I had some fun with this build today, but as I mentioned before — would get frustrated when I’d run into a pretty tough counter that I know I’d win in a different build. But anyway…
Curiously, which builds did you fight that countered this? I’ve run into very few hard counters, but maybe I’ve only been dueling a limited number of builds.
You’d also, in my opinion, have a lot more flexibility to stick with Signet of Domination, since you’d have that extra condition clear from Menders Purity.
I’ve actually agonized over somehow getting Mender’s Purity in, debating whether or not I should drop Illusionary Persona and go 0/30/10/10/20. I think it could work, but I just feel much weaker shatter-wise without IP, and I lose 100 base condition damage. I prefer to play fairly aggressive, so I want the extra damage and shatter potential. I think I’ll try 0/30/10/10/20 out tomorrow against some condi necro/engis and see if that works out better.
Also of note, you said that Phantasmal Haste reduced recharge on Duelist from 6s to 4s. I’m not 100% sure that is correct, as it would obviously be a bug (33% vs 20%). The wiki lists it from 5.4s to 4.4s, which would be accurate based on the trait.
The wiki is probably right. The only testing I’ve done is counting aloud, but I can only count so accurately. Regardless, the reduced cd on duelist summon, Phantasmal Haste, 125 extra base condition damage, and extra flexibility with Illusionary Persona add up, and I feel much weaker without them. I believe with food buffs and stacks, you’re up to around 2000 condition damage on this build, which could give condi necros a run for their money.
Overall, great feedback, and I’ll play around with the traits some more to see if I can adapt this build to respond to tougher condition builds.
Thanks for all the feedback!
I’ll give Bountiful Interruption a shot. I like IP because phantasm builds usually don’t emphasize clone placement, so a lot of people (me) can’t shatter the F3’s well enough to hit the interrupt perfectly. However, with IP, I can just blink up to the opponent and hit F3 to guarantee an interrupt. That said, in small group settings, I’ve been running Imbued Diversion to spread the F3 interruption love. I’ve also been considering sigil of doom for a while now, since I do think mesmers need access to a reliable source of poison to counter healing signet warriors and spirit rangers. Will definitely give that a shot.
With regards to comparison to 0/20/30/0/20 and 0/30/30/10/0, I’ve tinkered around with them, but they lose the hybrid style I enjoy.
0/20/30/0/20 is definitely more defensive, but you lose confusion on clone death, and you can’t take all of Phantasmal Fury, Duelist Discipline, and Deceptive Evasion. I presume you’d take the former two, but then you lose a lot of your clone generation that makes shattering/clone death viable, so it’d play like a condition version of a phantasm build.
0/30/30/10/0 loses out on 300 base condition damage, and you lose Phantasmal Haste and Illusionist Celerity. Not only do duelists attack less frequently (6 seconds instead of 4), but they’re also slower to summon, so I feel like I’m losing too much effective damage. Moreover, shatters are on a long cd, and clone generation is a bit slower without Illusionist Celerity, so the shatter part of this hybrid build is still a bit crippled. Of course, both alternative builds offer a lot more survivability, so I think they’re nice for people who can’t survive as well relying on the staff’s defensive mechanisms.
Overall, I don’t think this build has many counters. It has a bit of a tough time against PU mesmers, but if you can time your torment, you should be able to beat them on pure damage alone. It has a tough time against condi necros and spirit rangers, but I think most mesmer builds (including the phantasm builds provided as alternatives) will also have a tough time against those, since mesmers are weak against condi builds in general. Of course, neither this build, nor PU, nor any pure condi build can deal with Diamond Skin ele’s. Besides that, I haven’t really run into many builds that’ll counter this, provided you abuse perplexity, duelist, and shatters well.
(edited by mango.9267)
I liked the part where you went ahead and slammed a whole group of players who use a trait, by far my favorite.
I think you’ve got a nice idea going here but my whole outlook on your post soured as I read your summary
. Kind of a sad way to end a well thought out and constructed post, maybe an edit on the end there to make it more friendly?
Any who, I wish you luck with the build, just not too much this week, as I’m NSP. :-P
Haha, take what I say with a grain of salt; most of what I say about PU is half in jest. To be completely frank, PU builds are fairly powerful, and you have lots of people QQ’ing about it. I’m not slamming the trait as much as I am acknowledging that there’s some controversy surrounding its use, and that this build provides an alternative. Overall, I don’t think PU deserves as much flack as it gets. It’s a very strong roaming/1v1 build, but not that good for anything besides that; it’s lacking in team utility and it’s suboptimal in sPvP/PvE.
Thank you for the feedback though, and maybe I’ll see you on the field this week!
Just thought I’d post here to get some feedback on a build I’ve been running for some time. I’ve seen a number of similar builds, but nothing quite like this.
Link: http://bit.ly/1d80Mlo
The idea is to play this like a phantasm/shatter hybrid (crazy, I know), depending on what the situation warrants. If you find your opponent is pretty bad about leaving your duelists up, play it like a phantasm build and keep spawning duelists for the bleeds. If you find your opponent is good at taking out your duelists (i.e. thieves CnD’ing off them), play it like a clone death/shatter build, abusing perplexity for confusion on both F2 and F3.
The utilities are interchangeable, and you should be changing them a lot depending on what you’re fighting. Before I engage, I’ll check food buffs and quickly swap utilities accordingly. For example, against a stunlock warrior, I swap to decoy, mirror images, and blink. Against a condi necro, I might use mantra condi clear/null field. Mesmers just have too many good utilities to settle on a default three.
The basic rotation is something like scepter 2 for torment, pistol 4 for duelists (get these up ASAP, and summon as many as you can). Pistol 5 for the interrupt + confusion. Scepter 3 for more confusion. Swap to staff. Chaos storm for more interrupts/condi’s and to keep pressure on. Duelist should recharge by the time you lay down your chaos storm, so expect another 2-4 stacks of confusion from the duelist + chaos storm combo. You can shatter if you want at this point, since staff illusion generation is OP. Staff clones + autoattack also do very nice damage with the condition damage you have. After the staff combo is done, you swap back to scepter/pistol and every skill (save maybe magic bullet) should be off cd for you to rinse and repeat.
Benefits over PU condi:
-Waaaaay more damage. 1700 condition damage without stacks/food. Duelists stack confusion with ethereal fields and a kittenton of bleeds.
-Phantasmal Haste makes duelists way more deadly, as they attack every 4 seconds. With 2 duelists up, expect 12-14 stacks of bleeds every 4 seconds. With 3 duelists up, you’re approaching the bleed cap. Every 4 seconds.
-25 passive trait in Dueling makes clone deaths more painful. In addition to Debilitating Disipation, clone death also causes confusion in this build.
-Deceptive Evasion + Illusionary Persona gives you lots of shatter damage as well. F2 will inflict 8 stacks of confusion. Against a stunlock warrior, mirror images + dodge + F2 will do a lot of damage, as they’re probably swinging away thinking they got you in their stun. With perplexity, F3 will will be similarly potent for inflicting confusion.
-Slightly more team utility. With Illusionary Persona, you can F3 on yourself while you res a downed teammate. Similarly, not as stealth focused as PU, so you can actually hold points in tPvP (decoy can be swapped out for blink or mirror images and mass invis can be swapped for moa).
-With perplexity, magic bullet, signet of domination, chaos storm, and F3 will all interrupt.
-Not nearly as much stealth as PU.
-No random protection/aegis/regen from PU.
-Not as good at resetting/disengaging. Staff on swap is pretty good for kiting and defensive play, but nothing compares to the cheese that PU offers.
-Conditions, conditions, conditions. Depending on what I’m facing, I might swap out signet for mantra condi clear or null field. Still, generally doesn’t fare well against condi necros/engis. Really depends on who gets that first burst off, and whether or not I can manage my stealth well. Arcane thievery is a life-safer when fighting against condi builds, but it’s all about timing it correctly.
-Will get absolutely eaten up by Diamond Skin ele’s. But then again, all pure condi builds should get eaten up by Diamond Skin ele’s, so this really isn’t surprising.
Basically, if you’re like me and have too much pride to play PU, but aren’t good enough to play a real build, this is a good intermediate. You’re not quite as cheesy, but you still have a lot of options for easy damage and shutting your opponents down. You can adjust the playstyle to the situation fluidly, since this build has plenty of clone generation/clone death/shatter damage, in addition to very strong phantasm damage from duelist bleeds. I’ve run this for a few months now and have done pretty well at fight clubs/dueling events and small group roaming.
Feedback and comments warmly appreciated.
Just a shoutout to my beloved XOXO friends in NSP.. the “heartseeker” thief you were referring to was my guildie and yes, RI. Just to let you know that he’s less than 1.5k achievement point, basically a newcomer to GUILDWARS. ^^
PS. I just heard it from someone in my guild that you guys love to make fun of people so I’m responding to let you know WHO you killed.SALUTE
Its ok.. The big bad meanies of XOXO are all gone. The guild is disbanded , the players are scattered everywhere.. Most of the good players xfer off nsp. For more active PvP.
Thank you
Ironically, if NSP had tanked into Bronze league (every other server near the boundary of a league tanked) then we’d likely be seeing a revitalization of NSP’s WvW right now — that’s exactly what happened with HoD.
Its almost as if..
all the people on NSP who knew how WvW worked..
predicted that..
and tried to get into Bronze..
While the bads screamed for silver..AMAZING
We didn’t even get a chance to “tank”, even if we wanted to. We lost 5 WvW guilds (including 2 very large guilds), countless commanders, and a number of independent ship-jumpers the Thursday before Leagues started. There was no way we belonged in Silver, yet we still somehow survived after 7 weeks of being farmed, and we’re beginning to rebuild now. Here’s to hoping NSP does the same, since I can’t help but sympathize with the only other server in Silver who could understand what it’s like to never see a WP in any of their keeps for 2 months.
Just a shoutout to my beloved XOXO friends in NSP.. the “heartseeker” thief you were referring to was my guildie and yes, RI. Just to let you know that he’s less than 1.5k achievement point, basically a newcomer to GUILDWARS. ^^
PS. I just heard it from someone in my guild that you guys love to make fun of people so I’m responding to let you know WHO you killed.SALUTE
Its ok.. The big bad meanies of XOXO are all gone. The guild is disbanded , the players are scattered everywhere.. Most of the good players xfer off nsp. For more active PvP.
Thank you
Aww, what? It was fun to hate on you guys, but now that you guys are gone, I’m actually a bit sad! Now who’s gonna jump on my dead body and throw siege blueprints on me?
RIP in peace
I did not know this was the Spvp forums my mistake and how bad would the small roaming group need to be for this to happen unless they are all hammer Warriors themselves. One berserker built guy with a ranged weapon can easily out damage his heal so the only thing left is one more guy with a ranged weapon to kill him or are you gonna imply they cant just sit in the middle and hit from most positions.
The circle is much larger than 1200 range. No, a ranged person can’t outdps his passive regen when he can just run to 1500 range and kite around obstacles. And no, you can’t sit in the middle and hit him on the periphery. Most camps have some sort of obstacle that allows the warrior to LOS. All in all, just very difficult to deal with.
Yes that works as I said if they sit there in the middle not moving but they can move too isn’t that amazing. If they were 1200 range from him and he at corner edge and used rush for 1200 he would still be in range no matter where he was goes. There arent that many obstacles and if he was humping them the melees would obviously be in range since he cant mobility through obstacles while melee attacks still hit through them.
You probably haven’t experienced this firsthand, but it’s happened to me numerous times. It sounds easy to deal with in theory, but the warrior has dodges, condi removal, passive regen, leaps/charges, obstacles, endure pain/zerker stance, stability, etc. He’s obviously not going to sit around in one spot. It’s a combination of kiting around obstacles, dodging, using leaps/charges, etc. Combine that with the tankiness, and he can troll your group in a camp circle for a fairly long time.
I did not know this was the Spvp forums my mistake and how bad would the small roaming group need to be for this to happen unless they are all hammer Warriors themselves. One berserker built guy with a ranged weapon can easily out damage his heal so the only thing left is one more guy with a ranged weapon to kill him or are you gonna imply they cant just sit in the middle and hit from most positions.
The circle is much larger than 1200 range. No, a ranged person can’t outdps his passive regen when he can just run to 1500 range and kite around obstacles. And no, you can’t sit in the middle and hit him on the periphery. Most camps have some sort of obstacle that allows the warrior to LOS. All in all, just very difficult to deal with.
So how is this any different from a Thief that can do all this in berserker gear and kill people in 3 hits while still easily soloing camps and dolyaks. An untraited greatsword Warrior can go 3300 over 20 seconds while a short bow Thief can go 2700 without any initiative regen and starting at 0 in 18 seconds. If a Thief has 12 initiative with base regen a Thief gets 4500 over 18 seconds. If a Warrior takes the 20% cooldown reduction thats still 3300 over 16 seconds so you can still catch up if you started with 6 initiative. Main hand dagger Thief can also Heartseeker spam for 2250 over 15 seconds with 0 initiative at the start and no regen. Starting with 12 initiative Heartseeker goes 4050 over 15 seconds. None of this includes Steal and Shadow Step which gives you an extra 900-1500 and 1200 on top of that while Warrior Bull’s Charge only has 600 range. If they use main hand sword a Warrior gets 1200 range over 16 seconds making it 4500 equal to a Thief starting with 12 initiative on short bow and using Infiltrator’s Arrow it every time its up. Thieves still have Steal and Shadow Step to make it even easier or the possibility of more initiative regen. Warrior using both greatsword and sword at the same time is a joke that wont kill anyone while a Thief has more speed without traits and still has the ability to stealth away from the battle at any time with zerker gear.
You should use paragraphs, more punctuation, and better formatting. That’s quite painful to read.
I’ll repeat what I said before: Yes, thieves can engage and disengage just as easily, but a thief can’t hold points while in stealth. A single greatsword warrior has enough hp/toughness/regen and mobility to keep the circle contested in a camp until reinforcements arrive. Takes around 10 guys to deal with a single greatsword warrior trolling the circle. With a small roaming group, the warrior can keep the circle contested indefinitely.
It’s not so much the resetting the fights that bothers me, but the fact that they have healing signet, high armor, high health, and can keep points contested. Thieves reset fights just as easily, but the problem is that thieves can’t hold points while in stealth.
I’ve tried to cap a camp just to have a greatsword warrior show up and run around inside the circle for 5 minutes, keeping the circle up while the guards respawn/reinforcements arrive. Takes about 10 guys to stack enough dps/stuns/immobilize to force him out of the circle, where he usually escapes anyway.
In fact, there’s this one especially troll-y greatsword warrior on BP who’s done this to me numerous times. You know who you are!
Hey, this looks familiar. Already gonna say kitten it to the PPT and looking forward to the roaming/duels with NA/XOXO/tM/Holy and the like.
Because I probably won’t be on before reset, just wanted to post some final shout outs.
Major props to both servers for continuing to come out and fight.
Had some great duels with [Yarr], [BANE], [Fun], [Deth], [ANBU], and many others throughout the week. Props to [Nine] and [Xsv] for the small scale fights; you guys were always pretty good when I ran into you while roaming.
Hope to see you guys soon,
[HARD] human d/p thief and condi mesmer in TA armor
Score doesn’t matter [HARD] those were some very fun fights. Props to you guys you adapted to our scatter play style, only guild to do that so far.
P.S your thieves did a very good job at applying pressure xD they almost had me a lot of the time
You and your mesmer are both very slippery! Every time we (the thieves) thought we got you, you’d shadowstep away or stealth with a sliver of health.
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
Spending 2% more of our time in your BL than in DH’s BL is probably statistically insignificant.
That said, we can’t really control what our pugs/PvE’ers do. A very easy way to discourage them is to just come out. Pugs naturally gravitate towards the easier target, so just make sure you’re tougher to hit than DH is.
And it’s not like we’ve had a week-long strategy of focusing on one server. When our guilds play, it’s been very reactive. After you guys rushed our SM in NA prime, we focused on FC as a result. And after DH took all of our waypoints yesterday, we focused on them in retaliation. There’s really no favoritism going on.
Allow me to clarify this whole “handing DH second place” rumor.
To my understanding, our strategy and intent was never and will never be to “give” anyone second place. We decided to focus on FC during off hours because FC has been extremely aggressive in NA prime (i.e. that HUGE 60 man blob + 2 hour siege on SM the other night). In response to FC’s aggression, we figured it’d be best to focus on keeping their assets paper so that their NA is more focused on defending/upgrading than on attacking our lovely SM (according to Saint, we need it for roleplaying purposes).
The side effect is that DH caught up some points. However, our goal wasn’t to “let” DH catch up, and if you’ve been playing in off hours, you’d know that we hit DH as well. In Oceanic prime, every single day this week, we’ve taken DH’s corner first. When I logged on this morning, we held DH hills and DH’s EB keep. We’re just being strategic in hitting FC because we think they’re stronger in prime time this week.
If anything, IoJ has had a history with DH and would much rather FC came in second, if we had to pick at all. If FC just focused on hitting DH while we hit them, they could easily maintain their lead. However, I repeat, we’re NOT trying to give anyone second place.
Let me repeat that again, we’re NOT trying to give anyone second place.
edit: Also, Banzie is one commander who tagged up for a few hours one day this week. That says nothing about systematically handing second place to DH at all.
(edited by mango.9267)
I’m not sure that’s how outnumbered works.
I’ve been in the same party with both opposing servers, and they’ve both had the outnumbered buff. In your scenario where there’s a 60 man blob rolling your 10 man group and the third server’s 5 man group, I think you’d both have the buff.
Not sure why we’re chest-thumping, since this is clearly a numbers game. Props to FC and DH for continuing to come out.
Also, I don’t seem to recall HoD having so many forum warriors since we’ve last fought. I certainly don’t recall their having enough to spill-over into other match-up threads. What happened? I liked you guys when we played in the past.
Phew, thank god for a match up where we don’t get farmed 24/7. IoJ really needed this week; I don’t think we’ve seen a wp in our BL for 8 weeks straight now (well, okay, we’ve seen other servers build wp’s in our BL, if that counts).
To DH and FC, it’s been a REEAAALLY long time since we’ve last faced off (the last time was in July, I believe). Last time this happened, DH was quite the powerhouse and steamrolled both us and FC.
To FC, I’ve always respected you guys as a server and as players. Generally respectful and skillful (especially Deth). Looking forward to seeing some familiar PPK faces this week.
To DH, I know most of the bad blood between us is gone now, as most of the guilds we had beef with transferred off. You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting another go at you; I remember getting farmed by you guys for weeks on end during the summer. IoJ has been through a rollercoaster since the last time we faced off, with massive numbers transferring in, then out. It’s a bit anticlimatic now that we finally face off again, but I respect you guys for coming out, especially when you know the IoJ night crew will cap almost everything.
(edited by mango.9267)
Wellps, NSP, it’s been fun, but hopefully we don’t see each other next week (even though we have a 74% chance of rolling you guys again).
Christ, this new glicko system isn’t all that great; it doesn’t account for drastic losses in population, and makes it so that moving up/down in server rankings takes much longer than before.
Anyway, praying for easier match ups for both of us!
Again, Those ratings are based off lasts weeks glicko scores not this weeks silly. You cant determine match ups a day before reset. Especially dat Mag/SBI/Mag one. Mag going ppt try hard to shut yb down I hear.
Well, most of our surrounding servers didn’t see very drastic changes in Glicko. As it stands, we still have a higher chance of rolling EBay or CD than we do HoD or DH. And we still have the highest chance of rolling NSP again.
Wellps, NSP, it’s been fun, but hopefully we don’t see each other next week (even though we have a 74% chance of rolling you guys again).
Christ, this new glicko system isn’t all that great; it doesn’t account for drastic losses in population, and makes it so that moving up/down in server rankings takes much longer than before.
Anyway, praying for easier match ups for both of us!
You’re also forgetting that temporal curtain will hit your ENTIRE zerg. Symbol of swiftness only hits 5 people. That said, I agree that stacking swiftness with curtain is a problem.
Honestly, thieves do pretty well with cluster bomb and choking gas on shortbow (or pistol skills traited for bounce). The way initiative works makes them very spammable. Of course, you have to worry about the larger problem of staying alive in a zerg as a thief.
At level 2, they have no weapon swap, no utilities, no elite, and no traits. Yes, they can get nice stats, but if you consistently lose to them, you’re doing something wrong. For example, level 2’s have next to no condition removal, so just about any condition build will beat them.
So now that the season is almost over, I nominate Brother Alaric for MVP. I mean, that guy single handedly caused IOJ’s second mass exodus.
lul FA PvF too stronk! Bleeding over from the FA/SBI/DB thread, I see.
Dear ROFL, you are smelly butts. I hope ferrets steal your cookies and play with your next gen consoles so much that they break and you are sadfacers. Stop ganking people if you cant even 2v1 a poor little engi :< This has been a message from the spokesmanmaster of [NA] i hate you and your boobs.
Hey, I was the mesmer bowing to you in that screenshot! Would really like to fight you again, since we only had one duel where I didn’t get backstabbed by ROFL mid-duel.
Oh god I’ve missed the DDLG and Bags qq. So much talk. So many heavy loot bags donated to the cause. Keep up the good fight blokes, but pvf points don’t do much in wvw.
Imagine if you could earn 10 points for your server every time your post got infracted or someone reported you on the forums. Would really take the forum warring meta to a whole new level. Wonder if SBI or FA would earn more points this way.
This is it folks, the final match up of the season. Who shall come in last? Will it be NSP or IOJ? Find out at the end of the match up!
This question will be answered by whoever CD decides to blob harder this match! Exciting!
Now to bribe CD with our loose women and furry charrs.
I think the more annoying class is P/D thief.
Anyway i’ll be really grateful if somebody can post where can i search good for solo roaming specs, especially guardian, all i dive into ase useless and i wanna have a point of reference.
Ty all.P/D thief is hardcountered by D/P and by any kind of elementalist. Also, depending on their utilities, Hambow can easily dispatch a P/D.
In a duel, maybe. But in an open world 1v1, if there are neutral mobs (moas, warthogs, gryphons, etc.) around, then P/D isn’t really countered by D/P since they can keep C&D’ing off neutral mobs and use P/D 3 on neutral mobs for mobility.
Since I doubt I’ll be on tomorrow, and since this is the last time we’ll see FA in a while (hopefully), thought I’d post a few shout-outs. Spent most of my time dueling, and there were quite a few good players on both sides.
-RET condi/perplexity ele (too bad our duels got interrupted as I finally entered a win streak against you)
-RET human male s/d thief
-TG blue-haired human female d/p thief
-TG nade/perplexity engi
-APS charr mace/shield+gs warrior
-uA norn phantasm mesmer
-guildless human female DB d/d ele
-SWag spirit ranger and d/p thief
-FA p/d condi thief and s/p hybrid thief (I forget what guild you were in, but you swapped builds a few times on me)
And many, many more. Also shout-outs to TKA/BLOB/TUNE/BURN for the trolling and fights. Always impressed by HOPE in GvG, and always good to see familiar CORE faces.
I’ll miss the duels, but here’s to not seeing each other again for a long, long time!
With love,
Human female permastealth thief,
Human female condi mesmer in TA armor
(edited by mango.9267)
Hmm, dunno about classes, but there are a lot of builds I find really annoying:
-Stunlock warriors
-Rabid condi warriors
-Nade/tool kit/perplexity engis
-HGH engis (both power and condi)
-Spirit rangers
-S/D evasion thieves
-D/P permastealth thieves (in theory, should never be able to kill one of these)
-P/D condi thieves
-Prismatic mesmers (both power and condi)
-Phantasm mesmers (both power and condi)
-Almost all necros (spite, terrormancer, MM, certain power necros)
(edited by mango.9267)
Glad to see IoJ getting some love.
Tough call for best server of the YEAR, since so many guilds have shifted around. I’d put in my two cents for FC (good players and friendly people, from what I recall), YB (greatest upset in Silver), and Mag (trolls be trolling).
Also, as much bad blood as there is between IoJ and NSP, I still feel they deserve props for being right there with us, getting farmed by the rest of Silver League. And they have some godkitten good roamers.
Christ, 16 pages and counting. Even the Gold League (coughMagcough) forum warriors can’t keep up with you guys. Keep it up; this is a great read for the long train ride!
While we’re in the carebear/make out mode, just like to say, BURN/TUNE/NUDE/BLOB (kitten, how many guilds are you guys in?), you guys are alright.
You guys are definitely trolls, but probably undeserving of all the hate you’re getting right now. I admit I was mad initially, but after speaking to some of you and running around with some of you, you guys aren’t so bad.
With love,
IoJ permastealth thief you gave up on killing
To be fair, there’s a difference between spawn camping people who are playing for points and spawn camping people who just wanna duel. This would be akin to zerging the windmill on a Thursday night.
The reason you’re not getting any group fights is because most other groups are out playing for PPT. It’s only the roamers and stragglers looking to duel who come to the arena, which I presume is what the arena is designed for.
And we all know sPVP is a lame excuse. The build variety and stats are a joke in there.
lawl, entering hour 3 of being spawn camped. I just feel bad for the folks on FA who actually want to duel.
That said, accepting all 1v1’s with TUNE/BURN/NUDE/TFS. I’ll gladly let you teabag/corpse dance/laugh spam me if you win!
I don’t take 1v1 sorry buddy I’m a group build not some selfish build that looks out for just me
You’ve got plenty of time to change your build! Make sure to let your buddy know, so he can cover your shift spawn camping us. Wouldn’t want you to have 19 people, instead of 20, meteor showering our spawn.
lawl, entering hour 3 of being spawn camped. I just feel bad for the folks on FA who actually want to duel.
That said, accepting all 1v1’s with TUNE/BURN/NUDE/TFS. I’ll gladly let you teabag/corpse dance/laugh spam me if you win!
Very disappointing to see so many trolls in the new dueling arena. I’ve been ganked countless times running back, after being stomped. I’ve had people jump me mid-duel. Not to mention the trolling during the HOPE vs. TB GvG.
I know you folks at BURN/NUDE (I presume many of you are the same people) think it’s funny to elicit reactions like this, but I urge the more sensible portion of FA to intervene. There are trolls on every server, but trolling on this scale will prove toxic for FA in the long run.
Minus a few stragglers, fight club is more or less over. Great 4 hours of duels, from the IoJ condi mesmer in TA armor.
A bit disappointing to see a few trolls here and there, but overall, I still had fun, even in my duels with said trolls.
Just posting to update that fight club is still going strong behind DB windmill!
Impromptu fight club behind DB windmill! Come one, come all!
Well its been a fun week got lots of great footage of my hybrid thief. CORE been disappointed in you’re skill lvl I thought you’d be better owell on the plus side few of you made into my next wvw pwnage video
Spend less time witch hunting us and spend more time teaching that baddie second child how to thief plz.
Why you gotta pick on second? and hunting you guys down is alot of fun its was a shame I didn’t get to run into more of you.
Vis, y u mirin my teabags/build sites on your dead body?
Pveeki b mad bout dat permastealth (stealth trap OP anet pls nerf)
Zha b scurred of my pro banish blinks
Get @ me brosef stalins
tl;dr: u wot m8?
Jay, calm down. IoJ has been in FA’s shoes. We’ve done the same thing to lower tier servers. It’s just the way WvW is when there’s a large population imbalance. I’m sure they’re also bored karma training the entire time; it’s not FA’s fault. Blame the stupid design of the League system and the drastic re-shuffling of guilds.
IOJ schooled FA tonight in keep defense in EB. Frankly, I’m mostly just proud of IOJ. We were disorganized and running multiple tags most of the night. FA is already in the karma train mentality and is getting soft I think. We had the map queued, and IOJ had (I’m guessing) 30 people on the map? Great job IOJ.
FA could be in for some rude awakenings once leagues are over and we’re at a population disadvantage again.
You seem to be forgetting that this is FA’s 8177168th week into leagues and the only server even close to a legitimately equal opponent we met in battle was SBI. You expect us to take every aspect of these match ups seriously? I don’t expect you to understand, but we’ve been frustrated with how little amount of competition we are getting, I am not an offensive commander, I have never been, yet I was in EB last night attacking a keep, what does that say to you? And that little comment about you being there when we fought BG, but not me? PRO has been in FA since the start, and so have I. I’ve been there commanding in FA BL since we were getting smashed by CD, TC, and YB because we just didn’t have the coverage. I was there before the IoJ transfers that gave us the numbers we needed to stay competitive, and I will be there even when the server begins to die, if it ever does. I admit, I was out of my element, doing something I don’t usually do, but at least I tried and learned from it. I do not, however, appreciate tagless CORE members throwing down siege keeping us from building what we need to get built, you were in our TS, we see your names. And I do not appreciate you making assumptions and starting something when you have no prior knowledge about me or my guild. You can come back with a better attitude about things and try to work as a team, or leave the server because if you can’t then it’s clearly not for you.
Whoa, calm down. Knowing Vis, he wasn’t calling you out or making snide remarks to elicit responses.
I was tagged for the first two of your attempts and logged out when you started your third. I mean this as constructively as possible, but the attempts were a bit sloppy. A lot stragglers were scattered all over the place to get picked off. Our waypoint wasn’t contested for 10 minutes or so (you could just have a thief knock on watergate); I broke my armor wp’ing and running back into your golems. Your zerg got cut in half when our inner wall fell; half went onto the walls to clear siege and half got wiped at the choke (nevermind the Engi that glitched into Vel to kill our trebs).
And I say this with the utmost respect. It was a fun fight, and the bags more than compensated for my armor repair. Hope we’ll keep seeing similar fights throughout the week.
CORE/BOMB didn’t enjoy my hugs
I move for daily fight club behind FA windmill. Got in a good 3 hours worth of duels tonight!
IOW: None of it matters b/c as soon as this Living Story update is over with and they roll out that ugly kitt Ascended Armor….
Oh god, ascended armor… /shudder
Posting this here cause I’m not sure how many people will read the IoJ forums.
I’m really going to miss all of you guys. I feel like I’ve made some pretty close friends in all of the guilds who have left/are leaving. If you see me in LA or (god forbid) feel like doing some PvE, PLEASE guest over!
I’ll be here in IoJ. The next 7 weeks are going to hurt. We won’t be able to drop to bronze and we don’t have the coverage (in any time zone) to be considered silver anymore. But even when we get farmed, I know we’ll come out and put up a fight with what we have. I’ll see both BP and DB on the battlefield this coming league!
How sad, nearly 600 supply drained so far and he has 50 trebs left… Why is this even allowed.I had the same problem with this guy just now,
notice the 44 achev points, again anet if this was a trial account, bad move on you.
We win!
To the CD champion asura mesmer commander with a purple afro running scepter/torch in CD BL (that’s a fairly detailed description), major props for sticking it out. I was part of the 5-man thief group that kept harassing your minizerg. ‘Twas fun, and I’m glad you guys kept coming out to put up a fight.