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Tonight's menu: Soup, Steak, or Salad?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


At the very least I run with a Warrior so check on Disp banner. Rarely, do I have someone to Spot me. Force/night/[dungeon] sigils for the most part on my toons (even Mes). I have all the Stone/oil/crystal recipe variations, but I mostly go with Stones.

On lower level instances I scrap Steaks for the most part since I regularly hit Power Cap.

On Mesmer (Assassin/Berserker) I have been pretty set on Soups since I take the reflect bot for the most part, and the Salad buff doesn’t roll over to my Phants.

I shied away from Salads on my Ele since most of the time I’m rooted with opening bursts only to have the thing I was trying to kill already melted by the time I’m able to move again.

Warrior currently uses Dumplings, but my stash is about to run out and am re-gearing with Strength runes in lieu of buying more Dumplings. Leaning towards Salads on this one since Signet precision stacks keeping my precision pretty high. Though 100B wouldn’t get salad buff…Go with Super soup (Power/Ferocity) ?

Guard has been using Salad since he gets rooted for maybe a second (GS Symbol) on his regular attacks and is mostly a mobile toon.

Engi is on Sini gear (looking to get my Ranger on that as well), but I usually use them for map farming (Silverwastes) so they don’t get much dungeon time. Pizza and crystal galore for these two.

Thief and Necro get very little play time from me so I’m not too concerned with them. Thief is Ferocity happy. Necro = Shroud Crit

Tonight's menu: Soup, Steak, or Salad?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’m familiar with specific foods such as Pizzas, Dumplings, and such for specific classes and builds. What I’m curious about are the three types of food that I mentioned that seem to be competing when it comes to a typical berserker build.

Tonight's menu: Soup, Steak, or Salad?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


A brief summary of the three Food types I’m curious about.



Chance to gain swiftness on kill
+Damage while in motion

From all the guides I’ve gone through there seems to be a toss up (salad pun not intended) of which Foods to consume for particular classes or instances.

My questions are:

  • Is there an end-all-be-all Food per particular class or instance?
  • Is there a significant difference in using the ‘wrong’ food for your class/instance?
  • Is there a large difference in top tier food vs ‘budget’ food?

I realize there’s a lot of variability in builds, infusions, etc. So, I’m looking for more of a generalized answer of what to use when.

Note: I’m not in a hardcore Dungeon guild, but we do strive for fast times and bettering our in-house clear records.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Thing is, we already get these sort of traits in the traitlines themselves. If you look, there’s a couple traits that state “something happens when you use this specific Legend stance or Legend’s abilities.”

That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing a trait that adds something to all Legend’s akin to what the OP stated. Maybe as a Grandmaster.

It looks like OP is wanting baseline effects on top of what can be traited for.

What will Rev bring to PvE?

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Would you still be taking Shiro in a group setting though? Enchanted Daggers is great for the extra DPS, but I don’t see a lot of mileage from the other skills.

Riposting Shadows is a stun-break evasion, Phase Transversal is a gap closer, Impossible odds may get overshadowed by other Quickness sources, and Jade Winds….well, it’s a CC.

At the same time though I can’t really see any other Legend that would effectively take the place of Shiro if Damage is the goal. Glint, maybe, for the boon distribution and niche active effects?

Inspiring Reinforcement bug?!

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The skill is working as in tended so it’s not really a bug; per the skill description the stab pulsing does not occur immediately.

Though I do agree it’s an issue with the skill as a one second delay can make a world of difference if you’re trying to react to a situation.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


This is me being nit-picky, but ICD would be the effects we don’t see recharge on our skill bars (from traits, buffs, nourishments). Attunements, Shatters, and all those skills have a visible Cooldown (CD) is what differentiates them.


The closest profession a Revenant can relate to is the Elementalist in that both classes ‘attune’ to change their skills. The very base effect of the attunement is changing out the classes weapon and utilities respectively, and each attunement changes the functionality of the class.

I offer Fire and Shiro as a comparison. Both of them are considered to be the ‘Damage attunements’ (I’m generalizing here). At the very core of their mechanic all that will occur during their attunement would be swapping out skills. Now, Fire does have the potential to add a flat damage modifier (similar to what OP request for Shiro), but that requires a trait.

