Make 3 unique borderlands, not just 1 repeated 3 times. I don’t think it needs to be built to the server, like they suggested above, but I would like at least 4 unique maps to play on.
Yeah I am not really upset about the change personally because I knew it was coming eventually. And as long as we have some viable condition damage underwater I am happy. But I really wish they would put things in the notes. It is very annoying to hunt for unknown changes and it happens a lot.
Trident now applies bleeds, and so do trident clones (no longer apply confusion). Illusionary whaler now applies 4 confusion not bleeds.
I am not really upset about the change but I am getting sick of this hunt to see what they didn’t tell us about.
Also illusionary whaler now apples 4 stacks of confusion, not bleeds.
So I just logged on and noticed that underwater, the trident now applies bleeds, and the clones no longer apply confusion.
I am getting really sick of them not actually announcing these changes.
You say you like T4 and T5 and you don’t want anyone to come to Maguuma yet you are battling Dragonbrand and Fort Aspenwood in T3 right now. Doesn’t make sense.
We did like T4 and T5 but we got a lot of transfers and now are a T3/T2 server because of numbers. Just because we got transfers doesn’t mean we wanted them. Many on Mag still wish we were in T4 and T5 and have said so both on the forums and in mumble.
Also it’s reset night everyone is logged on ATM it calms down during the week
Been few weeks of too many people, even during the weeks. Far to many transfers, just looking for a new server where there are less giant zerg vs giant zerg. I miss smaller fights where a zerg was 15-20 people and smaller groups were more common.
I was wondering if anyone can recommend a new server for me. I have played on Maguuma since launch, but it isn’t the same, too many transfers and I dislike the fights in higher tiers (too much zerg v. zerg and ques). I am wanting a stable server in T3/T4 and good community. I don’t care about winning, just want some good/close fights.
Wanting to know if anyone had any recommendations?
You can have some of ours. Just send me 100 gold.
Forget the charge, please take the people from Maguuma.
Guess the worse that can happen is Mag does bad in the next matchup, and all the bandwagoners jump to yaks….
We don’t want the bandwagoners, so how is that the worst? That’s the best thing that could ever happen.
Agreed, I hope we get beaten horribly tomorrow. Mag should throw the match, build great monuments to Lord Flame Ram, send our entire zerg to guard a single supply camp at the cost of a tower or keep. Maybe then the transfers would leave.
FA will be ahead of maguuma for sure
Holy crap have these last 2 weeks been the worst time I have ever had in this game. I dont see how any of this can be appealing to the band wagoners.
Even if we do get to a tier where things even out the population density is going to make it impossible to get a clean fight.
Agreed! Why would people want to be winning like this, I hate it! I miss our close 3 way fights and being in last place but making the other servers work very hard because we didn’t get up.
Coming from Everquest 2 and playing a Coercer I really loved having the dark side of an Enchanter and get that sort of feel with the Mesmer but the butterflies are just not doing it for me.
If there’s any way we could change this to a Star or something that doesn’t make me feel like after I shatter that I should be picked up by a Unicorn and ride on some Rainbow through the clouds it would be great!
A male who plays a Mesmer. :P
Butterflies, get this heretic; he speaks against you! :P
(edited by purpleskies.3274)
In WvW Mesmer’s very rarely bring any condition removal, so yes for condition builds. As a general rule, Mesmer’s are MUCH easier once you know how to find the real mesmer (watch health pools, conditions, movements ect.), and it really helps to take one to heart of the mists for a bit to learn what they use.
Power builds on the other hand do have a harder time with a mesmer, but remember most memsers are very glassy, if you know how to avoid their blurred frenzy and you see them use their distortion, they are usually out of ways to protect themselves, so you need to burst. To avoid a shatter, when you see clones running towards you dodge into them, dodging to the side usually means you still get hit. GS mesmers you need to keep a bit closer to lower their auto attack damage, but other than that they can usually be brought down decently.
The last two comments just make me sad as a gamer.
Let’s take out the core mechanic of a class because I think that it is too hard and the removal makes it easier for ME.
