Showing Posts For draeath.8536:

BUG: Whisperer Rifle model gone.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


Mine was out of the Shadow Behemoth Chest. Was that also part of the accidental loot part? The Whisperer weapons are listed as loot for the chest on the Wiki, although thats quite possibly just because others were getting them as well?

Yep. They were supposed to only be available from some particular vendors, supposedly. My spoiler tag in my previous post tells you more about that.

Bad sylvari character creation.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


That’s the same face I chose, just with different colors and some of the face sliders moved about…

Address the issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


The other option they may be using is that the initial transaction uses the CCV code, when it passes the card is deemed valid and any further transactions will use that card details minus the CCV, some payment gateways allow that for things like monthly or reoccurring billing. But to do that on a game where accounts can be accessed by hacking or are a target for hacking(all forms including phishing ect) is a really really safe idea and there is simply no need as there is not a monthly payment and people could very easily make a seperate transaction each time with the CCV for maximum protection. I would really hope that someone considering how many companies have been hacked recently would not go with the no CCV option

I said that. That’s twice I’ve caught you replying without reading the last one or two posts in a thread!

Email verification-Authorize login attempt

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


third tab at the top of the page…

He said “i found at the forum but when i click on it it says that the page could not be found.”

His Forum display was giving him an invalid URL… so I gave him a valid one.

Dynamic ip problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Well, keep in mind: your lease expiring doesn’t yank your IP from under you, it only means you’re not guaranteed the same IP if you do another DHCP request.

Also, sounds like his email complaint is actually the arena-net verification bit. If it was his ISP/router, he wouldn’t even be able to check his email to verify it :P

Upgrade: CPU or GPU

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


How many cores does that CPU have? If it’s 4 or more, then I wouldn’t bother and I would go for GPU – yours is quite nice (I have the 460 GTX myself) but there is better these days.

If you don’t have at least 4 CPU cores though – give that some serious thought. 3.0ghz should be considered the upper limit of practicality.

Email verification-Authorize login attempt

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Sure. Try here.

You might have to log in or make a support account or something.

BUG: Whisperer Rifle model gone.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


Not a bug.

This skin was intended to only be unlocked as part of a Personal Story branch: Join the Order of Whispers, then there's a vendor somewhere you can buy them from.

They were accidentally placed in loot/vendor lists previously. ANet removed them from there, and swapped out any that had been obtained in that manner.

Ingame support screenshot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


Press “Print Screen.”

Doesn’t matter where you are (it’s part of Windows…) it copies your screen output to the clipboard. You can then paste it into Paint or whatever image editor floats your boat.

GW2 also catches the key, and saves a screenshot. Look in the chat box, it will tell you where and what it saved it as.

Bad sylvari character creation.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Oh! Plants are also “mobile” – just not in a time scale that is easy for us to observe.

CPU Usage problem (its NOT about hardware at all...)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


GPU usage is not a “problem.” Your GPU should be able to run 100% full-time, as should your CPU.

If it cannot, then your computer was not built properly and needs proper cooling and/or airflow. The game happens to be exposing a problem with your computer.

I’m not saying the GPU/CPU usage isn’t a bug – only because it’s not intended to do so.

Email verification-Authorize login attempt

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Create a ticket and ask for verification to be disabled… or get your ISP to assign you a static address.

Friend wants to play with us but the server is full

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


He has to wait, or you all need to move to a less populated server.

Materials not showing in discovery panel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Weaponsmith Example: use a dowel and (unsure what it is) for a Malign Inscription. Make the subcomponents of weapon (eg Mace Head and Small Haft). Put the Malign Inscription, Mace Head, and Small Haft into the discovery panel – and you should be able to craft a +Condition Damage mace.

Note you have to put the final ingredients in – I couldn’t for example put green wood, weak blood, and copper ingots in and get the same recipe.

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


And if you gonna leave player to “bleed out” then he wll just bandaid.

Good point. No idea how I forgot about that, I do it myself!

I have no excuse. Please ridicule me :P

Address the issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


If they are storing the 3 digit CCV code that is contrary to mastercard and visa policy, if they are not using CCV codes for processing then they are idiots.
I have as sneaky suspicion they have technical issues with their payment gateway in that it is not terminating the sessions after x amount of time. You might have noticed on your CC and bank accounts online as well as payment gateways that after a certain amount of time they autolog you out, if this is not done then your card is “live” all the time and all you do is type in how much you want to buy without going through security checks, it has happened before on payment gateways.

