Showing Posts For savacli.8172:

Power or Ferocity

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’m may still end up going with Full Berserker (typical Dev/Inc/Her build). Solo stats I get just shy of 90% crit. Throw in a banner, and I jump up to almost 98% (94% against an 84 creature). Noms-wise, I’m going with Salads and Stones (bountiful if I’m feeling fancy). Force/Night/Dungeon sigils for me.

I rarely run with Spotters on the group. Otherwise I would run Berserkyrie trinkets to offset that.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Ele damage is ridiculously op, nerf please

in Elementalist

Posted by: savacli.8172


Powerful damage: check
Fear of dying from so much as a sneeze from the creature an Ele is fighting: double check

Power or Ferocity

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


You can use this chart to figure out what your power/precision/ferocity balance should be.

OP is correct in assuming that 100% crit chance is possible on a Rev. Though, there are a few factors to consider when balancing stats as far as solo vs group, banner and spotters, etc. For the most part it’s recommended to slot in a few Valkyrie or Berserkyrie items as a Rev can easily go over the 100% crit chance even against higher leveled creatures that would lower your crit chance (commonly found in fractals or open world events).

OP, if you could link us your build we can give you a better answer as to what you’ll need

Edit: To OP’s question though. Ferocity would be one of the last things I look at when it comes to stacking points. Power has more of a direct impact on damage when it comes to stats. When slotting in runes/sigils and such it’s best to look for damage modifiers such as Scholar’s, Strength, Rage, Force, [Dungeon] Sigil, etc. These types of equipment are raw damage modifiers before critical strikes are calculated.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Share This! - Tired of beeing kicked!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Warning: Incoming wall of text.

Whether you’re a seasoned player playing on an alt account or a player who’s done a lot of homework on the game I can say this for sure, you are the exception.

I’ve been in the same since the headstart, and never once have I seen a player that’s as well geared for your level nor been as disciplined in their technique for being a ‘noob’. Yes, there were some sloppy moments, but we’re human and those’ll happen. And I agree on the whole rotation note. With the most recent re-design of the trait system you would have only had access to one Spec. So there is practically no advantage to swapping out of Fire once the fight started for you. In the earlier verisons of the game we would have been able to get a full bar or minors in up to 3 trait line.

To your point? Yes, the content can be done with a non-80. Heck, the content is designed to be playable as a non-80. Why do players want 80’s only runs? For the most part it’s faster. At 80 we have access to better stats (even when scaled), full selection of skills, and all our traits.

The biggest issue we run into currently is that the player base has been flooded with new/returning players the past few months due to the announcement of HoT. However, there’s still that player base of veterans that have been year since Day 1 (or Day -3 for us headstarters). So while there are new players running around trying to figure out how the game works there are also veterans tapping their foot impatiently waiting on them to catch up.

Back on topic though, there are generally 3 issues we run into when it comes to players in LFG/PUG parties:

  • Not wearing proper equipment. Don’t have to be berserker (at least not for me), but at the very least please bring exotics. For lower level players make sure that your gear is as close to your level as possible.
  • Not familiar with the encounter. The problem here is that it seems rather difficult for players to speak up when it comes to not knowing the content. Again, the game is 3 years old so we most players are familiar with the techniques and route for most dungeon even at the slightest level. Some won’t mind trying things a different way, but if no one speaks up the team assumes ‘the norm’ for the instance they’re running.
  • Not following directions or not communicating. This point ties to the previous but at a deeper level. Talk to one another, speak up when something is unclear or roles are uncertain. Be flexible when the group is struggling. If someone asks you to [do this] and it seems reasonable, comply. Otherwise, constructively offer a counter-suggestion or ask why the suggestion was made in the first place.

Being level 80 helps with the first and third point. For the most part 80 characters are already running exotic and have enough skills/traits to where they can be flexible in their builds. 80 or not, anyone can suffer from the second point.

