Showing Posts For jebro.6370:

Ele Build video 'THE' build - Popular in Spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

SO! This is an ele build well this variant anyways. Right view disclaimers! I am NOT claiming this is the best build, I’m also not maining Ele.

Also if you think you can help with some advice include any rotations below also and tweaks that maybe worked for you or suggestions on what I missed I and I am sure the community will greatly appreciate it.


Build video:





(edited by jebro.6370)

Necro: Bunker/Healer/support - Build and vid!

in Necromancer

Posted by: jebro.6370


You guys are making me afraid…so…very…afraid…

BUT to liven myself up and you, I made a gameplay video for this build with some explanation

Necro: Bunker/Healer/support - Build and vid!

in Necromancer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Do I have to come up with a thief bunker build? xD

Necro: Bunker/Healer/support - Build and vid!

in Necromancer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Once again its a build offering a different play style and method.

Personally for me support is team not self.

The wells offer protection to all not just me. Also Ill show the video soon likely tonight, you’ll see the survivability that this build brings.

I love the two suggestions above in the alternatives to the build Ill definitely give them a shot! Guys thanks for the contributions, once again this isn’t a build to say ‘its the best’ its just a build to spark conversation which is whats happening so thank you again.

Dont forget that this is a new build due to the use of the new trait for death shroud.

Necro: Bunker/Healer/support - Build and vid!

in Necromancer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

To The Contrary… is a new build series where I will focus on the opposite of what a class may normally do. I.e. A necro may be synonymous with conditions, for example. So for this build Ive gone with a necro heal/support/bunker build!

This is also using the new death shroud trait which removes conditions from allies.

Build video:

Game play:


Enjoy and if you dont your welcome to state below



(edited by jebro.6370)

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


I think to compare GW2 Spvp to that of LOL or Starcraft is slightly unfair.

Reward track loot Twilight Arbor track Vid

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So a video on the twilight Arbor Spvp reward track.

I used most of the chests etc from the track and got 390% Magic find to test it on the chests.

On a previous track I did get an ascended weapon box and some rings.

Did I get lucky this time?



Axe/shield - Longbow build vid. Flame legion

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


thanks buddy yea haha if your gonna make a charr make him big

Axe/shield - Longbow build vid. Flame legion

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Axe/shield - Longbow build vid. Flame legion

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Sooooo, I made a build video for warrior using similar traits to ham/bow but some difference in rune/sigil choice.

I went with the rune of flame legion to get extra burning onto foe and use the axe to increase my damage on a burning target.

Anyways I made this video and itll explain:


Gameplay video is inc as well.

Let me know what you think below.



Guardian power/CC Spirit weapons build Video

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


The bow of course does cleanse conditions but Im now trying and testing the heal signet out to act as a kinf of purity, but of course not getting that block heal.

We shall see. Also changed the stability to condi removal on resolve. Seeing if its more survivable. Still loving spirit weapons though

Guardian power/CC Spirit weapons build Video

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


Well thats upto you. Condi cleanse is tough in this build we know this. So maybe like you say the option would be to go resolve. But thats kind of the point of the thread. To help.

Guardian power/CC Spirit weapons build Video

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


I think you should rename your thread to “What build NOT to bring in PVP”

because that’s what I got from watching ur videos. With condi pressure more rampant than ever before, you chose the worst possible build to deal with it.

No Stability, minimal condi cleanse. You might as well bend over and take it

While it’s true that in the meta PvP – which is stale and boring – you get run over by condi’s and this build doesn’t counter that, this build WRECKS anyone with medium HP who thinks you’re an easy kill. A medi guard ran into me while I was running power spirits and she died in 5 seconds to immense damage spikes. Warriors get flattened by it. Thieves just explode in giant numbers.

But then I go into team fights and melt in conditions because it hasn’t got a cleanse. Valid build, hits like a truck, undone by condi meta, just like so many other builds which would be fun but are ‘not done’ because ‘meta’

Appreciate this post a lot.

