going to be wanted for teams. Like for example you run a s/d ele with warrior, the warrior can call the stun then ele gets all his burst and if ele goes 30 in air for shocking aura that will be insta gib on an enemy.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Dude…. I don’t know what warriors your facing but warrs 1v1 are gods lol… mace shield /gs if your losing 1v1 with that regularly you have a problem… Of course mesmer troll 1v1 specs will win but other than that with good timing and speed you can overcome almost all classes. I kill most necros if I have berserker stance up easy.

From my experience, against certain enemies (mesmers, eles) I win 1v1s in tourneys, but not on dueling servers: on open fields melee classes have a really hard time, while around points or in narrow spaces they can apply constant pressure.

Just remember to choose your ground and you’ll have a chance to fight and win.

Yea well dueling servers is another thing because people bring purely 1v1 specs so you get kitten like that but tourneys good positioning equals win for you.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol. There is no point even bringing up points with you guys. You guys are making it seem every class has like 10 stun breaks and 10 dodges… engis barely have one that can be incorporated into the build and they have 2 dodges. If you are having hard time hitting skull crack on good players then there is a problem with your way of playing the class… No point in just QQing when you have not fully explored ways in employing your cc.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Dude…. I don’t know what warriors your facing but warrs 1v1 are gods lol… mace shield /gs if your losing 1v1 with that regularly you have a problem… Of course mesmer troll 1v1 specs will win but other than that with good timing and speed you can overcome almost all classes. I kill most necros if I have berserker stance up easy.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol dude you clearly don’t know how to play warrior it is godam good now… The reason many teams have not incorporated it yet is because right now the meta is broken in terms of condis and people need time to play around with warrior to see how they can fit it in best because keep in mind after this patch they finally just became good. They are not going to take chances like that right before pax….. Try me anytime on warrior I will eat you alive (of course unless you would like to get on a 1v1 spec). Anet has chosen cc to be what warrs bring to table. Stop QQing and practice more simple as that.
/end thread please

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Skull Cracker V 3.0 - The Counter Meta

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


IMO, skull crack is over-estimated, and it only can pressure a bad player that didn’t get used to it. (Nerco who did not bring any stun-breakers or thief who spam their shadow-step for no reason.)

Lol how if you time your cc you can pull it off every time. 3-4 sec stun OP.

Not Op. Strong, though. You need very good timing and patience to deal consistent damage.

Yea I mean thats what it should be like. People can’t complain that it’s hard to pull off, I mean that is the whole deal with classes.. All classes should and do require good timing for pulling off burst. Knowing that you outplayed someone when you insta gib them is great

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Warrior I think has gotten sufficient changes and does not need more (So same thing that happened to necros does not happen to warrior) once this meta becomes less dependent on condi spam I think teams will be looking to out in warriors.
I mean if you look at the changes the healing surge got huge buff, berserker stance is quite good, and the changes in traits were good except for the berserkers power going grand master, and lastly the skull crack change was huge I mean right now a warrior with good timing is close to unstoppable in team fights, in a way it is kinda OP.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Skull Cracker V 3.0 - The Counter Meta

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


IMO, skull crack is over-estimated, and it only can pressure a bad player that didn’t get used to it. (Nerco who did not bring any stun-breakers or thief who spam their shadow-step for no reason.)

Lol how if you time your cc you can pull it off every time. 3-4 sec stun OP.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Skull Cracker V 3.0 - The Counter Meta

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


I kind of hate the fact that everyone is playing this cause someone had to post this build….. I not insinuating its your fault but really if people keep posting quote on quote meta builds we are going to have an abundance of players playing the same builds and people will ask for nerfs time and time again swaying the classes potential negatively. This class is so close to viability once necros and condis in general are toned down I believe we are finally going to have a spot on team because of our cc capabilities. The point I am trying to make is posting builds like this is going to make it worse for the general health of the class I mean look at necros, since everyone is running the same build everyone is looking for changes that will over nerf the class through extra unnecessary changes, which I believe is going to really sway anets direction with the class.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Why no Condi Warriors in high end Tpvp?

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Hey all,

So I’ve been playing since beta off and on and feel I have a decent understanding of the game and the meta’s in the past and current (although the new one’’s still in flux). I played on a relatively decent top team during the first two months and while I don’t have time for one at the moment, I’ve been dueling when I can.

I’ve become pretty decent with a sword/shield (and going to try new sword off hand) and LB condi build. I’ve beaten everyone who goes to the duel server over the last month (and had my share of losses and learning curve). To me the build seem’s able to handle itself and offers even more in a team environment with its large fire field and blast finisher as well as multiple 3.5-5 sec immobilizes. This has lead me to believe the build would work in a legit 5v5 team.

Is it because the OP necro just offers more? (however I found necro the easiest to beat if they were not a MM necro with condi removal traited with minions).

Id really like to see someone represent condi warrior in a top team since I’m 100% certain it can offer a lot. Until Defektive showed what a CC warrior could do, no one though warrior offered anything, I think the same is true for condi warriors.


