I agree with you OP. It’d be great to see new dungeons. I stopped playing because there simply was no new content like it, and what we had was stale, old, and neglected.
Raids look fun, but it’s hardly something to do casually. Dungeons were great because you could pick up 4 random guildies and go have fun, pretty much whenever, with whoever.
Fractals are close, but when I played they were plagued by the RNG level selection. This has improved since I quit, but they still suffer from the staleness. Hopefully they’ll pick up the pace with the new fractal releases, I’d hate to see that turn into another disappointment for this crowd.
Every so often I feel like I should just log in and run some dungeons for the hell of it, but then I remember that the HoT powercreep would have killed any enjoyment I got from them.
My fondest memories of this game was running dungeon trains with guildies for hours each night, or duoing several Arah path each night with a buddy once it started getting hard to get a group together. They really were the pinnacle of small group social play in this game (IMO), and I’d love to see them return.
If they started adding new dungeons to the maps, I’d return for sure. They could reuse the art assets from the map, build off of the new boss mechanics from raids, and use their familiar dynamic event system instead of the fragile, custom scripting used by the original dungeons. Make one new armor/weapon set for the new map, and have it available from both dungeon tokens and meta event rewards. This should be more than feasible for a company the size of ArenaNet, and it would give this game a bit more life for at least this player.
BTW, @Dusk — I notice your specialist title is gone. Did they stop the program, or is there a new dungeon rep?
We knew that a fair amount of people would take a quick look and equate it to smashing a few LEGO bricks together and calling it a day. But an equal or greater number of people understand it’s not LEGO bricks at all, that something looking familiar doesn’t mean it’s the same thing, and that it’s part of the crazy things happening with magic in Tyria since we took out Mordremoth. So we went with the teaser video.
This week’s Guild Chat is focused on Fractals, so some of the fractal team will be on hand to talk about the work they did.
Hehe, I guess that being a forum rat for years left me with a more, erm, fickle view of the playerbase here
It’s encouraging to hear that new, semi-casual 5-man instances are returning. I’m sure I’m not the only one who will be watching closely to see if it’s worth reinstalling for. Hoping for more good things on the way!
I wonder who else has come back for this teaser
Honestly, a recycled fractal could be fun in a nostalgic sort of way. But teasing it first was a bad idea, they really should have seen the backlash coming a mile away…
Keep ’em coming, ANet — if they look good some of us might return.
I don’t think I explained the issue properly. The problem isn’t breaking the bar. The problem is that pre-HoT the mechanics of the fight were to use knockbacks and fears to keep them apart. Now with breakbars, that just is not possible because all that will do is drain the bar and then stun. Not actually move the mob.
Ha, I did miss that point. I haven’t played since they’d announced the death of dungeons on HoT-eve, so I wasn’t aware the breakbar ate all CC and turned them into stuns. 10/10.
I’m assuming you’re solo from the problem you describe. The ‘official’ answer would be that dungeons are group content, and a party should be able to break the bar.
That said….
I don’t play anymore, but from what I’ve seen in recent solo videos, most people just burst them down together and ignore the mechanics thanks to powercreep. I’ve only seen that done on tempest, though, not sure if it’d be viable with druid DPS. I know I used to just burst them down on thief (pre-HoT) and it was usually easier than trying to trap Ralena in the hallway.
If they made dungeons required for a new legendary component, they’d have some obligation to maintain dungeons again (whether or not they would is moot, but there’d certainly be an expectation for them to {We’ll ignore that most of us would consider “it’s live content in-game” to be a reason to maintain them, but I digress}).
That won’t happen, and they aren’t going to put themselves in that position. They’ve abandoned dungeons for a reason and they aren’t going to willingly encourage players to run them.
It’s best to just accept that dungeons are dead. There will be no effort to revive them because no matter how much we may enjoy them, they’re unmaintainable in ArenaNet’s eyes and they will continue to rot in a forgotten corner of Tyria for the rest of time.
Come to the dungeon forums for advice on running Arah, get told to PvP.
Oh GW2…what happened to you.
It sucks but it’s the reality of the situation. Nobody runs dungeons other than a few specific paths for mastery XP because the rewards are junk.