I do like to still try builds that are in the game and should be played aswell to add variety, part of the reason I like to post these builds is because perhaps with some further thought and feedback in the community we can push some changes in other areas that perhaps haven’t been looked at.

Guardian power/CC Spirit weapons build Video

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


blimey its a fun build.

Does everything need to be so serious? Its called theory crafting.

Thanks to those who mentioned similar.


I think you should rename your thread to “What build NOT to bring in PVP”

because that’s what I got from watching ur videos. With condi pressure more rampant than ever before, you chose the worst possible build to deal with it.

No Stability, minimal condi cleanse. You might as well bend over and take it

Did you even watch the video?

Courage gives stability.

Build Vid - Burning = MO dps! - Jebro

in Warrior

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Made this build based on some Ham/bow traits but using the rune of the flame legion to increase my dps on a burning foe.

Also combo-ing that up with the shield leap and some nice sigils to get some really nice axe damage and a finish with eviscerate.

Build Video:

Build: (into the mists)

anyways, Id appreciate any feedback



Guardian power/CC Spirit weapons build Video

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


Added gameplay to this post aswell:

Turret Power build - Rockets and thumper

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Yea Im scared dude :P Although with this I can get a tiny bit of burst but for finishing him. I guess if someones down and I knock with thumper.. Ill get a quickness res.. Havent tested!

Turret Power build - Rockets and thumper

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Ive been trying this variation of turrets and its feeling really dam strong.

Using the rocket tool belt ability and getting close to 2k damage with that alone and then with the knockdown on the rocket turret activate the CC is nice and the auto attack damage from bomb kit is pretty sweet itself.

That’s without even going into the other abilities…

Anyways still having fun with turrets here :P just wanted to give another build for anyone looking at turrets. I may do a video on this build as well. As my other power turret build was the dome protected line instead of the boons on turret drop.



Turreteer build - Condi Burn and BOONS

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Blink flamethrower is a nice way to deal with warriors for sure.

The knock back 3 to create space while letting your turrets take him down.

Also Im running another variant atm power wise which is definitely a warrior killer over time. Ill link it asap

Thankyou all so far for the replies.

Is there anything else that could be improved with this build? A rune change suggestion or sigils perhaps? As this build has low condi removal how about a condition switch sigil?

Guardian power/CC Spirit weapons build Video

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So I made a video for a spirit weapons build, its all about the power with a greatsword and hammer for the CC and extra fun factor.

Anyways enjoy and let me know how this could be possibly improved

Build Video:


Into the mists calculator build:

Ill be rolling out a game play video today and will add it to this post asap :0



(edited by jebro.6370)

Turreteer build - Condi Burn and BOONS

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all I added a gameplay video of this build to my channel aswell

enjoy, I most likely make errors, but yea some nice play with the turrets

Turreteer build - Condi Burn and BOONS

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Im not sure what your point is but ok

Im not saying that Supply crate is the main focus of the build, thatd be ridiculous. Im saying its a nice game changer.

Thats all. Its one part of a large build

Turreteer build - Condi Burn and BOONS

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Dirame, indeed dude. Im confused as to how this isnt a massive @BOON’ to any team fight situation as the first poster said. Its working real well, also with the turrets solo those are really helping! Especially atm as Im testing net turret now for the swiftness I may need in some situations

Turreteer build - Condi Burn and BOONS

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Have you tested it? I have been in multiple team fights where it really has.

Check out the boonage it offers, test it out you might be more surprised. Even if its applying those boons once, at the very least it will help someone to stay up or get out, thus changing a team fight.

Turreteer build - Condi Burn and BOONS

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So, Im making some variations with the turreteer builds now hitting into similar territory of a decap/boon dispensing condi machine.

With a mix of the Elite supply crate trait , the two new grandmasters the amount of support that comes with this build can change a team fight very quickly.

