Showing Posts For jul.7602:

We need help to fix domination in NA

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


The op has a point. BG is harming the overall health of WvW and they must be stopped.

WvW matchup is broken

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


FA doesn’t have coverage? HOD is trebbing their own t2 ebg keep from spawn with single digit ticks.

Hate against rangers and thieves in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Let me clear this up, coming from a fight based commander who played(s) in many zergbusting guilds.

Thieves are not wanted because they provide virtually zero support. This pushes them into a pure “dps” role which means they compete against condi reapers, revs and warriors. Meta builds on any of those three classes will majorly outperform a thief in group fights, while also not nearly as likely to be a rally bot.

Rangers are actually perfectly viable in group comps if and only if if you run a full minstrel/magi healbot. Any other build then just gtfo squad.

Ultimate HoT NA WvW Guild Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Not this again…

PoF: Top 10 WvW Guild Reference

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


I like the way quick rain formatted his so I’ll share my opinions on what SEA/OCX in a similar format. Listing within tiers is in no particular order.

Top Tier
Ghastly Knights [GK] Fort Aspenwood
As a GK member I admit to some bias, but GK has a very strong record in zerg busting and GvG as far back as 2015. GK was arguably one the best boonshare guilds back in 2015-2016 and distinguished themselves more through zergbusting than GvG (although they steamrolled every other sea guild not in the top tier). The SoI nerf was especially detrimental to our play style, but in the past month GK is now stronger than ever before having found our desired composition.

Interesting notes

  • Easily best sustain in SEA/OCX
  • Substantially better at 20s than 15s

MGR/ND Maguuma ?
GK had a pretty big rivalry with MGR during the boonshare meta. Can’t say too much about MGR beside being the most GvG oriented out of the top tier guilds; they never dodge a GvG and wtfstomp any sea guild that isn’t top tier.

Interesting notes

  • Has one of the hardest hitting bombs in the scene

AHMA, Blackgate?
I don’t know too much about this guild other than the fact they have the best GvG record out of the top tier guilds. That said they are at least very effective in zerg busting.

interesting notes

  • Very high average skill level

High tier

  • BB could arguably be top tier based on their most recent victory in MGR. Zergbusting performance seems to be a bit lower than other top tier guilds though.

Low Tier
Everyone else. There is a pretty significant skill drop. Really significant.

Firebrand is B A D(PvP only)

in Guardian

Posted by: jul.7602


Firebrand is not bad in Pvp. There is one build that is pretty broken.

The Condi domination, and possible solution

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Every successful guild on BG that we (JQ) face is using a power meta.

They use a coordinated Revenant CoR / Phase Smash bomb.

We should be discussing how 5+ people being instantly downed by CoR from 1200 range is bad for the game.

In addition to the fact the meta is no longer condi I will add the condi builds were damaged quite badly by the food nerf.

No. Just no. There hasn’t been a power meta since the SoI nerf. Every credible guild is running condition spike. Condi revs are overall phasing out pure power revs.

PoF: Top 10 WvW Guild Reference

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


What I think in no particular order.


The next 5 guilds seem relatively close in performance so i wont list.

list for SEA+OCX
The next 5 guilds are quite a bit below the ones I listed, and I’m sure it could go either way between them.

Combined list: NA prime and SEA/OCX are very different. I would say zergbusting in offtime is easier because blobs mostly consist of pugs+1guild as opposed to NA where a blob is usually 2 organized guilds supplemented with pugs.


(edited by jul.7602)

PoF: Top 10 WvW Guild Reference

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Before I begin, this list is going to cause more drama and trouble than it’s worth but I’ll bite. This list is wrong on so many levels. People need to do their research. TBT should not be on there. Trex is dead and even then i wouldn’t put them on there. I don’t know too much about RF and Hate but I highly doubt they would make this list. VR is decent but are they really top ten in the entire game; since they have a good track record, I guess this isn’t too implausible.

It would make more sense to restrict this NA because we rarely see SEA guilds compete directly with NA guilds.

AHMA (another sea guild) has been steamrolling MGR since the last 3+ months so I don’t know why they aren’t on that list.

LATE is a very good OCX guild and unless someone has very recent vods I think they would beat MGR as well.