Why are kicks so frequent for lower levels? Because most players are impatient and want to get the content done as fast as possible. Yes, there are low-level gems out there that excel at the game, but those are too scarce to reliably trial in a run. Thus, most players want to better their odds of a good run and just pick up 80’s from the get-go.

Time to separate agony resistance from armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


I have to agree with this. As an altaholic it’s going to be very tedious and expensive to get all of my toons (even just my ‘core toons’) fully capable of running fractals of all level.

I fully agree that AR should work similar to magic find apply to the account rather than the individual. Ascended equipment will still have its use due to its infusion slots.

Are you a Revenant "Prepper"?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


My revenant is soooo ready! Got lvl 30 scroll, tomes, ascended sets, bags, infinite harvesting, food/utility buffs, etc. I do want to craft another legendary before HoT though, but not sure which.

Oh come on, we all know your Elite is ‘Permanently Conjure Bolt’

Name your Revenant!

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


A variation of Fuhrer King Bradley. All I need is some military suit or outfit, two plain swords and an eye patch.


Oh wait, wrong series…

(FMA for Life!)

Research Help Request

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


There you go!


What builds are you thinking about ?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


If you’re just running with a Warrior or Ranger and have Force/Night, Force/Dungeon, etc you can pass with with full Berserker. However if you throw in a Spotter, Accuracy sigil, precision runes, or even oil utilities your crit goes over the cap.

To play it safe a mixture of Berserker, Valkyrie, or Berserkyrie gear works best as a ‘gear for all use’.

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: savacli.8172


Sigh…waiter, there’s thief in my Revenant forums again.

Edit: thread got moved

(edited by savacli.8172)

Name your Revenant!

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


I was going to go with Andrew Whitaker, but the game kept error for some reason. Thus, I settled with Andrew Rorek (the surname being a common name between a few human characters of mine).

Share This! - Tired of beeing kicked!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Of course you don’t need an 80 for a lower level dungeons. Though, your videos didn’t really help your cause.

For one, you had extremely good gear for your level which is not the case for most low level players: you had rare quality gear with offensive stats, offense runes, and great sigil choice. I honestly cannot say I have ever seen a ‘noob’ as well prepared as you. Even in friend/guild runs we have the lower level’d mate run greens or something economical since he’ll end up growing out of it.

Second, you had very controlled environments especially in the Spider Queen fight. No baby spiders, no fire breathing walls, and you just chilled in the back shooting from a range. You were also soloing, which intuitively would seem harder, but you didn’t have to look out for the mistakes of other. You hid behind your summons and NPC’s as well which is smart, but they held a lot of aggro making fights easier.

Honestly given your playstyle I wrote this off as a veteran player making a secondary account to show off (hence the low AP but seasoned technique).

play how u want...good or bad?!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


this discussion was suppose to be more efficient and to improve new/vets that still not familiar with fields,tactics,and professions roles in dungeons fractels…
but most of you ruined it with your pesky complains about my dots and me write with shortcuts. you are a really sad PPL!!!!!!!

Well, of course we ‘ruined’ it. It’s really difficult to take anyone seriously who doesn’t attempt to make use of proper grammar/spelling. At this point we have no idea if you’re just being lazy or trolling, and that’s distracting enough to derail the entire purpose of the thread.

If you’re wanting us to make an effort helping you in reaching out to others who are less familiar with game mechanics it’s not at all unreasonable to ask for some effort on your part when it comes to the format of your thread. At the very least, you’ll have more people who take you more seriously or even read the entirety of your posts. We’re not asking for novel quality, but complete words (rather than shorthand) and less dots are simple enough.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Description was “50: projectile defenses and food & utility consumables required”

“I’m full shout”

Guys, we just found the new meta.

Will revenant healer be in wvwvw meta?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


No. WvW revolves around 2 core concepts: Mobility and AOE.