Solo Q wise, I felt like a hero… I dont mean a decap hero but I mean I contributed to the team fight significantly when I was involved and using turrets I could control a point without even being on it.

Build Video:



There will be so many variants that can be used with turrets Im just adding two of mine and leaving it at that. This build could also be used with power/rifle without any probs by switching out some traits and going for a power orientated amulet.

Discuss guys



(edited by jebro.6370)

Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Dude I made a video last night with P/S and 10/0/30/30/0


The boon dispensing is second to none. Ill link it here and in the main engi forum.


Build Editor:

@Hus well its nice to see people trying AED itd be nice to get it viable at some point but healing turret especially in these turret builds is just toooo dam awesome for so many reasons :P

Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Im not massively sure whats best. I moved from bombs to flamethrower and dropped the top trait line for the Flamer traits i.e. Juggernaught. Any thoughts on that move guys?

Guardian Build video Support/bunker update

in Guardian

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!
So I made a updated Guardian support/bunker build. 0/5/30/30/5.

Theres some changes that Im trialing and would love some input after speaking to some pvpers wvwers etc.

Im using most of the same traits with some differences

Heres the video:

I also have some game play here:

At the moment the build editor sites aren’t up to date so cant post a build link but the video will be updated with it ASAP.

Thanks again and if you have ANY feedback pls let me know


(edited by jebro.6370)

Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Again sounds good!

@Slayer Its all situational when Im playing. Most of the time Ill leave em up or explode for combo blasts and knockbacks. Whether or not I could benefit more is debatable. BUT I am still testing it! Maybe if you could make a build/video aswell itd be great! I love the suggestions you made though

Thanks guys again for the feedback! The condi variant Im trying is with a flame turret and the thumper still and still with bombs. Its working well in dungeons atm! So Ill try and maybe get a video out on that

ESL Weel;y Cup 17/04 TONIGHT!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

ESL weekly Cup at 7pm (GMT +1) LIVE!

First ESL of the new feature patch! GET INVOLVED!

Info here:



Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Agreed dude!

I completely forgot to mention the potential for a lot of might stacking with the bombs. I just love the bomb kit. I love GW2 because of the combos so I try to use them when I can!

So fire bomb with blasts from 3 turrets the supply crate and the 5th skill on rifle, thats a shedload of might.

Im trying condi variants now of the build in PVE and hoping to get back to pvp asap

Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Looks fun. Engi got the best traits out of this deal no doubt. A couple really great ones.

I notice in your play video you had your surprise shot off cool down for long periods of time there. You should have been popping that more for the instant burst. Looks like it was a blast though…. pun intended. lol

I have been running something oddly like your build since the patch, using the Gadgeteer trait instead.

Dude! you read my mind. On my stream we actually ran with the toolkit first, but found a lack of damage was an issue with no sustain on the target, bombs helped as well with the blind and the numerous combo fields for might stacking stealth etc.

Also I LOVE your suggestions! Once the build editors get sorted or if they are as of now, get your build up here and Ill def give it a shot! I love to just try random stuff. Im an spvp caster but I like to have fun kitten and try crazy shiz

Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


If the build editor sites were updated then I would have added it as well as I have always done with all my forums posts related to builds.

Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Heres a build from Spvp thats been great for me in solo Q.

Its a lot of fun and is great in 1v2 situations and great for knocks without using the conventional decap methods. Decap was a horid build to play and I know a lot of people felt they had to use it before to get anywhere in tpvp and spvp.

So here ya go, enjoy and if you liked hated or can spot an improvement, then let me know in the comments!


Into the Mists build and mini guide:

Cheers all!


(edited by jebro.6370)

WvW raid- LIVE coverage! Guilds needed!

in WvW

Posted by: jebro.6370


Bumping this as I posted early. Had some nice ffeedback on Reddit aswell!

WvW raid- LIVE coverage! Guilds needed!

in WvW

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

I have a plan to get WvW guilds involved more in live streaming and also general coverage.

