Showing Posts For jul.7602:

Fair sized guild Looking for new Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Hey all,

I’m looking for a new server for myself and guildmates. We’re a WvW focused guild and looking for a server with a good wvw presence and has oceanic/asian timezone coverage(Tired of losing everything overnight).

We play during NA primetime 4-12pm central, So we’d like to find a home in which we’d help make a difference and not just add to a zergfest. Currently during our wvw nights we bring 30+ members and on our off days we’re usually 15+

Reasons for us wanting to leave current server.
- Server is full of 1-4man PVE guilds who make up a completely unorganized zerg.(We’re one of maybe 2 guilds who are WvW focused who bring 30+)
- Server has a very negative attitude which believes you can’t win unless you outnumber the enemy. (Our guild thrives on fighting superior numbers)
- Current group of commanders in wvw are karma farmers who don’t care about wvw score(It’s a PVE server), So they happily trade T3 assets for paper assets.

If you think your server fits the description let me know via reply/message.

So from what I understand.

Your an NA guild looking for a server you can make a difference in (a server with small a NA crew) but you don’t want to get your stuff flipped overnight (good coverage eliminates servers below bracket 2) and you don’t want to always run in a zerg (eliminates t1 servers, TC still questionable).

Possible servers
SOR=- Too many zergs, Heavy NA, stacked
JQ=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
BG=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
TC=- Many zergs, good NA, kind of stacked. + good coverage
DB= +/- Some zergs depending which prime and guild raid schedules. +developing NA + great coverage
FA= – Little to no coverage, good na
EB= No coverage +not many zergs
SoS=- lacks coverage (has an ok oceanic) + Not many zergs.
Mag=no coverage
KN=little to no coverage
CD=No coverage

Anvil Rock 118
Blackgate 250
Borlis Pass 139
Crystal Desert 219
NA Darkhaven 165
NA Devona’s Rest 85
NA Dragonbrand 236
NA Ehmry Bay 178
NA Eredon Terrace 83
NA Ferguson’s Crossing 102
NA Fort Aspenwood 222
NA Gate of Madness 196
NA Henge of Denravi 134
NA Isle of Janthir 218
NA Jade Quarry 248
NA Kaineng 94
NA Maguuma 158
NA Northern Shiverpeaks 172
NA Sanctum of Rall 211
NA Sea of Sorrows 207
NA Sorrow’s Furnace 181
NA Stormbluff Isle 187
NA Tarnished Coast 351
NA Yak’s Bend

DragonBrand would fit your criteria well.

Lol fa little to no coverage. Yes you won last week but we’ve beaten you guys a few times. So far this reset we have been over 300 ppt most of the day and over 400 at night.

The only reason you beat DB was because TC focused their entire server on DB and limited our points. This is clearly proven by our last couple of matches where you lost by 100K+ points. FA is fighting smaller servers that don’t have much or any coverage at all, so your second point is invalid.

If SoS oceanic was that good, they wouldn’t end up losing most of their stuff during oceanic primetime. The only time this doesn’t occur is when SoS is against a server with no coverage at all.


That was from what 5/6 months ago

Even worse was that DB actually game back and won that match.

Okay cool, i don’t understand your point. You are so desperately trying to recruit that you feel the need to bring down other servers to show DB’s superiority, just focus on showing what DB is about and see if the guild likes it don’t feel the need to bring down other servers.

Why is it all the guild recruitment threads end up in DB trolling.

I simply exposed your blatant lie, bringing down your server was just a side effect which doesn’t bother me at all, it’s none of my concern. The way you hastily used phony evidence to assert something in order to curry favor clearly shows your desperation and lack of clarity.

I’m not desperate, just mindful of facts and critical of disinformation. I simply did a quick analysis of all the servers to narrow down which of them they would find suitable. The guild is looking for the truth, nothing else.

(edited by jul.7602)

Fair sized guild Looking for new Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Hey all,

I’m looking for a new server for myself and guildmates. We’re a WvW focused guild and looking for a server with a good wvw presence and has oceanic/asian timezone coverage(Tired of losing everything overnight).

