Showing Posts For jebro.6370:

is sPvP dead?

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Pvp isnt dead.

Last weeks ESL weekly cup gave us 8 teams, the first time in a few months now tbh.

The reason people feel its dead is maybe they see a lot of the top end players have left or arent playing as much.

They will return, theres much to look forward to i feel it in me bones!

Personal note, my pops are still pretty quick

ESL Weekly Cup 33! 12th June EU

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So the ESL weekly cup is on the 12th! Number 33! at 8pm CEST! (7pm UK time)

New info and signing up info here, still spots free!

Checkout the streams:
English: – With Blu
German: – With Sputti & Chronick
China: – With Ishannah & Crispeke

Cheers all and see you there!


(edited by jebro.6370)

Reward track chest opening Maguuma Region!

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Another video of me opening a reward tracks worth of chests, this was a goody


There are other chest openings on my youtube channel and other vids at



Spvp Podcast looking for teams! New & old!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Bumping!. More teams required

Consecration Healing build vids -Jeb

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

A new bunker/supprt/healing build from me for the guardian!

Build Video:


Game play:

Let me know your thoughts below. One main reason to make this was the pure boredom of playing a shout guardian.



(edited by jebro.6370)

Spvp Podcast looking for teams! New & old!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Guys I am literally interested in any team that wants to join me I wanna get those faces out there so Skype would be awesome! Xanto and Djooce pls message me in game or here Ill do the same

Spvp Podcast looking for teams! New & old!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


fair enough Ill change the post to a broader scope . Thanks guys!

Spvp Podcast looking for teams! New & old!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Recently I interviewed TCG & BOON for a podcast I am producing.

I am looking for teams to interview, you may be newly formed from Veteran teams or just new! You may even be an old team coming back! Or you may feel you can assist with some insight or experiences valid to the Spvp experience!

You must have:
Skype with 2/3 members willing to show their face on the cast
Teamspeak: For live audio
A great attitude and willingness to answer questions from myself & in the LIVE chat

Any teams/players are welcome!

You may reply here, mail me on the forums or PM me in game

Anyways! I look forward to hearing from people!



(edited by jebro.6370)

BeastMaster condi/burn vid build/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Heres my gameplay video here for this build:

Im not sure how well i did but here ya go

BeastMaster condi/burn vid build/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: jebro.6370


Its not new new, its based on the build as it really has to be :P but Ill get it out today

Im not the best ranger player in the world but it gives good examples

Cheers again!

ESL Weekly Cup 5v5 & 2v2! Signups & Info

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So ESL now has a 2v2 & a 5v5 weekly cup!

The links below will take you to this weeks signups & also general information as to where you watch a live stream if its on and the language that ths tream is in:

5v5 Thursday 8pm CEST (7pm UKtime):

2v2 Tuesday 8pm CEST (7pm UK time): Starts 10th June ’14

Get involved and grab yourself some gemage and kick some tail!



(edited by jebro.6370)

BeastMaster condi/burn vid build/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey Jebro, I’m from the SOAC podcast channel, and one of the ranger casters. Just a heads up that we communicate regularly, and sorry I didn’t respond earlier, I’ve been MIA enjoying the start of my summer off with the gf.

Anyhow, it’s a solid build setup, I’ll give you that. I do have to be honest and say I’d argue with a few of your choices though.

Nothing major. I just personally don’t see flame trap as necessary for the build. Torch 5 already acts as an on demand flame trap and isn’t your only source of burning, and while I totally, totally understand more burning, my preference would be to pick up Signet of the Hunt since it also increases the movement speed of pets and would raise your cats DPS on a moving target significantly.

I also wouldn’t want to go with Protect Me either, mainly because with a heavy investment into Beastmastery, using a utility with a high probability of killing the pet and heavy dependency on the pet being fairly intact when activating it has always seemed counterproductive to me. I’d personally probably replace it with Signet of Renewal, if you are using it for the stunbreak feature, and then it doubles up as an AoE full condi removal that also cleanses allies in range.

