I have a lot of guardians in my guild run a boon duration build. It looks something like this.
Retaliation damage was nerfed in PvP by 33%.
New formula is 198.45 + (0.075 * Power)0.66)
Ignore my previous post. This is probably a better build.
Effective health=27834
Effective power=3939.09
I converted your build to the buildcraft website. Much better statistics.
Ascii’s Wellomancer
Effective health=33776
Effective power=3037.29
My build has
18% less effective health
23% more damage (also 10% more mark damage)
29% more retaliation damage
Things to note about your build
Always take superior sharpening stones over maintenance oil. Raw power always increases EP better than precision.
You’re toughness to vitality ratio is off. You either need to increase your vitality or decrease your toughness by taking off knights or cavalier gear. Your vitality:toughness should be a 1:10 to get the best survivability with the least amount of stats invested.
Force greatly out damages sigil of blood. No real reason to have that over force on staff.
(edited by jul.7602)
Direct Qoutes from Xeno: Armor does not have diminishing return
“The previous post suggest every 100 toughness reduces damage taken by approximately 3.4%; ignoring armour ignoring damage sources and healing, this is equivalent to a 3.4% increase in health.
If this is true then +500 toughness will reduce damage by a bit over 18% (1.034 ^ 5 ~= 1.182)
Are you saying this is not correct and that the percentage reduction decreases? I can’t read the OP in the linked thread, but glancing through the rest seems to support my initial though.
In this case, armour increases do not suffer from diminishing returns. Sure, the raw amount of damage negated appears to decrease, but since the rate is constant. In effect, I will always survive 18% longer with +500 toughness, no matter what my initial toughness is. This is the same as in Guild Wars 1, just with more ridiculous numbers.
Vitality on the other hand, rapidly suffers diminishing returns with this perspective. Since the relative increase depends on your starting amount, increases in vitality start off as a tremendous benefit and rapidly decline. After a while, toughness simply wins out and it’s easy to calculate that value.
( X + 1000 ) / X < 1.034 -> X > 29500 (approximately from memory)
The Necro and Warrior start closest to this value and so for them, extra toughness is likely to be more beneficial. The Ele and Guardian have low starting health and are much more likely to benefit from boosting their Vitality (particularly the Guardian, who already has high Defense).
Sure, I’ve ignored conditions and healing, and obviously this’ll have an influence. You’re not going to totally ignore toughness until your health hits 29.5k; I don’t even know if that number is reasonably reachable (Necros and Wars start at ~18k – you’re looking at +10k health, i.e. 1000 vit). Then of course, healing plays to Toughness over Vitality. Toughness only starts looking strong when you’re able to heal a lot."
“34 damage being ignored doesn’t correspond to a reduction factor of 1.034, or a relative health increase of 1.034.
It actually corresponds to a reduction by a factor of 1000/966 ~= 1.0351, say 3.5%
The difference between me and the post above is that I’m dividing by this factor, whereas he’s multiplying by its inverse (which is simply 1-0.034 = 0.966)
I realised this shortly after making my previous post, but wasn’t in a position to alter it.
Vain is completely correct and I made a small (but important) mistake that, whilst actually only changes the outcome slightly, means interpreting it isn’t obvious (since it’s logically contradictory)."
“I calculated (slightly incorrectly) a factor, or more strictly a divisor. You divide by the number I calculate; divide by 1.9 and you notice you’ve reduced the damage down to nearly 50%
Let’s start again:
Assuming the original assertion, that every increase of 100 toughness corresponds to a damage being reduced to 96.6% of what it would be initially.
It would be inconsistent for this to work additively; this statement does not care what you initial toughness is!
Suppose I started at X toughness and took some damage.
I then add 100 and take 96.6% of that damage.
If I add another 100 I would expect to take 96.6% of the damage I took in the step above. If I actually took 93.2% of the damage I took in the first step, the reduction between steps would not be consistent.
Or, perhaps more convincingly, if it was additive:
3.4% multiplied by 30 is over 100% If after +3000 toughness you’re negating 100% of the damage, clearly something has gone very wrong. And of course, what are you adding +3000 to? "
(edited by jul.7602)
Earthshaker definitely needs better z axis targeting. Skill 4 needs to be reworked. Skill 5 needs to be buffed (tremor is a quicker cooldown, ranged and aoe.)