We play during NA primetime 4-12pm central, So we’d like to find a home in which we’d help make a difference and not just add to a zergfest. Currently during our wvw nights we bring 30+ members and on our off days we’re usually 15+

Reasons for us wanting to leave current server.
- Server is full of 1-4man PVE guilds who make up a completely unorganized zerg.(We’re one of maybe 2 guilds who are WvW focused who bring 30+)
- Server has a very negative attitude which believes you can’t win unless you outnumber the enemy. (Our guild thrives on fighting superior numbers)
- Current group of commanders in wvw are karma farmers who don’t care about wvw score(It’s a PVE server), So they happily trade T3 assets for paper assets.

If you think your server fits the description let me know via reply/message.

So from what I understand.

Your an NA guild looking for a server you can make a difference in (a server with small a NA crew) but you don’t want to get your stuff flipped overnight (good coverage eliminates servers below bracket 2) and you don’t want to always run in a zerg (eliminates t1 servers, TC still questionable).

Possible servers
SOR=- Too many zergs, Heavy NA, stacked
JQ=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
BG=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
TC=- Many zergs, good NA, kind of stacked. + good coverage
DB= +/- Some zergs depending which prime and guild raid schedules. +developing NA + great coverage
FA= – Little to no coverage, good na
EB= No coverage +not many zergs
SoS=- lacks coverage (has an ok oceanic) + Not many zergs.
Mag=no coverage
KN=little to no coverage
CD=No coverage

Anvil Rock 118
Blackgate 250
Borlis Pass 139
Crystal Desert 219
NA Darkhaven 165
NA Devona’s Rest 85
NA Dragonbrand 236
NA Ehmry Bay 178
NA Eredon Terrace 83
NA Ferguson’s Crossing 102
NA Fort Aspenwood 222
NA Gate of Madness 196
NA Henge of Denravi 134
NA Isle of Janthir 218
NA Jade Quarry 248
NA Kaineng 94
NA Maguuma 158
NA Northern Shiverpeaks 172
NA Sanctum of Rall 211
NA Sea of Sorrows 207
NA Sorrow’s Furnace 181
NA Stormbluff Isle 187
NA Tarnished Coast 351
NA Yak’s Bend

DragonBrand would fit your criteria well.

Lol fa little to no coverage. Yes you won last week but we’ve beaten you guys a few times. So far this reset we have been over 300 ppt most of the day and over 400 at night.

The only reason you beat DB was because TC focused their entire server on DB and limited our points. This is clearly proven by our last couple of matches where you lost by 100K+ points. FA is fighting smaller servers that don’t have much or any coverage at all, so your second point is invalid.

If SoS oceanic was that good, they wouldn’t end up losing most of their stuff during oceanic primetime. The only time this doesn’t occur is when SoS is against a server with no coverage at all.


That was from what 5/6 months ago

Even worse was that DB actually game back and won that match.

Fair sized guild Looking for new Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Hey all,

I’m looking for a new server for myself and guildmates. We’re a WvW focused guild and looking for a server with a good wvw presence and has oceanic/asian timezone coverage(Tired of losing everything overnight).

We play during NA primetime 4-12pm central, So we’d like to find a home in which we’d help make a difference and not just add to a zergfest. Currently during our wvw nights we bring 30+ members and on our off days we’re usually 15+

Reasons for us wanting to leave current server.
- Server is full of 1-4man PVE guilds who make up a completely unorganized zerg.(We’re one of maybe 2 guilds who are WvW focused who bring 30+)
- Server has a very negative attitude which believes you can’t win unless you outnumber the enemy. (Our guild thrives on fighting superior numbers)
- Current group of commanders in wvw are karma farmers who don’t care about wvw score(It’s a PVE server), So they happily trade T3 assets for paper assets.

If you think your server fits the description let me know via reply/message.

So from what I understand.

