The one point in the invasion where farmers actually may cause harm is when aetherblades spawns are still up, when when their event bar has been completed. If they despawned a bit faster, I don’t think any of this would be an issue.
That’s a potentially divisive issue for completion of the event when Aetherblades are part of the second wave.
Another issue is that particularly coordinated farming zerg will leave the Aetherblade Captain up as long as possible or outright ignore it (so that more champions spawn to defend it), and when that particular event fails, it does nothing to advance that particular wave.
The more invasions I experience however, suggests to me that the number of farmers that don’t contribute significantly to the meta event are pretty low (it’s a pretty small number that will do either of those things, really), and it’s really only an issue when the farmers vastly outnumber those trying to complete the event, or those trying to complete the event are horribly coordinated themselves.
It doesn’t seem to be nearly as terrible of a clash as these forums would suggest.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
She had to listen to Logan pine pitifully for his beloved queen one too many times.
That’s liable to make anyone lose it.
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
Ya know, to brainstorm, lay out, compose, edit, and get the green light from a company to publish a short story (even on-line) usually takes a little bit more than 3 days. It might be possible to whip something up like that, but if that writer existed at right now, you likely wouldn’t be complaining about the quality of the story.
Just sayin’.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
If you want GW1…
Play GW1.
Problem solved.
It is my HOPE that we’ll see more “small group” content now that they’ve supposedly locked down their seasonal rotation of events.
We’ll see.
When you create an environment where doing [A] is more lucrative than doing [B], and the difference is not even close, you cannot be shocked when a large section of the population will flip the bird at the consequences and start doing [A]… especially when the consequences to [A] are negligible, if non-existent.
So, I really kinda pin the issue on BOTH AND farmers. Yes, the farmers are being fairly selfish by putting their farming ahead of the larger goal.
But… guys… come on, you KNOW by now that is what farmers DO. This behavior is NOT new. It should NOT be a surprise. And to develop a reward system that gives you far greater incentive to fail than to succeed is really poor design.
I suspect if you were to pin an developer down, they would tell you the primary reason is that in GW1, minis were a cosmetic free thing handed out once a year, and with their popularity, realized a potential cash cow.
So in GW2, Minis being purchased is part of their income stream, and them giving you even a random one from the Year 1 set (like has been suggested), is money out of their pocket.
I think what you are seeing here are current and/or former players of GW1 who liked how things were, and don’t like that GW2 does it differently. They don’t like that it’s changed, and wonder why it can’t be the same as before.
Are they whining? Yes. Are they entitled? Yes. But they also do have a good question, and I do think it deserves an answer.
My summery of what goes on…
Dude we need gold n stuff.
Dude there are small groups of people over there doing what you want.
A more ACCURATE summary of what REALLY goes on:
Player: Completing the event.
Farmer: **** YOU YOU *!!!! * **** ******* * I’LL **** ****** * ****** **** I’M GOING TO REPORT YOU!
Farmer #2: DIE IN A FIRE ******!!!
Farmer #3: STOP ATTACKING, YOU ****!!! ****!!!! I’M GOING TO **** **** **** KILL YOU THEN * YOU IN THE ******!!!!
Ya know… when you really like someone, but don’t know how to say it? Ya kinda do stupid things to get their attention? Like teleport on top of them and try and shoot them in the back of the head.
Just… be understanding. Scarlet likes you. She LIKE likes you. And she just, deep down, wants you to like her back. All this chaos? All this madness? She’s turning the whole world upside down… so that you’ll FINALLY notice her.
I mean, don’t be a jerk. The next time she approaches, just ask her out.
Quite a simple solution, really. Once the event is failed, the champion vanishes. There goes your farm.
Personally, I like the inside-outside mechanic that it seems WANTS the Ranger to be. It needs a lot of tweaking (spirits still need a lot of reworking, for example, as well as Pet AI), but the general idea of bouncing in and out of melee range depending on the situation, and being reasonably efficient at both, is one that appeals to me.
That’s fine also. You don’t find many Rangers in dungeons anyways, so perhaps this will encourage people to consider Rangers for more groups. I’ve actually never found any area anywhere in the game where I could attack without impunity.
Nothing needs to be re-adjusted. There are many areas in the game where we will be 30-40% down in dps. The longbow arrows still get side stepped, so extending the range isn’t going to be game breaking.
No, that’s NOT fine. I don’t care if you deal 90% less damage if you can do it without any concern of any of the boss’s mechanics. That’s breaking the encounter.
So yes, they’d have to completely redesign every boss mechanic just because you want LB to have more than 1500 range. And that’s not reasonable. Try again.
Which is fine because they don’t churn out the amount of damage that any other class can. 40% of it is tied to the pets who spend more time dead than alive, plus the arrows can still be side stepped. I’m not suggesting long bows have a 3000 range, but minimum of 1800 (while putting the shortbow back to 1200) would make it more desirable.
Either that or keep it at 1500 but make the arrow speed fast enough that it basically tracks to hit the player unless they physically dodge it.
There are already places where having a 1500 range gives the Ranger the ability to shoot down an opponent with impunity (The Nightmare Tree in Twilight Arbor is an example). Extending the range even FURTHER means that EVERY ENCOUNTER would have to be readjusted to take that into account.
I have NEVER understood why 1h sword locks you into that animation in the first place. It’s too much of an annoyance for me to want to learn how to manage.
The issues I have with Ranger spirits are two-fold:
1) They are horribly squishy, even when traited. One AoE from anything above a Veteran mob is going to one-shot them.
2) Unless you invest heavily in Nature Magic (a trait line that gives few stat benefits of significant use for a Ranger), having a stationary spirit on a long cooldown (and a painfully small buff zone) really doesn’t mesh well in a game predicated on staying mobile.
The other races are just as jerkish, to be quite honest.
My sylvari elementalist couldn’t BE more conceited, for example. My charr engineer? Total. kitten. And don’t get me started the attitude of my asura toon.
Ya gotta figure, these characters are heroes. They’re going to have egos a mile wide. It’s kinda how it goes. Just run wit’ it.
Gold sellers would throw 1 copper into their letters so that you can’t just delete it on sight. You have to actually “Take All”, and they hope in that time you’ll actually read the letters contents and say, “Yeah… that’s a good deal…”
Game that’s almost a decade old (WoW released Nov 2004) is bound to have more end-game content than one released a month ago.
Except it doesn’t. Unless they changed it up in MoP, endgame consisted of running the same instance hundreds of times for that “special” drop. Maybe pet battles are now endgame content, idk:)
For the new player and not one that has played the game since creation, wow has an overwhelming amount of endgame.
You have managed to prove the original argument in your attempt to disprove it. Good work!
I am perfectly fine with the price being where it is. It’s going to take time, and I like it that way. People have no patience at all, I swear.
The “grind” element is for people who want special or unique appearances. Statistically, they are no better than the exotic gear that you can craft (or buy) with little to no “grind”.
So, yeah… they HAVE removed the grind element if you don’t want to do it yet remain (at least stat wise) on the same level as anyone else your level. For those that want to put in the time and effort for a unique look, this is for them.
I’ve had at least some challenge and entertainment out of every dungeon I’ve run. I’ve never been bothered by the “rewards” (or lack thereof), and wasn’t expecting anything of great significance. That’s never been the way has done EITHER Guild Wars game. Not sure why you’d expect it now.
I can’t say I’ve had any problems with D/Cs… and bug and kinks can take MONTHS for an MMO to clean up. and GW2 remains considerably ahead of the curve in this regard.