Mobility, beyond simple things like Swiftness, also includes how mobile you are capable of being. That includes concepts like stun breaks as well as Stability to prevent a loss of mobility. Front line characters typically require the largest amount of mobility and generally require leaps and the like to keep mobile where as back line characters have a little bit more time to position themselves properly. Ventari has virtually no mobility to it as a line nor does it facilitate mobility as a legend. In fact due to the micro management of the Tablet, some of your mobility will likely be lost while micro managing as you may need your effects at X but have to travel the tablet from Y. Compare this to a straight Elementalist camping Water who can simply place the fields as desired. The worst is a lack of stun break/stability which means in order to get these effects you are forced out of Ventari which immediately ceases all benefits from being in Ventari for 10 seconds. Many times during trying Ventari in WvW I’d simply get caught in CC and ran over because of this.

AOE is a different concept in WvW. For one you’re almost always dealing with over target cap. For two the amount of offensive AOE will always outpace the amount of defensive healing. This creates a sort of “engage -> refresh” style of play where people engage, then group up to refresh after and heal up using water fields, blasts, and heals. Look at Natural Harmony, pretty great healing right? Except lets say even if you stacked maximum healing and you get it up to a 4k heal that’s nothing. My Elementalist’s Lava Font on a nothing cool down will tick that much damage. Let alone Necromancer Wells and all the other various sources of stacked AOE damage in WvW. This leads back to Mobility being the only real viable way to deal with this kind of burst, namely being able to avoid it entirely by getting out of the AOE.

Does this mean you can’t find any use for it? No. You can probably find some scenario where some part shined but on a whole it will be lackluster and definitely not meta. I’m sure someone, somewhere will go on about projectile block in a choke but it’ll be a far cry from meta. More realistically it was introduced to help raid healing, such as healing 1 tanky character who has to sit in an area and tank something.

^Pretty much this

In PvE it’s a lot easier to manage since the game play is more predictable, and there are fewer targets to worry about.

Even in PvP it would be easier since the fights are on a smaller scale (not that I’m saying it’s great to use in PvP, but it would be easier to use than WvW)

The Ventari projectile bubble runs into the same issue. There’s just too much area to cover in WvW, and trying to micromanage the tablet will just sap you of your energy.

guardian build for arah path 1,2,3,4

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


It’s really no different than the builds that were linked to you already in the Guardian forums for other dungeons.

For the most part you want to look at the group that you are running with and adapt accordingly: reflects, stab, cleanse, etc.

Can we get an updated DPS tier list

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Bearbow for best DPS. Dat double longbow swap too

Will revenant healer be in wvwvw meta?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


I doubt it. The main healing capabilities of the Rev come from Ventari and its tablet. Depending on how large and involved your fights get you may find yourself being spread thin trying to keep up with everyone’s health.

play how u want...good or bad?!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Cue Spiderman’s, “This post gave me cancer”

Though from what I understand from this post it just sounds like ranting towards pugs. Pugs will be pugs, and by that I mean they will post these super high requirements yet be incapable of maintaining those same standards themselves (and sometimes not even meet them).

If I really want a solid group of players who I know can play well I will choose to run with guildies or those folks on my friend’s list that have made it to the Hall of Awesomeness.

Other than that, I’m at the mercy of pugs. It is a game after all, so I would expect a phiw mentality from most random players. What do I do when I found a subpar group? Leave and try again or coach them if I can.

Need clarification on soothing Bastion

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Using either the 4 or 5 skill on your shield will add an additional 2 seconds to the timer of existing boon for you and nearby allies.

All Elites should channel their Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


It’s not really a numbers issue but rather you’re asking too much from a single skill. Keep in mind that Rev’s 6-0 skills are even more so supposed to be slightly lacking in potential as we can spam them to an extent, and we also have access to a secondary 6-0 bar as well.

Also, Legends have no responsibility to be consistent with one another both thematically and mechanically. So, I can’t say that your consistency arguement alone would be a selling point to the devs.

All Elites should channel their Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Waaay too powerful even for Elites. You’re asking for party-wide aura, team buffing, and some had PBAoE effects.

I agree that those idea sound really cool, but mechanically they are just broken. The energy adjustment for the effects you mentioned would make the skills unusable since they would need to be radically high to compensate for the effects.