Stealth from C&D is not a core mechanic of the thief. Steal and the utility attacks it has (I know this one isn’t great) and initiative (the amazing flexibility and immunity to the recast increase from chill) are the class mechanics. I think it says something when the off hand dagger is used in almost every build and has become “a core mechanic of the class.”
Personally I think they should just remove the damage from C&D, a utility attack shouldn’t be hitting hard.
you can pretend it’s a faceroll class to make yourself feel better for losing to them, but it takes a LOT of skill to play the glass cannon backstab build. You and all the other QQers should watch the video and listen to them talk about how squishy the build is and how much finesse and how much coordination and timing you need in order to properly play this build.
I have a thief, it takes very little skill to use compared to my other classes. It is just (possibly basilisk venom), steal→C&D→Bs and drop most people, if they are a defense warrior or guard, they might not die but they don’t hurt much either so repeat C&D and Bs until they are dead. Or if I am p/d, steal→C&D→1, then caltrops, then continue to chain auto attack and C&D. Stealth if things go bad and run in a different direction, switch to short bow to cover distance if running from people. You don’t have to even have much knowledge of other classes or their abilities to win, usually just use the same strategy every time and you won.
Seriously after playing a thief, they are one of the easiest classes to use in my experience, which makes how OP they are worse.
I love how the thief took 80% of the mesmer’s health in a fraction of a second, but he complains when another class does the same?
Both mesmers and thieves need their burst toned down
Thank you for the advice all!
I already have a thief, so I am going to level an elementalist so we have options.
If it is a glass cannon mesmer, they rarely have any condition removal on their bar, so you are in a decent spot. If you can keep conditions on them and dodge their shatters (as everyone said, dodge towards the clones) and BF you can bring them down.
Also keep them at a distance if they are using a sword and staff combo, the staff doesn’t do much damage, plus it helps to see what their clones are doing. If they have a greatsword, stay closer (but not on them because of shatter) to reduce their auto attack damage, but be prepared to move back if they switch to a sword. Don’t stand still so they can’t get you with swords immobilize (if a sword clone gets on you keep it moving so they can’t swap, if the clone is moving the immobilize doesn’t usually work).
If they aren’t shattering but they are using power attacks they are most likely a phantasm spec. Destroy the phantasms then.
Also I am just saying this because it is standard advice but you need to know how to tell the difference between a clone and the real mesmer. Once you get this down killing mesmers gets a lot easier.
I am fine with them toning down the shattered strength, it does seem a bit too powerful as is, for burst potential. I am a bit more worried about them saying they are going to address the entire build, not just the trait.
That being said, if they bring it down they need to do the same to the steal-c&d-back stab combo that can do over 20k.
I have a friend who decided to level an elementalist and I am planning on making an alt to go with them. I was wondering if any of you had some advice of what class would compliment them?
We primarily do WvW. With these characters we are hoping to do smaller skirmishes, stopping supply runners, as well as capping and holding supply camps.
Thieves need to be nerfed, ASAP.
I’m tired of eating 20k Combos in a kitten bunker spec.
That was in a full bunker spec with ~3000 Armor and through protection.Mug needs to go.
Buff P/P for all I care (Yes it is bad), but this instagib kitten needs to go. This is not 2006 WoW, Comboing someone is dumb.
I completely agree with this. I have been killed several times this weekend, taking over 20k damage in the standard steal-c&d-bs combo. Every piece of armor I have had toughness or vitality and I am speced into a defensive line. It is one thing to do that to someone in full zerker gear, but someone who invests into defense should never be downed almost instantly.
I tried to learn, I made a thief because people who play them said it helps you counter them. I only learned how ridiculous they are and how simply they are to play. There is no set up or skill required to do this combo, it is just a cheap I win combo.
Personally I would prefer lower damage on C&D. The best skill used for utility (stealth and vulnerability) shouldn’t be hitting for over 5k. If the thief is not supposed to be based on cool downs there needs to be a choice between utility attacks that put a person into stealth and damage attacks.
If people would take the time to play a thief, level it up and really play it they would not only figure out how limited our playing style as a thief can be but also how to counter a thief.