Oh, we stopped running them long before the dungeon nerf That tends to happen with content that’s completely abandoned lol
It’s just sad to see this, a couple years ago folks would have been jumping at the opportunity to teach a new player the ropes and run them through Arah a few times. Back when IvanTheGrey did his weekend nub Arah teaching runs. Good times.
Oh well. Just feeling nostalgic I suppose. RIP, beloved content.
Come to the dungeon forums for advice on running Arah, get told to PvP.
Oh GW2…what happened to you.
I’ve yet to see another MMO that actively promotes not playing its content, but sure. xD
the GM here is actually suggesting a feature that would encourage you to AFK.
- http://forum.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?/topic/64349-auto-path-looping/Set multiple points on the map and your char/mount wil run around in a loop, while you’re afk, like a true bot would.
Haha, yeah, but BDO has a lot of AFK gameplay options.
I’m working, but also fishing atm. Livin’ the dream
you need to bring dungeons back
ANet never sent them away; we did. All they did was reduce the coin reward; token & loot rewards remain the same.
Among the reasons were to make the rewards for other, newer content more comparable. The alternative — increasing the coin rewards for everything else — would end up devaluing coin (if everyone has more gold, then everyone is willing to spend it more freely).
Maybe ANet cut coin by too much. Maybe they should abandon some other game mode in favor of dungeons (although it’s much easier to add one new fractal). But let’s make sure we understand who killed dungeons: we did, when we decided that 70 silver less made them not worth our time.
Dungeons were dead for a long time before the reward nerf — that was just the final blow.
We didn’t kill dungeons by not running them after the rewards changed (which, anet admitted, was a ploy to further disincentivize running them). They were killed when ArenaNet fired the dungeon team and completely abandoned the content 3 years or so ago.
Think about that — three years without extensions, updates, or even bugfixes. The only time they touch them is when there’s a player-benefiting exploit, like TA story’s infinite gold/XP exploit a while back.
I mean, hell — they refuse to even comment on whether major changes in behavior were intentional or not. They just ignore dungeon issues until we get fed up and stop bothering to ask/care. I hope they don’t wonder why there’s so much animosity towards them.
Sure, restoring the rewards would trigger an increase in activity, but not much. We were already sick to death of them when the rewards dropped. If HOT had shipped with just 1-2 new dungeon maps I might have stuck around, but raids just don’t scratch that itch.
I mean, I get that the original dungeon implementations are unmaintainable. They haven’t explicitly said so, but reading between the lines it’s obvious — the scripting is fragile and finding/fixing bugs is too much work. I assume that’s the reason for St. Hrouda’s departure. What confounds me is that they’ve not created any new dungeons using better scripting, more experienced devs, and the more stable dynamic event system that the rest of the dev team is more familiar with maintaining. I suppose the new fractals are supposed to be that, but ‘too little too late’ has been the running theme for GW2 development.
But yeah. We didn’t kill dungeons. They did, and it happened long, long ago.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
I have never raided but this clearly proves what a joke raiding is in this game. At least in WoW it takes months to beat raids even for top guilds. Even then I don’t understand why anyone would take pride in raids. Anyone can beat the scripted static content with enough practice. Give me truly hard content with dynamic and opponents with brains and you got me interested.
Wasn’t the “HK on the stairs exploit” fixed years ago? I’ve not heard of anyone doing that since like 2013.
So I’m thinking that any recent changes would be unrelated to that…unless the exploit became possible again recently?
It’d be cool to see the CM creepy-face room get finished up, too
It was pushed back to page 41 of the bug forum, still no real info:
Feel free to keep bumping it. I gave up, they win — we just can’t expect simple communication from them.
Why do GW2 videos always have no sound effects, no game music at all? Also, why consists the music mainly of ‘dubstep’ (not the real/original dubstep at all), the dulcet tones of a computer being lobotomized that make kids go wild? And why is this only in 99% of the GW2 videos. If I watch other games they just play the in game music, you hear voice over from Teamspeak and sound effects of the game.