Your an NA guild looking for a server you can make a difference in (a server with small a NA crew) but you don’t want to get your stuff flipped overnight (good coverage eliminates servers below bracket 2) and you don’t want to always run in a zerg (eliminates t1 servers, TC still questionable).

Possible servers
SOR=- Too many zergs, Heavy NA, stacked
JQ=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
BG=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
TC=- Many zergs, good NA, kind of stacked. + good coverage
DB= +/- Some zergs depending which prime and guild raid schedules. +developing NA + great coverage
FA= – Little to no coverage, good na
EB= No coverage +not many zergs
SoS=- lacks coverage (has an ok oceanic) + Not many zergs.
Mag=no coverage
KN=little to no coverage
CD=No coverage

Anvil Rock 118
Blackgate 250
Borlis Pass 139
Crystal Desert 219
NA Darkhaven 165
NA Devona’s Rest 85
NA Dragonbrand 236
NA Ehmry Bay 178
NA Eredon Terrace 83
NA Ferguson’s Crossing 102
NA Fort Aspenwood 222
NA Gate of Madness 196
NA Henge of Denravi 134
NA Isle of Janthir 218
NA Jade Quarry 248
NA Kaineng 94
NA Maguuma 158
NA Northern Shiverpeaks 172
NA Sanctum of Rall 211
NA Sea of Sorrows 207
NA Sorrow’s Furnace 181
NA Stormbluff Isle 187
NA Tarnished Coast 351
NA Yak’s Bend

DragonBrand would fit your criteria well.

Lol fa little to no coverage. Yes you won last week but we’ve beaten you guys a few times. So far this reset we have been over 300 ppt most of the day and over 400 at night.

The only reason you beat DB was because TC focused their entire server on DB and limited our points. This is clearly proven by our last couple of matches where you lost by 100K+ points. FA is fighting smaller servers that don’t have much or any coverage at all, so your second point is invalid.

If SoS oceanic was that good, they wouldn’t end up losing most of their stuff during oceanic primetime. The only time this doesn’t occur is when SoS is against a server with no coverage at all.

Fair sized guild Looking for new Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Hey all,

I’m looking for a new server for myself and guildmates. We’re a WvW focused guild and looking for a server with a good wvw presence and has oceanic/asian timezone coverage(Tired of losing everything overnight).

We play during NA primetime 4-12pm central, So we’d like to find a home in which we’d help make a difference and not just add to a zergfest. Currently during our wvw nights we bring 30+ members and on our off days we’re usually 15+

Reasons for us wanting to leave current server.
- Server is full of 1-4man PVE guilds who make up a completely unorganized zerg.(We’re one of maybe 2 guilds who are WvW focused who bring 30+)
- Server has a very negative attitude which believes you can’t win unless you outnumber the enemy. (Our guild thrives on fighting superior numbers)
- Current group of commanders in wvw are karma farmers who don’t care about wvw score(It’s a PVE server), So they happily trade T3 assets for paper assets.

If you think your server fits the description let me know via reply/message.

So from what I understand.

Your an NA guild looking for a server you can make a difference in (a server with small a NA crew) but you don’t want to get your stuff flipped overnight (good coverage eliminates servers below bracket 2) and you don’t want to always run in a zerg (eliminates t1 servers, TC still questionable).

Possible servers
SOR=- Too many zergs, Heavy NA, stacked
JQ=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
BG=- Too many zergs, Large NA, stacked
TC=- Many zergs, good NA, kind of stacked. + good coverage
DB= +/- Some zergs depending which prime and guild raid schedules. +developing NA + great coverage
FA= – Little to no coverage, good na
EB= No coverage +not many zergs
SoS=- lacks coverage (has an ok oceanic) + Not many zergs.
Mag=no coverage
KN=little to no coverage
CD=No coverage