Water and Ventari would be the another similar pair, but Water also requires a trait to remove a condition (with respect to OP’s request)

In other words I argue that the core mechanic shouldn’t change, but I agree there could be a potential modifier that could be added to each attunement. Where we disagree though is whether or not it should be made baseline.

My argument is that other classes already have to trait to modify their core mechanic so on what basis should the Rev get these requested features for free?

If anything I would say a persistent effect such as +5% damage while ‘attuned’ to Shiro should be a Devastation trait (bump it up to 10% to match others). Though a one time effect such as +5% damage for 5 seconds when you swap to Shiro could be an Invocation trait and would offer similar one time effects when swapping to other legends.

Ice bow questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


1) Thief indeed had a trait that gave them a damage boost, but afaik that trait is gone.
Every class but the warrior is fine to pick up icebows, since warriors cant stack might while using icebow.

If said Warriors are running Fried Golden Dumplings it may be more beneficial for them to grab it due to each of the individual strikes potentially proc-ing a stack of might.

*Mileage varies based on the mob/boss you’re fighting though.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


It does seem nice, but that looks like something you’d trait for honestly. Something like that could definitely be a GM trait in Invocation. Sort of like Mesmer’s Master of Fragmentation applying a different benefit to every shatter.


The Legends already dramatically change your utility so adding the freebie effect wouldn’t be fair since the other professions have to trait when their core mechanics gets modified. Plus, core mechanics don’t have an ICD so what OP is describing is very much like an added effect to a core mech from a trait.

Revenant PVE leveling

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


I disagree with this request.

For most veteran players we have tomes sitting in our bank basically on tap to max level our next toon so I would find it very unfair to not be able to use them.

Realistically though, there’s no difference in leveling a Rev to 80 than leveling any other toon you don’t already have to 80 as well. In both situations you’d be playing with a character that you don’t have any experience with.

For those of us that are in the Beta, we are arguably already familiar with the class mechanics (as they come out and get fine-tuned) so we’ve already overcome the learning curve of having started a new class.

Fields of Fire [Everywhere]

in Mesmer

Posted by: savacli.8172


The Chronomancer line is fine. As others have mentioned everything should have a weakness of sort thus requiring us as players to make a choice. Had Chrono had superior condi cleanse (to the extent of Inspirations) everyone would be jumping on board the Chrono Spec since it would be considered a ‘mandatory trait line’. In the classes current state it’s about decisions. What do we want our Mesmer to be capable of, and how much are we willing to give up for it?

Jack of All Trades vs Master of All Trades.

PvE Shiro/Glint Build

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Sw/A makes for a great PvE weapon set. Off-hand Sword felt a little clunky but was very useful for the Blocking ‘stance’. Hammer had great damage, but my use of it was limited to ranged fights or engaging from afar.

Devastation Line looks good though I don’t know how well Assassin’s Annihilation would work for sustain.

Invocation line look good as well, but Increased Response seems to situational to use. Fury should already be easy to come by with the proper party members. Invigorating flow feels rather useless with the 5s ICD. Thus, I would recommend Equilibrium for the Master slot.

Herald is very situational as well.

Swift Gale runs into the same problem as Increased Response. Radiant Revival is a great skill, though on a 45 second ICD it looks less appealing. Ideally, party members shouldn’t be going down either (may be more worthwhile if it included increased revive speed). Thus, I would take Hardening Persistence since it’s a universal trait (+40 – 400 passive toughness) not because it’s a great trait but rather it would be the most used of the three traits.

Shared Empowerment feels a bit like Empowering Might on a Guard (a Herald can give out about 8s worth a pulse) It’s great to have, though other classes may already be on might duty so mileage varies on this one. Harmonize Continuity is yet another situational Stun Break but even more so since it’s value lies in whether or not a group in being stunned simultaneously or individually at different intervals. Bolstering Fortification may win on this level for the same reason of being the most applicable.

Elder’s Force. I agree the hands down the go-to trait for this slot. Beyond the theoretical 22% the minimum felt like 4-6% with a reasonable sustain of 8-10% on an average group.

