Showing Posts For cillard.3986:

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


It seems like its the time changes it self not that its on an Saturday that is the real problem. Its simply too early for a lot of time zones for ppl. But putting it on Saturday dose give more ppl the chase to go into wvw on reset you do lose the event of Friday but that can become an event on Saturday.

Let try not to blind our self with fear of changes to the point of not seeing the realy problems with the change.

Except you are wrong. Putting it on Saturday, regardless of time, will be doing the exact opposite. This has been explained numerous times already.

Friday and all day Saturday until reset, regardless of actual time, will be meaningless WvW during a time frame that most people will have more time available to actually login to the game. If you understand the game mode at all, you will completely understand what I mean be meaningless WvW.

I will not being playing Friday night now or most of Saturday, nor will most of my guild. Most of us will simply not log into the game because we only play strictly for WvW.

The truth is, the only reason for this change is that it is more convenient for ANET. Everything else they said is full of holes and just illustrates how out of touch they are with their own game.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Maybe you guys shouldn’t of made a thread complaining about patches during reset night.. Now reset gets moved to a day where they don’t do much patching.. GG.. you got what you “Cried” for

Or maybe I dunno, they should push a patch half hour before reset and not a half hour after?


WVW player VOTE for reset day [strawpoll]

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Blah, no wonder the red names stay away.

Any single change results in mass protest.

Lack of change results in mass protest.

They can’t win.

While it is true that change will never make everyone happy, it is also true that extremely bad changes will make many people unhappy. This is an extremely bad change.

As far using this to justify why red names stay away, that is hardly fair. The very reason why people protest so much to begin with on an epic scale is that it is the only way to get them to pay attention to a game mode and community the continue to neglect.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


I think I can pretty much see why alot of people do not post here. Any dissenting opinion to a certain crowd, is tossed out and not even considered.

I am ok with you having a different opinion if you at least display basic understanding of the issue and the reality. You failed to do both.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


If that’s actually the reason for the change, it’s definitely not worth losing 16 or so hours out of every matchup every week.

I am not certain you understand. There are 168 hours in every match up, regardless of what time or day it resets.

No he understands just fine. It is your understanding that is lacking.

A typical job/school for the majority of people is Monday through Friday. When he said said that, he was talking about meaningful and enjoyable WvW at time when the majority of people are available to play.

If you actually understand WvW and are more than a casual, you should have a firm grasp on the fact that fun game play dies down for the last couple days of a match up. So instead of those slow days being Thursday to Friday evening, those slow days will be Friday to Saturday afternoon.

Perhaps you can see the issue?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


You don’t get it. What you want may not be what other people want. Moving the reset night to the most active night of the week as Mr. Corpening pointed out, is not a move to make WvW less competitive. Its a move to gain more activity in it.

Anyone in touch with the WvW scene, the scoring system, and can at least reason a little fully understand the impact this will have. This change will have the exact opposite effect of what you stated here.

Less people will be in WvW and in the game in general. WvW will become less competitive at a time when more people would have been in the game to compete.

If the reset had to be moved, it should have been moved to Thursday or Wed.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Its pretty simple. They are making the change based on actual data, something you nor I have.

Actually we do have data for WvW. The queue numbers on Friday night compared to the reduced numbers or lack of queues all together on Saturday night speaks volumes.

You are also making a very flawed assumption that the metrics being used are both correct and applicable specifically to the WvW game mode. You are also throwing blind faith at a company that has proven its disconnect with the WvW community for three years consistently and continues to prove how out of touch it is on a daily basis.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


I am referring to the fact that we all do not speak for the majority. What speaks for the majority is the numbers referenced above. That more players log in on Saturday nights then friday.

Maybe more players log on for the game as a whole ….but more players do not log on to WvW specifically.

This is very very evident by the queue numbers. All 3 BLs and EB are queued on my server on Friday night. On saturday night, maybe one will be queued.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


People weren’t thrilled with the time being changed but honestly, we were okay with it, it meant a fresh new group of people could now attend.

No WE weren’t ok with it.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


For me the choices would be:

#1. Leave it as it is now

#2. Thursday evening, same time if it has to be moved.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


I’m surprised so many people pre-ordered HoT solely for Friday-night WvW reset.

IS that REALLY what you got out of this? If so, you can pretty much be disregarded. Nobody ordered HOT for solely the Friday night reset, but I can tell you for a fact that taking away half my weekend playtime of meaningful WvW is going to make me not buy it. I could care less about the PvE changes ….

