Showing Posts For bcd.4352:

Let's break down legendaries as they are now

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


Very easily. You might have heard of this weird thing in the game called personal story, funnily enough it’s a long term thing, 80 levels worth actually, and it provides different content.


You have a very caustic and condescending attitude, which won’t work in your favor if you’re trying to convince other players.

Also, your reasoning is confusing to me.

Is there a way of knowing which path one has completed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bcd.4352


I found that having a good memory works best. Check the wiki, and based on your memory, you’ll know if you’ve done it or not.

Easiest class to play well?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


Warrior is awesome and easy. I’ve played 4 classes, and warrior is the most straightforward I tried.

Warrior Sigil and Rune Comparison

in Warrior

Posted by: bcd.4352


I remember reading a very nice post, probably from reddit, comparing different weapon Sigils and armor Runes for a berserker warrior. I tried searching for it, but can’t find it.

Does anybody have a link to it, or any good comparison?


how does power, work for engineers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


I use grenades. I really like berserker gear, damage is very nice. Not warrior nice, but still nice. I tried condition damage as a main stat, with the “explosions cause bleed” trait and that was amazing damage too; I personally prefer berserker though.

Giganticus Lupicus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bcd.4352


Dodge food is immensely helpful here. Also having a guardian that can heal and give you stability for phase 3 in case you get chain bubbled.

It’s a fun fight, not too hard if you don’t waste dodges. Most of the red circles can be walked out of, the time between the circle and damage dealt is 3-4 seconds, more than enough to run out. Dodge the auto attacks and life steal though.

Salvaging back items: quik fix for next patch

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


I’m still holding my breath for this to happen. I’ve asked for it before. I’m sitting on roughly 75 rare back pieces. It would be nice to be able to salvage or MF them.

Pls make burning more unique!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


Burning causing -25% endurance regeneration is an awesome idea Red Falcon. I love it.

Let's break down legendaries as they are now

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


Go read more than the first two lines of the thread as well, you’ll notice I said I have no interest in a legendary while it’s nothing more than a grindfest.

Somehow this flew over your head, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess not.

… and for some reason this concept is easily understood by people who haven’t wasted time on a legendary, likely because they realize it’s a mindless boring grind and a waste of time already, and flies over the heads of most of the people who have wasted time on a legendary.

I see what you did there, you sly conversationalist, you.

I see an easy solution.

Precursor/Icy Runestones/Maybe clovers: New dungeon, big dungeon, complicated dungeon, not just wave after wave of over scaled mobs, or bosses that one shot you. Limited to one run per day, hell, maybe one per week like bounties. 1-3 runestones guaranteed to drop, 15-20-25% chance of 1 clover, 10% chance of a precursor token of some sort.

So, let me get this straight. You want a huge, complex dungeon you can run once a week, for 10 weeks, and obtain the precursor, clovers, and runestones for your legendary weapon?

How could I have missed it?! You’re right. This makes it way more legendary.

Why can't you make money through crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


1. You can make money by crafting. I did. Tons. I bought Onyx Cores, used a skill point to MF to Lodestone, crafted Superior Rune of the Ranger. I was making >60s profit after taxes and everything, which is a good use of my extra skill points.
2. Max crafting in this game is extremely easy to achieve. There’s a huge amount of players that have 1 or more crafts maxed. If there was an easy way to make money by crafting it would be very quickly marginalized.
3. To make money (a significant amount of money) by crafting you need to invest time into figuring out what items would sell for profit. And you need to do it quickly before others figure it out and undercut you by 1c.

edit: Also crafting is not worthless outside legendaries. I’d rather craft exotic armor for alts than use dungeon tokens. Craft and sell/salvage rares. But it all goes back to supply and demand. If 75% of the players have a 400 jeweler, there’s low interest in your products unless they’re special in some way.

(edited by bcd.4352)

Fastest way to get Karma?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


WvW zergs are amazing. Cap a bunch of stuff. Enemy zerg caps it back. Cap it again!

Which race has been your favorite to roll?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


Asura is by far the best.

• Easiest to do jumping puzzles with, since you’re so tiny you don’t block your own view and you know exactly where you will land.
• You appear to run really fast. You don’t actually run faster, but since you’re tiny and everything is bigger by comparison, you seem to traverse distances at amazing speeds. My human and Charr feel so horribly slow compared to Asura.
• I like how most armor looks on Asura, much more than on other classes. (but most people disagree with me because boobs)

Please put the character slots on sale!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: bcd.4352


Putting awesome things on sale just drives up the price of gems.