Anvil Rock 118
Blackgate 250
Borlis Pass 139
Crystal Desert 219
NA Darkhaven 165
NA Devona’s Rest 85
NA Dragonbrand 236
NA Ehmry Bay 178
NA Eredon Terrace 83
NA Ferguson’s Crossing 102
NA Fort Aspenwood 222
NA Gate of Madness 196
NA Henge of Denravi 134
NA Isle of Janthir 218
NA Jade Quarry 248
NA Kaineng 94
NA Maguuma 158
NA Northern Shiverpeaks 172
NA Sanctum of Rall 211
NA Sea of Sorrows 207
NA Sorrow’s Furnace 181
NA Stormbluff Isle 187
NA Tarnished Coast 351
NA Yak’s Bend

DragonBrand would fit your criteria well.

(edited by jul.7602)

Monitor Black Screen since patch on 25th

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


I tried deleting the .dat file and it had no impact at all. After I downgraded my driver to 314.22 I was able to play a game for a few hours before I encountered my first crash. After I rebooted and tried to play a game again it started crashing every 8 minutes so I tried to upgrade to one of the latest beta drivers, which did not seem to improve the experience any more. I returned to the 314.22 drivers and I can again play for a few more hours until my screen blacks out. It seems that the people with GeForce 400 series are by far the most unstable out of the other graphic cards that are experiencing this.

Frequent blacksceen crash, gw2 only.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


Manufacturer ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Model M4N68T-M-V2 (AM3)
Chipset Vendor NVIDIA
Chipset Model GeForce 7025
Chipset Revision A3
Southbridge Vendor NVIDIA
Southbridge Model nForce 630a
Southbridge Revision A2
System Temperature 40 °C
Brand American Megatrends Inc.
Version 0702
Date 1/26/2011
+12V 12.031 V
+5V 5.124 V
CPU CORE 1.224 V
VIN3 1.668 V
VIN4 2.220 V
+3.3V 3.327 V
VIN6 0.948 V
VIN7 2.304 V
VIN8 1.704 V
Name V233H on NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
Current Resolution 1920×1080 pixels
Work Resolution 1920×1040 pixels
State Enabled, Primary, Output devices support
Monitor Width 1920
Monitor Height 1080
Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Frequency 60 Hz
Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Model GeForce GT 430
Device ID 10DE-0DE1
Revision A2
Subvendor EVGA (3842)
Series GeForce GT 400
Current Performance Level Level 3
Current GPU Clock 700 MHz
Current Memory Clock 600 MHz
Current Shader Clock 1400 MHz
Voltage 1.080 V
Die Size 116 mm²
Release Date Oct 11, 2010
DirectX Support 11.0
OpenGL Support 5.0
Bus Interface PCI Express x16
Temperature 61 °C
Driver version
BIOS Version
ROPs 8
Shaders 96 unified
Memory Type DDR3
Memory 1024 MB
Bus Width 64×2 (128 bit)
Filtering Modes 16x Anisotropic
Noise Level Quiet
Max Power Draw 49 Watts
Count of performance levels : 3
Level 1 – “Default”
GPU Clock 50 MHz
Memory Clock 135 MHz
Shader Clock 101 MHz
Level 2 – “2D Desktop”
GPU Clock 405 MHz
Memory Clock 324 MHz
Shader Clock 810 MHz
Level 3 – “3D Applications”
GPU Clock 700 MHz
Memory Clock 600 MHz
Shader Clock 1400 MHz

(edited by jul.7602)

Frequent blacksceen crash, gw2 only.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


I’m still having black screens in Guild wars 2 after using the repair target and after installing Nvidia graphic driver 20.49
Complete system specs[/u]

Operating System
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1

AMD Phenom II X6 1050T 33 °C
Thuban 45nm Technology

4.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 669MHz (9-9-9-24)
ASUSTeK Computer INC. M4N68T-M-V2 (AM3) 40 °C

V233H (1920×1080@60Hz)
1024MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 (EVGA) 54 °C