They are not allowed to store the CVV2. It is not required to be sent for recurring transactions, as these would be classified as – only the original. Even then – if it’s not classified that way they can still omit it… though the transaction might be downgraded (resulting in a higher processing fee for the merchant)

Disclaimer: I am a subject-matter expert here. My job is to support a few payment processing gateways. I happen to be good at this job. My group is the last support group prior to the developers themselves.

ANet – if it puts anyone’s mind at ease, your IT people should be able to find this out from the company who wrote the gateway you’re using for this.

(edited by draeath.8536)

Downloading "patches" gets to 5 files remaining then nothing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


What’s the speed at when it stops? Is it still fluctuating, does it go to 0, or does it disappear?

If it’s the first, just be patient – it’s still going.

CPU Usage problem (its NOT about hardware at all...)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Sounds like he left his game running overnight and his GPU melt-down.

Sounds like a hardware problem, to me! Even at 100% all night your system should remain functional. That it didn’t means you didn’t have enough airflow, didn’t clean regularly/properly, or had some defective hardware. Fans can fail, though they are engineered not to.

I’ve had a GPU melt-down once. Was amusing. Fan seized from dust/hair, and shortly after got so hot the fan literally melted off and slopped to the bottom of the case. Smelled…. interesting.

how can I get my player name to appear above my in game player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


You don’t.

They can see yours, but they can’t see their own.

The idea is that you already know your character’s name, and your view is locked to yourself anyway. It’s redundant to display it.

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


You do know you can “finish” a player? No need to tough it out. Run up to them and hit your loot/activate key. Only takes a few seconds.

That’s just what we are talking about, that’s the annoying part.
You kill someone and you need to kill him again. Then they knock you down etc while you are fighting in a group or just to delay your time when you are alone….

You don’t need to. Keep his friends busy or move along and he’ll die on his own. The only way he’ll get back up is if someone he was fighting dies, before he does – or another enemy comes along to revive him.

You’ve heard the expression “left for dead?”

Makes more sense to me. Instead of considering it “downed” consider it bleeding-out. Would you object to medics in an FPS game?

Bad sylvari character creation.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Not all plants are made of wood

Ironically, the image I just linked to there is actually the plant’s equivalent of an animal’s genitalia. Food for thought.

Address the issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Why won’t they even mention why or at least give a reason why you cannot remove your credit card information.

It’s almost a shady money grab.

I can offer a partial answer, and then get more info for you later.

The purchase sites are extremely secure. And from what I recall, on our end the CC number is encrypted and not retained in it’s visible state. So if you can see it, I believe that we cannot see it, it just looks like **** to us.

Will get you more information if this remains a concern, but I really feel you’re ok.

Yep. Further charges are done by referring to the original transaction identifier. “Reference transaction” is what it tends to be called.

The payment software I support does this, at least, and it’s used in lots of places

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


The game is nearly unplayable for me. I get lag storms of 1-2 minutes at a time and frequent disconnects. When the game is responsive, I’m seeing 120 FPS or higher. During lag storms, I can talk to my guild on Mumble no problem, so I know my internet connectivity is good. I’ve turn down video settings as low as possible – no change.

As others have said, started 2 days ago. No problems of this sort prior from BWE2 until now.

Doesn’t seem related to the problem being reported. Mods have asked us to report your kind of problem here.

If you are experiencing network lag, please use this thread.

Sound goes away

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Known problem. Mods have advised they are working on a fix (as of 2 days ago, AFAIK)

Materials not showing in discovery panel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


If you do not see the material in it, then it can’t be used at this crafting station currently. You may not have the skill for the recipes that would be possible. Either that, or you know them all already.

That’s my guess at least. Seemed that way when I was using it last.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Just FYI: Repair costs are there to give a tiny incentive not to die. Before this ‘feature’ players in games would death-zerg stuff. Why not? No risk. And since you’d still get some credit, and be somewhat effective before dying, the only downside was the run back.

The repair cost is a needed reminder that charging the enemy mob of players is a bad choice, and you need to find a better way to become effective.

It’s not working then – have you seen WvW? :P

what do you do with trophy items that wind up in your bags?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Yea, for events you can turn them into the heart/karma guy for that, if it was one of them – even after-the-fact. Otherwise just toss them or keep them for the next time you do that event.

Is there anyway to make the music playlist not be so random?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


This tool might work for you. Not tried it myself.

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


You do know you can “finish” a player? No need to tough it out. Run up to them and hit your loot/activate key. Only takes a few seconds.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


These frequent disconnects just started happened for me. Game was fine since launch, but as of last night I am getting d/c every 5 mins. Equipment is fine. Internet fine. Other games fine.

ISP – Comcast
Location – DE, US
Server – Anvil Rock

Seems a lot of Sky, in the EU.

Your a Comcast guy though – and so am I. No problems here, but I’m on the Atlanta backbone.

