(edited by jul.7602)
The video features 3 thieves, a warrior and a mesmer that has been edited to give the illusion of speed. Show us your full start to finish run with no edits and no warriors and maybe so we can carefully reevaluate your run. Otherwise this is meaningless and a garbage run.
I would actually love to see you Run, how much u hit for, and how fast u can kill both boss.
If I get some good video recording equipment I will gladly show off a proper run. In fact if I find a way to record it, I will wager a 50 gold prize. My team vs yours. However there will be some rules.
1)4 thieves 1mesmer vs 4 warriors, 1 mesmer. No exceptions.
2)Record from the dungeon initiation and to the death of the final boss.
3) No black lion boosts +5% damage ect.
-Final. Take this lightly, with college exams and a busy schedule it could take me a while to find some people and with proper recording.
1. You missed the whole point of this thread.
2. The reason for the 1 warrior in the group was to drop the dps banner… that is all.
3. Read up, you missed many good points that make your senseless rage post from before null and void
4. The point of this thread was to say thieves, when subjected to the same buffs as everyone else, deal the most single target damage in the game. Don’t believe me? Check and see how fast the driver AND effigy went down in that same run.
5. If you REALLY wanted it to be about thieves vs warriors, why did you make the no exceptions have a mesmer in the group…
This thread hardly has anything to do with the viability of thieves in CoF dungeon. That has already been accepted and discussing it further is irrelevant. Phira is clearly saying that thieves are superior to warriors in CoF p1. Reread his posts if you don’t believe me.
If he Phira was just expressing his oppinion the most efficient class in CoF p1 everything would be fine and this thread would be dead by now.
Instead he is foolishly wandering into a community of CoF farmers and boasting that thieves are far faster than warriors and slapping together an edited video that doesn’t even match what he is saying and is using that as evidence. He is insulting the intelligence of people who have farmed Cof as early as the alpha. We know what we’re doing and why. There is a reason 4 warriors, 1 mesmer has been the meta since release. If he wants change, he need to be professional and prove his idea.
The only way I see this possible is if he approaches this methodically and logically. He needs make a hypothesis that is precise and testable to eastablish what he’s trying to prove. Support his theory with an unedited video of his CoF P1 run. I’ll make my own video and we’ll compare and go from there.
The video features 3 thieves, a warrior and a mesmer that has been edited to give the illusion of speed. Show us your full start to finish run with no edits and no warriors and maybe so we can carefully reevaluate your run. Otherwise this is meaningless and a garbage run.
I would actually love to see you Run, how much u hit for, and how fast u can kill both boss.
If I get some good video recording equipment I will gladly show off a proper run. In fact if I find a way to record it, I will wager a 50 gold prize. My team vs yours. However there will be some rules.
1)4 thieves 1mesmer vs 4 warriors, 1 mesmer. No exceptions.
2)Record from the dungeon initiation and to the death of the final boss.
3) No black lion boosts +5% damage ect.
-Final. Take this lightly, with college exams and a busy schedule it could take me a while to find some people and with proper recording.
The video features 3 thieves, a warrior and a mesmer that has been edited to give the illusion of speed. Show us your full start to finish run with no edits and no warriors and maybe so we can carefully reevaluate your run. Otherwise this is meaningless and a garbage run.
Warriors are kings of PvE because there isn’t energy or any system of attrition, so it’s based on how fast you can clear a room or kill a boss before they have a chance to unload their own offensive ability and overwhelm you.
That’s kinda like saying that dps-classes are kings of pve in trinity MMOs, and once you have tank and healer dps guys are best in slot. I don’t need to explain how wrong is that, do I?
Taking warriors as dps is just a question of comfort and speed. Taking guardian+mesmer is a question of making almost impossible fight trivial.
Bad comparison. A dps role is not immidiately related to the trinity system, guardians don’t fufill the tank role, and mesmers certainly don’t bring any type of healing.
Warriors are PvE kings because of how imba their dps is.
No. Just no.
The other guy got it right. Currently kings of PvE are guardians and mesmers. Just because so much of dungeon content designed around projectile reflection. Forget about cof snore-mode.
Warriors are just dps-class. You can easily replace warrior with any other profession. You will lose some speed, but will retain all the functionality.
Your wrong, the other guy is right. Warriors are kings of PvE because there isn’t energy or any system of attrition, so it’s based on how fast you can clear a room or kill a boss before they have a chance to unload their own offensive ability and overwhelm you. Since warriors are by far the best at raw dps and increasing the party’s ofensive ability, they cleary assume the dominant role. Warriors use supreme DPS to push the run faster by slaying bosses before they pose any threat at all.
In terms of profession roles, a guardian is only there to migitate as much damage as possible (projectile reflection, protection, virtues) so the warriors can more conveniently unleash their burst (100b, whirlwind attack) followed by vulnerability and high constant dps (axe/,mace). Mesmers are simply icing on the cake, they give extra projectile reflection, boons (especially Signet of Inspiration) and most importantly Timewarp to further push the warriors DPS.
In general, warriors are the base of every party and guardians and mesmers play a supportive role.
(edited by jul.7602)
Post Quickness Nerf
Video I created to showcase some guardian dps. I know a lot of guardians probably have trouble getting into CoF speed clear groups. Perhaps this will enlighten some people. Not my fastest time, but fast none the less at 5:18.
Just to debunk a few things in this post. The timer started when the door busted down, not when the dungeon was initiated.Your real time would be more like 5:55.
I could easily notice the foundry defense took 3-4 seconds longer to kill.
Slave driver was notably slower. If you can’t kill slavedriver in 1 timewarp than your dps is low.
For 25 stacks of might from signet of inspiration, you were also quite slow. According to your youtube timer, it took you 8 seconds. Post quickness nerf a warrior can kill gate controller within 3.5-4 seconds.
Your effigy was also slower than normal.
Guardians don’t come evan close to the raw DPS of warriors.
(edited by jul.7602)
Currently, Banners are clunky and encourage a more stationary playstyle than Shouts, which limits their usefulness in most situations. It’s a shame, given that they are the most support-oriented part of the Warrior’s design.
My rework is this. May need rebalancing.
Banners now work like pseudo-kits, applying a constant passive effect
Equipping banners throws them on your character’s back, turning him into a minor mobile aura. The buffs wouldn’t be quite as powerful as signets, but they would be noticeable.
something along the lines of +25 to each attribute granted by the non-elite banners and 1 second of fury, might, swiftness that pulses every 3-5 seconds for the elite banner.
Banners now have no cooldown
Placing them at your current location converts them into a stationary aura, increasing their aura effects to the current numbers.
Once placed, Banners have secondary actives
Yes, once you place your banner, it now gains an active ability, much like the actives of Engineer turrets. Unlike the Banners themselves, the actives actually do have a cooldown.
Battle Standard revives downed allies, grants AoE stability and performs a Blast finisher with its active. Huge cooldown of 240 seconds.
Banner of Defense pushes foes away from it and performs a Blast finisher with its active. (30 second cooldown)
Banner of Discipline grants AoE fury and performs a Blast finisher with its active. (30 second cooldown)
Banner of Strength deals AoE damage and vulnerability and performs a Blast finisher with its active. (30 second cooldown)
Banner of Tactics performs an AoE heal and a Blast finisher with its active. (30 second cooldown)
Note that banner actives have had their cooldowns increased to balance their other reworked effects and their added convenience. The Battle Standard active now has the cooldown that Battle Standard itself used to, but has also been greatly buffed to carry the primary purpose of Battle Standard).
New Banner Traits
Powerful Banners (Strength, Adept)
Banners increase the damage output of allies in their radius by 5% while placed.Inspiring Banners (Tactics, Adept)
Banners apply their bonuses to a larger area. Banner active abilities recharge 20% faster.Inspiring Battle Standard (Tactics, Master)
Banners now apply regeneration to allies while placed.Banner Field (Tactics, Grandmaster)
When Banners are placed, they now radiate a constant combo field over a small area. This combo field does not do anything but serve as a combo field for the sake of finishers.Battle Standard = Light
Banner of Strength = Fire
Banner of Discipline = Lightning
Banner of Defense = Ice
Banner of Compassion = WaterNew Tactics Minors (current ones are now Majors)
Adept – Empower Allies
Grants allies +70 power.
Master – Empowered
Increases damage for every boon on you.
Grandmaster – Desperate Power
Deal 20% extra damage while under 25% health.
Good idea and certainly better than the current system. What I like most about your idea is how you bring a solution to the lack of combo fields in an interesting way while creating a more innovative and energizing reword to banners.
I also support your idea of giving each banner an active ability, but those active abilities are somewhat shallow and lack in depth synergy and tactical use. If they were implemented into the game, the warrior’s thought process wouldn’t go any further than just spaming their active abilities as soon as the cooldown is up. My suggestion is to give all the banners new abilities that will halt their active stat bonus while their active ability is on cooldown.
Banner of Defense
Grants AoE Protection, aegis and blocks incoming projectiles at its location for 5 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
Banner of warding (Added banner)
Grants pulsing blowout and retaliation (2seconds) at it’s location. Pulses 3 times over 6 seconds.
Banner of tactics
Remove a condition, keep as is.
Banner of Strength
Keep as is.
Banner of Discipline
Your next 2 attacks interrupt your foe. Grants fury to allies.
Battle Standard
Also gives a buff that causes conditions to expire 100% faster and friendly boons to last 50% longer for 15 seconds. Cooldown shortened to 100 seconds.
Groups I’ve been with don’t even do it this fast and TW is down 30-40 secs on the slave driver. Also 20/25/0/10/15 does more damage.
Interesting that your running empowered as a trait line, but I think 30/25/15 gives more dps.
2% extra damage per unique boon, so in this case it should be roughly 6-8% extra damage, but an expense. You miss out on stick and move (3% extra damage), 100 power and axe mastery 10% crit damage on axe.
On the positive side, if the mesmer runs lyssa runes, you’ll get 9 boons for ~seconds giving everyone an 18% extra damage boost. In this situation I believe your empower build will out DPS my variation, but this is based off the probability that your mesmer wears lyssa runes. I’m thinking your empower build is more accustomed a more organized farming group.
Not sure if this is real guide, or just min/max speculations. So…
1)Mace mentioned as offhand weapon, but not mentioned in any dps cycles. Why? And if offhand mace not included in dps cycles, 2) why not use warhorn for permaswiftness instead?
3)Zero recommendations about elite slots. Why?
4)Dances with str banner near gate controller instead of direct rush to brasiers. Why? Additional power really so critical here?
1-You use mace offhand for attack 4 which gives vulnerability and by nature its more agressive than warhorn.
2)-Signet of rage/ banner standard will easily give you more than enough swiftness.
3)Use signet of rage, the might stacks take effect much quicker.
4)I may have described it poorly so I’ll explain it again. The gate rusher goes directly to the gate. The warrrior with the str banner drop it near the gate while he is moving to his brazier (no pause at all). There should be enough time for the gate warrrior to pick the banner up, drop it on the other side of the gate and rush the controller. There should be no delay at all and the warrior gets extra power.
Use all zerk gears when warriors have perma fury + banner of discipline for kitten free 25%+ crit chance. Why?
You’re forgeting about raw power and critical damage.
For a while I’ve been noticing that quite a few pugs in my CoF P1 runs are playing very ineffectively. This guide is only for warriors (lightly touching on mesmer tactics) that want to maximize their efficiency via helpful techniques and proper gear/traits.
From this guide I’m assuming that you moderate knowledge and experience with CoF and will primarily only focus on small details that will improve group performance.
Speedclear Template: (3 warriors, 1 mesmer works as well, but is still inferrior).
4 Warriors
1 Mesmer
This is the most important factor of completing P1 in the shortest possible time. The best possible (with reason) DPS is achieved exactly by this template. In my oppinion any warriors not running this exact gear template is not performing at their fullest potential.
Armor: Full Exotic Power,Precision, Crit+ Dmg with full ruby orbs. No knights or anything.
Trinkets: Full ascended berserker trinkets.
Weapons: Berserker greatsword with Sigil of smothering/night (10%+ vs Flame legion/ during night). Berserker axe/mace with sigil of smotheirng/night for 20% extra damage.
Trait template
3 Warriors should be running a full DPS build while the other warrior runs 10 in tactics for empower allies.
DPS traits
30 power-Berserker’s Power, Slashing Power, Axe mastery
25 arms-Rending strikes, Forceful Greatsword
15 discipline
Empower Traits (should have 2,925k base power, 54% crit chance and 95% crit damage while downscaled without buffs.)
25 Power-bersker’s power,slashing power
25 arms-Rending strikes, Forceful Greatsword
10 tactics-Empower allies
10 disc- Heightened focus
Skill set
Banner of strg+disc.
On my mark ( can become balance stance during final boss)
Dungeon Initiation:
-Speak with commander Suma.
Warriors using AoE speedbuffs, the mesmer rushes to the top of the ramp, drops portal and joins the other 3 warriors stacking on the gate. The other warrior rushes to commander Suma with sword mainhand, greatsword and bulls charge. The warrior uses rush>bulls charge>savage leap (over the rock) and grabs ferrah while other players watch cutscene for 2 seconds. Next initiate paths (mesmer activates portal) and unload whatever movement skills and portal all the way to the gate. This technique forces Ferrah to teleport to you instantly and spawn mag on top of her. This should save you 4-6 seconds on your run.