Hard Drives
932GB Hitachi HDS721010CLA SCSI Disk Device (SATA) 36 °C

Optical Drives

NVIDIA High Definition Audio

AMD Phenom II X6 1050T
Cores 6
Threads 6
Name AMD Phenom II X6 1050T
Code Name Thuban
Package Socket AM3 (938)
Technology 45nm
Specification AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor
Family F
Extended Family 10
Model A
Extended Model A
Stepping 0
Revision PH-E0
Instructions MMX (), 3DNow! (), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, AMD 64, NX, VMX
Virtualization Supported, Enabled
Hyperthreading Not supported
Fan Speed 2812 RPM
Bus Speed 200.9 MHz
Rated Bus Speed 1004.5 MHz
Stock Core Speed 3300 MHz
Stock Bus Speed 200 MHz
Average Temperature 33 °C

Memory slots
Type DDR3
Size 4096 MBytes
Channels # Dual
DRAM Frequency 669.7 MHz
CAS# Latency (CL) 9 clocks
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) 9 clocks
RAS# Precharge (tRP) 9 clocks
Cycle Time (tRAS) 24 clocks
Bank Cycle Time (tRC) 33 clocks
Command Rate (CR) 1T
Physical Memory
Memory Usage 43 %
Total Physical 4.00 GB
Available Physical 2.26 GB
Total Virtual 8.00 GB
Available Virtual 5.58 GB

(edited by jul.7602)

Security Advancements and Reinstatements

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


What kind of compensation will there be for unjustly banning people’s accounts?

Monitor Black Screen since patch on 25th

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


It’s the driver your using most likely.The last batch of nvidia drivers are known to be quite buggy and ive seen more people report the “driver stopped working” problem when using these drivers,in other games.
Suggest using 314.22 or 326.01.

It seems this game doesn’t like Nvidia cards as well. There have been other black screen problems months ago as well.

Underwater combat needs to die

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


I literally thought about running 5 rangers for underwater combat. I did it once and Jellyfish was spanked quickly. I find thief DPS underwater to be small compared to warrior and rangers.

Fixes for AMD and Nvidia equipment?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


The June 25 patch caused some sort of conflict with certain Nvidia and AMD models. For some people it’s nearly locking people out of GW2. When can we expect to see a patch fixing these errors?

Competent Players Only

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


I don’t know what everybody else thinks of this, but this guild invited me for a few CoF runs. The party composition was 3 guardians, an upleveled elementalist and myself, a warrior. I’m not sure what to think.

Monitor Black Screen since patch on 25th

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


I have the exact same problem. I have an NVidia GeForce card and AMD processor both updated with drivers. The Geforce is about 100 dollars so it’s not a problem with hardware.

My occurrence is more similar to Marge’s in that is causes a black screen. It first only happened every 1-2 hours, then 30-60 minutes and now 10-25 minutes. It’s something to do with the latest patch. I liked your post so hopefully it will get more attention and this can be resolved faster.

(edited by jul.7602)

Frequent blacksceen crash, gw2 only.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


—> Error Logs <—
hip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00f1a4’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00f1a4’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fbf7’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0108cb’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×00fc16’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc16’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0108cb’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×03ac9f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn r
Model ‘0×03ac97’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn r
Model ‘0×03ac9f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
Model ‘0×03ac97’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn l
CtlText::Markup() ERROR: Invalid tag name detected. Context: "<??:?s?Vt?]</a>
CtlText::Markup() ERROR: Invalid tag name detected. Context: "<
Model ‘0×003725’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
CtlText::Markup() ERROR: Invalid tag name detected. Context: "<
CtlText::Markup() ERROR: Invalid tag name detected. Context: "<
Model ‘0×03ac97’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn l
CtlText::Markup() ERROR: Invalid tag name detected. Context: "<
CtlText::Markup() ERROR: Invalid tag name detected. Context: "<
Model ‘0×03ac97’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn r
Model ‘0×006833’: Can’t link child ‘0×00ced3’ to parent bone ‘mouth’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead

Frequent blacksceen crash, gw2 only.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


Ever since the June update GW2 is causing my computer to go into a standby state with a blackscreen about every hour or so (the intervals have since now gotten shorter and it crashes every 20 minutes). It’s completely unresponsive to any commands and the only way to fix it is to restart my computer. My GW2 client never had any problems since release until now. Since I have to restart my whole computer everytime this happens, the log may not have what your looking for.