Sic’ Em is fine, no argument there. Other than that, there is always the option of working in Signet of the Wild for the passive healing for you (higher passive heals on the pet) and the pet and then activating it for the increase in damage on the pet (25% more damage due to the enlargement transformation it gets).

Still solid though, I’m not going to sit here and nitpick it all day. I just wanted to provide some feedback and some stuff to maybe think about lol. Like Geomancy is usually your typical option for sigils, especially on your sword set. You could probably drop energy sigils with all of the vigor generation the build has. Not a requirement at all though, you’re just making the build more dodge capable and therefore annoying to kill, which is never a bad thing haha.

Glad to see you’re enjoying the ranger though! Especially since they’ve recently fallen out of the EU “meta,” at least for ESLs.

Edit: One last criticism; you should try out Celestial now on builds like this. It’s surprisingly effective, even though you’ll lose a little condition damage and toughness. The vitality gain and damage stats gain seem to more than make up for it, and help rangers compete with the current “tanky” meta builds a bit better than full condi investment does.


Some EXCELLENT suggestions thank you so much!

I was using the signet indeed b4 going for the flame trap, mainly because of the reasons you said. Then I wasn’t so sure and switched, so glad my original thought had logic xD.

Celestial def will try that out as well! Makes sense in this build! How did you feel the settlers amulet did in this build set up btw?

Ill give these changes a try. Also I do have a gameplay video Ill be releasing tomorrow of me in a match.

Cheers again!

BeastMaster condi/burn vid build/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey guys

Thankyou so much for the feedback. Like I said even for myself as a noob really at ranger I enjoyed the build but all suggestions and points above are great!

Really thankyou so much for all the feedback.

Anyone trying the build much?

Reward Tracks - Video from Jebro opening!

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Another video of me opening a reward tracks worth of chests!

That be a shedload of loot!!



ESL SPVP Weekly cup #31! Signup and info EU

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Spots still free for the taking! come have your chance to win 2k gems PER PLAYER as a winner!!

ESL SPVP Weekly cup #31! Signup and info EU

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

GW2 SPVP Weekly Cup info for this Thursday 8pm CEST!

Get involved and sign up today for a chance to win 2k Gems per player as the winner and 800 per player for second position!

Signup now and then confirm within 30 mins of the starting time on Thursday!

English: – With Blu & Jebro
German: – With Sputti & Chronick
China: – With Ishannah & Crispeke



(edited by jebro.6370)

youtube vid BOON LIVE 25/05 8pm CEST - Jebro

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


BeastMaster condi/burn vid build/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: jebro.6370


itd be really great to try and get the ranger forum flowing again, any comments on this build? Even if you disagree its fine!

youtube vid BOON LIVE 25/05 8pm CEST - Jebro

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Thank you to BOON for participating a great show yet again. The video will be up on my youtube later today! and Ill link here. Two parts due to a dc (thanks virgin media)

youtube vid BOON LIVE 25/05 8pm CEST - Jebro

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Going live in 30 mins ish

youtube vid BOON LIVE 25/05 8pm CEST - Jebro

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


I think it would be good to hear ventaris thoughts and explanation on the current state of necromancer. Both for condi and power.

My personal question is just how did you build your team, how do you support a necro , whats his main ebjective etc. ?

Will ask that question for sure

Turrets decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


I disagree that the AI does everything for you.

With the turrets you have an activate to get abilities off. I think what anoys people is the knockback off point.

Engineer wise ISNT played in top competitive spvp atm guys.

Turrets I feel might even bring them back when people actually venture away from the standard kits/utilities.

Also think about the flame turret. Yes it burns, but the main use I use it for is the blind on activate for such things as downing, mitigating burst damage etc etc,

Played well turrets really can make any 1v1 go in the favour of an engineer, even vs conditions.