BB is SEA guild on FA and they quite recently beat MGR, so again they have a better claim.

GK is another sea guild on FA that probably has a slightly better if not equal claim.

AGG should definetely be on that list. Last I recall they defeated Ash and have beaten several other worthy guilds.

(Warning-Long Post) WvW, anti-zerg etc.

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Still agree with most of the ideas presented by op, but I don’t think I would remove the AoE cap from all skills. This would greatly favor the larger zerg. Barring the technical difficulties, I see a few problems with this.

Defensive buffs.
With no AoE cap zergs will have ridiculous sustain, permanent Rite of the Dwarf, permanent auras, mass distort, undeniably infinite boons (imagine signet of inspiration buffing 50+ people a time), and healbot ele/druid remaxing the entire zerg’s health every few seconds. Even with the Aoe damage cap removed I can’t imagine a 15-20man group laying a scratch on the zerg and I certainly can’t see why anyone would want to spread out when they’re perpetually buffed by 49+ other people at time.

Zergs will have unbelievable damage.
I agree that this would help smaller groups do more damage which is essential to anti zerg, but this is a double edged sword. In the current meta, a 50+ t1 blob can already 1 push an entire 15 man guild with ease. All zergbusting guilds run much much tighter than the average blob which means that the zergs is the one main beneficiary to the Aoe removal cap. I just can’t imagine a 15-20 man group surviving a 50man bomb.

I would rather go for a middle ground. Keep the defensive cap at 5, and double the maximum targets for offensive skills.

Zerging is not the problem with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


How would you change the system?

There are two problems with the current system.

1. Relatively low skill cap
When the game launched it was possible for 15 solid players to wipe map blobs because everyone was that bad. Enemy blobs consisted of uplevels, poorly geared players, little to no understanding of builds or game mechanics and mostly inexperienced drivers. It’s basically like Eotm now, but probably worse. This is something that I can’t really blame anet for, because at this point the average pug probably has 1 year of experience and full exotic gear.

2. Power creep
Compared to launch everyone is literally doing 3x as much damage. Seriously, everyone is doing far too much damage, both condi and power, some classes more than others. In particular power rev still does too much damage, condi rev is even worse, zerker warrior also does too much damage, and chill reaper dps is stupidly high. Any random pug that runs the above build poses a serious threat to any guild. The changes to stability and condition caps have magnified this problem.

Some ideas that I had
Massive damage nerfs across the board on all classes.

At this point anet might be better off adding ~1000 armor and 5k health pool to every class and just hit nerf some of the more broken builds. The armor alone should amount to be about 50% more effective health which should prolong fights and allow smaller groups to eventually defeat larger groups.

Reroll stability back to stacking in duration and immunity to cc.
CC is out of control, just look at how much was how much cc we have in this Game. Smaller groups can’t beat those larger groups when they’re getting knocked around like a ping pong ball.

Remove down state completely, or nerf it into the ground
Another post was made about it and I like his explanation for why it can’t exist in the game. His thread is here

Rework+buff to combo fields and mechanics
Bring back timing and skill to large scale fights. Intentionally calling for and blasting fields has long been extinct because other classes can do the job by themselves and far more efficiently. For instance my healing druid/ele can output more on demand healing than any group trying to blast water fields. Greatly reduce the number of combo fields, generously buff all combo finishers, especially the non-blast ones.

Nerf conditions
Condis op and are cheap as hell to when spammed. Conditions should work more like gw1 where they generally reduce sustain and hinder offense.

Poison-Damage does not stack in intensity, but the negative healing modifier does.
Burning-Should do slightly less damage.
Confusion-No longer does damage each second like bleeding. Whenever you do damage, you inflict a portion of that damage around you to your allies.
Bleeding- maybe slightly less damage
Weakness-Just turn it into a flat damage decrease.

Zerging is not the problem with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Granted, it’s almost never fun getting steamrolled by a 50 man map blob, when you’re barely running 15 people, but what were people expecting? A bunch of random 10-15 man groups running around the map? Every RvR that I know has zergs because it’s the generally the most effective way to capture objectives and to defeat the enemy team and thats fine; zerging is inevitable and players have been doing so for the past four years and that wont stop now or after this expansion drops.