  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×0de1
    Version = 9.18.0013.1106
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
    Compat = 0×00100800
    VidMem = 2770 MB
  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: m_bankSession
    File: ..\..\..\Game\Ui\Widgets\GuildDialog\GuildBank\GdbLogList.cpp(406)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 61888
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 19175
    When: 2013-06-07T03:31:54Z 2013-06-06T22:31:54-05:00
    Uptime: 0 days 3:47:20
    Flags: 0

(edited by jul.7602)

Questions about wells, stacking and anomolies

in Necromancer

Posted by: jul.7602


Question 1
Do multiple wells of the same type stack together?

For example, 2 necromancers cast Well of Corruption in the exact same area and at the same time. A enemy (assume he has all 9 boons) is standing inside them. Since there are 2 wells, does the enemy have 2 boons converted to conditions at a time, or do they not stack at all and only 1 boon is converted.

Question 1.5
Do all wells work this way.
For example, do multiple Wells of bloodstack their healing pulse.

Question 2
True or false, does the trait Ritual of Protection ignore or in someway or form bypass the 5 limit AoE cap every pulse?

Opinion Question 2.5
If I were trying to heavily spec into wells and I’m in a 20vs20+ fight, would you recommend this trait.

I present: Vote for the worst! - Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jul.7602


Thx for the statistic.

Any good GS build since the patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


The guy who calculated the dps is called molch. Check the the thread called pve warrior build. Anyway how come you haven’t shown any hard calculations?

PvE DPS Warrior Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


Thanks for the math

Any good GS build since the patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


lol @ 30/25/0/0/15. Play a bad build if thats what you like. GS+Axe/mace 30/0/0/10/30 is far superior to 30/25. But honestly I don’t care if you play a bad build personally, just keep the misinformation down.

You do realize that somebody has already calculated the effective power of both builds and concluded that my build did at least 4% more damage and that was discounting the fact gs skills have 20% faster cool down. If you take into fact that you should have 25 might it would be much higher.

Fastest Class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


warrior easily takes.

Signet of rage
Bulls charge.

I can outrun anybody.

Raid Dungeons: The GW2 Way?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


This game needs a system like this. Cut throat hard and amazing rewards.

dungeon professions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


No, but there are 3 classes that are so much better than every other class that it’s a waste of time to even consider anything else.

The New COF Speed run build

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


Any good GS build since the patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


30/25/0/0/15 gs axe/mace is superior to the pure axe build 30/0/0/10/30 build.

hey, would you have a link to this build? the gs axe/mace one

Full Zerker (trinkets, weapons and armor)generally add ruby orbs or scholar.

Daul wield, GS mastery, berserker might
V, forceful greatsword
anything really for discipline, try the signet colldown

My utilities are: Healing Surge, FGJ,Signet of might, a banner or OMM. Signet of rage or warbanner. Signet for clearing trash, banner for boss.

Sigils: GS of night, Axe of +%damage vs family, mace of night. Good for all dungeons.

Any good GS build since the patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


30/25/0/0/15 gs axe/mace is superior to the pure axe build 30/0/0/10/30 build.

This and only this.

Where did this axe 30/0/0/10/30 even come from?

The loss of heightened focus isn’t enough to justify scrapping the hybrid. Crit chance is the lesser of all attributes when it comes to DPS. Besides, if you run 25 arms you will have close the same crit chance with someone with hieghtened focus.

Fractals build?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


Ignore this pvt, 20 defense builds. Its all garbage and you may as retire your ranged weapons in fractals.

Your role in fractals is your own DPS, and the increase of everyone elses DPS and nothing more. No exception.