Also, if people want more ANet communication, you’ll have to spend less time ripping apart every little thing they say, even if you don’t agree with it. Some people have approached it well, many others have failed miserably and represent a potentially large reason why less communication happens.

If a company does something stupid that isn’t in the best interest of the consumer, blaming the consumer for reacting to it is silly. Regardless of how you feel about the issue itself, the response that was given by ANET was poor. It literally said they are doing this to make their lives easier, regardless of what the majority of the people it affects have to say about it.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


This quote is from another board from a T1 commander and guild leader who’s play influences not only his sizable guild, but the play of other guilds and random pick ups as well. (leaving his name out until he responds as to whether or not I can direct quote him)

What idiots. On the plus side, I’m going out Friday nights now instead of playing the game, and more than likely not going to be on during the new Saturday afternoon resets. As usual my Satur(days) I usually run errands and what not that I’m not able to do during the week because of work. They really shafted over all the NA players.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


I think the friday resets are perfect as is, but Wed. or Thursday would have even been better than this garbage.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


If you move to early Saturday, I and my +300 guild will not be playing.

300+ pvers will still play other game modes.. Don’t lie

Well I cant speak for his guild, but mine has about 50 people on active roster between members and recruits.

Out of those 50, maybe 5 of them actually care about and enjoy PvE, 10 or so do it out of necessity when needed for gold, and the rest would rather throw their gaming rigs out a window than do any of it, ever, period.

Out of those 50, maybe 15 or like to sPvP once in a while when there is nothing else better to do. Most of them are like me and define ‘nothing better to do’ as weekday late evenings when they guild isn’t WvWing. Weekends, I can certainly find something else better to do than such a limited, non-dynamic, and repetitive game mode that GW2 sPvP is.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Notice, all these do not involve me logging in on either Friday night or Saturday(since I can’t). And I won’t be spending money in GW2 on those nights/days either.

Seriously though, I’d rather have my Friday WvW reset back.


Friday – NOW:
I login about 30 minutes before reset and play until I get tired providing I dont have plans with the wife.

Friday – AFTER:
I won’t log in at all.

Saturday – NOW:
I login during the morning for a few hours. I play Saturday evening providing I don’t have plans with the wife (then I log in after if I do).

Saturday – AFTER:
I wont log in at all until the evening.

So two commanders in my guild pretty much influence the play times of everyone else as well as the play times of the dozens from outside the guild that follow them during open raids (ie current reset). They are pretty much on the same schedule give or take, that I am. Our guild doesn’t even login for the most part unless they are online and there are others outside of the guild that will login, check to see who is open commanding, and log off if certain people aren’t.

Don’t sit around and scratch your heads when you have far less people logging in during the weekend because of this.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


So yeah….. we have two possibilities here:

1. ANET understands WvW perfectly fine and is making a fully conscious choice to screw over the WvW community for the sake of their own convenience.


2. ANET is completely clueless about the WvW and is too arrogant to listen fully while wallowing in ignorance about it, and still makes the conscious choice to screw over the WvW community for the sake of their own convenience.

This is the game and company you are supporting people. At least I can stop my support as I have not purchased the xpac. For those of you who have, I would be demanding my money back.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


One is for the overall quality of the game. The last few years we have been careful to not disrupt the WvW reset time but this has at times made it difficult for our team to address issues during reset day. This change will give our team an extra day of the week that they can use to respond to issues that may occur with WvW or any other area of the game if it is necessary.


Screw the WvW community, we want things to be more convenient for us.

Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.


We don’t really play WvW and we don’t have any understanding of what actually goes on at reset and over the weekend in WvW so we are going to go by our metrics that show more people logged into the game on Saturday. Since we lack foresight, we are going cluelessly scratch our heads after this change when the amount of people playing in WvW on Saturday drastically drops.

However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.


We heard your whining and to shut you up, we are going to make a lame attempt to compromise. Unfortunately we don’t have a clue about WvW, so our compromise is blowing up in our face because it is actually far worse overall.

Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.

Thanks for crying about this, but we really don’t give a crap because this is more convenient for us. Sorry that you still haven’t figured out that we don’t care about the WvW community, but maybe a direct “kitten you” like this will get the point across.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Perhaps with this change if WvW is boring on the weekend people WILL go into PvE/PvP instead, which may be the entire point.