The real problem is that there are no longer any viable ways for smaller groups to defeat substantially larger groups without the use of siege. Simply put, “zergbusting” has been nerfed the point where skilled 15man groups get steamrolled 99.8% of the time by any half-serious zerg running more than 35 people. Back in the Red Guard days you could wipe just about anything with 15 people, 20 at most if things were extremely blobby. And I don’t mean push in kill a bunch of guys then retreat once you start getting overwhelmed, but actually fully wiping the enemy blob. Nowdays, even the most selective zergbusting guilds wouldn’t dare rally in NA prime with less than 20 people with the intention of winning fights.

Why care about 15 man groups, why not 20 or 25 man groups?
Because most guilds today can only field a core of about 10-12 veteran players and about 6-8 players or varying skill to support the core. 20 is a lot people and again we should be empowering activity for both smaller and large groups. I’m not saying that we should get rid of zergs; they have their place in WvW like when it comes to sieging T3 keeps. However, I think for the health of WvW, smaller groups should have a bigger kitten nal when fighting against much larger blobs.


WW1 downed state analogy - pro power

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


+1. My thoughts exactly. This game is too forgiving.

Your fav part of wvw that don't exist today?

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


so old stab i read this im like . so the old stab wit al the stribs and steals of boons. that had bin added to the game. think before u rigt if the old stab comes back u wil see entire guilds. strop 60 second of stab away from otehr groups u wil have no. way to easly strip with cces pls top posting kitten im getting bith tiered. of reading post from poeple that either dont play just play trailblazer so dont understand how it works

Wtf did i just read.

I have an idea!

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


What if we took the 3 largest servers, with the highest glick rating, and put them into a match?

Your fav part of wvw that don't exist today?

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


1. Old stab
2. 3min waypoint.
3. Old school upgrade system
4. Old condition system.

Reset every 24 hours

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Because if you reset everyday reset becomes normal and it becomes not special and it becomes eotm.

And everyday is not a weekend

Quick, Simple Economic fixes to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Yeah I know this another one of those suggestion threads that will have a 0.0001% chance of ever being considered or implemented in this game but hear me out. Despite the downward trend I love WvW, just like many other readers and want to see it restored back to its glory days pre hot. So the purpose of this thread is to offer some simple, inexpensive and meaningful changes to WvW. I could list a lot more than what is listed, but I’ll keep it simple and short.

New NPC vendor-ascended, everything you need
Professor Siegecrusher has been added to the game, residing at the spawn at the spawn in each borderland.
-Sells every single prefix of ascended gear in exchange for proof of heroics and badges of honor. His pricing is slightly more expensive than raid gear, replace magnetite shards with proof of heroics(+50proofs) and the gold with basically 150-250 badges of honor refer to this if unfamiliar with raid vendor
-2nd tab (citizen) offers the exact same gear but everything is 75 proofs cheaper. This will only be accessible by players who have stayed on said server for 28 days.

Tired of being treated like a 2nd kitten class citizen. We need ascended gear just as much as any other game, and not this vanilla pvt/carrion bs either, I’m talking all 41 possible stat combinations. 2nd should give some economic pressure to stabilize server communities.

Reworked loot tables for Wvw Rank
Utter trash rewards with no availability/increasing rewards. refer to thiscurrent rank table. A few noticeable tweaks at specific ranks. Rewards listed are account bound. Players who have already earned said ranks will automatically receive said chest upon logging in.

Rank 120 legend
-New Metamorphic Back piece
Chest contains a lvl 80 exotic grade back piece. Double click to permanently chose a stat combination (41 option). Soul bound on equip.

Rank 570 bronze legend
-New Bronze Metamorphic Back piece
Chest contains a lvl 80 ascended grade back piece. Double click to permanently chose a stat combination. Account bound.

Rank 1320 silver legend
-New Silver metamorphic back piece
Chest contains a lvl 80 ascended grade back piece. Double click to permanently chose a stat combination. Professor Siegecrusher will change its stats for 175 proofs and preserve the upgrade.

Rank 2445 Gold legend
- New gold metamorphic back piece
Chest contains a lvl 80 legendary grade back piece. Change to any stat at any time outside of combat.
-1 upgrade extractor to allow players to move their mega expansive infusions from the previous backs to the new one.

Rank 3945 platinum legend
-Precursor chest
No bull****. Just chose 1 precursor (not account abound), if you spent 1/3 of this time in pve or spvp you’d have 2 legendaries.

Rank 6195 Mithril legend
-Box of ascended metamorphic armor (chose any 6 pieces of ascended armor and pick their stats).
-box of ascended metamorphic trinkets (chose 6 trinkets and pick their stats.)
-box of ascended metamorphic weapons (chose 4 ascended weapons and pick stats)

Diamond XXX At every named title
-Gift of whatever you want.

Rank 10,000 (holy crap you are a hero if you got this)
-Guaranteed 1 beta key.
-Automatic 300% base magic find.
-Automatic 300% base gold find
-Automatic 300% base karma find
-Automatic 300% base EXP find
-1k achievement points
-Zomoros’ Quantum box
Pick any single item in the game or that has been in the game at one point (will instantly account bound). Otherwise receive 2k gems.

[POLL] Tear it Down. Population Balance

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


The flaw with this design is that you’re just going to have the same groups of players hyper-stack one server/group/side/color whatever if they get the choice, because most players communicate out-of-game and would quickly work together to stack.

So then you end up with a static, non-changing environment of servers where one totally and undeniably dominates the others. Basically, just how T1 NA is now, except made game-wide.

The only way to fix WvW stacking and population is to have the matchups be data-driven based on previous matchups and play habits through game log parsing and a comprehensive learning AI that also utilizes a little bit of genetic algorithms for diversity, and not by glicko or a simple 1U1D, and then have it quickly change matchups on a weekly basis to try and make the best-balanced matchups, give or take some mutations to prevent stagnation. That’s the only way to fix the problem; you need to have no community decision whatsoever, and kitten the people that try to stack by either forcing them into spending huge sums of gold (unsustainable) to keep transferring weekly, or to stop playing (kills off toxic players which is better for the long-term health of the game). Fact is, however, this solution is complex, time-consuming, and very expensive. So it won’t happen, since ANet doesn’t care about WvW.

I think we share common ground in that wvw would benefit from an improved algorithm that better estimates sever population and coverage and reacts to changes in these parameters, but I disagree with you (and others) that say a faulty algorithm is the cause of population balance, and here is why.

To make my point more clear, I will cite previous wvw match ups and servers because they are just as relevant in explaining the fundamental problem in population balance.

The power differential between servers is so huge that it I believe it is impossible to create truly competitive and balanced match ups between servers, even with links. For example, in the current state no individual server can field enough players to be competitive with Blackgate. The next largest server, Jade Quarry, while not as big as Blackgate is substantially more active than arguably the next largest server Fort Aspenwood. The rest of the servers follow a similar pattern.

Even if we had the best possible matchmaking algorithm money can buy, it will be impossible to create a competitive and balanced match up when the servers themselves have huge disparities between them when it comes to population and coverage. Take the following made up distribution

#1.Blackgate: Population strength10 l Coverage-8
#2.Jade Quarry: Population strength 6 l Coverage-8
#3.Fort Aspenwood: Population strength 5 l Coverage- 4

#4.Sea of Sorrows : Population strength 4 l coverage-3
#5.Maguuma: Population strength 4 l coverage 3
ect. ect.

Analyzing this distribution which more or less describes recent match ups, there is simply no way to create a balanced match up because there is too much disparity between successive ranks of servers. Even if we could someone match the “closest” servers together you could very easily end up with a complete wash. This problem continues even at lower “tiers”- the top ranked server of one tier has historically almost always been annihilated if the move up a tier.

Admittedly, this is probably the chief reason why we have server links in the first place because it allows anet to automatically boost a server’s manpower between matches to allow them to be more competitive, but again this comes with it’s own set of drawbacks which I’ll outline briefly.

1. Server relinks are too slow and by the time anet gets around to relinking them, people quit the game, guilds transfer and communities dissolve.
2. Server relinks absolutely destroy server identity for the linked servers. If you’re not proud of your server’s identity, there is very little to stop the average person from bandwagonning. Not that I blame them for playing with friends, just saying in the long run it can cause problems
3. Introduces too much randomness. Linked servers are cheaper to transfer to and can fluctuate almost immediately after server links which because of problem #1 make match ups even worse.

To conclude this long post, my belief is that if we can reset the servers, get rid of half of the servers, and enforce server population caps (which seem a little sketchy, how can JQ and BG both be full when JQ is barely competitive with two servers to help them.) so that it closes immediately upon reaching a threshold, the we will end up with a lot less servers, but these servers will have the games population distributed among them more evenly. With properly distributed servers, we can enjoy more competitive and varied matches.

[POLL] Tear it Down. Population Balance

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


I’ve been following this thread, and I’m glad that it is getting ample responses. In this post I’ll clarify some points and respond to some good points that I have read.

I’ve read many posts that say that this idea will not be enough to fix wvw completely and that there will need to be various game play changes as well. I certainly agree that this idea by itself will not completely fix wvw, in fact, with the state wvw is in now it will take many changes to perfect it. However, I do maintain my position that population balance was and still is the greatest challenge. Secondly, I realize that there are more elaborate changes that could be made such as essentially rewriting the code for server ranking, and going through player logs to analyze player populations ect. but anet is very unlikely to consider expensive and time consuming solutions. While I’m no experience in running servers, I believe that this idea is likely to be easier than the ambitious proposals I’ve seen on the forums lately.

[POLL] Tear it Down. Population Balance

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


I know this idea has been brought up before on the forums, but I would bring this idea back into the spotlight and gather some data on where people stand regarding implementation of this idea. First I will explain the idea, then below you will see a link to the strawpoll to give your responses.

Tear it Down. Build it Up(NA)
1. All players will receive an in game mail from anet warning the player their account will be unbound from their current wvw server, and that they will recieve a free transfer token that will allow them to select a new home world. When this policy takes effect, all WvW functions will be disabled for week.
If a player logs in well after this time period, this message will instead be presented in the log menu

2. 9 servers will be permanently removed from the game, and the remaining 15 servers will be renamed to something completely different. Server links will be discontinued and all server statistics, glick ect will be completely reset. Upon logging in, players will use their token to select a new home world.

3. As stated in the in game mail, WvW matchmaking will resume one week later.

7/26/2016 WvW Update

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602



WvW patch notes Note:

Server borderlands now show up as Alphine Borderlands in friends list.

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: jul.7602


Well that’s that. If Anet wanted this gone, they would have patched it today. Instead, they pretty much buffed it with auto salvage, so anet has made their position clear that they are fine with multimap. With that being said, lock this thread, and put this all behind us.

(Django Unchaiined)

Sugg- Staff Improvements

in Guardian

Posted by: jul.7602


Staff 1- range 900 and more visible effect.

Staff 1- range 900

range 900


PSA on siege

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


that’s because lower tier players don’t rely on siege as a crutch so we never know where to place them properly

Uhhh… ummm… so players on your server throw rocks at a wall rather than use a catapult? I guess siege is a crutch of sorts but being smart and going through a wall/gate quickly seems more important than being “macho” and headbutting a gate down.

Just so you know, no matter how far you put that ram behind the gate, the door treb will always damage it.

The “trick” is to drop two rams far enough back so that they hit the door and far enough apart that a door treb has to choose which one to hit. If a commander drops them too close to the door or too close together, one treb can take out both rams. There is a spot on each door that allows one of two rams to stay unharmed. Another advantage is that placement also often prevents one disabler from taking out the rams.

Again, it does not matter how far or what type of positioning you use for the rams. A traited superior treb will easily hit every single ram that can touch the gate with one attack. As a frequent commander who literally preaches the door treb on every single tower on ebg, trust me, no ram placement will do much against a door treb. The only exception would be with abnormally large doors, such as hills South gate and certain smc gates.

PSA on siege

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Just so you know, no matter how far you put that ram behind the gate, the door treb will always damage it.

Hardy conduit

in Elementalist

Posted by: jul.7602


If I give protection to my allies, will the allies have the enhanced protection (40% damage reduction) or just 33% damage reduction?