What exactly is the reason?
idk, other game communities suck? :P
I’m prettttty sure that was just directed at me. We all know how much Nike loves my hopeless delusional kitten xD
Unless he was calling you hopeless and delusional for saying “I like BDO character creation”, but that’d be a whole new level of wtf.
And I heard the real reason DnT got banned from raid testing is because of what they did to poor Poobadoo.
Yes, he love licking things. No, you didn’t have to take advantage of him.
the thread got started to get derailed 7 days ago. Before that there was at least a minor semblance of the responses being directed at GW2 or dungeons.
And 2/10 for mah broken gif
(edited by dlonie.6547)
It’s far less effort both in development and in QA to just add an invisible wall than to rewire the programming behind the entire path.
It’s also far less effective, but eh. They seem to prefer playing whack-a-mole over actually fixing things for real.
My favorite is the Arah skip where you jump on an invisible wall (added to ‘fix’ a different skip) to bypass terrain xD
At this point, the dungeon team has been gone for over two years, and they certainly aren’t going to spend money getting a new developer to learn to maintain the content. I believe they simply aren’t capable of fixing the dungeons, as there’s no one there who is adequately familiar with the implementation of the dungeon programming.
Dusk hit the nail on the head: Adding walls and moving triggers are the most effort they’re willing to spend on this content.
Also, lol @QA. They don’t even run dungeons/FotM shards after modifying them. How many times have we seen unavoidable progress blocking bugs introduced with fixes? Whatever their testing process is, dungeons/fotm isn’t part of it, even if they’ve just made changes to them.
tl;dr Don’t expect them to properly fix dungeons/fractals when exploits appear. At best, they’ll stick a band-aid on it. At worst, we get to one-shot lupi for years when they completely ignore the problems.
Well, I guess that’s one way to “fix” the Belka glitch.
Nice run, interesting to see what they’ve turned these dungeons into.
Happy New Year!
[ARES] is still recruiting! Message one of the officers above or submit an application on enjin to join!
Sparc and The one to rule — Sad, but true.
[ARES] will no longer be offering dungeon mentoring outside of our guild, thanks to the recent patch that killed off what little interest remained in dungeon running.
Dramen (the OP) should be on here at some point to request that this thread be unstickied, as it’s no longer relevant. If a mod happens to see this first, feel free to take this thread down.
Thanks to all of the people who we’ve enjoyed running with and teaching over the years. Wish it hadn’t ended this way.
Your bank account info is encoded in your account name?
Sounds like you’re asking for trouble there.
BTW, FO4 is amazingly well done. Even I can’t find anything to complain about with it :-P
Really? I just find it modded FO3, so disapointed
Well, TBH, that’s about all I wanted, personally Some QoL changes (better companion system, perk revamp, modern graphics, no obscenely low level cap, etc), and it did a fantastic job keeping the flavor of FO3/NV around.
Just curious, what did you expect from it that’s lacking?
Edit: mmh, yeah, RandomGuy makes a decent point. The new conversation interface takes some adjustment, but honestly all dialog in FO3/NV was pretty much “nice / neutral / doochebag” (sp for kitties). The only real problem I have with it is that I can’t tell if the “Sarcastic” option is going to be joking or insulting before I select it.
I was pretty sure that one of my dialog checks was on strength (It had an intimidation context, and I passed it with high strength/low charisma while my wife failed it with the opposite), but I don’t know for sure.
Still, a pretty solid FO release IMO, and a nice evolution of the title.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
I took a break from my FO4 binge to see how raids were received here. Boy did I get more entertainment than I expected xD
PvF never disappoints.
BTW, FO4 is amazingly well done. Even I can’t find anything to complain about with it :-P
Aside from the hilarity rampaging through this community, how do people like the raids? Did the guardian fight change much from beta?
10/10, would smile again :-)
looks like eles and icebows are still the meta:
- https://youtu.be/qw9NkzVF_CU?t=476XD
That is just amazing…
Trice, you may agree with Nike, but you’re far better at making constructive posts. You have an opinion on a subjective matter, and are capable of expressing it without insulting those who have don’t agree. Kudos. I’m honestly just getting annoyed with him preaching at me about forum etiquette and resorting to personal attacks and insults while doing so. Ironically, all this from a second account since his first has presumably been locked out of the forums for causing problems.