Few weeks ago character slots were on sale, bank tabs, and extra bag space. As soon as the sale started, gems went up ~20%, making the sales moot unless you’ve already stockpiled gems.

Char swapping

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bcd.4352


Didn’t even know this was a thing. Is it really worth the exp to your alt?

It’s a whole level (almost, 90% of a level). Pretty fast way to level if you run a few paths per day, but it’s way too cheesy for me. Personally, I don’t mind if people in pugs do it, as long as they ask before hand and the final boss is almost dead before they switch.

Does magic find actually work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


MF gear does the following: increase the potential quality of dropped items, in exchange for significant stat loss.

Sure you’re at +200% MF, but if you deal half the damage and it takes you twice as long to kill something, (also it’s way harder to tag mobs in large events) you may be getting less loot overall.

Dungeon token reset time?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


DR is character based as far as I can tell. I’m sure there are more knowledgeable people around who know the timings, but I do not.

So for example if you run CoF p1 on character A, get 60 tokens, run it again, get 20 tokens, again get 10 tokens. Then you switch to character B. run CoF p1, get 60 tokens. Run it again, 20 tokens. Again, 10 tokens.

Boosters in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: bcd.4352


But if you have a lot of each booster, because, I don’t know, you bought hundreds of keys from Lyns, you might as well use them somewhere.

Let's break down legendaries as they are now

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


Legendarily weapons are only a grind if you rush it and grind for them.

If you just play for fun, it will take a while but it doesn’t feel like a grind at all.
I do some dungeons which get me karma, levels, tokens (weapons) and some money. A legendary weapon is my goal, but I won’t farm CoF 10 times a day on all my characters, because I wouldn’t have fun.

I had a blast doing world completion. Don’t really want to do it on any other toon, because some places are boring though. WvW is great and I do it at least 8 hours a week, got more badges than I know what to do with.

Got most of my mats from failing to make clovers. The rest I will buy. Precursor I will unfortunately have to buy, but dungeons provide a decent amount of cash, so I’ll get there eventually.

But yes, if you want your legendary now you will have to grind for it. So stop complaining on the forums and go grind.

Making Miyani's wares account bound

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


I am also a big proponent of this happening.

Taxes are way too high.

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


No, the taxes are fine, your just an American.

Two things:
1. I work in America, state and federal taxes account for about 35% of my income. This does not include Social Security taxes, or California SDI.
2. “You’re”

State of the Game sPVP interview AoE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


I think that AoE nerds are fundamentally bad.

AoE discourages zergs and tight grouping. 50 players on top of another suffer greatly when you AoE them if there’s no target limit. Everyone gets hurt.

The 5 target limit encourages huge zergs, which hurts WvW in my opinion. I can stack with 49 other people, and AoE damage and arrow carts become virtually worthless. Someone does an AoE on us, I have a 10% chance to take damage.

Condition damage question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


Power in no way affects condition damage. Power only affects hit damage, not condition ticks.

Dungeon token reset time?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


1) same as daily achievements (4pm PST I think)
2) character specific, so you can farm Arah p3 on alts.

Can you run faster than a Centar?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


For grape justice!

Fractal bags are awesome, and cheap if you like fractals.

(edited by bcd.4352)

Magic Find Gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


MF gear in dungeons is stupid (time wise) for two reasons: MF does not work on chests so you get minimal use, and having low power/precision as opposed to high power, with precision and critical will slow you down, regardless of how big your ego is.

Best MF on gear is from trinkets. The armor only provides 3% per piece. I use ascended MF accessories and rare MF armor with 5 noble runes and 1 other MF rune, but only for dynamic events. WvW and dungeons I use high damage gear to make the run as fast as possible.

2 milion karma what to do whit it ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


Wow…. looks like alot of people are still clueless about how to dump karma for gold… keep buying your boxes suckers.

And no im not referring to crafting a legendary and selling it.

I’m also curious about what this may be. Are you willing to tell us?

MF gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


MF gear truly works, I’ve noticed a lot more rares/exotics (until you hit DR)

You need to be using it on farming though, not dungeons

This! Use it to farm events, for 30 minutes at a time. It’s not efficient in dungeons since it doesn’t work on chests and slows everyone down, you’re a lot squishier and deal significantly less damage in MF gear.

Magic find in www?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


Getting badges does not completely have to do with damage dealt.