I actually took this advice and made a thief and leveled it. I learned how powerful they are and how easy they are to play. I can better counter them, but if I am fighting a decent thief, I still am only hoping for a best case scenario of a draw where they run (and usually attack again and again until I am out of cool downs, in a bad spot or make a single mistake). A bad thief I admit isn’t too bad to counter.
Anet states that mesmers “share some of the stealth and mobility that the Thief enjoys.” <> (bottom of page)
>.>Even after update, we’re still really slow. haha
Look at the movement speed modifiers of other classes…
Necromancer Signet of locust – buffed to 25%
Thief Signet of shadows – …already has 25% (plus teleports across maps)
Engineer Power Shoes – Increased move speed to 25%. Also can spec for permanent swiftness
Warrior – Elite signet – with swiftness, might fury etc basically most of the time. Plus whirls and rushes across the map. Plus warhorn and banners to have multiple ways to get swiftness
Ranger – Signet of the Hunt: Increased the passive movement from 10% to 25%.
Elementalist – Signet of Air: Increased the passive movement from 10% to 25%. Plus zaps across maps. Also can spec for permanent swiftness using D/D and can also get a passive speed boost in air attunment
Guardian – well, still slow as hell LOL. But still have multiple ways to get speed in their utilities and on weaponsFor mesmer, movement speed modifiers mesmer has like Signet of inspiration is unreliable because the swiftness is a 12.5% chance every 10 seconds, and staff 5 chaos field which randomly gives a several second swiftness. And, even with an additional 2 seconds on temporal curtain, post-patch mesmers are even slower in movement speed compared to other classes QQ
Because of this, ‘d like to see a “more reliable” movement speed modifier for mesmers, like if signet of inspiration gave a permanent 25% movement buff, or if it gave swiftness out of combat 80% of the time (about 25% movement speed), i’d be happy, and so would the other mesmers.
Added a few points to your post.
Also is worth mentioning that mesmer’s only spec that can give speed requires us to be in combat, requires three close to give less speed than any other class and is unreliable if people run.
I agree. I don’t get how a random proc chance and an extra couple of seconds translates to more reliable swiftness.
Why didn’t they just re-do the awful trait that gives us a little speed for each clone we have up, which is unreliable because of needing to be in combat and still means we have lower speed than other who run signet, even though ours requires 10 spec points.
Overall very disappointed with this being our more reliable speed.
So 2 seconds more up time on temporal curtain and a one in 1/8 chance every 10 seconds to get swiftness. That doesn’t seem like more reliable speed to me, kinda disappointed about that.
As far as I knew, veil didn’t have a cap on the amount of people that get stealth from it so if you use it on a choke point in WvW you can stealth an entire raid. MA is limited to 5 people.
That being said I agree a 60 second Cd seems more balanced.
Wait, wait, wait. You’re saying that if I’m blinded, the enemy blocks or the enemy dodges my phantasam won’t spawn and it goes on cool down. Yet if I dodge/blind/evade a thief attack the thief doesn’t lose initiative.
How the hell is that balanced?
If they attack in stealth and don’t hit you though, it doesn’t break stealth. So if they miss their backstab, they can instantly try again with no cost of iniative and no breaking of stealth.
Cloak and dagger can be used again if you have initiative, so if they miss one attack, they can instantly use it again. This wouldn’t be a problem if the thief needed initiative for other attacks but both p/d and d/d mostly just use initiative for C&D, the rest comes from auto attack, steal and attack from stealth.
I just wish I could dodge while stealthed with the prestige. I hate that if I dodge out of an AOE I lose my fire blast. But still I never hated the torch, I just can’t live without my focus for the speed.
All thief weapon skills work off of initiative, not cooldowns. Cloak and Dagger doesn’t have a “cooldown.” If you have enough initiative, you can use it.
“Backstab” is just a dagger auto-attack used while in stealth.
The problem first of is that cloak and dagger actually hits for a lot of damage (several thousand). So you do still have decent damage while you go in and out of stealth. Furthermore part of the issue with thieves is the initiative system. If any other class misses and important ability they get up to a 35 second cool down on it. If you are fighting a thief who misses their cloak and dagger, they can just use it again. Initiatives regen also rate means that even if the thief misses CnD twice they can use it again much faster than any other class would because of cool downs.