This is the build I’m referring to;1RK-Q0f4cL-60;9;44JT-E;128-08A;12;0ao03;2isXAiJG41Zz

Condition warrior could be good if necros epi what you put on but the thing is you do not apply it fast enough for it to be useful because even if a necro can apply those bleeds so much faster and can aoe a point way better then bleed warrior. And btw cc warrior was just introduced by defective since he posted a variation of the build and plays on team. Pre-patch even months before, it was played by a few of warriors along with myself. It is really effective now in teams because skull crack is now 3 second stun rather than 2 secs with full bar of adrenaline. On a side note if the condi aoe meta is toned down a bit through necro and spirit ranger changes I think warriors will finally have there place in a team.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Why is there no one vs. one PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


There is no point. Everyone in 1v1 servers bring 1v1 builds, and it does not develop real skill. The skill in this game is teamplay.

How about fun, is it a good enough point, because currently it does not seem like it from anet side…

Lol that’s why there are 1v1 servers for those types of shenanigans :P

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Blocking stealth attacks should apply reveal.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


The skillcap on the class is pretty high like in hotjoins its rare to see good thiefs. Why further increase skillcap? It will make every other class look faceroll. You people say its a easy class to play but I disagree they have to pull of quite a bit to do it, for example they have to make sure someone does not interrupt them them while hbing into the blackpowder and they are a glass cannon so they have to pay quite a bit of attention as they can get bursted in a matter of seconds.

It wont be THAT hard to land backstab not into aegis/block if you are looking at screen, and not drinking beer, eating chips, etc. OP is right. If you’re trying to faceroll, you should be punished for this. x2 if you are thief in stealth, OF COURSE.

Lol i don’t even know what to say to this comment. I never said landing backstab is hard lol….. Surviving, knowing when to burst, when to interrupt, dodging the burst of other classes (since you pretty much get 1 shot if you are not paying attention)…
If you really think thief is easy come try to beat me on warrior with that. I will eat you alive.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Blocking stealth attacks should apply reveal.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol all you people asking for this change really need to make a thief and play top tier tourneys with it. Thiefs are non existent because there are few thiefs that are skilled due to the skill cap being so high and the condi aoe meta. They can be insta gibed in team fights if the user has a slow reaction time. Just cause you get steam rolled by them in hot joins doesn’t mean you can call for a change. Its not a hard class to play decently but playing high tier with it is the real skill (I am talking purely about D/P thiefs and PS I do not play thief as main but I do play it on side when I am bored and hot joining)

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Why is there no one vs. one PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


There is no point. Everyone in 1v1 servers bring 1v1 builds, and it does not develop real skill. The skill in this game is teamplay.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Blocking stealth attacks should apply reveal.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Honestly L2P bro enough said…….

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Blocking stealth attacks should apply reveal.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


The skillcap on the class is pretty high like in hotjoins its rare to see good thiefs. Why further increase skillcap? It will make every other class look faceroll. You people say its a easy class to play but I disagree they have to pull of quite a bit to do it, for example they have to make sure someone does not interrupt them them while hbing into the blackpowder and they are a glass cannon so they have to pay quite a bit of attention as they can get bursted in a matter of seconds.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Stop crying about warriors

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol I agree with bry. There is kittening a 100 threads about warriors being bad I agree the warriors are not meta atm, but everyone is acting like warriors can’t do anything. First L2P the class then post your concerns. There are a lot of tricks with the class you can learn to be successful.

I can spend 1,000 hours learning how to play warrior to a point where it is average to above average in tpvp, or I can play a necro and mesmer for 10 hours and learn how to play it to a point where it is average to above average in tpvp, and then play it for 100 more hours and play it at a point where it is exceptional in tpvp.

That’s the problem in a nutshell.

Well the thing is its not going to be an easy class to play everything is not going to be handed to you, but by no means does it need a million threads on the topic. Anet has already seen its an issue and hopefully will implement some more tools to make them fit into the meta some way. I am just hoping that the changes do not decrease the skill cap significantly because I kind of like that this class toke a good while to learn.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Stop crying about warriors

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol I agree with bry. There is kittening a 100 threads about warriors being bad I agree the warriors are not meta atm, but everyone is acting like warriors can’t do anything. First L2P the class then post your concerns. There are a lot of tricks with the class you can learn to be successful.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

PVP Skins > rank 30

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


How are you supposed to get the actually good looking skins in pvp? The ones that come from rank 40 onwards? You need like what, rank 80 or even more for cultural armors? That’s insane. You’d need to grind glory for 3 years straight to get that much rank.

Arenanet REALLY needs to lower either the rank requirements for the armor skins or the amount of glory required for each rank.

Dude you get cultural t1 at rank 60.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

[NA] Looking for more peeps to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: apt.9184


Kritto he is bored of us

NO. This is for when you’re both not on or when you’re both in parties. Don’t give me guilt trips.

jk :P

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

[NA] Looking for more peeps to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: apt.9184


Kritto he is bored of us

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

How to fix the Warrior's Sustain:

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Honestly they should not be afraid of buffing warrs really hard because even if they do find its too much 1 month later they can always readjust it. Like necros got a huge buff why not warrs?

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Anet do you even Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol…… Anet do you even lift?

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz