Showing Posts For dlonie.6547:

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Heh, I nailed it!

His arguments:

- You’re using a evade that necros don’t have. Exploit.
- He cba to verify your DPS (though you spelled out how it’s calculated. Thus, you are a liar.
- You went into detail about things that were in your favor. Thus you’re deluding people intentionally.
- You had might during the fight, thus being in a group wouldn’t matter. EA, banners, vuln don’t really affect DPS, anyway, right?
- WWA is the sole reason your DPS was 13k and not “3-6k”.

Truly astounding. Why do people listen to this guy?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


inb4 they don’t

Great post, very logical, and you do a great job explaining the issues with his comparison. Unfortunately, you’re an elitist zerker scumbag (just like me! lol), so everything you say will be dismissed out of hand.

Thanks for the kind words Jerus <3 Glad you had fun with us, if the game picks back up you’re always welcome back in ARES.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


lol gg forums


Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


It’s not even worth answering this… since 90% of you people do a lot worse for a lot less, and are also hypocritical about it.

“You people”…

Tell me more. Who am I?

I’ll save you the trouble. I’m a mentor in a guild that teaches casual players to run dungeons in whatever build they like. I’ve never put down or kicked a player for a bad build…ever. I have kicked elitists who think slamming others for build choices makes them ‘cool’, though…There are better ways to provide guidance that don’t involve mocking others.

PS: Yes i am… unfortunately i can’t get the tittle “God amongst mere mortals”

Dat ego doe. No point in continuing a conversation with someone like you. Have a great day.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Check what just happened in the warrior forum thread xD

That guy has some serious issues. “I’m awesome because I just mocked a casual and treated them like kitten, but didn’t kick them. Go me!!!!!!”

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I… get kicked insta-kick… for playing builds that burst 14.7K, by people who don’t have a clue about anything…
BUT… when it’s the other way around, i don’t kick even when i have good reason…

Want a cookie? You two acted like a couple of kittenes, mocking and being rude to someone who doesn’t minmax, but you didn’t kick them. You’re truly gods amongst mere men.

YES… please post more of me… make me famous

Ah, that’s what this is about. Enjoy the attention, maybe it’ll be enough someday.

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I think the point is that acting like that while complaining about “elitists” sorta detracts from your credibility, eh?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


How can you guys be talking this much without actually linking the thread at the necro’s forums, psh.

Miku linked this one a while ago:
I like it better. More AIDS.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Hard to believe it’s already been 13 months since this started happening:

Turns out the answer was, predictably, “Nothing”.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dlonie.6547


It’s really up to the devs. If they express the desire to have a separate forum, we could do that for them. If they feel that Raid feedback can be included in an existing forum, we’ll go that route. In other words: TBD.

That’s a no, then. The devs haven’t used the dungeon forum to interact with PvE players since Hrouda left, why would they start now?

Bitter sarcasm aside, I hope we do see some dev activity regarding raid development and support. If they just shove the instances out the door and forget about them like we’ve seen in the past, the exact same issues we see with the current content will recur.

Please learn from your mistakes, ANet.

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


The elitists, apparently.

What a twist!


General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Batresh is his friend healer guardian from the fractal 50 screenshots where both him and Nemesis were flaming a Necro in their party for his build

Your mind went there, too, eh?

Already dropped those screen caps in the thread

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I wish I was as awesome as OP and Nemesis. Then I could be a prick in PuGs, too.

Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


My fear with the “no more dungeons, only fractals” is that the majority of fractals are one, maybe two encounters, give crap rewards, and then there’s the whole RNG mess (thankfully that’s going away).

But.. the rng isn’t going away? The rng on fractal skins 1.0 is going away, yeah, but the rest will still be rng. All the new rewards will be (minus backpack). From what I’ve gathered, at least :/

True, some reward RNG remains. But for me, the biggest turn off was the RNG shard selection. I’d often want to play a specific fractal, but there’s no way to reliably get it unless it’s in the first tier. That’s what I meant, at least the shard RNG is going away.

Don’t like this one bit, and don’t understand how you people can be content.