But well put, can’t really disagree with any of that. It is depressing to see pages of complaints, but it’s also upsetting to see existing content phased out and/or locked behind paywalls while the replacement isn’t even available yet. Raids are coming, but they’re not here yet, and it’s going to be a long while before they build up enough content through them to make up for lost time.
Players have a right to take issue with these decisions, and ArenaNet has the right to ignore them. I do wish the complaints would be expressed a little more constructively, but I understand why they aren’t — this forum has been an echo chamber for over two years, and putting together a well-formed complaint now just feels pointless.
As more of us leave for other games because of these changes, you’ll hopefully see less complaints. Attrition is not the best solution to the problems facing this game, but it’s the only real option that we, the players, have if we’re unhappy with the direction GW2 has taken.
My post was intended to summarize the issues people are complaining about (misleading advertising and paywall-gating for fractals, disincentivizing dungeons, and breaking their promise of “B2P with new content free through LS”) and let folks know that WS has changed a lot since they may have tried it last, enough to where it’s worth another look. If raids pan out and ArenaNet actually supports them and keeps them in good working order, we might come back. But until then, WS is, in my opinion, a much more appealing choice in light of the recent changes here.
But all Nike wants to hear is whining so that he can put me down and feel smug. I’d be quite happy to entertain his counterarguments if he could express them like an adult.
Do people go into the wildstar raid forum and QQ about that game and talk about how fun GW2 is, or are we just lucky?
And FWIW, this isn’t QQ, although I know that’s all you’re capable of seeing. Just pointing out that if people aren’t happy with this game and how it’s being run (a quick glance at the threads here makes it obvious that this is the case), there are other options out there that might be more suitable to the readers of this forum.
Kindly crawl back into your hole now, kthx.
What cracks me up the most is that WS is advertised as “ermagerd raidraidraid #hardcore”, and GW2 is “Living story ermagerd scarlet leylines lore storytelling casual”…and WS’s lore is better, deeper, and everywhere. Not just a couple 3-sentence “books” lying around DR, but actual in-depth lore and storytelling, both text and voice acted, literally lying around everywhere.
Just this part, it seems you didn’t even play the extension since it cames out. Try spending a bit of time in the new areas, you’ll have kittenloads of lore.
You are correct, I have not logged in since they announced the reward nerf, and that was a couple of days before HoT went live.
I remember Bobby talking about how they were working to improve a lot of the storytelling and immersion in HoT, and noticed some of this when I was in the raid beta. Things are moving in a good direction there. But the core game, bleh. I eventually read the paperback GW books after playing GW2 a bit, and was like “Where is all of this in game?”. There is a lot of history and lore in Tyria, but it seemed like the base game just didn’t really communicate it.
The gods were just statues in Orr, the cutscenes were jarring and lacking compared to the rest of the world’s beauty, and the written lore was scarce and simple — at most, you’d get 3-4 sentences about something, and it wasn’t often. Then they left the personal story with gaping plot holes and out-of-order episodes for nearly a year without really even acknowledging it. It’s just sad for a game that’s trying to sell itself on its “living” story.
Meanwhile WS is trying to sell itself on being hardcore group PvE, and there are pages and pages of lore and flavor text literally everywhere, much of it voice acted as well.
Bit of a headscratcher in my opinion
But you’re right — I’m not talking about HoT, and I know they’re working on improving things there. I’m happy to hear that you’ve noticed it getting better.
Does anyone know what the meta composition is like in Whiteside? I’ve been playing a warrior
NoTrigger would be the one to ask for sure, but I’m not sure there really is one. They are a lot more, uhm, active when it comes to balancing PvE (read: They actually balance PvE), so classes seem to rise/fall relative to each other fairly regularly. I remember asking him about it before I started playing (I believe my question was “Are there any ‘necro’ classes?” xD), and all classes are fairly well accepted.
Here’s where we discussed a while back when they announced that F2P was in the cards: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/General-Dungeon-Discussion-Thread-Part-2/page/56#post5107001
Of course, now that I’ve tracked that down, I remember that you saw it the first time >.< Oh well, still good info for anyone who hasn’t seen it.