Shiro, as a Legend, felt like it was lacking quite a bit in group contribution. The heal was a little scary (and was ironically used for more damage), the infamous Impossible Odds got overshadowed by other applications of Quickness, and the other skills didn’t feel so great.

Mallyx felt like a better DPS contender with Embrace the Darkness, and the utility skills felt a bit more team-friendly.

If anything I feel like Mallyx/Glint would offer high damage while still providing for team support.


New player has a question :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172



I find this guide to be very helpful when it comes to a general idea of what each class performs and their ‘themes’.

Most classes will have a ‘glass-cannon’ build or sort so that won’t be too hard to get you paired up with. What’ll help is if you could provide more details on the type of classes/roles you enjoy playing.

Herald sudddelny don't look that promesing

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Facet of Chaos will lock us out of being able to use non-Herald upkeeps.

As far as I remember, Upkeeps end as soon as you leave their Stance. So basically, Glint will lock us out of being able to use non-Glint upkeeps.

Good catch, forgot about that.

Overall, I don’t feel much need for slotting in Glint as a Legend, but the traits in the Spec are very favorable. Currently I use Devastation, Invocation, and Corruption. I’m considering dropping Corruption in favor or the Herald Spec for the Facet of Nature F key and the +2% damage per boon GM. The other traits in the Spec help survivability overall.

suggestion, make a reverse blink skill

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


They’d have this if Unyielding Anguish was more easily controlled as to where people would get teleported.

I actually tested this. They get teleported to wherever you’re standing in the circle, so for example: If you’re standing left of the center of the circle and you have someone coming from the right, they will be teleported to the left. I have attached some files for a visual representation below.

EDIT: For better wording on the last attachment, I meant to say that “The enemy is almost always teleported back to the side they came from.”

Someone get this man a medal

suggestion, make a reverse blink skill

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172




Herald sudddelny don't look that promesing

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Alrighty, let’s break this down.

Facet of Nature
Upkeep: -2
The small cost for an additional 50% boon duration party wide makes this facet very worthwhile. The fact that this Facet stays with you regardless of your Legend adds to the appeal as well. The active seems too situational since I can’t think of a need for a ‘burst’ of boons.

Facet of Light
Upkeep: -1
Very small upkeep cost for party wide regen. Though regen in it of itself is not all that great a boon but does add up in the long run (trickle heal). Active can be hard to manage as you ironically want to get hit to get more healing (Warriors may be experiencing deja vu right about now).

Facet of Darkness
Upkeep: -2
While perma Fury is great to have this boon is generally better covered by other classes. The active seems like it would be great in PvP/WvW situations. Stun Breaker for this skill bar.

Facet of Elements
Upkeep: -1
Perma Swiftness. Yes. Especially for use out of combat. The Active seems a little random with its conditions applications and the pulsing feature is rather odd.

Facet of Strength
Upkeep: -2
Factoring in Revenant only skills/traits you’re looking at a max of passive 9-10 might. Like Facet of Darkness, Might is generally better applied by other classes. The Active, however, seems to be very strong. Two swipes each dealing damage and applying 10 stacks of Vuln. All on a 15 cooldown. While other classes are better at applying Vuln, a Rev can use this skill as an opener while the other classes are ramping up their stacks.

Facet of Chaos
Upkeep: -5
Perma Protection at the cost of essentially not being able to regenerate your energy in combat. While I think the upkeep is a little too much I realize that the trade off of being able to shave off 33% damage is worth the cost. Active could do without the Launch feature, but the Superspeed and damage are decent.

Personally, the upkeep on the Nature Facet is seems like the winner here. Overall, the cost of most upkeeps is very small, and their actives have no cost but act like traditional cooldown skills. So, energy shouldn’t feel like it’s regularly going dry with proper management, and I do feel like Herald can still contribute a respectable amount of damage through weapon skills while passive tacking on boons to the team.

Note that any of these Facets lock us out of Impossible Odds due to the upkeep cap being -10 at most. Facet of Chaos will lock us out of being able to use non-Herald upkeeps.

As a PvE-er, I am looking at Herald primarily for its traits though and will probably continue with Shiro/Jalis as my go-to slotted legends (other Legends being situational).