I am asking WvW guilds from the EU and NA servers if they would be interested in me joining them for a raid to produce a weekly show/stream based around their raid. I will show the ups the downs and help others to maybe get some insight if they are new or even want to try new things.

If any guild is interested please let me know here or ingame.

Of course I am an spvp streamer and caster but I also started in WvW first and I do play a fair bit when I can.

Anyhow if you want to help the community or even show off your guild in a live stream or youtube show, let me know! Id like to do one weekly if poss



p.s. youtube channel etc below in sig for credentials!

WvW Obsidian Sanctum run! Vid Jebro

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Today i did the obsidian sanctum with a fellow guildie for the achievement from the tournament atm.

Its just a JP run but some fun stuff happened, most would agree that during primetime that smooth a run doesnt happen often



Role Play GW2! Vid series. can you help?

in Lore

Posted by: jebro.6370


Thankyou guys so much

Role Play GW2! Vid series. can you help?

in Lore

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So I’m looking to get into some GW2 Role play for a video series I potentially want to make!

I blame Kasey from CoT but I think it’d be an awesome change for me in the game and great content for people to see about GW2!

Can anyone point me in a direction to start or could I just literally jump onto an RP server and start? :o

Thanks in advance!


Video Blog posts reviewed Get Involved

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

I made some videos on the Blog posts heres the playlist:

If you arent up for reading all the info I summarise the important bits in my videos

Cheers all!


ESL Weekly Cup #23 Thursday 7pm GMT +1

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Bumpy BUmp TONIGHT!!!

The Future of GW2 PvP

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Just a quick word from me on the Ranks themselves.

I think in the first 5 months maybe rank meant something. (Of GW2)

Rank hasnt really meant anything for a long time. I feel like Anet may be rewarding people with that rank and the finishers etc that will come with it for sticking with GW2 and spvp in general.

The main source of prestige atm is the leader boards, but like they said there is more coming for players to test themselves against others in a ‘prestige’ manner.

Ok Dragon is the best rank, but you get awesome rewards being that high. The games been out for a year and a half, not many are near.

To get NEW players in spvp we need to attract them, if you were a new player and saw that people had played spvp solidly and daily for over a year and weren’t even top rank how would you feel? Probably something like:

‘Dam, this spvp rank be high! Ill never catch up and be as good as those guys’

Also Skyhammer ruined any legitimate claim for anyone to claim they are awesome from their rank alone. Rank is experience of the mode and not quality of the player.

ESL Weekly Cup #23 Thursday 7pm GMT +1

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

This weeks ESL EU weekly cup #23 is on at the same time same channel!

All the info is below:

Join myself and Blu in casting the 23rd ESL weekly cup!



Vid: WXP, Traits more! Jebro's look! Discuss!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jebro.6370


Vid: WXP, Traits more! Jebro's look! Discuss!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jebro.6370


Post updated new video out aswell check the playlist out for more info

Vid: WXP, Traits more! Jebro's look! Discuss!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

So Ive started to make a few videos on the latest blog posts.

Here a playlist of the past few days worth of Blog posts! Don’t want to read all the text? Then GET INVOLVED and check out the playlist detailing the past few days in bit size chunks



(edited by jebro.6370)

Video on Dyes/Wardrobe/Social from Jebro

in Community Creations

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all latest vid from me on Dye/wardrobe/social stuff from the past few days blog posts.

Let me know what you thought. I want to talk more about general stuff do mini podcasts and such when I can.

Anyways let me know



VODS ESL/BT GvG NA Edition Vids here!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


yea its the lack of title you can insert! GET THAT INFO INVOLVED

ESL Weekly Cup #22 EU 7pm GMT

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

ESL Weekly cup tonight No.22!

INFO HERE for signing up and live streams! 7pm GMT starting.

Get involved with the competitive scene in GW2!



VODS ESL/BT GvG NA Edition Vids here!

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Mini bump for NA crowd