Personally I never understood why they designed CnD to do damage. It is a utility attack, it applies vulnerability and stealth it should cost initiative but not do the higher damage. Part of an initiative system should be choosing when to use an attack and a hard hitting ability that sets up a combo and gives you the defense of stealth is too powerful. Personally with the different specs I used on my thief I rarely used any attacks outside of auto attack, the attack from stealth (both 0 initiative), steal and CnD. So I am not sacrificing my initiative by only attacking with CnD.
Backstab is another issue due to the fact it can be used every 3 seconds, hits very hard, uses no initiative and if you miss it doesn’t break stealth. This means the thief is a lot more forgiving of mistakes than any other class, who if they miss an important attack get a cool down.
1) Glass cannons don’t think there should be a cost for their complete shunning of defensive stats and skills. These players are upset because thieves actually expose the weaknesses of those builds.
I agree here to an extent. But what I have seen quite a few thieves define glass cannon different than most others would. There was a video posted the other day of an elementalist with over 2500 armor and 19k health, they died in seconds and where told they are too glassy. They wore full toughness and vitality gear. This is a problem because that should not be considered glassy.
2) Culling causes issues when interacting with stealth. This is a technical issue with the game itself (not thieves or stealth) that Anet will hopefully find a fix for.
3) Once a thief goes invisible, most players throw up their hands in defeat and let the thief kill them. Stealth does not grant any form of invulnerability. Just because you can’t target something doesn’t mean you can’t hit it. Traps, necro marks or wells, ground target AoE, cone based auto-attacks, even simply waving your weapon in front of you at random will still hit thieves. Thieves are squishy as hell. Hitting them just a couple times with auto-attacks will force them to retreat or die.
I disagree with this. I made a thief because everyone was saying how they are fine when you learn to counter them. After playing it I can tell you a good thief who knows how to dodge and not stand in red circles can get away from an attack in stealth. Once you move the people only have a very small chance to hit you in stealth because they are swinging blindly. Not to mention several classes only have a few AOE attacks that have cool downs. Also not all thieves are squishy.
4) Thieves can escape. This is a huge one people don’t ever seem to figure out. If you’ve forced a thief to run away, you won. No, you didn’t get loot. You didn’t get that measly bit of experience either, but you won. Too many people see a thief run away and either decide the thief won (even though the non-thief is still alive and completing their objective) or they make the worst decision possible and run off alone, trying to chase. But the thief had to run away to not die. They’re likely going to be stuck in combat, and unable to heal for a bit (because of some poor behaving mechanics between living targets and stealth) and they likely burned all their initiative and cooldowns. All this without actually achieving anything.
The problem with this, and what annoys me when I play my other characters is the thief runs, leaves combat and returns within a minute to try the fight again. This is what bugs me, thieves can keep attacking until they get their way and win the fight. This is annoying because your most likely best case scenario is they give up and you spent a long time dealing with someone multiple times for now reward.
I am hoping they just re-work the speed trait to be worthwhile and actually give us comparable speed to the other classes that have to spec to get it like engineers or elementalists permanent swiftness.
Got some movement improvements coming for Mesmer also. Mostly more reliable swiftness.
Thank you! I am really curious now what you are planning to do.
So we were already one of the easiest classes to run away from, they want to make it worse? Or are we getting some passive run speed to, because otherwise this is just ridiculous.
I know I am going to be complained about, but I decided to take everyone’s advice, I rolled a thief for WvW. After getting it up and playing with it for a while I am amazed at how powerful the class is (both with d/d and p/d) and how easy it is to play them (I can win most fights by pushing only 3-4 abilities). Stealth is a ridiculously good defense and the offense a thief brings is great and if the fight isn’t going well it is so easy to leave. I am also amazed that missing your attack with back stab doesn’t break stealth, that is just ridiculous.
Playing a thief did help me counter them better, but that only helps me live a bit longer, I still can’t beat a good thief because it is so easy for them to disengage and reset the fight.
But after leveling and trying the class, I still think the thief is over powered.
(edited by purpleskies.3274)
First of all your an Ele so your toughness is not as effective as your armor is only light.