Assuming a 2gaurd/2war/1mes

30/25/0/0/15 is a solid build
Dual wielding, GS mastery, Berserker strength
V, Forceful greatsword
anything really

Take Healing surge, FGJ, Utility banner (never tactics), Signet of might or OMM or another banner and Warbanner.

GS of night, axe, mace of night. Leave your axe with no sigil so you can replace it with +% vs family.

Armor and trinkets
As many berserker ascended trinkets as possible. No exception.
Full berserker armor. no exception. Generally add Ruby Orbs.
Just maybe if your doing 48+ and though you should never even consider it. You may have an excuse to wear 1 piece of knights.

(edited by jul.7602)

Any good GS build since the patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


30/25/0/0/15 gs axe/mace is superior to the pure axe build 30/0/0/10/30 build.

This and only this.

Where did this axe 30/0/0/10/30 even come from?

The New COF Speed run build

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


Same as before….

20/25/0/10/15 (empower allies)

If you want to push your DPS even further
desperate power.

You spend enough time <50% life to warrant trading away 10% crit damage for that?

If you know how to play desperate warrior than you should easily get <50% life before any boss fight begins. +20% raw damage is far better than 10% crit damage.

30/25/0/0/15 has been mathematically proven to be the highest effective power and until it gets nerfed, it will still be highest damage build.

The New COF Speed run build

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


Same as before….

20/25/0/10/15 (empower allies)

If you want to push your DPS even further
desperate power.

CoF survives!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


Lets be happy that we still have the option to farm gold here.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Can a site moderator please lock this thread. This is just a massive troll and is wasting everyones time.

6/25 Balance patch changing the dungeon meta?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


This changes nothing at all. The empower allies is buffed so that will make everything go even faster.
30/25/0/0/15 3war
20/25/0/10/15 1war
These 2 builds were establish a LONG time ago.

The changes to axe/mace are also good. They buffed the axe 2 skill. I don’t see why peopel are griping over the axe chain. Just end on the third chain of the third attack and swap.

(edited by jul.7602)


in Match-ups

Posted by: jul.7602


The new rating system caused DB to lose points. Don’t blame us for 1 sided match.


in Match-ups

Posted by: jul.7602


Hope for an epic match with good fights. Keep it clean.
Live score updates-

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602



Come on Anet..

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: jul.7602


You stopped people from using mango and peach pies… but the tray version still work.

[RE] Rethesis is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


This thread is useless. You will obtain nothing of value here. Please lock.

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


Ignore everything above.
Highest DPS possible:

Highest DPS set.

Greatsword of NIght
Axe of Smothering
Mace of night

Zerker with Ruby orbs.
Pure zerker trinkets.

(edited by jul.7602)

[RE] Rethesis is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


I suggest Dragonbrand (pretty much Kainengbrand). A few kaineng guilds already transfered there so I think your guild will see many people you already know as well as meet many new people.

Competent Players Only

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Send me an invite to your guild.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


1)Full exotic berserker armor with ruby orbs.
2)Full exotic or higher berserker accessories.
3)Berserker greatsword (sigil of smothering)
4)axe (smothering)
5)mace (sigil of night).
6)Powerful potion of flame legion slaying.

Traits and utility set up.
Full DPS (pugway):30/25/0/0/15
For Great Justice, Signet of Might, On my mark(can be subsituted for a banner).
Elite: Warbanner

Empower traits
FGJ!, Signet of Might, OMM (or banner)

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: jul.7602


Stealth caping surely doesn’t count. I’m talking about an actual siege, firefights and redswords.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: jul.7602


Interesting that DB stil has TC hills. I don’t think anyone will ever be able to take that keep.

What class for FotM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602



In no particular order.
Guardians only role is to spam reflection and hopefully protection and other boons while maintaining a reasonble damage output.
Conclusion: Effective and reliable damage migitation, great overall boon support, medium damage. Are a neccessity in high level fractals where AoE projectiles wipe your entire party.