If getting you out of WvW and turning you into a PvP player were to occur, in short, ANet would be happy.

Off nights just prior to reset for my guild (30+ online during WvW) usually result in 3 or 4 people being online. My guild could be a statistical anomaly and out of the norm, but I really think this is indicative to some degree in most WvW-centric guilds.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Probably at some point, some Dev gonna pop up here to tell us all, that they are not ready to talk about it, and lock the trend.
And I will not be surprised if they ban half of us, just because they can.

Yes, I have noticed that any criticism not fully tinted with rose colored glasses results in deleted posts, locked threads, and bans.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Though i like to point out that this is a good example of ppl who are unwilling to wait for there rewards so more ppl can get them. Its simple human greed i understand we all have it but we should not be ruled by it. Delaying a reward so others can reap the reward too should boost a group not harm it.

This is quite a stretch even to claim self entitlement issues on this. I have to question whether you actually can grasp the issue and what it means from a gaming stand point for the majority of people, what it means in regards to the ‘coverage wars’ situation, and what impact this will have from a business sense.

Hint: This will make OCX and SEA coverage affect the score even more than it does now.

I know from your posting history that you like to be contrarian on just about anything that has some semblance of logic behind it. Not sure what your issue is, but could you troll somewhere else?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Not every one gets Friday night 9:00 east off why should you get a reward right there and then when other simply miss it. All you have to do is wait a day longer before you get it so others can now get the reward too is that asking too much?

Mind you other do work Saturday but its just a numbers game at the end of the day as in you cant get every one but you can try to get most.

No, not everyone does. However, the vast majority of people in the United States at least will not be working at that time. It takes away half the weekend of meaningful play (more for OCX as it will be Sunday) at a time when most people will not be working and have more available time to play.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


This isn’t just a bad thing for the players, it is a bad business decision as well. The fact that this change actually made it through what was probably several people at different levels within the company is scary.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Honestly, I was already on the fence about buying the xpac ……this made my decision a lot easier.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


Most people have normal jobs or are in school Monday through Friday. With the old system Friday night to Sunday night was care free play time that meant something. With the new system, all day Friday and most of Saturday will be pointless play as the matchup results are already determined by then most of the time. The end result will be less people logging into the game Friday to Saturday Night which in when most normal people actually have time to play.

This was not well thought out, is a slap in the face to the WvW community, and completely shows lack of any understanding of the WvW game mode.

ANET is already shooting themselves in the foot with the new maps being so poorly designed…. with this they are shooting themselves in the head.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Even if you run a crap WvW build and all the might trait, skills, and sigil/runes together you wont be maintaining 25 might stacks or even close without outside help. A useless ele is the one standing in buff stacks/empowers instead of applying pressure, hazing restacks, finishing downs, repositioning, and CCing when applicable.

How do I counter ele healing to full?

in PvP

Posted by: cillard.3986


A few things:

1. Chill and poison.

2. If they are running signet of restoration, they are more vulnerable to condition damage because they will lack the ‘Oh crap’ cleanses of renewal. If they aren’t running signet, they will possibly be running renewal, so save your your interrupt for the channel.

3. If water traited, they will heal when attuning to water. They will also have a dodge roll heal and comparable dagger #5 heal. This is their singular way of burst self healing assuming daggers. This will give you a 10ish second window to wreck them before they can burst heal again (2 of the three heals will be available the next time).

Do you feel D/D ele balanced now?

in PvP

Posted by: cillard.3986


Oh and dont worry about tempest …because it blows in just about every way.

Do you feel D/D ele balanced now?

in PvP

Posted by: cillard.3986


Joke is there are more eles at tournaments than before the “nerf”, lol.

But now you actually have to put some minimal effort into stacking might, so some of the baddies are rerolling from DD eles to burn guards that’s why you see more burn guard QQ threads than ele ones, but DD’s still the most broken thing in the game.

Might stacking was never an issue on DD/SD Eles. The might on cantrip nerf pretty much only affected staff builds …..

Burns overall should have been addressed because the damage they do is absurd. Not just the ele burns.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


I can’t speak of PvE directly at all, so perhaps in that aspect it is hyperbolic ….. however, from a WvW and lesser extent sPvP point of view, your comments aren’t valid. Burst and timing of that burst is everything when you are fighting players.

They are absolutely not valid, because I don’t run fire in neither WvW or SPvP, because to be honest, it’s not my job to burst and if you are playing staff to burst, you already got a small dog in that fight.