The OP supplied their armor which is all that matters. And honestly that is a very decent level of armor.
Thieves just because it isn’t fun to fight them, it is just annoying and frustrating. I don’t have the hardest time against them because I run a tankier build. But I hate spending half the fight not being able to hit them because my one AOE is on CD and I didn’t kill them or half the time even hit them because I have to play whack-a-mole with an invisible mole; or wondering if they stealthed to run or to attack. It just makes for an annoying fight that doesn’t end up feeling fun, just frustrating.
And after that, if you get the upper hand they just stealth and leave, and given their mobility and the head start of running in stealth, they almost always get away if they are good. So all that annoyance, and still no kill even if you were going to win the fight.
Although d/d elementalists can leave they are still fun to fight because you can easily see and react to their attacks.
Just saying, in my experience this has been a very fun match so far with some great players on both YB and Ebay. Been having so much fun, especially compared to the last few weeks.
As everyone else said it is not a foo strategy. Heart seeker spam rogues and signet warriors would be a food strategy.
The spec I would consider a foo strategy for a mesmer would be the lazy phantasm build, or what ever it was called in spvp, where you summon three phantasms and run until they kill someone. It was a very low skill and easy countered strategy, but it hurt a lot of people who didn’t understand the class or the mechanic.
Scepter just needs some condition on auto attack (like confusion on the third hit) and maybe something to make the scepter clones more useful.
You can also buy Rabid gear on AH, but it is usually a bit more expensive than other exotics.
depends on what you wanna do.
An Ele can stall multiple opponents for pretty long and get loads of kills roaming.
A Thief can get loads of kills against idiots but that’s about it.
Basically this, however a skilled thief can kill good players as well.
(edited by purpleskies.3274)
I personally never understood why people said mesmers were overpowered for exactly this reason. My first character was a mesmer and I never had a problem with them with my alts, so I was always so confused why people said we were so over powered. We are just a solid class.
Also I really would like a duel feature to practice against different classes/specs, it really helps to learn counters.
(edited by purpleskies.3274)
Ok so its sounds like you could counter the summon delay by having a subset of traits. So we fixed a bug that lets all those triats work together but that also makes them not able to exploit the delay anymore. Since it seems like they were working and mostly balanced without the delay I am going to go ahead and reduce the delay on this stuff to .25 seconds. I just tested it at 0 seconds and that breaks some other things so I think .25 is the best compromise.
Thank you so much! I am sorry for doubting you.
Also thank you for keeping in contact with us about these issues, we are very much appreciative of the communication!
It has always had a delay, I am investigating if the delay somehow got changed. If someone has good raw data on the old damage of berserker vs the new damage that will also help me track down where that change came from and fix it.
It did not have a delay prior to this patch if you had the phantasms have fury trait, it has been mentioned in this forum numerous times that people used that or the retaliation trait to stop the delay.
It was like a work around to a bug. But lately I got a feeling that we have no longer bugs, just features.
It was just stated that the delay is an intended feature. Apparently giving people two chances to negate our phantasms wasn’t enough, now they need to give people extra time to react or kill the phantasm on their second chance to take no damage once it is summoned.
I hope people can relate to this feeling and I don’t say this lightly because I always loved the way the mesmer plays, but I am done with this class for a while.
I have played the class since launch and I have been annoyed at changes before but this is ridiculous, I can’t use my phantasms in PvE or WvW without them dieing or completely missing their attacks most of the time.
Fyi, the delay on first attack has been present since BWE2. It is there for balance reasons to give enemies a moment to react to the powerful summon.
So now people have a chance to blind or dodge our summon, then if we get it off they have adequate warning if they want to try and dodge it a second time or possibly kill it to take no damage?
So we can have our attacks negated TWICE and you want to make sure people have adequate reaction for the second negation if they miss the first one!?!
I can assure we are looking into it.
The issue regarding the regeneration trait being spotty is that Phantasms don’t apply it to themselves, but in an AoE around them (ignoring themselves). So if you have more than 1 Phantasm close to each other, they’ll apply it to each other (plus you and other nearby allies).
Thank you for letting us know you are looking into it, it is very much appreciated.