Hey all,
I’m looking for a new server for myself and guildmates. We’re a WvW focused guild and looking for a server with a good wvw presence and has oceanic/asian timezone coverage(Tired of losing everything overnight).
We play during NA primetime 4-12pm central, So we’d like to find a home in which we’d help make a difference and not just add to a zergfest. Currently during our wvw nights we bring 30+ members and on our off days we’re usually 15+
Reasons for us wanting to leave current server.
- Server is full of 1-4man PVE guilds who make up a completely unorganized zerg.(We’re one of maybe 2 guilds who are WvW focused who bring 30+)
- Server has a very negative attitude which believes you can’t win unless you outnumber the enemy. (Our guild thrives on fighting superior numbers)
- Current group of commanders in wvw are karma farmers who don’t care about wvw score(It’s a PVE server), So they happily trade T3 assets for paper assets.If you think your server fits the description let me know via reply/message.
So from what I understand.
Your an NA guild looking for a server you can make a difference in (a server with small a NA crew) but you don’t want to get your stuff flipped overnight (good coverage eliminates servers below bracket 2) and you don’t want to always run in a zerg (eliminates t1 servers, TC still questionable).
Possible servers
SOR=- Too many zergs, Heavy NA, stacked
JQ=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
BG=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
TC=- Many zergs, good NA, kind of stacked. + good coverage
DB= +/- Some zergs depending which prime and guild raid schedules. +developing NA + great coverage
FA= – Little to no coverage, good na
EB= No coverage +not many zergs
SoS=- lacks coverage (has an ok oceanic) + Not many zergs.
Mag=no coverage
KN=little to no coverage
CD=No coverage
ET=^Anvil Rock 118
Blackgate 250
Borlis Pass 139
Crystal Desert 219
NA Darkhaven 165
NA Devona’s Rest 85
NA Dragonbrand 236
NA Ehmry Bay 178
NA Eredon Terrace 83
NA Ferguson’s Crossing 102
NA Fort Aspenwood 222
NA Gate of Madness 196
NA Henge of Denravi 134
NA Isle of Janthir 218
NA Jade Quarry 248
NA Kaineng 94
NA Maguuma 158
NA Northern Shiverpeaks 172
NA Sanctum of Rall 211
NA Sea of Sorrows 207
NA Sorrow’s Furnace 181
NA Stormbluff Isle 187
NA Tarnished Coast 351
NA Yak’s BendDragonBrand would fit your criteria well.
Lol fa little to no coverage. Yes you won last week but we’ve beaten you guys a few times. So far this reset we have been over 300 ppt most of the day and over 400 at night.
The only reason you beat DB was because TC focused their entire server on DB and limited our points. This is clearly proven by our last couple of matches where you lost by 100K+ points. FA is fighting smaller servers that don’t have much or any coverage at all, so your second point is invalid.
If SoS oceanic was that good, they wouldn’t end up losing most of their stuff during oceanic primetime. The only time this doesn’t occur is when SoS is against a server with no coverage at all.orly?
That was from what 5/6 months ago
Even worse was that DB actually game back and won that match.
Okay cool, i don’t understand your point. You are so desperately trying to recruit that you feel the need to bring down other servers to show DB’s superiority, just focus on showing what DB is about and see if the guild likes it don’t feel the need to bring down other servers.
Why is it all the guild recruitment threads end up in DB trolling.
I simply exposed your blatant lie, bringing down your server was just a side effect which doesn’t bother me at all, it’s none of my concern. The way you hastily used phony evidence to assert something in order to curry favor clearly shows your desperation and lack of clarity.
I’m not desperate, just mindful of facts and critical of disinformation. I simply did a quick analysis of all the servers to narrow down which of them they would find suitable. The guild is looking for the truth, nothing else.
(edited by jul.7602)