Showing Posts For draugris.9872:

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


imo plague form is an amazing skill. You prevent damage to you and your team and let them try to take control of the node. You could also combine that with chilling darkness. In wvw it´s also good because and i can not count how many times that saved my a..s when i tried to escape from angry opponents.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: draugris.9872


The problem here is that people with squishy builds actually want to take a full BS burst on their back without dying, they don’t want to counter it or dodge..

No the problem is that even if you go deep into toughness you take 8k hits from backstab. This plus the mobility and exploitable stealth mechanics cause issues with the thief.

This will be looked, at as stated already here:

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


So after all a response which is better than nothing but what they said is not very promising. The only interesting thing for me is that they want to be more precise what is working as intended and not a bug. Besides that the old “bla bla we work on fixes for all classes bla bla” that we hear for months. What about the promise from JP to make power builds viable, what about the promised UI changes for Death Shroud to see our boons and conditions etc. etc. . There has been nothing said with any substance. Maybe they are busy with designing new awesome jumping puzzles.

I can only laugh when i see with what kind attitude they advertised before launch how pvp minded they are with e-sport and everything. When i look at the patchnotes what is getting the majority of attention it´s always pve issues. Maybe when the necro is having more issues in PvE we are getting more things fixed.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Shroudstomp 2 INTRO: Necro versus Thief

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


Thanks for the video Oozo,

i found it very entertaining to watch. Would you mind telling on what kind of gear you are focusing with a power build ? For example, do you stack toughness with your gear ?

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

no patch today?

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


It´s really a declaration of bankruptcy in terms of giving response to the community. Constructive feedback is getting ignored. Now when people get ignored, people ask for attention or any kind of response, these threads are getting locked. And some people have the faith calling his holyness Mr. Jon “the Death Shroud” Peters for help, guess what, these threads are getting ninja deleted by the moderators in their helplessness.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Elite Skills Fixed!

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


Entering Death Shroud summons a jon peters tutorial to show us how powerful ds is .

You should not name Jon Peters in this forums with any kind of sarcasm or even criticism. Last night our “Jon Peters are you around” thread got ninja deleted by the forum admins here because of a few statements about promises he made that since today are not fulfilled. It´s pretty clear that arenanet does not want criticism here, i mean look at the Necro Bug list and how much is fixed by now. It´s ridiculous.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

10+ second fear - a bug/exploit?

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


HaHa that´s what i would call epidemic ^^

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Why we necros are feeling so down about our class.

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


We are Mice Tier:

Outside of Epidemic we do not have anything that makes us special in any way. After BWE1 ANet decided to nerf axe power builds to the ground and since then they do not care at all bring us in line pvp wise. When you look at competitive teams that had necros in their lineups before, if you watch at their streams these days the necro disappeared and has been replaced by elementalists or engineers. Look at Alpha Collective, Team Paradigm you name it. We have nearly no Build Diversity and even the Condition Mancer is not very strong pressure wise. We have so many weapon issues, Axe damage is pathetic, main hand dagger has issues, staff nr 1 is really the dumbest attack ingame when you look at the speed of the projectile. This profession has so many issues in pvp and i am not sure if ANet is capable and willing to iron them out.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Blood is Power change your feelings?

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


The ability to push a button and gain a 10 stack of might is nice. It gives necromancers a sort of burst option, which is certainly something we were lacking.

Like others also stated 10 stacks of might means +350 condition damage. So instead of ~100 dmg/bleed i do now 117 dmg /bleed. In other words if i have a stack of 10 bleeds, i gain a 170 dmg increase. With Rend. Claws i have a + of ~30 dmg per hit, with Deathly Swarm a + of ~60 dmg. How is that by any means bursty ?

Really i can´t help myself but when i read such changes i think the Anet devs are sitting there in their office shouting “Reroll please reroll”.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


You achieve everything in a bit more complicated way than on other classes but you still can achieve it.

Jon Peters has l2p, i´am sure ^^. It is exactly as you said it and that is imho the main problem of gw2. When you look at certain Builds of other classes, for example Mesmers and Thiefs these days, play with them and after that compare how successful you were and how much time you needed to invest, then you can see the imbalance of gw2 in it´s current state. To be honest the comment of JP that Necro is the hardest class to master is a joke, if it is so, why didn´t he told us that before ? Why are some that hard and some so ridiculous easy to play ? That just doesn´t make sense to me.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

necro or mes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


I think it depends what you want to do and how much time you want to invest. In PvE or WvW i would say that the Necro is fun. If you want to play SPvP Tournaments or if you want to focus on 1v1, i would recommend that you go for a Mesmer. It is not that you can not play a Necro successfully in SPvP, there are a people doing it, but the amount of time and also skill you need to do that compared to a mesmer to be successfull is just not worth it imho. When i created my mesmer only for SPvP because of the Necro issues and played around for a day i was shocked how much fun and success you can have even when don´t knowing the class in depth. But be prepared, i think that Arenanet will bring certain Mesmer Builds down a bit in the future.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

WvsW is unplayable because of mesmer portal abuse

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


I dont´think that this is an exploit. They use the rendering and performance issues of the game in their favor. Is itkitten gameplay ? for sure, because it takes no skill or no tactic at all. Where the playstyle of GF shines is when you have small room to act like in keeps or in camps. On the open field they loose most of the times because besides that strategy they are not very impressive to be honest. What they need to fix regarding Portals is that you can port such a big amount of People with one portal, they should restrict it to group size.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash