Showing Posts For katanah.8431:

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


Open Invite to all three servers to end the week in a Dolyak parade!

When Thurs June 6 (yes tonight)
Time 6pm sever time thats PST you can go to if you need help figuring out what time that is for you.
Starting area SoS borderlands, North camp!
What to bring Ruminant tonics!

This event will be a fun way to end this weeks matchup!
We will start in SoS borderlands and attempt to parade all three maps. Please during this time if you are not a part of the parade do not attack the dolyak players of other servers, they cannot attack you back and theres no fun in that.

Dont forget to bring cookies.. dolyaks love cookies!

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


Special Thanks to the group from [Corp] on FA, was awesome for you guys to transform & escort our rainbow yak train in SoS BL last night. Also thanks to the lone scout from TC that stopped to cheer us on… was a fun ladies night on SoS .

What yall had a yak parade and didnt invite me! ?!?
Those are great fun, next time send me a invite!

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


Theres been some great fights out there tonight!
Shoiba .. made me LOL that was cute. =)

I have to say SoS has been bringing it tonight. GJ

T2 NA: TC/DB/FA 5/24

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


looks like FA and TC like to work together agaist DB. No its not because we are in first place, it happens even when we are in second or third. of course its not the entire server but I wonder if some guilds from FA and TC are using the same ts to plan atks in DB.
When TC get SM FA almost never atk them, even knowing that is hard for them defend their land and SM. when DB has SM FA and TC will atk SM and our 1/3 of the map

Lol there was a time during the first week DB was in tier two that the DB Zerg would attack Wildcreek and lure the TC Zerg into moles cave like a bad man with a van and some candy. Then FA would come in literally a minute later and flank the TC Zerg (who only wanted candy!). This happened four times in a row within an hour. Four times, lol!

To the regular player did it look like DB and FA HAD to be in ts together to coordinate that? Of course. But what it likely was, was a good FA scout who watched it and called it out on map each time to flank and wipe the TC Zerg.

This ^ so much this! SM yesterday, 2.5 hrs of getting smacked in the face by DB and flanked by FA… yes 2.5 hrs of dare I say dbl teaming!! But oh gokitten was FUN! Not a door unrepaired and walls down everywhere standing in the middle it didnt matter where you faced it was red red red. All I have to say is it was a great fight win or lose it was jukittenn.

wait… I never got my candy… =(

T2 NA: TC/DB/FA 5/24

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


Wow that was a long fight there at SM very fun!

T2 NA: TC/DB/FA 5/24

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


Was some really good fights on EB last night after reset. Just wanted to say both DB and FA have had some really good 1v1 fights and some good great battles! GL next week when things are shaken up!

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: katanah.8431


Good matchup so far guys been a lot of fun and look forward to the next week.

I have been asked by a lot of people as of late, how many members Aggression actually has or how big we are etc, I hope this answers all those questions:

shout outs to the TC guilds we’ve come across this week so far for open field fights:

looking for more! and goodjob TC

Thx from TV! (and Im sure the rest would say the same) You guys have been very fun!

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Nicely put Lanimal. I agree, I play on TC during prime time and when its fully covered it is alot more fun. You can make a goal go in and know it can go either way.. hopefully you win but that being said I have woke up in the middle of the night unable to fall back to sleep and say hmm Ill log in for a few.. go in and constant smashes to your face and struggle to hold something due to lack of players is frustrating. Im not sure I could do that consistently. So that being said I just want to thank all our TCers who are out there during oceanic times. I do hope we get more coverage for that timezone.. not because I care about tiers but just for more fun for those players, they deserve it.

[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more

in Guilds

Posted by: katanah.8431


Guild Challenge was alot of fun on TC last night! Hope Anet makes the guild challenges a bit more of a challenge in the future but TV rocked it grats TV!

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


OMG Nooo! Game crashed just as Kain was getting into our keep on EB.. now servers down. Sucky timing Anet was looking forward to more fun fights.

error code 42:4:7:251 Unable to Log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: katanah.8431


uhg same… was in EB kain was just going in our keep

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


great fights in EB, more fun than Ive had in along time =) Thanks FA and Kain for the fun!

3/15 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Ok, what if I try this way….please help this lonely soul fulfill its purpose….

Omg I know that stadium … KC Chiefs!! haha jk

Skill lag is gamebreaking.

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Til they fix this in march try scrolling all the way in your view and just look at the ground you can get some skills off that way. Still really sucks we have to wait til march

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


I miss TC already

We do miss ya all too!
And our threads.

Goodluck out there BG.

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


That was a nice fight there on dbbl (Hills) you guys defended well.

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Missing ya all =) Even getting smashed and rolled etc it was so much more fun and the thread was always great. Hoping we see you again soon and GL in the the new matchups!

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


So much fun on EB! Great fights all three servers… well aside from it seems Kain appears to be short coverage. Still great fights.