Scoobie is displaying data on a logarithmic graph and interpreting the decrease as DR. It has been proven months ago that there are no DR. I typically fail at explaining the math behind these things, so I will direct you to somebody who in my opinion explains it well. http://www.teamquitter.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=30776
In response to the op, the question “how much armor is too much” cannot be answered with set values. So I will say just follow the rules of effective health. For warriors, make sure your health:armor ratio is 10:1 for the most optimal survivability.
(edited by jul.7602)
Retaliation damage is keyed off of your power.
Following the rules of effective health/power. Always stay away from celestial and knights.
Whenever you don’t have power as a main attribute, your setting yourself for failure.
Also the +15% stun duration rounds to next whole number.
Ok lets stop this guessing and get some numbers.
Asciis first build
Effective Power = 1866 × [1 + 0.45 × (2.09 – 1)]
Effective Power = 1866 × [1 + 0.45 × (1.09)]
Effective Power = 1866 × [1 + 0.4905]
Effective Power = 1866 × [1.4905]
Effective power = 1866* 1.04
Effective power = 1941
The input value for Target the Weak is 4%, a conservative number.
Effective Health = (Health × Armor)/(Reference Armor)
Effective Health = (21252 × 2918)/(1836)
Effective Health = (21252 × 2918)/(1836)
Effective Health = 33776
My wellomancer
Effective Power = 2591 × [1 + 0.43 × (2.22 – 1)]
Effective Power = 2591 × [1 + 0.43 × (1.22)]
Effective Power = 2591 × [1 + 0.5246]
Effective Power = 2591 × [1.5246]
Effective Power = 2718 * (damage modifier)
Effective Power = 2718 * (1.05*1.04)
Effective Power = 2718 * (1.092)
Effective Power = 2968
Effective Power = 3264 with marks
Effective Health = (2106 × 20372)/(1836)
Effective Health = 23368
Ascii’s build has in comparison to mine
35% less general damage
41% less mark damage
20% less condition duration
less retaliation damage (calced later)
45% more survivability
+25% stun duration
+65% condition expiration
+Sigil of Blood- Because this skill is bugged on a 5 second cooldown. You will onlyheal 463 and do an extra damage packet of 452.
+/- Chilling darkness: Practically no effect in your build unless you’re in plague spamming 2.
One build is designed as a ranged powerhouse, the other is more resilient with less damage. It comes down to the guild and the strategy.
In my guild, necromancers are ranged nukes that don’t need a lot of resilience because there is a melee train of support and stun guardians and warriors that take pressure off of them.
(edited by jul.7602)
If you time it well, you can easily remain permanently stealthed.
Interesting survey,
Interesting. However I feel that there should specifically be a siege weapon designed to counter golems so that they remain balanced.
Simple, but great ideas. I specifically like mechanic #1, quicker upgrades on towers would make them less tedious to upgrade.
With your criteria, many servers will work. Dragonbrand could use an extra na guild, we use teamspeak as well.
Umm, don’t know what the guy above is talking about. ALL the servers the op mentions has over-night coverage.
SBI has one asian guild (they have a recruitment thread right here on this same section) and some oceanics as well, I believe.
CD has 2-3 asian guilds
YB has some oceanics in itI think any of the servers on your radar would be a good fit. SBI, YB and CD have decent NA as well for you to work with. SoS has barely any NA but their oceanics are stronger than the other three servers.
And I disagree that DB has better nighttime coverage. FA and SoS put up a much better fight during off-peak than DB. Not to mention a large number of them moving to SoR.
CD with 3 Asian guilds. They must be either incredibly small or simply not play wvw.
SBI even with an Asian guild still gets destroyed during SEA.
FA and SoS is still consistently beaten throughout the day by DB
^^Failed to comprehend post. The OP clearly recognizes the 100% combo finishers. The trait is bad in a way that it drastically reduces your damage output. He isn’t nerfing warriors because he is suggesting that the trait should be integrated into the skill set without the need of a trait while logically moving burning arrows down to take it’s place. Stop posting before you read.
First, SBI, YB and CD have little to no nighttime presence so those servers don’t meet one of your criterion. Keep in mind that you will struggle to find an NA server with nighttime without zerging.
Basically any server below T2 would likely fail your Nightime criterion. I think you would find Tarnished coast and T1 servers to be too zergy for you. From my experience on Dragonbrand and match ups with FA and SoS, even FA lacks decent coverage.