Taking the "Utility" out of "Utility Skills"

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Rev might have 6 utilities they can use in combat, 2 heals, and 2 elites; but we also have 8 less utilities than every other class. On top of that, there are other classes that have access to a way higher number of skills in combat (elementalist, engineer) and I don’t see anyone complaining about them. It’s just how the class works, and almost every class has a different number of skills.

Because as an Ele I have no weapon swap but instead have these 4 different attunements whose skills have relatively high cooldowns thus promoting attunement swapping, and the attunements themselves are susceptible to chilling. Engi technically does get weapon swap through the use of kits, but that’s a utility slot that they have to give up; the associated toolbelt skill may or may not be worthwhile either. On top of that Engi’s have all of 3 base weapon combinations (rifle, p/p, p/sh).

Here’s a quick example of why it sucks at the moment. If I were to take Shiro into a dungeon for the quickness, I’m stuck with a heal skill, two utilities and an elite that I don’t really want. No other class would find themselves in this position. Who cares if we get more utilities in these situations, when we aren’t even going to use half of them anyway.

Because in this particular case you don’t take Shiro for just quickness. The heal may not be great for instant recovery, but those daggers have surprisingly high damage values for being a 6 skill. You have an evade that removes movement impeding conditions, and you have a shadowstep that adds an unblockable feature to your next attacks. Impossible Odds also offers Superspeed which is a very useful feature to have in fights where mobility is desired. Jade Winds is a sort of minor “AoE deep freeze” that can be toggled fairly readily.

And I’m afraid that when people start learning to play against a Revenant we’re going to explode easily in PvP simply because our opponents always knows what utilities we have and what we don’t at any given time.

They know what skills you have, but they don’t know the frequency of the skills. Going back to Shiro, I can tell your heal occurs overtime, you can evade and clear some conditions, you can gap close and chase me like a madman, quickness and superspeed can drop me fast, and that you can burst a PBAoE hard cc. Now, can I time how often you can do that? Only to an extent. I know that the longer time pass the more energy you have stocked up, but otherwise there’s still the variability of when and what will be used. Compared to a traditional cooldown based class where once a skill is popped there’s a finite amount of time before that skill becomes usable again.

Now that was just on Shiro. All the other Legends have moments where they shine. Some may get more time in the spotlight (coughGlintcough), there’s a time and a place for each Legend. On top of that the Rev’s Spec help to further define roles/builds more concretely than other classes.

Crystal hibernation defiance>block

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Block is a terrible idea, it is a kittening 4 seconds root…. Seriously wtf are you guys thinking this is a kittening free 7 hit phoenix = insta death !

You could, I dunno, pay attention to what weapons/skills your opponents use to see if Shield 5 is worthwhile. If you’re fighting a Scepter Ele and don’t time his attunements you deserve to eat that phoenix nuke.

This new version of skill 5 is much better. The defiance on the original variation felt waaaay too fragile, and then you’d really end up a sitting duck with the daze and full vuln stacks.

(edited by savacli.8172)

gameplay style ?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Guardian in that they can group heal, projectile block, and provide protection

Warrior-ing in the form of high might and vulnerability generation, and they have a damage boosting party buff.

Ranger in the sense that their primary range weapon hits like a truck and scales with distance (to an extent).

Not entirely sure what you mean by caster (roles-wise, I mean). But yeah, the Rev class can wear a lot of hats. Not necessarily as well at the originators of the hat, but Revs still do a great job of filling a role.

gameplay style ?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Revs fall under the category of Jack of All Trades. So they can be spec’d for quite a few different types of roles depending on team comp. They play very well in the DPS and Support (defense and offense).

Unrelenting Assault

in Thief

Posted by: savacli.8172


Sigh…another QQ thread.

*puts corn to pop in the microwave

Unrelenting Assault

in Thief

Posted by: savacli.8172


Comparing classes is exactly what you’re doing, OP. They’re both entirely different classes that have different considerations for their balance. Currently, the Revs’ skills are under review so not everything is 100% concrete, though things are starting to look like their final version.

As far as why a mobile pistol whip sounds like a terrible idea? I present you initiative. A thief is able to cast this skill multiple times, does more damage (since it cleaves), and it offers a daze. You want a mobility feature on top of that so you can run away with dazing, cleaving, damaging, evade frames? Way too much to ask for.

In comparison, Revs’ UA is on a 12 seconds hard cooldown, and we are effectively rooted in the sense that we cannot control our movements once the skill is underway. Yes, we can predict our initial hit, but from there we are stuck in our mist-stepping animation unless we cancel the skill (which I can’t say I ever tried to do). Our damage is great against single target, though throw in a couple more bodies and the damage is literally split across said initial and additional targets.

Rev is the new class after all; it needs the attention it’s currently getting. Once we get through the initial glamour we’ll probably see a lot less of the 1-on-1 interaction we’ve been getting from Roy.

Edit: Thread was moved to Thief forums

(edited by savacli.8172)

We still haven't had a final word on racials

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Guys I’d like racials as much as anyone else but they really are problematic, particularl for ventari. Some races have racial healing skills. If you slotted Prayer to Dwayna on ventari’s heal you wouldn’t even be able to use the tablet at all

Dwayna shall offer herself as your tablet O.O

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


This thread is really heart-warming, and I’d like to give a big thank you to the OP for stepping out and putting together a thread that truly capture the ‘Players Helping Players’ concept.

Question about AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Multiple paths in one is an exploit so you run the risk of the ban hammer. The likelihood of getting caught? Very unlikely, though run it at your own caution.

Suggestion for Crystal Hibernation rooting

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Dragon Hunter V1 was abysmal, but the recent updates have given more life to the spec to at least let it be more compatible with other builds. Guardian Shield needs an overhaul, but the drastically reduced cooldowns make it useful in some situations

Rev Shield is a useful for the slot its in. The 4 skill has a good amount of potential with protection since Herald has so much boon duration extension to it. The heal is good too. The 5 skill is great as well. A fairly high heal for a weapon skill on a relatively short cooldown with a blocking duration.

In PvE, shield is more useful since most fights can take place in small radii. So trying to land the 4 skill or being root for the 5 isn’t as detrimental.

In PvP/WvW, it’s harder to maximise the use of the 4 skill since there’s a lot more movement. The rooting isn’t too terrible in active combat since opponents have to blow specific skills to break the blocking channel, but it’s a non-usable skill for disengage/chasing purposes.

The UA change

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Err, I think I went misinterpreted on that last post.

What I meant to say is that the player’s gripe with the skill is that it’s too strong and needs a nerf of sort, but that’s mostly because they aren’t familiar with how to react to the attack. So if the skill did end up getting nerfed damage-wise it would effectively be from all the QQ. I agree that the damage is fine the way it is and doesn’t need to change.

If any change came to the skill I’m glad it was the cd. Again, this isn’t a skill that I personally use off cd, but I can see the annoyance of using it right as it became available.

We still haven't had a final word on racials

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Summons are another issue though with the mechanic of the class. The Legend swap is a full commit, so any on-going skills get immediately cancelled when swapping to another Legend. Racial summons should then also play by that similar rule such as making them an upkeep of sort else they would need to be destroyed upon swapping away from the utility bar they were slotted into.

We still haven't had a final word on racials

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The simple solution would be to add a ‘Racial’ Legend for each Rev that adds empty slots for the 6-0 skills allowing players to customize their bars. However the big issue with that is none of the racial skills are currently Rev-ready. What I mean by that is the racial skills were only designed to work on a single utility bar set. Currently, our utility skills are a little sub-par, but we have the advantage of have two full right halves of our bars. Being able to swap between a Rev utility bar and a Racial utility bar would be like giving us the potential of 1 1/2 utility bars because of the current potential/balance of racial skills.

So in order to put the ‘Racial’ bar at the same level as the other Rev skills they would need to be reworked into consuming energy (since this is one of the core mechanics of the class) and would need to have their potential reworked to accommodate the class’s capable of multiple utility bars.

Nonetheless, how many players make use of those racial skills on a regular basis? I understand that this is an issue with versatility, but at this point in the development stage I’d much rather the dev team focus on more critical issues than an issue that is mostly for flavor.

Taking the "Utility" out of "Utility Skills"

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


On paper I would agree that the Rev looks rather underwhelming with the lack of utility choices, but in actual gameplay the class felt very adaptable.

First off, we get a weapon swap AND a utility swap that can be completely independent of one another. The issue I have with current classes is that I’m locked into a particular set of utilities into a fight. Sure, I can highly customize the 3 utilities I bring into the fight, but I’m at the mercy of cooldowns for the most part.

E.G. If I bring a PS Warrior I’m always going to end up bringing Banner of Strength/Discipline leaving me only 1 utility that I can actually slot out freely (without harming my “party duty”). On an Ele I’m bringing an Ice Bow and Glyph storm for the most part. Bring a Guard? Stab and Reflect duty. Etc.

On a PvE Rev, I’m on Boon duty, but with the additional boon duration I don’t necessarily need to camp Glint, and I mostly responsible for providing boons that are not already covered since I’m mostly aiding to extend everyone else’s boon output (which can be done regardless of Legend). Outside of those responsibilities I have 6 utilities to choose from (and can potential spam if needed).

To me that felt like the class offered more utility in combat, though outside of combat I was pulling out the same set of tricks.

The UA change

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Why would you use UA skill off cooldown anyway. I barely used it every 20 seconds.

Mallyx is still good for PvP along with Jalis and Shiro. Don’t be so dramatic. This is turning in to the ranger forum – the way everyone’s saying: “Poor us. Life is so unfair”.

this man speaks sense. although I don’t agree with the malyx changes and feel it takes a lot of flavour away from the class, it’s still beta. if it’s weak in pvp, it will be buffed. Trust in Roy.

don’t become dirty Rangers QQing 24/7

Funny seeing people say this to people as if there wasnt a 3 year history of them doing this to a few classes regarding pvp….

True, but in the past 3 years we haven’t had a developer as openly spoken as Roy. It’s a new class, and they’re trying out new mechanics entirely so it makes sense that some ideas have to be adjusted or scraped entirely; the class is still in beta so any changes are fair game until launch date.

Though what I appreciate from Roy is that he’s very thorough about why particular changes are being made AND he goes the extra mile to incorporate feedback where he can.

In the case of UA, I don’t see much of an impact to it from the additional 2s cooldown. The utility from this skill is in such a way that I don’t want to be spamming this skill when it’s off cooldown anyway. A 10% damage reduction would fix the players’ problem with the skill rather than the issue with the skill itself. It’s a new skill, and it seems like a majority of the player base doesn’t know how to react properly against the attack is why they feel like it’s too strong atm.

Mallyx is a different topic entirely, but that conversation goes beyond the OP’s concern.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’m not sure what to say.

I think it’s trying to communicate?

Suggestion for Crystal Hibernation rooting

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The biggest issue with the 5 skill was that the the defiance bars was waaaaayyy to fragile and ended up causing more harm than good. Duration Block + heal is well worth the rooting.

In regards to the Engi shield. Yes, the shield was clunky to use since it caused rooting, but gaining access to the shield required giving up a utility skill. The other 4 skills on the kit may not necessarily been used either.

With the Herald’s shield you give up half a weapon set and gain access to aoe protection and group healing on the 4 skill, and the 5 skill offers a channelled personal heal and block. Even if the full duration is not used the skill is on a 20s cooldown.

How to fix Mallyx Elite

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The biggest argument I saw for the Mallyx changes was the whole ‘not playing nice with parties’. Being an MMO I kinda have to agree with Roy’s decision of catering to groups/teams rather than the individual.

However, I also agree that Mallyx did lose its uniqueness. It’s not totally useless, but rather seems simple and straightforward now. In other words, we lost the potential fire power from the risky play of hoarding all those conditions. The tradeoff was fair: we could hoard as much as we wanted growing more and more powerful but being very fragile hiding behind our resistance.

The new Mallyx seems like an extreme 180 from its original instalment, but we still got some time to try out the legend in BW3 and get in some feedback to find more of a middle ground for both the players and devs. E.G. Preserve the risk-reward play but letting the Legend be “team-friendly”

I understand Roy’s thinking and I agree, in fact all changes in that department are great.
UA needed a change, and i got it, but now is useless so it still need some adjustment either in more utility with added CC or longer ranger or way lesser cost/CD.

EtD nerf was plain useless and out of the context of the previous things.
Just..out of the blue..whoever complained that much about mallyx elite in the first place? All major complaints were about UA (shiro’s and mallyx’s) and shiled#5.
I just do not understand.

I read the revenant forums methodically, trying to keep all the topics greyed out. I have never, ever, seen a single person complain about EtD or allies taking your condies. I don’t get where this massive change comes from at all.

I don’t think that EtD was singly targeted out for this change but rather suffered from the blanket sweep of Roy wanting a more team friendly Legend. The whole “I want to hoard conditions” vs support members griping “Stop getting all those conditions”. Makes sense at the team level, but I wished the feature was reworked rather than scrapped altogether.

How to fix Mallyx Elite

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The biggest argument I saw for the Mallyx changes was the whole ‘not playing nice with parties’. Being an MMO I kinda have to agree with Roy’s decision of catering to groups/teams rather than the individual.

However, I also agree that Mallyx did lose its uniqueness. It’s not totally useless, but rather seems simple and straightforward now. In other words, we lost the potential fire power from the risky play of hoarding all those conditions. The tradeoff was fair: we could hoard as much as we wanted growing more and more powerful but being very fragile hiding behind our resistance.

The new Mallyx seems like an extreme 180 from its original instalment, but we still got some time to try out the legend in BW3 and get in some feedback to find more of a middle ground for both the players and devs. E.G. Preserve the risk-reward play but letting the Legend be “team-friendly”

Mallyx the Unyielding...Yields?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The biggest issue I saw was the ‘not playing nice with parties’. Yes it was awesome to hoard all those conditions and inflict them upon my enemies to watch them suffer, but then this Guardian rolls around and cleanses me of my impurities…Thanks bud, no really, not like I was making use of all those.

Darn you MMO and your need to cater to the team rather than the individual!!

Back on topic though…

- Mechanic/Trait/Skill that “reflects” conditions back at the person sending them so that they receive what they are trying to send out (with Mallyx’s condition stats applied)
- Mechanic/Trait/Skill that transfers conditions from allies directly to enemies

Trait wise it might need to be something like a trait with an ICD, but that kinda takes away from the control of what/when you are reflecting conditions. That, or the trait could activate whenever a demon stance skill is used. Otherwise, it could just get tied down to a single skill similar to a Necro’s corruption but rather copies/reflects the condi of the Rev rather than the target.

- Mechanic/Trait/Skill that heals Mallyx for every tick of a condition on him equal to twice that of the actual tick of damage (give me your conditions if you dare!)

Heal skill similar to Defiant Stance/Infuse Light but works only with conditions (scaled healing ofc)?

- Mechanic/Trait that prevented conditions from being cleansed by any source other than a demon skill while in the demon stance

This one is the only one I can’t see working well. There would need to be a cue or visual of sort so that allies aren’t left in the dark as far as why their condi cleanse aren’t working. Also, there may be times where a clutch condi clear is needed for those breather moments where you can get back in a spot to manipulate conditions again. There may need to be an additional incentive for this trait such as additional condi damage or duration at the cost of not being able to be cleansed (thus making resistance uptime even more important).

- Mechanic/Trait/Skill that removes all boons on Mallyx and sends their inverse condition to all enemies within a radius (a true corruption, using his own boons rather than theirs)…I like this one as it seems a very demonish thing to do “bah, I don’t need boons, but I can corrupt them into a weapon (evil laugh)!”

This would work very well in a team setting and a solo settings. And yes, I do agree that this is a very demon-y tactic. Though I hope there’d be a little bit of scaling to match the stacks/timer of the boons being given up.

Clarification on Crystal Hibernation please

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Honestly the Shield 5 feels a lot like a rooted version of Guardian’s Shelter, but this skill is only on a 20s cd (plus the energy cost). Thumbs up from me vs its original variation.

Though I do agree that the capture-point prevention is a little odd since it’s not true invulnerability similar to other skills that have that gotcha added to their tooltip.

Crafting useful at all?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


Practically any of the crafting professions are gold sinks. Yes, you can make money through the TP or save money by crafting items yourself (vs buying them outright), but that has the potential to change radically at any moment.

Specifically to a Mesmer or Ele: tailoring would be useful to both classes since they are both Scholars and use the same armor categories. Weaponsmithing and Artificing are both useful for crafting their primary weapons though you’ll need a few weapons from Huntsman as well for a Mesmer. Artificing can also be use for crafting slaying potions.

Jewellery crafting is universally useful for any class as everyone make use of trinkets. Currently, the craft is limited to exotic quality items but will advance to Ascended after the expansion.

The only ones I can see not being immediately useful for you are Leatherworking and Armorsmithing as neither of your toons can make use of the majority of the items that are crafted from that discipline.

Otherwise there are a bunch of one-off type items that require a random crafting discipline.

Again, we have no idea what you’re after so it’s going to be pretty difficult to point you in a direction. If you’re ultimate goal is making of the post though, you won’t find many people willing to part their money making secrets as those flipping techniques/secrets are what’s making them money.

Is The Ventari Legend Worth Using???

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


No more need for guardians in fractals

Err, not quite. Ventari is good for situations where you need extra projectile control, but otherwise classes that can reflect projectiles (primarily Guards and Mesmers) are better suited to to fill that role since the damage instead goes back to its source.

I would save the Ventari bubble for situations like the Harpy or Grawl fractals where projectile management is a matter of life or death.

Rev alone cannot replace a Guard as the class only offers a portion of the utility that a Guard can offer. Though that discussion goes beyond the goal of OP’s request.

Crafting useful at all?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


Out of all the crafting professions I found cooking to be the most useful since I could craft the majority of my Nourishment (food) at a cheaper price than buying it off the post. Otherwise, all the weapon based professions are good for the Nourishment (utility).

Have Zerk set, Which would be better?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


If you would go ahead and map out your build using the following tool:

Is The Ventari Legend Worth Using???

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Ventari plays very well. I agree that the tablet adds a sense of ‘clunkiness’, but it was really fun to have that tablet as an extension of the class.

Have Zerk set, Which would be better?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


What does the rest of your build look like: traits, sigils, runes, etc?

Raw stats are only a part of the equation so know what the rest of you looks like will help us point you in the right direction.

Revenant Worries: Master of All Trades?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Shiro/Mallyx has the biggest DPS output, I believe this will be the PvE meta. Herald is only useful if your group lacks a PS warrior and ele/ranger, in my opinion, but you’re giving up a lot of damage by staying in glint.

Err, not necessarily. The active attacks on the Facets have a lot more potential than they made it seems in the Stream being both high in damage and able take up to 5 targets in a sizable radius. The secondary effects of those active attacks are very worthwhile as well.

Mallyx looks great on paper with raw damage through EtD, but overall the Legend lacks any real utility beyond that (though Mallyx is my personal favorite and is always on my bar).

Shiro’s Daggers add a good deal of spike damage and serves as additional utility through evades and gap closers. Impossible Odds is an amazing skill, but I found that it often got overshadowed in most fights by external sources of Quickness. Jade Winds does okay damage, though the 3 second lock may be very worthwhile in some fights.

Thus, I can see Glint being the primarily Legend for both its passive and active effects while the second slot is swapped based on what you need for the encounter.