RandomGuy, Re: aesthetics, I hear ya, I had a similar feeling. I stopped caring completely (and actually started to like the style/scifi env) after I realized I was actually having fun playing a game again I’d say give it a shot and at least run a few dungeons. It’s free to play, leveling enough to try out Stormtalon’s Lair / Kel Voreth shouldn’t cost more than a weekend of solid playtime
PSA time?
PSA time.
Haven’t even logged in since they announced reward nerf. I’ll be back to check out raids, but I don’t see myself sticking around much. Fully regret giving ArenaNet more money, if I could get it refunded I would. I love how they waited until after the betas ended, and days before HoT went live, to announce the shaft to PvE’rs…it worked, kittens got my money when they shouldn’t have.
Still laughing about their horsekitten “New!” FotM, lol. Same content, just more HP/DPS. Oh, and a couple of new adds at Mai Trin. Whoopdeedoo.
Dungeon nerfs are just kittened. “We don’t want to fix dungeons, we’ll just make it not worth your time to play the content you like.” gg.
“Just buy the box, and get new content like you’d see in an expansion delivered for free as part of the Living Story system.” lawls. Yeah, sure.
Others who are annoyed by this nonsense — give Wildstar another try. The F2P revamps have been great. The game had a rocky start, but it gets better and better (instead of worse and worse…) every patch. They’re working on some lag issues atm, but kitten , that game is solid other than that. I’d say it’s far, far ahead of GW2 in terms of content variety, diversity, and yeah, even quality. They fix kitten when it breaks.
What cracks me up the most is that WS is advertised as “ermagerd raidraidraid #hardcore”, and GW2 is “Living story ermagerd scarlet leylines lore storytelling casual”…and WS’s lore is better, deeper, and everywhere. Not just a couple 3-sentence “books” lying around DR, but actual in-depth lore and storytelling, both text and voice acted, literally lying around everywhere.
I was running Kel Voreth, the third dungeon, last night. Boss drops a “Kel Voreth Underforge FABkit” (FABkits are housing components). Intrigued, I went to my house (which is all decked out for Shade’s Eve/halloween), and put it in.
It’s a freaking entrance to a unique, scalable, 1-5 man minidungeon based on the regular dungeon. That’s right — a dungeon boss dropped a mini-dungeon. Installable to your personal housing plot. Dungeonception. Yo dawg, hurd u lik donguns. This game just keeps surprising me. I never saw myself getting into housing, but it’s hard not to when the systems are so full of awesome.
And honestly, I haven’t found a bad/obnoxious/tryhard/impatient pug yet (for the non-vet content, anyway) and I’ve been farming the hell out of those instances for a couple weeks now. There are readily available DPS meters, and you don’t have to worry about getting banned or deal with QQ from players who are scared of finding out that they aren’t pulling their weight. Even the forums have a significantly more mature tone to them, and the devs are active and responsive — even when they aren’t hyping a new expansion…
The more time I spend on Nexus, the more I regret playing GW2 for so long. It’s got everything.
Anyhoo, tldr check out Wildstar if you’re tired of this bullkitten with ArenaNet screwing the pooch at every turn. You might find what you’re looking for, and the game has improved significantly from even just a few months ago. And hell, it’s free now, too.
If you’re going to announce a reward nerf, include the details of the new rewards. Your playerbase is prone to overreaction, and when you say “lower rewards”, we will hear “NO MORE REWARDS EVER!”
What are the new rewards going to be? Is it a trivial reduction? Reduction by half? Or worse, something like 1 uninfused ascended shaman’s ring per run?
It’s like you’re trying to tease it, lol. You can’t hype bad news…you know? Just give the details instead of a tease.
I knew the last two weeks were too good to be true. The longer the forum cryhards go without shedding tears the more overwrought and pathetic their inevitable outburst becomes.
I’ve missed you, Nike <3
Hype for HoT yesterday : 9/10
Hype for HoT today : 0/10
Pretty much this.