Herald sudddelny don't look that promesing

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The selling factor on the Herald upkeeps is the ‘group’ feature of it. Had the boons been for selfish use the Spec would have been a toss. The biggest advantage I see of Herald is that you can get an additional boon duration of 65% (Facet of Nature/Energy of Sustenance) so after a few pulses of the Facets you can trigger their active effects while still having leftover timers on the boons you already applied. The boon duration can also extend to other Legends’ skills as well (Resistance on Mallyx, Stab on Jalis, Might/Quickness on Shiro, etc).

For short fights it may be more advantageous to just burst active effects right off the bat for a more immediate impact (you would be cooldown oriented like other classes rather than energy oriented). Though for longer fights it would be a matter of energy management of “how long can I keep pulsing this boon before I need to swap to something else?”

Edit: Impossible odds can’t be used with Nature facet (dat -10 cap)

(edited by savacli.8172)

Herald sudddelny don't look that promesing

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


From a PvE perspective, Legend swapping felt like it was to be used for both new utilities and energy replenish.

For the most part I would kick off my upkeeps on Shiro and Mallyx for DPS and swap from one legend to another for the energy refill. Otherwise, the other tactic in a tougher fight would be to stock up on energy and save it for particular skill usage and swap to each Legend for their specific utility.

Ventari was the only Legend that did not offer any DPS, but the other 3 Legends did offer DPS in their own way. So, to me, I was slotting Legends pre-fight based on what utility they offer. Beyond that Sword/Axe for most everything and pick my weapon swap depending on what I need.

With regards to OP’s concern: Herald upkeep is no different than upkeep on other Legends. If your upkeep is draining too much of your energy too fast you’re going to burn out. So rather than popping every single skill use the ones that you need.

20g for fractals 50, worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


That’s a matter of personal opinion, tbh.

For me, no. I can finish multiple fractals in the time it would take me to get 20g on an average day. Plus, it is likely that I will have spent more money on buying fractals by the time I get something worthwhile from a chest.

Can I please play how I want?

in Looking for...

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’m having troubles finding groups for fotm/dungeon lately and I don’t know why.
I play:

2. Warrior: Rifle + Long bow + SIX signets
3. Elementalist: Sceptor ONLY + FIVE signets

From a scale of 1 to “I can’t even”

Ascended armor for mesmer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


If you’re the type of player that shares armor sets between characters you might want to go ahead and make a set of berserkers that all of your Light characters can use.

Speaking Mesmer specifically, Assassins is generally the way to go. Mesmers are seen as reflect bots so they need as much precision and ferocity as possible. However, this is more or less of a judgement call for you. If you regularly run with a group that keeps you at near max precision in Berserker gear you will have no use for Assassins.

Battle Rage Signet buff makes rifle viable

in Warrior

Posted by: savacli.8172


I would disagree.

Signet of Rage already has about 40% swiftness up-time (slightly more than 50% traited). On top of that, Warriors have plenty of movement skills on both weapons and utility (Sword, GS, Charge, etc). The Warriors Sprint trait is a direct ‘fix’ for players that purposely use skills that are less mobile.

Battle Standard and Rampage both offer high levels of utility, but they are offset by a high cooldown. So in order to honor a request like yours there would likely be an offset in its cooldown since 50s of swiftness on a 48s/60s cooldown would be a bit much. On top of the you still are getting fury and might (plus potential Precision stack if traited) all from a single elite.

Elite Specialization Idea: Cavalier

in Warrior

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’ll take a Pegasus and laugh at the Lesser Elites as I fly over them and their silly gliders.

Fried Golden Dumpling Alternative

in Warrior

Posted by: savacli.8172


Yeah, I figured as much; the dumpling just offers the perfect combination. My search for alternative food sources is primarily for more casual runs. I don’t at all mind spending the extra coin on organized/guilds runs since I know collectively everyone is also going above and beyond to an extent, but at times I feel like I’m through gold out the window for lesser organized groups that aren’t willing to put in the same investment (dat +MF/Gold noms).

Edit: Ironically, the first two items that I list are currently much more expensive than Dumplings. The last one though is dirt cheap, so I guess that’ll help someone out.

(edited by savacli.8172)


in Warrior

Posted by: savacli.8172


I would have to disagree with this.

All the shout traits (Lung Capacity, Inspiring Shouts, Vigorous Shouts v1) got condensed into Vigorous Shouts. That alone opens up the Adept slot in both Tactics and Discipline. Quick Breathing got moved to adapt (which can take up the opened slot I mentioned) which opens up the Master slot in Tactics. For maximum shouts you can slot in Shrug it Off for an extra passive shout that works with all shout modifiers (traits, runes).

Healing Surge was reworked into To the Limit for Shout synergy. Healing Signet was originally taken in Shout builds for its massive Heal over time, but now it offers a life saving active effect in clutch situations.

Vigorous Shouts also has a healing ratio of 1:1 so every single point of Healing Power gets added to a shout healing. As far as bumping the base healing up a bit I disagree with that as well. Other classes (Ele and Guard come to mind) that share the 1:1 healing ratio also felt the impact of losing the “free healing Power” stats when traiting into their respective lines. So I would argue you would have to offer some sort of compensation to other classes if Warrior’s shout heals got up’d.

which one would be better?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


I would go with Asus as well. Though, I’m slightly biased to the brand. Support generally tends to be a headache with HP. So if you go with the HP pray that it doesn’t break down.

Meta guardian build (radiance line)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Isn’t the Retribution trait still bugged to where its acting identical to the old Powerful Blades trait (+10% MH Sword damage)?

Edit: Just tested. The trait up’s the damage shown in the tooltip, but the damage modifier works correctly with retal as stated.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Fried Golden Dumpling Alternative

in Warrior

Posted by: savacli.8172


So, with the supply of Dumplings running shorter and shorter everyday what are you all using in lieu of this food?

If Strength runes are the way to go so be it, but I’m trying to avoid the gold investment as Warrior is not a toon I play very frequently. I play in both pug and organized groups so might uptime tends to vary depending on who all is in my team. Have any of you tried the following?

Bow of Prickly Pear Sorbet

  • 80 Ferocity
  • 28% chance to grant might for 5s on critical (no ICD listed)

Plate of Roasted Cactus

  • 100 Ferocity
  • 33% chance to grant might for 5s on critical (1s ICD)

Loaf of Candy Cactus Cornbread

  • 70 Toughness (bleh)
  • 20% Boon Duration

The others I’ve seen but did not have as much interest in were

  • x% to gain might on dodge, +x% Endurance regen
  • x% to gain might on crit during the day (1s ICD)
  • x% to gain might on kill, +x on Ferocity/Power
  • +x% Boon duration, +x% MF while under the effect of a boon

Of course, these are only the ones listed on the wiki. Thought?

Chronomancer compared to other elite specs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: savacli.8172


Chrono just felt so well polished, and it felt like there were several build opportunities from the new Spec.

Dragon Hunter felt okay. The Longbow is definitely a saving grace as Guard needed another range weapon. Trait line offers options for both offense and defense. Traps, meh for the most part, but the revealing trap is absolutely hacks in a good way.

Reaper….yeah, about that.

Tempest felt like a support bot. The overloads, I felt lacked a certain punch for the amount of time required to channel them. Warhorn skills were about the best part of this Elite.

Two things I hate about Arah p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


I just now figured out why there’s a platypus over your chat box…

Yea to show his love for Cartoon Network children cartoons

I don’t know why I’m admitting I know this, but Disney Channel not Cartoon Network. Actually a decently funny show.


[OMFG] Beta: The Chronomancer Crusade

in Mesmer

Posted by: savacli.8172


Alright guys, today is the day. I’ll be working on compiling the questions on this thread and builds requested. Currently I’ve 3 builds of my own to try out.

Dom/Duel/Chrono – Shatter
Duel/Chaos/Chrono – Lockdown
Chaos/Inspire/Chrono – Support.

Do we have any testers besides Tobasco, NICENIKESHOE, Jurica, Skcamow and Messiah?

I’ll take the Shatter one and test it in PvE. Are there strict trait selections for this?

Two things I hate about Arah p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Or run nomads and be able to tank the ball of death.

Someone do this! It’d be a nice companion piece to that nomads HoTW butcher run. here did that a while back :P

I just now figured out why there’s a platypus over your chat box…

Pistol whip or headshot?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


If your goal is to remove Defiant stacks go with Headshot; the skill is much faster and will let you get back to your more damaging skills quicker. Pistol Whip, while offering higher damage than Headshot, is wasted potential on a boss as Dagger skills are much more worthwhile against single targets.

Sword has cleave making it more worthwhile against mobs. There’s also Pistol Whip + Malice Signet that can be used for cleave damage, evade frames, and recovery all in one skill. You also get access to Black Powder which is very useful against mobs.

[OMFG] Beta: The Chronomancer Crusade

in Mesmer

Posted by: savacli.8172


From a Power PvE-er I just can’t seem to move away from Dom and Duel. So unfortunately that kinda leaves my third slot as floater depending on what utility I need.

[OMFG] Beta: The Chronomancer Crusade

in Mesmer

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’d be interested for build testing in PvE dungeons. For the most part it looks like Dom + Duel + Chrono will be the way to go for High DPS plus the new Chrono utilities.

Edit: A build like this was what I was thinking for a Chrono in PvE dungeons and such.
Edit2: I considered Danger Time, but even in Berserker’s gear (I run Assassin) I feel like our crit chance would easily go over the cap in an organized group.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Fractals kicking needs to be sorted

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


While this sort of thing can, and does happen with guild parties, it’s pretty uncommon, so i really doubt you had it happen to you four times in a single night for that reason alone. There must have been other factors at play which resulted in you being kicked.


And usually if you’re in a group that is wanting to purposely kick you in the end there are various signs to look out for.

Support class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


Technically, most classes can spec to fill the role of the protector/defender one way or another, but I would argue that Guardians fill this role the best as far as raw defense is concerned in PvE. You’re generally more concerned with slower but harder hits from mobs in bosses in this aspect of the game. Thus, the best defense in this game mode is proactive defense.

  • Boons: Aegis, Protection, Regen, Stability
  • Buffs: Strength in Numbers (+armor to group), Reduced incoming conditions (33%), extended boons (20%)
  • Conditions: Blinds, Immobilize
  • Utility: Blocks (melee and ranged), Condition clear, Healing (passive and active), Reflects, Stun Break (group), Warding

Those are just a few of the items off the top of my head. While a Guardian can be a fully defensive bot machine I would advise against falling into that trap. Based on your team composition and the instance you’ll want to make changes accordingly. Other member on your team can cover one aspect of defense leaving you a free slot/trait to shift to something else (preferably offensive).

For PvP it’s really hard to say for reason Thad mentioned; unless you know you’ll have someone watching your back you’re going to build you toon based on self-sustain.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Support class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


Those are really broad questions to ask as ‘support’ can be defined in many different ways.

Generally, support will run into three different categories:


Offense and defense are fairly straight forward. The first is concerned about aiding allies deal as much damage as possible while the latter focuses on mitigating (if not preventing) damage.

Utility support is more or less the catch-all of the rest of the type of support skills such as portals, stealth, etc.

What exactly do you mean by support?

What class should I play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


I offer What should I play.

Every class more or less can fit into a group. So really, the choice needs to be played on what you think works best with your play style.

Dungeon acts of Kindness?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


P.S.: It’s not an act of kindness. Somewhere in me there is still a bit of compassion. It struck me that day not to ignore someone who needed help despite not quite vocally.

This. So much this. I understand that at face value we are pixels to one another, but a post like Iris’ hits you right in the feels.

Fractal specific toon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Ele: Staff is preferred for High DPS. D/F is used in some fights for better projectile control or for smaller hit-box solo bosses. Same ol’ same ol’ though, Deep freeze and nuke everything.

Guardian: Easy mode toon. The patch switched things up to where Mace replaces
Sword for the most part. Torch is preferred over Focus when you don’t need the block. Guards also bring quickness/fury to the group in a relatively short cooldown. Other than that Guards still fill the role of defense support with all their boons, buffs, reflects, blinds, etc.