I feel that most of the anger/frustration comes from decapping. If so, get yourself some stability, some blocking, some resistance to those abilities. Yea its anoying Ive played against them, but at the end of the day they are a lot weaker in so many other areas that I dont feel a nerf for this is useful or needed.


youtube vid BOON LIVE 25/05 8pm CEST - Jebro

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Last week I was interviewing TCG for my podcast Live & Strive.

This weeks spvp team will be BOON

Vods here -

Videos here!

Main show:

Final ten mins after DC:

Join us LIVE in future casts at



P.s I am looking for teams competitive or not to interview as part of this podcast. Also Ill be looking for solo players on a solo podcast inc soon under the same title.


(edited by jebro.6370)

BeastMaster condi/burn vid build/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!
Jebro here and heres my Ranger Beastmaster Burn/Condi build!

Build video:

Game Play:


Game play is inc soon Ill update this thread when its done.

Cheers all and pls leave comments! I am not saying Im the best ranger neither am I saying this is the best build, this is one that I love to play and that I built personally.


(edited by jebro.6370)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


But you made some great points! Once again thanks for the awesome feedback everyone! Im still loving this build and it really fits the way I like to play mesmer, which is, I must admit….at a distance

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Elegant nice reply but I still prefer CS in this build.

I think using either is pretty sweet tbh

ESL Weekly Cup 22/05 #30 LIVE

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So the ESL weekly cup is on tonight! Number 30! 8pm CEST! (7pm UK time)

New info and signing up info here, still spots free!

Checkout the streams:

English: – With Jebro & Ellipsis
German: – With Sputti & Chronick
China: – With Ishannah & Crispeke

Cheers all and see you there!


(edited by jebro.6370)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Some good points, BUT the stun isnt 100% plus the daze duration does go up by 25% if you dont stun. I believe it is supposed to be anyways… not 100% sure. Maybe someone can say for sure?

Youtube vid up! 18/05 Jebro podcast with TCG

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


So to update I am looking for other teams that even finished top 20 or so in ToL. So if your team is looking to get some covergae let me know in game or here or even a PM on the forums!.

Turrets decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Gesho, its a post generally not really directed to anyone tbh

Turrets decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


I just wanted to add something here. There is a big difference between an Engi playing a Turret build spamming turrets compared to a good engie that can utilise all the turrets in combination with combo fields.

Such as the thumper turret blast on active and not explode on destruction, with a build I run atm I have 8 blasts, combined with other classes its so dam fun let alone great for many situations.

Engineer is weak vs condi also you can burst him down with enough spike damage.

I feel the reason people get upset is because they arent thinking outside the box. Pick up the build, play it yourself and see where the weaknesses are. Its one of the best ways to find out. Either that or like Grouch said earlier there are ways, #askanengi.

Lets not complain on mass about a class mechanic that’s finally become viable, its new really in spvp as its a lot stronger than before, so your bound to have many issues coming up against it, not many people at least EU side used it before the 15th April feature pack.

Ask a question here or start up another thread entitled: How to take out a turret Engie build. Theres a power and Condi variation at the least running various turrets. Thumper Turret being the main turret of choice in most builds.



(edited by jebro.6370)

Youtube vid up! 18/05 Jebro podcast with TCG

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Updated the video:

Now on youtube no twitch fun times now

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Also I do feel with the Utilities that the Crush build uses and the weapon set difference the two build can play a lot differently even if there is only a varied small change in traits/sigils.

It means getting into melee range more where as with this build I never really need to get up close and personal.

Also the elite, time warp atm now is more useful than mass invis, personally. If you watch say Misha in 55 HP monks, the way TW is used can REALLY switch up team fights ridiculously. So even though they are similar in many ways they are still quite different

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey shhh dont tell anyone Sk :P

Youtube vid up! 18/05 Jebro podcast with TCG

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all! Thanks for the feedback.

Yeas they were my guinea pigs a great bunch of guys and did a great job.

Yea the stream was a little delayed as well rough time was given. Also last minute. They will return with a full lineup.

Also Ill be posting the VoD tonight on my youtube channel at the next cast will be in the next week. Team yet to be decided.

Reward tracks! Chests opened vid! - Jebro

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!
Another reward track chest opening video! This time the Crucible of Eternity!

Checkout the rwards!



Reward Track Chest video - COE Jebro

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Another reward track chest opening video! This time the Crucible of Eternity!



Youtube vid up! 18/05 Jebro podcast with TCG

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Just updating this same thread with the youtube link of the video I just uploaded!

Cheers again for watching and a big massive thanks to TCG!

Im working on more teams getting involved asap!, so check out the forums and my twitter for more info!


(edited by jebro.6370)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Well, I dunno if its strong competitively, but its pretty fun at the very least

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Good to see Atlas! same traits and sigils etc?

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


guys… all your comments are just immensely awesome and useful! Im switching the build round a lot but come back to it in the end in the last few days. I did change to the air sigil though!

But yea really nice mesmer players out there and in the forums.

BTW: Game play video

Thanks for the kind words as well guys!


(edited by jebro.6370)

Into The Mists MMORPG/SOAC Podcast! LIVE

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

The Sitting On A Couch/MMORPG bi weekly podcast is back TONIGHT 16/05 LIVE at 2am GMT +1 (1.5 hours from this posting)

Watch live Tonight & Bi weekly!

With guests:
James Opferman (
Ally (Chronicles of Tyria)
Jason Winter ( (2nd Thursday of each month)
David North f( (4th Thursday of each Month)
Jebro (ASP Caster) : @Jebdan



Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


I used it for ages its AWESOMENESS I agree ! But I dunnooooo :P I love those stuns my friend!

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Warlord Ive switched to Air now to give it a bash.

Im using Suggestions for stuns really. Otherwise well, the stunner wouldnt be the stunner.

I feel like with Necros especially and condi builds I come up against and even thiefs that trait helps out a shedload

ESL SPVP Weekly cup! 15/05 !

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Its that time of the week peoples!

We welcome back Shawn Buell to casting this week and Sireph will also be here to stream LIVE on his birthday!!

(Happy birthday!)

INFO here:

So come check out the show tonight, watch your favourite teams fight it out to become this weeks champs!



Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

EDIT: This build is likely to be more viable atm! Let me know your thoughts below. This is in regards to the new stability changes! ****

So people must have been playing around with variations of this build but Im not seeing many people using this rune set up.

The build is focussed on dazing and stunning oponents to build vulnerability causing massive damage and using timewarp and null field to assist with support.

Build Video:


Game play:

Pls leave feedback, even if you hate it, itd be awesome to see how it can be improve/tweaked or whatever.

I like to play this build for fun primarily, but I do feel its pretty nice in a team situation.

Thanks all


p.s. Im not saying this is the BEST build, or I am the BEST mesmer player Discalimer there

(edited by jebro.6370)

Ele Build video 'THE' build - Popular in Spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: jebro.6370


Guys I just added my own gameplay video for this build here:


p.s. apologies for when I call someone a moron in the vid xD

Ele Build video 'THE' build - Popular in Spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Katniss – Yea dude I saw the feedback REALLY good feedback! I love it! Also anywone thats given feedback/other options GREAT!

In terms of Mist form vs flash for me, well its that extra get away really I like Mist form but meh I just prefer flash for my style and for the other reasons posted above.

Guys how else can this build be altered. People say energy sigil instead of perhaps doom or might? Whats the view on this

Ele Build video 'THE' build - Popular in Spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: jebro.6370


Well I think the reasons were justified above and NP Prev !

Ele Build video 'THE' build - Popular in Spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Nutshel + @Todd. You may both know this build inside and out, but how about all the new players coming in from pve/wvw, those people that have also recently bought the game?

Im thinking big picture.. I appreciate your views, and I always produce a game play video after the build. That will be inc soon.



P.s Isnt it also good to just show that once again its viable? Also, when did celestial amulet get used a billion times in build videos B4 the feature patch, Id love to see a link pls. thanks again