SoS looks like the best server for your guild; it has Oceanic coverage, TS3 and has an active but not zergy NA time.
Also consider Dragonbrand; it has better nighttime coverage, also uses TS3, but still lacks an NA presence to be considered Zergy by most other servers.
+1. My WvW map looks like a kitten comic book.
Does anybody know how much it costs to purchase medium sized (200-300) SEA or Oceanic Guilds. I was thinking around 12,000 gold?
My take on Hammer is that it has 1 great skill that is glued to a subpar at best skill bar. My suggestion.
Auto attack chain-The final chain should trigger a blast finish. The auto chain offers nothing proportionate to the amount of flaws it has, weak damage, slow attacks and highly telegraphed. Nobody complains about the auto protection+light field on the guardian hammer so this skill should be balanced in comparison.
Skill 2- Too slow and outdated. The skill is too easily avoidable and even if it connects, it does marginal damage and the weakness is cleansed. The skill should be removed to make room for another better designed skill.
Skill 3- Too buggy, cripple is too short. Would also recommend replacing this skill. The only reason people use this skill is when they get tired of auto attacking or to tag an enemy to stop them from using waypoints or leaving combat.
Skill 4-Badly designed. Far to telegraphed, clunky, immobilizes you and puts you in a worse off position. As a warrior you want to stay on your target, not move them away.
Skill 5-Just a bad skill in general. This attack animation should be 50% faster and should be AoE stun for better synergy with traits.
You should be stacking health and armor in a 10:1 ratio.
This is interesting, first time I’ve heard it. What’s the reasoning and/or theorycrafting for that?
I think this would interest you, http://www.strikeforceguild.com/forum/post/last/m/7813886/viewthread/4773531-maximizing-survivability-through-ehp
I used to use another website that had more precise calculations, but for some reason I think that was deleted. This should be a very good read though.
Warhorn with cleansing trait is an absolute must. You have 18k health with 3k armor, so your effective health is not optimized. You should be stacking health and armor in a 10:1 ratio. Cleansing Ire is pretty much garbage because missed/blocked attacks don’t spend adrenaline so it’s a pretty lacking trait outside of adrenaline on hit. I dislike the first build.
Second build is more on track with traits, except merciless hammer is must have for warrior trains. Soldier runes are far superior to Melandru runes in support and 25% condition duration only marginally decreases condition duration. As said above, you armor and health ratio is off and you need much more vitality than you do toughness. You’re better off stacking full PVT. I would also grab balanced stance, it’s far better stability up time. I would discard vigourous shouts because it heals for next to nothing, try picking up Shrug it off or shout recharge.
As I thought, I always believed that there were no such thing as direct damage DR, but I happened to have listened on a conversation that there was a direct damage DR. I simply asked here to confirm this.
It’s been calculated (by others) that you do more overall damage in scholars runes if you remain above 90% health for roughly, 65% of the fight that you would out dps somebody in ruby orbs.
However the highest DPS is technically ruby orbs+desperate power and we have seen this to great effect in a few Lupicus speed clears.
Has anybody reported or confirmed a soft cap or DR on any stat in the game? T
(edited by jul.7602)
You shouldn’t post information like this on public forums. Now you guaranteed a nerf next patch.
Fixing a bug isn’t a nerf.
It’s still a nerf, your reducing the effectiveness of the trait.
You shouldn’t post information like this on public forums. Now you guaranteed a nerf next patch.
Is there any confirmation of DR on direct damage.
Bossmitch is exactly right. Bandwagons aren’t reliable.
Even with all the recent guild transfers, I’m skeptical that Kaineng will actually complete the journey to tier 1. Bold endeavors tend to not actually work out.
Do people now take into consideration that Empowered is only a 1% per boon increase.
I looked at some of these Spread sheets and I’m curious to where you’re getting this information. Do you have any sources?
A while back it was common knowledge that % damage modifiers stack did not multiplicative but additive. Whats the current Effective power formula?
You can’t compare Axe/axe to GS with effective power because they have different coefficients.
The radius is listed at 240, it’s displayed as 360.
The AoE of this skill at adrenaline level 3 appears to be 360.
In a general dungeon
3-8: irrelevant.
Best of luck.