Thief: Blast bot and stealth bot. New traits gave them quite the increase in damage (noticing a theme here…), but their blinds, blasts, and frequent stealth access is what we’re after in this class.

Warrior: You have two options: The Greatsword/Arms version offers high amounts of damage but it wouldn’t be as easy to keep Might up when swapping to second weapon sets. However, Arms offers vulnerability on critical strikes which helps to make up for the loss of being able to weapon swap as comfortably. The Fast Hands version still preserves the 5 second swap allowing the accustomed wiggle room for Axe/Mace for the usual Vulnerability stacking.

Mesmer is starting to come around as the new jack of trades. Their redesigned Inspiration line allows them to heal, group cleanse, and even offer group distortion. As before this line grants them high reflect uptime. Domination does some really odd things when interrupting foes to the point to where they will sit there and auto-attack since you’ve forced everything else to go on cooldown. Chaos grants high modification/benefits to stealth allowing them to pseudo-thief if needed. Overall, the class has quite a few new features to help make the run easier; however there’s still a bad taste for the class so it’s not necessarily too well received by default.

Overall, when selecting a ‘fractal toon’ is mostly about what roles you want to play in the team.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: savacli.8172


-Goes to Ele forum: Ele needs nerf
-Goes to Mes forum: Mes needs nerf
-Goes to Rev forum: Beta Hype!!

How Hyped Are You [Poll]

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


On a scale from 1 to Precursor I would be Eternity

Returning to PvE

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


For obtaining gold Silverwastes is going to be a great resource though after a while it will feel very very grind-y.

You may be interested in obtaining the following items
-Mawdry II
-Star of Gratitude

Each of those three items will consume various ascended crafting material that will tend to pile up on you by the ton after a while and offer you ‘loot bags’ in return.

Teq and Triple trouble are two bosses (off the top of my head) that have multiple achievements and offer a sizeable chest reward with potential unique drops. All other world bosses will offer generic boxes more or less. There are websites that offer timers so that you know which bosses to port to after having just killed one.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’m actually on board with this one. We already got back handed once during the first Fractals revamp when they reset everyone’s cap to 30, and we never got compensated for that nor having to go through the struggle of differing personal levels per toon.

Even if we did get bump up a few personal levels we would still be able to go back and experience any levels that were given to us.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Did they have awesome pants though?

Their fabulousness of pants selection was the only thing that kept them in the party.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Start a CoE path 2 and got these two rockstars

First Alpha fight resulted in everyone but me going dead. Rockstar Necro was the first to go down after multiple failures to dodge the ice floor thingy with a prompt ‘WTF!! I swear I’m not kittening up’. This is about when Rockstar Thief comes in after having afk’d at the start the whole fight. Ironically though, thief was the first to Leroy in all the fights afterwards.

Fast forward to the turrets and the Golem. Every time the Golem went for the ’I’m firing ma laser!’ attack the Thief would interrupt it which would be fine and all…except that both the Mesmer and Guard on the team had properly set up reflects to catch the attack (I did pay close attention to see that it was the their interrupting the attack rather than the Golem cc’ing itself from a reflected attack).

After defending the cannon Necro shines once again by running out of the SR even though the thief gave notice. Cue the back up strats when the Abomination started chasing us.

Finally, on the Husk, the Necro took it upon him self to destroy everything in the arena…including the kamikaze golems that we needed for the event.

This is the team I got with an LFG post of ‘Path 2 Awesome pants preferred’

(edited by savacli.8172)

High end PvE event initiative

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Anytime you’re dealing with pre-made teams you’re going to run into the issue of losing appeal to the more casual community, and it all has to do with perspective.

Having read through these pages I can see that even high-end premade teams are going to be set up with a significant disadvantage to even out the skill set; however, how can that be effectively conveyed to potential contestants? One good look at the roster, and quite a few teams may just walk away upon seeing particular guilds already signed up.

That’s the challenge really. To make this whole tournament thing take off you gotta be willing to start backwards: put together events that appeal to the less skilled community and slowly immerse them and build them up to where they feel confident competing with some of the more serious folks for more serious/demanding challenges. In other words, don’t lay it too thick from the get-go.

High end PvE event initiative

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Double Longbow BearBow or go home.