Core game released with 8 dungeons, 3 alternate paths each. With a set story integrated into the world. I know a lot of newer generation MMO players don’t give a kitten about the story, but I played this game as a continuation of the GW1 story and integration to the world.

Then out comes fractals, which are basically a single path of a 3 path dungeon equivalent. Most of them besides Thaumanova or Ascalon don’t even have any coherent story whatsoever or interaction with any NPC’s or characters. Short mini dungeons except for dredge and cliffside.

I feel like we’re getting “less” packaged and branded as “more”. The fractal additions have been buggy, some still exist several years later, and the rewards are terrible RNG instead of the token system they hyped the game with before release.

True, if you compare HoT offerings with GW2 launch offerings, it’s much, much less. But if you instead compare it to the last two years, well….it can’t be less than nothing. Honestly, I think a lot of us are just happy to hear that instanced content hasn’t been 100% completely abandoned.

But I hear ya. I’d love to see more dungeons, and wish they hadn’t given up on the format. Hopefully raids will be satisfying and we’ll see a flurry of “new” (let’s face it, it’ll be recycled content if anything) fractals in the coming months. I guess I’m not that bummed about the death of dungeons because that hope died long, long ago.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Anybody looking to cringe so hard that your ribs crack?

You’ve been warned:

I’m not sure how you can consider those videos valid Miku, as clearly you were line-casting hundred blades against a wall.

Now I need to go get a paper towel to wipe the tea off my monitor at work.


And hell-no to getting on reddit. I already waste waaaay too much time without going down that rabbit hole…

edit: dear god:

Looking at those videos…
You’re glitching the boss.
So you dont GS 3 away from it.
Thus free dps uptime….

I knew better. Momma always told me. “Don’t leave the dungeon forums” she’d say. I wish I’d listened.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


They’ve been very careful not to say anything about that.

Intended or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Takes at least 5 months for them to answer the ’intentional or bug?" question:

Get comfy.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I’m planning to jump back on it for a while and see what’s new. Depends on how GW2 raiding goes, though…

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I’m glad I got mine when it was only 100g :-P

Can we finally get a fix on banner?

in PvP

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Editing for clarity:

This behavior is working as intended. This could of course change in the future, but for now this is not classified as a bug.

So when the tooltip describes a behavior that is different from the implemented and intended action, you guys don’t see a problem there?

Really? At least fix the tooltip…

[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits at melee

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Well, personally, I’d like to think that they’re not just a bunch of kittens.

I’d like to.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


“Rewards“ as in “special unique xxrare snowflake item“ from what i understood so far!

That’s my hope, too. Some timegated legendary crafting mat crap? Ok, sure, weekly, whatever.

Gold / token rewards? Better be every time.

If you literally get nothing for repeating it within a week, that’s horrible design. Our guild is planning two raiding groups, one serious and one casual. With that system in place, it’s going to be hard to get the serious players to help out the casual ones on their off-night (which was the plan…).

That could use some clarification, but alas, these are the official forums, not reddit, so why would ANet post here?

Raid devs, if you’re listening, we’d love to have some of these things cleared up. I’ll send you cookies!

Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


If they do introduce new fractals that are more dungeon-like (longer, multiple bosses/path, arah-like skipping sections, similar rewards), that’d be plenty to make me happy.

My fear with the “no more dungeons, only fractals” is that the majority of fractals are one, maybe two encounters, give crap rewards, and then there’s the whole RNG mess (thankfully that’s going away).

Still….idk, I liked having the same dungeon map used for a few different paths. Made them seem more interesting to me. Ah well. New content is new content, and at this point beggars can’t be choosers.

I surely hope there are new fractal shards coming with HoT. All of this hype about, quote, “The New Fractals of the Mist”….if that’s really just delivering a handful of LONG overdue QOL changes and extending the AR grind, it’ll be very disappointing (not to mention misleading).

SUGGESTION: on fixing dungeons issue's.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Trouble is, fotm developement has been just as dead for the last couple of years too. No content but faceroll living story and braindead zerg PvE farm maps since that announcement was made.


