Totally worth all the communist jokes though.
For the Moleletariat!
I can’t help but smile when I see names like Moledavia.
This was always the case. There’s a 15 minute interval that gives DR regardless of character.
It’s easiest observed on fast paths like CoF p1
Character A finishes p1 at 8:01pm, 60 tokens
Character B finishes p1 at 8:14pm, 30 tokens
If character B finished p1 at 8:19pm for example, it would have gotten 60 tokens.
What should i have had reported them for its not illegal for kicking people?
it’s illegal to kick a person at the last boss chest.
We should have a chat about the definition of “illegal.” It doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Ok, I am among those who were outraged to discover Lyns gone, and admit, I tend not to get my info from the forums, primarily because it is not organized like wiki is. My question today is: “Is it over?” I’ve waited patiently while impassioned players, made their case for restoring Lyns, and read all the cynical responses, essentially saying: "really? more people who didnt read the forum??? OMG!!!!
But its all, it seems for naught, because anet folks are no longer weighing in on the issue. So does that mean, its ok to unload remaining CCC’s. Might I add, CCC’s that have a big zero face value.
Perhaps going forward, when Arenanet discovers some other valuable in the game has somehow been used and abused, they could give the soon to be worthless items some value at the merchant at least?
More importantly, it would be nice, if since we are in a fantasy world here, Anet would try to use some wisdom in future, to not allow people who exploit the game to use arenanet’s own hand to get the last laugh on honest players when our riches get marked down to zero.
Just because counterfitters exist in real life does not mean its appropriate for governments to come out and state that as of tomorrow, dollars, or euros, or whatever other cash equivalent has no value.
Perhaps its possible too, to change the icons, of items that are soon to be removed, into say….a little man with a construction hat on. That way, players glancing at their inventories, would know immediately something is up, and go looking for the facts.
I hope you are reading this up there!!
Nicer still would be some sort of central list, that would say, these items will absolutely have no use going forward in the game. This list might include things like: Map Fragment and Mysterious Soggy Bag from the Lost Shore prelude content. Maybe it includes, Mystical Cogs, Stuffing, and Glue??? You might even insert a small shop somewhere in the game for orphaned items in game, with a curator looking to acquire rare items. So that boobs like me might not feel so sad, so often, when we discover some new exploit, has destroyed our in game wealth, which is often created with the days of our lives, the most irreplaceable commodity in the game.
Yeah I know, I was sad when I discovered Lyns gone and my commendations useless.
Other users had vary valid points, in the future, send out in game mail or something to warn players of impending changes.
Or just bring Lyns back in some remote corner so people can trade in their commendations.
I have to agree that saving your laurels for 80 top end gear is the best thing to do.
However, if you want to buy and sell dyes and drive down their price that’s awesome! I’m still working on Bifrost.
May not be the right time to point it out, but for long runs, if possible, try to be the instance starter. It takes more time, since you’re the one that has to find a party and launch the dungeon or the FotM, but it provides insurance.
Yes. The items are unique, as long as it’s not the same exact item you’re fine.
You can even have 2 RRoD as long as one is infused and the other isn’t, since they are technically different items.
Sounds like you have 90 minutes of playtime per day. If reset is at 8:00pm for you, you have 8 to 8:30 and then 7 – 8 the next day.
That’s plenty of time. If I try to just do my dailies, I can waypoint once or twice, and finish in under 30 minutes.
Levelling is actually making you weaker if you don’t upgrade gear.
Say you’re in a level 15 zone. You’re currently level 23, downgraded to level 15. If you hit level 24, you’re still downgraded to 15, so if you don’t have new gear, your stats go down. Fun!
Why wouldn’t you upgrade your gear?
You don’t even need to buy it. I went all the way from 1-80 using only drops and Personal Story rewards and at worst one piece of my gear was 10 levels behind. Most of it was usually 2-3 levels behind. If you’re being practically handed gear why not use it?