Berserker Warriors are there primarily for massive DPS spikes while using axe/mace and eviscerate for sustained DPS before going to GS 100b. They’re also responsible for granting perma fury, might (For Great Justice) and bring at least Discipline (Precision+ crit damage) and Strength (power+condition duration) and empower allies for 70+ power to all allies.
Conclusion: With the highest DPS and offensive support and a natural tankiness, 2 warriors should be doing 70%+ of the parties complete damage. High DPS=less enemies=less threats=faster and smoother run.

Mesmer are a utility class. Mesmers are used mainly for timewarp a great damage enhancer via aoe quickness, range of boons, some reflective skills, few conditions and moderate DPS. A Mesmer should be constantly changing their skills to best reflect the situation such as portal for swamp and dredge and reflection skills for uncatagorized fractal (harpy). In addition to that, they must keep timewarp and signet of inspiration stapled to their skillbar. Signet of Inspiration’s active ability should be used to double the might and fury given out by warriors (as well as other boons given by guardians but it’s focus should be to enhance dps).
Conclusion: Mesmers have potential to cover most of the roles of Guardians and Warriors while having having their own exclusive way to bring damage enhancing skills to the party but not able to outperform the other classes in their primary role. Mesmers bring everything remotely usefull that the other Warriors and Guardians can’t provide. It’s popular to bring just 1 mesmer in every fractal run.

My recommendation.
2 guardians (at least 1 of them zerker)
2 zerker warriors
1 mesmer

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


Just let this thread die. It’s been concluded that warriors/mes>others in CoF. This thread no longer has any meaning.

Imobilzing AC or Arrow cart mastery?

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Which would you rather face?

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


frankly, jul, the fact that you have not shown us any video evidence at all, and that phira has shown not just 1, but 3, albeit edited, videos lends more credence to his argument. and his party only works for a coordinated group; a pug would get torn to shreds if they don’t know what to do. i’ve played with phira before, and while i think he may be an elitist jerk, he does know what he is talking about, and props to him for coming in and attempting to break meta. i, and hopefully others will realize this as well, cannot take you at just your word: make a video showcasing a 4 warr/1 mesmer run is in fact, faster than a 3 thief/1 warr/1 mesmer run.

This discussion is similiar to a court case. Phira as the plaintiff claiming that thieves are quicker than warriors. The defendant as usuall, does not need any evidence to debunk the accusation because unless sufficicent proof if given, the plaintiff’s case will fail.

This even applies to all high level thinking (especially science), initiator must provide evidence that is accurate and reliable.

(edited by jul.7602)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


Your video in unrealistic and ommits key sections of the run.

No, it doesn’t. It omits the “filler” portions of the run and focuses on those sections in which completion time can be most strongly influenced by team composition and player skill.

I mean – the omitted sections could show the team repeatedly standing around waiting for cooldowns (e.g. for Battle Standard and Portal) but there’s no reason to suspect that they did so. They killed the Acolytes without relying on banner buffs (so no need to wait for those cooldowns) and the Effigy’s lifespan was so short that it used its Shockwave attack only once (hence, no need for the Mesmer to juggle utility slots in order to prepare Feedback).

These “filler” portions are more important than you think. Regardless of how it plays it out, he has to be consistent. Just like a thorough scientific investigation or any credible high level education, you must provide a sample of raw evidence. There is no exception. If you try avoid or tailor it to your advatange, you instantly lose credibility.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


I can’t express this any simpler. Bob claims he runs a faster mile than Joe, a well known olympic gold medalist. Joe disagrees. Bob records a video of himself running a 3 minute mile. However he only shows the two parts where he sprinted ommiting the rest of the video. When Bob gets home, he opens Internet Explorer, Youtube and searches 2400m olympic and selects the 5th one down thats a month old. It’s full a full recording but is uncertain who was running or whether or not he is was trying to run a fast time. Regardless Bob goes to an online forum and posts the 2 videos together and explains how he clearly runs a faster mile than Joe.