It really works just like with mobs. You need to tag a player to get a potential drop. So doing 15,000 damage to a player that dies, as opposed to doing 6,000 damage does not give you more badges. But doing 100 damage for example, is not enough for a tag.

My optimal strategy is be in a party with friends, and try to get at least 1500 damage per target, that way even if an ally only hits it for a very small amount, you still get tag credit and a chance at a loot bag. (As a condition necro this is pretty hard to do in fast fights, but so amazingly easy in long engagements, I tag everything)

2 milion karma what to do whit it ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352


Save it for the 100 million karma account achievement.

I’m going to buy boxes in a few days though. I never used any of my Jugs of Karma and I have way too many now. I don’t care about the minis, but I’d rather have more gold than a stack and a half of Jugs of Karma and two stacks of the tiny Drops of Karma or whatever you get from dungeons.

Lionguard Lyns gone - not a fair warning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


So i was away for almost 2 months now. I came back and i still have over 1k Captain’s Council Commendations. At the time before i left Liongard Lyns was unavailable for a really long period of time. Are you telling me that my Commendations are completely useless now?


Ranged Weapon Choice

in Warrior

Posted by: bcd.4352


I’m trying to figure out what weapons work well for PvE and WvW. I’m a glass warrior, although I might grab some more toughness and vitality gear for WvW.

I currently use GS for spike damage. I tried other weapons (I’m still new to warrior so I may have missed something) but I really like sword and shield in WvW for the crowd control, which makes my Hundred Blades hit more often. This said, I lack range. I tried both longbow and rifle, and they’re so low damage they don’t seem worth it; but again, in certain situations I feel kitten by my need to melee while glass.

What do you guys do? Can you persistently be melee only while glass? If not do you prefer rifle or longbow?

Account Bound vs. Soulbound discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


Why does it matter if our siege blueprints are shared between characters?


And Mystic Kits, and Back Armor that can’t be salvaged/mystic forged.

There’s so much silly stuff in this game.

Dragon Chest Spawn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


You can only get one chest per world boss per character a day now.
But the loot is much better.

Yeah I know that, that’s why I wrote that the last time I had done it was a day before, before the daily reset happened. Thanks though : )

Dragon Chest Spawn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


Did the rules for whether a dragon chest spawns or not change very recently?

I did Shatterer on my Rangeer yesterday, before the daily reset. I slept, went to work, came back, (so about 20 hours later, and after the reset) I tried doing it again. The chest did not spawn. Two people in mapchat said you now have to exit and zone and return to ge tthe chest to spawn. I haven’t seen anything like this in the patchnotes so I was trying to get it confirmed or denied.

Lionguard Lyns gone - not a fair warning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


I would definitely like to add my voice to the “this sucks” party.

I do read most patch notes, and clearly I missed this, but even so, patch notes may not be the best way to deliver info about an on-again off-again NPC vendor.

It’s not a huge deal since the cost of my unspent commendations is only about 6G, but still, this sucks.

Lionguard Lyns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


I can’t seem to find Lyns. Is she gone?

If so is there anything I can do with my 50 crates of commendations? (That’s like 2500 commendations)

Gilded Infusion and Karmic Infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcd.4352


Does anybody know whether the Karmic Infusion applies to event karma and bottle karma (like the jugs from dailies)?

I read Gilded Infusion applies to monster money, so on a dungeon boss I can get 15s + 40% from Omnomberry Bar + 20% Infusion + WvW Scavenger bonus for about 25s. But what about event money, or bag of loot money?


Herein I complain: Crystals, Backs, Rings

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


I wish I could add more to the list of complaints but I can’t, I like this game a lot.

Crystals and Philosopher Stones are my main concern. I think it sucks that they are soulbound instead of account bound. Everything they make is account bound, or not bound at all. Unless I only use 1 character to make all my clovers, material upgrades, etc., I’ll get stuck with many stacks of crystals all bound to different characters.

Unwanted Back armor pieces and Fractal Rings have no viable uses. We can’t salvage them. We can’t combine back armors in the Mystic Forge. We can’t combine Fractal Rings either, only infuse them. It would be swell if these functioned as other items of their rarity; currently the only option is to sell for petty amounts.

Disclaimer: most of these concerns are due to the fact that 4 of my bank tabs are filled up with unwanted rings, rare back armors, and crystals.