-Defeat Foundry defenses.
Build full adrenaline on the gate. When Mag begins to speak, drop both banners and carry them through once the gate is breached. Mesmer pulls both mobs on top of turret and pops signet of inspiration (a warrior can you use sword burst skill to root them if prefered). All warriors use 100b>whirling attack>axe auto attack to dispatch (feedback the warriors about 1.5 seconds after engaging).
Stack FGJ>signet of inspiration before engaging. Mesmer sets timewarp, warriors use 100b>whirling attack>Eviscerate>auto attack to decimate slavedriver.
-Acolyte room
Equip sword, Gs and bulls charge to rush to the room and initiate. Kill acolytes as they spawn.
DPS warrior decides who will do the gate. Gate warrior changes skills to FGJ, Balanced stance and frenzy. Change axe mastery trait (10) to dual wielding. Mesmer portals warriors>pop signet of inspiration then gate warrior heads to the gate (target the gate controller and use bladetrail to hold adrenaline). The other warrior drops banner of strg which is carried to the gate controller. Gate warrior drops srtg banner uses Rush>fgj, balanced stance>frenzy once rush animation finishes>100b>whirlwind attack>eviscerate follow up. Grab banner and advance to boss. (Change trait back to axe mastery (10), you dont have to adjust your skill set).
Final Boss.
Before engaging boss you may decide if you want to swap On My Mark for balanced stance in favor of more gauranteed interrupt protection throughout the boss. Mesmer uses Signet of inspiration>timewarp>warriors open with 100b> ONLY WHIRLWIND IF YOU FOLLOW IT UP WITH EVISCERATE>swap to axe/mace>eviscerate>auto attack.
At this point the boss unloads his AoE Knockdown so mesmer should be ready to feedback.
Warriors continue to auto attack the boss (completely ignore his aoe fire attack)>swap to gs when 100b ready>100b>swap to axe>eviscerate to finish the boss if still alive.
Loot boss, loot chest exit immidiately and repeat.
(edited by jul.7602)
I fully agree with this. I played MH3 for quite a few months and the boss fights were flawlessly done. I think it would be in Anets best interests to try and emulate some of the boss philosphies into GW2.
I do form 4+1 groups frequently and always write down clear requirements for every person who may consider joining. We expect you to link gear and explain your build. This is a normal procedure to ensure that nobody is wasting each other’s time. We do not intend to discriminate players on class/build, this is just our way of playing. We are not forcing you, do not force us.
There are hundreds of groups available to run CoF a ‘normal’ way at any given time.So you waste 5 minutes to write down the requierements and to get to know the equipment and the traits to save later 3 minutes during the run?
Yes, you waste five minutes, then you run for an hour (around 7 runs), saving 3 minutes per run and save a total of 16 minutes which made enough time for an extra two runs. Well worth it. I don’t see what the big deal is, if you don’t like the way people play, join a different group. The idea that anyone who wants to run efficiently and quickly is an “elitist prick” is so ignorant, not everyone is a casual player. Some people like to maximize efficiency not just for the increase in gold/hour, but for the sake of trying to make something easy into something moderately difficult and doing it as well/fast as it can be done. If you want to just come home and go into a dungeon and casually play and teach people that’s fine, no one is making posts like “I’m sick of people always posting on gw2lfg that they wanna do a casual run and that they accept all classes!”. Don’t shun us because we want to take the game more seriously than you do and to try and play as well as we can. Let people play how they want, don’t join those groups and I promise you we will reciprocate and let you play as casually as you want in your own runs without making posts and causing outrage.
If you assume that you had all the merits needed for guild missions and several million influence, could a guild just mass speed boost all of their upgrades and mission unlocks and unlock everything near instantly?
A few thoughs and suggestions for the upcoming patch.
Keeps: A few upgrades have been changed to be slightly more innovative and to make more sense.
1)Name changed to utilities to better reflect the upgrades.
2)Hire merchants and Hire services is combined into 1 upgrade, Construct Supply station [30 silver, 100 supply].
Explanation: Makes logical sense that bank agents and repair agents would come with siege merchants and outfitters in a single upgrade. Supply has been greatly decreased to prevent griefing while the cost has been increase (you are hiring people. Right?)