I’m slightly foreign so my English isn’t amazing. Let me try to explain again. I’m not suggesting that you not upgrade gear, that’s silly. All I’m saying is when you level up, if you don’t have new gear, you will be weaker than you were before levelling.
If you are level 23, with level 23 green gear, and you level up to 24, but don’t have new gear, downscaling will make you weaker. Try it out if you want to see. Your stats will decrease when you level, since downscaling is percentage based.
Levelling is actually making you weaker if you don’t upgrade gear.
Say you’re in a level 15 zone. You’re currently level 23, downgraded to level 15. If you hit level 24, you’re still downgraded to 15, so if you don’t have new gear, your stats go down. Fun!
Can we please have it this way
1) Rally Ally
2) Other function
3) LootFYI: WVWVW loot bags appear at your feet, away from any corpses, picking up those loot is easy, when you’re in the middle of a big fight and an ally falls in a pile of corpses, really your top priority is looting stuff and not keeping your numbers up?
No. That’s a terrible idea. Don’t take out your inventory mismanagement issues on everyone else. Loot should have priority over resurrecting anyone. If you want to res, click on the character first.
FYI: in WvWvW I always fight on top of a pile of corpses.
Or a -1 for poorly thought out suggestions or replies. Oh wait…
I’m done with all except Giant, 9/1000. Kitten giants. :-(
This sucks, but items are clearly marked as "unique. This is also why each ascended ring, earring, and amulet have multiple items with the same stats.
The vendor also has you confirm your purchase “Are you sure you want to purchase X?”
I believe the BLTP was intended to be the main trading method. It is awesome both because it is game wide (all NA or all Europe) servers included, but also because its a good gold sink.
Right now BLTP serves both the duties of work orders and CoD. If you want an item and have crafting materials you can easily buy the item and sell materials. Selling something on the BLTP is exactly CoD, when the item is sold (delivered) you get money.
I don’t have exact numbers but I think it’s on a 15 minute tick interval.
For example, character A finished at 3:31. Gets 60 tokens.
Character B finished at 3:44, within the same 15 minute tick. DR gets you 30 tokens.
Character C finishes at 4:03, not within the same tick as any other character. Gets 60 tokens.
There is an account based DR, so even on separate characters, if you run it within the same 15-30 minute period I think, you get hit by DR.
I would agree that it would be nice to know what gives points. I knew about the Dolyaks, which are quite an effective way of boosting your score, besides hampering enemy supply. Dolyak farming works especially well against green in EB because of the water and proximity. I didn’t know at all about the other events giving points.
The initial OP’s example is all sorts of fraud. When you found that candy machine, put in a quarter, and got 3 pounds of candy, you didn’t get escorted out by security and banned. You got escorted out after raiding all the candy machines in the mall, and taking 3000 pounds of candy for $250.
If something seems to be a bug, encountering it once won’t get you banned. Doing it a thousand times will.
Do you have to get all the baubles in 1 run, or just get all of them at some point?
It’s a per zone achievement, and it’s the whole zone in one run to get it.
I agree that skill is much more important than gear. But having good gear is an indication that the player is at the very least experienced.
I pug a lot, and with very few exceptions, it’s always level 80 characters who pug. I wouldn’t mind taking a low level or under geared friend who i know can play well. But I wouldn’t pug with sub-80s.
I know it’s a game and all, but when 4 other players depend on you, being your A game, good gear, and try.
There is a consumable light source.
Q: what do some thieves do that makes them melt on their own?
Especially in WvW, I’ll see a thief run towards me, stealth, so I’ll pop invisibility or death shroud or invulnerability depending on my class. Three seconds later the thief pops out of stealth, spins at me, goes invisible again, and them drops dead.
But this isn’t a holiday event. There’s no holiday this month.
mother of god I hate this community at times.
My friend gave me an Easter egg, I wanted to have a piece of it every evening for a week.
But I ate it all in one go. Sending him letter of complaint now, saying why the hell did he allow this!
I love you. Thanks for putting my feelings into words.
Only thing keeping me and my beautiful Bifrost apart is about 600 more Crystalline Dust. But immagetchu Bifrost, even if I have to buy the dust on the TP for 170g.