Stackgate vs T2,T3,T4

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Not kidding, could Blackgate and Erredon Terrace actually beat

Dragonbrand & Sanctum of Rall
Jade Quarry & Isle of Janthir
Fort Aspenwood & Borlis Pass
Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
Sea of Sorrows & G. of Madness
Stormbluff Isle & Crystal Desert
Henge of Denravi & Ehmry Bay
N. Shiverpeaks & Sorrow’s Furn.
Darkhaven & Ferguson’s Cross.


Siege of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


There are more organized groups in EOTM than what SoS can pull and they’re so bad individually it’s painful.

kitten lol.

Defending in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


I agree, not only is defending in WvW difficult, but it is far less rewarding and more expensive to siege.

As a pugmander who commands fa for several hours a day, my biggest problem is shield generators covering superior flame rams. The flame rams and shield generators are impervious to arrow carts, ballistas, trebs and even siege disablers, allowing only certain ground targeted skills to damage the superior ram, which are extremely durable. Compounded with everyone carrying 20+ supply, its very cheap and easy to completely negate any defensive position. The shield generators force dome should not affect siege equipment, and should have a serious uptime reduction.

Another problem is that most towers and keeps have very thing walls and elevation, so everything gets decimated by 1-2 meteor showers. The walls need to be thicker and/or higher like in Hills so that well placed siege is at least somewhat protected.

Remove Boonshare, It's gonna break WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Nothing to do with mesmers. The problem is the revenant f2 that grants 50% boon duration. Considering how much of an investment it is to get 50% boon duration on a single character, it’s just a little too strong to have a passive AoE that grants 50% boon duration for free.

Now I don’t think boonshare is nearly as strong as people make it out to be. I think nerfing revenant f2 to 30% boon duration, with maybe a trait that moves it to 40% would be enough to bring it in line.

Venom Wells

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Why are people complaining now? I’ve been STRONGLY pushing and advocating venomshare thieves for 2 years and up until now, people just said “no, venomshare too ez cleanse”.

[Suggestion] Buildables!

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


I actually thought this would be a bland or completely unrealistic set of suggestions, but I’m actually impressed and like these suggestions. It would certainly make WvW a lot more creative with making makeshift barricades, watch towers to lock down strategic locations. +1 very nice.

Did you miss the old PvXwiki?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


Really good source.

To all the Berserkers and Berserker aspirants

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


Amen. 15 chars.

[KING] Fractal Tournament - 4000G of Rewards!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


rT will sweep this.

Anet - Level3 is breaking you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


This is really horrible. So much lag and dc.

Dungeon Patch Notes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


Dungeon Patch notes note

-Fixed a bug that was preventing the Archdiviner from dropping his loot in the final encounter

[VR]Violent Resolution - Maguuma

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Really good composition. Lots of AoE damage and boonstrip and static fields.

Are there any AOE heavy WvW builds ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jul.7602


[DD] Daily Dungeons: Elite PvE [CLOSED]

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602


Really good dungeon guild.

LF dungeon group with zerker gear (NA)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


I can’t use the LFG system anymore, I’m tired of carrying pugs on my warrior. I’m looking to form a dungeon group that is active and wants to run quick and efficient dungeons for gold.

-Must have either a Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist or Mesmer (lets be honest, those are pretty much the best classes for dungeon speed clears).
-Full zerker gear with ruby orbs or scholar
-High DPS build or at least be willing to roll to max DPS build
Contact me
Nailuj Xxx

(edited by jul.7602)

Xunlia Electrum ingot, Speculation?

in Crafting

Posted by: jul.7602


What type of ascended will this create? I’m assuming it’s jewel crafting, so maybe craftable ascended trinkets or infusion?

Ascended armor: Recipe Speculation

in Crafting

Posted by: jul.7602


Does anyone have a good speculation on exactly what the ascended heavy armor actually requires material wise.

My guess is that it will require deld steel ingots, Bolt of Damask, Globs of dark matter and (insert exotic inscription).