Score update
Live score update
The problem is, Crit Damage is the most optimal choice in terms of stat point costs for Ascended trinkets. So I’d rather go with Cavalier Ascended trinkets, Soldiers/Sentinels everywhere else, and completely sacrifice Precision, which you can get from Traits, Sigils, Boons, and Buffs instead.
Yep, well aware of how crit damage optimisation works. I think you are missing my point (which admittedly I didn’t make very well
). What I am saying is you that when you try to put crit damage and precision into a tank build you are turning it into a balanced build. That is the answer to your question of “why are T1 warriors are tougher than me?”. Answer: You are doing balanced (partial tank) and they are doing full tank.
Try this: http://goo.gl/cojkHW
(also use a bloodlust stacking weapon)Not sure how accurate intothemists.com is (and I’m not near my gw2 PC) – but that ends up with:
Health 28712
Armor 3290
Attack 3423 (not including Bloodlust stacking)
Critical Hit 4% (i.e., zero extra precision)
Critical Damage 15% (incidental)
Condition Duration (self) -65%
Stun Duration (self) -30%
Healing Power 300
Boon Duration 10%
Burst Recharge 15% (incidental)
Condition Duration 15% (incidental)Apart from traits, everything involves stacking power, toughness and vitality in some form – then the build focuses on stun reduction, conditon reduction and dodging.
You have 3 stunbreakers (my favourite is Stomp), banner for rezzing the downies and buffing your team mates, 20% stability uptime and lots of dodges. F1 skill and weapon swap give 50% endurance return (extra dodge) and the two stances are giving you 8 seconds vigor. You have Blast finishers (stomp, warhorn 5) for water and lightning fields.
Sigil of Restoration is constantly healing you while people in the enemy zerg (that you have tagged) are being finished. That sigil keeps your sustain really high.
I haven’t had time to test the Healing Signet after the buff so I’m not sure if that would be a better replacement for Healing Surge.
This really depends on guild comp. If you have, say, 5 Wars and 5 Guards in your frontline, all running Soldier Runes, that’s more effective condition removal than Melandru + Lemongrass Poultry Soup.
But if on the other hand you run solo a lot, or with pug/militia zergs, or guild groups that don’t require specific builds, then Melandru + Soup + Dogged March + Cleansing Ire is a better option for dealing with conditions.
I think shout heal builds are better in PUG groups to keep the PUGs from dying. Guildies generally can look after themselves.
Melandru does stun duration reductions in addition to conditon reduction. In a T1 zerg ball the amount of warriors doing Earthshaker is usually off the scale. Reducing those stuns to nearly nothing makes a big difference to not getting steam rolled by the hammer train.
Even if you ignore the stun duration, then look at what you give up for that condition cleansing – it will be 1 to 3 utility slots taken up with shouts (depending on how many shouts each warrior runs) on all 5 of your guild’s warriors. Running Melandru means you can now get rid of your shout utility skill(s) and shout traits and put something better than a shout in its place.
You can also replace the shout traits with something useful.
Imagine your 5 condi clearing warriors now running Stomp.
Bodies flying everywhere while they use perma vigor to dodge the hammer train.
The difference between guild members and pugs is the coordination (voice chat) and synergy, skill between all players is relative unless you have some sort of solid proof that pugs aren’t as individually skilled as a guild groups.
-Stun duration% and heavy stun chains are completely irrelevant. Thats what stability is for. But again, you contradict yourself in your last statement by saying your dodging it completely. If you can so easily dodge CC trains, than you already proved that -stun duration wasn’t needed in the first place.
Shouts are used for immediate support and buffs. You’re neglecting the fact that all of our shouts are doing far more than removing an extra condition, they are fearing the enemies, and granting might and fury. We don’t give anything up for condition cleansing. With or without traits and soldiers, shouts are already good, soldiers and traits makes them significantly better. Essantially you don’t sacrifice anything.
You’re also completely exaggerating the difference between +25% condition duration and ignoring the fact that soldier runes affect 4 other people and show more synergy in groups.
Instant AoE cleansing>25% condition duration.
Too many warriors are running glassy builds or roaming build. More harm than good if your map is qued.
For group play, full soldier runes greatly outperforms melandru. Removing 4 conditions from allies in earshot is far more important than -25% condition and stun duration. Also if you scale it up to a zerg vs zerg, 4 warriors with soldier runes + 2 shouts + shrug it off will obviously be a better choice than melandru.