Finally! High End graphics Low FPS FIX!!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Also, make sure you are running dual channel for your rams

This is an important point.

If your RAM isn’t installed in matching pairs of capacity and speed (and preferably brand/model) you’re RAM is running at half it’s theoretical maximum speed.

This can actually result in a huge difference in everything, not just game performance.

If your MB doesn’t support this, then methinks you need to find another MB.

what do you do with trophy items that wind up in your bags?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


If it’s got “salvage” in the description – use a salvage kit to get some crafting mats from it.

Otherwise it’s “vendor trash” – just go to a vendor and sell it. The “Sell Junk” button makes this a bit faster for you.

A sad day in WvW when free transfer ruin the game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Sounds like a reportable offense – if not for exploiting, for griefing.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


I completely agree. What game out there has pvp repair costs? You die soooooo much in pvp. This will discourage others from participating.

From the people I know who play, it doesn’t really discourage it. it just throttles it a bit. They play for a while, go broke – then go PvE for a bit and come back.

Think of it this way: helps keep the queues a teensy bit lower :P

Bad sylvari character creation.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Mine looks fine. Will post a screen shortly.

EDIT: attached.
EDIT: attached another view.


(edited by Moderator)

smiley parser eats spaces

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: draeath.8536


The forum’s smiley parser seems to eat the preceding space.

Example: (there was a space there).

You can work around this by double spacing before a smiley, like so:


Spaces post-smiley seem to be fine.

Change braid color

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


I don’t believe there is any way to change these initial bits after-the-fact, and I do hope there will be at least the ability to tweak some things (similar to WoW’s barber).

I’m not saying full tweakage – haircuts and dyes, not plastic surgery

Just keep this in mind and choose something neutral when you create a character. Ebony or clay is usually what I pick, as leather tones tend to fit in very easily.

40mb a day

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Updates will slow down in a few days/weeks or so.

Swearing in private?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Whether or not it bothers you (determined by your setting the filter off or not) does not change the fact that it’s prohibited by the AUP/TOS.

Don’t want to be punished? Don’t break the rules. It’s not so hard – most of us manage to learn this before we finish our first few years of school.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


While I think it should be damaged – I think it should separate from PvE, and cost less to repair than normal (or allow you to repair with badges or whatnot) or perhaps have a free repair NPC with a long cooldown? Perhaps even a controllable resource for that, like mercenaries.

Important: Exploit currently in progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


Indeed. That’s why it’s there. It even takes screenshots!

… better than a vague “GUYS! Something bad is happening somewhere!” thread.

Officer Chat is NOT Working...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


There’s an officer chat!?

Anyways. Most guilds worth the bother will have a third-party means of communication. TS3 is free and fairly easy (I know, as I run my guild/clan/squad’s server stuff)

The problem is GW2 has a user-defined rank system in guilds. If they added it, it wouldn’t be “officer chat” per se, but “privileged chat” and would have to be a yes/no permissions option you could assign to a rank.

Important: Exploit currently in progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


You still haven’t told us what server this is occurring on.

Nvidia control panel settings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Never override AO unless you know the game and drivers both support it. At best you’ll eat FPS, at worst you’ll find all kinds of glitches.

Reason being is the driver needs to be able to pull geometry information from the engine. It can only do that if the engine provides it and the drivers have support for the engine.

Analogy: both people have to speak French, if you want to converse in French. A third party coming along and mandating you speak French isn’t going to work, if they don’t.

Dynamic ip problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Your IP shoud never change without your link going down. If it’s flopping that much, check your own equipment/cabling and then call your ISP if it’s not your own stuff.

DHCP doesn’t have a facility to change the client’s IP from on high.

GW2 sound issue with Creative X-fi?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


This is known and we should have a fix soon. Asking for them to fix it over and over won’t make it happen any faster

Important: Exploit currently in progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: draeath.8536


How is it going to destroy the economy? Are the items it drops valuable? What server is this on? (ORR is not a server name AFAIK)

Also: capslock is bad, mmkay? :P (moderator fixed this. tyvm!)

(edited by draeath.8536)

Chrome directs me to EU GW2 websites instead of the NA

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: draeath.8536


I wonder if Chrome uses Google to determine your locale, as they tie things to your Google profile fairly tightly. Might give this a look?

EDIT: gotta use a shortlink else for some reason you get garbage instead of the Google Help article.

kitten.. :D

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: draeath.8536


I see this myself, on forum-en.

Tapatalk support for mobile users

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: draeath.8536


Myself I’d prefer it not to be – only because of the annoying JS popup every tapatalk forum seems to include.

Never used it, because I don’t trust them. How is it?