I’d love to think that they’ve turned around and the future is bright and sparkly, filled with regular releases of new content by a company that won’t completely ignore bugs in their endgame content for 5 months. But at this point, it’s just more hype that sounds a lot like what we’ve been hearing for years. I hope it changes, I really do, but I’ll have to see it to believe it.

[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits at melee

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Sadly, I think this is the case as well. Fear of virtual retaliation causing them to shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to provide basic customer support. I mean….5 months, guys. This sort of crap is what has earned this company it’s “out-of-touch” reputation.

[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits at melee

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Lol, after like 3 months (?)

5. Five months, without a word as to whether or not it was intentional.

I seriously hope there’s better support for raid content.

Lauren, combining the ridiculous amount of time that this issue has been ignored by the devs with the latest press releases and interviews seem to be confirming our suspicion that “dungeons are dead, raids and fotm are the future”, is it safe to assume that the company’s opinion of this issue is “idgaf, get over it”?

Obviously you can’t directly answer that, but give us one [Blink] for yes, two [Blink]s for no.

Like seriously. We know the devs aren’t interested in doing anything about it, why not just confirm it and let the issue die?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


“And if you fail to fill these roles? You’re going to have a bad time. But don’t worry, as we’re leaving you a repair anvil at the entrance. You know—to collect your tears on.”

This doesnt look like Anet at all! But I love it!

Yes — this is the attitude I want to see in the raid devs.

Come at us, bros.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Actual aggro management systems would be nice. Especially if they expect us to use tank mechanics….

But it looks like that’s what taunt was for, and as far as I remember, only one of the professions gets taunt, right?

Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Dusk nails it — “active in building new content” is by far the most important aim at this point.

Hopefully raid wings aren’t a “once per year” type deal.

Well, supposedly dungeons were abandoned since they weren’t that popular. Somehow i don’t see Raids being better in that regard.
Somehow i don’t see them being any less bugged than dungeons either (which is likely the second reason for their abandonment – Anet likes making new things way better than fixing old ones).

Firing the people who made them didn’t help their ability to fix them, either…

At least they finally managed to say “Dungeons are ded guys, go home.”

The only bit that annoys me is:

we have no immediate plans to revamp dungeons […] That’s not to say that the team will never have time, in the future, to do large projects like the TA Aetherpath or similar with other dungeons. As Mike O’Brien said in his recent post, if we ever permanently stop working on a particular area of the game, we will tell you all.

That was posted long after they’d stopped working on them (shortly after the gamescon “no dungeons in the near future” announcement). I hope they understand why there’s an enormous lack of trust here. If they drop the ball again, I don’t see any of us giving them more chances.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I got a lot of good from that new article:

- multiphase bosses
- enrage timers
- raid-specific masteries

some bad:

- they do mention that toughness gear may be ideal for some situations (though perhaps not absolutely required, I hope).
- Unique rewards only once per week. I hope they still give some gold reward or similar for repeating it within a week…

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Meh, could mean aegis/block/blind/evade/reflect/etc. “Damage mitigation” is the word we’ve used here for ages to refer to these mechanics.

Unrelated, found this today:

Two big lols:
1) Red post saying “use forum search before posting” LOL
2) SE1 golem boss used to be a difficult DPS check? LOL

What a gem.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


idk man…at this point, it’s a sink or swim situation for them, and I think they’ve finally realized it. If they don’t get their kitten together and start putting out content, they’re done for.

If they haven’t realized that yet…I guess we go back to waiting for another company to rip off their combat system and actually put the effort into producing a game that people want to stick around in.

[Suggestion]Time For Punishment !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


When Will Fractals 50 have GOOD loot?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I got an account-bound exotic with Shaman stats the other day from FotM.

And you say FotM loot is useles\s :-P

[Suggestion]Time For Punishment !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Where’d the other thread like this from this morning go? Oh right, that OP prolly got his infraction and they deleted the thread.

Anyway, same deal: You’ll get an infraction for ‘naming and shaming’, and they’ll get off scott-free because ANet doesn’t get involved in “party-formation politics”.


Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Dusk nails it — “active in building new content” is by far the most important aim at this point.

Hopefully raid wings aren’t a “once per year” type deal.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Also, it’d be a terrible frustrating implementation for it.