Warriors in ZvZ shouldn’t even be concerned with damage in their builds because every other light profession heavily out damages you from a range. Warriors can’t fufill the DPS role. Warriors strength lie in soaking up damage while helping their team sustain with constant buffs, swiftness and lots of condition removal and throwing in soem light CC.
I have an nvidia 430 and im experiencing something similar to everyone else. My GW2 will cause my screen to go black about every 5 minutes. In some cases I can play for about an hour before I hit crashes. I sent my PC for a cleanup and virus check last week and it was already in good condition.
The only thing I don’t get.. You have shout heals for 1 shout? I mean if you put it into disc for warrior sprint or arms for unsuspecting might pay off more.
2 shouts (Shack it off, Fear me). The heal isn’t that much and I’ve constantly debated over swapping it out with shout CD or shrug it off. Warrior sprint is a bad trait because it swiftness overwrites it and warriors always have permanent swiftness just by themselves.
Unsuspecting foe only works for stuns, not fear or anything else. I would get maybe 2 swings after I earthshaker.
Reserved just incase
Variant build
Armored Abomination [development]-Identical to the Shockman but bears many high damage and long duration stuns. It will lose a lot of toughness, a little vitality and a some sustain however.
(edited by jul.7602)
I use this build in GvG, Guild WvWvW raids, commanding and zerging.
I’m making this because there is only a small amount of warrior builds in WvWvW for large group play that are publicly available, many of which I think are horrible or so underwhelming to the point where another profession will outperform you in any aspect.
In this build I’m assuming that you have at least adept level knowledge about warriors so I can avoid massive walls of texts. I hyper-linked some terms that might be unfamiliar to some players to avoid confusion.
With that being said, this build harnesses the unique strengths of the warrior into a warrior exclusive role in group play.
Role in the group
You simultaneously fulfill 3 major roles, 2 minor roles and 2 miscellaneous listed in order of greatest proficiency to least proficiency.
Major roles++
Tank- Best Effective Health, passive defense against conditions resistance to CEs
Condition control- Traited warhorn, shouts on low Cooldowns, Charge
CC specialist- Earthshaker, Fear Me, Staggering blow,+15% stun duration
Learning more about Effective health through a good read written by Shawn.
CE=Control effects
Minor roles +
DPS- High EH and Power in Rampage makes retaliation a notable DPS source of DPS
Movement- Traited warhorn allows the zerg travel at highest velocity at all times
Healing- Very small heals from Vigorous Shouts, but still useful
Miscellaneous roles
Siege user- Can tank moderate to severe AoE fire to reliabley man siege
Leadership- Blitzing the enemy zerg makes other pugs more likely to follow you
Combo finisher
- x1 Leap finisher
- x2 blast finishers
This build will work reasonable well with complete novices but can greatly be improved by recognizing favorable positions and tricks
Special positions
Death from Above!
Always engage from high ground to trigger Death from Above, experienced users can glitch this to trigger more than once by jumping off high ground onto a hill or ramp and then jumping as you fall, in rare cases you can trigger this multiple times.
Frost aura, Chaos armor, Fire shield.
If you’re on level ground, savage leap or use dash in rampage through an ethereal, ice or fire field to reach the enemy zerg. The unique armor effects tick whenever you’re struck so you can punish the zerg even further for trying to gun you down.
Once you entered the zerg, immediately use earthshaker and balanced stance (only use if your level or slightly below your targets because it’s known to be buggy and completely miss otherwise) before you get blinded, blocked or stunned, follow up with skill 3, double dodge while swapping to warhorn into another group of enemies and use fear me. Constantly use charge to keep your team mobile, shake it off if you get condition surged.
Reserve Call to Arms as a blast finisher for water fields or armor fields when you need them. Use savage leap for quick maneuvers and to active water fields and armor effects or other effects as you see fit.
Video footage should be posted soon. I’ll update the thread every patch or if there is a notable improvement. If you find this helpful, give a like and sticky so that the warrior community will always have access to build information.
(edited by jul.7602)
Two good old norns and a half nord half human ally.
(edited by jul.7602)
Is the WvW version meant to be used in zerg fights, small parties or solo roaming. It’s hard to critique it without knowing what context.
Answering a few questions would make this easier.
What are your exact system specs. (download Speccy if you’re unsure)
What is your video driver?
Elaborate exactly what happens when you get this black screen and how and when does it occur.