Trying not to get sucked into the hysteria, but between flat out ignoring the undocumented changes, exploits, and bugs in both dungeons and fractals, followed by this news, my hope for the future of this game is gone. The reward change in and of itself isn’t so bad, it’s just the last straw. Rather than attempt to fix the content, they’re trying to force people out of it so they don’t have to. I suppose I just want to play a game that gives a flying kitten about maintaining their content for a change.
Raids look promising still, but this attitude they have regarding (not) supporting or fixing their content is unsettling, to say the least.
I already preordered and put together a raid guild, so I guess I might as well stick it out and see how that goes, but…yeah…Anyone know their refund policy? I probably can’t get one since I went into a beta?
Lag seems temporary, too many F2P’rs, not enough servers.
Still fun to have something new to do, though. And their f2p model isn’t just a big “BUY OUR EXPANSION” ploy.
Maybe, there may be other better reasons to the decision of nerfing the dungeon rewards than just ANet being an evil company (which people never feel tired of condemning) and sneakily attempting to remove Dungeons from the game.
New dungeons confirmed.
I’m honestly amazed that they didn’t think to post the new reward schedule with the announcement. Of course people are going to hear that and assume the worst. It’s like they’re trying to tease it or something….
Hyping even bad news, lol.
It is pretty upsetting that they’re trying to sweep them under the carpet instead of even fixing the bugs.
Maybe, there may be other better reasons to the decision of nerfing the dungeon rewards than just ANet being an evil company (which people never feel tired of condemning) and sneakily attempting to remove Dungeons from the game.
New dungeons confirmed.
what the hell am I supposed to do when I log in? 1 fractal island and the weekly raid and then what?
As someone that hasn’t bought the expansion what the hell am I supposed to do?
Don’t know if the guy is serious but this oO https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3ogusa/the_guild_wars_2_heart_of_thorns_economy/cvx7mtk
All the elitists, all the meta tryhards, and also all of the decent folk who just enjoyed running and teaching dungeons.
Not saying I like the change (I like to farm dungeons for cash)…but there is some serious hypocrisy going on here. You guys say the dungeon community LOVEs dungeons in one breath then say it will kill the community in another just because they nerf the monetary reward? If you really like doing an activity the monetary reward being slightly nerfed isn’t going to affect it.
Yall just whining you aint got easy money no mo.
It might have something to do with being the most recent shaft in a long line of shafts to dungeon runners. It’s hard enough to find a good group to play this stale-kitten content. Take away the motives, and well…bye bye community.
What’s left of it anyways.
“Dong” works too. It’s handy when you want to insult someone and get past the herd of cats
Interestingly enough, kitten (without ‘new’) does get censored. WTF.
Since I brought up his spiritual guide VGM earlier, did Old Man Nemesis ever put out part 2 of that something or other that was going to blow our minds or some such? I need a laugh after hearing about the next phase of dungeon removal.
BTW, F2P WS is OMG #1.
The “Fractals, Kittens, and Raids” subforum.
I like it.
I just hope that it’s a fair rebalancing and not an outright hard nerf.
Hahaahah, Anet has a strong love for the nerf hammer, so expect that.
True, “dream” would be a better word than “hope”.
Just one more reason to spend more of my time in Wildstar…
Can they just offer us a piece of the armor for logging in?
Even better. Then there really will be no reason to run them after DM.
I just hope that it’s a fair rebalancing and not an outright hard nerf.
They’ve been out of balance for a while (AC being worth more than everything but Aetherpath and Arah, for instance), and I’d be ok with an adjustment that brings rewards in line with relative instance difficulties.
At the same time, SW chest farming is way more profitable than dungeons, and doesn’t have a daily cap. People say dungeons are mindlessly easy, well, that’s nothing compared to playing ‘follow the leader’ and pressing F every 15 seconds.
Can someone from ArenaNet post the planned reward revisions for early feedback? Might help contain the inevitable kitten storm.
Well, let’s be honest. Dungeons are way too rewarding for the effort involved.
It’s not like SW where you have to follow the leader and press F every 15 seconds. Thankfully that challenging content will remain lucrative.
Seriously, though, that’s upsetting…they really are trying to kill them off. Should we start a betting pool for when they finally pull the plug for good?