Legendary Armor will take a while to get, and you’ll need to do high-end content to get it — which means that by the time you get it, you’ll have already had to go out and get several sets of armor to complete the content required. (If they require tanky gear to complete content)

The better solution is to continue allowing defensive armor to be used as ‘training wheels’ for learning content, and leave pure-DPS armor as a possibility by just requiring defensive traiting.

[Suggestion] Twisted Marionette Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


There are some credible rumors that Marionette will be returning soon in some form. Last I heard it was either as a fractal or a guild event. So there’s a good chance you won’t be disappointed.

We shall see.

"Living World" rebranding --> "Live"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I’m sure they’ll still continue with the Living World, but it doesn’t seem like the sole focus of the future content. I’m hoping against my better judgement on this one, but it seems like they’re planning to focus on producing more varied content as part of the “live” releases.

And yes, ‘live’ is typically used to distinguish internal/testing servers and production servers. But the context that it’s been used in e.g. the Raids announcement seems to refer specifically to the regular releases that were previously only referred to as “Living Story” in previous years.

Just an interesting shift in language IMO.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Actually, you can have the full glass and the tanky aswell, and do well with both. Why would you change that ? Forcing player to have a certain stat combo won’t enforce diversity.

This. The ‘lack of gear diversity’ is a good thing. One of the best parts of GW2’s combat system is that you don’t need to lug around multiple gear sets — your build comes from traits, which don’t waste inventory space.

I’ve never understood why people think requiring multiple gear sets to complete content would be a good thing. It sounds like a giant pain in the kitten tbh.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


And here I sit, wishing for mini instances in which you can solo epic bosses without having to do half a dungeon full of crappy hp bags just to get to your favourite encounter…

Why they didn’t leave the gauntlet open is beyond me. kitten the story, kitten immersion (not like there’s much of that in GW2 anyway)…Let us have something to do! What good is story consistency (aside: lol, like that matters, PS was missing chapters and out of order for the better part of a year before they updated that JSON file…) when no one plays because they’re bored to tears?

I’m not sure why they’ve insisted on shooting themselves in the face with temporary content. Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson about that.

Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


confirmed by colin: dungeons will be introduced in fractals and raids.

fixed that for you.

so we likely won’t get a new dungeon icon on the world map somewhere. so what?

Dungeons are not fractals and raids.

Dungeons are dead. Themed, multipath dungeons that tie into the story and have token based rewards and are intended for 5-man parties to take 30 minutes to an hour (originally, anyway) to complete are dead.

And BTW, we’re not complaining. We’ve known this for a while, but it’s nice to hear confirmation.

What can I do to punish Dungeon scammers now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Quickfoot, I have been summoned here upon hearing the words “instance”, “selling” and “griefing”.

While there are no direct solutions to your problems, here’s what I usually do :
- submit a support ticket hoping I get a decent GM (and not this one).
- send a personal message to Chris Cleary (head of security) with my evidence attached.
- make a youtube video and dedicated topic to flame the guys on forums. This attracts moderator/gm attention and will get you an infraction on the forums but might get them banned. It’s called gambling.
- rewatch my older video where I serve justice to them griefers. It feels good

That’s it, I’m flying away now before I get infracted :p

You and your illegal vedios.

y u no read CoC?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Also, I noticed this during the announcements, and want to hear you guys’ thoughts on it. I think this would be the right way to go, but who knows:

"Living World" rebranding --> "Live"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Anyone else notice that they haven’t mentioned Living World / Living Story recently?

It’s always “Guild Wars 2 Live”, “Live”, or “Live releases”.

My gut reaction is that this is motivated by a shift in their release strategy, downplaying the focus on story and including a greater variety of content in their regular releases.

I hope so. It’d be great to see more PvP maps, PvP modes, WvW maps, raids, fractals, dungeons (naaaah), etc instead of only linear, “highly accessible” story content and open-world PvE farms. It took three years, but maybe they finally started listening?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


This came up in another thread, but this is interesting. Nothing new or surprising, but confirmation that dungeons are dead:

MMORPG: What about traditional group dungeons? Are you pretty much done with those for now? Leaving them as part of the leveling experience? Or will group dungeons be making a return?