I read that as ‘give me an insta-level 80’.
sounds good
There are 25 explorer dungeon paths. Get to level 5, then have your friends carry you through each path a day, for 3 days.
Any more ridiculous requests? I’m here to allay all your tribulations, real and imaginary.
Worth 100 laurels? I thought not.
Will I be getting a tonic that let’s me turn into a tiger who asks for a belly rub? kitten YES!
Lol. That’s a pretty awesome troll. My guild will post "Arah p4 carry run lf1m whisper someotherguysaccount"
I love it.
I hope I’m not alone in thinking that it would be swell to have more uses for back armor, fractal rings, and Crafting Boosters.
Back Armor
Salvageable: no
Mystic Forgeable: no
Sell to NPC: yes
Fractal Rings
Salvageable: no
Mystic Forgeable: no (only to infuse, but can’t combine infused rings)
Sell to NPC: yes
Crafting Boosters
Salvageable: no
Mystic Forgeable: no
Sellable to NPC: no
Utterly useless once you’ve mastered all crafts.
I want to be able to salvage Fractal Rings and Back armor. I think it would be nice to be able to combine 4 rings for a random new ring, 4 back armors for a random new armor, and 4 boosters for a random new booster.
There is no hard cap. You are only limited by your gear. You won’t be punished if you just stack power on every gear piece and every upgrade component.
You missed 1. On the 03.26 patch, it bugged both PVP monthly and daily. So for march you could get 31 for each day, 10 for monthly, 10 for PVP monthly, and 1 for PVP daily on patch day. 52 total for March.
i am sorry but to me as player that sounds just as excuse and very insulting.
basicaly it sounds like you saying for some classes there is no reason 2 do the new content cuz you will get nothing for your class from it anyway… really sounds unfair
No matter how awesome you make things Arena Net, someone will aways be insulted and find it unfair, and rage. This is an awesome area with awesome gameplay, and it’s tons of fun.
Thank you so much!
wow. Wow! WOW!
Everything I learned about plate tectonics just got thrown out. Are you telling me that under the ground for the entire continent of Tyria there’s a massive ocean? WHAT?!
It would be cool if this was an ongoing April Fools / Easter thing. A new world comes out each year.
It’s not that bad really. It’s a 6 month old game. People either complain about bugs not being fixed, other people complain about there being updates and fixes.
I love that if you’re in an instance and a new build launches, it gives you 3 hours and doesn’t just kick you out. I also really like that updates don’t come with 6 hours of downtime like on Diablo or other games.
Any condition class really, you only need one. A good condition necro can keep ~20 bleeds on a target, epidemic in AoE fights, and the other party members will contribute a bleed here and there to keep mobs at 25.
Having 2 condition characters in a dungeon is like 4 manning it.
Frigar > condition Necromancer in full exotic/ascended Rabid
Bcd > grenade Engineer in full exotic/ascended Knight
Schiester > berserker Warrior, full exotic/ascended Berserker (I never use him for Lupi)
I have a lot of experience in p1,2,3. I’m looking for p4 for completion, and p3 farming to sustain my mystic forge addiction.
I’m on late night and weekends, hit me up if I’m not in WvW.
Northeastern most part, the new Living Story mission will get it for you when you enter Craigstead.
Used 50 of my keys, got a weapon token on the 47th.
I now have 18 crafting boosters. What can I do with them since I already maxed all 8 professions.
I am rocking condition/precision/toughness on my necro and I love it. Precision plays well with “on critical” Sigils. Toughness is awesome for the extra survivability, but also with Rune of Undead (I think) you get 5% of toughness is a bonus to condition damage which rocks.
In the true sense of the word though, no other stat helps condition damage.
Wiki list of armor sets
If I may make a personal recommendation, use gear with bonuses which complement one another condition damage and power don’t help each other at all.
I read there are supposed to be 6 pieces for this achievement.
I’m at 2 out of 3. (Tier 2 of 3) from when it was first released. Are the other 4 pieces in the game or are they still due later?