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Well, I’ve only been WvWing for the past 3 or 4 days, but it does seem to me that my server (Tarnished Coast) just doesn’t have enough people interested in participating in WvW. We try anyway, and usually fail, but I’m also seeing commanders in map chat getting bitter towards each other, as if there is some sort of power struggle or something. I’m new, so I don’t know the history. But shouldn’t they be working together? Or is it just an inside joke? Trolling, maybe? -shrug-

While this is true that we dont have as many ppl as we use to it seems. It does help to join a guild you can run with, or at least find a couple players you can regularly group with. Dying alone can get very frustrating. Even a small group running around can make WvW really fun and make the other side wonder wth. When you do die theres plenty to laugh at. If your ever on EB hit me up anytime.. you can come be a part of our small stealth group, or join up with the zerg. Doesnt matter if you want to join the guild Im in or not your more than welcome to run with us… we will show you EB can be fun, all maps can.

(edited by katanah.8431)

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


This darned lag in eb is crazy! Not just culling issues. Anyone else having this issue or do I just need a new comp nudges hubby.. valentines coming no but seriously does it seem worse?

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Kain you guys have been great! BG, as always great to see you all again! This lag has been awful so I will see you all tomorrow after the update =) And Happy New Years!

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


to whoever I was fighting outside SM (sylv ele) just now I promise I did not just log out on you. You prob would have killed me anyhow but, I got D/C .. I waited in queu for 45 min otherwise I would say Ill be right back in and give you the kill you well deserved. Again I am sorry I couldnt stay to finish that fight. =(
Not sure why Im losing connection anyway my internet seems stable, nothing else is having issues. sigh

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Vodka has never gone well with me anyway… pot we <3 you too!

Any Tarnished Coast citizens agree?

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


So I have to ask as dumb as this sounds but kinda fits in what others are thinking. When I look at guild roster I can see players not logged in but says theyre in WvW.. I know this is just where they logged out but, does Anet also view them as being in WvW even tho they are not logged in at least for extended period of time? This would make complete sense of what Im seeing. When I am sitting in queu for 3 hrs unable to get in but others that are in are not seeing any large numbers anywhere on the map (including jp). If Anet is seeing players who log out while in WvW as still being in WvW for however knows long.. when they did their count it would appear to them still it was pretty equal in their system but obviously its not? I dunno I love love love this game but I am def seeing something is going on here.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


GL ya all! Psst JQ bring the pain to the train! haha (its a joke honestly I loved the choo, theyre a great bunch). But since Ive got part of my lil family on JQ Im rootin for ya!

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


We had a mesmer inside all night. Same as last week. He follows SoR in when you guys take it at the start. Hides. Patiently. For hours.

Is that the same short haired brunette human female mesmer that I chased away twice last night trying to glitch through the south eastern gate?

The one thing I positively say about TC more to the point TV is ..TV does not allow any exploits period.
BUT what Id really like to say here is if thats what you think is going on can you keep those in tells so our thread doesnt get locked. =)

Keep what in tells? I did not say what guild the mesmer was in.

But if you got a guilty conscious, please do tell. I am all ears, friend.

Last post here for me Peet. But if you read the whole forum reguarding the portal in question it was directed at TV. You were replying on the subject so forgive me I assumed you knew what the subject was on.
Anyway, have fun out there. Im not gonna get my kittens in a wad over this. Ya all are a great server overall and keep us playing hard.

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


We had a mesmer inside all night. Same as last week. He follows SoR in when you guys take it at the start. Hides. Patiently. For hours.

Is that the same short haired brunette human female mesmer that I chased away twice last night trying to glitch through the south eastern gate?

The one thing I positively say about TC more to the point TV is ..TV does not allow any exploits period.
BUT what Id really like to say here is if thats what you think is going on can you keep those in tells so our thread doesnt get locked. =)

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Dear Choo,
Grrrrr… thats all I can say.

I want to switch worlds but my guild doesn't

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: katanah.8431


You said your getting burnt out… well sounds like you know your options .. either find where u will enjoy the game again or… not have fun? Leave the guild to others and go where you want. Or since it says your a founder start making the game fun yourself. Plan guild events etc.
You know you could always switch and remain in your guild for contact, try out another server just to see if thats what your looking for. Go back if its not. Just dont join a server thats playing against yours youll have same wait times for one and prob not go over very well w your guildees. Come help out TC for a bit!

(edited by katanah.8431)

4th Jan: BG/SoR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


i must say, last night was one of the most intense reset nights ive ever experienced on SoR BL. nonstop action for 12 hours before i finally passed out.

i know alot of people complain and moan about scores, tiers, etc etc, but for me last night was where it was at. i tip my hat to both BG and TC for providing the most entertainment i have had in GW2, and have nothing but respect for the players who fought their hearts out. keep up the fun guys, and remember this is a GAME first, enjoy it!

This has got to be the best additude and one that more should take!! Hats off to you!!

Oh… ps I need one more for map completion on eb bl.. SoR can I borrow your keep for a minute?

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


An open letter to Blackgate,

Dear Blackgate,

You should know that the winners have to buy the losers drinks.



I second this! I read it on the internet too so it must be fact!

Have to add tho, as much as we’ve got our butts kicked its been so much fun. Cheers to SoR and BG you guys have made some exciting fights.. and some frustrating ones at times but still great fun!

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Is eggnog any good? Never had it and it kinda sounds disgusting

Your kidding right! Omg you are missing out.. get off the game now.. go buy some eggnog.
Add a splash of bourbon.
And dangit BG get off EB so I can finish my map already!!! haha
Seriously ya all on BG are fierce. GJ!

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Merry Christmas BG and SoR awesome way to end the year! Cheers!

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Short lived as it may be finally TC took SM

And its gone…. LoL great fun tho!


(edited by katanah.8431)

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Is EB bugged atm? Max seige but several has been destroyed yet none can be replaced.

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


This match has been so close since the start w everyone on their toes. More fun than I have since game start Thx for the great fun BG and SoR!
Applauds to all 3 servers in making WvW exciting!

21/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Well, an hour or so after reset many on BL’s saw SM and thought we took it as well, later realized we’re not Green anymore … :P
Thanks for the updates guys, sucks that I am stuck at work for another 2 hrs and missing the action.

Hate to rub it in but … OMG you really are missing out. Its non stop fighting everywhere siege out the wazzu and.. well ya its great fun.

No matter win or lose or whatever these two servers are a blast!

21/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Eh Thx ya all are a friggin blast!
You guys really make us stay awake.

IoJ in T3-All it took was a holiday event

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Well I’ll be welcoming our new competitor and good luck to TC in T2

Aww thx! We will be missing ya’alls guild tags you guys are a great bunch as with most of your server! We will see ya again soon tho Im sure! Gl next week to you as well! (you gotta kick loj butt btw.. my kiddo is there so if I cant do it someone has to!)

Need Guild Bad

in Guilds

Posted by: katanah.8431


What server are you on? TV on Tarnished Coast has some openings available still. Visit If you would like more info and apply. we have a huge variety of all players all very active and helpful to new players as well. Weekly guild events pve and wvw and active vent.
We have all been new at one point and welcome new players.

Advice on duo thief (pvp)

in Thief

Posted by: katanah.8431


Do you need to both be thieves? Reason I ask is Guardian/Thief is a really mean team. Especially if your use to playing healer on other mmos. You can go for guard w heal build. I began playing a thief since launch, I tell ya when I am out and see a guard I tend to tag along w them and its almost always a great team.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Wow that was a really fun fight on EB at SM. SOOO much lag tho.. every button was a question of did it cast.. am I! Aside from the lag it really was a nice fight. CD did a nice job holding both FA and TC off for as long as they did.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


I have to agree w you there ykyk. I remember last week was the best battle Ive ever been in, we TC tried to take FA’s keep, we dropped I dunno how many golems (at least 5 from our guild) we breached both walls. Yaks was on the other side and had breached both walls as well. It was so much fun and lasted for sooo long. But in the end neither TC or Yaks took it, they held it. Most epic fight Ive seen but the point is FA defended well. When they want to they can. I have respect for both servers Yaks and FA. But I do think this tiering system is getting stale and predictable. I love TC and will never transfer but I hope Anet does something to put some spice back in.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


So (GODS) is currently split between TC and FA? You can’t tell me that there isn’t some collusion going on here at this point. I seriously doubt that these people aren’t in the same TS, VENT or whatever and working together giving intell on whats defended and whats not. Call it conspiracy theory or what ever but it seems a tad on the smelly side. Especially with all the talk about going to T2 next. maybe its been arranged?

I seriously doubt this was intended GODS has been a formidable guild, When I for one see this guild tag I make sure Im well prepared before attacking. Anyhow they have always been honest fights for me. Does seem exactly as it sounds they planned a transfer then decided against it.. some already had made the switch /shrugs. I wouldnt mind being a fly on their guild wall tho hearing the fights against each other!
As stale as it may seem to see the same servers against eachother each week at least these servers are more evenly matched and fun.

11/23 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Challenging anyone from TC and YB to a 1v1 or 2v2 in borderlands

Whisper me in-game

Considered it but it would need to be a 2v1 as myself being a YBer and our brothers in TC really enjoying fighting together again this week against FA. Is a 2v1 ok to you?

hey what about the sisters here!


in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Hasnt this topic been closed a couple times now?
But.. no teaming has been done at all, both sides have been very up front w that.. taking things in our advantage maybe ie we see yak hitting, waiting for the moment then going in once its been weakened etc but theres no stopping you from doing the same. FA has done amazing at defending, Yak has some great pushes. Overall this has been a great match cant wait for reset.. and start all over again! =)

11/16 - TC, FA & YB 2.0

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Really was a fun week. See you all again next week for more great kills.
ps .. stop laying down w me when I die lol!!

11/16 - TC, FA & YB 2.0

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Omg epic battle on EB at the FA keep. This has been non stop fun! Great defending FA. So much lag tho its hard to see anything thats going on. Just have to say this has been one of the best fights Ive seen.

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Great game all! This has been THE most fun I have had since game release. At this point I dont care who wins so long as we can do this again.

special hats off to TC-TV! /hugs!

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


Holy cow Yaks Bend ya all are organized! Nice pvping.
Tonight in EB we (TC) had a good foothold then out of nowhere you all came alive and taking over.
Time for bed for me now. Hoping in the morning we can come back to reclaim!