Colin: We’re treating Fractals of the Mists as our focus on end-game five-player dungeon content. And all additions we make to make five player dungeon content more fun will expand on Fractals. And then raids will be the next level of that.

MMORPG: Was it that you noticed people were playing the fractals a lot more than they were the traditional dungeons, so you turned your focus on the fractals? Using metrics, or…?

Colin: All of the above? When you hear dungeons in GW2, it means something very different than Fractals. Fractals were sort of the evolution of our dungeon system. We are making them more approachable. We feel like Raids mean something else too, something even harder than Fractals. So when we needed to take a look and see what kind of content we could focus on as being the most challenging yet rewarding, it became clear that it was all about fractals and raids.

MMORPG: There’s a lot of story content that’s packed into those dungeons, with Destiny’s Edge, and… I guess is there’s any way you might bring some of those story modes or incentivize people to play them again? I guess, my point is that they seem forgotten, but they shouldn’t be!

Colin: Right now we’re not really focused on that. We see the LFG used well for that, and I think that’s for now the “solution” to finding groups to experience story modes. But we’ll of course always watch the status of things on the live servers and make adjustments as needed.

Here’s to raiding! Let’s hope they don’t abandon them so soon.

SUGGESTION: on fixing dungeons issue's.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Thanks. Yep, that’s about as clear as I’d ever expect them to be about it.


SUGGESTION: on fixing dungeons issue's.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Yup. Colin gave confirmation in an interview published yesterday that conventional dungeons are dead content left to rot to it’s own device and will not be focusing any development time to them.

Oh, did they FINALLY kittenING ADMIT IT? Jerus Chwist, we’ve been waiting for two years for them to say anything about it. No idea why they couldn’t have said something sooner so we could manage our expectations.

Remember Regina?

we have no immediate plans to revamp dungeons […] That’s not to say that the team will never have time, in the future, to do large projects like the TA Aetherpath or similar with other dungeons. As Mike O’Brien said in his recent post, if we ever permanently stop working on a particular area of the game, we will tell you all.

Need I point out that this was well after they’d stopped working on dungeons? Lies, lies, lies.

Sigh. Anyway, can you post the link to the CJ interview? I hadn’t seen that one yet.

SUGGESTION: on fixing dungeons issue's.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


your arguments is that NOTHING matters besides reward/time.

Try running the same content with nothing new for three years and then come tell us what else matters at that point.

Okiedokes, time for some truths. Please read this post carefully, as it really does tell you all you need to know.

The solution to your problems has been pointed out already: Find a guild or group of friends that wants to run the way you want. They’re out there.

Instead of posting threads saying


try making a thread saying

“Hey guys, this is how I like to play. I know it’s not popular, but surely there are others out there who want to do RP runs. Anyone want to group up? I’m on NA.”

It’s a far more mature way to handle it and actually has a chance to succeed. Because let’s face it: dungeons are dead. They are not going to expand them. They are not going to revamp them. There haven’t been significant updates to dungeon content in literally two years (well, one year and eleven months, but who’s counting…)

Raids and fractals are the future. These lovely multipath dungeon instances that we’re so fond of here will never be touched again. That thread you necro’d and got locked about skipping? The one where you ranted against Robert Hrouda? Well, they laid him off (as well as the other dungeon team leads) about two years ago and never replaced them. So I think he does have an excuse to have not changed anything in the time since….You’re lashing out at players and developers because the people managing this game decided to abandon their content. Give it a rest, you’re not winning anyone over to your side.

Trust us, you’re wasting your time trying to make anything change here. Take it from someone (me) who’s been trying to get things to change around here for several years — it ain’t gonna happen. Go to the “Looking For…” subforum and make a post advertising that you’re looking for a no skipping/stacking/whatever guild, that’s really the only really option you have here.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


This be locked before we reach 100 unfortunately…

With the excuse that it’s gotten too off-topic to cover up that everything will break when a thread reaches 100 pages because the forum devs are lazy.

Forum devs? Where the kitten do you think you are? :P

And everything doesn’t break at 100 pages. Just Gaile’s laptop, as I recall