3)Hire services has been replaced with Banner of the Mists-Raise a large banner over the keep granting 10% increase of all atributes to all allies near the keep. Bonuses are tripled while outmaned or when redswords appear near or on the keep. [50 silver, 500 supply t2 upgrade]
4)Hire Patrol has been replaced with Anthem of the Mists- Plays a heroic anthem that buffs your allies. Divide a 1,000 all stat bonus among all allies (More people=less stat per person, less people=more stat per person) and grants stability, swiftness and protection (20 seconds) to all allies when the defend event expires. [1.5 gold, 800 supply].
(edited by jul.7602)
“Guild wars 2 was unable to start because another copy is already running on this computer. or because the application has insufficient rights to successfully detect whether another copy is already running on this computer”
I checked my task manager and I don’t see any Guild Wars 2 programs running and I have given the guild wars 2 shortcut administrative rights.
Must make sense lorewise without cannon information
You cannot use cannon information.
A war between the charr (no flame legion), humans (tyria only), asura (no inquest) and Norn (no sons of svanir). Who do you think would win?
No alliances between other races except with minor ones (dredge, skritt, centaur ect.)
War takes place in Tyria with no interference from Cantha
Must make sense lorewise with no cannon information
(edited by jul.7602)
I’m looking to find a group of people to play FOTM with who are geared in exotics, AR 20+ and who have already attained at least a level of 25 in FOTM.
Add me at
Nailuj Xxx
The current concept of superior siege is roughly designed and out of place in accordance to Anet’s design philosphy and in WvWvW. Addressing their flaws and proposing new ideas we can make superior siege a more dynamic and creative addition to WvWvW.
General formula for upgrading siege via the mystic forge:
2x siege blueprints
5 mythril ore
5 elder wood logs
3 siege masters book
Upgraded siege equipment generally does 50% more damage and has 50% more health and costs slightly more supply to build than their regular counterparts.
General upgraded siege changes
+Despawn timer changed increased to 90 minutes
+Maximum targets increased to 10
Superior flame ram:
Lack of design
Superior rams are simply more durable and stronger flame rams which is okay, but they could be a little more creative.
+Steady stance-Gain stablity and protection for 7 seconds.
Omega Siege Golem
The Omega Siege Golem is a gimmick and misleading, however it has what every other siege equipment doesn’t, creativity. Regardless, it simply doesn’t compensate enough in firepower, utility or durablity. for the price of 5 Alpha Siege Golems. It needs a considerable buff in most if not all areas.
+Omega Siege Golems require 2 less Alpha Siege golem blueprints
+Health increased to 360k from 270k.
+Infernal bubble (replace shield bubble)-Engage the suit’s bubble to burn foes and block projectiles for 10 seconds. Range extended to 1200
+Rocket salvo-demolishes the area with rockets (4x) 6000 damage, 1500 range.
+Rocket punch-(2x): 6000
+Whirling inferno-Range extended to 1200, damage changed from (4x): 4,088 5 second channel to (6x): 5,000 3 second channel.
Superior arrow cart
Arrow carts are used for area denial, the 50% extra damage fails to adequately compensate for the cost of 2 arrow carts and the total amount of targets of 5 players instead of 10 (between 2 regular arrow carts).
+Range and AOE of arrows increased by 10%
+Glass arrows (replaces barbed and bleeding arrows)-inflicts bleeding, cripple and +vulnerablity at target area.
+Incendiary arrows-shoot a barrage of flaming arrows at the target
+Frosty arrows-Inflicts chilling at target area
-10% less damage
Superior Trebuchet
The upgraded version lacks creativity and cost efficiency. Similiar to the regular model, from most distances you can’t see the enemy and you will be blindly firing into areas hoping to deal some damage.
+Damage is displayed regardless of distance (should be added to the regular version as well)
+AOE increased by 30%
Plagued cows-inflicts weakness and poison. Poison damage per tick increased considerably. Cloud duration extended by 5 seconds.
Decreased casting time-decreases casting time by 50%
Post your oppinions and ideas. If you disagree with the idea of changing superior siege, discuss;
I recently picked up an exotic piece of armor during FOTM.
It is, Berserkers duelists coat of balthazar (lvl 76). As of now it is only worth 64 silver and the rune (sup blathazar) is worth 40. Should I salvage it with a master kit???
Any NA updates.
Items obtained from FOTM;
1 Exotic amulet
2 rare tridents
1 rare chestplate
1 rare gauntlet
Items salvaged
Major rune of the soldier
5 mythril ore
1 ectoplasm
What happened to the good days where I was gauranteed at least 1 ectoplasm per rare salvage! Somebody please explain Arenanet’s motive to nerf ecto salvage rate wasn’t just to pi(X)s s off the playerbase.