Personal Story Difficulty?

in Personal Story

Posted by: bcd.4352


These are the things which worked very well for me. I feel that these make it way easier. I’ve gotten 5 characters through their personal stories, Mesmer, Necromancer, Engineer, Warrior, Ranger; both solo and with friends.

1. Be the right level! Trying to do a PS quest when you’re at a lower level than required makes it significantly more difficult.

2. Have gear of your level! Doing a level 30 PS quest with a level 12 weapon, or no jewelry is very hard. Use the Trading Post, stuff is usually cheap. There is a major difference between having on-level greens or a blue from 10 levels before. That new armor with twice the power is totally worth 2s. That +3% damage sigil is worth 4s. Get earrings and rings. A good rule of thumb is to upgrade gear every 3-5 levels.

3. Know your class!
If it’s still ridiculously hard, then read a guide on your profession’s forum. I sucked as a Necromancer until I read about a few builds that work. Now every mob around me bleeds to death.

Clover data

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


145 shards for 77 clovers.

That’s quite lucky. 300 one shot attempts got me 75 clovers, exactly 25%.

Rings Rings Rings

in Crafting

Posted by: bcd.4352


Can I craft anything with Fractal Rings or Infused Fractal Rings? I know I can’t salvage them, which sucks. Only MF recipe I know of is to Infuse a ring.

I like Fractals. A lot! I do dailies almost every day, sometimes 2 dailies.

I have a lot of rings! I just filled a second bank tab with rings (that’s 60). Most are ascended but a few are not. I’m too much of a packrat to sell them to NPC.

Lupicus after patch

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bcd.4352


Please stop using that slogan. You were not supposed to graveyard zerg, anet devs have been saying that for a long time. You suppose to improve rather than brute force every encounter.

Dungeons have always been about teamwork, compentent players, and being well geared.

4 good players can carry a crappy one; most times 2 good players can carry 3 cappy ones. It’s when the majority of the group doesn’t know how to play, is not geared, or just has stupid builds that things go belly up. And that’s when people graveyard rush. Those are the people complaining about the WP change.

Again, the Biggest Problem with Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bcd.4352


You are a poet. That was beautiful.

Fractal Loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bcd.4352


Has fractal loot been substantially diminished? Ever since the 28th, loot has been terrible.

I used to run fotm 26 and 30 almost every day, and I would walk away with an average of 4-12 rares from a run. I did this a lot; I actually finished my fractal achievement (500 fractals).

Lately I’ve been running higher scales, for example, I was fractal level 35, I ran fractal 36 to get daily and maw chest. I finished with 1 rare. My 28 daily got me 2 rares.

I read in the patch notes that loot is based on the minimum of player’s reward level and fractal level. So if I’m 35, running 36, but there’s a level 12 in our group, is the entire group getting fractal 12 loot? Or is it determined for each player individually?

Vials of Mist Essence

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bcd.4352



I’m trying to get a lot more vials of mist essence.

With the changes to fractals from the Janury 28th patch, will I still get vials if I run fractal scale 1-9 on a character that’s at fractal scale 36? Or will I get shards of mist essense?


Daily Tracker UI bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bcd.4352


In the top right corner there is a tracker for the daily achievement. Below that there’s a star which I can’t click on or interact with in any way.

Is this a bug or is it the monthly (since I already completed it)?


Dodge Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bcd.4352


•Fixed a bug that could cause chain skills to sometimes interrupt dodge rolls.

I just wanted to say I love you all. <3 Thanks Arena Net!

Deposit All Collectibles Disapearing Items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bcd.4352


Have you checked your collectible tab in your bank? When deposited, collectibles do not go into the main tab of the bank, but into their own “Collectibles” tab.

BUG Need help EB Jumping puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bcd.4352


A fix for this bug would be to allow an enemy access to the chest so they will destroy your ram.

Or to hope your own server quits trolling itself. Although I find this extremely funny I can understand how it’s really frustrating.

Back Pieces

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bcd.4352


I don’t know if back pieces are bugged or working as intended, but their functionality differs greatly from all other gear.

First and foremost, they cannot be salvaged. All other gear and trinkets can be salvaged to obtain both mats and obtain the slotted jewel. Why not back pieces?

Second, they cannot be put into the mystic forge, either as donations for Lyns or as a way to try to upgrade them (i.e. put in 4 rare spineguards, get a chance at an exotic one)

Third, they are neither armor nor trinkets when searching on the BLTP.

edit: I know they can be searched for by name, but they don’t seem to fit into any category. (at least not that I’ve found)

(edited by bcd.4352)