I would caution you about going MF on an engineer from personal experience. I have a full exotic set of crafted armor, 5 Runes of Noble, 2 Runes of Pirate (one for regular helm, one for water helm), ascended MF rings, MF back, and now an ascended MF amulet.
Full MF gear is a huge DPS loss compared to berserker gear, and you’ll be just as squishy. Even with grenades for AoE tags, a MF engineer is very weak. You will be great at farming Cursed Shore events when in a party, so you can get tiny tags and other party members also tag so the combined damage will be enough to get you experience and loot.
In all other activities, dungeons, fractals, as an MF engineer you will either have a hard time, or have to be carried by your group, which sucks.
If you intend to seriously go full MF, I would once again really encourage you to not do it in any serious setting (dungeons, progression fractals, WvW) and only use it for farming events. I would also recommend doing it on a warrior or another class which has higher damage AoE tagging.
I just read that and I’m sad I used 1000 badges to buy 2 more Gifts of Battle a few days ago.
did you include the money from the potions? They’re tradeable now. I dont know if they’re still as expensive as they were, but it might alter the end money by a few g.
Worth 22s – 38s. Sold all 3.
Tonight, I decided to drink my stash of Liquid Karma and buy Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes.
I had +90% karma buffs: 50% from Karma Booster, 15% from Guild 24 hour boost, 15% from Karmic Infusion, 5% from Bowl of Saffron-Mango Ice Cream, and 5% from a Karma Banner. (Another 5% can be obtained by using the new 10% Guild Banners)
I started with 1,964,101 Karma. 1530 Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes later, I was down to 3361 karma. So each box really costs 1282 karma, because all boxes give karma in the form of drops, tastes, vials, and swigs.
From the 1530 boxes I got 23g 45s and 239 Obsidian Shards. So each Obsidian Shard has a 15.6% (less than 1 out of 6) chance to drop. By comparison, an Obsidian Shard is 2100 Karma from the Temple of Balthazar so the Karma I used could have bought 933 Obsidian Shards.
I got a total of 64 Lodestones (I include Pile of Putrid Essence). So each Lodestone has a 4.2% chance to drop. There are 8 different types of Lodestones. My results have a maximum of 11, a minimum of 5, a mean of 8, and a median of 8. The variance is 4.75. Despite the high variance, I expect they are each equally likely to drop. 64 is a small sample size amongst 8 types.
I got 15 Risen Priests of Balthazar. So the Risen Priest of Balthazar has approximately a 1% chance to drop.
I got 3 Hard Potions. So the Hard Potion has approximately a 0.2% (1 in 500) chance to drop. (This value does not have a high confidence interval due to the abysmally small sample size. Two of the Hard Potions actually dropped in a row.)
I stumbled upon an interesting tidbit. Very rarely (at least twice for me) you can get 4 Swigs of Liquid Karma from one Lost Orrian Jewelry Box. These have a base value of 3000 Karma, I was getting 5700 Karma from each, so a single box can give you 22800 Karma.
In my tests, using 1,960,740 karma I obtained 239 Obsidian Shards and 86g 02s 05c after selling everything. If we value Obsidian Shards at 2100 karma then 1,458,840 karma is worth 86g 02s 05c.
So each 1 karma is worth 0.58965 copper via this method.
For reference, capturing a Keep in WvW without any buffs gives 1,360 karma, a value of 8s 02c in addition to the 7s 84c from the event. Karma gained from events is worth more than the coin given. This becomes more profitable if you have karma buffs. A Karma Booster would add another 4s 01c for example.
I also got the mini. Well, 15 minis, but they’re account bound, so kitten that noise.
TL;DR I spent an hour of my life buying boxes, opening them, and using the liquid karma. I probably double-clicked over 6000 times (1530 purchases, 1530 openings, and a ton of Drop of Liquid Karma. kitten that noise! I want that hour of my life back; and my sanity.
At 15 guild event tokens per earring, I will still be using crafted exotic earrings on alts for the foreseeable future.