Axe Mastery or Dual Wielding?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


I think it was something like Axe mastery>dual wielding if Critchance>73%

Power wellomancer in WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: jul.7602


Since I’ve mostly played condition builds on my necro, I’m not very familiar with the power-based builds.. However, the wellomancer caught my attention and I’ve been looking into specs. But… There seem to be a lot of different builds so I haven’t found any consistent idea of how wellomancers are played in WvW.

First off, which gear is normally used? I’ve seen people using either soldiers, or knights/cavlier mix, or zerker/valkyrie mix. Personally I like a mixing knights with cavalier, to have both high toughness and decent crits.

Second, assuming your first weapon would be staff, which 2nd weapon set would you use? Mainly I can’t decide between Axe or dagger. Dagger seems to have slightly better damage, but would it give any significant difference? While Axe/Focus seem to be able to stack a lot of vulnerability pretty quick and maintain some range, I’m leaning more towards this combo.. That or Axe/focus..

Third, what are the most common traits for playing a wellomancer? I know they were gonna change the blood magic a while back and improve siphon-traits. Have they become useful or should only be used with some cleric gear?

I was looking at this video yesterday and the gameplay seemed interesting, though i have no idea what spec he/she is using:

This is my best crack at the build and I think that it’s pretty accurate.

Paying attention to his cool downs I know that he runs 20 blood mastery and Near To Death.

Paying careful attention to the screen, I see damage packets around 45 and heals for around 39, so he must have Vamparic Precision.

Every attack in his death shroud is a critical hit on all occasions, so he has to have deathly perception, which support my previous observation that he run Near to Death.

He probably swaps between Vital Persistence and Spectral Mastery.

He obviously has ranged wells and gains fury every time has enters deathshroud, so he has at least 15 into curses.

He most likely put the remaining 5 points into curses and took the chill on blind trait.

There could be several possible combinations for his attribute load out, but most likely it’s a berserker/valk split with ruby orbs (can’t be runes because I he never displays any sort of rune ability).

Once you take into account Robust, Orb buffs and subtract the 2500 health from guard defense. My build pretty much matches his health perfectly.

I found an excerpt in the video where he did 273 retaliation damage without any might or external boosts. I simply reversed the retaliation formula taking into account that retaliation does 33% less damage in WvW to find that he has exactly 2281 power. (add 50 power to my build and we have 2283 power)
198.45 + (0.075 * X)0.66)=285
198.45 + (0.495* 0.66x)=285
198.45 + 0.03267x=285

It would be impossible for him to have bloodlust and based on his critical hits, he must have Superior Sigil of Perception (if you intend to replicate his build, use bloodlust instead because it’s significantly better).

He probably has sigil of force on his staff, and if he doesn’t, he should. His Dagger warhorn has the superior sigil of perception and probably Superior sigil of blood. Sharpening stones and Curry Soup is most likely what he was using.

THIS is how a wvw matchup should be.

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


This only confirms that GvG doesn’t care about the players. Keep liking his post. Maybe it will get some attention.

Forums are not even working properly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jul.7602


Fix your forums please.
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Ascii's WvW Wellomancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: jul.7602


All you’ve done then is kept my trait, weapon and sigil layout and swapped Precision food for Power food, swapping out high toughness Armour for low toughness Armour and hoping the -8% direct damage taken is made up in the vitality’s effective health.

Even for the slight boost in power i wouldn’t trade-off 8% direct reduction for it, conditions are not the weakness in this build, heavy melee damage is which is why anything but high stat toughness is a hindrance.

At a push, i would consider recommending Sentinels armor with Berserker trinkets for someone who wanted to do more damage, but the lower the Toughness the more chance you become a rally monster for the enemy.

Please note for people who haven’t read all the pages, I’m not looking for advice or tips on my build but to answer questions on/ about it or Necro WvW gameplay in general.

I gave you an all around attribute increase, that’s all that matters. You basically just listed the things I did to optimize your build.

You misunderstand the effective stats. I increased your overall damage by 6%. Damage reduction, and health are irrelevant unless you convert them into a similar currency. In this case I even increased your durability.

Sentinels armor is a massive damage decrease even with berserker trinkets. A false interpretation of attributes. As I said before, toughness alone is irrelevant, alone it means absolutely nothing. Low effective health is what makes you rally bait.