You can burst your AoE so it all lands close to the same time and time it with other player’s AoE. This isn’t really next level stuff here.

I ran air and fire in WvW …..

Also you don’t pop all your cantrips. Renewal because the cool down is low, tornado if not running FGS of ‘running away’ because it sucks 99% of the time, and flash to land that LR/Static (WvW). In sPvP with my build, I would save flash for more defense, and instead ea dodge roll in with fire, fire #2, and Fire cantrip to AE stacks about 2k worth of burn ticks on the point.

Burning retreat is better than lightning flash 90% of the time in getting away unless elevation change is needed. Earth 3,4/5, Air 3/4/5, Fire 4, Water 4 ….all extremely useful (in addition to the heals).

(edited by cillard.3986)

Why PPK is a bad idea for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


In addition, if metrics support it …..PPT from objectives could be reduced 50% during off peak hours (determined case by case by the servers involved in the current matchup). For example, half PPT may be applied (all times eastern) from 2am to 6am in the current T1 matchup, not applied at all in the current T2 matchup, and applied from 4am to 2pm in the current T3 matchup.

Why PPK is a bad idea for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


A PPT only system rewards avoiding fights and/or PPTing empty objectives way more than actually engaging with other players. Players should be rewarded more for fighting and less for avoiding them because it encourages more active game play. What you don’t want to do is remove the objectives completely from the picture by making them obsolete in regards to scoring.

Since release, the winning server hasn’t been determined by who performs the best while playing ….it has been determined who has the most players playing at the times their opponents do not. This is beyond flawed and horrible game design, but at the same time you can’t ‘punish’ players and their contribution because of the times they play.

So how to resolve this?

1. Rather than directly awarding points per tick and points per kill, you create a ‘point pool’ and your score is your servers total percentage of the pool. For example a score could look like JQ – 40%, BG – 35%, YB – 25%

2. 50% of the total point pool is objective based and 50% is combat based, each determined separately, but contributing equally.

3. Combat based points contributing to the pool are determined as such: 2pt each kill and 4pt for each stomp with the orb buff. Killing players who have outmanned buffs would result in half points.

4. Objective based points would be weighted similarly what they are now (but remember this only contributes to 50% of the total score).

This would encourage fighting players, capturing + holding objectives, and roaming… while at the same time reducing the impact of night capping and increasing the impact of winning fights.


Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


I can’t speak of PvE directly at all, so perhaps in that aspect it is hyperbolic ….. however, from a WvW and lesser extent sPvP point of view, your comments aren’t valid. Burst and timing of that burst is everything when you are fighting players.

Why PPK is a bad idea for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


All things being equal, the 40 will much more often than not crush the 20. I mean I know everyone like to think he is incredible and all but… Therefore, numbers not skill, will more often than not dictate the score.

Sure, when it comes to randoms playing against randoms. However, 20 do and regularly wipe double their numbers when they outplay or out command their opponents.

From my stand point, I would start with 1pt per kill, 1pt per stomp, and half the PPT from holding objectives…. then adjust from there.

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Tempest being good or not should have nothing to do with ppl playing ele or not.

First, I said it is garbage. It isn’t garbage just because it sucks, it is garbage because the very premise behind tempest goes against the grain of how an ele is actually played. It is also garbage because it is not fun to play in WvW or sPvP.

Sorry, but if I class isn’t fun to play, has no role it excels in, is mechanically unsound, and under performs ….people are going to move on to something else. The fact is, they will be unless something changes.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Also, if you want to stay alive as a staff ele ….. you should be utilizing your staff skills to their fullest.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).

Too strong? Yes, too strong in sPvP running D/X or S/X in Celestial gear. Too strong using staff any any facet of the game? Not even close. Putting might on signet use is interesting, if the earth line didn’t completely blow across the board.

For staff you use cantrips as pure def tools just simply keeping the staff ele alive is all you need becuse staff in it self is a powerful wepon for the ele class. Having cantrips give might did not fit in both the ideal of what cantrips are and that being a mostly water line utility it was for some random reason in fire too (I mean why not have protection on cantrips use from the passive AoE?).

Except you are wrong, at least in the case of WvW.

I used ether renewal shortly before contact because I knew it would be up again by the time I needed it. If I wasn’t running FGS for its run away ability, I also prestacked might with Tornado (because it is useless most of the time). Add in my lightning flash for opening static and I was starting the fight with +9 might stacks. Pure life savers would be mist form only (run the cleanse + burn in sPvP offensively to add burn stacks with its low cooldown).

Sorry, but cantrips are not strictly defensive by nature as 1 is pure offensive (tornado), 3 are both offensive and defensive (flash/flame/armor of earth), 1 is heal/cleanse, and 1 is pure defensive. If anything, the very nature of cantrips support their duality…..

Why PPK is a bad idea for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


ppk would definitely favor the server with the larger population. if all your fights have have more ppl you are more likely to win.

While I understand where you are going with this in relation to zergs, your logic is a bit flawed. 20 wiping 40 is going to get twice as many points than 40 wiping 20 would. This will shift more points towards the servers that win more fights (and rightfully so) rather than the servers with more off peak population.

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


The only telling feedback I can provide that hasn’t already been mentioned is that myself and every ele main I know is going to be switching classes after the xpac. I have mained ele since beta through endless nerf/buff cycles without skipping a beat, but between the thoughtless Ele changes last patch and how much garbage tempest is, neither I nor anyone else can be blamed for changing classes.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).

Too strong? Yes, too strong in sPvP running D/X or S/X in Celestial gear. Too strong using staff any any facet of the game? Not even close. Putting might on signet use is interesting, if the earth line didn’t completely blow across the board.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Cantrips don’t need the Might back. If anything, Cantrips should get more nerfs so other utilities can see the light of the day. Where are the Signet/Glyphs Elementalists? They are totally overshadowed by Cantrips. As much as I love Cantrips, we should request buffs for other utilities instead.

Nerfing something into uselessness because something else is useless is a very stupid way to go about things. I haven’t seen evidence that ANET is that bad at game design and decision making ….close perhaps, but NOT that bad.

Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


The problem with nerfing the might on cantrips is that it had a much greater affect on staff than the intended targets. D/X and S/X have absolutely no problems might stacking in all facets of the game, but for Staff, it was pretty much the only way to might stack.

This is just another case of a poorly thought out solution to a problem.

The fix would be to have it still provide might while wielding a staff.

World Population Changes Are Coming

in WvW

Posted by: cillard.3986


The dev who posted this topic about all of our ‘wonderful’ changes has not made a post in 4 weeks.

Dead topic cause ANET doesn’t care.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


I made a forum post because CS hasn’t responded in anything even remotely resembling a timely manner.

Also MrFayth, you are 100% wrong. The most certainly have.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


You misunderstood. I didn’t imply they changed the status of a Server. I said I’ve not seen any exceptions to the Full Status rule.

Again, if you have proof the CS Team did so, then have your friend update his ticket.

Good luck.

Just curious How is it you know all about Anet and all the in and outs of support. I see you posting in just about every thread with ‘advice’? Are you a part of the team (I don’t see a tag) or just a player who likes to be involved in the support area.

Probably trying to be helpful…. but it isn’t working out so well.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


You are not an ANET employee or anyone that has any power to assist us. Not sure why you even responded given the issue can only be resolved by someone that works for ANET. As pointless as your responses have been, at least they have kept the topic bumped to the top …. so thank you for that.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


You misunderstood. I didn’t imply they changed the status of a Server. I said I’ve not seen any exceptions to the Full Status rule.

Again, if you have proof the CS Team did so, then have your friend update his ticket.

Good luck.

Well they did it for me about a year ago and I have seen it done for people numerous times in the past. I have not seen it done since they changed the way the full status calculation is done, however.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


Anyways, there needs to be exception in policy for military service members returning home from deployment. Punishing them for their service because of changes that happened while gone is silly.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


sigh ….no they haven’t change the ‘full’ status of a server. That would be a silly approach to resolve a problem. What they have done in the past in circumstance like this is allow the person to purchase the gems required for the transfer and do it for them, bypassing the full status.

I know you are trying to be helpful, but …… yeah.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986


Yes, thank you. Perfectly understand how the system works, but ANET has made exceptions in the past on a case by case basis and this should be one of them.

We are not a PvE guild at all, so that isn’t an option.

Returned from deployment and unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cillard.3986



I have a guild member who was away from the game for quite a while due to being deployed overseas. He finally cleared to return home from the hospital (combat wounded) and would like to begin playing with us again while he heals. Unfortunately, our guild transferred while he was away and he is unable to join us due to full status.

Please advise. He has put in several tickets and has even offered to verify his status, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
